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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entre le texte et le corps : travail de deuil, performativité et différences sexuelles chez Hélène Cixous / Between Text and Body : Work of Mourning, Performativity and Sexual Differences in the work ofHélène Cixous

Crevier Goulet, Sarah-Anaïs 04 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse propose de mettre en rapport les enjeux soulevés par la thèse de la philosophe Judith Butler concernant la « mélancolie du genre » et l’œuvre autobiographique d’Hélène Cixous, travaillée depuis ses commencements par la question du deuil et de la différence sexuelle/genre. Dans ce travail, nous souhaitons montrer en effet que la démarche philosophique théorique de Judith Butler, qui relit les thèses freudiennes sur le deuil, la mélancolie et la formation du moi en montrant l’importance de la perte au cœur de l’identité sexuelle, trouve des résonances dans le travail d’écriture et de réécriture « autobiographique » d’Hélène Cixous. L’écrivain reconfigure de fait la notion classique d’autobiographie, tout son œuvre vie étant marqué par un mouvement fondamental qui consiste à reconnaître les deuils et les séparations ayant donné naissance à l’écriture, un mouvement qui consiste, autrement dit, à créer une archive de l’autre. La thèse comporte deux parties : la première partie théorique explique les enjeux qui sous-tendent la « mélancolie du genre » pensée par Judith Butler et les effets de cette mélancolie sur le corps et la sexualité ; les notions de travestissement et de performativité sont revisitées à partir des notions psychanalytiques d’identification et d’incorporation. Puisque la mélancolie du genre est le résultat de la non-reconnaissance des premiers attachements homosexuels, la nécessité de repenser le rapport au maternel, du point de vue féminin plus particulièrement, est posée ; les notions de sémiotique (Julia Kristeva) et de chôra (Jacques Derrida/ Julia Kristeva) ouvrent ici la voie et nous invitent à penser la mère du côté du mouvement et de l’altération, de la plasticité (Catherine Malabou). La seconde partie propose une traversée de l’œuvre d’Hélène Cixous, depuis Dedans (1968) jusqu’aux toutes récentes fictions analysées à partir de la question du deuil et de la notion freudienne de la substituabilité des objets. Sont examinées les formes de substitutions des pertes inaugurales que sont pour l’écrivaine le deuil du père et le deuil de l’Algérie, substitutions qui passent d’abord et avant tout par le travail signifiant. La question de l’humain est abordée par la figure de l’enfant mongolien, dont la naissance quarante ans avant son entrée dans l’œuvre est venue faire vaciller toutes les divisions caractérisant habituellement le sujet (féminin/masculin, humain/animal, vivant/mort), y compris celle, capitale, entre né et non-né. La notion d’incorporation mélancolique est également mobilisée pour explorer les métamorphoses et nombreuses transfigures animales de l’écrivaine, qui mettent en avant la plasticité du vivant mais non moins sa fragilité. Incontournable, la question de la mère et du maternel chez Cixous est analysée dans son rapport à l’écriture et à la langue : lieu de mouvement, support de transformation et de transsubstantiation mais aussi contenance, la langue chez Cixous fait mère. / This thesis proposes to make a link between the issues raised by Judith Butler regarding « gender melancholy » and Hélène Cixous’ autobiographical work, which has dealt from the start with the question of grief and sexual difference/gender. Our wish is to show how Judith Butler, in revisiting Freud’s theories on grief, melancholy and the formation of the ego, points out the importance of loss at the heart of sexual identity and finds resonance in Hélène Cixous’s « autobiographical » writings and rewritings. The writer, in fact, reconfigures the classical notion of what an autobiography is; her/his life-work is under the influence of a fundamental impulse seeking to identify the losses and separations which gave birth to the writing;an impulse which consists, in other words, in creating an archive of the other. The thesis is made up of two parts: the first part explains the issues underlying Judith Butler’s « gender melancholy »and the effects of this melancholy on body and sexuality; the concepts of transvestism and performative utterance are revisited based on notions of psychoanalytical identification and incorporation. The necessity to rethink the maternal relationship, especially from a feminine perspective, is posited. Notions of semiotics (Julia Kristeva) and of chôra (JacquesDerrida/Julia Kristeva) open the way and invite us to consider the mother from the angle of movement and modulation, of plasticity (Catherine Malabou). The second part offers a cross-section of Hélène Cixous’ work, starting from Dedans (1968) right up until her latest fiction, analyzed from the point of view of grief and the Freudian notion of the substitutability ofobjects. The initial losses, which for the writer mean mourning for a father and for Algeria, take on the form of substitutions which are found above all in the work of the signifiers. The human question is broached by the figure of the Down syndrome child whose birth forty years prior to appearing in the literary work, has come and put off balance the divisions which normally characterize the subject (feminine/masculine, human/animal, living/dead), including the crucial division between born and unborn. The notion of melancholic incorporation is also used to explore the metamorphoses and many animal transfigures of the writer, which highlight the plasticity of the living as well as its fragility. The unavoidable question of the mother and the maternal in Cixous is analyzed in its relation to writing and language: a place of movement, material for transformation and for transubstantiation, not to mention countenance. Language for Cixous enacts the mother.

