Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wake"" "subject:"coke""
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Smaken av rökta musslor : Ironi, smak och postmodernism i samtida visuell kultur / The Taste of Smoked Mussels : Irony, Taste and Postmodernism in Contemporary Visual CultureMarkström, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
This paper examines images used to market clothing lines by the affordability-centered Swedish food company Eldorado as well as from the luxury fashion brands Prada and Gucci. Through a qualitative socio-semiotic approach, the images are compared and analyzed in relation to the contemporary societal context of a westernized and postmodern consumer culture. At the basis of the analysis is the theoretical framework of Pierre Bourdieu concerning taste and class, as well as writings on postmodernism and class in relation to counter-hegemonic consumerism. Findings suggest that the luxury fashion brands exhibit a distinction of taste tied to affluency, whereas Eldorado can be interpreted as ironizing tropes and clichés seen in such imagery. A discussion is subsequently raised, debating the paradox of inserting counter-cultural values into the marketing of commodified goods.
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Woke-washing and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global South: A Structured Literature ReviewThorslund, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Woke-washing gives companies the possibility to take advantage of the consumers social, environmental, and political values to improve business. In contrast to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and green-washing, woke-washing is a new term in the global north andthere is a lack of understanding to what extent it is relevant to the global south contexts. The purpose of this study was to explore how, and to what extent woke-washing arguments are usedwithin the published peer-review literature focusing on CSR discourse among business firms with operations in developing countries. The study was conducted through a structured literature review and an interpretative content analysis, and the results were discussed with thehelp of intersectionality and the decolonial approach of border thinking. This study concludes that arguments related to woke-washing are to be found within the literature on companies CSRoperations in developing countries. However, the power structures that affects who conduct the “washing” vary across developing countries. The woke-washing phenomenon that connects to the arguments in the literature shows that through CSR-initiatives companies, operating indeveloping countries, try to satisfy consumers. Since the values of the consumer in the global north differs from the values in the global south, the consumer from the global north alsocontributes to woke-washing. This is not true for all CSR-operations by businesses in the global south, however, it is a large enough occurrence that the discussion needs more attention in future research. Read more
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Daniel Craig - Starring as himself? : En sociosemiotisk analys av woke washing då en filmstjärna används i en ny stereotypisk roll förklätt i humor / Daniel Craig - Starring as himself?Eklund, Jennie January 2023 (has links)
Följande studie undersöker ifall woke-washing förekommer eller inte i Belvedere Vodkas reklamfilm Belvedere Present Daniel Craig, Directed by Taika Waititi: Director’s Cut där Daniel Craig spelar rollen som ‘sig själv’ men samtidigt förklaras ha blivit humoristiskt koreograferad. Detta görs genom frågeställningarna: “Hur representeras maskulinitet genom framförande och kostym av Daniel Craig i rollen som ‘sig själv’?” samt “Hur tolkas gestaltningen av mansrollerna när Belvedere Vodka beskriver Craig som humoristiskt koreograferad?”. Genom en kvalitativ sociosemiotisk analys studeras ett urval där det genom resultatet tolkas som att det sker en stereotypisering av både hypermaskulinitet och queer maskulinitet i syfte att ifrågasätta genus som social konstruktion. Analysen kommer dock fram till slutsatsen att Belvedere Vodka är mer engagerade i att bevara en stereotypisk relation mellan man och sprit snarare än hur mansrollerna representeras. Konsekvensen av detta blir att repliken “Finally” misstolkas (i jämförelse med produktionsteamets uttalade syfte), vilket leder till att den flamboyanta gestaltningen upplevs som förminskande och avskräckande i jämförelse med den heteronormativa mansrollen. Diskussionen kommer slutligen fram till att en marginaliserad grupp ännu en gång inte får möjligheten att representera sig själv, samtidigt som behovet av att kategorisera sexuell orientering för att kunna avgöra ifall appropriering sker eller inte blir fortsatt problematisk. Medieproduktionen som framförs i designdokumentationen baseras på en studie i sexuell hälsa och hur visuell kommunikation gällande detta ämne riktar sig till ungdomar. Medieproduktionen är utförd av Jennie Eklund, Amanda Lindh och Helena Ljunggren. Read more
