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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Välfärdsjobb - en insats för hela familjen : En innehållsanalys av kommunala dokument

Wallin, Per, Spetz Nyström, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Välfärdsjobb är en relativt ny typ av insats som används i flera kommuner i Sverige. Den går ut på att personer som har levt länge med försörjningsstöd ska få en tidsbegränsad anställning med kollektivavtalsenlig lön för att komma närmare den reguljära arbetsmarknaden. Uppsala har börjat ge insatsen under hösten 2013 och där startade intresset för att genomföra en undersökning. Den har ett barnperspektiv för att belysa barns situation. För att besvara frågeställningarna har en kvalitativ innehållsanalys använts. Materialet har bestått av en utvärdering, en delrapport och en rad olika kommunala texter. De kodades och kategoriserades utifrån barndomssociologiska begrepp och Jahodas (1982) teori om arbetets latenta och manifesta effekter. Dessa delades upp i underrubriker som passade ihop med datamaterialet. Kommunerna som använts är Malmö, Sigtuna, Sundsvall, Uppsala, Botkyrka och Ludvika. De inkluderade kommunerna är positiva till resultaten av insatsen välfärdsjobb. Malmö har fortsatt använda sig av den sedan år 2005 och Sigtuna redovisar stora ekonomiska vinster av insatsen. Personerna som deltagit i insatsen berättar om hur de har fått bättre självförtroende, större nätverk och förbättrad ekonomi. Flera av deltagarna har efter insatsen fått en reguljär anställning. Vissa deltagare har dock framfört kritik för att arbetsuppgifterna känts enformiga och påhittade. Malmö hade problem att få in kvinnor i insatsen och att några inte förstod att insatsen var tillfällig. Barnen syns inte så mycket i kommunernas texter. Några kommuner prioriterar barnfamiljer medan till exempel Malmö enbart nämner barnen som blivande motiverade studenter. Kopplat till vad som framkommer i tidigare forskning skulle insatsen kunna vara bra även för barnen, de får till exempel bättre ekonomi och därmed möjlighet till fler aktiviteter. Om föräldrarna mår bättre gör barnen det också. En nackdel som kom fram var att insatsen är tillfällig då barnen känner en osäkerhet i vad som händer efter insatsen. Det framkommer skillnader i hur mammor, pappor, barn och familjer representeras i kommunernas material. För framtida forskning skulle det vara intressant att ha med barns perspektiv vid utvärdering av insatsen. Nyckelord: långvarigt försörjningsstöd, arbetslöshet, välfärdsjobb, barnperspektiv, arbetets effekter / ”Välfärdsjobb” is a relatively new kind of intervention that is used in some municipalities in Sweden. It means giving people that have been living a long time with welfare payments a fixed term employment contract. The participants get a salary and get closer to the regular labor market. Uppsala started a project called “Välfärdsjobb” autumn 2013 and that is where the interest for the subject came from. The study has a child perspective. A qualitative content analysis has been used to respond to the research questions. The data material consists of an evaluation, an interim report and different documents from the municipalities. The material was coded in relation to childhood sociology and Jahoda’s theory of latent and manifest effects of unemployment. The municipalities that have been used are Malmö, Sigtuna, Sundsvall, Uppsala, Botkyrka och Ludvika. The involved municipalities are positive to the intervention. Malmö has had it since 2005 and Sigtuna shows great economic savings. The persons participating in the intervention convey that they have gained better self-confidence, larger social networks and better economy. Several of the participants have a regular job after the intervention. The negative aspects of the intervention were that some of the participants have expressed that the work tasks felt repetitive and made up. Malmö failed to recruit women and some participants did not understand that the job was temporary. The children are not very visible in the data material. Some of the municipalities have families with children as a prioritized group, while Malmö just mentions children in terms of becoming motivated students. Looking at earlier research the intervention seems positive for children. They get a better economy and hence a wider array of activities are possible. Also, if the parents feel good, it affects the children positively. Something that could have a negative impact is that the intervention is temporary, since the children often feel worried about what will happen next. There are differences in how mothers, fathers, children and families are represented within the material from the municipalities. For future research it would be interesting to have a children’s perspective included in the evaluations of the interventions. Key words: long-time welfare payments, unemployment, workfare jobs, children’s perspective, effects of employment

Om synen på ”utanförskap” : Socialsekreterare och nämndpolitiker om arbetslösa unga vuxna med försörjningsproblem. / On the views of ”utanförskap” : Social secretaries and the board of politicians about young adults with supply problems.

