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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intranätets betydelse för organisationskultur och intern kommunikation : En fallstudie om anställdas upplevda användbarhet av intranätet som information- och kommunikationsverktyg

Fenton, Dennis, Gardeblad, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
Anställdas upplevda användbarhet av intranät som informations- och kommunikationsverktyg  En enkätstudie i samarbete med ICA Gruppen AB om hur intranätet Worknet används och upplevs ur ett medarbetarperspektiv. En organisation ställer höga krav på den interna kommunikationen. Den ska fungera väl, inspirerande och felfritt. En intern kommunikation som är effektiv har förmågan att ge de anställda en möjlighet att kommunicera med varandra. Den förmågan skapar en vi-anda. Detta gäller även om alla inte befinner sig på samma plats.  Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur intranätet upplevs på ICA Gruppen AB från medarbetarnas perspektiv. Vad kan förbättras och förändras? På vilket sätt använder man intranätet och kan intranätet stärka den organisationskultur som lever inom ICA Gruppen AB?  Studien utfördes med ett enkätformulär. Vi valde att lägga 14 enkätfrågor på intranätet som anställda fick möjlighet att svara på.  De allra viktigaste resultaten som kom fram i studien var att majoriteten var nöjda med intranätet. Dock vill respondenterna se en förbättrad sökfunktion, både grafiskt och tekniskt. Intranätets nuvarande utformning bidrog till en viss “vi-känsla” inom organisationen men de fanns synpunkter där bland annat mer lokala nyheter efterfrågades. Man ville bygga ut den interna sidan med mer riktade nyheter. Resultatet visar att intranätet stärker organisationskulturen.

A non-governmental organization’s communication for social change: a qualitative case study of Kvinna till Kvinna

Bergh Brorsson, Elsa January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates how the non-governmental women’s rights organization Kvinna till Kvinna structures their external communication to raise public awareness in Sweden of issues important for social change; and in what way strategic communication is used in this process in order to cope with contemporary challenges. A qualitative research approach is applied to create an in-depth understanding of this. Two methods, qualitative content analysis of online gathered material and semi-structured interview, are used to grasp the organization’s work with the external communication. The strategic participatory approach to communication for development and social change functions as the theoretical framework. The results identify the organization’s approach to social change, strategic thinking in the set of goals, communication tactics, communication strategies and use of strategic junctures. Kvinna till Kvinna communicates on the basis of a structured and strategic plan which decides what, when and how to communicate. By repeatedly sharing great amounts of information about women’s rights, development work and development challenges, the communication is characterized by persuasion as well as educational connections. The persuasive character is strengthened through the use of storytelling and celebrities that convey the information. Kvinna till Kvinna to some extent work according to the strategic participatory approach which indicates that the awareness of the public could be increased. It is however primarily strategic rather than participatory elements, that permeate the organization’s communication, which also function as a way to handle contemporary challenges. A strategic communication which takes the external environment into account is concluded to be a tool for counteracting threats by political developments. The study highlights that strategic elements are central for a non-governmental organization in its strive for promoting and achieving social change, but participatory elements can also be understood as valuable in this process. The case of KtK enabled a discussion about the applicability of the theoretical framework and through this, possible developments and additions to the framework were highlighted.


