Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SELF-ORGANIZATION"" "subject:"[enn] SELF-ORGANIZATION""
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Programming Model and Protocols for Reconfigurable Distributed SystemsArad, Cosmin Ionel January 2013 (has links)
Distributed systems are everywhere. From large datacenters to mobile devices, an ever richer assortment of applications and services relies on distributed systems, infrastructure, and protocols. Despite their ubiquity, testing and debugging distributed systems remains notoriously hard. Moreover, aside from inherent design challenges posed by partial failure, concurrency, or asynchrony, there remain significant challenges in the implementation of distributed systems. These programming challenges stem from the increasing complexity of the concurrent activities and reactive behaviors in a distributed system on the one hand, and the need to effectively leverage the parallelism offered by modern multi-core hardware, on the other hand. This thesis contributes Kompics, a programming model designed to alleviate some of these challenges. Kompics is a component model and programming framework for building distributed systems by composing message-passing concurrent components. Systems built with Kompics leverage multi-core machines out of the box, and they can be dynamically reconfigured to support hot software upgrades. A simulation framework enables deterministic execution replay for debugging, testing, and reproducible behavior evaluation for largescale Kompics distributed systems. The same system code is used for both simulation and production deployment, greatly simplifying the system development, testing, and debugging cycle. We highlight the architectural patterns and abstractions facilitated by Kompics through a case study of a non-trivial distributed key-value storage system. CATS is a scalable, fault-tolerant, elastic, and self-managing key-value store which trades off service availability for guarantees of atomic data consistency and tolerance to network partitions. We present the composition architecture for the numerous protocols employed by the CATS system, as well as our methodology for testing the correctness of key CATS algorithms using the Kompics simulation framework. Results from a comprehensive performance evaluation attest that CATS achieves its claimed properties and delivers a level of performance competitive with similar systems which provide only weaker consistency guarantees. More importantly, this testifies that Kompics admits efficient system implementations. Its use as a teaching framework as well as its use for rapid prototyping, development, and evaluation of a myriad of scalable distributed systems, both within and outside our research group, confirm the practicality of Kompics. / <p>QC 20130520</p>
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A new experimental model to study bone and cartilage formation using a bioengineering approachQuintana Frigola, Lluís 19 June 2009 (has links)
La medicina regenerativa és una disciplina que ha guanyat reconeixement en les últimes dècades pel fet que moltes malalties no són tractables amb fàrmacs convencionals. Molts grups de recerca i empreses inverteixen temps i diners en la producció de nous paradigmes per curar malalties com el Parkinson, l'artrosi o la regeneració de medul·la espinal. Aquestes propostes es basen en l'ús de teixits biomimètics per reparar òrgans danyats. En aquesta tesi es presenta un nou model experimental per estudiar la formació d'os i cartílag i eventualment la reparació d'aquests teixits. Hem utilitzat Fibroblasts Embriònics de Ratolí (MEFs) combinats amb diferents materials biomimètics per estudiar os i cartílag in vitro i in vivo. Aquests MEFs es van cultivar in vitro i in vivo en RAD16-I, un pèptid auto-ensamblable amb estructura similar a matrius extracel·lulars genèriques, amb l'objectiu d'estudiar l'evolució dels fibroblasts en aquestes dues condicions. També s'han recobert superficialment micropartícules de hidroxiapatita obtenint càrregues inorgàniques similars a l'os i biològicament actives per a utilitzar-les com a substituts d'os o cartílag. Amb la idea de millorar els recobriments superficials, hem desenvolupat una plataforma que permet dur a terme proves combinatòries amb factors de creixement i altres compostos biològicament actius. Cultius in vitro de MEFs han mostrat que quan fibroblasts embrionaris primaris de ratolí es cultiven en RAD16-I, estableixen una xarxa intercel·lular que causa una contracció cel·lular organitzada, proliferació i migració cel·lulars i culmina amb la formació d'una estructura bilateral i simètrica amb un eix central distingible. Durant aquest procés morfològic, augmenta l'expressió d'un grup de gens mesodèrmics (brachyury, Sox9, Sox5, Sox6, Runx2). L'expressió