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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Language of a Pearl : Language Tourism in Malta

Brico, Ivana, Pantzar, Heidi January 2009 (has links)
<p>We have studied the tourism industry for three years, and we were interested in finding a different subject to conclude our studies. Language Tourism, a fairly small but upcoming niche in tourism, and one in which we have some experience, promised to be an interesting dissertation subject. In Europe there are three countries where English is a mother tongue – the United Kingdom, Ireland and Malta. The dissertation focuses on Malta.</p><p>Malta is a small island state in the Mediterranean Sea, south of Sicily. The island state has three islands, Malta, Gozo and Comino, and together they enjoy a huge number of tourists, particularly in the summer months when the warm climate makes a good sun and sea destination. The summer season is officially June to August, so there is a problem concerning what to do when the last tourist leaves the island after their summer holiday. The tourism industry has a huge impact on the country and sustains around 30 per cent of the country´s total GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Malta has been promoted for a long time as a sea-side destination, and the Maltese Government Tourist Board traditionally promoted the island for sun, sea and sand, and popular culture.</p><p>Back in the 1980s Malta had an established reputation. The Maltese Government now wanted to attract a different type of tourist, the ‘quality tourist’. The type of tourist they wanted to attract would also visit the island during the shoulder months. They were talking about the cultural tourist.</p><p>The importance of good cooperation between the language schools and the Malta Tourism Authority is a high priority if the development of steady all-year-round tourism is to be a possibility. Being an island state Malta is likely to suffer more from the issue of seasonality, as islands in general tend to be affected more than inland and coastal destinations. However, Malta's climate is a major pulling factor.</p><p>Language tourism has grown on the island since the 1960´s; today there are between 40 and 50 schools registered on the island. There are three important factors contributing to a language trip: courses, teachers and the leisure programme. Even though Malta is facing competition from nearby destinations in the Mediterranean, it is on its own in this niche market and able to offer students a warm, friendly welcome with a combination of a unique experience and learning.</p>

Smile! you are in Spain : Turismmarknadsföringen av Spanien och Costa del Sol: utopi eller ironi?

Uhrbom, Frida January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen behandlar hur turismorganisationer på nationell och regional nivå arbetar med turismplanering och turismmarknadsföring för att skapa en bra och sanningsenlig image av Spanien och Costa del Sol i turismsammanhang. I uppsatsen tillämpas en kvalitativ metod. Analysen sker genom texttolkning efter hermeneutiska principer. Symboler tolkas även genom semiotik och metonymi. Uppsatsen beskriver hur turismplaneringen är organiserad i Spanien på nationell och regional nivå och hur dessa nivåers turismorganisationer arbetar med turismens utveckling. En överblick ges över Spaniens turismutveckling och turismmarknadsföring i historiskt och nutida perspektiv. Framtida turismutveckling analyseras med hjälp av främst olika planer – <em>Plan 2020</em> på nationell nivå och <em>Plan Qualifica</em> på regional nivå. Tidigare forskning inom destinationsmarknadsföring, image och varumärken behandlas. Destinationsmarknadsföringen går ut på att ge turisterna positiva känslor för destinationen. Spaniens symboler och kampanjer tolkas enligt semiotiska modeller. Slutligen behandlas de destinationsproblem som finns på Costa del Sol inom miljömässiga, ekonomiska och sociala områden. Utifrån detta analyseras hur Spanien och Costa del Sol kan föra ut sitt marknadsföringsbudskap på bästa sätt. De slutsatser som dras i uppsatsen är att turismmarknadsföringsbudskapet från nationell och regional nivå måste koordineras. Det behövs också skapas en koherens mellan budskapet som förs fram till kunden och det som kunden upplever på destinationen. Om dessa faktorer samverkar med varandra blir destinationens image bätttre. För att illustrera detta har en modell skapats. Marknadsföringen bör också kombinera välkända symboler med mer nyskapande kampanjer för att få mer uppmärksamhet i den globala konkurrensen mellan olika destinationer. Dessa slutsatser baseras på uppsatsens studie av spanska förhållanden men kan generaliseras till andra destinationer.</p>

