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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Common Core Curriculum Standards on High School Students with Disabilities

Loedding, Nancy Beth Thompson 01 January 2015 (has links)
This case study examined the effect of implementing the Common Core Curriculum Standards (CCCS) on students with disabilities (SWD) in a county in northeast Georgia. The study investigated teachers' perceptions regarding the effect of implementing the CCCS in high school English language arts and mathematics classes on the academic success of SWD and their ability to graduate from high school with a regular diploma. Information was also gathered to determine if teachers offered additional supports to SWD as part of the increased academic expectations of the CCCS. In addition, teachers were asked about the preparation they received prior to teaching the CCCS. The conceptual framework that drove this study was based on Fullan's theory of educational change. The study was conducted using a qualitative case study design. A total of 8 teacher participants were included through a combination of individual interviews and emailed responses to the interview questions. Data were analyzed for common themes using key words generated during the initial round of coding. Findings indicated that these 8 teachers were offering increased accommodations and seeing less academic success among SWD than they had observed prior to CCCS implementation. Teachers also reported feeling inadequately prepared to teach the increased academic expectations associated with the CCCS, especially to SWD. The findings from the study support the need for increased, ongoing, sustainable professional learning related to teaching the CCCS to SWD.

小區域生育率與人口推計研究 / Small Population Projections:Modeling and Evaluation

曹郁欣, Eunice Y. Tsao Unknown Date (has links)
由於許多國家死亡率下降快速、壽命延長幅度超乎預期,加上生育率持續低於替代水準,人口老化現象愈發明顯,近年來個人生涯規劃及政府施政,都格外強調退休後經濟生活及老年相關社會資源分配的比重。以臺灣為例,行政院經濟建設委員會 (簡稱經建會) 從1990年代開始,每兩年公布一次未來的人口推估,但過去十年來經建會屢次修正歷年的推估假設,以因應生育率及死亡率變化快速,適時提醒臺灣日益加速的人口老化。正因為人口推估可能受到人口數、社會變遷、資料品質等因素,影響統計分析的可靠性,常用於國家層級的推估方法,往往無法直接套用至縣市及其以下的層級 (即小區域),使得小區域人口推估較為棘手,需要更加謹慎面對。 本文延續王信忠等人 (2012) 的研究,以小區域人口推估為目標,著重在生育率推估研究,結合隨機模型與修勻方法,尋找適合臺灣縣市層級的小區域人口推估方法。本文考量的隨機模型計有區塊拔靴法 (Block Bootstrap) 和 Lee-Carter 模型 (Lee and Carter 1992),以預測未來的生育率和死亡率,並套用年輪組成推計法 (或稱為人口要素合成法;Cohort Component Method) 及修勻 (Graduation) 方法,探討這些方法與人口規模之間的關係,評估用於小區域人口推估之可行性。 本文首先以電腦模擬,探討生育率的推估,討論是否可直接推估總生育率,類似增加樣本數的概念,取代各縣市的年齡別生育率,以取得較為穩定的推估。根據模擬結果,發現人口規模對出生數的推估沒有明顯的關係,只要使用總生育率、再結合區塊拔靴法,就足以提供穩定的推估結果。實證研究方面,以臺灣縣市層級的人口及其年齡結構 (例如:0-14歲、15-64歲、65歲以上) 為驗證對象,發現分析結果也與電腦模擬相似,發現以區塊拔靴法推估臺灣各縣市的總生育率、年齡組死亡率,其推估精確度不因人口規模而打折扣,顯示以區塊拔靴法推估總生育率、年齡組死亡率,可用於推估臺灣小地區的未來人口。 / Due to the rapid mortality reduction, prolonging human longevity is a common phenomenon and longevity risk receives more attention in 21st century. Many developed countries encounter many problems brought up by prolonging life, such as poor community infrastructure and insufficient financial pension funds for the elderly. Population Projection thus becomes essential in government planning in dealing with the population aging. However, rapid changes in mortality and fertility make the projection very tricky. It would be even more difficult to project areas with fewer populations (i.e., small areas) since it takes extra efforts to deal with the larger fluctuations in small population. The objective of the study is to construct a standard operating procedure (SOP) for small population projection. Unlike the previous study, e.g., Wang et al. (2012), we will take both the fertility and mortality into account (but set migration aside for simplicity). First, for the fertility projection, we evaluate if total fertility rates (TFR) are more appropriate than the age-specific fertility rates for small population. Also, we compare two fertility projection methods: Lee-Carter model and block bootstrap, and check which shows better results. Based on the computer simulation, we found that TFR performs better and the block bootstrap method is more sensitive to rapid fertility changes. As for mortality rate projection, we also recommend the standard operating procedure by Wang et al. (2012). However, the smoothing methods have limited impacts on mortality projection and can be ignored. In addition to simulation, we also apply the SOP for projecting the small population to Taiwan counties and it achieves satisfactory results. However, due to the availability of data, our method can only be used for short-term projection (at most 30 years) and these results might not apply to long-term projection. Also, similar to the previous work, the fertility rates have the larger impact on small population projection, although we think that the migration has large impact as well. In this study, only the stochastic projection is considered and we shall consider including expert opinions as the future study.

