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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pedagogers syn med mötet med barn inom bild- och formskapande : en jämförelse mellan Montessori och Reggio Emilia

Hallgren, Caroline, Stigson, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka hur pedagoger på två förskolor med olika pedagogisk inriktning ser på mötet med barn inom bild- och formskapande. Frågeställningarna behandlar hur pedagoger arbetar och vill arbeta med skapande, om och hur synen på barn och barns utveckling skiljer sig samt hur pedagoger uppfattar att barn upplever skapande.   Intervjuer med sju pedagoger är gjorda på en Montessoriförskola och en Reggio Emilia-inspirerad förskola. Intervjuerna är inspelade på band och samtidigt gjordes även anteckningar. Intervjuerna är sedan transkriberade, tolkade och analyserade. I samband med intervjuerna är även fotografier tagna på förskolornas bild- och formskapande utrymmen.     Resultatet visade att synen på barn inte skiljer sig nämnvärt mellan Montessoriförskolan och den Reggio Emilia-inspirerade förskolan. Samtliga pedagoger på båda förskolorna ser barn som kompetenta och upplever att barn utvecklas genom, och är positiva, till bild- och formskapande. Den Reggio Emilia-inspirerade förskolan arbetar dock i högre omfattning med planerad bild- och formskapande verksamhet i jämförelse med Montessoriförskolan. På Montessoriförskolan önskar pedagogerna att de hade mer tid och resurser till bild- och formskapande verksamhet, i nuläget arbetar de enbart spontant med skapande.

Barns deltagande och delaktighet : Projektarbete i en förskola med inspiration från Reggio Emilia

Hamerslag, Anette January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores children’s and pedagogues’ participation in project work in a Swedish preschool inspired by the pedagogical philosophy of Reggio Emilia and its associated participatory agenda. The overall aim is to investigate how children are involved in the shaping of project work in everyday interactions. The study examines how children’s participation and involvement in project work, as it unfolds over time, is organized and negotiated in interaction; what children and pedagogues are oriented to and what communicative, embodied, visual, and material resources that are used. The empirical material was collected during a six months long video ethnographic study among four to five years old children. The video recordings and field notes collected during participant observations are analyzed from an ethnomethodological and a socio-cultural perspective. The study sheds light on how both children and pedagogues are active agents in the constitution of project work and the various communicative and material resources that they draw upon when participating in project work. The findings highlight how the pedagogues work to create conditions for children’s participation and how this work is intimately connected to and dependent on children’s agency. Moreover, it is shown that the pedagogues are creating conditions to facilitate children’s participation through various activities that at first glance appear as controlling. Among other things the pedagogues vary how wide ranging content is allowed. When participating in project work the children are treated and act as competent. They relate to tasks as active subjects and participatory agents in that they coordinate various resources to solve problems and to create products. In their interpretations and reinterpretations of a given task, the children take into account as well the pedagogues’ instructions as their own and other children’s interests. / Forskarskolan: Globalisering, literacy och utforskande lärprocesser: Förskolebarns språk, läsande, skrivande och matematiserande

Pedagogers resonemang kring inomhusmiljön på en Reggio Emilia-inspirerad förskola / Teachers thoughts on the design of environment on a Reggio Emilia-inspired preschool

