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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IP Multimedia for Municipalities : The supporting architecture

Peterström, Dan January 2009 (has links)
Fiber deployment is becoming popular and is seen as a way to increase a community’s attractiveness to new inhabitants and companies. A new Open Access network is emerging, leading to a more horizontal network architecture. Combining this architecture with IMS enables developers to easily develop new and attractive services. To facilitate the development of new IMS services there needs to be an easy to use development environment and a reliable hardware/software platform upon which to deploy them. This thesis project will explore the design, development, and evaluation of new IMS applications targeted at municipal networks as well as the service platforms they are deployed on. The thesis will also examined what role IMS plays in Municipalities and why they may need a tailored IMS solution. During the thesis a reference network for Municipalities was put together and tested. Different service platforms were tested and evaluated. / Fiberutbyggnad har blivit mycket populärt och ses som ett sätt att öka en stads attraktivitet för nya invånare och företag. Ett nytt öppen nät håller på att växa fram, detta leder till en mer horisontell nätverksarkitektur. Kombinera denna arkitektur med IMS så kan utvecklare lättare utveckla nya och attraktiva tjänster. För att underlätta utvecklingen av nya IMS-tjänster måste det finnas ett lättanvänd utvecklingsmiljö och en pålitlig hårdvaru/mjukvaru plattform att installera dem på. Detta examensarbete kommer att undersöka design, utveckling och utvärdering av nya IMSlösningar riktade till standsnät samt de tjänsteplattformar de används på. Rapporten kommer även granska vilken roll IMS spelar i stadsnät och varför de kan behöva en skräddarsydd IMS-lösning. Under examensarbetet byggdes och testades ett referensnätverk. Olika tjänsteplatformar testades och utvärderades.

Mediações da imagem na educação a distância

Lins, Andreia Chiari 31 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:01:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andreia Chiari Lins.pdf: 1944159 bytes, checksum: c75714708b08c471706c13b61ad6c864 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10-31 / The present work is linked to the Education and Languages research line of the Program of Post-Graduation in Education of the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES). It is enrolled in the debate on the use of new technologies of Information and Communication (TCI s) on the Distance Education (EAD), from the mediation of the image and interaction between professionals. Tries to reveal the image mediation on the Distance Education (EAD) on the Course of Pedagogy offered in the form of half-showing from the Nucleus of Open Education and Distance (NE@AD) of UFES 3rd entrance. It s based on the fact that the mediation of the image can have new meaning of the educational messages, promoting the process of learning-teaching, when used as a communication tool among professionals and it can help in the process of recognition of them and the decreasing of sense of isolation. It is based on the empirical data but has technical and exploratory characteristics. This work has the objective of verifying the relevant facts of the usage of image on the EAD. The theorical leading is based on the socio-historical Vigotski, Benjamin, Lukács, Freire, Libâneo, Kenski, among others. Discusses the mediation; image and language forming, memory and culture; image as meaning and language; visual language as a process of socio-historical production; the influence of the technology and of TCI s; concept of conferences through video and telepresence; education and EAD for all; the presence of the TCI s on education; the production of teaching material on education and on EAD. The exploratory study uses documental researches; quantitative through questionnaire; qualitative trough semi-structured interview and observation. Is collects data from especialists professionals, academic advisors, students and NE@AD. The work ends showing that the empowerment of authors and the training of experienced team to produce the teaching material and videoconference are important for the reduction of time and anguish of productions, to find solutions that fulfill the professional demandings; and, on the recovery of other languages such as visual / Esta dissertação pertence à linha de Educação e Linguagens do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES). Inscreve-se no debate sobre o uso de Novas Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) na Educação a Distância (EAD), a partir da mediação imagética na interação entre sujeitos. Busca revelar as mediações da imagem na educação da distância (EAD) no Curso de Licenciatura Pedagogia ofertado em modalidade semipresencial pelo Núcleo de Educação Aberta e a Distância (NE@AD) da UFES 3ª entrada. Parte da premissa de que a mediação imagética pode atribuir novos significados às mensagens educacionais, favorecendo o processo de ensinoaprendizagem, quando utilizada como ferramenta de comunicação entre os sujeitos e pode auxiliar no processo de reconhecimento destes e na diminuição da sensação de isolamento. É empírica, de caráter teórico e exploratório. Objetiva verificar fatores relevantes no uso da imagem na EAD. O aporte teórico tem fundamentos sóciohistóricos baseados em Vigotski, Benjamin, Lukács, Freire, Libâneo, Kenski, entre outros. Discute mediação; imagem e formação da linguagem, memória e cultura; imagem como significação e linguagem; linguagem visual como processo de produção sócio-histórico; a influência da tecnologia e das TICs; conceitos de videoconferência e telepresença; educação e EAD para todos; a presença das TICs na educação; a produção de material didático na educação e na EAD. O estudo exploratório utiliza pesquisa documental; quantitativa via questionário; qualitativa por entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observação. Coletam-se dados dos professores especialistas, orientadores acadêmicos, alunos e com o NE@AD. Conclui que a capacitação dos autores e a formação de equipe experiente para produzir material didático e videoconferência são importantes na redução de tempos e angústias de produção; para encontrar soluções que atendam às demandas dos sujeitos; e, na valorização de outras linguagens como a visual

