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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le Récit enchâssé, ou la mise en relief narrative au XIXe siècle / Narrative Embedding, Narrative Enhancing. A Study in 19th Century French Fiction

Naïm, Jérémy 04 December 2015 (has links)
Le récit enchâssé émerge comme concept au début du XXe siècle, à la faveur des travaux formalistes sur le recueil de nouvelles. Il ne se développe véritablement que dans les années soixante, sous la plume de Todorov et de Genette. Mais alors, il est moins étudié qu’effleuré. Aucune définition consensuelle ne se dégage chez les narratologues. On prête au dispositif une origine millénaire, sans bien expliquer la persistance intacte d'un procédé d'écriture depuis l'Inde ancienne. Le récit enchâssé a été davantage un mythe critique qu'un objet d'étude. Cette thèse se propose de reprendre la conceptualisation là où elle s'est arrêtée : à l'intuition que certains textes contiennent des récits en surplus. Par des décrochages typographiques, par un changement d'énonciateur, par une variation temporelle, par une série de marquages spécifiques, un récit peut être mis en relief dans l'espace textuel. L'enchâssement, alors, ne serait que le fait de cette mise en relief, qu'elle s'effectue ou non dans un texte littéraire, qu'elle porte ou non sur un texte narratif. Y a-t-il légitimité, dès lors, à parler d'un « récit enchâssé » ? A-t-il existé dans l'histoire une technique homogène de mise en relief d'un récit ? En posant cette question sur les récits courts du XIXe siècle (1800-1890), cette thèse s'efforce également d'expliquer l'apparition de la notion. Car c'est au XIXe siècle que, pour la première fois, le recueil de nouvelles est comparé à une fiction indépendante, en l'occurrence, une nouvelle. Analyser ce rapprochement permet de découvrir comment a été préparée la possibilité de penser le « récit enchâssé ». / At the beginning of the twentieth century, embedded narrative emerged as a concept, thanks to the research that Russian formalists had carried out on a collection of short stories. But the category came into bloom only in the 1960s, under Todorov and Genette's pens. At that time though, the subject was broached rather than dealt with in depth. No definition based on consensus ever arose from narratology; and the seamless persistence of this narrative technique, dating back to Ancient India, has never been well accounted for. Embedded narrative has always been a critical myth rather than a subject to be studied. The aim of this dissertation is to start where the first tentative conceptualization stopped: the feeling that some texts do contain extra narratives. Inserted stories can be enhanced through typography layouts, changes of narratee, time-related alterations, or by sets of specific markings. Embedding might then mean emphasizing rather than inserting. Is it then legitimate to comment on 'embedded narratives' as such? Was there ever a consistent technique to emphasize narratives? By raising these issues, this dissertation aims at getting to the root of the notion, and addresses the topic by drawing on a large number of short stories published between 1800 and 1890. For during the nineteenth century short stories collections came for the first time closer to independent fiction, precisely to short story. Analyzing this rapprochement will enable us to discover how the very notion of 'embedded narrative’ could come up.

Vocabulaire juridique en tant que ressource stylistique dans la prose de Georges Simenon / Legal vocabulary as a stylistic resource in Georges Simenon’s prose

