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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Matematisk vardagskompetens : Svenska gymnasielärares syn och undervisningspraxis / Mathematical literacy : Swedish secondary teachers’ views and teaching praxes

Wiberg, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka lärares syn och undervisningspraxis när det handlar om matematisk vardagskompetens. Fyra lärare intervjuades var för sig. När lärarnas svar analyserades framkom en likartad syn, att matematisk vardagskompetens handlar om den matematik man behöver för att klara sig i sin egen vardag. Denna syn går i linje med den definition som Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD, har tagit fram och som dessutom är den som forskning i allmänhet refererar till. De uppgifter med fokus på matematisk vardagskompetens som lärarna ger till sina elever handlar både om att klara den egna vardagen och att klara sig i en framtida vardag som vuxen och yrkesarbetare.  Lärarnas undervisningspraxis skiljer sig åt då det kommer till matematisk vardagskompetens. En av lärarna har ett tydligt samarbete med yrkeslärarna och eleverna får således mycket matematisk vardagskompetens i undervisningen. Lärarna försöker i övrigt få med det i matematikundervisningen för att motivera eleverna för densamma. Hur detta sker är mer eller mindre strukturerat beskrivet. Brist på tid, för stora undervisningsgrupper och avsaknad av samarbete med yrkeslärarna nämns som faktorer som begränsar hur stort fokus lärarna har på matematisk vardagskompetens i undervisningen. / The aim of this study was to investigate teachers’ views and teaching praxes when it comes to mathematical literacy. Four teachers were interviewed individually. When the teachers’ answers were analyzed, an analogous view was displayed, that mathematical literacy is about the mathematics one needs to be able to cope with one’s own everyday life. This view corresponds to the definition Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD, has presented and that research in general refers to. The assignments with focus on mathematical literacy, that the teachers give their students, deals both with managing one’s own everyday life and a future everyday as an adult and skilled worker.  The teachers’ teaching praxes differ when it comes to mathematical literacy. One of the teachers has a clear cooperation with the vocational teachers and the students receive therefore much mathematical literacy in the teaching. The teachers try, otherwise, to teach mathematical literacy to motivate the students for the teaching. How this is fulfilled is more or less structurally described. Deficiency of time, too large teaching groups and want of cooperation with the vocational teachers are mentioned as factors confining the focus the teachers have on mathematical literacy in the teaching.

Občanské kompetence žáků se sluchovým postižením s důrazem na finanční gramotnost / .CIVIC COMPETENCES OF PUPILS WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENT WITH EMPHASIS ON FINANCIAL LITERACY

Maierova, Olga January 2021 (has links)
The presented work deals with the question of achieving financial literacy in pupils with hearing impairment, as one of the important areas of development of civic competencies for life in today's society. The main part of the work is the presentation of the results of a research survey aimed at determining the level of financial literacy in the target group of 15-18-year-old students with hearing impairments who study at secondary schools established for students with hearing impairments in the Czech Republic and their comparison with the results of non-disabled students who were included in PISA financial literacy testing. The research was conducted on three levels. Proven tools from international testing for the quantitative part of the survey and standardized psychological tests were selected, along with school registry data for the part that addresses the qualitative characteristics of pupils. Subsequent analysis of the obtained data served to verify the hypotheses what affects the achieving financial literacy in pupils with hearing impairment. Furthermore, data obtained through the ICT saturation questionnaire, which monitors safety techniques and pupils' relationships and attitudes towards ICT and compares them with participants in PISA testing, were processed and commented on. The aim of...

Skoldisciplin, hjälp eller stjälp Den politiska debatten och forskning School discipline, help or hindrance Political debate and research

Nilsson, Christian January 2016 (has links)
The Swedish school system during the 2000s, performed worse in terms of students' performance. In response to these results, two camps emerged regarding school discipline, and how this can help to reverse the deteriorating results. One camp wants to increase discipline, give the school the right to punishments such as detention. The second camp are opposed to greater discipline and believes that there are better methods to focus on. Methods, theories and research like progressive discipline, postitive behavior support, teacher and student centered strategies are applied to Swedish politicians' arguments about school discipline. To investigate the credibility of the increase or decrease in school discipline as a good method to reverse the ever deteriorating pupil results in Swedish schools. Chronologically, the work is limited to the years 2009 and 2012 with the intention to keep the work as relevant as possible, and to compare PISA results from 2009 and 2012 to ensure a decline in student achievement in the 2000s. The work is finalized by the Swedish school systems’s problems is ensured and that the politicians' arguments about school discipline is in relation to research and empirical data.