Genus i gester : En studie om könsbundenhet inom etruskisk begravningskonst / Gender in gestures : A study on gender confinement within Etruscan funerary art

Alyasin, Ghaza January 2018 (has links)
Etruscan art was greatly influenced by Greek art, which is especially apparent in the Etruscan funerary art. A common motif within Greek funerary art is the prothesis, the lying in state, which appears in Etruria during the sixth and fifth centuries BCE. However, the Etruscan scenes differ from the Greek scenes in that they portray a wider flexibility when it comes to gender roles. Women and men are not limited to gestures or positions within the scenes of prothesis. This in turn, along with other factors not discussed in this paper, has led to discussions of a more gender equal Etruscan society. Yet there is a specific gesture within the Etruscan scenes that is not found in the Greek material. The gesture in question, portrayed with both hands on the chest either in fists or placed one on top of the other, appears in other funerary art outside of the prothesis scenes. The aim of this thesis is to examine this gesture and its relation to gender and whether it is gender constricted. By analyzing and comparing funerary art limited to Chiusi and Vetulonia that includes the gesture, found in reliefs, statuettes as well as sculptures, this paper sets out to deepen our understanding of Etruscan gender roles. Since the material being examined is extremely restricted, the only thing an analysis of this size can determine is that there is indeed a gender constriction within the funerary art from the cities of Chiusi and Vetulonia, speaking to a possible wider occurrence within the entire Etruscan society. To delve deeper into the questions of gender roles and how they affect the Etruscan art, it is necessary to broaden the scope of material – both in form and origin.

L'urbain et la mort : ambiances d'une relation / Death and the city : ambiances of a relationship