Iturralde, Andrés, Levir, Elias January 2013 (has links)
During the study's first stage we noticed that the Swedish term ” utanförskap” was constructed for political purposes, the term’s ambiguity what was first raised our interest. Therefore the aims of this study was to examine how social workers at the social welfare office and the labor market related project Framtid Kronoberg  as well as politicians within the administration of Arbete & Välfärd (Work & Welfare) relates to utanförskap as a social phenomenon. The study’s second aim was to examine how the aforementioned persons consider utanförskap to be counteracted among young adults. The study has shown that the interviewees have different opinions regarding the meaning of utanförskap. Furthermore the study shows that there is a consensus regarding activation as the solution for utanförskap through either employment or by attending labor market related activities. The study has also shown that the activation requirements made by the politicians of the administration, with the purpose of placing young adults on social welfare in labor market activities consists of continuous controls and sanctions when deviation is noted.

Soft Workfare? Re-orienting Toronto's Social Infrastructure Towards Employment

Reid-Musson, Emily R. 15 February 2010 (has links)
This research tracks the emergence of ‘soft’ workfare in Toronto. This refers to a set of attitudes and practices apparent in the delivery of welfare-to-work programs through the Ontario Works framework, which use compulsion to push people towards employment while simultaneously encouraging limited and specific practices of individual choice. Research findings are derived from eight interviews and relevant policy reports, focusing on the experiences of three non-profit agencies and the City of Toronto, who provide employment assistance and financial assistance through Ontario Works, respectively. These findings indicate that grassroots organizations pioneered employment services for social assistance recipients, and, alongside the municipal government, had been calling for active employment programs. They made use of the distance between policy rules and their own programs to alleviate the most punitive features of OW, but judge compulsion as a means to meet a necessary end. This demonstrates how disciplinary tendencies reside within liberal governmentalities.

Soft Workfare? Re-orienting Toronto's Social Infrastructure Towards Employment

Reid-Musson, Emily R. 15 February 2010 (has links)
This research tracks the emergence of ‘soft’ workfare in Toronto. This refers to a set of attitudes and practices apparent in the delivery of welfare-to-work programs through the Ontario Works framework, which use compulsion to push people towards employment while simultaneously encouraging limited and specific practices of individual choice. Research findings are derived from eight interviews and relevant policy reports, focusing on the experiences of three non-profit agencies and the City of Toronto, who provide employment assistance and financial assistance through Ontario Works, respectively. These findings indicate that grassroots organizations pioneered employment services for social assistance recipients, and, alongside the municipal government, had been calling for active employment programs. They made use of the distance between policy rules and their own programs to alleviate the most punitive features of OW, but judge compulsion as a means to meet a necessary end. This demonstrates how disciplinary tendencies reside within liberal governmentalities.

“Som en advokat hela vägen” : En kvalitativ studie om jobbcoachers och arbetskonsulenters handlingsutrymme i aktiveringsarbetet

Hanna, Anton January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore job-coaches and work consultant’s discretion in work with activation of social assistance recipients. Semistructured interviews have been conducted with 4 job-coaches and 4 work consultants within 2 different municipalities. The interviews have been analyzed using Lipsky's theory on street-level bureaucracy and new institutional organization theory. The results of the study showed that job-coaches and work consultant’s report having a large discretion in the work with activation. Further results show that their experienced discretion in their work is not assessed as being affected by the level of education and age but that the work experience is seen essential. On an organizational level a large supply of activation measures and routines giving support was viewed as important. On a political level political priorities was viewed as an important aspect in regards to the discretion. / Syftet med den föreliggande studien har varit att undersöka jobbcoachers och arbetskonsulenters handlingsutrymme i aktiveringsarbetet med socialbidragsklienter. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med 8 jobbcoacher och arbetskonsulenter i två kommuner. Intervjumaterialet har analyserats med hjälp av Lipsky´s teori om fornlinjebyråkrati och nyinstitutionell organisationsteori.  Studiens resultat visade att jobbcoacher och arbetskonsulenter upplever en stor handlingsfrihet i arbetet med aktivering. Vidare resultat visar att det upplevda handlingsutrymmet i arbetet bedöms inte påverkas av utbildningsnivå och ålder men att yrkeserfarenhet upplevs som betydelsefull. På organisationsnivå ansågs ett stort utbud av aktiveringsåtgärder och stöd inom verksamheten vara av vikt. På politisk nivå ansågs politiska prioriteringar som en viktig aspekt när det gäller handlingsutrymme.