Évaluation échocardiographique des effets du pimobendane dans le traitement des maladies valvulaires dégénératives canines asymptomatiques

Ouellet, Mathieu 01 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Les maladies valvulaires dégénératives (MVD) représentent la pathologie cardiaque acquise la plus fréquente chez le chien. Malgré une recherche active, à l’heure actuelle aucun traitement étudié ne s’est avéré efficace dans le traitement du stade asymptomatique de la condition. Le pimobendane est un nouvel agent inodilatateur, qui s’est montré prometteur dans le traitement des stades avancés des MVD, mais peu est connu sur ses effets hémodynamiques et son impact sur le volume de régurgitation dans les MVD naturelles asymptomatiques. Hypothèses : L’introduction du pimobendane réduit la fraction de régurgitation (FR) chez les chiens atteints de MVD asymptomatiques. Sujets étudiés : Vingt-quatre chiens de compagnie, appartenant à la clientèle du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vétérinaire (CHUV) de l’université de Montréal et affectés par une MVD de classe ISACHC 1b. Méthode: Étude prospective, contrôlée et conduite à l’aveugle. Les chiens ont été assignés à un groupe traitement (n=19) recevant du pimobendane (0,2-0,3 mg/Kg q12h) ou à un groupe contrôle (n=5). Les évaluations échocardiographiques ont été effectuées sur une période de 6 mois. Résultats : L’introduction du pimobendane n’a pas été associée à une diminution de la FR chez les chiens affectés par une MVD asymptomatique de classe ISACHC 1b au cours de l’étude (p=0,85). Une augmentation significative de la fraction d’éjection (80,8 +/- 1,42 vs. 69,0 +/- 2,76, p=0,0064) ainsi qu’une baisse du diamètre ventriculaire gauche télé systolique (p=0.011) ont été observées chez le groupe pimobendane au jour 30. Toutefois, cet effet sur la fonction systolique n’a pas persisté au cours des 6 mois d’évaluation. / Background: Mitral Valve disease (MVD) is the most common acquired cardiac affectation of the dog, and is therefore associated with an undeniable clinical and economical importance for veterinarians and pet owners. Despite active research, at this time no known treatment has been proven to delay the onset of congestive heart failure. Pimobendan is a novel inodilator that has shown promising results in the treatment of advanced MVD, but little is known about its hemodynamic effects, especially regarding the mitral regurgitant volume in naturally occurring asymptomatic MVD. Hypothesis: Administration of pimobendan decreases the regurgitant fraction (RF) of dogs with asymptomatic MVD. Animals: Twenty-four client-owned dogs affected by ISACHC class Ib MVD. Methods: Prospective, blinded, controlled clinical trial. Dogs were assigned to a pimobendan (0.2-0.3 mg/Kg q12h) treatment group (n=19) or a control group (n=5). Echocardiographic evaluations were performed over a 6 month study period. Results: Administration of pimobendan to treatment did not decrease the RF of dogs affected by asymptomatic class 1b MVD over the study period (p=0.85). There was a significant increase in the ejection fraction of the pimobendan treated dogs at day (80.8 +/- 1.42 vs. 69.0 +/- 2.76, p=0.0064), and a decrease in systolic left ventricular diameter (p=0.011). However, this improvement in systolic function was not sustained over the 6 month trial period.

Současné problémy finského školství: rovnost šancí ve vzdělávání / Current Issues of Finnish Education: Equity in Education

Boušková, Marcela January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of equal educational opportunities in Finland. Both, Czech and foreign sources as well as my own research data were used for the purpose of this study. The main objectives are to find the answers to the questions of how the idea of equal opportunities in education is carried out at different stages of the Finnish educational system, what is the role of comprehensive school, which specific tools are used for addressing the equity issues systematically or what is the opinion of our experts on the possible inspiration from the Finnish educational model in the Czech conditions. Using the comparison of results of the PISA assessment programme I am trying to reveal the positive and negative effects of two different types of primary schools - comprehensive in Finland and selective in the Czech Republic - mainly focusing on the field of distribution of equal educational opportunities.

