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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rural Women's Empowerment Through the Bono de Desarrollo Humano in Loja, Ecuador

Padilla Herrera, Andrea Michelle 02 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Reconfiguration du partage des tâches domestiques dans les couples guinéens établis au Québec

Diallo, Alpha Ibrahima 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire aborde le partage des tâches chez les couples guinéens (mariés avec enfants) établis au Québec. Nous avons exploré essentiellement quelques éléments qui reviennent dans les propos des couples interrogés. Les résultats obtenus montrent tout d'abord que les hommes sont restés longtemps cantonnés à la sphère productive dans leur pays d’origine, exclus de toutes les activités relatives au « care » largement assumées par les femmes. Or en l’absence de réseau au Québec, les deux membres du couple se trouvent en situation de plus grande dépendance mutuelle pour leur survie, et le conjoint n’a pas le choix de s’impliquer. Ainsi, les nécessités économiques poussent davantage aux changements observés chez les hommes que la sensibilité aux « valeurs démocratiques/féministes » du pays d’accueil. En effet, les propos de certaines femmes interrogées montrent qu’elles sont satisfaites de venir rejoindre leur mari au Québec et de rester à leurs côtés, tout en investissant dans des activités professionnelles auxquelles elles n’avaient pas accès, même étant instruites, dans leur pays d’origine. L’installation au Québec augmente leur pouvoir de négociation dans le couple et pousse leur conjoint à s’impliquer davantage dans les tâches connotées comme « féminines » en Guinée. / This thesis addresses the sharing of tasks within Guinean couples (married with children) established in Quebec. In this sense, it lays the groundwork for an analysis still to be deepened. I essentially explored a few elements that recur in the semi-structured interviews performed. The results show first of all that men have long remained confined to the productive sphere in their country of origin, excluded from all care activities largely assumed by women. However, in the absence of a network in Quebec, the two members of the couple are now in greater mutual dependence for their survival and the spouse does not have much choice to get involved. Thus, economic necessities drive the observed changes more than sensitivity to the “democratic/feminist values” of the host country. Indeed, some women are more satisfied to come and stay with their husbands in Quebec and to invest in professional activities to which they had not accessed even being educated in the country of origin. This increases their bargaining power in the couple and pushes their husbands to become more involved in tasks connoted as “feminine” in Guinea.

Gender relations and the beneficiary: an impact study of the resource mobilisation initiative of Nyimba District Farmers Association as supported by MS Zambia

Kirk, Else 29 February 2008 (has links)
The central objective of this dissertation is to gain an understanding of the effect by the market within the household on a specific developmental initiative whose aim was poverty reduction. This dissertation analyses how individuals gain access to resources, and how they enforce their entitlements during the on-going implicit and explicit negotiations inherent in daily rural life. The research tested the suitability of several concepts previously untested in the southern African context. The concept of hearth-holds, proved valuable as a unit of analysis which recognizes the importance of female-directed social units. The relevance of the fall-back position in terms of locality of kin, as well as perceptions of legitimacy, were crucial in affecting how far they were willing to go and what they felt they could demand in everyday household bargaining situations. The deficiency of using romantic ideas of conjugal relations and equal opportunities to explain practice was apparent. Spouses strategise within the terms of their conjugal contracts, at times adhering to the dominant patriarchal bargain, at times covertly defying or overtly challenging it, and following another bargain. Placing women as the custodians of morality, works to the relative advantage of men by isolating women from accessing certain opportunities. Female heads of households, manage to legitimise their access to resources by virtue of being custodians of their children. Custodianship of cash funds, and the dominant decision making model used for resource related decisions in the household, clearly impacted on the relevance of different strategies in the bargaining process. The strategic entry points in this process of reduced transparency and violence were relevant in most households studied. The latter was effective in reinforcing and shaping the conjugal contract, despite in effect breaking it. Drinking facilitated this process by creating a temporary suspension of the rules. Concrete recommendations for developmental practitioners involve incorporating the hearth-hold concept and promoting the communal planning, budgeting and monitoring approach, as well as to specifically target individuals who need their intra-household bargaining power boosted. A clear policy on affirmative action in gate keeper roles, as well as gender disaggregated documentation of beneficiaries, should be institutionalised. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

