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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating two cross-platform frameworks using Cognitive Dimensions / En utvärdering av två “cross-platform”-ramverk genom “Cognitive Dimensions”

Leandersson, Carl January 2022 (has links)
Cross-platform frameworks enable development for multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android, using the same codebase. Evaluation of cross-platform frameworks has traditionally been geared towards technical assessments and, more seldom, targeted usability, leaving a gap to be explored. This paper presents a usability analysis of Flutter and React Native, supported by a user study using the Cognitive Dimensions of Notations framework (CDN framework). Six developers were recruited and interviewed with the CDN framework questionnaire and a thematic analysis was performed where several usability issues, benefits and design trade-offs were identified. A recurring topic amongst the React Native developers was issues regarding hooks, while the Flutter developers unanimously identified problems relating to layout design. React Native was highlighted for its abstraction and progressive evaluation capabilities, indicating an edge toward Flutter. In contrast, comments regarding Flutters tooling capabilities and UI libraries showed an edge towards React Native. The identified usability benefits and trade-off characteristics give insight into each framework’s strengths and weaknesses. / “Cross-platform”-ramverk möjliggör applikationsutveckling till ett flertal plattformar såsom iOS och Android genom användning av samma kodbas. Flutter och React Native är i dagsläget två av de mest eftersökta “cross-platform”-ramverken. Utvärdering av dessa ramverk har vanligtvis utvärderat den tekniska aspekten, och mer sällan fokuserat på användbarhet. Denna masteruppsats presenterar en användbarhetsanalys av Flutter och React Native genom en användarstudie med utgångpunkt i ramverket “Cognitive Dimensions of Notations” (CDN-ramverket). Sex utvecklare rekryterades och intervjuades genom ett formulär tillhörande CDN-ramverket. En tematisk analys genomfördes på den insamlade datan och identifierade ett flertal problem och överväganden gällande design. Ett återkommande tema bland React Native-utvecklarna var problem relaterat till “hooks” medan Flutter-utvecklarna beskrev problem avseende layout-design. React Native mottog positiva kommentarer relaterat till abstraktionkapacitet och progressiv utvärdering jämfört med Flutter. Flutter mottog positiv kritik angående verktyg samt tillhörande UI-bibliotek jämfört med React Native. Utvärderingen av Flutter och React Native ger insyn i respektive ramverks styrkor och svagheter.


Alnaeli, Saleh M. 20 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.


BRUNO CHAME RODRIGUES LINS 04 February 2021 (has links)
[pt] Sales and Operations Planning (SeOP), também chamado de Integrated Business Planning (IBP), é um processo de negócios que integra os planejamentos dos setores de uma empresa de forma a balancear a oferta e a demanda por produtos em um horizonte de planejamento de médio prazo, apoiando assim a integração horizontal da empresa. O S(e)OP/IBP serve também de ponte entre os planejamentos estratégico e operacional, apoiando assim a integração vertical da empresa. Apesar de esse processo ter adquirido um papel de destaque na área de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos, os benefícios esperados ainda não foram totalmente obtidos, na prática, pela indústria. Além disso, a literatura indica a necessidade de uma caracterização completa do processo e que um modelo de referência beneficiaria os usuários do processo. Visando endereçar tais carências, esta dissertação elabora uma estrutura de modelo de referência preliminar para o processo de S(e)OP/IBP, com base em trabalhos acadêmicos, white papers escritos por praticantes, um estudo de caso em uma indústria química do Brasil e a aplicação de grupos focais e painel de especialistas em S(e)OP/IBP. Este trabalho contribui com um estudo empírico no tema, além de oferecer uma estrutura de modelo de referência preliminar, avaliada por praticantes de S(e)OP/IBP, que pode ser usada como inspiração para empresas que desejam desenhar ou melhorar seu processo e por acadêmicos em pesquisas futuras com o intuito de aprimorá-lo. Ademais, são apresentados 13 pontos de atenção a serem avaliados pelos praticantes, a fim de amenizar os impactos das diferenças entre contextos. / [en] Sales and Operations Planning (SandOP), also called Integrated Business Planning (IBP), is a business process that integrates business plans from different functional areas of a firm to balance supply and demand of products in a mid-term planning horizon, thus supporting the horizontal integration of the firm. S(and)OP/IBP also serves as a bridge between strategic and operational plans, thus supporting the vertical integration of the firm. Although this process has gained prominence in the area of supply chain management, the expected benefits at the time of implementation have not yet been fully realized in practice by the industry. Moreover, the literature indicates the need for a complete characterization of the process and that a reference model would benefit process users. To address these research-practice gaps, this dissertation elaborates a preliminary reference model structure for the S(and)OP/IBP process, based on academic papers, white papers written by practitioners, a case study in a Brazilian chemical industry and the application of focus group with S(and)OP/IBP experts. This work contributes with an empirical study on the theme, as well as it offers a preliminary reference model structure, evaluated by practitioners of S(and)OP/IBP, which can be used as a guidance for firms willing to design or improve their own process and for academics in future researches with the aim of refining it. In addition, 13 points of attention to be assessed by practitioners are presented in order to mitigate the impacts of differences between contexts.

