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Att spela heterosexuell : En studie av konstruktioner av genus och sexualitet i tv-spelen Prince of Persia och Fable II / The heterosexual play : a study of the construction of gender and sexuality in the videogames Prince of Persia and Fable IIChorin, Anne January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how gender and sexuality are made in the videogames Prince of Persia and Fable II, and more specifically to look at possibilities and limitations for the construction of gender and sexuality in these games. I understand videogames as an interactive media form that differs from other types of media like film and literature. It is a media form that depends on a player to be played. At the same time it is constituted by rules of how it can be played. I have analyzed my material by a method called close-playing. I ask questions about the conditions for play in terms of avatar design, ways of acting in and moving through the game by using Judith Butler’s notion of the heterosexual matrix and Gayle Rubin’s sex value system. I have found that Prince of Persia does not offer the player any possibilities to contribute to the making of gender and sexuality of the avatar. Fable II on the other hand provides a range of options that shape gender and sexuality. But at the same time the game rewards the player if he or she shapes the gender and sexuality of the avatar in a way that fits the heterosexual matrix. I argue that Prince of Persia carries rules for how you can shape gender and sexuality, and Fable II, carries rules for how you should shape it.
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Physiological and ecological aspects of winter torpor in captive and free-ranging striped skunksHwang, Yeen Ten 12 May 2005
<p>The principle objective of this investigation was to develop an understanding of the physiological response and ecological aspects of winter torpor of small carnivores, specifically striped skunks (<i>Mephitis mephitis</i>) in the northern environment. An experiment was undertaken to investigate the physiological response of skunks to solitary and communal over-winter strategies. Solitary skunks were able to undergo daily torpor to conserve energy to survive the winter, whereas communal skunks were able to use social huddling to reduce energy expenditure and rarely entered torpor. Due to seasonal changes in life requirements, den selection criteria change throughout the year. I examined the landscape metrics and habitat characteristics surrounding dens to evaluate the hierarchical selection and use of dens during winter (i.e., for torpor) and summer (i.e., for parturition). Den structures commonly used for winter dens were buildings, whereas den structures used for maternity dens were rockpiles and underground burrows. Habitat surrounding den sites influenced den use; animals chose den sites closer to roads, water sources, habitat edges, and crop fields. Seasonal movements of skunks from winter dens to the following summer home ranges were examined with respect to winter grouping (i.e., solitary or communal) and winter den structure (i.e., underground burrow or building) to investigate factors that influence spatial distribution of skunks. Male and female skunks moved similar distances (~1.5 km) from winter dens to the center of home ranges established in summer, irrespective of winter grouping status and winter den structure use. Due to limited movement in spring, skunks from communal winter dens had higher spatial overlap of summer home ranges than did skunks from solitary dens, producing spatial aggregation of skunk activities surrounding winter communal den sites. Consequently, winter communal dens represent localized hotspots in the landscape. The effects of extrinsic variables (i.e., environment and diseases) and intrinsic characteristics (i.e., age, gender, and body condition) on cumulative winter survival rate were examined. Winter survival rates were driven mostly by winter condition (i.e., low ambient temperature and snow depth), rabies, and body condition. These results suggest that winter severity probably poses a limit on the northern distribution of the species.</p>
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Physiological and ecological aspects of winter torpor in captive and free-ranging striped skunksHwang, Yeen Ten 12 May 2005 (has links)
<p>The principle objective of this investigation was to develop an understanding of the physiological response and ecological aspects of winter torpor of small carnivores, specifically striped skunks (<i>Mephitis mephitis</i>) in the northern environment. An experiment was undertaken to investigate the physiological response of skunks to solitary and communal over-winter strategies. Solitary skunks were able to undergo daily torpor to conserve energy to survive the winter, whereas communal skunks were able to use social huddling to reduce energy expenditure and rarely entered torpor. Due to seasonal changes in life requirements, den selection criteria change throughout the year. I examined the landscape metrics and habitat characteristics surrounding dens to evaluate the hierarchical selection and use of dens