de brachyury està localitzada primer en l'eix de simetria central i després s'extén als dos costats de l'estructura. Per acabar, la formació espontània d'un teixit similar al del cartílag acompanya l'expressió de Sox9 i Runx2.L'estudi in vivo de MEFs es va fer gràcies a la tècnica de presa d'imatges no invasiva basada en bioluminiscència (BLI) que ha desenvolupat en el grup de recerca del dr. Jerónimo Blanco. Aquests experiments han mostrat que el RAD16-I és una matriu molt permissiva per a la supervivència i proliferació cel·lulars in vivo. A més, sembla que les pobres propietats mecàniques que té el RAD16-I no li suposen cap desavantatge en termes de creixement cel·lular in vivo. Finalment, hem desenvolupat diferents tipus de micropartícules de hidroxiapatita (HA) no recobertes, i recobertes mitjançant polimerització assistida per plasma. Els recobriments permeten afinar les propietats de la HA i produir partícules que satisfacin les necessitats de diferents aplicacions mèdiques en reparació d'os i cartílag. També hem desenvolupat un mètode per produir plataformes basades en plaques de 96 pous que permetin fer proves combinatòries amb compostos biològicament actius per vàries aplicacions en medicina regenerativa. En conclusió, hem aportat noves idees i eines que permetran trobar teixits regeneratius basats en l'ús de fibroblasts i materials biomimètics. / La medicina regenerativa es una disciplina que ha ganado reconocimiento en las últimas décadas porque muchas enfermedades no son tratables con fármacos convencionales. Muchos grupos de investigación y empresas invierten tiempo y dinero en la producción de nuevos paradigmas para curar enfermedades como el Parkinson, la artrosis o la regeneración de médula espinal. Estas propuestas se basan en el uso de tejidos biomiméticos para reparar órganos dañados. En esta tesis se presenta un nuevo modelo experimental para estudiar la formación de hueso y cartílago y tal vez la reparación de estos tejidos. Hemos utilizado Fibroblastos Embrionarios de Ratón (MEFs) combinados con diferentes materiales biomiméticos para estudiar hueso y cartílago in vitro e in vivo. Estos MEFs se cultivaron in vitro e in vivo en RAD16-I, un péptido auto-ensamblable con estructura similar a matrices extracelulares genéricas, con el objetivo de estudiar la evolución de los fibroblastos en estas dos condiciones. También se han recubierto superficialmente micropartículas de hidroxiapatita obteniendo cargas inorgánicas similares al hueso y biológicamente activas para utilizarlas como sustitutos de hueso o cartílago. Con la idea de mejorar los recubrimientos superficiales, hemos desarrollado una plataforma que permite llevar a cabo pruebas combinatorias con factores de crecimiento y otros compuestos biológicamente activos. Cultivos in vitro de MEFs han mostrado que cuando fibroblastos embrionarios primarios de ratón se cultivan en RAD16-I, establecen una red intercelular que causa una contracción celular organizada, proliferación y migración celulares y culmina con la formación de una estructura bilateral y simétrica con un eje central distinguible. Durante este proceso morfológico, aumenta la expresión de un grupo de genes mesodérmicos (brachyury, Sox9, Sox5, Sox6, Runx2). La expresión de brachyury está localizada primero en el eje de simetría central y después se extiende a los dos lados de la estructura. Para terminar, la formación espontánea de un tejido similar al del cartílago acompaña a la expresión de Sox9 y Runx2.El estudio in vivo de MEFs se hizo gracias a la técnica de toma de imágenes no invasiva basada en bioluminiscencia (BLI) que han desarrollado en el grupo de investigación del dr. Jerónimo Blanco. Estos experimentos han mostrado que el RAD16-I es una matriz muy permisiva para a la supervivencia y proliferación celulares in vivo. Además, parece que las pobres propiedades mecánicas que tiene el RAD16-I no le suponen ninguna desventaja en términos de crecimiento celular in vivo. Finalmente, hemos desarrollado diferentes tipos de micropartículas de hidroxiapatita (HA) no recubiertas, y recubiertas mediante polimerización asistida por plasma. Los recubrimientos permiten afinar las propiedades de la HA y producir partículas que satisfagan las necesidades de diferentes aplicaciones médicas en reparación de hueso y cartílago. También hemos desarrollado un método para producir plataformas basadas en placas de 96 pozos que permitan hacer pruebas combinatorias con compuestos biológicamente activos para varias aplicaciones en medicina regenerativa. En conclusión, hemos aportado nuevas ideas y herramientas que permitirán hallar tejidos regenerativos basados en el uso de fibroblastos y materiales biomiméticos. / Regenerative medicine is a discipline that has gained recognition in the last decades because many diseases are not