The impact of forced migration on women in northern Uganda

Kemirere, Babugura Fidelis 31 December 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to analyse the impact of forced migration on women and development in northern Uganda. The armed conflict in northern Uganda, which started in 1986, led to gross violations of human rights against women forcing them to flee their homes and ftnd refuge in overcrowded resettlement camps. The main objective of the study was to critically analyse the causes of displacement and the experiences of internally displaced women so as to contribute to available knowledge on women and development Qualitative and feminist research techniques were carried out in Erute Camp located in Lira Municipality among intemally displaced women, using observation and interviews. The findings reveal that forced migration was caused by the armed conflict between the LRA rebels and the government solders. The conflict destroyed in:frastructw·e and socio-economic service delivery systems. This consequently par·alysed the northern Uganda's development as many civilians were forced to abandon their homesteads due to traumatic experiences of killings, torture and abductions. This resulted in human disintegration and the collapse of economic and social development in the region that was based on agriculture. The prolonged insecurity disrupted education, health, communication and commercial activities resulting in absolute poverty and underdevelopment Despite effo11s by government and some humanitarian agencies to provide the needs of the affected civilians, peace and reconciliation seems to be hard to achieve. Insecurity continues to spread making normal life, relief and economic activities impossible. Due to lack of effective implementation, coordination and monitoring of programmes, the situation poses great challenges to government and international h\Unanitarian agencies present such as: WFP, UNHCR, WHO, World Bank and others. Therefore, forced migration has a significant impact on women's social, economic, cultural and environmental development. However, a positive impact regar·ding women's empowe1ment and gender equality due to changed roles was eminent. I conclude by recommending that the stakeholders need to increase the capacity to restore peace. There is need to coordinate the development projects and programmes through increased flexibility and transparency. However, the need to involve women in the reconciliation and reconstruction processes to restore peace in northern Uganda is vital / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil.


Jäckle, Monika 26 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Der Begriff Geschlechterdispositiv verweist auf den Dispositiv-Begriff bei Michel Foucault und umfasst das machtvolle Zusammenspiel von hegemonialen Geschlechternormen in Gestalt von gesellschaftlich-kulturellen Leitbildern (Diskursen), von institutionellen Regelungen wie Geschlechtsrollenverteilungen (Institutionen), von vergeschlechtlichten Praktiken im Sinne des doing gender (Praxis) und von geschlechtlichen Identitätsangeboten (Subjektivität). Die Konstruktion von Geschlecht ist mit Machtbeziehungen und Wahrheitspolitiken verbunden. Das Geschlechterdispositiv stellt damit auch eine Analyseeinheit dar, die sich für eine empirische Forschung im Sinne einer relationalen Machtanalytik öffnet.

Gender Mainstreaming

Wegrzyn, Eva 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Gender Mainstreaming ist eine gleichstellungspolitische Strategie, die daraufhin ausgerichtet ist, sämtliche Entscheidungen in einer Organisation kritisch auf ihre Auswirkungen auf die von geschlechterbezogenen Ungleichheiten unterschiedlich geprägte Lebensrealität von Frauen und Männern zu überprüfen und diesbezüglich bestehende Differenzen abzubauen. Kritik wird u. a. aufgrund der voraussetzungsreichen Umsetzung und der Gefahr, stereotype Geschlechterbilder zu verfestigen, geübt.

Quels sont les facteurs menant à la consommation de services sexuels rémunérés dans un contexte touristique à l’étranger? : le cas du tourisme sexuel au Mexique

Montmagny Grenier, Catherine 08 1900 (has links)
Il a été montré que l’Homme a un penchant latent à poser des gestes prohibés qui sont contrôlés par les normes formelles et informelles de sa communauté. Si nous sortons un individu de sa communauté sera-t-il plus enclin à poser ces gestes? C’est cette situation que le présent mémoire cherche à exposer. Nous visons à comprendre le processus menant à la consommation de services sexuels rémunérés dans un contexte touristique à l’étranger par l’étude du tourisme sexuel au Mexique. Nous cherchons à définir les facteurs qui motivent, ou du moins favorisent ce type de consommation dans un tel contexte. Pour rendre compte de ces facteurs, nous utilisons un corpus de données composé de commentaires publiés par des touristes sexuels sur un forum de clavardage, se trouvant sur la Toile, et de données existantes. Nous analysons ce corpus de données par une combinaison théorique de l’intersectionnalité et du contrôle social. Précisément, nous analysons les commentaires seuls afin de rendre compte des motivations des touristes à pratiquer le tourisme sexuel, puis nous analysons les données existantes en établissant des liens avec les commentaires publiés pour connaitre les facteurs qui permettent aux touristes cette pratique. / It has been demonstrated that the human being has a latent inclination for transgression, which is restrained by formal and informal standards set by its community. If, however, we take an individual out of its community, will he be more inclined to transgress norms? The present thesis attempts to expound that situation. We aim to understand the process that leads one to consume paid sexual services in a touristic context abroad by studying sex tourism in Mexico. We are trying to define the factors that motivate, or at least, favour this type of consummation in such context. We use a body of evidence composed of comments published by sex tourists on an online forum, and of existing data to account for these factors. We analyze these evidences by combining intersectionality and social control on a theoretical level. Specifically, we review the comments alone in order to understand the tourists' motives to seek sex tourism, and we analyze the existing data, establishing links with the published comments as to identify the factors permitting tourists to engage in that practice.