JOANA GUEDES NIN FERREIRA 26 September 2022 (has links)
[pt] Na dissertação Filmes para mudar o mundo - produção e distribuição de documentários de impacto social, investigamos uma nova metodologia de realização de obras do gênero a partir da associação da narrativa documental com um projeto de comunicação estratégica. O documentário de impacto social é construído para ser o centro de um projeto maior, com vistas a propor transformações objetivas na sociedade, ou mesmo ações no intuito de contribuir com mudanças de mentalidade a respeito de problemas específicos. Ativistas, organizações da sociedade civil e simpatizantes engajados atuam em parceria com a equipe do filme, basicamente por meio de práticas crossmídia e advocacy, ampliando seu alcance de público e potencial persuasivo. Da mesma forma, podem dispor do documentário para fomentar debates em seus grupos de origem, num jogo de ganha-ganha. Em termos metodológicos, partimos dos primórdios do documentário social britânico, com seu projeto de educação cívica através do cinema, até a abordagem de iniciativas contemporâneas, dialogando com autores como Brian Winston, Thomas Austin e Jane Chapman, com pesquisas que ajudam a entender as principais questões em torno das condições de existência e do desenvolvimento das formas de produção do cinema documentário. Tratamos também dos problemas da distribuição e da audiência em seu sentido mais amplo, considerando os contextos históricos ditados por questões tecnológicas, de mercado e de comportamentos do público. Veremos ainda como é organizada a campanha de impacto de documentários a partir de dois estudos de caso brasileiros: Menino 23 – infâncias perdidas no Brasil (BRASIL, 2016), e Paratodos (BRASIL, 2016). / [en] In the dissertation Films to change the world – production and distribution of social impact documentaries, we investigate a new methodology of making works of this genre from the association of documentary narrative with a strategic communication project. The social impact documentary is built to be the center of a larger project, aiming to propose objective transformations in society, or even actions in order to contribute to a change of mentality regarding specific problems. Activists, civil society organizations and engaged sympathizers begin to act together with the film team, basically through crossmedia and advocacy practices, expanding its audience reach and persuasive potential. In the same way, they can use the documentary to foster debates in their home groups, in a win-win game. In methodological terms, we start from the beginnings of the British social documentary, with civic education project through cinema, to approach contemporary initiatives, dialoguing with authors such as Brian Winston, Thomas Austin and Jane Chapman, with research that helps to understand the main issues in around the conditions of existence and the development of the forms of production of documentary cinema; We also deal with distribution issues; and the audience in its broadest sense, considering the historical contexts dictated by technological, market and public behavior issues. We will also see how the impact campaign of documentaries is organized from two Brazilian case studies: Boy 23 – The Forgotten Boys of Brazil (BR, 2016), and 4All (BR, 2016).

Att marknadsföra regioner : En kvalitativ studie om hur kommuninformatörerna i Höga Kusten Norrköping/Linköping, Östra Småland/Öland upplever samarbetet mellan regioner sett ur ett marknads­föringsperspektiv. / To market regions : A qualitative study of how municipal informants in Höga Kusten, Norrköping/Linköping and Östra Småland/Öland experience cooperation between regions seen from a marketing perspective.

Persson, Marielle January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Hur översätts naturen? : En kritisk diskursanalys av de svenska miljömålen / How is nature translated? : A critical discourse analysis of the Swedish environmental quality goals

Björkman, Elvira January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) has overseen the implementation, evaluation and development of the environmental political decisions in Sweden since 1967. In 1999 one “generation goal” (the general direction of the environmental politics) and fifteen “environmental quality goals” was installed to guide their work, in 2005 a sixteenth goal was instated. These goals (except for one) are supposed to be met in 2020. This is a study from a communication perspective of these goals and The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s role based on the theoretical concepts issue arena, stakeholder thinking, network, translation and mass communication. The method used is critical discourse analysis which focuses on how we understand, relate to and value different aspects of reality. The way political goals about the environment are written has implications on our relationship with nature and how we choose to govern it. The analysis shows, in line with previous studies on environmental policy documents, that the economical and human-centred discourses dominate. Ecological metaphors and expressions are mostly allowed within the discourse ecological modernisation. What differs from previous studies is that the growth discourse and the neo-liberal discourse are somewhat challenged and that the economical and human-centred discourses are questioned in some cases. The main conclusions are that more ecological discourse should be implemented in the translations of the political goals to gradually change the way we value and relate to nature and thereby create solutions that are sustainable long term. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency also should not back away from expressing the ethical responsibilities we have to restore and protect nature.

De tysta åren : Ekofeminism i svensk tryckt press 1995-2016 / The silent years : Ecofeminism in Swedish printed press 1995-2016