during winter (i.e., for torpor) and summer (i.e., for parturition). Den structures commonly used for winter dens were buildings, whereas den structures used for maternity dens were rockpiles and underground burrows. Habitat surrounding den sites influenced den use; animals chose den sites closer to roads, water sources, habitat edges, and crop fields. Seasonal movements of skunks from winter dens to the following summer home ranges were examined with respect to winter grouping (i.e., solitary or communal) and winter den structure (i.e., underground burrow or building) to investigate factors that influence spatial distribution of skunks. Male and female skunks moved similar distances (~1.5 km) from winter dens to the center of home ranges established in summer, irrespective of winter grouping status and winter den structure use. Due to limited movement in spring, skunks from communal winter dens had higher spatial overlap of summer home ranges than did skunks from solitary dens, producing spatial aggregation of skunk activities surrounding winter communal den sites. Consequently, winter communal dens represent localized hotspots in the landscape. The effects of extrinsic variables (i.e., environment and diseases) and intrinsic characteristics (i.e., age, gender, and body condition) on cumulative winter survival rate were examined. Winter survival rates were driven mostly by winter condition (i.e., low ambient temperature and snow depth), rabies, and body condition. These results suggest that winter severity probably poses a limit on the northern distribution of the species.</p>
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Essai du traitement pré-clinique du carcinome hépatocellulaire sur la cirrhose dans le modèle de rat / Pre-trial of hepatocellular carcinoma on cirrhosis in a rat modelZeybek, Ayça 22 December 2016 (has links)
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the second most common cause of cancerrelated mortality worldwide. AKT pathway has been found activated in 50% of HCC cases, making it promising target. Therefore we assess efficacy of the allosteric AKT inhibitor or the combination of Sorafenib with AKT inhibitor compared to untreated control and to standard treatment, Sorafenib, in vitro and in vivo. AKT inhibitor blocked phosphorylation of AKT in vitro and strongly inhibited cell growth with significantly higher potency than Sorafenib. Similarly, apoptosis and cell migration were strongly reduced by AKT inhibitor in vitro. To mimic human advanced HCC, we used diethylnitrosamine-induced cirrhotic rat model with fully developed HCC. MRI analyses showed that AKT inhibitor significantly reduced overall tumor size. Furthermore, number of tumors was decreased by AKT inhibitor, which was associated with increased apoptosis and decreased proliferation. Tumor contrast enhancement was significantly decreased in the AKT inhibitor group. Moreover, on tumor tissue sections, we observed a vascular normalization and a significant decrease in fibrosis in surrounding liver of animals treated with AKT inhibitor. Finally, pAKT/AKT levels in AKT inhibitor treated tumors were reduced, followed by down regulation of actors of AKT downstream signalling pathway: pmTOR, pPRAS40, pPLCγ1 and pS6K1. In conclusion, we demonstrated that AKT inhibitor blocks AKT phosphorylation in vitro and in vivo. In HCC-rat model, AKT inhibitor was well tolerated, showed anti-fibrotic effect and had stronger antitumor effect than Sorafenib. Our results confirm the importance of targeting AKT in HCC. / Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the second most common cause of cancerrelated mortality worldwide. AKT pathway has been found activated in 50% of HCC cases, making it promising target. Therefore we assess efficacy of the allosteric AKT inhibitor or the combination of Sorafenib with AKT inhibitor compared to untreated control and to standard treatment, Sorafenib, in vitro and in vivo. AKT inhibitor blocked phosphorylation of AKT in vitro and strongly inhibited cell growth with significantly higher potency than Sorafenib. Similarly, apoptosis and cell migration were strongly reduced by AKT inhibitor in vitro. To mimic human advanced HCC, we used diethylnitrosamine-induced cirrhotic rat model with fully developed HCC. MRI analyses showed that AKT inhibitor significantly reduced overall tumor size. Furthermore, number of tumors was decreased by AKT inhibitor, which was associated with increased apoptosis and decreased proliferation. Tumor contrast enhancement was significantly decreased in the AKT inhibitor group. Moreover, on tumor tissue sections, we observed a vascular normalization and a significant decrease in fibrosis in surrounding liver of animals treated with AKT inhibitor. Finally, pAKT/AKT levels in AKT inhibitor treated tumors were reduced, followed by down regulation of actors of AKT downstream signalling pathway: pmTOR, pPRAS40, pPLCγ1 and pS6K1. In conclusion, we demonstrated that AKT inhibitor blocks AKT phosphorylation in vitro and in vivo. In HCC-rat model, AKT inhibitor was well tolerated, showed anti-fibrotic effect and had stronger antitumor effect than Sorafenib. Our results confirm the importance of targeting AKT in HCC.