Uma proposta de tecnologia para videoconferência integrando tecnologias grid. / A proposal of videoconference technology integrating grid technologies.

Antonio Saverio Rincon Mungioli 09 August 2005 (has links)
A realização de videoconferências sem o uso de equipamentos que possuam tecnologia proprietária ou sem o uso de redes não comerciais (como a Internet 2) ou com características não comuns (como o protocolo Multicast) tem se revelado um desafio para os estudiosos do assunto. Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de solução desse problema demonstrando que é possível estabelecer-se uma videoconferência entre muitas salas sobre a Internet 1, com qualidade de serviço, usando equipamentos comerciais comuns de informática e sem sobrecarga da rede. Para isso, por intermédio da integração de duas tecnologias grid (AccessGrid e Grid Delivery), são propostas as bases de uma nova versão de Access Grid, chamado MPAG (MultiPeer Access Grid). / The development of videoconferencing without the use of equipments with customized technology or without commercial networks (like Internet 2) or without common characteristics (as Multicast, for instance) has appeared as a challenge to the subject researchers. This work presents a proposal of solution to this problem, showing that is possible to create a videoconference between many rooms under the Internet 1, with quality of service, using common commercial computing equipments and without overloading the network. For this, two technologies of grid (AccessGrid and Grid Delivery) have been integrated, proposing the basis of a new version of Access Grid, called MPAG (MultiPeer Access Grid).

O interrogatório por videoconferência no processo penal brasileiro / Videoconference hearing and the Brazilian criminal procedure

Borowski, Isabella Resende von 03 June 2014 (has links)
Os avanços tecnológicos trouxeram inovação a vários campos de conhecimento, incluindo o Direito. Neste contexto, debatemos o uso dos meios eletrônicos para a realização de atos processuais criminais, seguindo-se o exemplo de outros setores da Justiça. A lei nº 11.900/09 modificou algumas previsões do Código de Processo Penal e regulamentou o uso do sistema de videoconferência no interrogatório do réu preso. Contudo, suas determinações ainda provocam discussão na doutrina e jurisprudência, no tocante, especialmente, aos direitos individuais do acusado garantidos constitucionalmente e às dificuldades que o Poder Judiciário ainda enfrenta quando se trata de dinamizar o andamento dos processos. / Technological advances have brought innovation to various fields of knowledge, including the study of Law. In this context, we debate the use of electronic means for the accomplishment of criminal proceeding acts, following the example of other sectors of Justice. The law n. 11.900/09 changed some provisions of the Criminal Code and regulated the use of the videoconference system in the arrested defendant´s hearing. However, its provisions still raises discussion in the doctrine and jurisprudence, regardins, specially, to the accused´s individual rights constitucionally granted as well as to the difficulty the Jucidiciary Power stills deals with when it comes to making the procedures in this area more dynamic.