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Feminism som handelsvara : Semiotisk filmanalys av Libresse reklamfilm wombstories / Feminism as a commodity : Semiotic film analysis of Libresse commercial wombstoriesOlsson, Veronica January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats har undersökt hur Libresse har använt sig av det retoriska tilltalet för att nå ut och påverka sin avsedda målgrupp i reklamkampanjen #wombstories. En semiotisk filmanalys har genomförts där resultatet har analyserats utifrån teorier om kommodifierad feminism, wokeness och femvertising. Frågeställningen i uppsatsen har varit, Hur används känslomässiga retoriska tilltal i förhållande till kommodifierad feminism, wokeness och femvertising i Libresse reklamfilm #wombstories? Som avgränsning har enbart en sekvens i reklamfilmen analyserats som porträtterar missfall hos ett lesbiskt par. Resultatet visade att Libresse använder sig av musik, ljud, tystnad, animation och skådespeleri för att förhöja känslan av det retoriska tilltalet där patos var det tilltal som var mest påtagligt. Kommodifierad feminism, wokeness och femvertising representerades genom tecken som kännetecknar termen. Slutsatsen blev att representationen blir ett ställningstagande av Libresse där de vill visa att de är allierade med de individer som möts av de största strukturella orättvisorna och sociala diskrimineringarna i samhället. / This paper has examined how Libresse have used the rhetorical appeal to reach out and influence their intended target group in the advertising campaign #wombstories. A semiotic film analysis has been carried out where the results have been analysed based on theories of commodified feminism, wokeness and femvertising. The question in the essay has been, How are emotional rhetorical appeals used in relation to commodified feminism, wokeness and femvertising in Libresse commercial #wombstories? As a delimitation, only one sequence in the commercial has been analyzed that portrays miscarriage in a lesbian couple. The result showed that Libresse used music, sound, silence, animation and acting to enhance the sense of the rhetorical appeal in which pathos was the most noticeable. Commodified feminism, wokeness and femvertising were represented by signs that distinguish the terms. The conclusion was that the representation shows that Libresse wants to be allies of the individuals who face the greatest structural injustices and social discrimination in society. Read more
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Victoria's Secrets försök till omprofilering : En fallstudie om att förändra ett varumärkeStröm, Vendela, Bchara, Nathalie January 2023 (has links)
A strong brand is a valuable asset for modern companies. Victoria’s Secret is an American lingerie company that has had a well established and successful brand for years. However, the company’s net sales and market share have been decreasing since 2016. The company has also received criticism for creating unattainable beauty standards and excluding women with different appearances. In recent years, the brand has made changes in their marketing. This might be an attempt to increase revenues again and to gain lost market shares back. However, the numbers have continued to decrease, which indicates that the new strategy has not been very successful. The questions that the study intends to answer are how Victoria's Secret’s marketing has changed between 2016 and 2022 and why the new marketing strategy does not seem to be successful. The purpose of the study is to increase the comprehension of possible challenges that can arise in the process of trying to change an already established brand. This is a qualitative, interpretive study that uses a method called semiotic content analysis. The semiotic content analysis was used to analyze how the brand’s advertising images have changed. The results from the semiotic studies were then analyzed through some theories and earlier studies on the subject, to find possible explanations to why the rebranding does not seem to have created the expected results. The study found that Victoria’s Secret’s marketing has become less sensual, aesthetic and fantasy-like. Instead it has become more inclusive and oriented towards comfort, relatability and self-esteem. The study further presents a couple of possible explanations to why the new branding concept does not seem to have become successful, according to a couple theories on the subject. The explanations that were found was that the company does not seem to have achieved a congruence between the brand’s new identity and the brand image, that the changes might not be perceived as authentic and that the brand can no longer capitalize on an idealized identity. Read more
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Åsiktskorridoren : Öppenhet och tolerans i den moraliska stormakten - eller? En kritisk idéanalys av det mediala, akademiska, politiska etablissemanget / The Opinion Corridor : Openness and tolerance in the moral superpower, right? A critical analysis of the medial, academic and political establishmentGustafsson, Erik January 2020 (has links)
In 2018, when famous dissident professor Jordan Peterson visited Scandinavia he stirred up controversy when penetrating the otherwise relatively intact Swedish thought-bubble. Using J.S Mills principles of free thought to guide us through this Orwellian landscape, I will demonstrate the narrowness of the so-called opinion corridor surrounding Swedish public intellectual life.
