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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Det är nog bara för att hålla närhet” : En kvalitativ studie om emotionella brukskvaliteters betydelse för den digitala kommunikationen / “It’s probably just to feel companionship”

Olsson, Evelina, Sheibani, Rana January 2021 (has links)
Our study touches a dimension in the development of design concepts that describes how we feel when we use functions and applications in digital artefacts. What happens to us when the mobile phone vibrates and a notification with our partner's name appears on the screen? We do not yet know what actual information the text message contains, yet an expectation is built and different feelings arise. Löwgren and Stolterman (2004) describe this dimension of the characteristics of the user experience as qualities of use. That is, the changing properties that arise in the use of an artifact. This study is about emotional qualities in use (emotionella brukskvaliteter), a term created for this essay. By that we mean the qualities in use that are important for interaction and that emerge in the space between the usage and the feeling that is created. Touching on such a complex concept as emotions, also requires that we limit ourselves to reproducing only occuring emotions and the meaning they have for the users, not how and why. By raising the theory of Löwgren and Stolterman (ibid.) we have researched what users' interaction look like and ask ourselves the question; What role do emotional qualities in use play in digital interaction? There is a tendency that the softer values of the use of technology are often emphasized by opinions. We see a gap in writing about the emotional side of digital interaction where the outcome is based on actual empirical data. This study mainly consists of data collected via semi-structured in-depth interviews with seven interviewees. The respondents also fullfilled a user diary in order to provide a basis for the interviews. The results are analyzed according to Braun and Clarke's (2006) thematic method where all collected data is transcribed, coded and themed in several rounds. Our results indicate that emotional qualities in use are important to the user. We could identify these by the respondents sharing their perceived feelings about their user experiences. Our findings strengthen the need for emotional qualities in use to be implemented in the design process. / Vår studie beskriver en dimension i framtagandet av designkoncept som redogör för hur vi känner när vi använder funktioner och applikationer i digitala artefakter. Vad händer med oss när mobilen vibrerar och en notis med vår partners namn pryder skärmen? Vi vet ännu inte vilken faktisk information sms:et innehåller, ändå byggs en förväntan och olika känslor uppstår. Denna dimension om användningsupplevelsens egenskaper beskriver Löwgren och Stolterman (2004) som brukskvaliteter. Det vill säga de föränderliga egenskaper som uppstår i användandet av en artefakt. Denna studie handlar om emotionella brukskvaliteter. Med det menar vi de brukskvaliteter som är av betydelse för interaktion och som uppstår i mellanrummet mellan användandet och den känsla som skapas. Att beröra ett så komplext begrepp som känslor, kräver också att vi begränsar oss till att enbart återge vilka känslor som uppstår och betydelsen de får för användarna, inte hur och varför. Genom att lyfta teori av Löwgren och Stolterman (ibid.) har vi undersökt hur användarnas interaktion ser ut och ställer oss frågan; Vilken roll spelar emotionella brukskvaliteter i digital interaktion? Det finns en tendens att de mjukare värdena av teknikens användning ofta blir betonade av åsikter. Vi ser en lucka i att skriva om den emotionella sidan av digital interaktion där utfallet bygger på faktisk empiri.Den här studien består i huvudsak av data insamlad via semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med sju intervjupersoner. Respondenterna utförde även en användardagbok i syfte att ge underlag för intervjuerna. Resultatet analyseras enligt Braun och Clarkes (2006) tematiska metod där allt insamlat material transkriberas, kodas och tematiseras i flera omgångar. Vårt resultat pekar på att emotionella brukskvaliteter har betydelse för användaren. Dessa har identifierats genom att respondenterna berättar om sina upplevda känslor i användandet. Vi finner underlag i studien som stärker behovet för emotionella brukskvaliteter implementerat i designarbetet.

Are we using a saw to hammer a nail? : Opportunities and challenges of user involvement in remote IT projects; from the perspective of IT consultants

Wagrelius, Oskar, Olofsson, Ola January 2022 (has links)
User involvement has been championed as essential for the success of IT projects, both by practitioners as well as academia. Traditionally, user involvement activities between clients and consultants have been conducted in physical closeness. However, maintaining this closeness became increasingly challenging when people were largely required to work remotely during the years of 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on this abrupt change in the physical proximity in the client-consultant relationships we wanted to see how well digital communication media could support user involvement activities in a remote setting and explore potential opportunities and challenges related to the digital substitutes. Our results show that digital communication media make the development of relational aspects in the client-consultant relationship, such as trust, closeness and engagement challenging. On the other hand, when discussing user involvement tasks such as workshops and prototyping sessions, the consultants displayed positive attitudes towards using digital media. Lastly, there are opportunities and challenges that exist within the realm of remote user involvement, all of which depend on contextual factors such as task complexity, information characteristics and lastly the interpersonal needs of a given client-consultant relationship.