Přechod do práce a politika aktivizace mladých imigrantů ze třetích zemí v Rakousku, ČR a Finsku. / Third-country Young Immigrants' Transition to Work and Activation Policies in Europe: A comparative case of Austria, Czech Republic, and Finland.

Esien, Eddy Bruno January 2021 (has links)
in English. Eddy Bruno Esien, Dissertation Thesis The purpose of this dissertation seeks to find out how young third country immigrants` transition from welfare to all types of work take place in Austria, Finland, and the Czech Republic and how is the role of their employment services in work-related activation programs implementation to smoothing this process. The thesis consists of an Introduction and sixteen included articles. The dissertation is based on a qualitative cross-national comparative fewer case study approach, in which both primary and secondary data were collected for analysis. The main research question was: How does young third country immigrants` transition from welfare to all types of work take place in Austria, Finland, and the Czech Republic and what is the role of their employment services in work-related activation programmes implementation to smoothing this process? In more detail research questions included: (a) the roles of the governments, public and private employment service agencies in the implementation of work-related activation program to enable young third country immigrant's transition from welfare to all types of work in Austria, Finland and the Czech Republic; (b) the relationships between the public and private employment service agencies and the Governments in...

Le changement de logique de la protection sociale des sans emploi en Union européenne : de l'aide au revenu à la réintégration sur le marché du travail

Julien, Reysz 25 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La crise du modèle fordiste d'emploi et de protection sociale au début des années 80 a induit une redéfinition des fonctions de la protection sociale qui est passée d'une vocation redistributive à un objectif de réinsertion professionnelle. Basés sur le principe d'aide au revenu, les systèmes sociaux européens se sont alors orientés vers la réintégration en emploi des sans emploi. La protection sociale devient ainsi un instrument au service de l'emploi et du marché du travail. Cette évolution commune des systèmes vers l'application des principes d'une protection sociale plus active ne s'est pas traduite de la même façon dans chaque pays de l'UE : s'il y a bien eu convergence des modèles, celle-ci ne s'est pas fondamentalement accompagnée d'une remise en cause des principes culturels et des fondements historiques et institutionnels propres à chaque système. Ce changement de logique s'est toutefois accompagné d'un renforcement des contraintes pesant sur les sans emploi : les prestations sociales sont en effet de plus en plus versées sous condition de respect d'une obligation de recherche active d'un travail et d'acceptation d'un emploi. L'affaiblissement de la fonction d'aide au revenu au profit d'une fonction de réintégration dans l'emploi se traduit donc par un glissement des systèmes de protection sociale vers le modèle du workfare anglo-américain.

Disability and the Australian neoliberal workfare state (1996-2005)

Soldatic, Karen Maree January 2009 (has links)
Australia, like other Western liberal democracies, has undergone extensive social policy restructuring as a result of neoliberalism. While neoliberalism had its genesis with Australian Labor governments during the 1980s, it secured the status of orthodoxy under the radical conservatism of the Liberal Coalition government (1996 - 2007). Under the leadership of Prime Minister John Howard a widespread campaign was instigated to advance neoliberal social policy measures across all spheres of social life, leading to the dismantling of rights for a diverse range of social groups including women, refugees, people with disabilities and Indigenous Australians. The restructuring of social provisioning with the intensification of neoliberalism was largely driven by workfare – a key domestic social project of neoliberal global restructuring. The thesis examines the Australian experience of workfare and the primary areas of contestation and struggle that emerged in this environment for the Australian Disability Movement during the peak period of workfare restructuring for 'disability' (1996 – 2005). The thesis draws on the work of critical disability theory to discuss the bivalent social collective identity of disability as it cuts through the politics of recognition and the politics of distribution. From here, the thesis engages with sociological work on emotions, bringing together theories of disgust and disability. The thesis demonstrates that there is a synergy between disability and disgust that informs the moral economy of disability; framing, shaping and articulating able-bodied – disabled relations. Drawing on the policy process method the research involved extensive qualitative interviews with members of the Australian Disability Movement, disabled people involved in workfare programs, service providers and their peak organisations, families, as well as the policy elite charged with the responsibility of disability workfare restructuring. Additionally, the study incorporated a range of documents including parliamentary Hansards, key policy texts, government media releases, and publicly available information from disability specialist services and the disability movement. The analytical centrality of policy processes highlighted the strategic interrelationship between macro-structural policy discourses and practices and the role of policy actors as agents, including those collective agents engaged in mediating disability social relations. Three dominant themes emerged from the analysis of the data: movement politics, representation and participation; emotions and processes of moralisation; and finally, the role of temporality in inscribing (disabled) bodies with value. Each of the findings chapters is dedicated to explicating these mechanisms and the effects of these discourses and practices on disabled people involved in workfare programs and the disability movement's struggles for respect, recognition and social justice.