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Stay WokeWilliams, Langston A 20 December 2017 (has links)
Throughout the pages of my thesis, I comprehensively analyze the processes, intentions, and production of my thesis film Stay Woke. My examination will exhaustively probe every stage of the film from development to preproduction to production to postproduction and beyond. Individual aspects of this process including writing, casting, locations, production design, cinematography, directing, budgeting, scheduling, and postproduction workflows will be detailed. As I make elaborations in each section, I will explain my learning experiences from each day’s new tasks, challenges, and lessons. All of these things will be framed with regards to the overall goal and themes of the film.
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Teachers' experiences of the inclusion of learners with diverse barriers to learning in an ordinary foundation phase classroom / Ilwazi elihlangabezana nabotitjhere lokha ngokufakaw kwabafundi abaneenkhinyabezo ezahlukahlukeneko zokufuna etlassini yesikolo esijayelekileko sebanga elisisekelo / UlwaziI othisha abahlangabezana nalo ohlelweni lwemfundo oluhlanganisa ndawonye abafundi abanezihibhe ezahlukahlukene eziphazamisa ukufunda kwigumbi elejwayelekile lokufunda kwibanga lesikole eliyisisekelo / Tshenzhelo dza vhadeddzi dza u katela vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho kha kilasirumu zwayo ya vhuimo ha fhasiKasikako, Similo 25 April 2021 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Ndebele, Zulu and Venda / The study aimed to explore teachers’ experiences and to discover challenges encountered by mainstream teachers in the inclusion of learners with diverse barriers to learning in the Foundation Phase mainstream classrooms in the Vaal, Gauteng region. The study provides strategies that can be utilised by the teachers to enhance inclusive education practice in mainstream classrooms. Ten teachers were purposively selected from five mainstream primary schools with two participants from each school. All participants were grade three Foundation Phase teachers. Data were collected through in-depth interviews that enabled the researcher to delve deeply and find rich and relevant information for the study. For triangulation purposes, the researcher made use of document analysis as a second method of collecting data for this study. The study followed a qualitative data analysis method which derived the information from the perceptions of the informants and formed significant themes. The study revealed that teachers are challenged greatly by a lack of knowledge and skills to address diverse learning disabilities adequately; initial training that is ineffective in dealing with learners with diverse barriers to learning; a gap of knowledge that exists between theory and practice; a lack of adequate resources; poor infrastructure; large numbers of learners in a class; a lack of support from District Based Support Teams; and an inflexible curriculum. The study recommends collaborated teaching where teachers learn from each other; peer teaching; teacher exchange programmes; curriculum modification that caters for learners with barriers to learning; and workshop training that focuses on practical skills that will enhance inclusive education in mainstream schools. / Irhubhululo belinqophe ukuphenya ilwazi elihlangabezana nabotitjhere kanye nokuveza iintjhijilo ezihlangabezana nabotitjhere bomkhakha wefundo omkhulu lokha nakufakwa