treatable with traditional drugs. Many research groups and companies invest time and money in the production of new paradigms to cure conditions such as Parkinson's, arthrosis or spinal cord injuries. These approaches are based in the use of biomimetic tissues to replace damaged organs. In this work we present a new experimental model to study the formation of bone and cartilage and eventually to repair these tissues. We have used Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts (MEFs) combined with different biomimetic materials to study bone and cartilage formation in vitro and in vivo. MEFs have been cultured in vitro and in vivo in RAD16-I, a synthetic self-assembling peptide with structure similar to generic extracellular matrix milieu, to study the evolution of these fibroblasts in both conditions. Also, hydroxyapatite microparticles have been surface coated to produce biologically active bone-like inorganic charges for use in cartilage or bone substitutes. In order to improve the particles' coatings, we have developed a platform that allows us to perform combinatorial testing of growth factors and other biologically active compounds. In vitro cultures of MEFs has shown that when primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts are cultured in a soft nanofiber scaffold, they establish a cellular network that causes an organized cell contraction, proliferation, and migration that ends in the formation of a symmetrically bilateral structure with a distinct central axis. A subset of mesodermal genes (brachyury, Sox9, Sox5, Sox6, Runx2) is upregulated during this morphogenetic process. The expression of brachyury was localized first at the central axis, extending then to both sides of the structure. The spontaneous formation of cartilage-like tissue mainly at the paraxial zone followed the expression of Sox9 and Runx2.In vivo study of MEFs was facilitated by a non-invasive bioluminescence imaging (BLI) technique to detect luciferase-expressing cells, developed by Dr. Blanco's research group. These experiments showed that RAD16-I is a very permissive scaffold for cell survival and proliferation in vivo. Furthermore, it seems that the poor mechanical properties of RAD16-I are no disadvantage in terms of cell growth in vivo.Finally, we have developed different types of coated and uncoated hydroxyapatite (HA) microparticles by plasma polymerization. The coatings permit to tune the properties of HA and produce particles that suit the needs of different medical applications in bone and cartilage repair. Moreover, we have developed a method to produce platforms based on 96-well plates that allow the combinatorial testing of biologically active compounds for various applications in regenerative medicine. In conclusion, we have supplied new insights and tools that will enhance the finding of new regenerative tissues based on fibroblasts and biomimetic materials.
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Dynamics of Active Filament Systems / The Role of Filament Polymerization and Depolymerization / Dynamik aktiver Filament-SystemeZumdieck, Alexander 14 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Aktive Filament-Systeme, wie zum Beispiel das Zellskelett, sind Beispiele einer interessanten Klasse neuartiger Materialien, die eine wichtige Rolle in der belebten Natur spielen. Viele wichtige Prozesse in lebenden Zellen wie zum Beispiel die Zellbewegung oder Zellteilung basieren auf dem Zellskelett. Das Zellskelett besteht aus Protein-Filamenten, molekularen Motoren und einer großen Zahl weiterer Proteine, die an die Filamente binden und diese zu einem Netz verbinden können. Die Filamente selber sind semifexible Polymere, typischerweise einige Mikrometer lang und bestehen aus einigen hundert bis tausend Untereinheiten, typischerweise Mono- oder Dimeren. Die Filamente sind strukturell polar, d.h. sie haben eine definierte Richtung, ähnlich einer Ratsche. Diese Polarität begründet unterschiedliche Polymerisierungs- und Depolymerisierungs-Eigenschaften der beiden Filamentenden und legt außerdem die Bewegungsrichtung molekularer Motoren fest. Die Polymerisation von Filamenten sowie Krafterzeugung und Bewegung molekularer Motoren sind aktive Prozesse, die kontinuierlich chemische Energie benötigen. Das Zellskelett ist somit ein aktives Gel, das sich fern vom thermodynamischen Gleichgewicht befindet. In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir Beschreibungen solcher aktiven Filament-Systeme und wenden sie auf Strukturen an, die eine ähnliche Geometrie wie zellulare Strukturen haben. Beispiele solcher zellularer Strukturen sind Spannungsfasern, kontraktile Ringe oder mitotische Spindeln. Spannungsfasern sind für die Zellbewegung essentiell; sie können kontrahieren und so die Zelle vorwärts bewegen. Die mitotische Spindel trennt