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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Low-frequency noise characterization, evaluation and modeling of advanced Si- and SiGe-based CMOS transistors

von Haartman, Martin January 2006 (has links)
A wide variety of novel complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) devices that are strong contenders for future high-speed and low-noise RF circuits have been evaluated by means of static electrical measurements and low-frequency noise characterizations in this thesis. These novel field-effect transistors (FETs) include (i) compressively strained SiGe channel pMOSFETs, (ii) tensile strained Si nMOSFETs, (iii) MOSFETs with high-k gate dielectrics, (iv) metal gate and (v) silicon-on-insulator (SOI) devices. The low-frequency noise was comprehensively characterized for different types of operating conditions where the gate and bulk terminal voltages were varied. Detailed studies were made of the relationship between the 1/f noise and the device architecture, strain, device geometry, location of the conduction path, surface cleaning, gate oxide charges and traps, water vapour annealing, carrier mobility and other technological factors. The locations of the dominant noise sources as well as their physical mechanisms were investigated. Model parameters and physical properties were extracted and compared. Several important new insights and refinements of the existing 1/f noise theories and models were also suggested and analyzed. The continuing trend of miniaturizing device sizes and building devices with more advanced architectures and complex materials can lead to escalating 1/f noise levels, which degrades the signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio in electronic circuits. For example, the 1/f noise of some critical transistors in a radio receiver may ultimately limit the information capacity of the communication system. Therefore, analyzing electronic devices in order to control and find ways to diminish the 1/f noise is a very important and challenging research subject. We present compelling evidence that the 1/f noise is affected by the distance of the conduction channel from the gate oxide/semiconductor substrate interface, or alternatively the vertical electric field pushing the carriers towards the gate oxide. The location of the conduction channel can be varied by the voltage on the bulk and gate terminals as well by device engineering. Devices with a buried channel architecture such as buried SiGe channel pMOSFETs and accumulation mode MOSFETs on SOI show significantly reduced 1/f noise. The same observation is made when the substrate/source junction is forward biased which decreases the vertical electric field in the channel and increases the inversion layer separation from the gate oxide interface. A 1/f noise model based on mobility fluctuations originating from the scattering of electrons with phonons or surface roughness was proposed. Materials with a high dielectric constant (high-k) is necessary to replace the conventional SiO2 as gate dielectrics in the future in order to maintain a low leakage current at the same time as the capacitance of the gate dielectrics is scaled up. In this work, we have made some of the very first examinations of 1/f noise in MOSFETs with high-k structures composed by layers of HfO2, HfAlOx and Al2O3. The 1/f noise level was found to be elevated (up to 3 orders of magnitude) in the MOSFETs with high-k gate dielectrics compared to the reference devices with SiO2. The reason behind the higher 1/f noise is a high density of traps in the high-k stacks and increased mobility fluctuation noise, the latter possibly due to noise generation in the electron-phonon scattering that originates from remote phonon modes in the high-k. The combination of a TiN metal gate, HfAlOx and a compressively strained surface SiGe channel was found to be superior in terms of both high mobility and low 1/f noise. / QC 20100928

Scaling Beyond Moore: Single Electron Transistor and Single Atom Transistor Integration on CMOS