abafundi abaneenqabo ezahlukahlukeneko eziphazamisa ukufunda ematlasini weSigaba esisiSekelo (Foundation Phase) eLigwa (Vaal), esiyingini esise-Gauteng. Irhubhululo linikela amano lawo angasetjenziswa botitjhere ukuqinisa ihlelo lefundo efaka woke umfundi ematlasini womkhakha wefundo omkhulu. Abotitjhere abalisumi bakhethwe ngehloso eenkolweni zomkhakha omkhulu, eenkolweni ezihlanu zamabanga aphasi, kanti zinabadlalindima ababili abavela kuzo zohlanu iinkolo. Boke abadlalindima bekubotitjhere abaphuma kuGreyidi 3 wesikolo esisesiGabeni esisiSekelo. Idatha ibuthelelwe ngokusebenzisa iinhlolombono ezidephileko ezisize umrhubhululi bona angene atjhinge bese athole ilwazi lesifundo elinothileko nelifaneleko. Ngokulandela iinzathu zokusebenzisa iindlela ezinengi zokubuthelela idatha, umrhubhululi usebenzise ihlelo lokutsenga umtlolo (document analysis) njengendlela yesibili yokubuthelela idatha yaleli rhubhululo. Irhubhululo lilandele indlela yokutsenga enamathele kwingcoco, mayelana nokuhlukanisa ngeengaba kwedatha etloliweko, okuyidatha leyo umcwaningi ayisusele emiqondweni yabadlalindima begodu yakha iindikimba eziqakathekileko. Irhubhululo liveze ukuthi abotitjhere bahlangabezene neentjhijilo eziqakathekileko ezimalungana nokulandelako: Ukutlhayela kwelwazi namakghono ukulungisa ngokwaneleko iinkhinyabezo zokukhubazeka ezihlukahlukeneko; ibandulo lokuthoma elingasebenzi kuhle malungana nokuqalana nabafundi abanokukhubazeka okusiqabo eziphazamisa ukufunda; isikhala selwazi esikhona phakathi kwethiyori kanye nokwenza; ukutlhayela kwemithombo eyaneleko; umthangalasisekelo omumbi; imbalo ephezulu yabafundi abagcwele ngetlasini; ukutlhayela kwesekelo elivela eenqhemeni ezidzimelele kudistriki; kanye nekharikhyulamu e ngatjhugutjhugulukiko. Irubhululo lincoma ihlelo lokufundisa elitjhebisanako, lapho abotitjhere bafunda komunye; ukufundisana kwabafundi; amaphrogremu wokutjhentjhisana ngabotitjhere; ukutjhugululwa kwekarikhyulamu efaka abafundi abaneenqabo ezibavimbela ukufunda; kanye nesifundobandulo esiqale ekufundiseni amakghonofundwa wokusebenza azokusiza ukuqinisa ihlelo lefundo efaka woke umfundi eenkolweni zomkhakha wefundo omkhulu. / Ucwaningo beluhlose ukuphenya izinto ezihlangabezana nothisha kanye nokuveza izinselele ezihlangabezana nothisha abakwingxenye enkulu yemfundo kanti kuxutshwa phakathi abafundi abanezihibhe ezahlukahlukene eziphazamisa ukufunda emagunjini okufunda aseSigabeni esiyisiSekelo (Foundation Phase) ngase-Vaal, esifundeni sase-Gauteng. Ucwaningo lunikeza amasu angasetshenziswa wothisha ukuqinisa uhlelo lwemfundo oluxuba wonke umfundi emagunjini okufunda. Othisha abayishumi bakhethwe ngenhloso kwizikole zemfundo esebangeni eliphansi, kanti abadlalindima ababili bavela kuzo zonke lezo zikole. Bonke abadlalindima abangothisha ababekwiGreyidi 3 ye-Foundation Phase. Idatha yaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezijulile ezasiza umcwaningi ukuba agxile ngokujulile futhi athole ulwazi olunothile nolufanele lwalesi sifundo socwaningo. Ngenhloso yokusebenzisa izindlela eziningi zokuqoqwa kwedatha, umcwaningi wasebenzisa uhlelo lokuhlaziya umbhalo njengendlela yesibili yokuqoqa idatha yalolu cwaningo. Ucwaningo luye lwalandela uhlelo lokuhlaziya idatha olugxile kwingxoxo (qualitative data analysis method), mayelana nokwehlukanisa ngezigaba kwedatha ebhalwe phansi, okuyidatha umcwaningi ayisusele kwimiqondo yabadlalindima kanti futhi iye yakha izindikimba ezisemqoka. Ucwaningo luveze ukuthi othisha bahlangabezene nezinselelo ezisemqoka mayelana