AGORAS: Augmented Generation of Reactive Ambients on Surfaces. Towards educational places for action, discussion and reflection to support creative learning on interactive surfaces

Catalá Bolós, Alejandro 19 July 2012 (has links)
La creatividad es una habilidad de especial interés para el desarrollo humano dado que es una de las dimensiones que permite al individuo y en última instancia a la sociedad enfrentarse a nuevos problemas y retos de forma satisfactoria. Además de entender la creatividad como una serie de factores relativos al individuo creativo, debe tenerse en cuenta que el grado de motivación intrínseca, el entorno y otros factores sociales pueden tener un efecto relevante sobre el desarrollo de esta importante habilidad, por lo que resulta de interés explorarla en el contexto de utilización de tecnologías de la información. En particular, dado que los procesos comunicativos, el intercambio de ideas y la interacción colaborativa entre individuos son un pilar fundamental en los procesos creativos, y también que en gran medida todas ellas son características mayormente facilitadas por las mesas interactivas, una de las principales contribuciones de esta tesis consiste precisamente en la exploración de la idoneidad de las superficies interactivas en tareas creativas colaborativas de construcción en estudiantes adolescentes. Partiendo del estudio realizado, que aporta evidencia empírica acerca de la adecuación de las superficies interactivas como tecnología de potencial para el fomento de la creatividad, esta tesis presenta AGORAS: un middleware para la construcción de ecosistemas de juegos 2D para mesas interactivas, y cuya idea final es entender actividades de aprendizaje más enriquecedoras como aquellas que permiten la propia creación de juegos y su posterior consumo. En el contexto de esta tesis también se ha desarrollado un toolkit básico para construcción de interfaces de usuario para superficies interactivas, se ha desarrollado un modelo de ecosistema basado en entidades que son simulables de acuerdo a leyes físicas; y se ha dotado al modelo de aproximación basada en reglas de comportamiento enriquecidas con expresiones dataflows y de su correspondiente editor para superficies. / Catalá Bolós, A. (2012). AGORAS: Augmented Generation of Reactive Ambients on Surfaces. Towards educational places for action, discussion and reflection to support creative learning on interactive surfaces [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16695

Subjektellipsen in Koordinationsstrukturen. Theoretische Fundierung und empirische Erkenntnisse / Subjektlücken in Koordinationsstrukturen. Theoretische und empirische Untersuchungen der SLF-Koordination / Subject Ellipsis in Coordinative Structures. Theoretical foundation and empirical evidence / Subject Gaps in Coordinative Structures. An theoretical an empirical study of the SGF-coordination

Bonitz, Petra-Kristin 12 May 2014 (has links)
Subjektlücken in Koordinationsstrukturen sind nicht leicht zu analysieren, insbesondere Subjektlücken in Asymmetrischen Koordinationen wie die SLF-Koordination (Subjektlücken in finit-frontalen Strukturen). Die Dissertation gibt eine umfassende Übersicht über verschiedene linguistische Analysen solcher Strukturen. Desweiteren präsentiert die Arbeit empirische Daten zur SLF-Koordination, zur Asymmetrischen sowie auch zur Symmetrischen Koordination. Es konnte eine breite empirische Datengrundlage geschaffen werden, indem Akzeptabilitätsurteile über Online-Fragebogen gesammelt wurden, wobei die psycholinguistische Methode Magnitude Estimation Anwendung fand. Die Dissertation ist relevant für die deskriptive Grammatik, für psycholinguistische Fragestellungen und linguistische Analysen zu Subjektlücken in Koordinationsstrukturen.

Investigating the Impact of Personal, Temporal and Participation Factors on Code Review Quality