Networks and Nodes : The Practices of Local Learning Centres

Lögdlund, Ulrik January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the practice of local learning centres in Sweden. The aim is to describe and to establish an understanding of relations and the actor-networks that surround the practice. The thesis is based on four different studies. The first two studies focus on the organisation of the local learning centres and scrutinises the relation between the local learning centres, municipal administration and business in the region. What types of relations exist and what strategies are used by the local learning centres to enrol actors into the actor-network? The two latter studies investigate videoconference in the context of local learning centres. Videoconference is described as a socio-technical environment. The studies focus on interaction and communications asking what kind of relations are created between environment, material design and people? The theoretical framework consists of actor-network theory and the notions of space and spatial relations. The methods used in the four studies are interviews and observations. Informants that have contributed to the study are headmasters, teachers and students as well as project managers, politicians and businessmen. The results of the studies show how the local learning centres fails as brokers on an educational market. The reasons are many. The main results of the studies stress a number of obstacles of involvement and shed light on different strategies of enrolment. The results connected to videoconference show how material design and technology impacts the practice. Different strategies are developed by participants to manoeuvre in the videoconferencing classrooms. In conclusion the four studies show how actor-networks influence the practice of local learning centres by representations. / Denna avhandling är en studie om lärcentra i Sverige. Syftet är att beskriva och öka kunskapen om de relationer och de aktörsnätverk som omger praktiken. Avhandlingen bygger på resultat från fyra olika delstudier. Fokus i två av dessa ligger på lärcentra som organisation. Hur ser relationen mellan lärcentra och omgivande aktörer ut i regionen och vilka strategier används för att skapa aktörsnätverk? De övriga två studierna handlar om videokonferens där fokus ligger på hur relationer skapas mellan miljö, teknik och människor. Särskilt studeras interaktion och kommunikation mellan dessa aktörer i en utpräglat socioteknisk lärandemiljö. Den teoretiska ramen för de olika delstudierna är aktörsnätverksteori som används tillsammans med begrepp som spatiala relationer. De fyra studierna använder sig i huvudsak av kvalitativa metoder som intervjuer och observationsstudier. Datainsamlingen berör en bred samling informanter som rektorer, lärare och studenter tillsammans med projektledare, politiker och företagare. Studiernas resultat visar att det finns skilda synsätt på utbildning och kompetens mellan olika grupper av aktörer. Trots involveringsstrategier av aktörer från omgivande aktörsnätverk lyckas man inte agera som en mäklare på en utbildningsmarknad. Resultaten visar vidare att miljö tillsammans med teknik har stort inflytande på hur studenter och lärare agerar i videokonferensklassrummen. Det är den materiella designen och den tekniska logiken som styr praktiken. Resultaten visar också på hur olika studerandestrategier utvecklas för att stå utanför interaktion i klassrummet tillsammans med hur lärares kommunikation utvecklas för att överbrygga avståndet till de studerande. Sammantaget visar de fyra studierna på hur olika aktörsnätverk inverkar på praktiken genom representationer.

The distribution of instructional leadership in eLearning clusters : an ecological perspective

Stevens, Kerry Maxwell January 2011 (has links)
This study explores educational leadership within and across two of NZ’s eLearning clusters. Two complementary perspectives of educational leadership are used to frame the investigation: instructional leadership and distributed leadership. The research was conducted approximately nine months after the cessation of a two-year Ministry subsidy for the employment of 12 ePrincipals and at a time when Ultrafast Broadband was imminent for nearly all NZ schools. The literature review explores aspects of two areas related to eLearning leadership: conventional educational leadership in ‘bricks-and-mortar’ schooling contexts and eLearning/eTeaching in virtual schooling contexts. Data was gathered from semistructured interviews with twelve school-based research participants (ePrincipals, eTeachers, Site Supervisors and Principals) across two of NZ’s eLearning clusters and four National Officials with responsibilities for wider forms of eLearning. The findings are presented in a manner that attempts to capture directly the research participants’ voices, while still maintaining confidentiality and anonymity. The findings are discussed using an ecological perspective of eLearning as the unifying framework to explore the leadership across nested and interacting layers, from the micro-level of an eLearning class to the macro-level of NZ’s system for secondary education. The major findings from the study indicate that educational leadership in eLearning clusters is complex, relies heavily on goodwill and collaboration, and occurs in a challenging environment. Within an eLearning cluster the leadership of eLearning/eTeaching is distributed primarily across the ePrincipal, eTeachers and Site Supervisors who each assume complementary leadership roles. A raft of recommendations, across all ecosystem levels of eLearning, is proposed for leaders to consider when initiating change to strengthen their practices and policies with respect to enhancing eLearning and eTeaching.