Évaluation échocardiographique des effets du pimobendane dans le traitement des maladies valvulaires dégénératives canines asymptomatiques

Ouellet, Mathieu 01 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Les maladies valvulaires dégénératives (MVD) représentent la pathologie cardiaque acquise la plus fréquente chez le chien. Malgré une recherche active, à l’heure actuelle aucun traitement étudié ne s’est avéré efficace dans le traitement du stade asymptomatique de la condition. Le pimobendane est un nouvel agent inodilatateur, qui s’est montré prometteur dans le traitement des stades avancés des MVD, mais peu est connu sur ses effets hémodynamiques et son impact sur le volume de régurgitation dans les MVD naturelles asymptomatiques. Hypothèses : L’introduction du pimobendane réduit la fraction de régurgitation (FR) chez les chiens atteints de MVD asymptomatiques. Sujets étudiés : Vingt-quatre chiens de compagnie, appartenant à la clientèle du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vétérinaire (CHUV) de l’université de Montréal et affectés par une MVD de classe ISACHC 1b. Méthode: Étude prospective, contrôlée et conduite à l’aveugle. Les chiens ont été assignés à un groupe traitement (n=19) recevant du pimobendane (0,2-0,3 mg/Kg q12h) ou à un groupe contrôle (n=5). Les évaluations échocardiographiques ont été effectuées sur une période de 6 mois. Résultats : L’introduction du pimobendane n’a pas été associée à une diminution de la FR chez les chiens affectés par une MVD asymptomatique de classe ISACHC 1b au cours de l’étude (p=0,85). Une augmentation significative de la fraction d’éjection (80,8 +/- 1,42 vs. 69,0 +/- 2,76, p=0,0064) ainsi qu’une baisse du diamètre ventriculaire gauche télé systolique (p=0.011) ont été observées chez le groupe pimobendane au jour 30. Toutefois, cet effet sur la fonction systolique n’a pas persisté au cours des 6 mois d’évaluation. / Background: Mitral Valve disease (MVD) is the most common acquired cardiac affectation of the dog, and is therefore associated with an undeniable clinical and economical importance for veterinarians and pet owners. Despite active research, at this time no known treatment has been proven to delay the onset of congestive heart failure. Pimobendan is a novel inodilator that has shown promising results in the treatment of advanced MVD, but little is known about its hemodynamic effects, especially regarding the mitral regurgitant volume in naturally occurring asymptomatic MVD. Hypothesis: Administration of pimobendan decreases the regurgitant fraction (RF) of dogs with asymptomatic MVD. Animals: Twenty-four client-owned dogs affected by ISACHC class Ib MVD. Methods: Prospective, blinded, controlled clinical trial. Dogs were assigned to a pimobendan (0.2-0.3 mg/Kg q12h) treatment group (n=19) or a control group (n=5). Echocardiographic evaluations were performed over a 6 month study period. Results: Administration of pimobendan to treatment did not decrease the RF of dogs affected by asymptomatic class 1b MVD over the study period (p=0.85). There was a significant increase in the ejection fraction of the pimobendan treated dogs at day (80.8 +/- 1.42 vs. 69.0 +/- 2.76, p=0.0064), and a decrease in systolic left ventricular diameter (p=0.011). However, this improvement in systolic function was not sustained over the 6 month trial period.

Understanding the Role of Mathematical Anxiety, Disaffect and Emotion in Learning and Teaching the Subject of Mathematics : A Qualitative Study of Swedish Student Teachers’ Experiences and Feelings towards Mathematics Education

Shamoon, Stephanie January 2014 (has links)
Alongside the international consensus about the importance of mathematical competencies in today’s knowledge society, the awareness about children’s and adult’s mathematical anxiety has increased. Within this, relatively limited, field of research it has moreover been revealed that the level of mathematical anxiety is considerably higher among students within teacher education programs compared to other university students. Furthermore, the studies suggest that the anxiety of prospective teachers may influence their performance in the classroom and in turn their pupils’ perception of mathematics. In the case of Sweden, the PISA 2012 revealed a significant increase of mathematical anxiety among Swedish 15 year old pupils in the past ten years. With this background, the purpose of this study is to investigate prospective teachers’ feelings and experiences towards the subject of mathematics where the aim is to gain a deeper understanding about negative feelings, such as mathematical anxiety. Based on a qualitative research approach, including a survey with around 100 Swedish student teachers, interviews and a focus group session with a smaller group, the findings of the study have shown that the majority of the participants have in different ways experienced negative feelings towards mathematics. With support in poststructuralist theories, where emotions are viewed as a social construction, the study indicates that feelings emerge when students position themselves, or become positioned, within discursive practices. The concept of subjectivity was further used to gain a deeper understanding of students’ process in becoming a teacher. / Vid sidan av den internationella konsensusen där vikten av matematik lyfts i dagens kunskapssamhälle, har medvetenheten kring matematisk ångest bland barn och vuxna ökat. Inom detta, relativt begränsade, forskningsområde har studier visat på att matematisk ångest är avsevärt större bland lärarstudenter i jämförelse med andra universitetsstuderande. Dessutom har studier påvisat att denna ångest kan påverka lärares framförande i klassrummet och i sin tur sina elevers uppfattning av matematik. I Sverige har resultaten från PISA 2012 undersökningen visat att svenska 15-åriga elevers ångest gentemot matematik har ökat signifikant de senaste tio åren. Med denna bakgrund är syftet med denna studie att undersöka en grupp lärarstudenters känslor och erfarenheter kring matematik, med målet att få en djupare förståelse för negativa känslor, så som matematisk ångest. Utifrån kvalitativa forskningsansatser, där en enkätundersökning med drygt 100 svenska lärarstudenter, intervjuer samt en fokusgrupp med en mindre grupp studenter har genomförts, visar resultaten att majoriteten av undersökningspersonerna har upplevt negativa känslor av olika slag gentemot matematik. Med stöd i poststrukturella teorier, där känslor betraktas som en social konstruktion, påvisar studien indikationer på att känslor uppkommer när studenter positionerar sig, eller blir positionerade, inom diskursiva praktiker. Subjektivitet konceptet har därtill varit väsentlig för en djupare förståelse för studenternas process mot att bli lärare.

