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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Calligraphy As A Developmental Tool For Chinese Painting

Shu, Jo Lan 09 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This report discusses the design, development, and evaluation of a Chinese painting instructional project. The project discussed in this report introduces the novel idea of developing specific calligraphy skills in order to improve Chinese painting skills within a restricted time period (1-3 hours). The results show differences that are statistically significant between the pre and post test paintings created by 23 subjects from both the high school and the university level. The results of the evaluations can be found in the results section of this report. This report consists of a literature review, a project description, a description of the methodology used in the design project, evaluation results, and the full Chinese bamboo painting instructional material named Founding Chinese Bamboo Painting in Calligraphy: The Fourfold Approach (provided in Appendix A).


陳水逢, Chen, Shui-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究的動機與目的 自古以來,東西文化各成系統,其中中國文化一直是東方文明的主流,中國文化的素質,自秦漢統一以來,至唐代始凝造成偉大而勻稱的文化體系,不但啟開了宋元明清四個朝代文化的大機運,影響所及遍於亞洲各國,如彼日本、安南、朝鮮、高昌、于闐、契丹等無一不受大唐文化之涵煦者。 中日兩國的關係具有兩千餘年的歷史,其在日本本國未有正式歷史記載的幾世紀以前,即通中國。古代日本文化之形成、典章制度之樹立,撥厥本源,完全受惠於中國、印度、朝鮮的物質文明與精神文明皂洗禮,其中尤以中國的道德文化,對日本開化的功用,貢獻最大。這一種事實,為治日本史者所不敢否認。 二、隋唐政教的概況 三、日本古代文化的形成及隋唐政教影響於日本的概況 四、研究的範圍及參考資料的來源

Direct and Indirect Effects of Parenting Style with Child Temperament, Parent-Child Relationship, and Family Functioning on Child Social Competence in the Chinese Culture: Testing the Latent Models

Xu, Changkuan 05 1900 (has links)
Interactional and contextual models have been conceptually proposed in understanding parental influences on children. Yet, empirical model testing has been limited. The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate the direct and indirect effects of parenting style on child social competence using structural equation modeling in a sample of 544 Chinese families with 6-9 years old children, mainly singleton, residing in Nanjing, China. Five latent models were tested: (a) the direct model between parenting style and child social competence, (b) child temperament as a moderator, (c) parent-child relationship as a mediator, (d) the interaction model between parenting style and family functioning, and (e) bidirectional models of parenting style concurrently with parent-child relationship, and family functioning predicting child social competence. Findings showed: (a) The direct relationship between parenting style and child social competence was significant in both parents with authoritative parenting style on the positive direction, whereas authoritarian and permissive parenting styles on the negative direction; (b) child temperament did not moderate parenting style on child social competence; (c) father-child relationship mediated paternal parenting style on child social competence, whereas maternal parenting style did not; (d) family functioning neither moderated nor mediated the relationship between parenting style and child social competence for both parents; and (e) The four-factor prediction models on child social competence turned out to be unidirectional. For the mothers, the best model was from family functioning to mother-child relationship, to maternal parenting style, and finally to child social competence. Maternal parenting style was the significant proximal factor. For the fathers, it was from family functioning to paternal parenting style, to father-child relationship, and then to child social competence. Father-child relationship had the direct impact, whereas the influence of paternal parenting style was distal through father-child relationship. Findings from this study suggest that the Chinese parents should use more authoritative and less authoritarian and permissive parenting, and develop good parent-child relationships in the daily interactions with their children. Future studies need to use larger and better data to validate these models, or to extend the findings with other important child variables to explore the child's active agency.