Aktivering av socialbidragstagare - om stöd och kontroll i socialtjänsten

Nybom, Jenny January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine activation, including support and control, among different groups of social assistance (SA) recipients. Assessments and activation related decisions during one year are analysed for 372 social randomly selected assistance claimants from four municipalities. Data was collected 2002-2003 through structured interviews with the clients and their social workers. Income from work and social assistance was followed up with national register data after two years. The first study focuses on social workers conception of their claimants work barriers. Conceptions vary systematically across groups of claimants. The second study examines elements of activation, finding that extent and content of activation, and use of support and control, vary between municipalities and programs. The third study analyses associations between participation in activation programs and exposures to sanctions and exemptions (indicators of support and control) on the one hand, and claimants’ characteristics on the other hand.  Traditional work-test logic seems to be common in social work, and linked to stereotypic gender logic. This implies a systematic selection to activation based on sex, and on social workers opinion about the claimants work motivation. The results question the linkage between work barriers and activation, since claimants without formal resources (education and work experience) do not participate in resource activation (aiming to increase formal resources) more often than others. The fourth study analyses association between combinations of activation programs and sanctions and self support outcomes for SA claimants. Results suggest that a combination of resource activation and sanctions has a positive association with income from work, and that a combination of job activation and sanctions is associated with continuing SA.

Droits sociaux et dynamiques d’activation des politiques sociales en Europe / Social rights and activation dynamics of social policies in europe

Pagnac, Romain 05 December 2013 (has links)
Depuis un certain nombre d’années, se manifeste tout spécialement en Europe l’influence de la thématique de l’activation des dépenses sociales dites « passives ». Ce discours politique imprègne les systèmes nationaux et se diffuse sur le plan normatif, conduisant à de nouvelles articulations entre logiques de protection sociale classique (indemnisation ou aide sociale) et d’emploi (droit du travail). Ces politiques actives s’appuient sur les fondements traditionnels du modèle social-démocrate nordique et du modèle anglo-saxon. L’Union européenne a fait sienne la dynamique d’activation et lui a accordé une place centrale dans sa stratégie pour l’emploi et dans la Méthode Ouverte de Coordination en matière de protection sociale. Cette stratégie a produit un impact sur les systèmes nationaux. Cet impact a pu être mesuré aussi bien sur les systèmes béveridgiens que sur les systèmes bismarckiens, laissant apparaître une multiplicité des visages de l’activation selon les Etats-membres, mais selon une référence plus marquée soit à une approche libérale soit à une approche dite « universaliste » ou « prospective », d’amélioration des trajectoires professionnelles. Les transformations récentes des dispositifs français (indemnitaires ou assistantiels), basées sur une logique de conditionnalité des prestations, ont conduit à des bouleversements au sein de la protection sociale qui invitent à questionner les logiques juridiques sous-jacentes de ces mutations et à proposer une analyse critique de la portée d’un tel renouvellement du contrat social. / The influence of the theme of activating "passive" social expenditure has been evidenced over the last few years and especially in Europe. This political discourse has filtered into the national systems and has spread to legislation, leading to new links between the logic of classic social protection (compensatory technique or social assistance claimants) and employment (employment law). These active policies are based on traditional socio-democratic nordic models and the anglo-american model. The European Union has adopted the activation concept and given it central place in its employment strategy and through the Open Method of Coordination for social protection. This strategy has had an impact on the national systems. This impact may be measured in Beveridgian systems as well as in Bismarckian systems, that shows the different aspects of activation depending on the Member States but with a more distinct difference depending on a more liberal or universalist approach. The recent transformations in the French system (unemployment insurance benefits or social assistance schemes) based on the conditionality of social protection, have led to significant changes to social protection which raises the issue of the underlying legal logic of these changes and a critical analysis of the extent of such a renewal of the social contract.

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