Estimation of Wordlengths for Fixed-Point Implementations using Polynomial Chaos Expansions

Rahman, Mushfiqur January 2023 (has links)
Due to advances in digital computing much of the baseband signal processing of a communication system has moved into the digital domain from the analog domain. Within the domain of digital communication systems, Software Defined Radios (SDRs) allow for majority of the signal processing tasks to be implemented in reconfigurable digital hardware. However this comes at a cost of higher power and resource requirements. Therefore, highly efficient custom hardware implementations for SDRs are needed to make SDRs feasible for practical use. Efficient custom hardware motivates the use of fixed point arithmetic in the implementation of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) algorithms. This conversion to finite precision arithmetic introduces quantization noise in the system, which significantly affects the performance metrics of the system. As a result, characterizing quantization noise and its effects within a DSP system is an important challenge that needs to be addressed. Current models to do so significantly over-estimate the quantization effects, resulting in an over-allocation of hardware resources to implement a system. Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) is a method that is currently gaining attention in modelling uncertainty in engineering systems. Although it has been used to analyze quantization effects in DSP systems, previous investigations have been limited to simple examples. The purpose of this thesis is to therefore introduce new techniques that allow the application of PCE to be scaled up to larger DSP blocks with many noise sources. Additionally, the thesis introduces design space exploration algorithms that leverage the accuracy of PCE simulations to estimate bitwidths for fixed point implementations of DSP systems. The advantages of using PCE over current modelling techniques will be presented though its application to case studies relevant to practice. These case studies include Sine Generators, Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters, Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters, FM demodulators and Phase Locked Loops (PLLs). / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Expressive Signals : The art of connecting: Enhancing digital expression through crafted connectivity and micro-interactions

Kraft, Linda Marie January 2023 (has links)
How do we design for connection? How might we introduce quirkiness, personal expression and a little bit of magic to our unified, unemotional black screens? Working with design systems can have perks, but something gets lost when we systemise how we communicate. I argue to open up rigid design systems and loosen their rules to elicit something new that’s cute, weird, and so unique: it becomes magical. To make an empathic connection with people in their context. I apply research through design and user-centred methods to gain insights while prototyping along the way to test and tweak communication features. The result is "Expressive Signals," a repository of design explorations promoting personalised digital communication. The intention is to challenge the status quo and enhance expression and thrilling unexpectedness while connecting. They are five design examples playing with the following features; showing presence in digital conversations, how speech bubbles can match their content, how emojis can be personalised, creating a digital repository of cherished messages and ensuring that our messages get read in the right context. Expressive Signals allow users to cut through the noise and generate strong signals to enhance expression in digital systems. The focus is on combining, tweaking, and exploring new digital communication elements to enhance expression and connect on a deeper level. They utilise micro-interactions, haptics and tools with purposefully loose constraints to invite to be broken, to elicit what we don’t expect. Expressive signals promote play, joy, and other aspects of life that have been neglected in favour of utility or pragmatism in digital communication spaces. I am asking: can a system ever make space for the thrilling and unexpected? Design bursts with self-expression. I intend to design for precisely that. This passion project dwells on my interest in language, communication, storytelling and every nerdy cognitive science bit around it. It explores how to combine and tweak new features to enhance expression, ultimately aiming to design for self-expression and unexpected magic.