Deshpande, Veeresh 27 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La r eduction (\scaling") continue des dimensions des transistors MOS- FET nous a conduits a l' ere de la nano electronique. Le transistor a ef- fet de champ multi-grilles (MultiGate FET, MuGFET) avec l'architecture \nano l canal" est consid er e comme un candidat possible pour le scaling des MOSFET jusqu' a la n de la roadmap. Parall element au scaling des CMOS classiques ou scaling suivant la loi de Moore, de nombreuses propo- sitions de nouveaux dispositifs, exploitant des ph enom enes nanom etriques, ont et e faites. Ainsi, le transistor mono electronique (SET), utilisant le ph enom ene de \blocage de Coulomb", et le transistor a atome unique (SAT), en tant que transistors de dimensions ultimes, sont les premiers disposi- tifs nano electroniques visant de nouvelles applications comme la logique a valeurs multiples ou l'informatique quantique. Bien que le SET a et e ini- tialement propos e comme un substitut au CMOS (\Au-del a du dispositif CMOS"), il est maintenant largement consid er e comme un compl ement a la technologie CMOS permettant de nouveaux circuits fonctionnels. Toutefois, la faible temp erature de fonctionnement et la fabrication incompatible avec le proc ed e CMOS ont et e des contraintes majeures pour l'int egration SET avec la technologie FET industrielle. Cette th ese r epond a ce probl eme en combinant les technologies CMOS de dimensions r eduites, SET et SAT par le biais d'un sch ema d'int egration unique a n de fabriquer des transistors \Trigate" nano l. Dans ce travail, pour la premi ere fois, un SET fonction- nant a temp erature ambiante et fabriqu es a partir de technologies CMOS SOI a l' etat de l'art (incluant high-k/grille m etallique) est d emontr e. Le fonctionnement a temp erature ambiante du SET n ecessite une le (ou canal) de dimensions inf erieures a 5 nm. Ce r esultat est obtenu grce a la r eduction du canal nano l "trigate" a environ 5 nm de largeur. Une etude plus ap- profondie des m ecanismes de transport mis en jeu dans le dispositif est r ealis ee au moyen de mesures cryog eniques de conductance. Des simula- tions NEGF tridimensionnelles sont egalement utilis ees pour optimiser la conception du SET. De plus, la coint egration sur la m^eme puce de MOS- FET FDSOI et SET est r ealis ee. Des circuits hybrides SET-FET fonction- nant a temp erature ambiante et permettant l'ampli cation du courant SET jusque dans la gamme des milliamp eres (appel e \dispositif SETMOS" dans la litt erature) sont d emontr es de m^eme que de la r esistance di erentielle n egative (NDR) et de la logique a valeurs multiples. Parall element, sur la m^eme technologie, un transistor a atome unique fonc- tionnant a temp erature cryog enique est egalement d emontr e. Ceci est obtenu par la r eduction de la longueur de canal MOSFET a environ 10 nm, si bien qu'il ne comporte plus qu'un seul atome de dopant dans le canal (dif- fus ee a partir de la source ou de drain). A basse temp erature, le trans- port d' electrons a travers l' etat d' energie de ce dopant unique est etudi e. Ces dispositifs fonctionnent egalement comme MOSFET a temp erature am- biante. Par cons equent, une nouvelle m ethode d'analyse est d evelopp ee en corr elation avec des caract eristiques a 300K et des mesures cryog eniques pour comprendre l'impact du dopant unique sur les caracteristiques du MOSFET a temp erature ambiante.

Fabrication, characterisation and modelling of nanocrystalline silicon thin-film transistors obtained by hot-wire chemical vapour deposition.