Kopien der Erbsubstanz DNS vor der eigentlichen Zellteilung. Der kontraktile Ring schließlich trennt die Zelle am Ende der Zellteilung. In unserer Theorie konzentrieren wir uns auf den Einfluß der Polymerisierung und Depolymerisierung von Filamenten auf die Dynamik dieser Strukturen. Wir zeigen, dass der kontinuierliche Umschlag (d.h. fortwährende Polymerisierung und Depolymerisierung) von Filamenten unabdingbar ist für die kontraktion eines Rings mit konstanter Geschwindigkeit, so wie in Experimenten mit Hefezellen beobachtet. Mit Hilfe einer mikroskopisch motivierten Beschreibung zeigen wir, wie &quot;filament treadmilling&quot;, also Filament Polymerisierung an einem Ende mit der gleichen Rate wie Depolymerisierung am anderen Ende, zur Spannung in Filament Bündeln und Ringen beitragen kann. Ein zentrales Ergebnis ist, dass die Depolymerisierung von Filamenten in Anwesenheit von filamentverbindenden Proteinen das Zusammenziehen dieser Bündel sogar in Abwesenheit molekulare Motoren herbeiführen kann. Ferner entwickeln wir eine generische Kontinuumsbeschreibung aktiver Filament-Systeme, die ausschließlich auf Symmetrien der Systeme beruht und von mikroskopischen Details unabhängig ist. Diese Theorie erlaubt uns eine komplementäre Sichtweise auf solche aktiven Filament-Systeme. Sie stellt ein wichtiges Werkzeug dar, um die physikalischen Mechanismen z.B. in Filamentbündeln aber auch bei der Bildung von Filamentringen im Zellkortex zu untersuchen. Schließlich entwickeln wir eine auf einem Kräftegleichgewicht basierende Beschreibung für bipolare Strukturen aktiver Filamente und wenden diese auf die mitotische Spindel an. Wir diskutieren Bedingungen für die Bildung und Stabilität von Spindeln. / Active filament systems such as the cell cytoskeleton represent an intriguing class of novel materials that play an important role in nature. The cytoskeleton for example provides the mechanical basis for many central processes in living cells, such as cell locomotion or cell division. It consists of protein filaments, molecular motors and a host of related proteins that can bind to and cross-link the filaments. The filaments themselves are semiflexible polymers that are typically several micrometers long and made of several hundreds to thousands of subunits. The filaments are structurally polar, i.e. they possess a directionality. This polarity causes the two distinct filament ends to exhibit different properties regarding polymerization and depolymerization and also defines the direction of movement of molecular motors. Filament polymerization as well as force generation and motion of molecular motors are active processes, that constantly use chemical energy. The cytoskeleton is thus an active gel, far from equilibrium. We present theories of such active filament systems and apply them to geometries reminiscent of structures in living cells such as stress fibers, contractile rings or mitotic spindles. Stress fibers are involved in cell locomotion and propel the cell forward, the mitotic spindle mechanically separates the duplicated sets of chromosomes prior to cell division and the contractile ring cleaves the cell during the final stages of cell division. In our theory, we focus in particular on the role of filament polymerization and depolymerization for the dynamics of these structures. Using a mean field description of active filament systems that is based on the microscopic processes of filaments and motors, we show how filament polymerization and depolymerization contribute to the tension in filament bundles and rings. We especially study filament treadmilling, an ubiquitous process in cells, in which one filament end grows at the same rate as the other one shrinks. A key result is that depolymerization of filaments in the presence of linking proteins can induce bundle contraction even in the absence of molecular motors. We extend this description and apply it to the mitotic spindle. Starting from force balance considerations we discuss conditions for spindle formation and stability. We find that motor binding to filament ends is essential for spindle formation. Furthermore we develop a generic continuum description that is based on symmetry considerations and independent of microscopic details. This theory allows us to present a complementary view on filament bundles, as well as to investigate physical mechanisms behind cell cortex dynamics and ring formation in the two dimensional geometry of a cylinder surface. Finally we present a phenomenological description for the dynamics of contractile rings that is based on the balance of forces generated by active processes in the ring with forces necessary to deform the cell. We find that filament turnover is essential for ring contraction with constant velocities such as observed in experiments with fission yeast.