小區域死亡率模型與生命表編算 / A Study of Mortality Models and Life Table Construction of Small Areas

鍾陳泰, Chung, Chen Tai Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣各縣市人口結構差異明顯,各縣市的人口出生、老化程度都不盡相同,而且在醫療分配及社會資源的使用也有很大的差異,因此各縣市應因應各地特性發展不同的小區域人口推估方法。由於樣本數與變異數成反比,人數較少者的死亡率(像是高齡人口)通常震盪較大,藉由適當的修勻(Graduation)調整,通常可降低年齡層間的死亡率震盪。然而,當縣市層級的人數太少時,只依賴修勻往往不足,多半會再參考人口較多的大母體之死亡率。例如:傳統的的貝氏修勻,使用Lee-Carter之類的參數死亡模型(Lee and Carter, 1992),或是透過小區域及大母體的死亡率比值(王信忠, 2012)。然而過去研究較少全面性的比較這些方法,尤其是用於人數較少(如:十萬人)的地區。 本文以探討小區域生命表及死亡率推估為目標,著眼於人數不多於五萬人,尋求較為適合臺灣及類似國家的死亡率編算方法。由於修勻或貝氏等方法可視為增加樣本數,本文將擴大樣本分為四種方式:「同地同時」、「同地異時」、「異地同時」、「異地異時」,亦即將死亡資料的整併分成是否限定於小區域,以及是否可擴及其他年度。本文藉由電腦模擬測試,提供在各種限制之下,最合適小區域生命表建構的準則。其中,本文假設大、小區域的死亡率間存有三種情境的關係:定值、遞增、V字型,藉由調整大小區域死亡率比值間的幅度,探討大母體及小區域間的差異對實務使用的影響。研究發現,Partial SMR方法是一個值得參考的方法,當大小區域死亡率類型接近時的效果不錯,甚至可用於人數小於一萬人,但若死亡率類型差異過大,修勻方法會有限制,使用時需格外謹慎。 / The population structure, life expectancy (and age-specific mortality rates), and the speed of population aging vary a lot in different county of Taiwan. Each county has its own policy planning according to the needs. However, the county level population is usually not enough to provide stable estimates, such as of the life expectancies and mortality rates at the county level. Thus, certain graduation methods are applied to stabilize these estimates. However, only a few studies focus on comparing different types of graduation methods, including traditional graduation methods, Bayesian methods, and parametric mortality models. In this study, we separate the graduation methods into four types, according to if using only the small area data and if one year or multiple years of data are used, and explore which methods are appropriate to the areas with population fewer than 100,000. We use computer simulation to evaluate the graduation methods. We found that the Standard Mortality Ratio is promising when the mortality profiles of small and large populations are similar, and it is a feasible solution even for the areas with population fewer than 10,000. However, if the mortality profiles differ significantly, all graduation methods need to be applied with care.

Le financement public de l’enseignement supérieur et ses impacts au Pérou : une analyse longitudinale (1993 – 2003)