Thiolliere, Pascaline 13 June 2016 (has links)
La ritualité funéraire est en France depuis le tournant du 21ème siècle en profonde transformation, ce qui interroge fortement la relation entre la ville et la mort. Un certain rejet du cimetière standardisé et de ses contraintes s’exprime par le recours toujours plus fréquent à la crémation et à la dispersion. La matérialité de la cendre amène à une dématérialisation et une localisation plus diffuse des morts. Celles-ci sont renforcées par l’usage croissant de supports numériques (page memorial, réseaux sociaux, cimetières virtuels) qui ouvrent de nouveaux espaces-temps pour l’entretien de la relation aux morts et participent à redéfinir la spatialité du deuil. En outre, les considérations écologiques se révèlent aujourd’hui structurantes et bouleversent le domaine du funéraire tant au niveau pratique qu’au niveau des représentations. Nous faisons l’hypothèse que le tissage de notre relation aux morts passe par le corps, par ses mouvements et ses gestes qui matérialisent et donnent une ambiance à cette relation. Ainsi, à partir de cette approche sensible des ambiances, les dispositifs construits et paysagers sont appréhendés comme des mises en condition spatiales, temporelles, mais aussi corporelles, qui participent à la construction de la relation à la mort et aux morts et façonnent en partie le vécu intime du deuil. Les seuils, les rythmes et les gestes en jeu dans l’espace urbain sont des leviers pour la connaissance et la conception des relations entre l’urbain et la mort. En ce sens, nous identifions des intentionnalités particulièrement relevantes dans l’expérience du deuil (accompagner, entretenir, se recueillir, cheminer), qui sont mises en rapport avec les possibilités d’actions liées à l’espace construit et paysager. Ce travail permet de révéler des manques et des ressources, et ainsi, d’envisager le renouvellement des critères sur lesquels s’appuie la conception des espaces de la mort à l’échelle architecturale et urbaine. / Since the turn of the 21st century, the funeral rituality in France undergoes a profound transformation that strongly questions the relationship between death and the city. The more frequent practices of cremation and ashes scattering express a rejection of cemeteries standardisation and constraints. The materiality of the ash leads to dematerialisation and more diffuse localisation of the dead. These are reinforced by the increasing use of digital media (memorial pages, social networks, virtual cemeteries) that open a new space-time framework for sustaining the relationship to the dead and participate in redefining the spatiality of grief. In addition, environmental considerations reveal today a new deviation in the field of funerary both in practice and at the level of representation.We assume that weaving our relationship to the dead passes across the body, its movements and gestures that materialise that relationship while creating a special ambiance. Therefore, from this sensory approach dealing with urban ambiances, constructed and landscaped arrangements are perceived as a way for setting the conditions on spatial, temporal and bodily levels, that participate in establishing the relationship to death and the dead, and partly shape the intimate experience of mourning. Thresholds, rhythms and gestures captured in urban spaces are levers for understanding and designing the relationship between death and the city.In this sense, we identify certain intentionalities that are particularly relevant for the experience of mourning (accompany/support, maintain/sustain, reflect/meditate, travel/progress), which are seen in the light of action possibilities related to the built and landscaped environment. This work helps to highlight the different gaps and resources, and to consider renewing the criteria upon which the design processes of spaces related to death on architectural and urban scales is based.

O cuidado com o luto para além das portas das unidades de terapia intensiva : uma aposta e uma proposta / The care with the mourning beyond the doors of intensive care unites : a bet and a proposition

