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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En nationell myndighet i mitten Av En Global Kris: : En studie om Folkhälsomyndighetens kommunikation på Facebook under covid-19

Eisenberg, Benjamin, Johansson, Carl-Johan January 2022 (has links)
This is a quantitative research study which analyzes the Swedish authority of public health, Folkhälsomyndigheten, and how they communicated nationally throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. The study accomplishes this by focusing on the authority's primary source of outreach, their Facebook page. By analyzing all of their 171 Facebook posts made during the pandemic the posts could then be categorized into animated video, video about the vaccine, link to website, video including an expert, image including a question, the vaccine podcast, commercial short films, residual posts and additional variables. The study then further inspects these posts and manages through its theoretical framework to come to the conclusion that the Swedish authority of public health communicated through several principles externally during the Covid-19 pandemic, four to be exact. They communicated through principles putting the public first, alluding to recognition, effectiveness and organization, and to some capacity regarding the vaccine, principles connected to marketing.

Sustainability Propaganda – The Oatly case : A qualitative content analysis of Oatly's external communication. / Hållbarhetspropaganda – Fallet om Oatly : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Oatlys externa kommunikation.

Lundgren, Maja January 2022 (has links)
The brands' commitment to sustainability is being developed into an established market strategy, which means that the concept of brand activism is becoming increasingly common. Due to this development, the external communication that these brands drive also tends to adopt a more convincing and coercive approach in order to influence the consumers. This study aims to concretize how consumers are exposed to propagandistic methods in the strategic communication that value-driven brands conduct. In this case study, the Swedish, activist, food company Oatly is the subject of analysis. The study is based on the well-established theories of propaganda, persuasion, rhetoric, and strategic communication. In addition to these theories, the study also relates to the rules for advertising and marketing communication established by the International Chamber of Commerce. In order to be able to illustrate which propagandistic methods are used, a qualitative content analysis is used where the communication is deconstructed and analyzed in two steps. First, the communication is analyzed through the rhetorical perspective as an analysis tool, then it undergoes a uniquely designed propaganda analysis based on IPA's seven devices. The results of the study clarify that there is an unethical approach in the communication that Oatly conducts, and it illustrates in an uncomplicated way how Oatly's communication uses a large proportion of propagandistic tactics. Although Oatly claims to be a value-driven company, the results of the study show that the commercial aspects tend to be implicit even in the brand's political context - which tends to be a propagandistic procedure in itself. The results of the study thus indicate a significant relevance to shed light on, and simplify, the public's understanding of how they are being exposed for propaganda in their everyday lives, but also to avoid stricter restrictions and legal regulations regarding advertising and communication.

La Comunicación Estratégica Externa en la música: Conectando en la era digital

Narvaez Suárez, Fabiola 05 October 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar desde un enfoque cualitativo de qué manera los especialistas del sector musical peruano gestionan la comunicación digital en proyectos musicales (solistas o bandas) durante la pandemia. La industria musical ha pasado por diversos cambios y adaptaciones, en la cual la comunicación se ha encargado de mantener aquella cercanía con los seguidores en las distintas etapas. Ante la pandemia del Covid-19, la industria se ha visto afectada y paralizada en todo el mundo, postergando de manera indefinida los grandes festivales y conciertos. Siendo las presentaciones de música en vivo un punto de contacto importante con el oyente y la mayor fuente de ingresos, los proyectos musicales han tenido que adaptarse a la era digital para promover su música y conectar con sus seguidores. Estos puntos de contacto con el consumidor (oyente) están en constante cambio. Esta situación ha obligado a la música adaptarse a los cambios de la transformación digital, haciendo uso de la comunicación digital. Para lograr el objetivo del estudio, se realizaron entrevistas semi estructuradas a especialistas peruanos con experiencia en el sector musical peruano y latinoamericano. / The present work aims to analyze from a qualitative approach how specialists in the Peruvian music sector manage digital communication in musical projects (soloists or bands) during the pandemic. The music industry has gone through various changes and adaptations, in which communication has been in charge of maintaining that closeness with the fans at different stages. In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, the industry has been affected and paralyzed around the world, indefinitely postponing major festivals and concerts. With live music performances being an important point of contact with the listener and the biggest source of income, music projects have had to adapt to the digital age to promote their music and connect with their fans. These points of contact with the consumer (listener) are constantly changing. This situation has forced music to adapt to the changes of digital transformation, making use of digital communication. To achieve the objective of the study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with Peruvian specialists with experience in the Peruvian and Latin American music sector. / Trabajo de investigación