Elgåsen, Karin, Fahlgren, Ida January 2008 (has links)
Valet av denna studie gjordes utifrån vårt intresse för och nyfikenhet på förskolans inomhusmiljö och Reggio Emiliafilosofins sätt att se på barnet och människan. Syftet med studien var att beskriva och analysera fyra pedagogers utsagor och resonemang kring inomhusmiljöns utformning på en specifikt utvald Reggio Emilia - inspirerad förskola. Avsikten var att försöka fånga bakomliggande tankar av betydelse för utformningen av inomhusmiljön ur ett pedagogperspektiv. Undersökningen baseras på fyra kvalitativa intervjuer med stöd av observationer. I litteraturgenomgången beskrivs Reggio Emiliafilosofin och hur den ser på barnet och lärandet, miljön och organisationen av den, avdelningar indelade efter barnens ålder samt materialets roll. I vårt resultat framkom det att pedagogerna ser barnen som kompetenta och att materialet anpassas efter barnens ålder.  Däremot i ateljén som är en central del inom Reggio Emilia, där anpassas materialet efter barnens ålder och mognad. I diskussionen reflekterar vi över hur variationen av pedagogernas erfarenheter och utbildning inom Reggio Emilia påverkar deras förhållningssätt och arbete. Studiens slutsats är att pedagogerna utformar miljön efter barngruppens behov. / The choice of this study was made out of our interest in and curiosity about the indoor environment at the preschool and the way Reggio Emilia philosophy looks at Child and Man. The aim of the study is to describe and analyze four teachers' statements and discussion about the design of indoor environment one specific Reggio Emilia- inspired preschool. The intention was to try to catch underlying thoughts of importance for the indoor environmental design from teacher perspective. The study is based on four qualitative interviews with support from observations. In the literary part of the study we describe the Reggio Emilia philosophy and its view of child and learning, environment and how it is organized as well as age-based division of children. As a result we deducted that they see the children as competent and that the equipment is adapted after the child's age. However in the studio, which is a central part in Reggio Emilia, the equipment is adapted after the child's age and maturity. In the discussion we reflect over how the variation that teachers experience, really affects their attitude and work, as well as the education within the Reggio Emilia. The conclusion of the study is that the teachers are planning the environment in accordance with the children's needs.

Pedagogisk dokumentation : Hur tolkas begreppet?

Ahonen, Anne-Mari January 2011 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att ta reda på hur pedagoger och tjänstemän på utbildningsförvaltningen tolkar begreppet pedagogisk dokumentation. Min frågeställning var: Hur tolkar pedagogerna och ansvariga på utbildningsförvaltningen pedagogisk dokumentation? Vad är meningsfullt att dokumentera? Vad är det som gör att man kan arbeta med pedagogisk dokumentation? För att få svar på mina frågor så byggde jag min studie på teori från olika pedagoger och forskare inom pedagogik och sedan intervjuer och enkäter med pedagoger och tjänstemän på utbildningsförvaltningen. Resultatet visar att begreppet pedagogisk dokumentation kan tolkas olika och det som ligger i grund hur man tolkar begreppet är vilken barnsyn du som pedagog har. Förskolans pedagoger använder sig av pedagogisk dokumentationen genom observationer med olika metoder det kan vara ex kamera, observationsmallar m.m. och det ska synliggöra barns lärande, men det är även pedagogernas lärande som synliggörs och det bidrar till ett utvecklingsarbete och förändringsarbete. Genom att reflektera över dokumentationerna så kan man se nya saker som man kanske annars inte skulle ha sett. Syftet att använda pedagogisk dokumentation kan vara av olika skäl. Det kan vara att man vill se hur ett barn tänker, barnets utveckling med även för att förändra miljön på förskolan. Läroplanen, Lpfö98 tar upp pedagogisk dokumentation i förorden. Det står att verksamheten synliggörs men även att det ger ett underlag för att se verksamhetens kvalitet. Begreppet pedagogisk dokumentation är hämtat från Reggio Emilia filosofin, där man arbetat med arbetsverktyget i mer än 30 år och syftet är att synliggöra barns lärande, men barnsynen är avgörande om du kan arbeta och förstå begreppet pedagogisk dokumentation. / The purpose of this study is to see how educators and municipalities interpret the term of pedagogical documentation. My question was; how do the educators and the responsible at municipalities interprets pedagogical documentation? What is meaningful to document? What do you think is the foundation if you can work with pedagogical documentation? To find out the answers to my questions, I based my study on theory from different teachers and researchers in education and then interviews and questionnaires. The results show that the concept of pedagogical documentation can be interpreted differently. The Pedagogue´s child perspective controls whether you can make use of pedagogical documentation. Preschool teachers use pedagogical documentation through observation of different methods that can be ex camera, observation templates, etc. and it will make children's learning visible but it is also making the educator's learning visible and it contributes to development and change. By reflecting on documentation it gives you opportunities to see things you would not see yourself. The purpose of the use of pedagogical documentation can be for various reasons it may be that you want to see how a child thinks, child development, even to change the environment at the preschool. The curriculum Lpfö98 raise educational documentation in the preface, it says that the activity is made visible but also that it provides a basis to ensure the quality. The concept of pedagogical documentation is taken from the Reggio Emilia philosophy, which worked with the working tool in more than 30 years and the aim is to make visible children's learning but children view is essential if you can work and understand the concept of pedagogical documentation.