Dosev, Dosi Konstantinov 31 March 2003 (has links)
Hot-wire chemical vapour deposition (HWCVD) is a promising technique that permits polycrystalline silicon films with grain size of nanometers to be obtained at high deposition rates and low substrate temperatures. This material is expected to have better electronic properties than the commonly used amorphous hydrogenated silicon (a-Si:H).In this work, thin-film transistors (TFTs) were fabricated using nanocrystalline hydrogenated silicon film (nc-Si:H), deposited by HWCVD over thermally oxidized silicon wafer. The employed substrate temperature during the deposition process permits inexpensive materials as glasses or plastics to be used for various applications in large-area electronics. The deposition rate was about one order of magnitude higher than in other conventionally employed techniques. The deposited nc-Si:H films show good uniformity and reproducibility. The films consist of vertically grown columnar grains surrounded by amorphous phase. The columnar grains are thinner at the bottom (near the oxide interface) and thicker at the top of the film. Chromium layer was evaporated over the nc-Si:H in order to form drain and source contacts. Using photolithography techniques, two types of samples were fabricated. The first type (simplified) was with the chromium contacts directly deposited over the intrinsic nc-Si:H layer. No dry etching was involved in the fabrication process of this sample. The transistors on the wafer were not electrically separated from each other. Doped n+ layer was incorporated at the drain and source contacts in the second type of samples (complete samples). Dry etching was employed to eliminate the nc-Si:H between the TFTs and to isolate them electrically from each other.The electrical characteristics of both types of nc-Si:H TFTs were similar to a-Si:H based TFTs. Nevertheless, some significant differences were observed in the characteristics of the two types of samples. The increasing of the off-current in the simplified structure was eliminated by the n+ layer in the second type of samples. This led to the improving of the on/off ratio. The n+ layer also eliminated current crowding of the output characteristics. On the other hand, the subthreshold slope, the threshold voltage and the density of states were slightly deteriorated in the samples with incorporated n+ layer. Surface states created by the dry etching could be a possible reason. Other cause could be a bad quality of the nc-Si:H/SiO2 interface. The TFTs with incorporated n+ contact layer and electrically separated on the wafer were used in the further studies of stability and device modelling.The nc-Si:H TFTs were submitted under prolonged positive and negative gate bias stress in order to study their stability. We studied the influence of the stressing time and voltage on the transfer characteristics, threshold voltage, activation energy and density of states. The threshold voltage increased under positive gate bias stress and decreased under negative gate bias stress. After both positive and negative stresses, the threshold voltage recovered its initial values without annealing. This behaviour indicated that temporary charge trapping in the channel/gate insulator interface is the responsible process for the device performance under stress. Measurements of space-charge limited current confirmed that bulk states were not affected by the positive nor by negative stress.Analysis of the activation energy and the density of states gave more detailed information about the physical processes taking place during the stress. Typical drawback of the nc-Si:H films grown by HWCVD with tungsten (W) filament is the bad quality of the bottom, initially grown, interfacial layer. It is normally amorphous and porous. We assume that this property of the nc-Si:H film is determining for charge trapping and the consecutive temporary changes of the TFT's characteristics. On the other hand, the absence of defect-state creation during the gate bias stress demonstrates that the nc-Si:H films did not suffer degradation under the applied stress conditions. The electrical characteristics and the operational regimes of the nc-Si:H TFTs were studied in details in order to obtain the best possible fit using the Spice models for a-Si:H and poly-Si TFTs existing until now. The analysis of the transconductance gm showed behaviour typical for a-Si:H TFTs at low gate voltages. In contrast, at high gate voltages unexpected increasing of gm was observed, as in poly-Si TFTs. Therefore, it was impossible to fit the transfer and output characteristics with the a-Si:H TFT model neither with poly-Si TFT model.We performed numerical simulations using the Silvaco's Atlas simulator of semiconductor devices in order to understand the physical parameters, responsible for the device behaviour. The simulations showed that the reason for this behaviour is the density of acceptor-like states, which situates the properties of nc-Si:H TFTs between the amorphous and the polycrystalline transistors. Taking into account this result, we performed analysis of the concentrations of the free and the trapped carriers in nc-Si:H layer. It was found that nc-Si:H operates in transitional regime between above-threshold and crystalline-like regimes. This transitional regime was predicted earlier, but not experimentally observed until now. Finally, we introduced new equations and three new parameters into the existing a-Si TFTs model in order to account for the transitional regime. The new proposed model permits the shapes of the transconductance, the transfer and the output characteristics to be modelled accurately.

Construction and realisation of measurement system in a radiation field of 10 standard suns.

Makineni, Anil Kumar January 2012 (has links)
A measurement system is to be presented, which is used to obtain the I-V characteristics of a solar cell and to track its temperature during irra-diation before mounting it into a complete array/module. This project presents both the design and implementation of an Electronic load for testing the solar cell under field conditions of 10000 W/m^2, which is able to provide current versus voltage and power versus voltage charac-teristics of a solar cell using a software based model developed in Lab-VIEW. An efficient water cooling method which includes a heat pipe array system is also suggested. This thesis presents the maximum power tracking of a solar cell and the corresponding voltage and current values. In addition, the design of the clamp system provides an easy means of replacing the solar cell during testing.Keywords: Solar cell, Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET), I-V characteristics, cooling system, solar cell clamp system, LabVIEW, Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Novel concepts for advanced CMOS : Materials, process and device architecture