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Teatern blir till ens verklighet : En kvalitativ studie om orsaker till varför individer hamnar i kriminalitet, utifrån före detta kriminellas perspektivYarar, Paulina, Aygün, Robin January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how five individuals ended up in a criminal lifestyle and what other factors may have had an impact on the path to a criminal lifestyle. The study is based on qualitative interviews in combination with a thematic analysis method, to find patterns around the respondents statements. As men are generally overrepresented in terms of criminal groups in crime statistics, we have chosen to limit the study to only examining men who have had a previous criminal lifestyle. The study’s theoretical framework and earlier research show that the environment and social interactions have an effect on however a person develops a criminal lifestyle. Earlier research opined that social ties to society, family, friends and school have a major impact on whether a human becomes a criminal or not. The study’s results show four prominent themes that the respondents have described in their life stories; identity, relationships, sense of community and living environment and financial vulnerability. The study concludes that all themes affect and interact with each other, which affects whether an individual develops a criminal lifestyle. The study shows that an individual ends up in a criminal lifestyle due to external factors and thus does not make an active choice to become a criminal. As this study is based on a very small sample group, further research with a larger sample group is relevant in order to better understand the reasons why an individual ends up in a criminal lifestyle.
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Barn- och ungdomslitteratur utan gränser : En fältstudie om synen på crossover och åldersöverskridande läsning bland svenska förlagSandelin, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka de svenska förlagens syn på åldersöverskridande barn- och ungdomsböcker och i synnerhet crossover, samt att redogöra för hur begreppet crossover används bland förläggare, redaktörer, litterära chefer och andra branschpersoner. I syftet ingår vidare att spåra förändringar i utgivningen, samt att granska synen på böcker som riktar sig till både unga och vuxna utifrån att titta på hur de intervjuade resonerar kring målgrupper, kategorier, identifikation med karaktärer, böcker med dubbla tilltal och slutligen presentera en rad böcker som enligt de intervjuade kan anses vara crossover idag. För att undersöka detta har jag utgått ifrån kvalitativa intervjuer med olika branschpersoner från svenska barn- och ungdomsbokförlag: bokförlaget Opal, Rabén & Sjögren, B. Wahlströms, Bonnier Carlsen, Vox by Opal, Gilla böcker, Lilla Piratförlaget, X Publishing och Mix förlag. Det litteratursociologiska perspektivet ligger till grund för att undersöka företeelsen crossover och jag har använt mig av följande begrepp; den litterära processen, litteratursamhället, värderingsdistansen, grupperspektiv, brett litteraturbegrepp och skapande förräderi. Studien kommer fram till att tanken om målgrupp är styrande hos de flesta förlagen i antagande av manus, att identifikation med karaktärer i samma åldrar som läsaren själv är grundläggande i det redaktionella arbetet, att gränsdragningen mellan barn- och vuxenlitteratur håller på att mjukas upp, att genren unga vuxna växer sig allt starkare på den svenska bokmarknaden, att de flesta branschpersoner är medvetna om företeelsen crossover men att det inte är ett bra försäljningsbegrepp, att det förekommit större satsningar på crossoverböcker i Sverige men som möt större motstånd av de klassifikations- och distributionssystem som råder idag, att crossover kan betraktas som genrelitteratur, samt att de flesta branschpersoner anser att det finns många crossoverböcker i Sverige fastän de kategoriseras under andra termer istället. Avslutningsvis är den svenska barn- och ungdomsbokmarkanden i ständig rörelse och förlagen är en naturlig del av den utvecklingen.
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Äldre personers symptom i livets slutskede utifrån den palliativa vårdens helhetssyn : en litteraturstudie / Elderly persons' symtoms in the end of life seen from the palliative care holistic perspective : a literature reviewMatkovic, Ljiljana January 2016 (has links)
Ca 1.6 miljoner människor i Sverige är 65 år gamla eller äldre. Äldre människor insjuknar i olika sjukdomar som har olika sjukdomsförlopp men själva dödsförloppet är tämligen det samma trots diagnos. När sjukdom inte kan botas blir all vård och behandling som ges lindrande - palliativ vård. Med dagens åldrande befolkning där allt fler äldre patienter behöver tillgång till god omsorg inom olika vårdinstanser, krävs det en välfungerande hälso-och sjukvård samt en bättre tillgänglighet av allmän palliativ vård. Det är viktigt att beakta alla behov den äldre har, det vill säga de psykiska, fysiska, sociala och andliga behoven i syfte att främja den äldres livskvalitet. Att vara beroende av andra och förlora kontrollen över sitt liv sänker livskvalitén hos de gamla och gör att de upplever sig själva som en ”börda” för de andra, både anhöriga och vårdpersonal. Förutom lindring ska palliativ vård bekräfta livet och betrakta döden som en normal process som inte ska fördröjas eller påskyndas. Palliativ vård ska baseras på en helhetssyn. En helhetssyn där kropp, känslor, socialt sammanhang och meningsfrågor är hopflätade. Detta krävs för att kunna se på det totala lidandet. Lidandet är en personlig upplevelse som är förknippad med smärta. Det finns fyra dimensioner inom palliativ vård, alla är lika viktiga och beroende av varandra. Det är fysisk, psykisk, social och existentiell dimension. Människan är en helhet och reagerar som en helhet. Hur den sista tiden i livet kan gestalta sig varierar från människa till människa. Syfte med studien var att belysa symptom hos äldre i slutet