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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le rôle des organisations de femmes dans la construction de la paix en Bosnie-Herzégovine. Normes Internationales et carrières des organisations de 1995 à 2012 / The role of Women organizations in peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina. International norms and organizations' careers from 1995 to 2012.

Delomez, Hélène 28 October 2013 (has links)
En Bosnie-Herzégovine, après la guerre de 1992 à 1995, un nombre important d'organisations féminines se sont créées partout sur le territoire, afin de prendre en charge une partie des nombreux problèmes que pose la reconstruction post-conflit. Parallèlement, au niveau international, une attention croissante est portée aux conséquences des conflits armés sur les femmes et les filles, ainsi que sur la nécessité de les intégrer dans la reconstruction post-conflit. La résolution 1325 votée par le Conseil de Sécurité en 2000 vise ainsi à appeler les États à intégrer les femmes dans les processus de décision dans les contextes de construction de la paix. La présente recherche vise à interroger et analyser les capacités des organisations de femmes à participer et à influencer le processus de construction de la paix. En effet, une des hypothèses de départ de cette recherche postule que les organisations de femmes ont été ciblées par les acteurs de la communauté internationale comme des actrices privilégiées de la construction de la paix et de la réconciliation. Dans une perspective longitudinale, prenant en considération les carrières de plusieurs catégories d'organisations de femmes, il s'agit d'analyser les mobilisations sociales impulsées par les organisations féminines, ainsi que l'évolution de leurs agendas et de leurs capacités à agir sur le processus de construction de la paix. / Since the end of the Bosnian war (1992-95), many women organizations have been created in Bosnia in order to handle many post-conflict issues. At the same time, in the international arena, new norms have highlighted the specific needs of women and girls in the aftermath of conflict in regard to their specific victimization during armed conflict. The resolution 1325 adopted by the Security Council in 2000, calls the States to take into account these specific needs and to integrate women in peacebuilding decision's processes. This research aims at examining and analyzing the capabilities of women organizations in participating in peacebuilding process in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the research is to bring out the factors of their mobilizations and the evolution of their agenda of action with a specific attention to the international norms circulation. Two main categories of organizations have been defined during the research in order to highlight different agencies and roles in the peacebuilding process, as well as the relationship between the two different categories of organizations.

Problematika násilí, genderu a multikulturalismu ve videohrách / Violence, Gender and Multiculturalism in Videogames

Kolář, Aleš January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with issues of violence, gender and multiculturalism in videogames and computer games. The theoretical part summarizes the history of videogames and describes what videogames are, who are they for and who actually plays them. Next, it describes the problems and criticism of videogames regarding violence, gender and multiculturalism and showcases the issues on select videogames. The practical part showcases presentation of violence, sexual content, female characters and racial and ethnic minorities in videogames in a case study of the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The case study also comments on criticism the game has received because of these issues. The author considers the game to be problematic in some aspects, but generally not racist or sexist. The thesis includes a study of demographical distribution of players in Czech Republic and their opinions about violence, gender and multiculturalism in videogames. The study had the form of an online questionnaire; the respondents were asked to take part via social media. The players do not mind violence in videogames and their opinions are in accord with the latest studies. Their opinions on gender and multiculturalism differ from the opinions of experts and the players generally consider videogames to be more inclusive than they...

Towards an Understanding of Combatants' Motivations: The Implications of the Links Between Gender Bias and Political Violence

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: A growing body of literature has sought to explain the nature and effects of conflict-related sexualized violence. However, a critical problem that persists concerns why wartime rape varies both within and across conflicts. Political science literature mainly addresses these questions of variation in sexualized violence through group-level or structural explanations. Yet, clear patterns of combatant non-participation in conflict-related sexualized violence is apparent, even in cases where sexual violence is severe and pervasive. What allows one combatant to refrain, while another combatant, even within the same combat unit, perpetrates sexualized violence? In this dissertation, I argue that critical differences concerning attitudes, beliefs, and motivations exist between individual combatants. In light of these differences, I reintroduce the individual combatant onto the theoretical map as a critical unit of analysis and I explore the implications of gender inequality as an important and relevant factor related to sexualized violence in political conflict. Drawing on findings from social psychology, political psychology, sociology, and political science, the theory developed argues that combatants differentially internalize important norms related to gender that become particularly activated based on primarily externalized contextual influences. To test the theory, I conduct a mixed-method, sub-national comparative analysis of combatants and attitudes and beliefs associated with gender inequality during the Bosnian War (1992 – 1995). I rely on qualitative data generated from semi-structured, comprehensive interviews with psychologists, victim’s advocates, and legal experts managing sexual violence war crimes cases, and combat veterans directly associated with the Bosnian War (1992 – 1995) to assess differences at the individual-level of analysis. To additionally determine the broader effects of gender inequality, I employ an ordered probit regression analysis to ascertain the relationship between gender inequality related to institutional health and education factors and the severity of wartime rape. The combined results of these analyses demonstrate that individual differences between combatants better predicts the likelihood of a combatant to commit sexualized violence compared to structural or institutional accounts alone. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Political Science 2019