Wu, Dongping January 2004 (has links)
<p>The continuous and aggressive dimensional miniaturization ofthe conventional complementary-metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS)architecture has been the main impetus for the vast growth ofIC industry over the past decades. As the CMOS downscalingapproaches the fundamental limits, unconventional materials andnovel device architectures are required in order to guaranteethe ultimate scaling in device dimensions and maintain theperformance gain expected from the scaling. This thesisinvestigates both unconventional materials for the gate stackand the channel and a novel notched-gate device architecture,with the emphasis on the challenging issues in processintegration.</p><p>High-κ gate dielectrics will become indispensable forCMOS technology beyond the 65-nm technology node in order toachieve a small equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) whilemaintaining a low gate leakage current. HfO<sub>2</sub>and Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>as well as their mixtures are investigated assubstitutes for the traditionally used SiO<sub>2</sub>in our MOS transistors. These high-κ filmsare deposited by means of atomic layer deposition (ALD) for anexcellent control of film composition, thickness, uniformityand conformality. Surface treatments prior to ALD are found tohave a crucial influence on the growth of the high-κdielectrics and the performance of the resultant transistors.Alternative gate materials such as TiN and poly-SiGe are alsostudied. The challenging issues encountered in processintegration of the TiN or poly-SiGe with the high-k are furtherelaborated. Transistors with TiN or poly-SiGe/high-k gate stackare successfully fabricated and characterized. Furthermore,proof-of-concept strained-SiGe surface-channel pMOSFETs withALD high-κ dielectrics are demonstrated. The pMOSFETs witha strained SiGe channel exhibit a higher hole mobility than theuniversal hole mobility in Si. A new procedure for extractionof carrier mobility in the presence of a high density ofinterface states found in MOSFETs with high-κ dielectricsis developed.</p><p>A notched-gate architecture aiming at reducing the parasiticcapacitance of a MOSFET is studied. The notched gate is usuallyreferred to as a local thickness increase of the gatedielectric at the feet of the gate above the source/drainextensions. Two-dimensional simulations are carried out toinvestigate the influence of the notched gate on the static anddynamic characteristics of MOSFETs. MOSFETs with optimizednotch profile exhibit a substantial enhancement in the dynamiccharacteristics with a negligible effect on the staticcharacteristics. Notched-gate MOSFETs are also experimentallyimplemented with the integration of a high-κ gatedielectric and a poly-SiGe/TiN bi-layer gate electrode.</p><p><b>Key words:</b>CMOS technology, MOSFET, high-κ, gatedielectric, ALD, surface pre-treatment, metal gate, poly-SiGe,strained SiGe, surface-channel, buried-channel, notchedgate.</p>

Contribution à l'intégration monolithique de protections contre les surtensions :<br />application aux convertisseurs de puissance haute tension

Alkayal, Fisal 27 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Un nouveau circuit de protection contre les surtensions a été développé. Dans ce circuit de protection, la partie<br />dissipative est monolithiquement intégrée dans la même puce du transistor à protéger avec aucune modification<br />technologique additionnelle. Cette intégration monolithique tire profit du système de refroidissement du<br />transistor à protéger pour le refroidissement de la partie intégrée. En même temps, elle réduit au minimum les<br />problèmes de connections entre le transistor à protéger et son système de protection. En plus, la conception de<br />ce circuit de protection permet d'ajuster le seuil de tension de protection. C'est utile pour la mise en série des<br />transistors pour des applications à haute tension. Un modèle du BJT comme transistor de protection est établi.<br />Ce modèle se distingue des modèles existants car il prend en compte que le BJT fonctionne en mode linéaire.<br />Un modèle thermique de l'ensemble des transistors intégrés évalue le comportement de ces transistors malgré la<br />différence entre leur mode de fonctionnement. Ce modèle donne une meilleure distribution des cellules du<br />transistor de protection dans la puce. Des résultats pratiques à partir des composants MOSFETs autoprotégés<br />que nous avons fabriqués valident la solution proposée. Un démonstrateur de hacheur série utilisant deux<br />MOSFETs autoprotégés en série montre l'efficacité de notre solution.