Procenta v úlohách matematické olympiády, korespondenčních seminářů a výzkumů PISA, TIMSS / Percentage tasks in a mathematical olympiad, in corresponding seminars, and in PISA and TIMSS tests.

TOMANOVÁ, Denisa January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis includes information about percentages, mathematical olympiad, mathematical corresponding seminars and PISA ant TIMSS tests. The first, theoretical part describes historical development of mathematical olympiad and its organization, the history of mathematical corresponding seminars and list of current seminars for primary school students. The second part of the diploma thesis consists of the collection of tasks examples with percentages that appear in mathematical olympiad, mathematical corresponding seminars and PISA and TIMSS tests.

Přírodovědné úlohy typu PISA na českých školách / Science problems of PISA type at czech schools

Havlíček, Karel January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines the ability of people to solve scientific tasks in PISA research, how well is PISA known and what strategies are used when solving these tests. Subjects of this research were students of ninth grade of elementary school, university students of pedagogy (future science teachers) and small group of in-service science teachers. Basic characteristic of the PISA research, its methods and how will they change in year 2015 are given in the beginning of this work. The following chapters contain information about my own research, namely what tasks and questions were selected for the test and description of the sample of respondents. Majority of the work focuses on detailed analysis of their results. Aim of this analysis was to compare pupils with their current or future teachers and explore how their results are linked to their motivation or familiarity with PISA research. This work also contains three examples of tasks illustrating new framework for PISA 2015, two of which I translated to Czech.

Medelklassens kulturella ideal : En WPR-analys av statens läspolitik för barn och unga / Cultural Ideals of the Middle Class : A WPR Analysis of the State's Reading Policy for Children and Young People

Nilsdotter, Petra Lovisa January 2022 (has links)
This study is a qualitative text analysis of the state's public inquiry (SOU 2018:57) according to Carol Bacchi's (2009) Foucault-influenced analysis tool: "What's the Problem Represented to be?" (WPR) which is based in poststructuralist theory. The policy's incentives are the international measurements of fourth-grade and 15-year-olds' reading comprehension, PIRLS and PISA respectively. Quantitative measurements in large population groups are generally stated as motives for initiating policies in contemporary welfare states. The starting point in this study is class as class aspects tend to be toned down in today's society despite the fact that parents' level of education has an approximately as strong connection with basic reading skills and in the long run school results as with the variables gender and Swedish/foreign background together. Based on class the purpose of the study is to investigate how the state's public inquiry, which addresses all children's and young people's reading, assumes that the spread of reading comprehension has increased for decades between socioeconomic groups of children and young people in Sweden alongside with school segregation. The conclusion is that the policy's represented "problem" is a decreasing reading interest in all student groups including the middle class which can affect personal finances and Sweden's position in competition between OECD-countries. The "problem" is furthermore that not all parents have similar resources or attitudes to their children's reading comprehension and reading habits, basically culture and education, as the ideal middle class parent. According to the WPR method "problem" representations within policies result in effects for people, and thus a large share of the population: the group of children, young people and their parents who are highlighted in the study tend, from the position from which the policy is produced, "the bourgeois gaze", to disappear and at the same time to be singled out through the neoliberal and neo-philantrophic discourses that underpins it.

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