Ett syfte bakom målandet? : En kvalitativ studie om bildskapande aktiviteter på två Reggio Emilia-inspirerade förskolor / A purpose behind painting? : A qualitative study on image-building activities at two preschools with inspiration from Reggio Emilia

Kjell, Jenny, Karlsson, Maria January 2010 (has links)
Bildskapande är något som nämns inom bildkonsten och innefattar konstarterna skulptur, måleri, teckning och grafik. Ett argument för vikten av bildskapande aktiviteter är utvecklandet av visuell ”läs- och skrivkunnighet”. I det här arbetet kommer vi att lyfta bildskapandet ur ett förskoleperspektiv. Syftet med vår studie är att ta reda på hur två pedagoger använder bildskapande som pedagogiskt verktyg och hur de kopplar detta till läroplanen för förskolan. Läroplanen för förskolan skriver om de olika uttrycksformerna; bild, sång och musik, rytmik, dans och rörelse som ska vara till hjälp för att skapa och kommunicera. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativ metod med hjälp av observationer och intervjuer. Resultatet lyfter undersökningsdeltagarnas svar i deavslutande intervjuerna och i diskussionen dras paralleller mellan svaren och läroplanen. / Image-building includes the art forms sculpture, painting, drawing and graphics. One argument for the importance of image-building is the development of visual “readingand writing skills”. In this study we’re going to illuminate image-building within the early childhood perspective. The purpose of our study is to find out how two preschool teachers work with image-building and how they link this to the preschool curriculum.The preschool curriculum writes about the different forms of expression; art, singing and music, dance and movement as a tool to create and communicate. We have used qualitative approach with observation and interviews. The result shows the study’s participants answers in the final interviews and in the discussion we draw parallels between the answers and the curriculum.

Pedagogers resonemang kring inomhusmiljön på en Reggio Emilia-inspirerad förskola / Teachers thoughts on the design of environment on a Reggio Emilia-inspired preschool

Elgåsen, Karin, Fahlgren, Ida January 2008 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Valet av denna studie gjordes utifrån vårt intresse för och nyfikenhet på förskolans inomhusmiljö och Reggio Emiliafilosofins sätt att se på barnet och människan. Syftet med studien var att beskriva och analysera fyra pedagogers utsagor och resonemang kring inomhusmiljöns utformning på en specifikt utvald Reggio Emilia - inspirerad förskola. Avsikten var att försöka fånga bakomliggande tankar av betydelse för utformningen av inomhusmiljön ur ett pedagogperspektiv. Undersökningen baseras på fyra kvalitativa intervjuer med stöd av observationer. I litteraturgenomgången beskrivs Reggio Emiliafilosofin och hur den ser på barnet och lärandet, miljön och organisationen av den, avdelningar indelade efter barnens ålder samt materialets roll. I vårt resultat framkom det att pedagogerna ser barnen som kompetenta och att materialet anpassas efter barnens ålder.  Däremot i ateljén som är en central del inom Reggio Emilia, där anpassas materialet efter barnens ålder och mognad. I diskussionen reflekterar vi över hur variationen av pedagogernas erfarenheter och utbildning inom Reggio Emilia påverkar deras förhållningssätt och arbete. Studiens slutsats är att pedagogerna utformar miljön efter barngruppens behov.</p><p> </p> / <p> </p><p>The choice of this study was made out of our interest in and curiosity about the indoor environment at the preschool and the way Reggio Emilia philosophy looks at Child and Man. The aim of the study is to describe and analyze four teachers' statements and discussion about the design of indoor environment one specific Reggio Emilia- inspired preschool. The intention was to try to catch underlying thoughts of importance for the indoor environmental design from teacher perspective. The study is based on four qualitative interviews with support from observations. In the literary part of the study we describe the Reggio Emilia philosophy and its view of child and learning, environment and how it is organized as well as age-based division of children. As a result we deducted that they see the children as competent and that the equipment is adapted after the child's age. However in the studio, which is a central part in Reggio Emilia, the equipment is adapted after the child's age and maturity. In the discussion we reflect over how the variation that teachers experience, really affects their attitude and work, as well as the education within the Reggio Emilia. The conclusion of the study is that the teachers are planning the environment in accordance with the children's needs.</p><p> </p>