Patrones de apego en hombres que agreden a sus parejas: dos casos de zonas rurales / Attachment patterns in men who are violent with their couples: two cases of rural areas

Martinez Bruckmann, Pamela Milagros 08 November 2019 (has links)
La violencia conyugal se ha convertido en una problemática presente en diferentes sociedades. Las investigaciones al respecto se han dado desde el enfoque de la víctima, en entorno social y, en los últimos años, de los varones agresores. Sobre los hombres agresores se ha resaltado la relación entre el factor del apego con sus conductas agresivas. Debido a esto, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo describir los patrones de apego que presentan en su relación de pareja dos varones de zonas rurales. El diseño de la investigación es cualitativo con un enfoque fenomenológico. Los participantes fueron 2 hombres adultos involucrados en relaciones largas con hijos. El instrumento de recolección de datos fue la entrevista a profundidad y se analizaron bajo la estrategia de análisis de contenido. Los resultados arrojaron que los patrones de apego que presentan los participantes en sus relaciones de pareja están estrechamente relacionados a los primeros vínculos afectivos que tuvieron con sus cuidadores primarios. Dichos patrones están dirigidos por la angustia ante la idea de separación de su pareja. / Conjugal violence has become a problem present in different societies. Investigations in this regard have been given from the approach of the victim, in a social environment and, in recent years, of male aggressors. The relationship between the attachment factor and its aggressive behaviors has been highlighted on the aggressive men. Because of this, this research aims to describe the patterns of attachment that two men from rural areas have in their relationship. The research design is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The participants were 2 adult men involved in long relationships with children. The data collection instrument was the in-depth interview and was analyzed under the content analysis strategy. The results showed that the attachment patterns presented by the participants in their romantic relationships are closely related to the first emotional ties they had with their primary caregivers. These patterns are driven by anguish at the idea of ​​separation from their romantic partner. / Tesis


AGATHA ALVES DA SILVA 17 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo tem como objeto as particularidades na implementação da Política Nacional de Enfrentamento à Violência contra as Mulheres no contexto local, através da atuação do Centro de Referência de Mulheres da Maré-Carminha Rosa (CRMM-CR), localizado na Vila do João, sub-bairro do conjunto de favelas da Maré, no município do Rio de Janeiro. Considerando a violência de gênero contra as mulheres como um constructo social, histórico e multifacetado que fere os Direitos Humanos das mulheres e gera impactos na vida dessa população no Brasil, o estudo busca identificar como uma política formulada pela esfera federal é implementada no contexto local da Vila do João – Maré. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir da metodologia qualitativa e os instrumentos utilizados para produção de dados foram entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com 6 profissionais que integram a equipe do CRMM-CR. Os dados produzidos foram analisados a partir de uma perspectiva interseccional, articulando as três categorias fundantes das desigualdades no modo de produção capitalista patriarcal: gênero, raça e classe. Os principais resultados apontam para a necessidade de ampliar a compreensão sobre proteção às mulheres em situação de violência de gênero, olhando não só para violências domésticas e interpessoais, mas também para as violências estruturais, urbanas e aquelas perpetradas pelo Estado. Destaca-se nesse sentido, o papel fundamental do CRMM-CR como porta de entrada para a PNEVC nesse território e articulador da Rede de Atendimento. / [en] This study has as its object the particularities in the implementation of the National Policy to Combat Violence against Women in the local context, through the performance of the Maré-Carminha Rosa Women Reference Center (CRMM-CR), located in Vila do João, sub-neighborhood of the Maré favelas, in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. Considering gender violence against women as a social, historical and multifaceted construct that hurts the human rights of women and impacts on the lives of this population in Brazil, the study seeks to identify how a policy formulated by the federal sphere is implemented in the local context of Vila do João - Maré. The research was developed from the qualitative methodology and the instruments used for data production were semi-structured interviews conducted with 6 professionals who are part of the CRMM-CR team. The data produced were analyzed from an intersectional perspective, articulating the three founding categories of inequalities in the patriarchal capitalist mode of production: gender, race and class. The main results point to the need to broaden the understanding of protecting women in situations of gender-based violence, looking not only at domestic and interpersonal violence, but also at structural, urban and perpetrative violence by the State. In this sense, the key role of CRMM-CR as a gateway to the NPCVW in this territory and articulator of the Service Network stands out.