林果顯, Lin, Guo-Shian Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的目的,在於透過五○、六○年代臺灣的內外情勢,以及文復會工作的分析,解釋文復運動出現的原因,以及該會所扮演的角色。文復運動之所以展開,是中華民國政府在反攻戰事日益拖延的情勢下,為了解決動員戡亂與民主憲政的扞挌衝突,所必須塑造的一套正當性基礎。文復會的角色,則從原先主動塑造政府正當性的地位,在經歷七○年代的國際變局後,轉變為被動配合政府追求現代化的輔助機構。 自1950年以來,中華民國政府即面臨必須號召反攻,卻又不能反攻的情勢。隨著時間的流逝,反攻無望等疑問逐漸上升,以及動員戡亂長久維持所產生的弊病,皆嚴重威脅中華民國政府正當性的基礎。在此情況下,藉由中共文化大革命的發生,遂以文化復興運動塑造政府正當性。其方式是建構臺灣為中華文化唯一寶庫,為保衛傳統文化而需繼續與中共奮鬥,並以蔣中正作為道統傳人,將全民團結於領袖之下,換言之,「道統-國父-蔣公」、「三民主義=文化復興=反攻大陸」成為文復運動的主要內涵。總統兼文復會會長,意味著國家最高的領袖同時肩負文化復興的重責大任,對蔣中正而言,這種身份是繼承國父與道統而來,別人所無法取代。能領導文復會的,是道統傳人,是總統,是蔣中正,而這三者在當時構成了領袖一辭的實質內涵。該運動的工作不一定全是創新,但其鞏固中華民國政府統治正當性的作用,具有領導性與積極性。 文復運動繼承五○年代以來國民黨推動文化運動的手法,黨政機關隱藏在後,動員各式團體響應,使運動蔚為風潮,並宣稱此運動為民間自發的運動。由此,當回頭思考文化霸權的理論時,便發現葛蘭西的分析並不適用於文復運動。葛蘭西強調的是一個自主的市民社會,統治階級必須在此爭取認同,說服市民社會承認其在哲學、道德與知識上的領導權。然而,從背景的回顧來看,臺灣當時根本缺乏所謂自主性的市民社會,反對中華民國政府、需要被說服的勢力早已被剷除,這一點也是先行研究者所共同承認的。用文化霸權解釋文復運動,等於假定了一個不存在的市民社會。而所謂民間團體的積極響應,一種看似社會被統治者說服的景象,實際上也是黨政機構運作下的結果。因此,以文化霸權的概念分析,容易造成理論與事實的誤差。在這個運動中,我們必須注意領袖擁有崇高地位的這項特性,這將在文復會的實際工作中展露無遺。 在實際工作中可以發現,文復會所復興的「中華文化」,是經過篩選,而且利於中華民國政府統治。透過加強民族精神教育,傳達三民主義、愛國意識與擁戴領袖的信念;以推行國語運動等方式,壓抑地方文化,塑造官方同意的國有標準文化;從儒家經典的率先註譯中,又可了解道統學說才是文復會的重心所在。換言之,該運動所復興的「中華文化」,不僅強化三民主義與道統的重要性與普及性,同時亦意欲成為全中國均應學習與維護的唯一文化,成為判別正統中國與「偽政權」的標準文化。 另一方面,文復會制訂「國民生活須知」與「國民禮儀範例」,期望從日常生活當中體現文化復興的精神。貫穿須知與範例的最重要精神,在於嚴格克己與長幼尊卑的要求,將生活上的具體情境化為一條條的行為準則,建立起社會的秩序氣息。文復會採取由上而下的推行方式,期望黨政軍各級首長以身作則,達成上行下效的效果。這種依恃道德表率的思考,以人而言就是向尊長學習,以物而言就是向標語學習,以全國而言就是向政府學習,以運動整體而言就是向領袖學習。而在海外方面,運動的推行對象以華僑為主,這意味著文復會希望全球華人皆能體認正確的「中華文化」,藉由宣傳保衛民族遺產而支持中華民國政府,目的在彰顯世界華人對蔣總統復興文化的全力支持。從文復會海內外的工作來看,文復運動的重心,最終在於促進人民對領袖的擁戴。 然而,到了一九七○年代,外交上的挫折對中華民國政府的正當性基礎產生實質傷害,在穩定政權為首要考量下,蔣中正於1972年繼續連任總統,並提名其子蔣經國任行政院長。蔣經國透過多項社會與政治風氣的改革措施,宣示政府革新的企圖與決心,並以建立現代化國家為號召,推動九項建設等重要基礎工程。文復會在變局下,工作內容亦轉而強調現代化的面向,「國民生活須知」的實踐,出現大量維護清潔衛生與交通秩序的工作,透過政府機關的配合,修改法令加強取締髒亂與交通違規的情事。更具象徵意義的是,文復會的工作報告中,出現大量與蔣(經國)院長相關的活動,這對只配合蔣中正言論和政策的文復會而言,顯示在工作上已將蔣經國納入擁戴領袖的對象。整體而言,文復運動從原本具有領導性質的精神動員,在變局之後轉為依附政府對現代化的追求。 文復運動原是為了在不改變既有秩序的情況下,解決民主憲政與動員戡亂的衝突難題,然而變局後中華民國政府的諸多改變,則使文復會的重要性降低。第一任會長去逝之日,正式代表一個以文化命脈與領袖功業相結合時代的過去。文復會見證了此項轉變,但不變的是對領袖與中華民國政府的忠誠擁戴。