Gorritti, Luis Eduardo 09 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur le financement public de l’enseignement supérieur au Pérou et ses impacts dans une perspective longitudinale couvant la période 1993-2003. Cette période est importante parce qu’elle a été témoin, dans ce pays, de changements majeurs aux plans du financement public et de la configuration du système d’enseignement supérieur. La recherche consiste principalement dans des analyses secondaires de données pertinentes publiées par des organismes nationaux et internationaux. Les analyses sont structurées à partir d’un schéma d’inputs et outputs. On considère comme inputs les ressources financières et les ressources humaines, lesquelles comprennent les professeurs et les étudiants, et comme outputs les taux de diplomation (efficacité interne) et la demande de diplômés par le marché du travail (efficacité externe). La théorie de la dépendance de ressources sert de cadre pour interpréter les rapports entre le financement public et ses incidences sur les réponses institutionnels et ses conséquences. Dans la période retenue, le financement du secteur public a décru de 32% en raison d’un désengagement progressif de l’État. Une conséquence majeure de la diminution du financement public a été la croissance rapide du secteur privé de l’enseignement supérieur. En effet, alors qu’en 1993 il y avait 24 institutions privées d’enseignement supérieur, il y en avait, en 2003, 46 institutions. La baisse du financement public et la croissance du secteur privé d’enseignement supérieur ont eu des incidences sur la sélectivité des étudiants, sur le statut des professeurs, sur l’implication des universités en recherche et sur les taux de diplomation. Le taux de sélectivité dans le secteur public a augmenté entre 1993 et 2003, alors que ce taux a diminué, dans la même période, dans le secteur privé. Ainsi, le secteur public répond à la diminution du financement en restreignant l’accès à l’enseignement supérieur. Le secteur privé, par contre, diminue sa sélectivité compensant ainsi l’augmentation de la sélectivité dans le secteur public et, par le fait même, augmente sa part de marché. Également, tant dans le secteur public que dans le secteur privé, les professeurs sont engagés principalement sur une base temporaire, ce qui se traduit, particulièrement dans le secteur privé, dans un moindre engagement institutionnel. Enfin, les universités publiques et privées du Pérou font peu de recherche, car elles favorisent, pour balancer leurs budgets, la consultation et les contrats au détriment de la recherche fondamentale. Paradoxalement, alors que, dans le secteur privé, les taux de sélectivité des étudiants diminuent, leurs taux de diplomation augmentent plus que dans le secteur public. Enfin, les formations avec plus d’étudiants inscrits, tant dans le secteur public que privé, sont les moins coûteuses en infrastructure et équipements. Dès lors, la pertinence de la production universitaire devient problématique. Cette recherche révèle que les organisations universitaires, face à un environnement où les ressources financières deviennent de plus en plus rares, développent des stratégies de survie qui peuvent avoir des incidences sur la qualité et la pertinence de l’enseignement supérieur. / This research deals with public financing of higher education in Peru and its impacts in a longitudinal perspective. It covers a ten-year period from 1993 to 2003. This period is important since this country witnessed major changes in public financing of higher education and in the configuration of its higher education system. The research is based mainly in secondary analyses of relevant data published by national as well as international agencies. Analyses are conducted within an input-output scheme. Financial and human resources (professors and students) are considered inputs, and graduation rates (internal effectiveness) and market labour demands as outputs (external effectiveness). Dependency theory is used as framework for the interpretation of the relationships between public financing and institutional responses and its consequences. In the period considered, public financing diminished by 32% resulting from a progressive disengagement of the State. A major consequence of this disengagement was the rapid growth of the private sector of higher education. While in 1993 there were 24 private institutions of higher education, ten years later there were 46 institutions. The decline in public financing and the growth of the private sector of higher education had measurable consequences on selectivity rates, professorial status, research involvement, and graduation rates. Selectivity rates in the period considered increased in public institutions but decreased in the private ones. Thus the public sector reacted to the decline in financing by becoming more selective; the private sector responded to the increase in selectivity in the public sector by decreasing its rates which translates into a higher student market share. Also, in both sectors, professors are hired on a part-time basis which impacts on participation to academic life and on research production. Moreover, universities, both public and private, favoured applied contractual research as a means of gaining alternative funding to compensate for scarce financial resources. Paradoxically, whereas in the private sector selectivity rates diminished in the decade considered, graduation rates increased and so more than in the public sector. Finally, training programs with higher enrolments in both public and private sectors are those which require less investment in infrastructure and equipments without consideration of societal relevancy. This research reveals that higher education organisations which face an environment with diminishing financial resources devise survival strategies which might have a negative impact on the quality and relevance of higher education.

