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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contraintes institutionnelles et réglementaires et le secteur informel à Djibouti / Institutional and regulatory and the informal sector in Djibouti

Mahamoud Houssein, Ismael 19 September 2008 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à identifier les contraintes institutionnelles et réglementaires qui limitent le développement des unités informelles à Djibouti en faisant à la fois une analyse microéconomique et macroéconomique. L’examen des institutions montre que des habitudes (corruption, passe droit) en matière de règlement de l’administration créent des coûts de transaction et obligent les micro-entreprises à se réfugier dans le secteur informel. Un modèle de régression montre que la qualité de la justice (mesurée par l’indicateur de Rule of Law de la Banque mondiale) est une variable déterminante pour expliquer le poids de l’économie non observée et donc celui du secteur informel, dans le PIB officiel. La dynamique des micro-entreprises est appréhendée à partir de 2 enquêtes (2001 et 2005) portant sur le même échantillon. L’analyse de la mobilité à l’aide de matrices de transition révèle l’existence non pas d’un seul seuil infranchissable, mais plutôt de trois (1 actif, 2-5 actifs, 6-9 actifs et 10 actifs et plus) et confirme la thèse du «missing-middle». L’analyse factorielle discriminante indique que la légalité est une variable déterminante pour expliquer le blocage apparent des micro-entreprises au-delà de 6 à 9 actifs. Enfin, l’enquête 2007 sur les activités de transfert d’argents (hawalas) montre leur impact important sur le plan macroéconomique ; elle suggère la prise en compte de la spécificité et de l’utilité de ces institutions comme un dispositif complémentaire aux banques dont l’intégration dans le système financier formel devrait être facilitée. / This research seeks to detect the institutional and regulatory constraints that limit the development of informal units in Djibouti by both the macroeconomic and microeconomic analysis. The review shows that institutional habits (corruption, going right) in regulation created transaction costs and force small businesses to take refuge in the informal sector. A regression model shows that the quality of justice (as measured by this indicator of Rule of Law of the World Bank) is a determining variable in explaining the weight of the non-observed economy and hence the informal sector in GDP official. The dynamics of micro-enterprises is approached from 2 surveys (2001 and 2005) on the same sample. The analysis of mobility through transition matrices reveals the existence of three thresholds (1 employee, 2-5 employees, 6-9 employees and 10 employees and more) and not only one single threshold, albeit it confirms the thesis of «missing-middle». The discriminating factor analysis indicates that the law is a crucial variable that explains the apparent blocking of micro-enterprises beyond 6 to 9 employees. Finally, the 2007 survey on the money transfer activities (hawalas) shows that these institutions have a significant impact on the macroeconomic level and suggests that their usefulness and specificity should be taken into account in order to integrate this banking device within the formal financial system.

Finansiell bootstrapping i småföretag : en kvantitativ studie om hur infödda företagare och invandrarföretagares sociala samt professionella nätverk påverkar valet av finansiell bootstrapping.

Mauritzson, Albin, Mauritzson, Oskar January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva hur styrkan i småföretags sociala och professionella nätverk påverkar valet av finansiell bootsrapping, med företagarens ursprung som betingad faktor. Målet med studien är att introducera och ge en generell översikt över orsakssambandet mellan de berörda koncepten. En undersökning genomfördes bland småföretag i Sverige för att identifiera det sociala och professionella nätverkets påverkan på finansiell bootstraping. I undersökningen antogs företagarens ursprung ha en modererande roll. Dessutom ingick en rad kontrollvariabler för att undersöka deras effekt på orsakssambandet. Sålunda ger det en djupare insikt om vilka underliggande individuella och organisatoriska attribut som påverkar företagares val av finansiell bootstrapping. En utökad kunskap för fenomenet finansiell bootstrapping kan ses som ett konkurrenskraftigt hjälpmedel vid egenföretagande. Framförallt blir det påtagligt för småföretagare som stöter på hinder i anskaffningen av externt finansiellt kapital. Denna uppsats baserades på 136 frågeformulär som returneras från småföretagare som är etablerade på den svenska marknaden. Medan resultatet bekräftar vikten av finansiell bootstrapping för småföretag, identifieras ursprungsskillnader i användningen av olika finansiella bootstrappingmetoder. Dessutom identifieras variationer i invandrare och inföddas användning av sociala och professionella nätverk. Vidare upptäcker vi att styrkan i småföretags nätverk har en positiv påverkan på finansiell bootstrapping. Däremot när ursprung antas ha en modererande effekt ges blandade resultat. Sålunda indikerar resultatet på att det finns vissa likheter i invandrare och infödda företagares finansieringsbeteende

