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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Naturvistelsers inverkan på gymnasieelevers välbefinnande : En kvantitativ studie om samverkan mellan naturminuter och gymnasieelevers KASAM / The impact of nature on the well-being of high school students : A quantitative study of the interaction between nature minutes and high school students’ SOC

Bello Ericsson, Matilda, Eriksson, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien var att undersöka sambandet mellan välbefinnande och mängden naturvistelse hos elever på högskoleförberedande- och yrkesförberedande program på gymnasiet. För att besvara syftet, utgick studien från följande frågeställningar: 1) Hur mycket tid under en period på sju dagar spenderar gymnasieelever ute i naturen? 2) I vilken grad skattar gymnasieelever sitt välbefinnande? 3) Finns det ett samband mellan mängden naturvistelse och välbefinnande hos gymnasieelever?  Metod För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar tillämpades en kvantitativ metod. Urvalet bestod av gymnasieelever inom Stockholms stad. För att undersöka hur ofta eleverna spenderade tid i naturen, formulerades fyra frågor om antalet tillfällen de varit ute under skoltid och fritid. För att undersöka elevernas välbefinnande användes den svenska versionen av enkäten Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-13). Utifrån båda enkäterna skapades en webbenkät som sedan skickades ut till deltagarna via mejl. Datan analyserades i Microsoft Excel 365 MSO. Jämförelser mellan naturminuter under skoltid och under fritid genomfördes med ett oberoende T-Test, där studien valde signifikansnivå till p=0,05 (5%). Jämförelsen mellan naturminuter och KASAM genomfördes i en linjär regressionsanalys genom Pearsons korrelationskoefficient, med naturminuter som beroende variabel och KASAM som oberoende variabel. Resultat Studiens huvudsakliga resultat från 175 enkätsvar visade att 58,9 procent av deltagarna var ute 0 minuter under skoltid, samt att 44,6 procent av deltagarna var ute 1-60 minuter under sin fritid. Deltagare som går ett yrkesförberedande program var i genomsnitt (M=115) ute mer i naturen än de deltagare som läste ett högskoleförberedande program (M=85,93). Vidare visade resultatet att det främst fanns en statistiskt signifikant skillnad inom mängden naturvistelse under skoltid och under fritid hos gruppen för yrkesförberedande program (p <.003). Resultatet för deltagarnas KASAM visade att majoriteten (56,6%) hade ett lågt KASAM, samt att det enbart var 5,7 procent som uppgav sig ha hög KASAM. Slutligen studerades sambandet mellan den totala mängden naturvistelse och KASAM-poäng för varje deltagare. Resultatet visade att det inte fanns ett samband mellan dessa två variabler. Slutsats Slutsatsen angående deltagarnas naturvistelse visade att gymnasieeleverna spenderade ingen eller väldigt liten tid i naturen under en vecka, varken under skoltid eller fritid. Studien har även kunnat redogöra för att ett lågt välbefinnande var mer förekommande bland deltagarna än ett högt välbefinnande. Slutligen har föreliggande studie inte kunnat redogöra för att det finns en korrelation mellan naturvistelse och välbefinnande / Aim The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between well-being and the amount of nature stays among students in pre-university and pre-vocational programs at high school. To answer the purpose, the study was based on the following questions 1) How much time during a period of seven days does high school students spend out in nature? 2) To what extent do high school students value their well-being? 3) Is there a correlation between the amount of nature stays and well-being among high school students? Method To answer the study's purpose and questions, a quantitative method was applied.  The selection consisted of high school students within the city of Stockholm. To examine how often students spent time in nature, four questions were formulated about the number of opportunities they are out during school time and free time. To investigate students' well-being, this study used the Swedish version of the Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-13). Based on both surveys, a web survey was created, which was then sent out to the participants by email. The data was analyzed in Microsoft Excel 365 MSO. Comparisons between nature minutes during school time and during leisure time were performed with an independent T-Test, where the study chose the significance level to p = 0.05 (5%). The comparison between nature minutes and SOC was carried out through a linear regression analysis using Pearson's correlation coefficient, with nature minutes as the dependent variable and KASAM as the independent variable. Results The study's main results from the 175 questionnaire responses show that 58,9 percent of the participants spent 0 minutes in nature during school hours, and that 44,6 percent of the participants spent 1-60 minutes in nature at their free time. Participants who attended a vocational preparation program was average (M = 115) more than the participants who studied a university preparatory program (M = 85.93). Furthermore, the results showed that it mainly existed a statistically significant difference in the amount of nature stays during school time and during leisure time among the group for vocational preparation programs (p <.003).  The results for the participants SOC showed that the majority (56.6%) had a low SOC, and that only 5.7% stated that they had a high SOC.  Finally, the relationship between the total amount of nature stay and SOC points for each participant was studied. The result shows that there is no correlation between these two variables. Conclusions The conclusion regarding the participants' nature stay showed that the high school students spent no or very little time in nature during a week, neither during school time nor free time. The study was also able to report that a low level of well-being was more prevalent among the participants than a high level of well-being. Finally, the present study has not been able to account for whether there is a correlation between nature impact and well-being.