Les perceptions de la sexualité et les relations de couple de femmes haïtiennes immigrantes au Québec : pour une exploration des rapports hommes femmes en Haïti

Jean-Pierre, Myrlande 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a étudié les perceptions de femmes haïtiennes vivant au Québec depuis moins de cinq ans de leurs relations sexuelles avec les hommes et de leurs rapports de couple. Après avoir opté pour une méthodologie de recherche qualitative, la théorie féministe intersectionnelle a été retenue comme cadre d’analyse. Des entretiens individuels semi-dirigés ont été menés auprès de 9 femmes haïtiennes, âgées de 18 à 60 ans et ayant immigré au Québec depuis moins de cinq ans. Les perceptions des femmes de la sexualité ont été appréhendées comme étant un ensemble de discours et de pratiques inter reliés, qui se construit dès l’enfance, et qui reproduit les types de rapports inégalitaires entre hommes et femmes qui existent dans la société haïtienne et dans leur couple. Ces rapports inégalitaires sont véhiculés entre les générations à travers la plupart des institutions sociales comme la famille, l’école, la culture, la législation. Ce processus de construction des perceptions de la sexualité est également influencé par des enjeux socio-économiques et de pouvoir. Les résultats de cette recherche permettent de disposer de données scientifiques sur la sexualité des femmes et les rapports de couple en Haïti et l’influence du processus migratoire. Ces résultats soulignent également la nécessité pour le travail social haïtien d’encourager le développement de l’empowerment économique des femmes et leur participation aux débats actuels de la société sur l’évolution de la condition féminine. / The purpose of this research was to explore the perceptions of Haitian women that had immigrated to Quebec in the past five years, of their sexual relationships with men and the extent to which it is reflected in the different types of conjugal relationships. After choosing a qualitative research method, the intersectional feminist theory has been adopted for the analysis. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with 9 Haitian women, aged 18 and 60 years and having immigrated to Quebec in the past five years. The women’s perceptions of sexual relationships have been reported as being a set of practices and discourses interrelated built since childhood and reproducing the unequal relationships between men and women that exist in the Haitian society and in the couples. These unequal relationships are transmitted through the generations and through most of the social institutions such as family, school, culture, laws. This process is also influenced by socio-economic and power issues. The results of this research give scientific data on women sexuality and couple relationships as well as the influence of immigration process. These results also emphasize the need for the Haitian social work to encourage the development of economic empowerment of women and their participation in current debates in society on the development of women. / Memwa sa a vle etidye ki pèsepsyon fanm ayisyèn yo genyen de rapò seksyel yo ak gason, e nan ki mezi pèsepsyon sa yo repwodwi kalite relasyon ki egziste ant yomenm ak nèg yo. Rechèch la chwazi yon metodoloji kalitativ, apresa li kenbe teyori feminis entèseksyonèl kom kad ki pou pemet li analize done li yo. Rechèch la nenen 9 antrevi mwatye ouvè, mwatye fèmen ak 9 fanm ayisyèn, ki genyen ant 18 ak 60 lane, epi ki imigre nan pwovens kebèk, nan peyi Kanada depi mwens pase 5 lane. Dapre rezilta rechèch la, pèsepsyon medanm yo genyen de seksyalite yo tradwi pa yon pakèt pawòl ak yon pakèt abitid ki mare ansanm. Medanm yo komanse ranmase bagay sayo depilè yo te timoun lakay paran yo pou jiskaske yo vin granmoun lakay pa yo. Fason sa yo medanm yo konprann seksyalite a tou, se yon bagay ki soti nan relasyon fòskote ki egziste ant fanm ak gason, ni nan sosyete ayisyènn nan, ni nan relayon konjigal yo. Bagay sa yo transmèt de generasyon an generasyon gras ak lafanmi, lekol, lakilti, lwa peyia. Pou fini, pèsepsyon sa yo medanm yo gen de seksyalite yo a makonen ak yon seri de enterè ekonomik ak politik ki gen nan sosyete a. Resilta rechèch sa a fe plizyè bagay. Premyèman li pemèt nou genyen dokiman syantifik sou seksyalite fanm ak relasyon ki genyen ant fanm ak gason lè yap viv andedan kay, nan peyia. Dezyèmman, rezilta yo montre travayèz ak travayè sosyal yo an ayiti, kouma li enpotan pou yo ankourage medanm yo devlope pouvwa lajan lakay yo. Rezilta yo montre tou kouman li enpotan pou medanm ayisyènn yo chache rantre nan tout diskisyon kap fet nan sosyete ayisyèn nan sou kondisyon lavi fanm yo.