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親師生信任連結的家校生活:一所台灣另類國民小學教育實踐之個案研究 / The Home-school Life of Trustful Coupling Relationship among Parents, Teachers, and Students: a Case Study on an Alternative Elementary School in Taiwan詹家惠, Jan, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
1. 「學校評鑑」方式應以協助學校發展為目的,宜更具彈性、因校制宜
2. 主管機關宜促進另類學校與一般學校深度交流或彼此成果分享
3. 種籽親子實驗國民小學的學校運作模式可為偏地小校轉型再生的參考 / This dissertation applies qualitative research method and the “open systems theory” to amplify on an alternative school picture of Seedling Experimental Elementary School, and inquiries the elements on the sustainable development of the alternative school. The results of this dissertation upon the case study on Seedling Experimental Elementary School are as follows.
1. By describing and analyzing the manners and systems of student learning and school operating, this dissertation points out that the school picture of Seedling Experimental Elementary School is home-school life of trustful coupling relationship among parents, teachers, and students.
2. The organizational characteristics of Seedling Experimental Elementary School are as below. (1) It seems as if Seedling Experimental Elementary School is a bureaucratic organization, but just at a modest rate, is not typical bureaucracy. (2) The intrinsic qualities of discussing culture are supporting individual differences and cooperation. (3) The individual systems of parents, teachers, and students are congruent. (4) Invoking individual power and transferring the need for organization can reconcile conflicts in the political system of organization. (5) Seedling Experimental Elementary School has the good relationship with the authorities, but has the aloof relationship with the local community.
3. The innate character of Seedling Experimental Elementary School is “self-organization” that can reconcile the inner systems of the school organization and embrace the challenges or stress come from outer systems. Seedling Experimental Elementary School as a self-organization can be developing steady.
4. This dissertation makes two suggestions to Seedling Experimental Elementary School. First of all, parents, teachers, and students can collectively build the “Seedling knowledge”. Secondly, Seedling Experimental Elementary School can accomplish educational mission for the public by establishing the method and program of teacher education based on “Seedling knowledge”.
5. This dissertation makes some suggestions for national education. (1) The authorities could assist schools to be “self-organization-orientated” school organizations. (2) The authorities could assist schools to cultivate teachers to be “self-creation-orientated” teachers. (3) A school principal could lead parents, teachers, and students to work up the school belief and vision, which may develop trustful coupling relationship that could be the base of school. (4) Three suggestions for experimental education: first, school evaluation for schools which are proceeding with experimental education should be flexible and expediential; secondly, the authorities can boost the communication and promote the cooperation between alternative schools and common schools; finally, the school operating model of Seedling Experimental Elementary School could be the reference and resource for the transformation of small schools in rural.
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Experimental and theoretical investigations of the emergence and sustenance of prosocial behavior in groups / Experimental and theoretical investigations of the emergence and sustenance of prosocial behavior in groupsFehl, Katrin 11 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Strukturbildung und Rauigkeiten an Grenzflächen des Ni-Ag-Legierungssystems / Structure Formation and Roughnesses at Interfaces of the Ni-Ag Alloy SystemPetersen, Jan 21 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Self-Organizing Control for Autonomous Robots / A Dynamical Systems Approach Based on the Principle of Homeokinesis / Selbstorganisierende Steuerung für Autonomer Roboter / Ein Dynamischer Systeme-Ansatz basierend auf dem Prinzip der HomeokineseHesse, Frank 19 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Ion beam processing of surfaces and interfacesLiedke, Bartosz 28 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Self-organization of regular surface pattern under ion beam erosion was described in detail by Navez in 1962. Several years later in 1986 Bradley and Harper (BH) published the first self-consistent theory on this phenomenon based on the competition of surface roughening described by Sigmund's sputter theory and surface smoothing by Mullins-Herring diffusion. Many papers that followed BH theory introduced other processes responsible for the surface patterning e.g. viscous flow, redeposition, phase separation, preferential sputtering, etc. The present understanding is still not sufficient to specify the dominant driving forces responsible for self-organization. 3D atomistic simulations can improve the understanding by reproducing the pattern formation with the detailed microscopic description of the driving forces. 2D simulations published so far can contribute to this understanding only partially.