Los desafíos de la comunicación en tiempos de pandemia por la covid-19 y propuesta de un plan estratégico de comunicación para el centro cultural de la Universidad Continental

Gazco Barreto, Juana Isabel, Sánchez Vélez, Vannessa Melina Elizabeth, Taipe Palomino, Liu Yilan 21 August 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación busca analizar la gestión de la comunicación corporativa en tiempos de pandemia por la COVID-19. Para ello, se recopiló información del Centro Cultural Continental a través de un seguimiento minucioso en su única red social, fanpage, entrevistas a expertos en gestión cultural del ámbito local, nacional e internacional y a los seguidores del CCC. Como resultado del análisis presentamos una propuesta de plan estratégico de comunicación para ser aplicado en el CCC. Poniendo énfasis, como maestrantes a DIRCOM, el tratamiento adecuado de la comunicación y alineada a los objetivos estratégicos de la empresa. La propuesta busca corregir las falencias identificadas en el manejo de la comunicación del CCC. El documento será presentado para su análisis y uso con el anhelo de que sea implementado y aporte a la mejora de la gestión de la comunicación que redunde en la notoriedad del CCC, impactando positivamente en la imagen.   Concluimos que el plan estratégico de comunicación permite preparar escenarios que faciliten el desenvolvimiento de esta área cultural de manera óptima ante situaciones de crisis de gran magnitud. / This research work seeks to analyze the management of corporate communication in times of a COVID-19 pandemic. To do this, information was collected from the Continental Cultural Center through a meticulous follow-up on its only social network, fanpage, interviews with experts in cultural management at the local, national and international levels and with the followers of the CCC. As a result of the analysis, we present a proposal for a strategic communication plan to be applied in the CCC. Emphasizing, as future DIRCOM, the proper treatment of communication and aligned with the strategic objectives of the company. The proposal seeks to correct the flaws identified in the CCC's communication management. The document will be presented for analysis and use with the hope that it will be implemented and contribute to the improvement of communication management that results in the notoriety of the CCC, positively impacting the image. We conclude that the strategic communication plan allows to prepare scenarios that facilitate the development of this cultural area in an optimal way in the face of large-scale crisis situations. / Trabajo de investigación

Forskning på agendan

Berglund, Amanda, Langer, Kajsa January 2018 (has links)
Problembakgrund och syfte: Sociala medier breder i allt större omfattning ut sig i samhälletoch skapar därmed nya kommunikativa spelregler vilka den vetenskapliga sfären behöver förhålla sig till. Mot bakgrund av denna utveckling är det intressant att ur ett samhälls- ochmedieperspektiv studera hur universitet och högskolor arbetar med tredje uppgiften nämligen att föra ut forskning till en publik utanför den vetenskapliga sfären. Syftet med denna studie var således att undersöka hur forskningskommunikatörer och forskare arbetar med och resonerar kring att synliggöra forskning externt genom sociala medier.Metod och material: Studien är genomförd med hjälp av semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med 12 respondenter varav fyra är kommunikatörer och åtta är forskare inom Malmö universitet.Resultat: Studiens resultat visar på att forskare och forskningskommunikatörers grundsyn iarbetet med att sprida forskning till det omgivande samhället består av två delar; att kommunicera forskning till berörda grupper samt att forskare och forskning bör synliggöras i samhällsdebatten. I arbetet med att nå de uttalande målen har två framträdande strategier identifierats. Sociala medier används som ett verktyg för att nätverka och bygga relationer med definierade primära målgrupper samt används för att lyfta fram forskning och ge den medialt utrymme i de traditionella nyhetsmedierna och därmed nå ut med forskning brett till det omgivande samhället. Resultatet visar också att forskningskommunikation genom sociala medier omges av olika personliga och organisatoriska incitament. Slutligen visar resultatet på att sociala medier bedöms vara av särskild betydelse när det kommer till att synliggöra formella vetenskapliga publikationer till en bredare publik. Sociala medier används därmed som ett komplement och som en del av övrig forskningskommunikation och forskningskommunikativa aktiviteter. / Background and objective of study: In a contemporary era of a progressive mediadevelopment, an increasing number of people are accessing information through social mediaand therefore its interesting, from both a societal and media perspective, to study how research communication is changing, and in what way the science outreach is adapting to this new media landscape. The purpose of this study was thus to investigate how research communicators and researchers make research visible externally through social media.Methods: The study was conducted using semi-structured qualitative interviews with 12respondents, four communicators and eight researchers from Malmö University.Results: The study's findings show that researchers' and research communicators' basic beliefs in the dissemination of research to the surrounding community consist of two parts; tocommunicate research to relevant groups and to make researchers and research visible in thepublic debate. In the process of reaching the statement goals, two prominent strategies have been identified. Social media is used as a tool for networking and building relationships with defined primary target groups and is used to highlight research and provide media space in the traditional news media and thus reach out to the surrounding community with scientific research.The result also shows that research communication through social media is surrounded by different personal and organizational incentives. Finally, the result shows that social media is considered of particular importance to make formal scientific publications visible to a broader audience. Social media are thus used as a complement and as part of other research communication activities.