Optimering av arbetssätt och processer inom ett IT-företag / Optimization of working methods and processes within an IT company

Haddad, Armin, Coldevin, Kevin January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete ämnar till att identifiera kvalitetsproblem inom den studerade organisationen varpå kvalitetstekniska tillvägagångssätt appliceras i syfte av att framställa lösningsförslag. Rapporten innefattar teorierna SWOT, Sociala medielandskapet, hörnstensmodellen, processmodellering, processmognad, TQM, PDSA-cykeln, statistisk processtyrning, Ishikawadiagramoch tidigare forskning som anses adekvat. Arbetet är vidare en fallstudie där kvalitativa och kvantitativa data, övervägande av primär art, skapat underlag för rapportens innehåll. Resultat tyder på att det inom den studerade organisationen råder brist på nödvändiga rutiner och resurseffektivitet för att möjliggöra fortsatt progression. Företagets resurser nyttjas ineffektivt vilket anses hämma företagets utvecklingsmöjligheter. Att det inom organisationen finns kvalitetsproblem har utmynnat i en oönskad mängd ouppfyllda bokningar, en företeelse kallad timeouts. Företeelsen har sedermera lett till förlust av potentiell inkomst. Presenterat resultat påvisar vidare att det inom den studerade organisationen finns goda förutsättningar för tillväxt. Slutsatser som kan dras påvisar att den studerade organisationen i samförstånd med tidigare forskning står inför utmaningen att skapa balans mellan ettagilt arbetssätt och processmognad. Bristen på dokumentation och rutiner samt ett ineffektivt resursutnyttjande utgör stora hot mot tillväxt varpå tre lösningsförslag har presenterats. I rapporten redovisas följande tre lösningsförslag: förbättring av processmognad, förvärv av stylister samt aktivering av befintliga stylister och anskaffning av extrapersonal. För vardera enskild lösning har en individuellt utformad handlingsplan och en preliminärt utformad tidplan upprättats. / This thesis aims to identify quality problems within the studied organization, whereupon quality-technical approaches are applied in order to produce solution proposals. The report includes the theories SWOT, Social Media Landscape, Cornerstone Model, Process Modeling, Process Maturity, TQM, PDSA Cycle, Statistical Process Control, Ishikawa Diagram and previous research that is considered adequate. The work is a case study where qualitative and quantitative data, predominantly of the primary form, created the basis for the report's content. Results indicate that there is a lack of necessary routines and resource efficiency within the studied organization to enable continued progression. The company's resources are used inefficiently, which is considered to inhibit the company's development opportunities. The fact that there are quality problems within the organization has resulted in an unwanted amount of unfulfilled bookings, a phenomenon called timeouts. The phenomenon has subsequently led to a loss of potential income. Presented results further demonstrate that within the studied organization there are good conditions for growth. Conclusions that can be drawn show that the studied organization, in agreement with previous research, faces the challenge of creating a balance between an agile working method and process maturity. The lack of documentation and routines as well as inefficient resource utilization represent major threats to growth, after which three solutions have been presented. The report presents the following three solution proposals: improvement of process maturity, acquisition of stylists and activation of existing stylists and acquisition of extra staff. For each individual solution, an individually designed action plan and a preliminary design timetable have been established.