Azeredo, Nára Selaimen Gaertner de January 2016 (has links)
Este estudo teve o propósito de analisar a percepção, a experiência e os sentimentos dos familiares que perderam seu ente querido, bem como dos profissionais que prestaram atendimento a estes pacientes em dois hospitais públicos distintos, em uma UTI para Adultos e na UTI Pediátrica na cidade de Porto Alegre, RS. Foi aplicado um questionário semi-estruturado para as enfermeiras e os médicos, que neste estudo são chamados de profissionais. Concomitante, foi realizada uma entrevista aberta com os familiares dos pacientes que morreram dentro destas Unidades. Nas entrevistas, utilizou-se o método de análise de conteúdo interpretativo, buscando compreender as possíveis realidades, expressas ou não, nas mensagens analisadas. Pela análise das entrevistas, pode-se concluir que as famílias têm sentimentos de confiança em relação à equipe assistencial; que a comunicação é clara e compreensível; fazendo-se necessário o planejamento de espaços físicos adequados para que a família possa se sentir mais acolhida dentro das UTI, e urge a aproximação entre os familiares e profissionais a fim de que o sofrimento com a morte deixe de ser apenas um fato gerado pela doença física e tenha entendimento multidimensional. As famílias referem que o apoio institucional está restrito às questões burocráticas (entrega da certidão de óbito) e que não tiveram nenhum tipo de apoio após a morte do seu familiar. Os resultados dos questionários mostram que temas como a morte e o morrer são pouco debatidos, que a equipe precisa ser mais bem preparada para cuidar de pacientes no fim da vida e que a presença da família dentro das UTIs ainda requer maiores discussões, a fim de que possa ser vista como uma parte do cuidado e não como acompanhante/visitante. É possível que, através de ações simples, a instituição hospitalar possa auxiliar as famílias a elaborarem o luto durante o período de internação hospitalar e até mesmo após o óbito dos seus familiares, oferecendo um alívio ao sofrimento, uma segurança em relação à assistência e uma melhor qualidade de cuidado. / This study had the intention of analyzing the perception, the experience and the feelings of relatives who have lost loved ones, likewise the professionals who care to them in two different public hospitals, one an adult ICU and the other a pediatric ICU at the city of Porto Alegre, RS. A questionnaire was applied to the nurses and doctors, in this study called professionals. Simultaneously, an interview was conducted with the families of the deceased patients at the Unites. In the interviews it was used the method of imperative content, trying to understand the possible realities, expressed or not, of the analyzed messages. Through the analyze of interviews it was possible to intuit that the families had a feeling of trust into the care team; that the communication is clear and understandable; making it necessary the planning of proper physical space, so the families can feel more welcomed in the ICU, and urges an approach between the families and the professionals in order to make the grief less painful and start to be seeing as a multidimensional understanding. The families report that the institutional support is restricted to bureaucratic matters (delivery of death certificate) and that they never had any support after the passing of their family member. The questionnaire‘s results show that the subject of death and dying are little discussed, and that the team needs to be more prepared to care patients at the ends of their lives and the presence of families inside the ICU still requires further discussions, so they can be seen as part of the care and not as a companion or visitor. It is possible that, through simple actions, the hospital institution can help families elaborate mourning during the time of hospitalization and even after the death of their relatives, offering a relive to the pain, a security to the assistance and a better quality of care.


CLEBER DINIZ TORRES 03 July 2018 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho procura desenvolver mais um diálogo entre teologia e literatura. Tomando como referenciais a escatologia cristã e Orfeu da Conceição de Vinícius de Moraes, a pesquisa discorrerá sobre temas como sofrimento, morte e luto, correspondentes entre si nestas suas fontes principais, visando encontrar contribuições para uma teologia mais relevante e acessível. Num primeiro momento, serão levantadas as informações a respeito do poeta e sua obra especificando informações relativas à peça teatral com vistas a demonstrar como nela é expresso, da parte do poeta, opiniões sobre os temas do sofrimento, da morte e do luto. Para isso serão examinadas: as questões relativas à violência presente nas brigas descritas pelo poeta; as duas mortes ocorridas na narrativa; e, os lutos vividos pelas personagens da peça. Num segundo momento, serão apresentados pareceres teóricos da teologia relativos aos temas do sofrimento, em suas causas e em sua presença incontestável na realidade humana; da morte, entendida como parte constitutiva da vida e como expressão limite da existência; e do luto, enquanto expressão de amor do enlutado por aqueles que se foram. Essas proposições têm por objetivo acrescer à pesquisa a chave de leitura da peça teatral, a fim de desenvolver sustentação teológica para o diálogo pretendido. Num terceiro momento, a pesquisa realizará a síntese entre os dos campos do saber, a literatura e a teologia, demonstrando suas correspondências entre os temas do sofrimento, da morte e do luto em ambas e contribuições por elas oferecidas para o campo teológico. / [en] The present work seeks to develop another dialogue between theology and literature. Taking as reference the Christian eschatology and Orfeu da Conceição from Vinícius de Moraes, the research will speak about subjects such as suffering, death and mourning, related to each other in these main sources, with the intention to find contributions for a more relevant and accessible theology. At a first moment, information about the poet and his work will be taken into consideration, specifying information related to the piece theatrical with a view to demonstrate how it is expressed, and the poet s opinions about the subjects suffering, death and mourning. This will be examined: the issues related to violence present in the fights described by the poet; the two deaths occurred in the narrative; and, the mourning experienced by the characters in the play. At a second moment, theology theory related to the subjects suffering, in its causes and in its undeniable presence in human reality; death, understood as a constitutive part of life and as the limiting expression of existence; and mourning, as an expression of love of the mourner for those who are gone. These propositions are aimed at, for purposes of adding to the research the key of reading the play, seeking the development of theological support for the intended dialogue. At a third moment, the research will synthesize the fields of knowledge, literature and theology, demonstrating their correlations , between the themes of suffering, death and mourning in both, and contributions contributions they offer to the theological field.