Aging in China and its impact on vehicle design

Zhao, Chao January 2008 (has links)
This study contributes to the growth of design knowledge in China, where vehicle design for the local, older user is in its initial developmental stages. Therefore, this research has explored the travel needs of older Chinese vehicle users in order to assist designers to better understand users’ current and future needs. A triangulation method consisting of interviews, logbook and co-discovery was used to collect multiple forms of data and so explore the research question. Grounded theory has been employed to analyze the research data. This study found that users’ needs are reflected through various ‘meanings’ that they attach to vehicles – meanings that give a tangible expression to their experiences. This study identified six older-user need categories: (i) safety, (ii) utility, (iii) comfort, (iv) identity, (v) emotion and (vi) spirituality. The interrelationships among these six categories are seen as an interactive structure, rather than as a linear or hierarchical arrangement. Chinese cultural values, which are generated from particular local context and users’ social practice, will play a dynamic role in linking and shaping the travel needs of older vehicle users in the future. Moreover, this study structures the older-user needs model into three levels of meaning, to give guidance to vehicle design direction: (i) the practical meaning level, (ii) the social meaning level and (ii) the cultural meaning level. This study suggests that a more comprehensive explanation exists if designers can identify the vehicle’s meaning and property associated with the fulfilled older users’ needs. However, these needs will vary, and must be related to particular technological, social, and cultural contexts. The significance of this study lies in its contributions to the body of knowledge in three areas: research methodology, theory and design. These theoretical contributions provide a series of methodological tools, models and approaches from a vehicle design perspective. These include a conditional/consequential matrix, a travel needs identification model, an older users’ travel-related needs framework, a user information structure model, and an Older-User-Need-Based vehicle design approach. These models suggest a basic framework for the new design process which might assist in the design of new vehicles to fulfil the needs of future, aging Chinese generations. The models have the potential to be transferred to other design domains and different cultural contexts.

Типологические особенности деловой профессиональной коммуникации России и Китая (на примере деловой корреспонденции) : магистерская диссертация / Typological features of professional business communication of Russia and China (through the business correspondence)

Белых, А. А., Belykh, A. A. January 2019 (has links)
В магистерской диссертации реализуется комплексный подход к анализу деловой корреспонденции восточной (китайской) и славянской (русской) лингвокультур с выделением наиболее значимых компонентов и типологических особенностей. Актуальность темы определяется необходимостью учета культурологических факторов при осуществлении профессиональной коммуникации представителями разных лингвокультурных сообществ, в частности, России и Китая, с целью повышения продуктивности деловых отношений. Объектом исследования является деловая корреспонденция русской и китайской лингвокультур. В ходе работы над исследованием применяется описательный метод, включающий обобщение и систематизацию полученной информации; сопоставительный метод, метод контекстуального анализа. Теоретическая значимость работы состоит в анализе китайских и русских деловых писем, определении их особенностей и связи с культурой. Практическая ценность исследования определяется возможностью использования его результатов в разработке курсов «Деловой русский и китайский», в курсах по сравнительной типологии русского и китайского языков, в специальных курсах по «Социолингвистике». В теоретической главе магистерской диссертации рассматриваются понятия деловой коммуникации и деловой корреспонденции, выявляются основные черты и особенности стиля делового общения (в том числе ведения корреспонденции) в русской и китайской культурах, приводится классификация деловой корреспонденции, задается алгоритм собственного исследования. В практической главе производится сопоставительный анализ деловых писем на русском и китайском языках, направленный на выявление и описание концептуально схожих черт, а также особенностей делового письма России и Китая на структурно-стилистическом и лингвистическом уровнях. Каждому письму на русском языке соответствует аналогичное по жанру письмо на китайском языке. Общее количество писем – 40. / The master's thesis implements an integrated approach to the analysis of business correspondence of Eastern (Chinese) and Slavic (Russian) linguistic cultures with the allocation of the most important components and typological features. The relevance of the topic is determined by the need to take into account cultural factors in the implementation of professional communication by representatives of different linguocultural communities, in particular, Russia and China, in order to increase the productivity of business relations. The object of the study is the business correspondence of Russian and Chinese linguocultures. In the course of work on the study, a descriptive method is used, including the generalization and systematization of the received information; a comparative method, a method of contextual analysis. The theoretical significance of the work consists in the analysis of Chinese and Russian business letters, determination of their features and connection with culture. The practical value of the study is determined by the possibility of using its results in the development of courses "Business Russian and Chinese", in courses on comparative typology of Russian and Chinese languages, in special courses on "Sociolinguistics". The theoretical Chapter of the master's thesis deals with the concepts of business communication and business correspondence, identifies the main features and features of the style of business communication (including correspondence) in Russian and Chinese cultures, provides a classification of business correspondence, sets the algorithm of their own research. The practical Chapter provides a comparative analysis of business letters in Russian and Chinese, aimed at identifying and describing conceptually similar features, as well as features of business writing in Russia and China at the structural, stylistic and linguistic levels. Each letter in the Russian language corresponds to a similar genre of the letter in the Chinese language. Thetotalnumberofletters – 40.

