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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organizavimo procesų gerinimas "Tarptautinio Palangos oro uosto" strategnio planavimo pavyzdžiu / Organizational improvement process by the strategic model of "Palanga international Aiport"

Zajančauskis, Martynas 05 June 2013 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas - Suformuluoti VĮ Tarptautinio Palangos oro uosto plėtros strategiją. Teorinėje dalyje nagrinėjami veiksniai lemiantys veiklos organizavimo ypatumus organizacijoje, bei organizavimo procesą veikiančių veiksnių charakteristika.Nustatant starteginės plėtros organizavimo kokykybę buvo atliktas anketinis tyrimas, kurio metu buvo nustatytas "Tarptautinio Palangos oro uosto" darbuotojų nuomonė apie strateginį organizacijos veiklos organizavimo valdymo lygį. Tyrimo eigoje nustatytas būtinumas efektyvinti strateginio planavimo procesus, kurie leistų didinti darbuotojų naudą organizacijai. Taip pat nustatytas naujų technologijų diegimo poreikis, kuris gerintų darbuotojų veiklos procesų organizavimą. Projektinėje dalyje suformuluoti strateginiai tikslai organizacijos efektyvumui didinti, rekomeduojamos, naujos verslo valdymo sistemos, pristatymas. / The aim of the thesis was to formulate State Enterprise (Lith. "VĮ") "Tarptautinis Palangos oro uostas" (Engl. "International Palanga Airport") development strategy. The theoretical part analyzes characteristics of activity planning in an organization and characteristics of factors which affect organizational process. To determine strategic development quality questionnaire survey was conducted. During it employees' opinion about strategic management level of the organization of the airport was determined. During the research a need to increase efficiency of strategic planning processes, which could allow to increase employees' benefits for the organization, was identified. Also, a need to install new technologies, which could improve performance of process organization of employees' activity, was determined. In the project part, strategic objectives for efficiency growth were formulated and recommendations for new business management system were presented.

Strateginio valdymo principų taikymas švietimo įstaigose / Application of strategic management principles in educational institutions

Lukšienė, Liudmila 02 August 2013 (has links)
Darbo tema: Strateginio valdymo principų taikymas švietimo įstaigose. Šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti strateginio valdymo principų realizavimo Švenčionių rajono bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose situaciją, pateikti išvadas ir pasiūlymus dėl strateginio valdymo bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose tobulinimo Tyrimo problema: Problema yra tai, kad strateginio valdymo tobulinimo ir įgyvendinimo svarba tiek viešojo tiek privataus sektorių institucijose akcentuojama kaip būtinas veiksnys siekiant aukštesnio žmonių pragyvenimo lygio, mokslo ir technikos pažangos, demokratijos ir visokeriopos pažangos vystymo, tačiau praktikoje strateginio valdymo principai organizacijose yra įgyvendinami tik iš dalies, nuolat susiduriama su įvairiomis kliūtimis. Apie strateginio valdymo principų realizavimą Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose nėra paskelbtų tyrimų, tai apsprendžia pasirinktos temos naujumą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti strateginio valdymo sampratą. 2. Aptarti strateginio valdymo principų pritaikomumą švietimo įstaigose. 3. Įvertinti strateginio valdymo principų realizavimą Lietuvos švietimo įstaigose teoriniu aspektu. 4. Ištirti strateginio valdymo principų taikymą Švenčionių rajono bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose. 5. Pateikti strateginio valdymo tobulinimo bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose galimybes. Tiriamųjų kontingentas: Tyrimas buvo atliekamas devyniose Švenčionių rajono bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, bei penkiose institucijose, kurios yra mokyklų socialiniai partneriai. tyrimo metodas – anketinė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this work is to assess the the realization of strategic management principles in Švenčionys district general education schools, to present the conclusions and proposals for the development of strategic management in general education schools. The issue raised in this research is the importance of strategic management development and implementation, both in public and in private sectors, which is emphasized as an essential factor in achieving a higher standard of living for progress of people, science and technology. However, democracy and progress in every development, practicing the principles of strategic management in organizations, are done only in part, and they are constantly faced with different obstacles. There are no published studies about the realization of strategic management principles in Lithuanian schools, which is why this fact reveals the novelty of the given subject. Research objectives: 1. To reveal the strategic management concept. 2. To discuss the applicability of strategic management principles in educational institutions. 3. To evaluate the realization of strategic management principles in Lithuanian educational institutions by theoretical aspect. 4. To investigate the application of strategic management principles in Švenčionys district general education schools. 5. To present the possibilities of strategic management development in general education. The contingent of the exploratory: The research was conducted in nine schools in... [to full text]