¿Cómo se comunica la investigación a través de la pantalla? Análisis del discurso multimodal en las comunicaciones en congresos digitales en el área de comunicación

López Navarrete, Alberto Jesús 19 February 2024 (has links)
[ES] La COVID-19 ha acelerado el proceso de adaptación al trabajo telemático donde el entorno académico también ha sufrido cambios. La comunidad investigadora ha normalizado la participación en congresos a través del ordenador. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los elementos que intervienen en el discurso oral en las comunicaciones en congresos digitales académicos para identificar los patrones de comunicación más empleados por los investigadores. Desde inicios del siglo XXI, diversos autores han explorado este género discursivo al considerarlo el homólogo oral del artículo científico. Estos mismos autores demandan más atención a los géneros orales, al considerarlos infraestudiados en comparación con los géneros académicos escritos. Para el análisis se utiliza el Análisis del Discurso Multimodal (ADM). Esta metodología entiende que, solo considerando todos los elementos del discurso se puede tener una idea global de cómo es la comunicación. De este modo, considerar únicamente lo que se dice (el lenguaje) no permite descifrar todo el significado. Por ello, los autores del ADM proponen analizar elementos del aspecto visual, el lenguaje o los gestos del orador. Entre los resultados, destaca el protagonismo de las diapositivas en el discurso, el desarrollo de un patrón para la estructura del discurso y la poca relevancia de los gestos, que apenas son percibidos por la cámara. Estos datos permiten conocer los modelos de comunicación en los congresos digitales, así como atender a los elementos más urgentes que hay que tratar para mejorar la comunicación efectiva a través del ordenador y la cámara web. / [CA] La COVID-19 ha accelerat el procés d'adaptació al treball telemàtic on l'entorn acadèmic també ha patit canvis. La comunitat investigadora ha normalitzat la participació en congressos a través de l'ordinador. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi és analitzar els elements que intervenen en el discurs oral en les comunicacions en congressos digitals acadèmics per a identificar els patrons de comunicació més utilitzats pels investigadors. Des d'inicis del segle XXI, diversos autors han explorat aquest gènere discursiu al considerar-lo l'homòleg oral de l'article científic. Aquests mateixos autors demanden més atenció als gèneres orals, en considerar-los poc estudiats en comparació amb els gèneres acadèmics escrits. Per a l'anàlisi s'utilitza l'Anàlisi del Discurs Multimodal (ADM). Aquesta metodologia entén que, només considerant tots els elements del discurs es pot tindre una idea global de com és la comunicació. D'aquesta manera, considerar únicament el que es diu (el llenguatge) no permet desxifrar tot el significat. Per això, els autors de l'ADM proposen analitzar elements com l'aspecte visual, el llenguatge o els gestos de l'orador. Entre els resultats, destaca el protagonisme de les diapositives a les comunicacions, el desenvolupament d'un patró per a l'estructura del discurs i la poca rellevància dels gestos, que a penes són percebuts per la càmera. Aquestes dades permeten conèixer els models de comunicació en els congressos digitals, així com atendre els elements més urgents que cal tractar per a millorar la comunicació efectiva a través de l'ordinador i la càmera web. / [EN] The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the adaptation to remote work, leading to significant changes in the academic environment. The academic community has normalized participation in conferences through computer screens. The aim of this study is to analyze the elements involved in oral discourse during digital conference papers to identify the communication patterns most commonly used by researchers. Since the early 21st century, several authors have explored this discursive genre, considering it the oral counterpart of scientific articles. These authors advocate for more attention to oral genres, considering them understudied in comparison to written academic genres. This study employs Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA). This methodology understands that a comprehensive understanding of communication can only be achieved by considering all elements of discourse. Merely focusing on what is said (language) does not reveal the full meaning. Therefore, MDA advocates for the analysis of visual aspects, language, and gestures of the speaker. The results highlight the prominence of slides in discourse, the development of a pattern for discourse structure, and the limited relevance of gestures, which are barely perceived by the camera. These findings provide insights into communication models in digital conferences and draw attention to the most pressing elements that need to be addressed to enhance effective communication through computers and webcams. / López Navarrete, AJ. (2024). ¿Cómo se comunica la investigación a través de la pantalla? Análisis del discurso multimodal en las comunicaciones en congresos digitales en el área de comunicación [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202718

Communication over Doubly Selective Channels: Efficient Equalization and Max-Diversity Precoding

Hwang, Sung Jun 15 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Fritidshemmets digitala kommunikation med vårdnadshavare : En kvalitativ studie ur ett socialvetenskapligt och kommunikationsvetenskapligt perspektiv / Leisure-time centers' digital communication with guardians