Savina, Elena 12 May 2014 (has links)
La thèse porte sur l’étude de l’emploi stylistique du lexique juridique français dans la prose de Georges Simenon. Il existe un nombre considérable d’ouvrages consacrés à la terminologie juridique, aux concepts de loi et de crime, au comportement discursif des avocats, à l’analyse linguistique des textes de lois, aux problèmes de la traduction du lexique juridique, à l’interférence linguistique, à l’étude des particularités pragmatiques, structurelles et sémantiques des textes des traités, et ainsi de suite. Dans notre thèse, le lexique juridique est étudié du point de vue de la stylistique, ce qui constitue sa nouveauté théorique aussi bien que pratique. Dans le premier chapitre, nous examinons certains termes d’appartenance juridique exclusive selon le classement de Gérard Cornu et nous montrons qu’une sixième partie d’entre eux sont susceptibles, au moins potentiellement, d’acquérir des sens figurés. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous étudions 53 termes juridiques utilisés par Georges Simenon au sens figuré décrivant de différentes situations de la vie courante, qui, dans la plupart des cas, ne sont pas liées au droit. Dans le troisième chapitre nous analysons, du point de vue opposé, les figures stylistiques employées pour caractériser de différentes situations juridiques présentes dans la prose de Georges Simenon. Ainsi, même si ces figures stylistiques sont relativement peu nombreuses, les recherches effectuées montrent que Georges Simenon, malgré son intention affichée, n’est pas parvenu à éliminer complètement les figures stylistiques, un des éléments constitutifs essentiels du langage poétique. / Our thesis concerns studies of the stylistic use of the French legal vocabulary in Georges Simenon’s prose. In fact, legal terminology, concepts of law and crime, discursive behavior of lawyers, texts of laws, problems of legal translation, those of linguistic interference, those of pragmatic, structural and semantic peculiarities of the language of international agreements, for instance, were examined by different linguists. So, contemporary linguistics are interested in studying legal terminology from different points of view. On the other hand, during the last decades, linguostylistic studies are also developing very quickly. In our thesis, legal terminology is studied from the point of view of stylistics, and this approach constitutes its’ theoretical and practical novelty. In the first chapter we examine some terms belonging exclusively to legal terminology, in accordance with Gerard Cornu’s classification, and we show that in reality approximately one sixth part of them can acquire, at least potentially, some figural meanings. In the second chapter, we study 53 legal terms used by Georges Simenon in their figural meaning to describe different situations from everyday life which, in the most of cases, are not associated with legal situations. In the third chapter we analyze, from the opposite point of view, stylistic figures used to characterize different legal situations presented in Georges Simenon’s prose. To summarize, even if these figures are relatively small in number, our thesis shows that the writer, in spite of his artistic intention, was not able to eliminate them completely and that they remain one of the most important elements of the poetical language.

Deviation as communicative strategy in Gamba la nyoka

Mbatiah, Mwenda 06 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This article deals with deviation in Euphrase Kezilahabi´s novel Gamba la Nyoka (1979). We analyse four different types of deviation, namely grammatical, lexical, phonological, and semantic deviation. The objective of this study is to combine linguistic analysis with literary riticism, in order to show how these different types of deviation correspond with the overall message the author conveys in this novel, which is a political novel dealing with the era of establishing Ujamaa policies in rural Tanzania.

Pour une "dé-scription" des sens : l’œuvre de Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio / For a "De-scription" of the senses : Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio's work

Feyereisen, Justine 11 September 2015 (has links)
J.M.G. Le Clézio a été plébiscité par le jury du Nobel en sa qualité d'écrivain de « l'extase sensuelle ». Les sens seraient-ils le filtre sémantique de « cet explorateur d'une humanité au-delà et en-dessous de la civilisation régnante » ? D'un point de vue diégétique, sémiotique et stylistique, la prose leclézienne illustre de diverses manières (entre mots, typographie, photographies ou techniques cinématographiques) un univers physique, où les perceptions sensorielles forment un prisme de significations sur l'époque contemporaine. Comme un sismographe à l'affût des pulsations du monde, l'écrivain enregistre, tous sens ouverts, les mouvements, les formes, et les idées des XXe et XXIe siècles. Telle est l'hypothèse centrale de cette étude. Le concept polysémique de « sens » est ainsi appréhendé depuis le monde perceptuel de l'auteur jusqu'aux strates les plus profondes du texte. La démarche repose sur l'étude de la description, en tant que clé de déchiffrement – ou de « dé-scription » selon le concept foucaldien –, à partir d'une analyse linguistico-textuelle puisant dans le champ élargi des sensory studies (phénoménologie de la sensation, philosophie du corps, sociologie de la perception, etc.). La finalité ultime est d'éclairer sous un nouvel angle la quête ontologique d'un homme de lettres pour lequel la littérature ne peut plus feindre d'être détachée du corps des hommes. / J.M.G. Le Clézio was hailed by the Nobel jury as the author of “sensual ecstasy.” Would the senses be the semantic filter of this “explorer of a humanity beyond and below the reigning civilization?” From a diegetic, semiotic and stylistic viewpoint, the Leclezian prose depicts in many ways (through words, typography, photos or cinematic techniques) a physical universe, where sensory perceptions form a prism of meanings of the contemporary era. As a seismograph records the world's pulse, the writer registers, with his senses fully attuned, the movements, shapes and ideas of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. This is the central hypothesis of the research. The polysemous concept of “senses” is thus apprehended from the writer's world beneath to the deepest strata of his texts. The approach relies on the study of description, as the key to deciphering – or to “de-scribing” according to Foucault's concept –, from a linguistic-textual analysis drawing on the broader field of sensory studies (phenomenology of sensation, philosophy of the body, sociology of perception, etc.). The ultimate purpose is to enlighten from a new angle the ontological quest of a man of letters, according whom literature can no longer pretend to be detached from the body of human beings.