Cao, Yaxin 07 1900 (has links)
La révision du code est un procédé essentiel quelque soit la maturité d'un projet; elle cherche à évaluer la contribution apportée par le code soumis par les développeurs. En principe, la révision du code améliore la qualité des changements de code (patches) avant qu'ils ne soient validés dans le repertoire maître du projet. En pratique, l'exécution de ce procédé n'exclu pas la possibilité que certains bugs passent inaperçus. Dans ce document, nous présentons une étude empirique enquétant la révision du code d'un grand projet open source. Nous investissons les relations entre les inspections des reviewers et les facteurs, sur les plans personnel et temporel, qui pourraient affecter la qualité de telles inspections.Premiérement, nous relatons une étude quantitative dans laquelle nous utilisons l'algorithme SSZ pour détecter les modifications et les changements de code favorisant la création de bogues (bug-inducing changes) que nous avons lié avec l'information contenue dans les révisions de code (code review information) extraites du systéme de traçage des erreurs (issue tracking system). Nous avons découvert que les raisons pour lesquelles les réviseurs manquent certains bogues était corrélées autant à leurs caractéristiques personnelles qu'aux propriétés techniques des corrections en cours de revue. Ensuite, nous relatons une étude qualitative invitant les développeurs de chez Mozilla à nous donner leur opinion concernant les attributs favorables à la bonne formulation d'une révision de code. Les résultats de notre sondage suggèrent que les développeurs considèrent les aspects techniques (taille de la correction, nombre de chunks et de modules) autant que les caractéristiques personnelles (l'expérience et review queue) comme des facteurs influant fortement la qualité des revues de code. / Code review is an essential element of any mature software development project; it aims at evaluating code contributions submitted by developers. In principle, code review should improve the quality of code changes (patches) before they are committed to the project's master repository. In practice, the execution of this process can allow bugs to get in unnoticed. In this thesis, we present an empirical study investigating code review of a large open source project. We explore the relationship between reviewers'code inspections and personal, temporal and participation factors that might affect the quality of such inspections. We first report a quantitative study in which we applied the SZZ algorithm to detect bug-inducing changes that were then linked to the code review information extracted from the issue tracking system. We found that the reasons why reviewers miss bugs are related to both their personal characteristics, as well as the technical properties of the patches under review. We then report a qualitative study that aims at soliciting opinions from Mozilla developers on their perception of the attributes associated with a well-done code review. The results of our survey suggest that developers find both technical (patch size, number of chunks, and module) and personal factors (reviewer's experience and review queue) to be strong contributors to the review quality.

Les styles de représentation, leurs déterminants et effets comportemenaux : étude empirique des sénateurs français / Representational styles, their determinants and behavioral effect, an empirical study

Schnatterer, Tinette 14 November 2014 (has links)
Les typologies de parlementaires occupent une place centrale dans les études parlementaires.Nous proposons une définition du concept de «style de représentation», centrée sur lescaractéristiques déclarées des parlementaires - permettant de traiter les caractéristiques des élusdans leur diversité en examinant le spectre le plus large possible d’activités représentatives - et desaisir la manière dont ces activités s’articulent entre le niveau local et le niveau national. Ceconcept nous permettra d’étudier empiriquement les liens entre les styles de représentation -dansnotre cas des sénateurs français-, leurs déterminants et leurs effets comportementaux et desurmonter ainsi le descriptivisme propre à beaucoup d'études mobilisant des types parlementaires.L'analyse de cinq styles de représentation des sénateurs français met en évidence que les stylesde représentation sont des réponses aux contraintes et ressources des parlementaires et qu’ilsaffectent de manière systématique le comportement des sénateurs. / Typologies of parliamentarians play a central role in the study of legislators and their behavior. Wepropose a narrow concept of styles of representation, focused on the expressed characteristics ofparliamentarians and taking into account the largest possible spectrum of representational activitiesincluding the local and the national arena of the mandate.This concept enables us to study empirically the links between styles of representations -in ourcase of French senators-, their determinants and behavioral effects and to overcome thedescriptiveness of many studies mobilizing typologies of parliamentarians.The analysis of five styles of representation of the French senators show, that these styles areanswers to the constraints and resources of the parliamentarians and that they affect the senators’behavior in a systematic manner.

Through the Looking Glass: Understanding a Complex Relationship between Knowledge and Action

Bou Alameda, María Elena 30 January 2006 (has links)
Drawing on the study of knowledge and action as a reference, this thesis explores how practitioners in two different firms perform their practice, 'knowing' and 'acting' simultaneously. It argues that types of knowledge, activities, individuals and context are interwoven at the moment of acting. However, this relationship is not static. The empirical work in a local labour placement company and in a multinational consultancy firm shows that practitioners resort to a host of different expressions of knowledge (or bundle of knowledge) when acting. Therefore, the prevailing role of explicit knowledge and the need for being a precedent in order to be applied is called into question.The empirical work also reveals that the bundle of knowledge is not static. It evolves over time and at the same time the prevailing type of knowledge varies depending on the type of practice and the practitioner's level of expertise. Therefore, the results underscore the fact that the relationship between knowledge and action is more dynamic and that both interplay simultaneously. Finally, this research shows that formal company categorisations (senior/junior) describe different practices rather than correspond to differential stocks of formal knowledge. This means that even when experts and novices apparently seem to be doing the same job, their actions are different as they are constituted through different combinations of knowledge types and orders of relevance. These results seem to point toward the fact that the essence of expertise resides in the expert's ability to reframe. He is able to reconstruct practice, whether by reframing his tasks or the overarching context.