Fridhamn, Matilda, Civic, Michaela January 2023 (has links)
Studien undersöker vårdnadshavares erfarenheter av ineffektiv och effektiv digital kommunikation mellan fritidshem och vårdnadshavare. Syftet är att få insikt i vårdnadshavarnas upplevelser av att ta emot och förstå digital kommunikation. Påverkansfaktorer som teknologi, tydlighet, återkoppling, anpassning, förväntningar och erfarenheter undersöks i syfte att analysera deras inverkan på kommunikationens effektivitet eller ineffektivitet. Resultaten tyder på att vårdnadshavarna generellt sett har goda möjligheter att ta emot och förstå digital kommunikation, trots vissa problem. Identifierade negativa kommunikativa faktorer inkluderar bristfälliga plattformar, otydlig och begränsad information samt brist på regelbunden och relevant kommunikation. Slutsatsen är att ökad kunskap och medvetenhet om vårdnadshavares upplevelser av digital kommunikation och dess påverkansfaktorer är önskvärt för att gynna både vårdnadshavare, deras barn och fritidshemmet som organisation. / The study examines legal guardians' experiences of ineffective and effective digital communication between leisure-time centers and guardians. The aim is to gain insight into guardians' experiences of receiving and understanding digital communication. Factors of influence such as technology, clarity, feedback, adaptation, expectations, and experiences are examined in order to analyze their impact on the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of communication. The results indicate that guardians generally have good opportunities to receive and understand digital communication, despite some challenges. Identified negative communicative factors include inadequate platforms, unclear and limited information, and a lack of regular and relevant communication. The conclusion is that increased knowledge and awareness of guardians' experiences of digital communication and its influencing factors are desirable to benefit both guardians, their children, and the leisure-time centers as an organization.

China’s Soft Power in the Digital Age. : An Analysis of Nation Branding Strategies on social media

Dahlberg, Oscar January 2024 (has links)
This Thesis investigates China's utilization of social media for nation branding and its role in soft power projection in the digital era. Through an analysis of China's strategies on platforms like Weibo, WeChat, and Twitter, the study explores how digital communication shapes China's global influence and perceptions. Key factors influencing China's impact include cultural exchange, adaptability to technological changes, and strategic engagement with diverse audiences. The research highlights China's proactive approach to digital diplomacy, crisis management, and narrative control, emphasizing the country's efforts to enhance its soft power presence. The thesis provides valuable insights for policymakers, scholars, and practitioners navigating the complexities of global diplomacy and influence in the digital age.

Ecopoiese e as formas comunicativas do habitar atópico / -

Torres, Julliana Cutolo 06 May 2014 (has links)
A digitalização do território e a sua transformação em fluxos informativos (DI FELICE et al, 2012) resultaram em um outro modo de ser sobre a Terra, de ser-no-mundo contemporâneo, mais particularmente no que o sociólogo Massimo Di Felice (2009) define com o conceito de \"habitar atópico\", desenvolvido a partir da pensamento de Heidegger. Para ele, mais do que residir, o habitar refere-se a um relacionar-se, a um comunicar, caracterizado pelas interações em rede dos diversos coletivos humanos e não-humanos, tecnológicos, territoriais. Assim, mais do que a reprodução digital do território, trata-se de um novo ambiente, um \"metaterritório\", metageográfico e informativo, portanto, dinâmico e manipulável, cujas dimensões são sempre reticulares e indelimitáveis (DI FELICE et al, 2012). É nesse panorama que se pretende esboçar os caminhos para a proposição do conceito de \"ecopoiese\", entendida como uma ecologia que, ao contrário do que o sentido etimológico possa induzir, é do âmbito do atópico e do indizível. Seu oikos não se localiza e seu logos não se explica. Essa ecologia é pós-humanista e assim sendo, o somente humano não a define e nenhuma perspectiva única a reivindica. Nessa ecologia, as interações entre humano, natureza e tecnologia comunicativa assumem um caráter complexo e produzem sempre agenciamentos hibridizantes, divergindo de quanto preconizado pelas interações somente técnicas atribuídas à Internet das Coisas / The digitalization of the territory and its transformation into information flows (DI FELICE et al, 2012) resulted in a further way of being on earth, of being-in the contemporary world, more particularly in what the sociologist Massimo Di Felice (2009) defines with the concept of \"atopic inhabit\", developed from the thought of Heidegger. For him, rather than reside, dwelling refers to a relate to, to a communicate with, characterized by networked interactions of the human and non-human, technological, territorial collectives. Thus, more than the digital reproduction of the territory, it is a new environment, a \"metaterritory, a \"metageographical\" and informative one, and therefore dynamic and manipulable, whose dimensions are always reticular and unlimited (DI FELICE et al, 2012). It is in this scenario that is intended to outline the ways to propose the concept of \"ecopoiese\", here understood as an ecology that, instead of what the etymological sense may suggest, is the scope of the atopic and unspeakable. Your oikos is not localized and its logos is not explained. This ecology is post-humanist and, therefore, what is only human cannot define it and no single perspective can claim it as theirs. In this ecology, the interactions between human, nature and communication technology play a complex character and always produce hybridized assemblages which are different from merely technical interactions attributed to the Internet of Things