Elander, Angelina January 2017 (has links)
Ekofeminism figurerar i både politiska och filosofiska sammanhang och är en ideologi som kombinerar feminism med miljöpolitik. Den bygger sin ideologi på att motarbeta ett patriarkalt förtryck mot både kvinnor och natur och säger att detta förtryck härrör från en historisk föreställning om kvinnan som stående närmare naturen. Den vita mannens självupphöjande till Gud under industrialismen använde denna historiska föreställning i ett rättfärdigande av ett maktutövande gentemot både kvinnor och natur som sägs leva kvar i allra största grad än idag. Genom att betrakta hur svensk tryckt press framställt ekofeminism mellan åren 1995-2016 har denna uppsats ämnat utröna om detta maktförhållande lever kvar och hur det tar sig uttryck. Uppsatsen undersöker även om det medieras en diskurs om ekofeminism i svensk tryckt press. Centrala frågeställningar: Hur framställs ekofeminism i svensk tryckt press mellan åren 1995-2016 ? Vilka maktstrukturer framträder runt ekofeminism och vilka personer kommer till tals? Varför skrevs inget alls om ekofeminism under 5 av de 11 undersökta åren ? Metoder: För att ta reda på detta har denna uppsats använt sig av triangulering som övergripande metod innehållande en kvantitativ analys, innehållsanalys och analys av visuell kommunikation. Slutsatser: Denna uppsats kommer fram till att förtrycket lever kvar och visar sig tydligt i relationen mellan svensk tryckt press och ekofeminism. Ekofeminismen framställs som svårbegriplig för allmänheten och blandas ofta ihop med särartsfeminism i vad som tycks vara ett strategiskt syfte att genom desinformation utöva förtryck. / The silent years: ecofeminism in Swedish printed press 1995-2016 Ecofeminism figures in both political and philosophical contexts and is an ideology that combines feminism with environmental policy. It builds its ideology to counteract a patriarchal oppression against both women and nature, saying that this oppression stems from a historical perception of the woman standing closer to nature. The self-elevation of the white man to God during the industrialism era used this historical image in the justification to exercise power towards both women and nature, which is said to be ongoing to the greatest extent today. By considering how Swedish printed press depict ecofeminism between the years 1995-2016, this paper has been designed to determine if this relationship of power remains and define how it is expressed. The essay also investigates whether a discourse on ecofeminism is mediated in Swedish press. Central Issues: How is ecofeminism produced in Swedish printed press between 1995 and 2016? What power structures appear around ecofeminism and who get their voices heard? Why was nothing written about ecofeminism for 5 of the 11 investigated years? Methods: To find this out, this essay has used triangulation as an overarching method containing quantitative analysis, content analysis and analysis of visual communication. Conclusions: This essay indicate that the repression remains and becomes evident in the relationship between Swedish press and ecofeminism. Ecofeminism is expressed as difficult for the public and is often confused with specificity feminism in what appears to be a strategic goal of repression by means of disinformation. / <p>Betygssättande lärare: Per Vesterlund. Formell examinator för kursen: Eva Åsén Ekstrand.</p>

Promoting and enhancing the graduate student transition experience : an exploratory study of Kansas State University

Lopez, Kathryn T. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Journalism and Mass Communications / William Adams / This is an exploratory study on the existing transition efforts of the Kansas State University Graduate School for master’s degree students. There are a variety of graduate students at Kansas State University with many different graduate program experiences. This study identifies the current status of incoming master’s degree students outreach and details experiences of transitioning graduate students to make suggestions on future strategies. It is vital to identify if, and which, programs are catering to the different needs of these students during their socialization into their graduate program. The study has three main objectives: (1) determine the level of personal contact and emphasis on relationship-building during a master’s degree student’s transition, (2) identify the general efforts and practices of specific master’s degree programs and the Kansas State University Graduate School, and (3) to document the needs of students as they transition into graduate school at Kansas State University. The research was conducted through use of confidential one-on-one in-depth interviews with nine Kansas State University graduate program directors and two Graduate School administrators. Ten newly admitted to the Kansas State University graduate program in the spring of 2013 were interviewed. The qualitative approach to this study enabled the researcher to get detailed testimonials and experience-based knowledge from all of these key stakeholders. Overall, the study revealed that graduate students value face-to-face and personal interaction and showed that student-to-student contact is a preferred component to a successful socialization of graduate students. The needs of transitioning graduate students included assistance with course scheduling, assistantship responsibilities, advisor selection, and an overall understanding that graduate school is different from undergraduate school. Future graduate program strategies that would assist in the successful socialization of graduate students include: orientations, meeting with graduate program directors, social and networking opportunities, and workshops. Involvement in student organizations and utilization of on-campus resources are also a part of most of the graduate programs, and graduate school transition outreach. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher offers suggestions to the Graduate School, graduate programs, and incoming students in order to help enhance the transition experience of master’s degree students into graduate school at Kansas State University.