Theorising women: the intellectual contributions of Charlotte Maxeke to the struggle for liberation in South Africa

April, Thozama January 2012 (has links)
<p>The study outlines five areas of intervention in the development of women&rsquo / s studies and politics on the continent. Firstly, it examines the problematic construction and the inclusion of women in the narratives of the liberation struggle in South Africa. Secondly, the study identifies the sphere of intellectual debates as one of the crucial sites in the production of historical knowledge about the legacies of liberation struggles on the continent. Thirdly, it traces the intellectual trajectory of Charlotte Maxeke as an embodiment of the intellectual contributions of women in the struggle for liberation in South Africa. In this regard, the study traces Charlotte Maxeke as she deliberated and engaged on matters pertaining to the welfare of the Africans alongside the prominent intellectuals of the twentieth century. Fourthly, the study inaugurates a theoretical departure from the documentary trends that define contemporary studies on women and liberation movements on the continent. Fifthly, the study examines the incorporation of Maxeke&rsquo / s legacy of active intellectual engagement as an integral part of gender politics in the activities of the Women&rsquo / s Section of the African National Congress. In the areas identified, the study engages with the significance of the intellectual inputs of Charlotte Maxeke in South African history.</p>

Quels sont les facteurs menant à la consommation de services sexuels rémunérés dans un contexte touristique à l’étranger? : le cas du tourisme sexuel au Mexique

Montmagny Grenier, Catherine 08 1900 (has links)
Il a été montré que l’Homme a un penchant latent à poser des gestes prohibés qui sont contrôlés par les normes formelles et informelles de sa communauté. Si nous sortons un individu de sa communauté sera-t-il plus enclin à poser ces gestes? C’est cette situation que le présent mémoire cherche à exposer. Nous visons à comprendre le processus menant à la consommation de services sexuels rémunérés dans un contexte touristique à l’étranger par l’étude du tourisme sexuel au Mexique. Nous cherchons à définir les facteurs qui motivent, ou du moins favorisent ce type de consommation dans un tel contexte. Pour rendre compte de ces facteurs, nous utilisons un corpus de données composé de commentaires publiés par des touristes sexuels sur un forum de clavardage, se trouvant sur la Toile, et de données existantes. Nous analysons ce corpus de données par une combinaison théorique de l’intersectionnalité et du contrôle social. Précisément, nous analysons les commentaires seuls afin de rendre compte des motivations des touristes à pratiquer le tourisme sexuel, puis nous analysons les données existantes en établissant des liens avec les commentaires publiés pour connaitre les facteurs qui permettent aux touristes cette pratique. / It has been demonstrated that the human being has a latent inclination for transgression, which is restrained by formal and informal standards set by its community. If, however, we take an individual out of its community, will he be more inclined to transgress norms? The present thesis attempts to expound that situation. We aim to understand the process that leads one to consume paid sexual services in a touristic context abroad by studying sex tourism in Mexico. We are trying to define the factors that motivate, or at least, favour this type of consummation in such context. We use a body of evidence composed of comments published by sex tourists on an online forum, and of existing data to account for these factors. We analyze these evidences by combining intersectionality and social control on a theoretical level. Specifically, we review the comments alone in order to understand the tourists' motives to seek sex tourism, and we analyze the existing data, establishing links with the published comments as to identify the factors permitting tourists to engage in that practice.

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