Comunidades de prática online: contribuições à formação de professores no Brasil e em Portugal

Silva, Flaviana dos Santos 30 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:31:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Flaviana dos Santos Silva.pdf: 8966261 bytes, checksum: ef4bdf2d48814d30461ddbfb398a2b6d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-30 / Fundação Ford / This research aims to analyze the potentiality indicators of Online Communities of Practice (OCoP) in both Brazil and Portugal which contributed for teachers shared development of pedagogical capabilities in the use of DICT through the community created online named COPFUCA, within the UCA project scope. The theoretical basis of this thesis articulates the concept of community of practice with references from Wenger, Lave, McDermott, Synder and Matta; collaboration, as proposed by Oliveira and Magalhães; reflexive and shared teacher development according to Pimenta, Vázquez, Gimeno, Sacristán, Tardiff, Masetto; and integration of DICT in education as discussed by Valente, Almeida and others. The researched contexts were Communities of Practice in Brazil, namely Grupo de Estudos Educar na Cultura Digital, Práxis, Grupo de Sábado, Portal do Professor and Nética; and, in Portugal, ArcaComum and Pigafetta. Besides these players, the research natural intervention environment was the municipal school Governador André Franco Montoro, located in the town of Campo Limpo Paulista, in the state of São Paulo. The methodological approach was action research. Data analysis and interpretation were built on the definition of 7 potentiality indicators depicted from the collected data. The analysis used the multidimensional statistic method of hierarchical ranking by similarity, through data compilation in CHIC software, which showed similarity or similitude in the data referring to shared teacher development and the resulting effects in the teacher s own practice as a consequence of participating in an Online Community of Practice. The results showed that the sharing of experience in a OCoP has enabled us to build up knowledge about the integration of DICT in educational context. The participants spent the better understand your role as an agent of change that organises and reflects on their pedagogical actions in the classroom / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar quais são os indicadores de potencial das COP online no Brasil e em Portugal que contribuíram para a formação compartilhada dos professores no desenvolvimento de competências pedagógicas com o uso das TDIC constituindo a COP online denominada COPFUCA, no âmbito do projeto UCA. O referencial teórico desta tese articula os conceitos de comunidades de prática com referências em Wenger, Lave, McDermott, Synder, Matta; colaboração Mandaji, Oliveira e Magalhães; formação compartilhada e reflexiva de professores baseado em Pimenta, Vázquez, Gimeno Sacristán, Tardiff, Masetto; integração do uso das TDIC no processo educacional, Valente, Almeida, dentre outros. Os contextos investigados foram as Comunidade de Prática no Brasil: Grupo de Estudos Educar na Cultura Digital, Práxis, Grupo de Sábado (GDS), Portal do Professor, Nética; e em Portugal ArcaComum e Pigafetta. Além disso, teve como ambiente natural de intervenção a escola municipal EMEF Governador André Franco Montoro localizada no município de Campo Limpo Paulista, São Paulo. A abordagem metodológica adotada foi a da pesquisa ação. A análise e interpretação dos dados nesta pesquisa foram construídas a partir da definição de 7 indicadores de potencial identificados nos extratos coletados. Na análise adotou-se o método estatístico multidimensional da classificação hierárquica de similaridade por meio da compilação dos dados no software CHIC que evidenciou a similaridade ou semelhança entre os dados referentes à formação compartilhada dos professores e os efeitos causados na própria prática pedagógica ao participar de uma COP online. Os resultados evidenciaram que o compartilhamento de experiência em uma COP online permitiu construir conhecimento sobre a integração das TDIC no contexto educacional. Os participantes passaram a compreender melhor o seu papel enquanto agente de mudanças que planifica e reflete sobre suas ações pedagógicas em sala de aula

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