Photography and Mourning: Excavating Memories of My Great-Grandmother

Weiner, Eva 01 January 2018 (has links)
This paper explores how photographs have affected mourning processes in the past and how photo-technology may be able to change the way in which we mourn in the future. It includes an overview of the history of post-mortem photography and discusses the perspectives of well-known media theorists such as Roland Barthes and Susan Sontag. It engages with psychologists by including their perspectives on the effect that photographs have on the mourning process. A project was created to investigate how photo-technology can affect the bereaved. The project places photographs of a mother into pictures of her children taken after she had passed away. These photographs were later shown to her sons in order to explore how this impacts their memories and mourning processes.

"All Is Well": Victorian Mourning Aesthetics and the Poetics of Consolation / Victorian Mourning Aesthetics and the Poetics of Consolation

Holloway, Tamara C. 12 1900 (has links)
viii, 214 p. / In this study, I examine the various techniques used by poets to provide consolation. With Tennyson's In Memoriam, I explore the relationship between formal and thematic consolation, i.e., the ways in which the use of formal elements of the poem, particularly rhyme scheme, is an attempt by the poet to attain and offer consolation. Early in his laureateship after the Duke of Wellington's funeral, Tennyson wrote "Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington," but this poem failed to meet his reading audience`s needs, as did the first major work published after Tennyson was named Poet Laureate: Maud. I argue that form and theme are as inextricably linked in Maud as they are in In Memoriam, and in many ways, Maud revises the type of mourning exhibited in In Memoriam. Later, I examine in greater detail the hallmarks of Victorian mourning. Although most Victorians did not mourn for as long or as excessively as Queen Victoria, the form her mourning took certainly is worth discussion. I argue that we can read Tennyson's "Dedication" to Idylls of the King and his "To the Mourners" as Victorian funeral sermons, each of which offers explicit (and at times, contradictory) advice to the Queen on how to mourn. Finally, I discuss the reactions to Tennyson's death in the popular press. Analyzing biographical accounts, letters, and memorial poems, I argue that Tennyson and his family were invested in the idea of "the good death"; Tennyson needed to die as he had lived--as the great Laureate. / Committee in charge: Richard Stein, Chair; Tres Pyle, Member; Deborah Shapple, Member; Raymond Birn, Outside Member

O cuidado com o luto para além das portas das unidades de terapia intensiva : uma aposta e uma proposta / The care with the mourning beyond the doors of intensive care unites : a bet and a proposition