Användarinvolvering -        en viktig faktor vid implementering av affärssystem i små företag

Rexhaj, Rajmonda, Dahlin, Malin January 2011 (has links)
Idag är det många företag som misslyckas med sina implementeringsprojekt av affärssystem och många forskare anser att det beror på bristande användarinvolvering. Implementeringsprojekt av affärssystem blir allt vanligare i små företag, men effekten blir dock stor om ett mindre företag misslyckas med sitt projekt. Små företags misslyckanden är oftast relaterade till finansiella och humanitära kritiska framgångsfaktorer.   Ett affärssystem kan ge ett företag en rad olika fördelar och möjligheter. Men för att ett företag ska uppnå dem krävs ett lyckat implementeringsprojekt samt att användarna omgående efter driftstart kan använda affärssystemet. Därför måste företagsledare under projektet se till en rad olika kritiska framgångsfaktorer som är relaterade till användarinvolvering. För att kunna hantera användarrelaterade kritiska framgångsfaktorer och de problem som de kan orsaka finns det angreppssätt till stöd. Ett angreppssätt vars syfte är att stödja användarinvolvering och hantera användarrelaterade problem är Participatory design (PD) och dess metod User centered design (UCD). PD och UCD bygger på att involvera användarna tidigt och ständigt under ett implementeringsprojekt och det i form av bland annat testning och utbildning. Användarinvolvering är därmed en viktig faktor vid implementeringsprojekt av affärssystem.   Syftet med studien är att göra företagsledare medvetna om vilka användarrelaterade kritiska framgångsfaktorer och problem som kan påverka ett implementeringsprojekt och dess utfall. Vi anger ett antal åtgärder, baserade på användarinvolvering, som ska stödja företagsledare att bättre och effektivare kunna förutse och hantera användarrelaterade problem vid implementeringsprojekt.   Vi har med stöd av en kvalitativ undersökning och en empirisk studie påvisat sambandet mellan områdena affärssystem, affärssystemets implementeringsprocess, användarrelaterade kritiska framgångsfaktorer och användarinvolvering. Vi har konstruerat en egen modell och tabell, 4-A Modellen och 4-A Tabellen, som illustrerar hur de olika områdena relaterar och stödjer varandra under ett affärssystems implementeringsprojekt. Vårt bidrag är ett dokument vars syfte är att stödja företagsledare vid planering innan och under ett implementeringsprojekt, främst när det gäller projektets användarinvolvering. Dokumentet ska göra företagsledare medvetna om vad bristande användarinvolvering kan leda till, samt när och hur användare bör involveras under ett implementeringsprojekt. / Today many businesses fail in their enterprise recourse planning (ERP) implementation projects and many scientists believe it is due to lack of user involvement. ERP implementation projects are becoming more common in small businesses, but the effect will be large if a small business fails in their ERP implementation projects. Small businesses failures are usually related to financial and humanitarian critical success factors.   An ERP system can give a business a number of advantages and opportunities. But it requires a successful implementation project to achieve them and also that user immediately after start-up can use the ERP. Therefore, the manager during the implementation project needs to ensure a range of critical success factors that are related to user involvement. There are a number of approaches to manage user-related critical success factors and the problems they cause. An approach which aims to support user involvement and manage user-related problems is Participatory Design (PD) and its method User centered design (UCD). PD and UCD are based on involving the users early and continuously during the ERP implementation process and that in the form of testing and training. User Involvement is therefore an important factor in ERP implementation projects.   The aim of the study is to make managers more aware of the user-related critical success factors and issues that can affect an ERP implementation projects outcome. We foresee a number of measures, based on user involvement, which will support managers to better and more efficient anticipate and manage user-related problems in ERP implementation projects.   Supported by a qualitative and an empirical study, we have demonstrated the relationship between the areas ERP, ERP implementation process, user-related critical success factors and user involvement. We have constructed our own model and table, the 4-A Model and the 4-A Table, that illustrates how the different areas influences and support each other in an ERP implementation project. Our contribution is a document whose purpose is to support managers when planning a project’s user involvement, before and during an ERP implementation project. The document will make manager aware of what the lack of user involvement can lead to, but also when and how the users should involve in an ERP implementation project.