Aporte de las tres esferas del modelo DirCom de Joan Costa a la comunicación sobre el cambio climático / Contribution of the three spheres of Joan Costa's DirCom model to communication on climate change

Santillán Leiba, Víctor Humberto 18 May 2021 (has links)
La presente tesis pretende demostrar que el modelo DirCom de Joan Costa aporta desde las esferas institucional, organizacional y mercadológica a la comunicación sobre el cambio climático. Por ende, los intangibles, la mirada estratega generalista polivalente y el pensamiento en red del modelo DirCom podrían integrarse a la acción ante el cambio climático, cuyas necesidades van a la par de las oportunidades que genera, utilizando a la comunicación para la generación de cambios cuantificables que favorezcan la reputación, eficiencia y sostenibilidad de las organizaciones. En ese contexto, ¿cómo aporta el modelo DirCom a la eficiencia de la comunicación sobre el cambio climático? Para obtener una respuesta, se realiza un estudio deductivo que parte de dos variables: el modelo DirCom y la comunicación sobre el cambio climático, pasando tras ello al modelo puntual de las esferas del DirCom y aplicándolo a una campaña concreta de comunicación sobre el cambio climático elaborada en el Perú, denominada “Nono, el oso de la Huella de Carbono”. Dicha campaña es un medio de prueba para corroborar que el modelo DirCom es un recurso que, al integrar las esferas institucional, organizacional y mercadológica, facilita la gestión de los activos intangibles de las organizaciones en general. Por consiguiente, se establecen conexiones y sinergias para hacer más efectiva la comunicación sobre el cambio climático en todos los ámbitos de las organizaciones: la alta dirección, los recursos humanos y el marketing, otorgando poder a los públicos sobre los activos intangibles clave en cualquier organización: su imagen, reputación y marca corporativa. / This Thesis has the main objective to demonstrate that Joan Costa's DirCom model contributed from the institutional, organizational and marketing spheres to communication on climate change. In that sense, intangible assets, the multipurpose generalist strategic view and the network thinking of the DirCom model could be integrated into action to face one of the humanity's greatest challenges, whose needs are proportionate with the opportunities that generates, thus making the communication a driver for the generation of quantifiable changes oriented to sustainability. In this context, how does the DirCom model contribute to the efficiency of communication on climate change? To obtain an answer, a deductive study is carried out starting from two variables: the DirCom model and communication on climate change, then moving on to the specific model of the DirCom spheres and applying it to a specific communication campaign on climate change, made it in Peru, called “Nono, the bear of the Carbon Footprint”. This campaign is an evidence to corroborate that the DirCom model is a resource that, integrating institutional, organizational and marketing spheres, it is possible facilitates the management of the intangible assets of organizations in general. Hence, connections and synergies are established to make communication about climate change more effective in all areas of organizations: management, human resources and marketing, empowering the public over the key intangible assets in any organization: its image, reputation and corporate brand. / Trabajo de investigación

Startups nyttjande av ad hoc strategier efter turbulenta tider : En kvalitativ studie om hur startups kan använda ad hoc strategier efter turbulenta tider