Going forth and setting the world on fire: assessing how St. Paul’s High School students are fulfilling the characteristics of the profile of the graduate at graduation

Stadnyk, Jarrod 19 June 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to assess how graduating students at St. Paul’s High School are fulfilling the characteristics of the Jesuit Secondary Education Association’s Profile of the Graduate at Graduation. These characteristics include being open to growth, intellectually competent, religious, loving, and committed to doing justice. While these five characteristics are identified as desired traits for graduates of St. Paul’s, there has not yet been an evaluation process undertaken in order to gauge student attainment of these characteristics. The methodology involved a document analysis, a collection of data from the sixty-two JSEA schools’ websites, and four interviews with St. Paul’s graduates from 2014. The three-fold approach allowed for a deep understanding of the context and experience of the Profile. This allowed for a reflection that showed there is a successful outline for creating a culture where the Graduate at Graduation is central to the mission of JSEA schools, which in turn makes the characteristics attainable.

小區域死亡率模型的探討 / A Study of Small Area Mortality Models

林志軒 Unknown Date (has links)
壽命延長及生育率下降使得人口老化日益明顯,成為全球多數國家在21世紀必須面對的議題,由於各區域人口老化的速度不同,必須根據各地特性而調整因應對策。其中研究死亡率變化為面對人口老化的必備課題,尤其是高齡族群的死亡率,這也是近年高齡死亡模型廣受重視的主因之一。因為樣本數與變異數成反比,人口較少的區域或是高齡人口,死亡率的觀察值通常會有較大震盪,為了降低震盪多半會經過修勻,以取得較為穩定的死亡率推估值(王信忠等人,2012)。此外,Li and Lee (2005)的Coherent Lee-Carter模型也是另一種可行方法,透過參考大區域的資訊降低小區域的估計誤差。 本文探討結合上述修勻、死亡率模型的可能,希冀能綜合兩者的優點,提高小區域死亡率推估的精確性。因為Coherent Lee-Carter模型的想法類似增加小區域的人數(加入大區域的人數),本文探討人口數與Lee-Carter模型參數估計值的關係,再以修勻調整大小區域的差異,透過電腦模擬及資料分析,驗證本文提出方法是否有效。其中,仿造王信忠等人的作法,假設小區域與大區域死亡率間的七種可能情境,以平均絕對百分誤差(Mean Absolute Percentage Error)為衡量標準,找出調整修勻、相關模型的方法。另外,本文也以臺灣縣市為研究區域,驗證本文方法的估計結果。研究發現適當地使用修勻方法,可降低小區域的死亡率估計值,其效果優於Coherent Lee-Carter模型。

A mother’s hopes and dreams for her daughter: the parallel journey between two Mohawk leaders in different contexts and careers.

Coughlin, Camela Dawn 28 April 2011 (has links)
Educational institutions have not yet succeeded in their quest to formally educate Aboriginal students with success. In an effort to increase the graduation levels, many school districts have implemented mandates to hire more Aboriginal teachers and administrators. Through sharing her lived experience as an Indigenous elementary principal the researcher argues that although many bureaucratic organizations have formal policies to hire Aboriginal people into leadership positions, they still seek to maintain their power to keep the status quo in their organizations. This qualitative autoethnographic study acknowledges Indigenous ways of knowing through the sharing of stories and experience. The experiences will highlight emotional and cultural struggles that one can face when differing cultures and values emerge in a bureaucratic system based on colonialist viewpoints. Due to the vantage point of an insider, the researcher has traced her life from childhood and shared experiences and stories as a mixed-blood Mohawk woman and leader in the education system. Through an examination of signifying moments these stories depict a personal struggle for identity in her role as a female Mohawk principal in a school with a predominant Aboriginal student population. Chosen stories and incidents are recounted to reveal the social, political, historical, institutional, and cultural systems that are embedded within society. Both the researcher and her mother’s stories are universal in terms of experience that transcends understanding among Aboriginal people who are aiming to create organizational change. This genre of qualitative research will allow the reader to see the ongoing transformation that has occurred in the researcher’s first five years as an administrator in the public school system. Her upbringing and her mother’s teachings are internalized and become the catalyst for navigating through turbulent times and allow for continuing growth as an Indigenous leader in education. / Graduate

Mesure des risques biometriques liés à l'assurance vie avec des méthodes non-paramétriques