av livet utifrån den palliativa vårdens helhetssyn. Metod som användes för denna studie var litteraturöversikt. Resultaten grundas på 16 vetenskapliga artiklar som analyserades utifrån syftet. Resultat visar att äldre har en bred symptombild i livets slut. De kan genomgå ett fysiskt, psykiskt, socialt och andligt lidande i slutet av livet. Olika symtom påverkar varandra. Av alla fysiska symptom är smärta svårast att uthärda. Resultatet visar att sjukvården har brister i bedömning och behandling vid livets slut bland de äldre. Slutsatsen är att äldre människor inte har omvårdnadsbehov som skiljer sig från andra i livets slut. Ändå verkar de äldre vara mer utsatta för risker att deras behov inte skulle tillgodoses. De behöver bli sedda i sin helhet, lyssnade på, betrodda och respekterade. Den fysiska smärtan är ofta bara en del av hela döende processen. / Around 1.6 million people in Sweden are 65 years or older. Are diagnosed with various diagnosis with divergent progress of the disease. The death process is relatively the same regardless diagnosis. Once the disease takes over the care becomes all-relieving palliative care. With today’s ageing population when more elderly patients need access to medical and nursing facilities there is a need of a good functioning health services and better access to palliative care. It is important to take in consideration all the needs of the elderly which is the physical, psychic social and spiritual needs to promote a better quality of life. Losing control over one’s life and being dependent on others can make the elderly people feel as a burden for others, both family and health care personnel. Palliative care should not only give relief but also reinforce life and see death as normal process which can either denied or postponed. Palliative care should be seen as a whole, where body, feelings and the social surroundings are braided. This is needed to see the complete suffering. Suffering is a personal experience which is associated with pain. There are four dimensions in palliative care and all four are equally important and depend on each other. They are the physical, psychical, social and existential dimensions. The human being is a whole entity and reacts as such. How the last time on earth is shaped varies from person to person Aim of this study was to highlight the symptoms in the elderly at the end of life based on the holistic approach of palliative care. The method used for this study was a literature review. The results are based on 16 scientific articles were analyzed according to the purpose. The results show that elderly have a wide spectrum of symptoms in the end of life. They endure psychic, social, physical and spiritual suffering. The symptoms affect each other. Pain is the most difficult of all the physical symptoms to endure. The results show that the health service has deficiencies both in the assessment and treatment at the end of life for the elderly. The conclusion shows that older people do not have care needs that are different from others in the end of life. It seems though that the older population are at larger risk of not having their needs met. They need to be seen as a whole, listened to, believed in and respected. The physical pain is only a part of the dying process.
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Låt hjärtat resonera om den rätte : Birollernas narrativa funktion och identifikation i Låt den rätte komma in / Let the Heart Reason About the Right One : The Supporting Character's Narrative Function and Identification in Låt den rätte komma inHermansson, Frida January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie analyserar John Ajvide Lindqvists debutroman Låt den rätte komma in (2004). Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera tre av romanens biroller: Håkan, Virginia och Lacke. Analysen fokuserar på birollernas narrativa funktion, samt hur berättelsen gör för att identifikation ska skapas mellan läsaren och birollerna. De forskningsfrågor som studien sökt svar på är: Vilken narrativ funktion har birollerna Håkan, Virginia och Lacke i handlingen? Och, vilka identifikationsstrategier använder texten i relation till birollerna och hur skapas identifikation hos läsaren? Resultatet visar att karaktärernas narratologiska funktion är att konkretisera temat ensamhet och gemenskap. Birollernas berättelse har gestaltats genom en heterodiegetisk berättare, som har tillgång till karaktärernas inre tankar. Centralt i detta är användandet av intern fokalisering, som gör det möjligt för den tänkta läsaren att identifiera sig med karaktärerna. Resultatet visar att identifikation skapas med denna berättarteknik, vilket är den största anledningen till att läsaren finner identifikation till birollernas handlingar och känslor. / This essay analyzes John Ajvide Lindqvist’s debut novel Låt den rätte komma in (2004) (Let the Right One In). The purpose of this essay is to analyze three of the novel’s side characters: Håkan, Virginia and Lacke. The analysis focuses on the narrative function of the supporting characters, and how the story creates identification between the reader and the supporting characters. The research questions that this study aims to answer are: What narrative function do the supporting characters, Håkan, Virginia and Lacke, have in the story? And, what identification strategies does the text use in relation to the supporting characters and how is identification created for the readers? The results show that the narratological function of the characters is to concretize the theme of loneliness and fellowship. The supporting characters have been narrated through a heterodiegetic narrator, who has access to the charcters’ internal thoughts. Central to this is the use of internal focalization, which enables the reader to find identification for the characters. The results show that identification is created with this narrative technique, which is the main reason why readers find identification for the characters’ actions and feelings.