Upphöjd, Hyllad, ifrågasatt : En studie av idealiserade föreställningar om kulturentreprenören / Elevated, Praised, Questioned : An examination of idealized images about the cultural entrepreneur

Lindström, Malin January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to investigate dominant beliefs and approaches to the "cultural entrepreneur" both within a public context, and also among business owners within the cultural field. What happens when ideas and attitudes in the public sector towards culture driven businesses meets the perspective of individual cultural entrepreneurs? This study is based on analysis of political documents about the cultural and creative industries (CCI) from the European union, national level and regional level. Interviews with six business owners in the field of culture and one representative of the Swedish region with the fictive name “Alma” has been conducted. The research is also based on participant observation in public seminars and conferences about the creative industries in Sweden. The paper mainly uses Queer phenomenological theory (Sara Ahmed) to analyze the informants life worlds and how they are oriented in the same. The study is also based on poststructuralist discourse analysis and the logics approach, developed by Jason Glynos and David Howarth when analyzing political documents. This research shows there is a complex and contradictory approach towards the CCI and the cultural entrepreneur based on idealized images about the artist and the businessman, idealized images thats been existing in the discourses over a long time and which created deep structures. The cultural entrepreneurs are being described as the hope and future of the economy and welfare in Europe and its regions and at the same time as something very costly which no one really have faith in. This dual approach is a contributing factor to change being prevented.

Aspects influencing decision-making regarding responsible business practices in SMME's in the Tshwane district

Cronje, Lynette 11 1900 (has links)
While the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is widely used, it is not seen as the most appropriate to describe responsible business activities in Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs). The concept of Responsible Business Practices (RBP) is better suited to SMMEs, although the theory is still based in the broader literature of CSR. Choices and decisions made by the owners/managers of SMMEs regarding the expenditures for RBP may reflect various influences. These influences may be conscious and purposely orientated toward a personal set of beliefs, but may also be indirectly, subconsciously influenced. This research will explore the influences behind expenditure decisions. Structured questionnaires will be used to reveal conscious influences that play a role in decision-making in SMMEs. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the aspects that consciously influence the decision-makers at SMMEs in Tshwane, South Africa, to expend resources on RBP. The study also aims to determine the awareness of, perceptions about and attitudes towards RBP among SMME decision-makers, as well as to determine the RBP activities SMMEs are involved in. Relationships between the extent of RBP engagement and the level of RBP awareness, the activities involved in, and the respondents’ highest level of education will be discussed. Key differences between the respondents’ age, highest level of education and gender with regards to the influencing aspects are also covered. The study contributes to the body of knowledge on individual-level studies in the RBP field and makes a contribution to the South African SMME literature that focuses on the doing of responsible business. It also addresses the gap in RBP knowledge by investigating the influences on RBP decisions in SMMEs, as the small business decision-making processes might prioritise influencing aspects differently than that in larger organisations. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

An investigation into management strategies affecting performance of micro, small and medium enterpises (MSMEs) in Kenya

Wanjiku, Lily Njanja 03 1900 (has links)
This research was geared towards the investigation of management strategies (factors) that affect the performance ofMSMEs in Kenya. Many developed countries record a time in history when entrepreneurial activities led to revival of economical growth after decline. This implies MSMEs is a very vital sector especially for a developing country like Kenya. MSMEs stagnate and their performance is uncertain according to writers such as Namusonge, Management inadequacies have been suggested in several studies. The objectives of this research was to, 1. To identifY the critical management factors affecting the performance of MSMEs in Kenya; ii. To establish the process through which managerial factors affect the performance of a MSMEs in Kenya ; m. To determine the integrative effect of various management factors in the MSMES in Kenya; IV. To establish the effect of demographics and management factors on performance, v. To establish effects of external environment on internal management factors A conceptual model was formulated from the literature review showing relationships of the management strategies and the environment they operate in. These relationships became the basis for the hypotheses which were later tested. In chapter 4, a mini research (pilot study) was conducted in May 2007,whose main aim was to test the reliability and validity of the research instruments. The 36 questionnaires returned were analysed through descriptive method. Results obtained indicated the instruments were reliable and the results valid. A few corrections suggested were made. The major correction was addition of question 35 to collect financial information. The data collection was done between mid August and mid October 2007.In chapter 5, the researcher analysesd the results of the survey after receiving 180 questionnaires. Time was a constraint. In chapter 6, the hypotheses and conceptual model were analysed and the results obtained suggested that, most strategies did not affect the profitability separately but severally. The integrated effect of the management strategies and the associated factors had a higher impact on performance of the MSMES than any individual strategies. In chapter 7, the conclusions, summaries and Recommendations are given. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management and Policy)