Tomas, Julien 18 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les tables de mortalité sont utilisées pour décrire la probabilité annuelle de décès d'une population en fonction de l'âge atteint et de l'année calendaire. Ces probabilités jouent un rôle important dans la détermination des primes et réserves en assurance vie. Les estimations brutes, sur lesquelles se basent les tables de mortalité, peuvent être considérées comme un échantillon provenant d'une population plus importante et sont, par conséquent, soumises à des fluctuations aléatoires. Toutefois, l'actuaire souhaite la plupart du temps lisser ces quantités afin de faire ressortir les caractéristiques de la mortalité du groupe considéré qu'il pense être relativement régulières. Cette dissertation fournit une description détaillée des méthodes de graduation non-paramétrique de données d'expérience issues de l'assurance vie. Le terme non-paramétrique renvoie à une forme fonctionnelle de la courbe de régression. Comme les méthodes paramétriques, elles sont toutes aussi susceptibles de donner des estimations biaisées, mais de telle sorte qu'il est possible de compenser une augmentation du biais avec une diminution de la variation de l'échantillonnage. Dans la littérature actuarielle, le processus de lisser une table de mortalité est appelé graduation. Les collines et vallées des données brutes sont lissées de façon similaire á la construction d'une route sur un terrain accidenté. Le lissage seul, cependant, n'est pas la graduation. Les taux gradués doivent être représentatifs des données sous-jacentes et la graduation se révélera souvent comme un compromis entre ajustement et lissage optimal. Les régressions polynomiales locales et méthodes de vraisemblance locale sont examinées en détail. Les questions importantes concernant le choix des paramètres de lissage, les propriétés statistiques des estimateurs, les critères utilisés pour la sélection des modèles, la construction des intervalles de confiance ainsi que les comparaisons entre les modèles sont ouvertes avec des illustrations numériques et graphiques. Les techniques non-paramétriques locales combinent d'excellentes propriétés théoriques avec une simplicité et une flexibilité conceptuelle pour trouver une structure dans de nombreuses bases de données. Une attention particulère est consacrée à l'influence des bordures sur le choix des paramètres de lissage. Ces considérations illustrent le besoin d'avoir à disposition des approches plus flexibles. Des méthodes adaptatives de vraisemblance locale sont alors introduites. Le montant de lissage varie en fonction de l'emplacement et ces approches permettent des ajustements de la fenêtre d'observation en fonction de la fiabilité des données. Ces méthodes s'adaptent parfaitement à la complexité de la surface de mortalité en raison du choix adaptatif approprié des paramètres de lissage. Enfin, ce manuscrit traite de sujets importants pour les praticiens. Ceux-ci concernent la construction et la validation de tables de mortalité prospectives pour des portefeuilles d'assurance, l'évaluation du risque de modèle, et dans une moindre mesure, du risque d'opinion d'experts lié au choix de la table de référence externe utilisée.


Barbosa, Mirian Haubold 26 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis is inserted in the line of research of Training, Knowledge and Professional Development of the Post-Graduation Program in Education of UFSM. Its theme is the constitutive act of the post-graduation adviser professor, stricto sensu, and focus on the dynamic of the mentoring process seen as a form of legacy and farewell. Its objective is to deepen the comprehension of the personal and professional elaborations of these adviser professors as well as of their constitution, focusing on the integration movements, their cohesion and the consonant expressive conditions. The thesis lies on the epistemic landscape of complexity; it is grounded on interdisciplinary discussions and resorts to the interpretive phenomenological method. The subjects of the thesis are four adviser professors from the Post-Graduation Program in Education, all of them with more than 15 years of teaching experience. Through in-depth interviews, these professors are invited to relate significant experiences to their constitutive and elaborative conceptions as adviser professors and their mentoring style. The relevance of this study is in the investigative exercise that fosters the subjectivity and intersubjectivity as means of deep reflexive processes and in the look at the significance of the human and humanizing transactions, both in the formation of trainers as in the formation of knowledge. It counts with the theoretical support from psychodynamic concepts regarding the personal maturation process and with the contribution of psychology and education, in particular about the interrelation between the personal and professional dimension in the construction of the orientation process. The final reflections are organized in three main lines of analysis that unveil the dynamic under discussion upon the existential experimental optic: in the development of singular historicity; in the development of phenomena that delimitate and condition the internal and external spaces and environments and in the expressivity of the constitutive and elaborative conditions. The interpretative analysis reveals that the dimensions at issue intertwine and condition the continuity of the constitutive process of mentors and mentoring. / A presente tese está inserida na linha de pesquisa Formação, Saberes e Desenvolvimento Profissional do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da UFSM. Apresenta como tema o acontecer constitutivo do professor-orientador de pós-graduação, stricto sensu, na dinâmica do processo de orientação entendido em forma de legado e despedida. Objetiva aprofundar a compreensão da constituição e elaboração pessoal e profissional de tais professores-orientadores, focalizando os movimentos de integração e coesão dos si mesmos e as decorrentes condições expressivas. A tese situa-se no panorama epistêmico de complexidade, fundamenta-se em discussão transdisciplinar, recorre ao método fenomenológico interpretativo e traz como sujeitos quatro professores orientadores de Programas de Pós-Graduação em Educação, todos com mais de 15 anos de experiência docente. Por meio de entrevista em profundidade, esses professores são convidados a narrar vivências significativas para as concepções constitutivas e elaborativas de si mesmos como professores-orientadores e seu estilo de orientação. A relevância deste estudo está no exercício investigativo que incrementa a subjetividade e a intersubjetividade como meio de processos reflexivos profundos e no olhar para a significância das transações humanas e humanizadoras, tanto na formação de formadores quanto de conhecimentos. Conta com o suporte teórico de conceitos psicodinâmicos acerca dos processos maturativos pessoais e com os aportes da psicologia e da educação, em especial sobre a inter-relação entre a dimensão pessoal e profissional na construção do processar da orientação. As reflexões finais são organizadas em três eixos de análise que desvelam a dinâmica em questão sob a ótica vivencial experiencial, no desenvolver de singular historicidade, no elaborar dos fenômenos que delimitam e condicionam os espaços e ambientes internos e externos e na expressividade das condições constitutivas e elaborativas. A análise interpretativa revela que as dimensões em questão se entrelaçam e condicionam a continuidade do processo constitutivo de orientadores e da orientação.