Savanorystės poreikis sporto organizacijoms ir jų veiklos kaita, dirbant su savanoriais / Need of volunteering in sport organizations and their activities change, working with volunteers

Šiaulys, Andrius 06 September 2013 (has links)
1. Tyrime dažniau dalyvavo moterys (62 proc.). Savanoriais dažniausiai dirba 22-30 m. (32 proc.) asmenys, turintys aukštąjį universitetinį išsilavinimą. Didžiąją dalį tyrimo dalyvių (91 proc.) sudarė savanoriai. Daugiau nei pusė tiriamųjų (64 proc.) yra vieniši asmenys. Visi tyrimo dalyviai (100 proc.) savanoriauja „Kauno krepšinio lygoje“. 2. Savanoriška veikla yra teigiamai vertinama sporto organizacijų vadovų ir savanorių (p>0,05). Visi tyrimo dalyviai yra dalyvavę savanoriškoje veikloje (p>0,05). Savanoriai dažniau nei sporto organizacijų vadovai, nurodo, kad nuo savanoriavimo juos sulaiko laiko stoka (p<0,05), savanoriai dažniau atlieka administracinius vaidmenis organizacijoje, o sporto organizacijų vadovai – rengia ir apmoko organizacijos narius (p<0,05). Savanorystę sporto organizacijose skatina galimybė įgyti naujų įgūdžių bei patirties (p>0,05). Savanoriai dažniau nei sporto organizacijų vadovai, kaip priemonę, skatinančią dalyvauti savanoriškoje veikloje sporto organizacijose išskiria karjeros galimybes (p<0,05). Sporto organizacijų vadovai dažniau nei savanoriai nurodo, kad savanorystę riboja biudžeto limitai, įgalinantys suteikti tinkamą atsilyginimą savanoriams (p<0,05). 3. Sporto organizacijų vadovų ir savanorių nuomone, savanorių dalyvavimas sporto organizacijų veikloje yra teigiamas veiksnys (p>0,05). Savanoriai sporto organizacijoje turi skirtingą potencialą, pateikia naujų idėjų, yra lankstūs dirbti sutartomis valandomis, dėl ko jų įtaka sporto... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / 1. The study involved more women (62 percent). In sport organizations usually work 22-30 years (32 percent) volunteers with higher education. The majority of survey participants (91 percent.) were volunteers. More than half (64 percent.) of volunteers are single. All study participants are volunteers in “Kaunas basketball league”. 2. Volunteering is positively valued by sports organizations leaders and volunteers (p>0.05). All study participants have participated in voluntary activities (p> 0.05). Volunteers more often than managers of sports organizations, indicate that lack of time is keeping them from volunteering (p <0.05), volunteers more often perform administrative roles in an organization, and managers of sports organizations - develop and train members of the organization (p <0,05). Volunteering in sport organizations, encourages opportunity to gain new skills and experience (p> 0.05). Volunteers are more likely than managers of sports organizations promote mean of volunteering by distinguishing career (p <0.05). Managers of sports organizations more often than volunteers indicate that volunteering is limited by budget limits, what enables to provide adequate settling for volunteers (p <0.05). 3. Managers of sports organizations and volunteer consider that volunteering in sport organizations is positive factor (p> 0.05). Volunteers in sports organization have different potential, present new ideas, ate flexible to work flexible in agreed hours, that’s why they... [to full text]

Veiklos taisyklių metodologija ir jos taikymas kuriant programinę įrangą / Business Rules Approach and its Appliance for Software Development

Laurikaitis, Aurimas 30 May 2004 (has links)
This work analyses Business Rule methodology and its benefits against traditional software development concepts. Business Rule methodology is observed, several methods of Business Rule classification are presented: Ross, MDC, GUIDE. The work assesses strengths and weaknesses of each model. GUIDE model is chosen for further development of Business Rules methodology. Suggested improvements of this model are presented. This work proposes improvements of GUIDE model, which includes Business Rule templates and repository schema. The benefits of using templates are analyzed and templates for structural and action assertion Business Rules are presented. The repository schema for structural and action assertion rules, which are specified using templates, is provided. The project of system, which uses Business Rule concepts and its suggested improvements, is provided. This system records and stores Business Rules in Business Rules repository. The system experiment, where proposed improvements are tested, is presented.