Syntaxe descriptive dans mastro-don gesualdo. Espaces urbains, ruraux et de travail entre réalités et "Fantasticheria" / Descriptive syntax in mastro-gift gesualdo. Urban, rural and working spaces between realities and "Fantasticheria" / Sintassi descrittiva in mastro-dono gesualdo. Spazi urbani, rurali e di lavoro tra realtà e "Fantasticheria"

Mantegna, Elisabetta 27 February 2016 (has links)
Notre analyse se concentre sur la représentation narrative des lieux et des paysages dans les deux versions du Mastro-don Gesualdo de Giovanni Verga (1888 et 1889) en ajoutant à l'approche littéraire traditionnelle celle des études stylistiques et de la typologie textuelle. Partant du principe historico-critique selon lequel l'espace est l'élément clé dans la relation entre syntaxe, lexique d'auteur, thèmes et contenus dans le roman moderne, nous avons élaboré et analysé un corpus contenant une centaine de passages descriptifs. Nous avons confronté tout d'abord les solutions textuelles adoptées par l'auteur dans les deux éditions du roman, et nous avons ensuite essayé de caractériser, sur la base de ces données objectives, les dynamiques de textualisation et de structuration des facteurs spatiaux et paysagers dans le Mastro-don Gesualdo. En comparant les rares énonciations théoriques de Verga avec des extraits du texte narratif, nous avons pu remarquer que dans la représentation de la réalité du Mastro-don Gesualdo, l'auteur a bien présent à l'esprit l'idée de Zola de faire participer les descriptions de l’environnement d’un personnage à sa caractérisation, mais qu'il ne renonce pas pour autant à un descriptivisme littéraire et imprégné de lyrisme. La présence des stratégies syntaxiques, stylistiques et élocutoires - au niveau des allitérations et des onomatopées jusqu'à celui des anaphores, des comparaisons, des antithèses et des métonymies - confirme le lien constant entre grammaire et rhétorique en tant que caractéristique stylistique des chefs-d’œuvre véristes. / Our analysis concentrates on the narrative representation of places and landscapes in both versions of Giovanni Verga's Mastro-don Gesualdo (on 1888 and 1889) by adding to the traditional literary approach that of the stylistic studies and the textual typology. Runner of the principle historico-criticizes according to which one(which) the space is the key element in the relation between syntax, author's lexicon, themes and contained in the modern novel, we developed and analyzed a corpus containing hundred descriptive passages. We confronted first of all the textual solutions adopted by the author in both publishing(editions) of the novel, and we then tried to characterize, on the basis of these objective data, the dynamics of textualisation and of structuring of the spatial factors. / L’analisi condotta in questa tesi di dottorato si incentra sulla rappresentazione narrativa di luoghi e paesaggi nelle due stesure del Mastro-don Gesualdo di Giovanni Verga (1888 e 1889), e integra al tradizionale approccio letterario un’osservazione linguistico-stilistica e tipologico-testuale. A partire dal presupposto storico-critico che nel romanzo moderno lo spazio è il cardine della relazione tra sintassi, lessico d’autore, temi e contenuti, si è costruito e indagato un corpus di un centinaio di inserti descrittivi. Si sono raffrontate innanzitutto le soluzioni testuali adottate dall’autore nelle due edizioni del romanzo, e si è poi tentato di caratterizzare, in base a dati attendibili e oggettivi, le dinamiche di testualizzazione e di strutturazione dei fattori spaziali e paesistici nel Mastro-don Gesualdo. Confrontando le rare enunciazioni teoriche verghiane con il testo narrativo, si è potuto appurare come nella rappresentazione della realtà gesualdesca l’autore abbia ben presente il mandato zoliano di attagliare realisticamente le descrizioni alla caratterizzazione ambientale del personaggio, ma non rinunci a un descrittivismo liricheggiante e letterario. L’articolata gamma di strategie sintattico-stilistiche ed elocutive - dal livello minimo di allitterazioni e onomatopee al livello più elevato di anafore, similitudini, antitesi, metonimie - conferma il costante connubio tra grammatica e retorica come cifra stilistica dei capolavori veristi.