Etude de la fiabilité porteurs chauds et des<br />performances des technologies CMOS 0.13 μm - 2nm

Di Gilio, Thierry 20 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Ces travaux sont consacrés à l'étude de la dégradation des transistors MOSFETs de la génération 130nm-2nm, soumis aux injections de porteurs énergétiques générés par les champs électriques élevés. D'une manière générale, les conséquences de ces mécanismes de dégradation se retrouvent dans une dérive temporelle significative des paramètres électriques représentatifs des performances des transistors. Ces dérives sont liées au piégeage de charges dans l'oxyde et à la génération d'états électroniques à l'interface Oxyde-Silicium (SiO2-Si).<br />Cette étude présente dans un premier lieu le principe de fonctionnement de la structure MOS et l'influence de la présence d'états d'interface et de charges dans l'oxyde. Les effets dits parasites, liés à la miniaturisation des géométries, ainsi que les méthodes qui permettent de les caractériser sont présentées. Par la suite nous exposons les moyens expérimentaux qui permettent de mettre en évidence les dégradations et d'en distinguer la nature et la localisation. Ces techniques sont de type courant tension, ou par pompages de charges, et ont été adaptées et paramétrées pour répondre au spécificité de ces dispositifs à oxydes de Grille ultraminces. Ces dispositifs, ainsi que d'autres échantillons, représentatifs de technologies plus anciennes (500nm-12nm), ont été soumis à des stress statiques. Nous avons ainsi pu mettre en évidence l'évolution des pires cas de dégradation, mais également des mécanismes de dégradation et donc du type de défauts induits, à l'aide des techniques présentées. Enfin nous décrivons les méthodes d'extrapolation basée sur l'expression des courants de porteurs chauds dans la structure. Ces modèles ne tiennent pas compte des courants tunnels directs imposés par la finesse des oxydes (2nm), qui s'avèrent fortement dégradant dans le PMOS. Nous proposons un modèle simple qui permet de séparer les quantités de porteurs chauds d'une part, et de porteurs injectés en mode tunnel d'autre part.

Quantum Mechanical and Atomic Level ab initio Calculation of Electron Transport through Ultrathin Gate Dielectrics of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors

Nadimi, Ebrahim 30 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The low dimensions of the state-of-the-art nanoscale transistors exhibit increasing quantum mechanical effects, which are no longer negligible. Gate tunneling current is one of such effects, that is responsible for high power consumption and high working temperature in microprocessors. This in turn put limits on further down scaling of devices. Therefore modeling and calculation of tunneling current is of a great interest. This work provides a review of existing models for the calculation of the gate tunneling current in MOSFETs. The quantum mechanical effects are studied with a model, based on a self-consistent solution of the Schrödinger and Poisson equations within the effective mass approximation. The calculation of the tunneling current is focused on models based on the calculation of carrier’s lifetime on quasi-bound states (QBSs). A new method for the determination of carrier’s lifetime is suggested and then the tunneling current is calculated for different samples and compared to measurements. The model is also applied to the extraction of the “tunneling effective mass” of electrons in ultrathin oxynitride gate dielectrics. Ultrathin gate dielectrics (tox<2 nm) consist of only few atomic layers. Therefore, atomic scale deformations at interfaces and within the dielectric could have great influences on the performance of the dielectric layer and consequently on the tunneling current. On the other hand the specific material parameters would be changed due to atomic level deformations at interfaces. A combination of DFT and NEGF formalisms has been applied to the tunneling problem in the second part of this work. Such atomic level ab initio models take atomic level distortions automatically into account. An atomic scale model interface for the Si/SiO2 interface has been constructed and the tunneling currents through Si/SiO2/Si stack structures are calculated. The influence of single and double oxygen vacancies on the tunneling current is investigated. Atomic level distortions caused by a tensile or compression strains on SiO2 layer as well as their influence on the tunneling current are also investigated. / Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Berechnung von Tunnelströmen in MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors). Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein quantenmechanisches Modell, das auf der selbstkonsistenten Lösung der Schrödinger- und Poisson-Gleichungen basiert, entwickelt. Die Gleichungen sind im Rahmen der EMA gelöst worden. Die Lösung der Schrödinger-Gleichung unter offenen Randbedingungen führt zur Berechnung von Ladungsverteilung und Lebensdauer der Ladungsträger in den QBSs. Der Tunnelstrom wurde dann aus diesen Informationen ermittelt. Der Tunnelstrom wurde in verschiedenen Proben mit unterschiedlichen Oxynitrid Gatedielektrika berechnet und mit gemessenen Daten verglichen. Der Vergleich zeigte, dass die effektive Masse sich sowohl mit der Schichtdicke als auch mit dem Stickstoffgehalt ändert. Im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein atomistisches Modell zur Berechnung des Tunnelstroms verwendet, welche auf der DFT und NEGF basiert. Zuerst wurde ein atomistisches Modell für ein Si/SiO2-Schichtsystem konstruiert. Dann wurde der Tunnelstrom für verschiedene Si/SiO2/Si-Schichtsysteme berechnet. Das Modell ermöglicht die Untersuchung atom-skaliger Verzerrungen und ihren Einfluss auf den Tunnelstrom. Außerdem wurde der Einfluss einer einzelnen und zwei unterschiedlich positionierter neutraler Sauerstoffleerstellen auf den Tunnelstrom berechnet. Zug- und Druckspannungen auf SiO2 führen zur Deformationen in den chemischen Bindungen und ändern den Tunnelstrom. Auch solche Einflüsse sind anhand des atomistischen Modells berechnet worden.