Samma skyldigheter men skilda framtidsmöjligheter : En fokusgruppundersökning om socioekonomiska faktorers inverkan på gymnasieelevers uppfattningar av samhällskunskapsämnet

Snellman, Emma January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge about how socio-economic conditions in different groups of students can affect students' perceptions of the subject of social studies. This was done by accounting for, analysing and discussing differences and similarities in perceptions of the subject of social studies between students in vocational and in tertiary preparatory programsin upper secondary school in Sweden. The data for this qualitative study was collected through focus group interviews and was thereafter thematically analysed. The results show that all students, regardless of program, find social studies important both for themselves and for the society as a whole. However, preferences regarding teaching methods vary between programs. Vocational programs tend to prefer shorter individual writing assignments while tertiary preparatory programs like to work both individually and in groups as well as both orally and in writing. There are also differences in how the programs view their use for social studies in the future. The vocational programs consider themself to have the most use for knowledge regarding economy while the tertiary preparatory programs believe they will have most use forwhat they have learned concerning the subject of individuals and identity. These differences can be explained by the student´s different capacities and different access to cultural and language capital as well as the real functions of the school system and cultural reproductionwhich are all due to socio-economic differences that exist between the students in vocationalprograms and the students in tertiary preparatory programs.

Prov och bedömning i samhällskunskap : En analys av gymnasielärares skriftliga prov / Tests and assessment in social science : An analysis of written examinations constructed by upper secondary school teachers

Odenstad, Christina January 2011 (has links)
This study focuses on tests and assessment in social science in the upper secondary school in Sweden. Testing has an effect on how students learn and on the information and knowledge they retain. Different forms of examination encourage different styles of learning and the type of test used also influence the perception students have on a subject. From a didactical perspective, based on a curriculum theory, the aim of this study is to examine teacher constructed tests and to analyze the construction and different reflections on the school subject social science. The tests analyzed are compared with the content of the formal curriculum. The findings indicate that the tests contain only a few of the goals in the formal curriculum. The curriculum does not seem to have a major influence on the setting of the test and its content. It is rather some kind of subject tradition that appears in the examinations. The dominant subject fields are political science and economics. Three subject profiles were found in the tests. The students are expected to orientate themselves with the subject and learn some basic facts. However, there are also questions which give the students opportunities to analyze different phenomenon and discuss several issues. The tests vary, for example in theoretical programs the content requires students to use the factual knowledge rather than rote learning. The questions are more theoretical and advanced compared with the tests that have been used within vocational programs.

Med den ena foten i verkstaden ochden andra i klassrummet : Elever på det industritekniska programmets egen syn på språkanvändande / With one foot in the workshop and the other in the classroom : Students at theIndustrial-technical programme’s view of language use

Sebastian, Room January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur elever på det industritekniska programmet ser på sitt egetanvändande av språket i undervisningen. I undersökningen riktas fokus på hur elevernauppfattar sitt eget användande av språket i både program- och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen.Undersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer som sedan har analyseratsmed hjälp av en tematisk analys. De tre teman som arbetats fram är Det informella och detformella språket, Det samarbetande och jämlika språket och Självinsikter och språket.Samtliga presenterar olika perspektiv på hur eleverna inom programmet upplever ochuppfattar språket och användningen av det. Tematiken visar hur olika normer och regler styranvändandet av språket beroende på vilken undervisningssituation man som elev befinner sigi. Utifrån den data som inhämtas visar den att eleverna har en stor medvetenhet om att språketanvänds olika och att det finns olika strategier för att använda det. Det språk som helstanvänds och som eleverna känner sig mest bekväma med är det muntliga språket. / This thesis examines how students at the industrial-technical program views their use oflanguage within teaching. The survey focuses on how students percieve their own use oflanguage in both program specific and general subjects. The survey was conducted usingquialitative interviews which were then analyzed with the help of a thematic analysis. Threethemes has been found and those are The informal and the formal language, The collaborativeand equal language and Self insights and language. All of these present different perspectiveson how students within the program experience and percieve the language and its use. Thethemes also shows how different norms and rules govern the use of language depending onwhich teaching situation the student is situated in. Based on the data collected, it shows thatstudents have a keen awareness that the language is used differently and that there aredifferent strategies when using it. The language that is most used and that students feel mostcomfortable with is the oral language.

En tudelad litteraturundervisning? : En jämförelse av litteraturundervisningen på gymnasieskolans yrkesprogram och högskoleförberedande program / A Divided Swedish Subject? : A Comparative Study of Literature Instruction in Upper Secondary School:s Vocational and Study-preparing Programs

Eriksson, Robin January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra litteraturundervisningen på högskoleförberedande program och yrkesprogram inom 2000-talets gymnasieskola. Utifrån detta formulerades frågeställningar som innefattade jämförelse av likheter och skillnader avseende litteraturundervisningen inom högskoleförberedande program och yrkesprogram. Mot bakgrund av svenskämnets historiska utveckling inom gymnasieskolan, litteraturteorier, forskning och teorier om svenskämnestraditioner samt de kommande förändringarna gällande grundläggande behörighet till vidare studier och ämnesbetygsreformen undersöktes vetenskaplig litteratur för att besvara syftet. Studien var en systematisk litteraturstudie där utvald vetenskaplig relevant litteratur analyserades med metoden innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att 2000-talets litteraturundervisning i gymnasieskolan inom ramen för Lpf 94 och Gy 11 uppvisar flera likheter mellan yrkesprogram och högskoleförberedande program avseende innehåll och mål. De två svenskämnestraditionerna svenska som färdighetsämne och svenska som litteraturhistoriskt bildningsämne visades även vara framträdande inom båda programgruppernas litteraturundervisning. Resultatet visade också att svenskämnestraditionen svenska som erfarenhetspedagogiskt ämne kunde karaktäriseras som ett marginaliserat komplement i litteraturundervisningen för både högskoleförberedande program och yrkesprogram.

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