Relicários de um tempo : os quadros de formatura do Colégio Coração de Jesus 1922 -1929 (contribuições para o estudo da história da educação em Santa Catarina)

Coelho Junior, Nelson Maurilio 13 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T20:34:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 nelson.pdf: 2402069 bytes, checksum: b6435a25516168d7e4a70ab5c5e76511 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-13 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / In this construct will be examined six frames graduation of teachers built during the 1920s, from the collection of the achievements of Colégio Coração de Jesus, located in the city of Florianópolis, state of Santa Catarina. The analysis of these artifacts are seen in the context of material school culture that allows school study them as having intentions or traces of truth that can bring out the experiences and daily practices of school education. The research documents how these artifacts was favored by extending the concept of document perpetrated by Cultural History and the possibility to read their materiality as meeting certain portions of codes and forged socially legitimized in a lasting flow of trade between the social environment and the interior of the institution school in an attempt to communicate and represent projections of the historical moment in which they emerged. The analysis of these artifacts, predominantly photographic images, designs like the supports of brands that can reveal nuances of the investment policy, institutional and personal excitement engendered by the social construction of needs and beliefs in formation through education. Are components of a web of social relations of weaving made by its producers and consumers who contacted them, gave mutual sense their stocks in the universe of a school pulsating, knowledge and practices experienced, felt and reproduced / Neste constructo serão analisados seis quadros de formatura de normalistas construídos durante a década de 1920, pertencentes à coleção do acervo do Colégio Coração de Jesus, localizado na cidade de Florianópolis, capital do Estado de Santa Catarina. A análise desses artefatos se inscreve na perspectiva da cultura material escolar que permite estudá-los como portadores de vestígios ou intenções de verdade que possam trazer a tona as vivências e práticas cotidianas da educação escolarizada. A investigação desses artefatos como documentos foi favorecida pelo alargamento do conceito de documento perpetrado pela História Cultural e pela possibilidade de ler sua materialidade como reunião de parcelas de determinados códigos forjados socialmente e legitimados, num duradouro fluxo de trocas entre o meio social e o interior da instituição escolar, na tentativa de comunicar e representar expectativas do momento histórico em que emergiram. A análise desses artefatos, onde predominam imagens fotográficas, os concebe como suportes de marcas que podem revelar nuances do investimento político, institucional e pessoal engendrados pela efervescência da construção social de necessidades e crenças na formação através da educação. São componentes de uma trama de relações da tessitura social constituída por seus produtores e consumidores que, em contato com eles, deram sentido mútuo as suas existências no universo de uma escola pulsante, de saberes e práticas vividas, sentidos e reproduzidos

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