A novel program package for 3D atomistic simulations called TRIDER (TRansport of Ions in matter with DEfect Relaxation), which unifies full collision cascade simulation with atomistic relaxation processes, has been developed. The collision cascades are provided by simulations based on the Binary Collision Approximation, and the relaxation processes are simulated with the 3D lattice kinetic Monte-Carlo method. This allows, without any phenomenological model, a full 3D atomistic description on experimental spatiotemporal scales. Recently discussed new mechanisms of surface patterning like ballistic mass drift or the dependence of the local morphology on sputtering yield are inherently included in our atomistic approach.
The atomistic 3D simulations do not depend so much on experimental assumptions like reported 2D simulations or continuum theories. The 3D computer experiments can even be considered as 'cleanest' possible experiments for checking continuum theories. This work aims mainly at the methodology of a novel atomistic approach, showing that: (i) In general, sputtering is not the dominant driving force responsible for the ripple formation. Processes like bulk and surface defect kinetics dominate the surface morphology evolution. Only at grazing incidence the sputtering has been found to be a direct cause of the ripple formation. Bradley and Harper theory fails in explaining the ripple dynamics because it is based on the second-order-effect 'sputtering'. However, taking into account the new mechanisms, a 'Bradley-Harper equation' with redefined parameters can be derived, which describes pattern formation satisfactorily. (ii) Kinetics of (bulk) defects has been revealed as the dominating driving force of pattern formation. Constantly created defects within the collision cascade, are responsible for local surface topography fluctuation and cause surface mass currents. The mass currents smooth the surface at normal and close to normal ion incidence angles, while ripples appear first at incidence angles larger than 40°.
The evolution of bimetallic interfaces under ion irradiation is another application of TRIDER described in this thesis. The collisional mixing is in competition with diffusion and phase separation. The irradiation with He ions is studied for two extreme cases of bimetals: (i) Irradiation of interfaces formed by immiscible elements, here Al and Pb. Ballistic interface mixing is accompanied by phase separation. Al and Pb nanoclusters show a self-ordering (banding) parallel to the interface. (ii) Irradiation of interfaces by intermetallics forming species, here Pt and Co. Well-ordered layers of phases of intermetallics appear in the sequence Pt/Pt3Co/PtCo/PtCo3/Co. The TRIDER program package has been proven to be an appropriate technique providing a complete picture of mixing mechanisms.
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La morphogenèse du nid chez les fourmis: une étude expérimentale et théorique chez la fourmi Lasius niger / Nest morphogenesis in ants: experimental and theoretical study in Lasius niger ant.Toffin, Etienne 20 September 2010 (has links)
La construction du nid chez les fourmis génère des structures assumant de nombreuses fonctions, qui sont en grande partie dépendantes de l’architecture produite. L’omniprésence de ces fonctionnalités contraste avec la forte diversité intra et inter-spécifique de la morphologie du nid.<p>Ce travail a pour objectifs de déterminer d’une part la morphogenèse du nid durant son excavation par les fourmis (Chapitre 3), et d’autre part de quantifier l’impact de la taille du groupe (Chapitre 3) et de la qualité de l’environnement (qualité du matériau, gravité; Chapitres 4 & 5) sur cette séquence. Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons utilisé un dispositif de creusement en deux dimensions (2D) afin de suivre la dynamique d’excavation et l’évolution de la morphologie du nid au cours du temps.<p>Nous avons tout d’abord mis en évidence (Chapitre 3) un changement brutal de la morphologie du nid au cours de sa croissance. Durant une première période d’excavation homogène, le nid est constitué d’une seule cavité de forme circulaire et au contour régulier. Par la suite, le pourtour de la cavité devient plus irrégulier, l’apparition de ‘‘bourgeons’’ lui donnant une apparence plus plissée. Enfin, la cavité centrale cesse de croître lorsque des ramifications se déploient depuis certains des ‘‘bourgeons’’. Nous avons qualifié de transitions morphologiques ces brusques changements de forme, dont la fréquence d’apparition augmente avec la taille de la population.