Savanorių veiklos optimizavimas nevyriausybinėse socialinės pagalbos vaikams organizacijose / Optimizing volunteer activities non-governmental organizations which provide social assistance to children

Čemeškienė, Rita 08 June 2004 (has links)
SUMMARY New volunteering traditions have presently been emerging in Lithuania. Volunteer work complements the governmental network of social security as well as satisfies relevant demands of the society. Volunteers devote their own time to satisfy the needs of other people without any pay. They establish non-governmental organizations intended to render social assistance to different social groups of the population. The objective of this paper is aimed at optimizing volunteer activities in non-governmental organizations (NGO) which provide social assistance to children. The objective of the research is to theoretically and empirically develop the motivation of volunteers, to reveal the importance of their motivation and preparation to work with children optimizing the activities of NGOs. The content of the present research includes analytical survey of NGO volunteer activities: the concept of volunteer activities NGO in Lithuania; the target of volunteering if defined as children of risky group social development; motivation of volunteer activities and preparation to work with children. Motivation theories have also been reviewed as well as motivation factors inside the organization and training of volunteers. Results of research volunteer activities in NGOs have also been presented. The outcome of the research is the following: altruistic motives and the need to socialize stimulate volunteers to volunteering activities. The substance of volunteer needs is generally formed... [to full text]

Veiklos taisyklėmis pagrįsta IS projektavimo metodika / Integrating Business Rules into Software Development Process Model

Lukošius, Vilius 25 May 2005 (has links)
Today’s business’s more and more depend on information systems to give them edge on competition and keep double digit growth rates needed to satisfy shareholders. And information systems, serving their needs, have to keep up with changing business requirements. Business Rules Approach [10] seems to be the answer to their demands, but not many service and solution providers can satisfy their needs, because there is no standard based software engineering process to efficiently provide solution to customers. This works provides methodology of integrating business rules approach into existing and time proven software development process as well as providing needed infrastructure to creating solution specification and integrating externalized business rules with created system specification. This work concentrates on tasks: 1. Creating business rules management model; 2. Selecting software development process, adaptable to business rules approach; 3. Integrating business rules management model into selected software development process; 4. Relating externalized business rules with specification entities; 5. Providing comparison of unmodified software process with provided proposal.

UML klasių modelio interaktyvusis sukūrimas ir analizė remiantis veiklos modeliu / Enterprise Model based interactive UML class model development

Antipova, Olga 27 May 2005 (has links)
Learning complex systems is a challenging task. The learning curve often depends on what experience the learner has and how familiar he is with the system domain. Particularly beginner may face serious problems in understanding the details of complex systems like various software platforms, standard API’s or formats. The understandability of a complex system can be improved by graphical representations. A good candidate for the graphical description of software-related systems is the Unified Modeling Language (UML), which is a widely used standard design notation and thus assumingly familiar for most software engineers. Such a graphical description effaces unessential technical details like the intricacies of a particular textual syntax or implementations of methods, and shows the abstract relationships between the different parts of the system. The class models generation features of Case systems are described in this work. Reviews of object orientated software design tools are given. Reviewed tools hold UML notation and abilities to fully or partly generate programmer code. Tools comparison tables are presented. After evaluation of Enterprise meta model, Class meta model was improved. There is enough information in Knowledge basis to generate Class meta model. This work presents the algorithm of generation of activity of class model on the basis of enterprise model and its specification. Results of the step of the algorithm are illustrated graphically by UML notation... [to full text]

Veiklos žinių baze išplėstos modeliais grindžiamos architektūros taikymo informacijos sistemų inžinerijoje metodas / Enterprise model based MDA information systems engineering method