Uma proposta de tecnologia para videoconferência integrando tecnologias grid. / A proposal of videoconference technology integrating grid technologies.

Mungioli, Antonio Saverio Rincon 09 August 2005 (has links)
A realização de videoconferências sem o uso de equipamentos que possuam tecnologia proprietária ou sem o uso de redes não comerciais (como a Internet 2) ou com características não comuns (como o protocolo Multicast) tem se revelado um desafio para os estudiosos do assunto. Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de solução desse problema demonstrando que é possível estabelecer-se uma videoconferência entre muitas salas sobre a Internet 1, com qualidade de serviço, usando equipamentos comerciais comuns de informática e sem sobrecarga da rede. Para isso, por intermédio da integração de duas tecnologias grid (AccessGrid e Grid Delivery), são propostas as bases de uma nova versão de Access Grid, chamado MPAG (MultiPeer Access Grid). / The development of videoconferencing without the use of equipments with customized technology or without commercial networks (like Internet 2) or without common characteristics (as Multicast, for instance) has appeared as a challenge to the subject researchers. This work presents a proposal of solution to this problem, showing that is possible to create a videoconference between many rooms under the Internet 1, with quality of service, using common commercial computing equipments and without overloading the network. For this, two technologies of grid (AccessGrid and Grid Delivery) have been integrated, proposing the basis of a new version of Access Grid, called MPAG (MultiPeer Access Grid).

Zoomtrötthet hos studenter : Vad beror det på?

Sjödin, Alexandra, Näslund, Isabelle January 2022 (has links)
I samband med Covid-19 pandemin har användningen av digitala videomöten ökat drastiskt. Till följd av detta har effekter såsom trötthet och utmattning uppstått. Den här studien syftade därmed till att studera zoomtrötthet hos studenter vid Umeå Universitet. Frågeställningarna var vilka faktorer som påverkar zoomtrötthet hos studenter samt om zoomtrötthet hos studenter är vanligare bland kvinnor än män. Urvalet bestod av 60 studenter varav 34 kvinnor och 26 män mellan 21–35 år. Studien genomfördes med en kvantitativ metod där data samlades in via en webbaserad enkät, som huvudsakligen bestod av instrumentet Zoom Exhaustion & Fatigue Scale (ZEF Scale). Analys av data gjordes i JASP med hjälp av olika statistiska analyser. Resultatet visade inga statistiskt signifikanta skillnader mellan kvinnor och män, däremot framkom medelvärdesskillnader i nivån av zoomtrötthet. Beträffande faktorn kameraanvändning fann vi en signifikant skillnad, där en kamera på medför en högre zoomtrötthet. Då denna studies resultat uppmätte en relativt låg nivå av zoomtrötthet, föreslås framtida forskning undersöka fler faktorer som kan påverka zoomtrötthet. / During the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of digital videoconferencing increased dramatically. As a result, effects such as fatigue and exhaustion have occurred. This study aimed to examine zoom fatigue in students at Umeå University. The questions of interest were, which factors affect zoom fatigue in students and whether zoom fatigue in students is more common among women than men. The sample consisted of 60 students, of which 34 were women and 26 were men between the ages of 21 and 35. The study was conducted using a quantitative method where data were collected via a web-based survey, which mainly consisted of the instrument Zoom Exhaustion & Fatigue Scale (ZEF Scale). Analysis of data was done in JASP using various statistical analyzes. The results showed no statistically significant differences between women and men, however, mean differences in the level of zoom fatigue emerged. Regarding the factor camera use, we found a significant difference, where a camera on causes a higher zoom fatigue. As the results of this study measured a relatively low level of zoom fatigue, future research is proposed to investigate more factors that may affect zoom fatigue.