Ska det vara så svårt att ta det lugnt en stund? : - om svårigheten att bemöta barns behov av lugn och ro i den moderna förskolemiljön / Shuld it be so hard to take it easy for a while? : about the difficulty of meeting the children´s need for peace and quit in the modern preschool environment

Fredriksson, Annika January 2013 (has links)
I min essä beskriver jag den öppna miljön, med ett modernt och nytänkande arbetssätt som blir allt vanligare inom förskolan. I den nya moderna förskolan öppnas innemiljöerna upp allt mer för att skapa möjligheter till ett ökat samspel och lärande mellan barnen. Pedagogiken säger att vi pedagoger ska bygga miljöer och inspirera barnen till att själva söka kunskap, men här anser jag att det finns barn som får problem. Många barn har svårt att anpassa sig till den stora barngruppen och utmärker sig för att vara "stökiga" eftersom de inte klarar av att sortera alla sinnesintryck runt omkring sig. Jag ser att barn med koncentrationssvårigheter blir allt vanligare inom förskolan och är orsakat av miljön de befinner sig i. Syftet med min essä är att undersöka hur miljön kan vara grunden till barn som har ett oroligt beteende och hur jag som pedagog kan ge dem möjligheter att lättare komma till ro i en verksamhet som saknar avdelade rum. Genom att jag reflekterar över mitt pedagogiska förhållningssätt kommer jag fram till att alla barn inte kan bemötas lika. För att alla barn ska känna en lugn och trygg lärandemiljö på förskolan krävs det att vi pedagoger har kunskap om hur flexibla rum, vardagsstress och stora barngrupper kan påverka barnets koncentration till eget lärande. / In my essay I describe the open environment, with a modern and innovative way of work that is becoming more and more common in preschools. In the new modern preschool the indoor environments are becoming more open to create an increased interaction and learning between the children. The science of education says that the pedagogue shall create environments and inspire the children to search their own knowledge, but according to me this is a something that causes problems for some children. Many children have difficulties to adapt to the large group of children and are characterized as "messy" since they are unable to sort all the perception they are exposed to. I experience that children with concentration disabilities are becoming more and more common at preschools and that it is caused by the environments they are situated in. The purposes of my essay is to investigate how the environment can be the cause of a restless behavior and how I, as a pedagogue, can give them the opportunity to easier find peace in a preschool which doesn’t have any separate rooms. By reflecting over my pedagogical attitude I find that not all children can be met the same way. For every children to experience a calm and safe learning environment at preschool, it is necessary that we pedagogues have knowledge about how flexible rooms, everyday stress and large groups of children can effect the concentration of learning for the child.