nalokhu okulandelayo: ukusweleka kolwazi kanye namakhono okulungisa ngokwanele izihibhe eziphazamisa ukufunda; ukuqeqeshwa kokuqala okungenamthelela omuhle ekubhekaneni nabafundi abanezihibhe ezahlukahlukene zokufunda; isikhala solwazi esikhona phakathi kwethiyori kanye nalokho okuyizenzo eziphathekayo; ukusweleka kwemithombo yolwazi eyanele; ukwentuleka kwemithombo eyanele; ingqalasizinda engathokozisi; inani eliphezulu labafundi emagumbini okufunda; ukusweleka koxhaso oluvela kumaqembu axhasayo esifundazwe; kanye nohlelo lwemfundo oluqinile. Ucwaningo luncoma uhlelo lokufundisa olusebenzisanayo, lapho othisha bafunda komunye; ukufundisana kwabafundi; izinhlelo zothisha zokuphakelana ngolwazi; ukuguqulwa kwekharikhyulamu efaka abafundi abanezihibhe ezibaphazamisa ukuthi bafunde; kanye nezinhlelo zokuqeqeshwa eziphokophele kuqeqesho lwamakhono okukhombisa ngezenzo, okungamakhono azoqinisa uhlelo lwemfundo oluxuba wonke umfundi kwizikole zengxenye yomkhakha wemfundo omkhulu. / Ṱhoḓisiso yo livhiswa kha u wanulusa tshenzhelo dza vhadededzi na u wanulusa khaedu dzine dza ṱangana na vhadededzi vhane vha funza kha zwikolo zwa vhagudiswa vha re na tshumelo dzo khetheaho musi vha tshi katela vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho kha u guda kha Vhuimo ha Fhasi kiḽasini dza vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khethea ngei Vaal, kha dzingu ḽa Gauteng. Ṱhoḓisiso yo ṋetshedza zwiṱirathedzhi zwine zwa nga shumiswa nga vhadededzi u khwinisa maitele a pfunzo nyangaredzi kiḽasini dza vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khetheaho. Vhadededzi vha 10 vho nangwa ho sedzwa vhukoni u bva kha zwikolo zwa phuraimari zwiṱanu zwa vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khetheaho. Vhadzheneleli vhoṱhe vho vha vhadededzi vha Gireidi ya 3 ya Vhuimo ha Fhasi. Data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu dzo ṱanḓavhuwaho ine ya konisa muṱoḓisisi u ṱoḓisisa nga vhudzivha na u wana mafhungo o pfumaho o teaho kha ngudo. Kha ndivho tharu, muṱoḓisisi o shumisa u saukanya ḽiṅwalwa sa ngona ya vhuvhili ya u kuvhanganya data ya ṱhoḓisiso iyi. Ngudo yo tevhedza ngona ya u saukanya ya khwanthithathivi data, u ya nga khethekanyo ya data yo ṅwalululwaho ye muṱoḓisisi a i bvisa kha kuvhonele kwa vhadzheneleli na u vhumba thero dza ndeme. Ṱhoḓisiso yo wanulusa uri vhadededzi vha tshenzhela khaedu dza ndeme musi zwi tshi ḓa kha zwi tevhelaho: u sa vha na nḓivho na zwikili u amba nga ha zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho nga nḓila yo teaho, vhugudeli thangeli vhu songo teaho kha u shumana na vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho; phambano ya nḓivho ine ya vha hone vhukati ha thiori na nyito; ṱhahelelo ya zwishumiswa zwo teaho; ṱhahelelo ya themamveledziso; tshivhalo tshinzhi tsha vhagudiswa kiḽasini; u sa wana thikhedzo u bva kha thimu dza thikhedzo dza tshiṱiriki; na kharikhuḽamu ine ya thivhela u swikelela ṱhoḓea dzo fhambanaho dza vhagudiswa. Ngudo yo themendela tshumisano kha u funza, hune vhadededzi vha guda u bva kha muṅwe, pfunzo ya thangana ya murole, mbekanyamushumo dza u tshintshisana ha vhadededzi; u khwinisa kharikhuḽamu dzine dza katela vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda; na vhugudisi ha u pfumbudzwa ho sedzaho kha zwikili zwine zwa ḓo khwinisa pfunzonyangaredzi kha zwikolo zwa vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khetheaho. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education) Read more
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