Wert(e)orientierte Unternehmensführung im Mittelstand

Günther, Thomas, Gonschorek, Torsten 09 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Unternehmen, die den organisierten Kapitalmarkt in Anspruch nehmen, steuern sich zunehmend und mehrheitlich nach den Methoden einer am Wert des Unternehmens ausgerichteten Unternehmensführung. Bei börsennotierten Unternehmen wurden bereits seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre empirische Untersuchungen zum Stand der Anwendung wertorientierter Unternehmensführungsmethoden durchgeführt. Für deutsche, mittelständische Unternehmen existieren diesbezüglich noch keine Untersuchungen. 2.000 mittels einer geschichteten Zufalls-stichprobe ausgewählte Unternehmen wurden mit Hilfe einer strukturierten schriftlichen Befragung danach untersucht, wie weit eine wertorientierte Denkhaltung und die verschiedenen Facetten der wertorientierten Unternehmensführung in mittelständischen Unternehmen verbreitet sind und was wesentliche Einflussfaktoren, die den Einsatz wertorientierter Methoden fördern bzw. hemmen darstellen. Auf der Basis von 307 auswertbaren Fragebögen (Rücklauf-quote 15,4 %) können wertvolle Ergebnisse zur Einstellung des Managements bzw. der Ei-gentümer zur wertorientierten Steuerung, zu eingesetzten Methoden und zur Verzahnung mit anderen Managementsystemen gewonnen werden. / Companies using the organized capital market are increasingly and dominantly controlled by management methods that focus on a company’s value. Already since the mid-1990s empirical studies have been conducted about the dispersion of value-based management methods in listed companies. But, there have been no such studies of German SMEs. In our study, 2,000 German small- and medium-sized companies randomly selected through a stratified sample are investigated by using a standardized written questionnaire to receive information about the dispersion of value-orientated attitudes, application of value-based management methods, and factors of influence supporting or hindering the diffusion of value-based management in German SMEs. Based on 307 usable questionnaires (response rate 15.4 %) valuable insights have been gained into the attitudes of managers and owners about value based management, applied methods, and interconnections with other management systems.


CAMILA PATRICIA BAZILIO NUNES 15 September 2017 (has links)
[pt] Uma Linha de Produtos de Sistemas Multi-agentes (LP-SMA) define uma arquitetura de linha de produto de software (LPS) cujo projeto e implementação são realizados usando agentes de software para compreender features comuns e variáveis. O desenvolvimento de LP-SMA pode ser feito através de plataformas específicas de SMA e técnicas de implementação. Exemplos de tais técnicas são: frameworks orientados a objetos, compilação condicional, arquivos de configuração e programação orientada a aspectos (POA). Todavia, os estudos empíricos existentes não focam na abordagem de LP-SMA, considerando diferentes técnicas de implementação e plataformas específicas de desenvolvimento de SMA. Nesse contexto, este trabalho apresenta uma comparação sistemática de diferentes técnicas de implementação de variabilidades de features de agentes no domínio de LP-SMA. Esta comparação sistemática envolveu o uso de duas plataformas de desenvolvimento de SMA (JADE e Jadex) e das técnicas de implementação: compilação condicional, arquivos de configuração e POA. Neste estudo, um conjunto de métricas de software foram utilizadas para avaliar atributos de qualidade, tais como modularidade e estabilidade. Para a realização deste estudo, duas LP-SMAs foram desenvolvidas. A primeira foi a LP-SMA do Expert Committee, uma linha de produto de sistemas de gerenciamento de conferências. A segunda foi a LP-SMA OLIS, que provê diversos serviços pessoais para os usuários. Os dados coletados durante a realização dos estudos empíricos permitiram o relato de um conjunto de lições aprendidas. / [en] A Multi-agent System Product Line (MAS-PL) defines a Software Product Line (SPL) architecture whose design and implementation are accomplished using software agents to address its common and variable features. The MAS-PL development can be performed through MAS specific platforms and implementation techniques. Examples of such techniques are: object-oriented frameworks, conditional compilation, configuration files and aspect-oriented programming (AOP). However, the existing empirical studies do not focus on MAS-PL approach, considering different implementation techniques and MAS specific platforms. In this context, this work presents a systematic comparison of different variability implementation techniques of agent features in the MAS-PL domain. This systematic comparison involved the use of two platforms of MAS development (JADE and Jadex) and implementation techniques conditional compilation, configuration files and AOP. In this study, a suite of software metries were used to evaluate quality attributes, such as modularity and stability. In order to perform this study, two MAS-PLs were developed. The first one was the Expert Commitee MAS-PL, a product line of conference management systems. The second one as the OLIS MAS-PL, which provides several personal services to the users. The collected data during the accomplished empirical studies allowed to report a set of lessons learned.

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