Analia Franco e sua ação socio-educacional na transição do Imperio para a Republica (1868-1919) / Analia Franco and its social educational action in the transition from the Impire to Republic (1868-1919)

Lodi-Correa, Samantha 06 April 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Sergio Eduardo Montes Castanho / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T20:27:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lodi-Correa_Samantha_M.pdf: 18865329 bytes, checksum: be3b3bbd7ba05cfabdd0e722c9c293b3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: A dissertação Anália Franco e sua ação sócio-educacional na transição do Império para a República (1868-1919) apresenta um estudo histórico-biográfico sobre a educadora brasileira Anália Franco. Anália Franco nasceu em Resende - RJ em 1853 e em 1868 já atuava como professora auxiliar na província de São Paulo. Sua atuação como educadora foi marcada por uma convicta preocupação social, levando-a a posicionamentos políticos em um período em que as mulheres tinham pouco espaço na vida pública. Após 1871, com a Lei do Ventre Livre, começa sua primeira atividade sócio-educacional educando crianças negras abandonadas e posicionando-se como abolicionista. Em 1901 Anália fundou a Associação Feminina Beneficente e Instrutiva de São Paulo que criou escolas maternais, creches, liceus, escolas noturnas, oficinas profissionalizantes e asilos na capital paulista e em outras cidades espalhadas pelo estado. Sua atividade estava voltada para a mulher trabalhadora, pobre ou marginalizada pela sociedade, bem como para suas crianças e órfãos. Anália trabalhou intensamente pela educação dos mais pobres até seu falecimento em 1919, quando foi vítima de gripe espanhola. A pesquisa envolveu o contato direto com fontes primárias produzidas pela própria educadora como alguns manuais educativos, relatórios da Associação Feminina, atas e os periódicos: Álbum das meninas e A voz maternal. Para a compreensão do significado de sua atividade foi necessária uma contextualização do Brasil na transição do Império para a República e a inserção da educadora nesse contexto, que possibilitou a formação de suas idéias de igualdade, liberdade e, posteriormente, sua prática educativa. / Abstract: The dissertation Anália Franco and its social educational action in the transition from the Impire to Republic (1868-1919) shows a study biographical history about the brazilian educator Anália Franco. Anália Franco was bon in Resende-RJ in 1853 and in 1868 already played a role as a support teacher in the province of São Paulo. Her role as an educator was market by a convict social preoccupation taking her to political positions in a time where women were still neglected in a public life. After 1871, with the Law of Free Birth, she starts her first social educational activity teaching abandoned black children and placing herself as na abolitionist. In 1901, Anália founded the Beneficent Feminine Association and Instructive of São Paulo which created maternal schools, day care centers, lyceum, night schools, professionallizations schools and shelters for old people in the paulista capital among others cities spread through the state. Her task was related to women who worked hard, poor or marginalized by society, such as to her children and orphans. Anália worked hard for the education of the poorest people till the time of her death in 1919, when was the victim of the Spanish flu. The survey involved the straight contact with elementary sources done by the educator like some educative manuals, reports about Feminine Association, atas and periodics: Album das meninas (Girls'album) and A voz maternal (The maternal voice). For her activity meaning comprehension it was necessary a contextualization of Brazil during the Empire's transition for the Republic and the insertion as an educator in this context, making possible the formation on her ideas of equality, freedom and, consequently, her educative practice. / Mestrado / Filosofia e História da Educação / Mestre em Educação

A participação é um convite e a escuta um desafio: estudos sobre a participação e escuta de crianças em contextos educativos diversos / Participation is an invitation and hearing is a challenge: studies on childrens participation and listening in diverse educational contexts