China's Soft Power Aims in South Asia: Experiences of Nepalese Students in China's Internationalization of Higher Education

Jain, Romi 10 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

A pedagogy of storytelling based on Chinese storytelling traditions

Shepherd, Eric Todd 26 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Representations of Chinese Culture and History in Picture Books of the Westerville Public Library: Educational Quality And Accuracy Of Children Literature About China And Chinese Culture

Zhang, Han January 2011 (has links)
No description available.


歐陽富 Unknown Date (has links)
海外華人人口,截至2004年底止,約為3,808萬人(不含香港、澳門),政府為照顧為眾多之海外僑胞,先於1926年於國民政府下設僑務委員會以推進僑務,復為擴大服務僑社並增進僑民福址,於1985年針對海外僑社需求,選擇華僑眾多之地區,設置華僑文教服務中心,自1985年起迄2004年底止,僑委會在海外各地前後共設置了十七個文教服務中心。為維持該等中心之運作,政府每年均編有巨額預算挹注,為瞭解相對於投入之資源,中心之產出是否符合經濟學上『投入』與『產出』之生產效率概念,本文之研究爰以產出導向之資料包絡分析法建立實證模型進行探討,同時以各文教服務中心為一決策單位,將2001年至2004年間各文教中心之投入及產出項目投入實證模型中,以計算各文教中心的經營績效。 實證結果顯示,海外文教中心整體的技術效率平均值介於2.4662與3.1605之間,同時規模效率平均值大於1,顯示造成各文教中心技術無效率的來源,大部份來自於純技術效率,另一部分則來自於規模無效率。 同時依實證結果資料可以發現,(一)僑委會截至2004年止之十七個文教中心,在各種不同的組合下,僅有4至9個中心之效率值為1,占全部文教中心的二成至五成,顯示整體經營績效有待加強與提升;(二)以僑委會關閉倫敦及墨爾本文教中心雖與實證分析結果相符,然績效較墨爾本中心為低之雪黎文教中心卻未關閉之情況而言,益顯數據性資料於決策過程中之重要性;(三)以全球華人人口分配來看,北美洲地區文教中心之技術效率值,無論在固定或變動規模下,就各種組合而言,均較其他地區文教中心之效率值為佳,顯示除應提高北美地區以外中心之效率外,似乎也反映了服務海外僑胞之資源分配是否過度集中,及與僑胞互動應予加強之問題。 最後,由於本研究係首次將DEA運用於駐外機構經營效率之評估,因此本文之相關實證模型將可作為評估我國其他部會所屬駐外機構效率衡量之基礎及參考。 / The overseas Chinese population, up till 2004, approximates 3.8 millions (not counting Hong Kong, Macao). To attend to their needs, the government has first established the Commission of Overseas Chinese Affairs under the Nationalist Government in 1926. To better and further serve this overseas Chinese community, the government has chosen among several populous areas to set up Chinese Culture and education service center later in 1985. Between 1985 and the end of 2004, 17 service centers have been set up. To keep these centers running requires a big budget support from the government each year. To examine if these centers provide values that conform to the economic concept of "the input" and "the output" production efficiency, this article has used the data envelopment analysis method to establish the real diagnosis model. This model has used various culture and education service centers as policy-making units from 2001 to 2004 to evaluate the efficacy of these service centers. Test results have shown that the mean value of central whole technical efficiency is between 2.4662 and 3.1605. Also, the mean value of scale efficiency is bigger than 1. This demonstrates the inefficient central technology rate of the service centers results mainly from pure technical inefficiency, and partly from diseconomy of scale. On the other hand, test results also show that, (1) up till 2004, among 17 culture and education centers, just only remain 4 to 9 with central efficiency value of 1 under different kinds of combinations. The fact that they account for two tenths to five tenths of the total number of service centers demonstrates the need for improvement in their operating performance (2) the closing of both London and Melbourne culture and education centers does not conform to the findings of the real diagnosis analysis, but Sydney center is not closed, which reveals the importance of data material in the decision-making process; (3) looking at the distribution of global overseas Chinese population, the technology efficiency values for culture and education centers in North America area are far higher than other areas, measured by all sorts of combinations regardless of fixed or variable scale. This has revealed issues of not only efficiency enhancements for local centers excepting this area, but also excessive concentration of service resources allocated within the region and augment the co-activity with compatriots. Finally, since this is the first time DEA has been utilized in a research to evaluate the management efficiencies for government agencies abroad, the real diagnosis model presented in this article might be used as a reference for similar studies in the future.

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