Azeredo, Nára Selaimen Gaertner de January 2016 (has links)
Este estudo teve o propósito de analisar a percepção, a experiência e os sentimentos dos familiares que perderam seu ente querido, bem como dos profissionais que prestaram atendimento a estes pacientes em dois hospitais públicos distintos, em uma UTI para Adultos e na UTI Pediátrica na cidade de Porto Alegre, RS. Foi aplicado um questionário semi-estruturado para as enfermeiras e os médicos, que neste estudo são chamados de profissionais. Concomitante, foi realizada uma entrevista aberta com os familiares dos pacientes que morreram dentro destas Unidades. Nas entrevistas, utilizou-se o método de análise de conteúdo interpretativo, buscando compreender as possíveis realidades, expressas ou não, nas mensagens analisadas. Pela análise das entrevistas, pode-se concluir que as famílias têm sentimentos de confiança em relação à equipe assistencial; que a comunicação é clara e compreensível; fazendo-se necessário o planejamento de espaços físicos adequados para que a família possa se sentir mais acolhida dentro das UTI, e urge a aproximação entre os familiares e profissionais a fim de que o sofrimento com a morte deixe de ser apenas um fato gerado pela doença física e tenha entendimento multidimensional. As famílias referem que o apoio institucional está restrito às questões burocráticas (entrega da certidão de óbito) e que não tiveram nenhum tipo de apoio após a morte do seu familiar. Os resultados dos questionários mostram que temas como a morte e o morrer são pouco debatidos, que a equipe precisa ser mais bem preparada para cuidar de pacientes no fim da vida e que a presença da família dentro das UTIs ainda requer maiores discussões, a fim de que possa ser vista como uma parte do cuidado e não como acompanhante/visitante. É possível que, através de ações simples, a instituição hospitalar possa auxiliar as famílias a elaborarem o luto durante o período de internação hospitalar e até mesmo após o óbito dos seus familiares, oferecendo um alívio ao sofrimento, uma segurança em relação à assistência e uma melhor qualidade de cuidado. / This study had the intention of analyzing the perception, the experience and the feelings of relatives who have lost loved ones, likewise the professionals who care to them in two different public hospitals, one an adult ICU and the other a pediatric ICU at the city of Porto Alegre, RS. A questionnaire was applied to the nurses and doctors, in this study called professionals. Simultaneously, an interview was conducted with the families of the deceased patients at the Unites. In the interviews it was used the method of imperative content, trying to understand the possible realities, expressed or not, of the analyzed messages. Through the analyze of interviews it was possible to intuit that the families had a feeling of trust into the care team; that the communication is clear and understandable; making it necessary the planning of proper physical space, so the families can feel more welcomed in the ICU, and urges an approach between the families and the professionals in order to make the grief less painful and start to be seeing as a multidimensional understanding. The families report that the institutional support is restricted to bureaucratic matters (delivery of death certificate) and that they never had any support after the passing of their family member. The questionnaire‘s results show that the subject of death and dying are little discussed, and that the team needs to be more prepared to care patients at the ends of their lives and the presence of families inside the ICU still requires further discussions, so they can be seen as part of the care and not as a companion or visitor. It is possible that, through simple actions, the hospital institution can help families elaborate mourning during the time of hospitalization and even after the death of their relatives, offering a relive to the pain, a security to the assistance and a better quality of care.