Priscila Abel Arcuri 10 January 2018 (has links)
As concepções de infância e criança, assim como o lugar social ofertado a elas, vem sendo modificadas ao longo dos anos. Entre o momento em que a infância nem era nomeada ao momento em que se torna objeto de políticas específicas, este estudo busca estabelecer um diálogo e ampliar o debate a respeito da participação e escuta das crianças em contextos educativos, procurando problematizar o que é possível esperar da participação das crianças nestes contextos. Dessa forma, recupera e analisa relatos de experiências em dois projetos educativos diversos, um na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, em uma instituição embasada na educação democrática, e outro na cidade italiana de Reggio Emilia, que tem como base conceitual a pedagogia da escuta. Observou-se que apesar de já existirem alguns contextos educativos que concebem as crianças como sujeitos competentes e capazes e buscam garantir sua participação e escuta, a existência destes contextos ainda é vista como um desafio, tanto prático como teórico. / The conceptions of childhood and child, as well as the social place offered to them, have been modified over the years. Between the time when childhood was not named until the moment when it becomes the object of specific policies, this study seeks to establish a dialogue and broaden the debate about participation and listening to children in educational contexts, trying to problematize what can be expected by children\'s participation in these contexts. In this way, it retrieves and analyzes reports of experiences in two different educational projects, one in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, at an institution based on democratic education, and another in the Italian city of Reggio Emilia, whose conceptual basis is listening pedagogy. It was observed that although there are already some educational contexts that conceive children as competent and capable subjects and seek to guarantee their participation and listening, the existence of these contexts is still seen as a challenge, both practical and theoretical.


RENATA VILANOVA LIMA 18 October 2005 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação sugere um ponto de vista acerca da ilustração no livro infantil. Tem por objeto de análise as visões de ilustradores sobre uma mesma personagem e como esta pôde ser transformada nas mãos de cada autor de imagens. O objeto de estudo é Emília, personagem escolhida como ponto de partida para entender um pouco mais sobre o universo da ilustração em livro. Simultaneamente, Emília também favorece um maior entendimento sobre Monteiro Lobato, grande autor de obras da literatura infantil e importante peça para a construção de um parque editorial no Brasil. A pesquisa pôde encontrar outras facetas do escritor, que justificavam o apuramento técnico dos seus livros e a exigência com relação à sua visualidade. Lobato exerceu um papel de designer, escolhendo artistas conceituados de sua época para ilustrar seus livros. E para cada uma das três fases da personagem boneca, escolheu um ilustrador diferente, que mais se adequava ao momento de Emília na narrativa. Proporcionou, com isso, um amadurecimento da boneca não apenas pelo texto escrito, mas também pelas metáforas visuais suscitadas pelas ilustrações. Analisou-se várias imagens de Emília(s) e algumas fases do escritor, para, através de comparações entre as mesmas, entender melhor sobre a personagem complexa que conhecemos hoje. Tal metodologia mostrou-se bastante adequada a nosso propósito. Observou-se que devido a certa herança visual e às aberturas propostas pelos neologismos da boneca e pela liberdade que Lobato lhe delegou, Emília carrega muitos valores e mensagens contidos no texto escrito e nas ilustrações que o acompanham. Conclui-se que todas essas fases que promoveram a construção de um mosaico extremamente rico que constitui tanto a boneca quanto a vida de Lobato. / [en] This research holds a point of view about children`s book illustration. It aims at analyzing some illustrators` views concerning one single character, and how this character came to be transfomed through such views. Emília, a rag doll, is the chosen character. As an icon of Brazilian children literature, it helped us to better understand the process of book illustration in this country. It also helped us to understand its author, Monteiro Lobato, himself an acclaimed children`s writer and a key figure in Brazil`s book industry. The research identified other Lobato`s facets, which, in our opinion, respond for his books` fine aesthetics. Actually, the writer acted more like a designer when he chose important artists to illustrate his books. Emília had three moments, as far as illustration is concerned, each carried out by a different artist. Lobato defined them according to Emília`s moment in the story, thereby causing the character`s evolution via visual metaphors. We have selected several Emília`s drawings and some of Lobato`s biographic moments. We, then, made comparisons in order to understand the complex character as we came to know nowadays. This methodology proved fairly adequate to our purposes. We have also observed that Emília`s symbolic values and messages, as presented by both image and text in Lobato`s books, are due to a certain visual heritage and the openess provided by the character`s neologisms and the freedom with which Lobato granted it. All these phases, thus, promote the extremely rich mosaic that makes up both the doll`s and Lobato`s own lives.

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