Ambraziūnas, Martas 11 November 2014 (has links)
Šiuolaikiniai IS inžinerijos metodai yra nuolat vystomi ir tobulinami, tačiau iš esmės jie yra grindžiami empiriniais procesais. Empiriškai išgautų žinių kokybė gali būti nepakankama sėkmingam projekto įgyvendinimui, nes netikslus vartotojo reikalavimų specifikavimas neigiamai įtakoja visus programinės įrangos kūrimo etapus, o tai didina projekto įgyvendinimo riziką. Disertacinis darbas skirtas sukurti IS inžinerijos metodą, kuris įgalintų empiriniais būdais surinktas dalykinės srities žinias patikrinti formalių kriterijų atžvilgiu. Metodui sukurti buvo apjungti žiniomis grindžiamos ir modeliais grindžiamos IS inžinerijos principai. Šiuo tikslu klasikinis MDA procesas buvo papildytas pagrindiniu žiniomis grindžiamos IS inžinerijos komponentu – veiklos modeliu. Darbo metu buvo sukurtas žiniomis grindžiamo MDA metodo dalykinės programos prototipas, kuris iš dalies automatizuoja siūlomo metodo procesą. Žiniomis grindžiamo MDA metodo efektyvumas buvo patikrintas jį taikant eksperimentinio tyrimo atlikimui, kurio metu buvo sukurta pašto siuntų stebėjimo programėlė. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad tikslinga taikyti žiniomis grindžiamą MDA metodą PĮ kūrime nes: 1) detaliau dokumentuojami vartotojo reikalavimai (tikrinami formalių kriterijų atžvilgiu); 2) sumažinama loginių trūkių atsiradimo galimybė (tarp programinės įrangos kūrimo dalyvių); 3) daugiaplatforminiuose sprendimuose sumažinamos projekto įgyvendinimo laiko sąnaudos (dėka automatinio kodo generavimo iš patikrintų modelių). / Although new methods of information systems engineering are being researched and developed, they are empirical in nature. The problem domain knowledge acquisition process relies heavily on the system analyst and user; therefore it is not clear whether the knowledge of the problem domain is comprehensive. This may lead to occurrence of logical gaps, misinterpretation of system requirements, thus causing issues for project. The research work is meant to develop new IS engineering method that will allow validation of the problem domain knowledge against formal criteria. In order to create such method basic principles of Knowledge Based ISE and Model Driven ISE were combined. By combining the two approaches Knowledge Based MDA method was created that extends traditional MDA with Enterprise Model. During the research Knowledge Based MDA tool’s prototype, that is capable of partly automating Knowledge Based MDA process, was created. The efficiency of Knowledge Based MDA method was validated by creating real life application for mobile devices. During the empirical research it was established that by using developed method software requirements quality is improved and comprehensive documentation is created (due to Enterprise Model based validation), occurrence of logical gaps between software development stakeholders is reduced, time consumption needed for creation of application for multiplatform systems is reduced (due to automated code generation and shorter testing stage).

Enterprise model based MDA information systems engineering method / Veiklos žinių baze išplėstos modeliais grindžiamos architektūros taikymo informacijos sistemų inžinerijoje metodas

Ambraziūnas, Martas 11 November 2014 (has links)
Although new methods of information systems engineering are being researched and developed, they are empirical in nature. The problem domain knowledge acquisition process relies heavily on the system analyst and user; therefore it is not clear whether the knowledge of the problem domain is comprehensive. This may lead to occurrence of logical gaps, misinterpretation of system requirements, thus causing issues for project. The research work is meant to develop new IS engineering method that will allow validation of the problem domain knowledge against formal criteria. In order to create such method basic principles of Knowledge Based ISE and Model Driven ISE were combined. By combining the two approaches Knowledge Based MDA method was created that extends traditional MDA with Enterprise Model. During the research Knowledge Based MDA tool’s prototype, that is capable of partly automating Knowledge Based MDA process, was created. The efficiency of Knowledge Based MDA method was validated by creating real life application for mobile devices. During the empirical research it was established that by using developed method software requirements quality is improved and comprehensive documentation is created (due to Enterprise Model based validation), occurrence of logical gaps between software development stakeholders is reduced, time consumption needed for creation of application for multiplatform systems is reduced (due to automated code generation and shorter testing stage). / Šiuolaikiniai IS inžinerijos metodai yra nuolat vystomi ir tobulinami, tačiau iš esmės jie yra grindžiami empiriniais procesais. Empiriškai išgautų žinių kokybė gali būti nepakankama sėkmingam projekto įgyvendinimui, nes netikslus vartotojo reikalavimų specifikavimas neigiamai įtakoja visus programinės įrangos kūrimo etapus, o tai didina projekto įgyvendinimo riziką. Disertacinis darbas skirtas sukurti IS inžinerijos metodą, kuris įgalintų empiriniais būdais surinktas dalykinės srities žinias patikrinti formalių kriterijų atžvilgiu. Metodui sukurti buvo apjungti žiniomis grindžiamos ir modeliais grindžiamos IS inžinerijos principai. Šiuo tikslu klasikinis MDA procesas buvo papildytas pagrindiniu žiniomis grindžiamos IS inžinerijos komponentu – veiklos modeliu. Darbo metu buvo sukurtas žiniomis grindžiamo MDA metodo dalykinės programos prototipas, kuris iš dalies automatizuoja siūlomo metodo procesą. Žiniomis grindžiamo MDA metodo efektyvumas buvo patikrintas jį taikant eksperimentinio tyrimo atlikimui, kurio metu buvo sukurta pašto siuntų stebėjimo programėlė. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad tikslinga taikyti žiniomis grindžiamą MDA metodą PĮ kūrime nes: 1) detaliau dokumentuojami vartotojo reikalavimai (tikrinami formalių kriterijų atžvilgiu); 2) sumažinama loginių trūkių atsiradimo galimybė (tarp programinės įrangos kūrimo dalyvių); 3) daugiaplatforminiuose sprendimuose sumažinamos projekto įgyvendinimo laiko sąnaudos (dėka automatinio kodo generavimo iš patikrintų modelių).