Carlson, Vilhelm, Zahirovic, Elma January 2022 (has links)
The economic growth of recently established companies by the name of startups has increased significantly within the past couple of years. Startups are commonly attributed to achieving positive effects on socioeconomic advancements by creating new employment opportunities within its surrounding environments. However, startups are particularly vulnerable for having a supply of limited resources caused by their lack of market experience. Additionally, in times of turbulence, such companies are predominantly dependent on a commonly short-term method called an ad hoc strategy to avoid facing the risk of operational loss or even bankruptcy. This study comes to examine how ad hoc strategies can be used as long-term methods following a period of organizational instability, leading to the thesis’ research question: How can startups continue to use ad hoc strategies after turbulent times? To investigate this, the study applied a qualitative research method in the form of semi-structured interviews with representatives of startup companies. The following results show that during the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, startups have used a variant of ad hoc strategies in order to become more digital. This has resulted in several advantages, mainly that their main business measures become more economically efficient through the process of digitalization. Thus, the study concludes that startups can utilize ad hoc strategies after a turbulent time by using digitalization to a greater extent on a daily basis, exemplified by the approaches used during the Covid-19 pandemic. Consequently, the research proves that ad hoc methods do not have to be used exclusively as temporary solutions and can instead be applied to benefit with future organizational approaches. / Tillväxten av nystartade företag, även kallade för startups, har ökat markant. Startups har en positiv effekt på den samhällsekonomiska utvecklingen genom att möjliggöra ny sysselsättning för individer i samhället. Dock är dessa typer av organisationer sårbara i och med deras begränsade resurser vilket grundar sig i att startups har varit på marknaden under en kortare tid som resulterat i en lägre grad av erfarenhet inom respektive bransch. Utöver de begränsade resurserna som startups besitter kan turbulenta tider vara avgörande för att startups inte har möjligheten att driva sin verksamhet på ett lönsamt vis och riskerar därmed att hamna i konkurs. Vid turbulenta tider är dessa företag då tvungna att använda sig av ad hoc strategier, det vill säga specifika korttidsåtgärder, som en lösning på ett oväntat och tillfälligt problem. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på hur ad hoc strategier kan användas som metoder efter turbulenta tider. Därmed utformades studiens problemformulering: Hur kan startups fortsätta använda ad hoc strategier efter turbulenta tider? För att undersöka detta har studien använt en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med representanter från startups. Resultatet har påvisat att under Covid-19-pandemin har startups verksamheter blivit mer digitala vilket har resulterat i flera fördelar, främst att arbetet blir mer effektivt genom att utgå från digitaliseringen. Studiens slutsats är att startups kan nyttja ad hoc strategier efter en turbulent tid genom att använda digitalisering i större utsträckning på daglig basis, exemplifierat av hur vissa företag gått till väga under Covid-19-pandemin. Därmed underbyggs det att ad hoc strategier inte endast fungerar som tillfälliga lösningar utan kan fortsätta användas för framtida organisatorisk utveckling.

Face-to-face over the Internet : Facing the hard truth with physical attendance in a post-pandemic society / Face-to-face över Internet : Att inse sanningen med fysiskt deltagande i ett post-pandemiskt samhälle

Nermark, Kevin January 2023 (has links)
This research is based on a pilot study, conducted on a marketer from an unnamed company within the tech industry (the anonymity is used because of the integrity of the interview subjects of both the pilot study and this study). The company deals with B2B (Business to business) transactions, and the marketing in this is somewhat different from the typical B2C (business to consumer) type of marketing. One of these things is the type of strategic communication that comes with event planning and hosting. In the aftermath of the covid-19 pandemic, events and the attendance at these have changed, for marketers in the tech industry. The researched marketers have experienced how their audience's attitudes have changed, and they are struggling to know which path to choose. This study will dive into what these challenges are, and how the marketers approach the challenges, as well as discuss different forms of participation.  The methodological approach for answering these questions is a combination of interview sessions with marketers from a specific, industry-leading company, as well as a participant observation from my internship at this company. The interview sessions gave a further foundation for what the participant observation indicated, as well as providing some interesting takes on how the marketers both experience their audience, and how they engage them during events - physical, digital, and hybrid such.  Further, the study highlights marketing differences in B2B and B2C industries, personal experiences from event hosting, and theories on both hybrid spaces and participatory culture - something that, in a new digital era, is vital to be able to navigate, to excel in marketing. / Denna undersökning grundar sig i en pilotstudie, som utfördes på en marknadsförare från ett icke-namngivet företag i IT-branschen (anonymiteten här används för att värna om integriteten hos respondenterna både från pilotstudien samt denna studie). Företaget är verksamt inom B2B (Business to business), och marknadsföringen här skiljer sig något från den mer typiska B2C (Business to consumer) -marknadsföringen. En del i detta är den strategiska kommunikationen som kommer av eventplanering och -värdskap. I efterdyningarna av coronapandemin har event och deltagandet på dessa förändrats, något som upplevs av marknadsförare i IT-branschen. De undersökta marknadsförarna har upplevt hur attityden hos deras publik har förändrats, och de tampas med att veta vilken väg de ska välja. Denna studie kommer att dyka in i vad dessa utmaningar är, och hur marknadsförarna handskas med dessa, samt diskutera olika former av deltagande.  Det metodologiska tillvägagångssättet för att besvara dessa frågor består av en kombination av intervjuer med ett antal marknadsförare från ett specifikt företag inom denna bransch, och även en deltagarobservation från min praktikperiod hos samma företag. Intervjuerna gav ytterligare grund åt vad deltagarobservationen indikerade, samt gav några intressanta synpunkter på hur marknadsförarna inom företaget både upplever sin publik, och hur de engagerar dem under event - såväl fysiska, som digitala eller hybridevent.  Studien kommer ytterligare uppmärksamma några stora skillnader i marknadsföringen i B2B- och B2C-branscher, personliga erfarenheter från att vara värd för event, och teorier om hybridutrymmen och deltagarkultur - något som, i en ny digital tidsålder, är avgörande för att kunna navigera i, och lyckas med marknadsföring.