Ritter, Janete Maria 18 April 2016 (has links)
The rituals are present in many phases of the human life s transition; it is not different in the transition of life to death. Referring to death, men have been modifying in their way of relating with it, mainly when the issue is taking care and burying their dead people. The objective of this research is to understand the meaning of visits to the cemetery where people have their beloved ones buried. This research is about a qualitative study with nine participants that have lost someone close to them. The number of participants was reached by the sample saturation standard. Semi directed interviews and campus observations were made and analyzed. The results show that the visits awake many feelings, such as the possibility to understand the caring after death, or even guilt when the visits cannot be made for some reason. There is a belief in the existence of communication between the living and the death worlds and in the cemetery place as a local to understand life through the evocation of memories and regards. It was also observed that the Park Cemetery place is seen as a space that is not thought as a cemetery, by reflecting the beauty and the life, not realizing death. However, the traditional cemetery is seen as a heavy place that refers to death. Such results evidenced how much practicality, beauty and security are exceled in contemporaneity, highlighting the increasing outsourcing of the caring through the mortuary business. Besides that, it is possible to conclude that society banes death and that how new spaces and services have been corresponding and consolidating this social request. Therefore, it is necessary that people reflect more about death rituals, highlighting the Psychology area which needs publications about this issue. / Os ritos estão presentes em muitas fases de transição da vida humana e não é diferente na passagem da vida para a morte. No que se refere à morte, o homem vem modificando sua forma de se relacionar com ela, principalmente quando se fala de cuidar e enterrar seus mortos. Este estudo tem por finalidade compreender o significado da visitação a um cemitério para pessoas com entes queridos enterrados no mesmo. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo com nove participantes que haviam perdido alguém próximo. O número de participantes foi atingido mediante o critério de saturação de amostra. Foram realizadas entrevistas semidirigidas e observações de campo, analisadas pelo método de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados apontam que as visitas despertam vários sentimentos, como a possibilidade de estender o cuidado para depois da morte ou até mesmo a culpa quando as visitas não são possíveis por algum motivo. Há a crença na existência da comunicação entre o mundo dos vivos e o mundo dos mortos e no espaço do cemitério como um local de estender a vida através da evocação de memórias e lembranças. Também observou-se o espaço do Cemitério Parque como um local que não se parece com um cemitério, por refletir a beleza e a vida, não sendo percebida a morte. Em contrapartida, o cemitério tradicional é visto como um lugar pesado e que remete à morte. Tais resultados evidenciaram o quanto, na contemporaneidade, prima-se pela praticidade, segurança e beleza, destacando-se, assim, a crescente terceirização do cuidado através do mercado funerário. Além disso, é possível inferir que, socialmente, procura-se banir a morte e o quanto novos espaços e serviços vêm correspondendo e consolidando a essa demanda social. Desta forma, é necessário que se reflita mais sobre os rituais na morte, destacando a área da Psicologia, que carece de publicações deste tema.

Suicídio, sobrevivente e aconselhamento pastoral: reflexões no vale da sombra da morte

Giani Mota Brandão Pena 04 October 2012 (has links)
Frente ao seu alto índice verificado na atualidade, o suicídio ainda encontra-se com pouco espaço nas discussões e projetos no meio eclesiástico. Partindo desta perspectiva, o presente trabalho objetivou focar o assunto neste ambiente e, em especial, nas implicações que afetam a prática do Aconselhamento Pastoral. Para tanto, buscou-se primeiramente as narrativas bíblicas de proximidade do assunto, bem como pelos aspectos sociais e psicológicos do fenômeno na sociedade demonstrados pelas estatísticas. Para subsidiar o desenvolvimento do trabalho foi realizada uma Pesquisa de Opinião junto a uma comunidade eclesiástica na cidade de Brasília/DF, em que se puderam observar as impressões dos seus congregados frente ao tema suicídio e as expectativas dos mesmos em relação à atuação da igreja no enfrentamento do assunto. Visando humanizar a prática cuidadora comunitária e pastoral, alguns comportamentos foram identificados e trazidos como exemplos de atuações atentas e sensíveis ao luto vivenciado pelas pessoas sobreviventes. A análise descritiva dos dados tabulados da Pesquisa de Opinião e as diversas leituras bibliográficas consultadas confirmaram o grande desafio que é lidar com tema suicídio tanto no compêndio da prática do acompanhamento pastoral, como para o indivíduo sobrevivente, carente desse cuidado. / Despite its current high incidence, the ecclesiastical environment still lacks forums for discussions and projects on the suicide issue. Thus, this work aims at dealing with this subject in this environment and, in particular, with the implications that influence the practice of Pastoral Counseling. Therefore, biblical accounts closely related to suicide were looked into, as well as the social and psychological aspects of this phenomenon in society, through statistics. To support this research, an opinion poll was carried out in the ecclesiastical community of Brasilia, DF, whereby its members suicide perceptions could be analyzed, as well as their expectations concerning the role of the church when dealing with that issue. In order to humanize the community and pastoral practices, some behavior patterns were identified and taken as instances of sensitive and careful performances towards the survivors experience of mourning. Both the descriptive analysis of the opinion poll results and the vast bibliography used could attest the great challenge to tackle the suicide issue, not only in the practice of pastoral counseling but also towards the needy survivor.

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