AB „Sūrelis“ veiklos efektyvumo vertinimas ir perspektyvų numatymas / JSC "Sūrelis" efficiency rating and the foreseeing of perspectives

Gembutienė, Justė 16 July 2014 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamas pieno perdirbimo įmonės AB „Sūrelis“ veiklos efektyvumas. Pirmoji tiriamojo darbo dalis – tai teorinė lietuvių ir užsienio literatūros autorių veiklos efektyvumo sampratos analizė, kurios metu lyginamos, gretinamos įvairių autorių pateiktos efektyvumo sąvokos apibrėžtys, nagrinėjami įmonės veiklos efektyvumo vertinimo principai, apibrėžiama įmonės veiklos efektyvumo vertinimo metodologija. Bakalauro empirinėje dalyje, analizuojant finansines ataskaitas horizontalios, vertikalios analizės būdu, įvertinant įvairias finansinių santykinių rodiklių grupes, tiriamas 2003 – 2013 m. laikotarpio AB „Sūrelis“ veiklos efektyvumas. Koreliacine regresine analize patikriniamas ryšys tarp pagrindinių vidinių įmonės veiksnių, analizuojamu laikotarpiu, galėjusių lemti veiklos efektyvumo lygį. Multiplikatyviniu modeliu nustatomas pieno perdirbimo įmonės plėtros pobūdis, modeliuojama intensyvios plėtros perspektyva. Pagal AB „Sūrelis“ veiklos rodiklių retrospektyvinius duomenis, Tiesinio Trendo, eksponentinio išlyginimo, slankiojo vidurkio modeliais prognozuojami 2014 – 2015 m. pagrindiniai įmonės finansinės veiklos rodikliai. Modeliuojamas geriausios ir blogiausios 2003 – 2013 m. laikotarpiu susiklosčiusios bendrojo pelningumo situacijos pritaikymas 2014 m., imituojant optimistines ir pesimistines rodiklių reikšmes. Pasitelkiant bankroto prognozavimo modelius (Altman, Lis, Taffler ir Tisshaw, Springate), vertinamas AB „Sūrelis“ veiklos tęstinumas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Bachelor thesis deals with the efficiency of activity of the milk processing plant JSC „Sūrelis“. The first part of the research provides the theoretical analysis of the concept of efficiency investigated by Lithuanian and foreign literature authors. It also deals with comparisons of definition of efficiency given by various authors. Moreover, it examines the valuation principles of company’s operational efficiency. Furthermore, company’s operational efficiency of the assessment methodology is defined. The empirical part of the bachelor thesis examines the operational efficiency of JSC „Sūrelis“ for the period of 2003 – 2013 by analysing financial statements. Horizontal and vertical methods of analysis have been used and various financial relative indexes have been evaluated. Correlation regression analysis was used to test the relationship between the main internal company factors during the analysed period, which may have influenced the level of operational efficiency. Multiplicative model helped to determine the nature of development of milk processing plant and to model the perspective of intensive development. With the help of JSC „Sūrelis“ operations’ indexes retrospective data, linear trend, exponential equation and moving average model, the main company’s financial operations indexes were prognosticated for 2014 – 2015. Moreover, the best and the worst appeared profitability situation’s adaptation was modelled during the period of 2003 – 2013 as imitation of the... [to full text]

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