Kommunikation för hållbart mode : En produktionsstudie om second hand-mode ur ett kommunikationsvetenskapligt perspektiv

Ek, Lowa, Samuelsson, Lina January 2022 (has links)
This essay aims to, against the background of how today's second hand-fashion has come to change current concepts and new communication techniques, find out how businesses in the industry perceive their communication towards their recipients. The method used is qualitative and interviews have been conducted from the producer's perspective with a selection of relevant businesses within the industry. Questions that have also been investigated are how businesses view media for the distribution of their communication. The results show, among other things, that businesses active in second hand-fashion need to stay up-to-date in their communication in order to maintain their place in the market and therefore see digital media as necessary although not entirely unproblematic, in terms of the distribution of the communication. What is also common is that the primary communicative strategies are not to emphasize sustainability, due to not shaming or telling consumers in which way they should live or act. Instead, it is important for the businesses to emphasize messages about clothing care and how clothes last longer and thus retain value. The essay has finally shown that the second hand industry in fashion is closely connected with media development, where digital media are primary components to reach out to the audience. / Denna uppsats syftar till att, mot bakgrund av hur dagens second hand-mode kommit att förändras gällande koncept och nya kommunikationstekniker, ta reda hur aktörer inom branschen ser på kommunikationen gentemot sina mottagare. Metoden som använts är kvalitativ och intervjuer har genomförts ur producentens perspektiv med ett axplock relevanta aktörer inom branschen. Frågor som också undersökts är hur aktörerna ser på medier för distribuering av sin kommunikation. Resultaten visar dels på att aktörer verksamma inom second hand-mode behöver hålla sig uppdaterade i sin kommunikation för att behålla sin plats på marknaden och ser därför digitala medier som nödvändiga om än inte helt oproblematiska vad rör distributionen av kommunikationen. Gemensamt är också att de primära kommunikativa strategierna inte är att betona hållbarhet, med anledning av att inte skambelägga eller tala om för konsumenterna på vilket sätt de ska leva eller agera. Viktigt för aktörerna är i stället att kommunicera budskap kring klädvård och hur kläder håller längre och därmed behåller ett värde. Uppsatsen har slutligen visat att second hand-branschen inom mode är nära sammansluten med medieutvecklingen, där digitala medier är primära beståndsdelar för att nå ut till publiken.

Sweden – “a Safe Haven” for Terrorists? : Investigating the Strategic Elements in Türkiye’s Narrative of Sweden During the NATO Accession Process

Tsappos, Theo January 2023 (has links)
How states narrate the world, their own policies and convey their story of events to a growing extent conditions the responses of others and the trajectory of political discussions. While storytelling is increasingly prevalent as a way of exerting influence in the political spheres of today, wider understanding of its practical manifestations is limited to a handful of actors. By applying the theory of strategic narratives to an actor such as Türkiye, this study aims at expanding this knowledge. Examining communication from senior Turkish politicians, a narrative analysis is conducted to closely examine the case of the Turkish narrative portrayal of Sweden within the context of its NATO accession process. This study seeks to explore the strategic and intentional nature of these narrative constructions. Based on the analysis, the conclusion is drawn that Türkiye continuously and persistently utilizes various aspects and elements that are to be understood as of a strategic nature when narrating Sweden in relation to the political affair. In essence, these findings deepen our understanding of strategic communication and storytelling by broadening the spectrum of actors behind them.

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