The 'dark continent' : A translation study focusing on lexical gaps and style and tone in a text about the South African bush

Pellén, Angelica January 2010 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study was twofold. On the one hand, the aim was to discuss how lexical gaps can be solved or dealt with when a text about wildlife and nature different from that of the target culture is translated. On the other hand, the aim was also to discuss how the style and tone of such a text can be preserved and transferred into the target text. The study was qualitative and based on a translation into Swedish of short chapters of the book Spirit of the Bush by Peter Borchert, describing the South African wildlife and nature. The intended target reader of the translation is anyone with an interest in nature, wildlife and animals, as well as anyone with an interest in the history and culture of South Africa. Despite the fact that the terminology used in both the source text and the target text may require some previous knowledge on behalf of the reader, both texts could, nevertheless, very well be appreciated by a complete “wildlife-novice”. In order to create a theoretical base and a framework for the analysis, relevant research made in translation theory and stylistics was presented and discussed. Regarding lexical gaps, all the different strategies, apart from omission, proved to be of great help when the source text was translated into Swedish. Several examples of metaphors were discussed, such as how the wilderness is described as a stage, the animals as actors, and the visitors as making a pilgrimage. The metaphors in combination with the similes and the personifications in the source text, such as bold clouds and confident rivulets, fire the readers’ imagination and create a very vivid and capturing text. This is also something that supports the claim made that Spirit of the Bush is more than an ordinary informative text.   Keywords: translation, lexical gaps, style, tone, stylistics, wildlife, bush.

Erasmus Desiderius, Dialogus Ciceronianus - překlad a komentář / Erasmus Desiderius, Dialogus Ciceronianus . Translation and Commentary

Morávek, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to bring to Czech readers an appropriate translation of selected passages from Dialogus Ciceronianus sive de optimo genere dicendi by Erasmus of Rotterdam. By this work, Erasmus significantly afftected the history of disputes over the form of imitation of M. Tullius Cicero, which started among humanists at the end of the 15th century and continued, with varying intensity, for a hundred following years. Erasmus rejected pedantic imitation of formal features of Cicero's language which he considered a threat for Christian religion and education. The thesis is divided into two parts, a theoretical and a practical one. The theoretical part briefly describes the development of opinions on the imitation of Cicero from the ancient times to the 16th century and deals with the analysis of the contents of the dialogue as a whole with an emphasis on stating the most important Erasmus' ideas. The second part comprises of a translation of selected passages accompanied by factual and translatological notes.

Samtala som ung(e) : En samtalsanalytisk studie av Mirja Unges dialogstil / To Talk Like Unge : A study of the dialogue style of the author Mirja Unge

Torefeldt, Stina January 2020 (has links)
Mirja Unge is a Swedish author who often writes about young people and the tough situations they face. She writes both plays and short-stories and is acclaimed for her dialogue. The aim of this essay is to examine Unge’s dialogue style and how potential face-threatening situations are portrayed. To reach my aim I pose questions regarding the conversational support in two of Unge’s literary works, the short story Det var igår bara and the play Mariella and compare the result. The dialogues analysed both tackle the sensitive subject of sexual assault, a topic that is potentially face-threatening. The analysis is based on the theoretical and methodical framework of conversation analysis. The conversational support is analysed through “keys” that unlock interesting points in the conversation. The keys in this essay are ‘topic generation’ and ‘topic shifts’. The results show that in the text with the most conversational support (the short story) the subject of assault is avoided and only appear in the characters thoughts. In the play on the other hand there is very little conversational support, but the character tells the whole story in a direct manner. This indicates that the situation in the short story is more face-threatening than in the play. However there are other aspects in the dialogue that makes the conversation difficult for the characters in both stories.

Deviation as communicative strategy in Gamba la nyoka

Mbatiah, Mwenda 06 March 2013 (has links)
This article deals with deviation in Euphrase Kezilahabi´s novel Gamba la Nyoka (1979). We analyse four different types of deviation, namely grammatical, lexical, phonological, and semantic deviation. The objective of this study is to combine linguistic analysis with literary riticism, in order to show how these different types of deviation correspond with the overall message the author conveys in this novel, which is a political novel dealing with the era of establishing Ujamaa policies in rural Tanzania.

How comics communicate on the screen: Telecinematic discourse in comic-to-film adaptations

Sanchez-Stockhammer, Christina 28 April 2021 (has links)
This paper explores the relation between the popular “Tintin” comics by the Belgian artist Hergé and Steven Spielberg’s successful film adaptation “The Adventures of Tintin” (2011) from a linguistic perspective. It explores how language use in the scriptovisual medium of the comic (which combines still images and printed text) is rendered in the audiovisual medium of film (which combines moving images and spoken language). After discussing general linguistic similarities between comics and films and the use of language in each of the two media, the paper compares the representation of voice, accent, thoughts, talking animals, sounds and written language in Spielberg’s screen adaptation to the original printed comic books. It analyses to what extent the language from comic books can be directly transferred to the filmic medium and investigates possible causes underlying any modifications in the above-mentioned domains.

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