Business Analysis for A Video Conference solution developed by Telenor

Cheema, Maliha January 2016 (has links)
There has been an increased demand on the mobile infrastructure, with enhancement in technology, content delivery and regulatory changes on access and competition rules. According to Ericsson the mobile data traffic is expected to grow with 45% from 2013 until 2019. These changes have to do with the fact that the service provider’s traditional pricing schemes are distinguishing. These changes enables new business models. The main two drivers behind the growth of mobile data traffic are (1) increased number of mobile data subscribers and (2) the average volume per subscriber has increased. At the same time the revenues are growing extremely slow in comparison with data usage, the revenues from the mobile broadband are limited to just a few cents off ARPU. One of the operator looking at different solutions in order to reduce the revenue gap is Telenor. Telenor wants to incorporate in its business model is videoconference with QoE taken into account. They have therefore developed a new service called Appear.in. Appear.in is challenging the existing video conferencing market. The main goal of the thesis is to investigate how business model for videoconference services changes when quality of experience is taken into account. Furthermore what will the effect be of having QoE in the BM? The primary steps that needs to be considered in order to achieve the goal is to identify the ecosystem of videoconference solutions and analyzing the business models that can be considered to deploy videoconference systems. Several workshops and survey was conducted. Moreover two different Business Model Canvas was created with and without QoE. A comparison was made and based on these comparisons one can conclude that there is not must that differs. When QoE is considered, three out of nine building blocks in the Business Model Canvas gets affected by the addition of QoE, value proposition, customer relationship and customer segment. These building blocks gets involved with customers in one way or the other. By including QoE in the Business Model Canvas showed a way to keep the customers satisfied. Furthermore companies would have the advantage of monitoring and tracking every movement allowing for quick decisions, guaranteeing video quality by preventing the development of videos problems. A number of investigations have been done in the area of Videoconferencing from a technology point of view, but one can find very little research related to Business model. General studies in the field of business model over QoE are being carried out. This thesis is a first step towards a wider and deeper investigation in the area of Videoconferencing with QoE from a Business model point of view. / Nya paradigm i både grossist- och detaljhandel håller på att bildas och accelereras av tekniska framsteg, content delivery, och regeländringar om tillgång och konkurrensregler. Dessutom så har efterfrågan på den mobila infrastrukturen ökat drastiskt. Enligt Ericsson förväntas mobildatatrafiken öka sin årliga tillväxttakt på cirka 45 % mellan 2013 och 2019. Det finns en ökad användning av det mobila bredbandet datatrafik samt antalet abonnenter. Samtidigt växer intäkterna extremt långsam i jämförelse med dataanvändning, intäkterna från mobilt bredband är begränsade till bara några cent av ARPU. Telenor överväger att i sin affärsmodell även lägga till videokonferens med QoE i åtanke. Telenor Digital har utvecklat en ny tjänst Appear.in. Genom att använda en ny standard för realtidskommunikation är Appear.in med och utmanar den befintliga videokonferensmarknaden. Huvudsyftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka hur affärsmodellen för videokonferens tjänster förändras när man tar hänsyn till QoE. Vidare vad kommer effekterna att bli med QoE i affärsmodellen? De primära steg som måste övervägas för att uppnå målet är att identifiera ekosystemet videokonferenslösningar och analysera affärsmodeller som kan anses implementera videokonferenssystem. Ett flertal workshops, kartläggningar och enkätundersökningar genomfördes. Två olika Business Model Canvas skapades en med och en utan QoE. En jämförelse gjordes och baserat på dessa jämförelser kan man dra slutsatsen att det inte finns någon stor skillnad mellan dessa båda modeller. När man tar hänsyn till QoE, så påverkas tre av de nio byggstenarna i Business Model Canvas, värde proposition, kundrelationer och kundsegment. Dessa byggstenar blir involverad med kunder på ett eller annat sätt.Genom att inkludera QoE i sin Business Model Canvas kan man hålla sina kunder nöjda. Dessutom kan företagen ha fördelen att övervaka och spåra varje rörelse, vilket möjliggör snabba beslut, vilket garanterar bildkvalitet genom att förhindra utvecklingen av video problem. En hel del forskning har gjorts på området videokonferens från en teknik synvinkel, men man hittar mycket lite forskning relaterad till affärsmodell. Allmänna studier inom affärsmodeller över QoE har genomförs. Denna avhandling är ett första steg mot en bredare och djupare forskning inom området videokonferens med QoE från en affärsmodell synvinkel.