An integrated communication strategy as an enabling tool for increasing graduate employment potential

Skosana, Delphia Sibongile 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / In its proposal of a communication strategy that will be of use as an enabling tool for increasing graduate employment potential, this study contributes uniquely to the discipline of communication. It envisages that communication takes into consideration the involvement of the key stakeholders, namely: government, labour market, education system, and media. Amid unemployment challenges that affect the majority of the population, media is regarded as a powerful tool to reach the majority of the population. With specific regard to graduate unemployment, media-driven interaction with unemployed graduates is not as efficient as it should be. Factors contributing to graduate unemployment are identified as career choices, skills shortage, job opportunities, career development, work experience, skills development, entrepreneurial skills, internships, and access to the labour market. It is also important to note that media is regarded as tool for disseminating information about such factors. In order to address this problem, the study establishes an integrated communication strategy that will be of use as an enabling tool for increasing the potential of graduate employment. The role of such communication could be applicable in various ways, such as organisational communication, business communication, public communication, personal communication, interpersonal communication, etc. This study locates itself in the domain of public communication because information about unemployment issues is a matter of public concern. This study adopts mixed research methodologies, with a survey research design—in order to gather data from the graduate students at a University of Technology. The study found that while social and print media are highly preferred and used due to their accessibility, there is a need to stress their use with regard to employment search. The main concepts that contributed to the establishment of the strategy included strategic communication, unemployment and media. It must be here noted that, for purposes of this study, strategic communication was informed by a confluence of the constitutive model of communication, systems theory, and situational theory of publics. The phenomenon of unemployment is informed by unemployment approaches, on the one hand, and the Maslow theory of needs, on the other. Furthermore, the understanding of the concept of media is informed by mass communication approaches and media richness theory. This thesis expects that, as an outcome, such a communication strategy would increase graduate employment potential. Public relations planning model is applied in the study in order to guide the implementation of the proposed communication strategy. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication Science)

Die beeld van NG Welsyn onder NG lidmate in die sinodale gebied Wes-Transvaal / E. M. Kloppers

Kloppers, Elizabeth Maria January 2005 (has links)
Every organization has a corporate image (beyond its control) which is mainly formed by its corporate identity (which it can control). This means that organizations have to manage their images. A positive image is particularly important for non-profit organizations, since these organizations depend on the goodwill of their publics for their existence. NG Welsyn is a well known welfare organization, famous for its bond with the Dutch Reformed church. Its two main sources of income, namely the state and members of the church have different opinions about the spending of funds. The state expects NG Welsyn to play a role in transformation, while members of the church want their needs to be catered for first. This, along with the decrease in funds from church members forced NG Welsyn to research its image among Dutch Reformed church members. In order to determine the image of NG Welsyn, an external public relations audit was formed through the use of questionnaires, focus groups and semi-structured interviews. Theoretical knowledge with regard to corporate image and identity as well as attitude formation was used as theoretical framework within the context of strategic communication management by non-profit organizations. The attitudes of church members on the elements of corporate identity were researched to determine the organization's image. The results show that the church members don't have a positive or negative image of NG Welsyn, since they don't have enough information about the organization. There is currently no relationship between the two parties. The main conclusion is that NG Welsyn can improve its image by the strategic management of communication with important publics. / Thesis (M.A. (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

Die beeld van NG Welsyn onder NG lidmate in die sinodale gebied Wes-Transvaal / E. M. Kloppers

Kloppers, Elizabeth Maria January 2005 (has links)
Every organization has a corporate image (beyond its control) which is mainly formed by its corporate identity (which it can control). This means that organizations have to manage their images. A positive image is particularly important for non-profit organizations, since these organizations depend on the goodwill of their publics for their existence. NG Welsyn is a well known welfare organization, famous for its bond with the Dutch Reformed church. Its two main sources of income, namely the state and members of the church have different opinions about the spending of funds. The state expects NG Welsyn to play a role in transformation, while members of the church want their needs to be catered for first. This, along with the decrease in funds from church members forced NG Welsyn to research its image among Dutch Reformed church members. In order to determine the image of NG Welsyn, an external public relations audit was formed through the use of questionnaires, focus groups and semi-structured interviews. Theoretical knowledge with regard to corporate image and identity as well as attitude formation was used as theoretical framework within the context of strategic communication management by non-profit organizations. The attitudes of church members on the elements of corporate identity were researched to determine the organization's image. The results show that the church members don't have a positive or negative image of NG Welsyn, since they don't have enough information about the organization. There is currently no relationship between the two parties. The main conclusion is that NG Welsyn can improve its image by the strategic management of communication with important publics. / Thesis (M.A. (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

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