A decision model for contracting out local government services in a South African context

Slot, Paul Johan 06 1900 (has links)
Business management / M. Com. (Business management)

COMUNICAÇÃO PARA OS PEQUENOS NEGÓCIOS: PROPOSTA DE MODELO DE APLICAÇÃO PRÁTICA PARA POSICIONAMENTO EM MÍDIAS E REDES SOCIAIS DIGITAIS / Small business communication: proposal of model for practical positioning in digital social networks and media

Colnago, Camila Krohling 07 May 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:30:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CamilaKrohlingColnago.pdf: 1625237 bytes, checksum: 55f3dcaebdabc5740e480ac6c76a4a8d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-07 / The limited financial means and limited administrative structure are in part the shortcomings for the small start-up business in quickly achieving results. To overcome these shortcomings, small businesses must develop a communication strategy to reach the greatest number of customers and one of the vehicles to achieve the goal of strategically positioning the business is the use of the internet in cost effective manner. The objective of this thesis is to address the importance of developing an efficient and effective communication structure specifically as it applies to small emerging businesses with limited resources using the social networks and digital media and an in depth analysis of the elements to be employed to achieve the business objectives of individual business owner operators, micro enterprises and small businesses. As a preface, included are bibliographic studies in support of the research for the understanding of the infrastructures of small business and communication structures. These studies laid the foundation to the proposed model The Practical Guide for use Social Networks and Digital Media for Strategic Positioning for Small Businesses and the research was concluded with a qualitative analysis of: a) the use of the proposed model by three different small businesses over a period of three months; and b) the evaluation of the proposed model. The results of this research suggest that despite positive contributions of the Practical Guide for the use Social Networks and Digital Media for Strategic Positioning for Small Businesses in improving the strategic positioning for the small business, in general communications alone will not fall short because of the internal limitations small business structures. / A comunicação via mídias e redes sociais digitais é uma atividade estratégica de suporte para a consecução dos objetivos dos pequenos negócios que, em face de uma realidade de restrição de recursos financeiros, estrutura administrativa reduzida e necessidade de obter resultados no curtíssimo prazo, encontram nas ferramentas da internet alternativas viáveis para o posicionamento e a diferenciação de seus negócios. Os objetivos desta tese envolvem tanto a compreensão da importância da comunicação organizacional para os pequenos negócios quanto à identificação das particularidades dos pequenos negócios, o desenvolvimento de um instrumento para orientar a atuação estratégica dos pequenos negócios nas mídias e redes sociais digitais e a análise da colaboração deste instrumento para as atividades empresariais dos empreendedores individuais, das microempresas e das pequenas empresas. Realizaram-se, primeiramente, estudos bibliográfico e documental com vistas à fundamentação teórica da pesquisa e à compreensão dos pequenos negócios e dos aspectos contemporâneos acerca da comunicação institucional. Sucedeu-se o trabalho de desenvolvimento do Modelo de Aplicação Prática para Posicionamento em Mídias e Redes Sociais Digitais e, posteriormente, uma pesquisa qualitativa, compreendida por duas etapas: a) aplicação do modelo proposto a três empresas; e b) avaliação do modelo. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que, a despeito de o Modelo de Aplicação Prática para Posicionamento em Mídias e Redes Sociais Digitais contribuir estrategicamente para o posicionamento dos pequenos negócios, de maneira geral, a comunicação nesse tipo de empreendimento não surte melhor efeito porque esbarra nas limitações próprias desse tipo de empresa.

Analýza marketingových činností vybraných malých firem / Analysis of the marketing activities of selected small businesses

PEŠTOVÁ, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
An integral part of business should be systematic and continuous process of creation, coordination and control of marketing activities. Marketing is important for easy penetration of the market, so that a prosperous and firm to ensure the continued existence market. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the marketing activities of selected service firms, mutual comparison of these activities on the basis of analyzes carried out to design the next process of improving these activities. For analysis, three firms were examined in which their marketing activities. Based on the analysis of the marketing mix, Porter's model, analysis of the communication mix and SWOT analysis to identify appropriate strategic approaches and suggestions for how marketing activities of units. Suggestions for improvement were recommended with respect to the financial possibilities owners analyzed service companies.

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