O interrogatório por videoconferência no processo penal brasileiro e o princípio constitucional da ampla defesa / The interrogation by videoconference in the Brazilian criminal procedure and the constitutional principle of legal defense

Guilherme, Ricardo Eduardo 14 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:27:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo Eduardo Guilherme.pdf: 2681683 bytes, checksum: 7eb6e26e6c1d133e5c03cea20fb69523 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-14 / The modernization of the instruments to impose the law is an imposing need, under penalty of the Judiciary becomes only a distant and abstract symbol. In face of the technological advances, the Brazilian legal procedure needs to reconsider its paradigms. The Judiciary needs to use in its everyday the new technologies, otherwise, the accumulation of jobs and the delay in the jurisdictional performance will prevail, in clear detriment to the principle of procedural speed. The contents and strategies used in the providing of public utilities must be in tune with the new technological reality and with the need dos respondents. Thus, the modification to the rites and legal procedural procedures are necessary throughout the time, constant update in a society where the information changes at a blazing speed. In face to the speed and the increasing need of the individual to receive the jurisdictional performance, the legal procedure must also change together with the development of the society.Using videoconferences in the legal proceedings can be an enormous technological success, as it consists of the technical feasibility to carry out remote hearings, since the view, listening and communication are assured and it is possible to record them in compact disc, and attach them to the records for further consultation. Used to carry out interrogations prevent the prisoner to be required to appear in court. The defendant is inquired in the tele-hearing room of the own prison facilities where the prisoner is waiting for the trial. In the de tele-hearing room there are audio and video channels available for the defendant to communicate in private with his/her attorney, who is in the hearing room of the court, without affecting the interview with other attorney that assists him/her in the prison where remains imprisoned. However, it is necessary to assess if in case the prisoner interrogation by videoconference in the Brazilian prisons can be carried out according to the Brazilian criminal procedure, such procedure should not infringe the constitutional principle of legal defense, set forth in section 5th, clause LV, of the current Brazilian Federal Constitution. It is impossible to be a Government of Law which criminal procedural rules are away from the Constitution. The interpreter must attempt to apply the law in the no actual case, taking as an assumption the analysis of the Federal Constitution, then, the sub-constitutional law regarding the subject must be consulted / A modernização dos instrumentos de realização da justiça é uma necessidade que se impõe, sob pena do Poder Judiciário tornar-se apenas um símbolo distante e abstrato. Diante do avanço tecnológico, o processo penal brasileiro precisa repensar seus paradigmas. Há a necessidade do Poder Judiciário utilizar no seu cotidiano as recentes tecnologias, pois, caso contrário, o acúmulo de serviços e a demora na prestação jurisdicional irão prevalecer, em evidente prejuízo ao princípio da celeridade processual. Os conteúdos e as estratégias utilizadas na prestação dos serviços públicos devem ter conexão com a nova realidade tecnologia e com a necessidade dos jurisdicionados. Desta forma, a modificação dos ritos e procedimentos processuais penais se impõe ao longo do tempo, atualização constante numa sociedade em que a informação se transforma numa velocidade extraordinária. Diante da rapidez e da necessidade cada vez maior dos cidadãos em receber a prestação jurisdicional, o processo penal também deve mudar acompanhando o desenvolvimento da sociedade. A utilização da videoconferência no processo penal poderá ser um enorme sucesso tecnológico, pois consiste na viabilidade técnica para realização de audiências à distância, garantidas a visão, audição, comunicação e facultada a gravação em compact disc, a ser anexado aos autos para consulta posterior. Utilizada para realização do interrogatório evita que o preso seja requisitado para comparecer em juízo. O réu é interrogado na sala de teleaudiência da própria unidade prisional onde se encontra preso aguardando julgamento. Na sala de teleaudiência o réu tem acesso a canais de áudio e vídeo para comunicação reservada com seu defensor, que se encontra na sala de audiências do juízo, sem prejuízo de entrevista com outro defensor que lhe assiste no presídio onde permanece recolhido. No entanto, tornar-se necessário analisar se caso o interrogatório de presos por videoconferência nas unidades prisionais nacionais pudesse ser realizado no processo penal brasileiro, tal procedimento não violaria o princípio constitucional da ampla defesa, previsto no artigo 5º, inciso LV, da atual Constituição Federal Brasileira. Não é possível existir um Estado de Direito cujas normas processuais penais estejam distanciadas da Constituição.O intérprete deve buscar a aplicação do direito no caso concreto, sempre tendo como pressuposto o exame da Constituição Federal, depois, sim, deve ser consultada a legislação infraconstitucional a respeito do tema

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