Optimisation d'une technologie 3D pour la réalisation de circuits intégrés millimétriques sur substrat de silicium

Six, Gonzague Happy, Henri. January 2007 (has links)
Reproduction de : Thèse de doctorat : Microondes et microtechnologies : Lille 1 : 2004. / N° d'ordre (Lille 1) : 3491. Résumé en français et en anglais. Titre provenant de la page de titre du document numérisé. Bibliogr. à la suite de chaque chapitre.

Dispositifs innovants à pente sous le seuil abrupte : du TEFT au Z²-FET

Wan, Jing 23 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Tunnel à effet de champ (TFET) et un nouveau composant MOS à rétroaction que nous avons nommé le Z2-FET.Le Z2-FET est envisagé pour la logique faible consommation et pour les applications mémoire compatibles avecles technologies CMOS avancées. Nous avons étudié de manière systématique des TFETs avec différents oxydesde grille, matériaux et structures de canal, fabriqués sur silicium sur isolant totalement déserté (FDSOI). Lesmesures de bruit à basse fréquence (LFN) sur TFETs montrent la prédominance d'un signal aléatoiretélégraphique (RTS), qui révèle sans ambiguïté le mécanisme d'effet tunnel. Un modèle analytique combinantl'effet tunnel et le transport dans le canal a été développé, montrant un bon accord entre les résultatsexpérimentaux et les simulations.Nous avons conçu et démontré un nouveau dispositif (Z2-FET, pour pente sous le seuil verticale et zéroionisation par impact), qui présente une commutation extrêmement abrupte (moins de 1 mV par décade decourant), avec un rapport ION / IOFF >109, un large effet de hystérésis et un potentiel de miniaturisation jusqu'à 20nm. La simulation TCAD a été utilisée pour confirmer que la commutation électrique du Z2-FET fonctionne parl'intermédiaire de rétroaction entre les flux des électrons et trous et leurs barrières d'injection respectives. LeZ2-FET est idéalement adapté pour des applications mémoire à un transistor. La mémoire DRAM basée sur leZ2-FET montre des performances très bonnes, avec des tensions d'alimentation jusqu'à 1,1 V, des temps derétention jusqu'à 5,5 s et des vitesses d'accès atteignant 1 ns. Une mémoire SRAM utilisant un seul Z²-FET estégalement démontrée sans nécessité de rafraichissement de l'information stockée.Notre travail sur le courant GIDL intervenant dans les MOSFETs de type FDSOI a été combiné avec leTFET afin de proposer une nouvelle structure de TFETs optimisés, basée sur l'amplification bipolaire du couranttunnel. Les simulations de nouveau dispostif à injection tunnel amélioré par effet bipolaire (BET-FET) montrentdes résultats prometteurs, avec des ION supérierus à 4mA/��m et des pentes sous le seuil SS inférieures à 60mV/dec sur plus de sept décades de courant, surpassant tous les TFETs silicium rapportés à ce jour.La thèse se conclut par les directions de recherche futures dans le domaine des dispositifs à pente sous leseuil abrupte.

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