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Maternal behaviour of the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) : Den use, post-denning behaviour, position success rate, home range size and daily movementPålsson, Olivia January 2022 (has links)
Knowledge about a species’ reproductive parameters such as breeding behaviours is a vital building block for essential conservation actions, especially for endangered species. Despite this, there is a considerable knowledge gap about the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) maternal behaviours, as well as the timing of den independence for the cubs. It has been assumed that female snow leopards change their behaviours post-denning and that the cubs leave their den together with their mothers around two to three months of age. However, until this day no quantitative data has been used to analyse female behaviours post-denning and when the cubs leave their den. I analysed pre- and post-denning activity for seven GPS-collared snow leopard females in Tost Mountains of southern Mongolia during the years 2010 to 2019. With linear mixed models and generalized linear mixed models, I found that female snow leopards with small cubs changed their behavioural patterns and space use by decreasing their monthly home range size, compared to females with older or no cubs. When the cubs became six months old, there were no detectable differences in these behaviours which suggests that the cubs started to travel continuously with their mother at the age of 5-6 months. The rate at which the collars successfully acquired positions decreased considerably during the early phase of denning when the female spent considerable time at the den sites where the collars could not communicate with the satellites. The age of the cubs when the female left the den ranged from 21-61 days (mean =44 days), suggesting that snow leopard females use their dens for 1.5 ± 0.5 months. This study provides the first estimate of the extent of den use by snow leopards, as well as the first estimates of post-denning behavioural patterns for snow leopard females and their cubs.
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Det Fysiska Klassrummet - Ett rum i ständig förändringRylander, Adam, Persson, Oskar January 2011 (has links)
I det här arbetet undersöker vi det fysiska klassrummet, hur man kan använda det som ett redskap i undervisningen, hur elever upplever rummet, hur de upplever sig delaktiga i utformning och hur det kan komma att se ut i framtiden.Empirin är inhämtad på en skola iBurlövs kommun och på en skola i Fosie rektorsområde. Vi har intervjuat nio elever mellan årskurs tre och fem, som vi delade in i tre elevgrupper, samt två ateljeristor. Vi har även intervjuat utställningsscenografen på Malmöhus slott angående ett projekt där man valde attrenovera ett lekrum tillsammans med elever från Segeparks förskola. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att se hur man tänker kring rum avsett för lärande i olika verksamheter. Framförallt har vi varit intresserade av elevernas förhållande till sina klassrum. Den frågeställning vi har utgått ifrån är: Är klassrummet skapat för den moderna eleven? Hur ser eleverna på sittklassrums funktion och hur de använder det? Vilket inflytande känner elever att de har översin miljö? Hur ser pedagoger att undervisningen påverkas av det fysiska klassrummet?För att lättare kunna besvara vår frågeställning har vi gjort två intervjuer med varje elevgrupp,samt byggt modeller av deras drömklassrum. När vi intervjuade ateljeristorna ochutställningsscenografen gick vi även igenom utvalda projekt och återskapade processen för att själva kunna upptäcka hur rummet har spelat roll i deras arbete. Vi upptäckte att arkitekturen som ska modernisera den svenska skolan inte påverkar klassrummet nämnvärt. Det vill säga,att många klassrum, trots reformeringar och storsatsningar, ser likadana ut i landet som de hargjort sedan folkskolans införande. Till stor del grundar det sig i traditioner och föreställningarsom inte alltid stämmer överens med de behov som läroplanen tydliggör. Vidare insåg vi attelevers behov av skiftande miljöer blir allt viktigare i växande klassrum. Allt eftersom börjadevi att ställa oss frågan hur klassrummet kan komma att behöva moderniseras, för att inte helt förlora sin centarla roll för lärande.
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