Haney, Charlotte Anne 16 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Mediated Intimacies: Legal, Literary, and Journalistic Textualities of Gender Violence in Post-War Nicaragua

Miklos, Alicia Z. 28 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.


RENATA ARAUJO DE PAIVA 22 September 2022 (has links)
[pt] A recente emergência do termo violência obstétrica abarca uma grande carga de significados e possibilidades. Fruto da busca pela ruptura com as estruturas opressoras de poder impostas sobre os copos das mulheres em período gestacional no sistema de saúde, o termo é tão polêmico e impactante quanto a violência vivenciada por essas mulheres no mundo inteiro. Diante dos debates que a expressão suscita, este trabalho consiste na análise dos mecanismos de poder que perpetuam a violação de direitos das mulheres gestantes no sistema de saúde brasileiro, sob a perspectiva de Michel Foucault, e sua caracterização como violência de gênero, estruturante da sociedade capitalista ocidental. A partir da análise de tais mecanismos, considerando fatores como o racismo estrutural, classe e as disputas políticas que envolvem a atenção de saúde da mulher, bem como o arcabouço legal disponível, pretende-se traçar um panorama das possibilidades de prevenção e enfrentamento do problema no cenário brasileiro atual. / [en] The recently emerged term obstetric violence, is capable of great meaning and possibilities. Resulting from the struggle for rupture from oppressing structures of power imposed upon pregnant women s bodies in facility-based childbirth and other health services, this term is as polemic and powerful as the violence experienced by women all over the word. Considering the debates over this expression, the present research hopes to analyze the power dynamics that enable pregnant women s rights violation in Brazilian health-care system, using Michel Foucault s perspective, and a gender-based violence approach, that is built into the fabric of patriarchal capitalist society. Based on this analysis and considering facts such as structural racism, class and political disputes that surrounds women s healthcare attention, as well as the legal available support, it is hoped to provide an overview of possibilities for prevention and confrontation of the problem, in Brazilian current circumstances.

Black feminist discourse analysis of portrayals of gender violence against Black women: A social work dissertation

Ross, Avina 01 January 2016 (has links)
This study explored media discourse of gender violence against Black women in Black contemporary films. Four Tyler Perry films were examined using a novel, qualitative and analytical framework: Black Feminist Discourse Analysis. Discourses that were studied include, but were not limited to: portrayals of gender violence and victims, character dispositions and interactions, stereotypes, relationship dynamics as well as portrayals of race, gender, sexuality and religion. The use of new and existing controlling images based on systems of race, gender, sexuality and religion were revealed in a transitional and systemic model. Common themes across the films are provided. This research closes with concluding assertions grounded by existing literature and the current study’s findings, as well as recommendations for future film writing and production and implications for social work.

Violência doméstica contra a mulher e lesões corporais: aspectos médico-legais / Domestic violence againts women and injuries: forensic aspects

Silva, Leonardo Henriques da 24 April 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar algumas contribuições da Medicina Legal para a compreensão da violência doméstica contra a mulher. Para tanto, o trabalho parte de uma visão geral sobre a violência como fenômeno social para se chegar à ideia de violência de gênero, na qual a violência doméstica contra a mulher se encontra inserida. Após, são apresentados alguns documentos internacionais sobre violência contra a mulher para se chegar ao processo de formação da Lei nº 11.340/06. As inovações da Lei nº 11.340/06 quanto ao crime de lesão corporal são apresentadas a seguir, culminando com a apresentação de tópicos de relevância médico-legal pertinentes à questão da violência doméstica contra a mulher. / The present work aims to present some contributions of Forensic Medicine to understanding domestic violence against women. To this end, the work presents an overview of violence as a social phenomenon to arrive at the idea of gender violence, in which domestic violence against women is inserted. In the following, some international documents on violence against women are presented to reach at Lei nº 11.340/06s formation process. The innovations of Lei nº 11.340/06 regarding the crime of personal physical injury are presented below, culminating with the presentation of relevant topics pertaining to the medical-legal issue of domestic violence against women.

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