<p>Notre analyse et le recours à la simulation semblent indiquer que ce phénomène soit basé non pas sur un changement de comportement des ouvrières excavatrices mais sur la densité d’activité au front de creusement. Lorsque celle-ci est importante, des phénomènes d’encombrement se manifestent et le nid est excavé de manière homogène. À l’inverse, lorsque l’encombrement diminue les ouvrières peuvent focaliser leur travail et excavent des galeries. Un modèle analytique (Chapitre 6) a permis d’étudier les conditions d’apparition de cette transition morphologique.<p>Nos autres résultats indiquent que le matériau de construction influence très fortement la morphogenèse du nid (Chapitre 4) :les nids excavés dans un milieu cohésif sont plus fréquemment ramifiés et la transition morphologique apparaît à des surfaces de nid plus petites que dans un milieu granulaire. Il semblerait qu’à nouveau, il n’y ait aucune variation comportementale impliquée, mais que l’environnement joue un rôle de ‘‘médiateur’’ des interactions entre les fourmis: le milieu change le temps d’extraction et donc la probabilité individuelle d’excavation, cette variation est exacerbée par les mécanismes d’amplification à l’œuvre, modifiant alors sensiblement la dynamique collective de creusement et la structure du nid.<p>Enfin, une série d’expériences (Chapitre 5) nous a permis de déterminer l’influence de la gravité sur la morphogenèse. Il apparait que la gravité sert de gabarit à la construction, puisque les nids excavés dans un dispositif à l’orientation verticale sont tous dirigés vers le bas. Aussi, si le nid prend directement une forme de long puit vertical sans jamais présenter de chambre, le mécanisme de transition morphologique reste visible, sous forme de bifurcation des galeries à leur extrémités. Ce phénomène de tip-splitting semble aussi apparaître sous la contrainte de la densité d’ouvrières excavant au fond des galeries.<p>Notre travail a donc mis en évidence un phénomène de transition morphologique capable de produire les modules de base de tout nid - chambres et galeries -, et qui semble découler non pas de modifications comportementales, mais de la seule interaction de l’amplification de l’activité et de l’encombrement au front d’excavation. Ce phénomène ubiquiste propose une explication à la grande variété de structures observées sur le terrain, en lien notamment avec la diversité et l’hétérogénéité des milieux, et la dynamique des colonies. Enfin, les similitudes de la transition morphologique avec les instabilités de croissance observées dans de nombreux systèmes biologiques et physico-chimique invitent à considérer ces derniers phénomènes à la lumière de nos résultats. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Self-assembling robotsGross, Roderich 12 October 2007 (has links)
We look at robotic systems made of separate discrete components that, by self-assembling, can organize into physical structures of growing size. We review 22 such systems, exhibiting components ranging from passive mechanical parts to mobile<p>robots. We present a taxonomy of the systems, and discuss their design and function. We then focus on a particular system, the swarm-bot. In swarm-bot, the components that assemble are self-propelled modules that are fully autonomous in power, perception, computation, and action. We examine the additional capabilities and functions self-assembly can offer an autonomous group of modules for the accomplishment of a concrete task: the transport of an object. The design of controllers is accomplished in simulation using<p>techniques from biologically-inspired computing. We show that self-assembly can offer adaptive value to groups that compete in an artificial evolution based on their fitness in task performance. Moreover, we investigate mechanisms that facilitate the design of self-assembling systems. The controllers are transferred to the physical swarm-bot system, and the capabilities of self-assembly and object transport are extensively evaluated in a range of different environments. Additionally, the controller for self-assembly is transferred and evaluated on a different robotic system, a super-mechano colony. Given the breadth and quality of the results obtained, we can say that the swarm-bot qualifies as the current state of the art in self-assembling robots. Our work supplies some initial evidence (in form of simulations and experiments with the swarm-bot) that self-assembly can offer robotic systems additional capabilities and functions useful for the accomplishment of concrete tasks.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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