Att uträtta affärer på ett "smartare" sätt : En studie av två hotellkedjors tillämpning av Corporate Social Responsibility

Johansson, Isabelle January 2009 (has links)
<p>Introduction and research question:  This study investigates the widely discussed notion “Corporate Social Responsibility” and its practice in the tourism industry. In the contemporary society more companies are realizing the significance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its potential as a means of differentiation.  The author’s interest in this particular phenomenon was awakened after reading about the business case of Scandic Hotels. This is a company that nowadays is referred to as “Scandinavia’s leading hotel chain”. However, in the early 90’s the company was facing bankruptcy. Hence, a new strategy based on responsibility towards the environment was developed and later on executed. These facts led the author to question how can and as of today are CSR implemented in the tourism industry. Consequently the research question for this thesis is: how is CSR implemented in the tourism industry?</p><p>Purpose: This study aims to explore the CSR operations of two hotel chains.</p><p>Delimitation: In order to present a study with greater depth and obtain a deeper understanding of the implementation of CSR, the study is therefore limited to two hotel chains.</p><p>Method: The results of this study have been derived through the use of a qualitative method referred to as “grounded theory”.  Unstructured interviews with employees from the different hotel chains have been conducted in order to collect vital data and answer the research question as successful as possible. In order to develop a theoretical analytical framework the author has studied various scientific articles and other appropriate literature in the subject.</p><p>Empirical data and conclusion: The study clarifies how CSR in this particular context is implemented strategically, both locally and globally. The hotel chains perceive CSR as an approach of enhancing their corporate reputation and thus its profitability. Due to these beliefs, CSR is implemented as a tool in e.g. the development of new services and/or modifications of services.  However, it is also revealed that acting responsible to employees is a precondition in order to successfully and legitimately practise CSR. In order for the CSR activities to be successfully implemented, the study also concludes the significance of leadership and employee knowledge and engagement. Ideas for further research involve investigating how organisational structures affect the implementation of CSR. Moreover, another proposition involves investigating how CSR is implemented as a competitive tool in customer sales interactions.</p>

Coffee Tourism : a community development tool

Karlsson, Henrik, Karlsson, Jesper January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>Smallholder coffee farmers in Tanzania today are facing a deep financial crises. This is the result of several different reasons but one important factor is the political and economic reforms Tanzania has experienced from being one of the strongest socialist states in Africa to one of the most liberalized. For smallholder coffee farmers this has meant dealing with difficult challenges such as big fluctuations in the coffee bean price but it has also meant opportunities. The purpose for this study is to see if, and to what extent coffee tourism can help in community development and be a leverage to the living standard for people who are dealing with this business. In order to do this the authors have conducted a minor field study in the northern part of Tanzania. We argue that coffee tourism can increase and help stabilize income for smallholder coffee farmers through diversification, contribute to community development and work as a counter-force to the structural changes and the crisis that rural areas in Tanzania are dealing with today.</p></p>

The Reason to Return : Destination loyalty and the push factors

Cerpez, Dario, Johannesson, Emma January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>The reason to return is a phenomenon which tells us that many people want to travel back to a destination they visited before. Even if there are changes in the society with the New tourist who seeks for the authentic, this essay is proving that there still is a dominance of repeat tourism and search for belonging and safety. That implication shows evidence that there still are remaining from old tourism about security with the destination and so on. Further, investigation tells us about the returning tourists, their driving forces and push-factors that create a will for tourists to return. Is it a question of how loyal tourists are to the destination, attitudes and/or tradition when planning the trip? We have made a survey that covers why tourists travel and what impacts are created during their decisions. Also included are the questions about the will of return and the reasons why. Having children proved to be a crucial part of the decision making process, where parents chose destinations out of the children-oriented places. Returning to a destination, on the other hand, is a product of safety-seeking together with a positive experience and beautiful surroundings, all weaved up to raison d'être - just to be.</p></p>

Motivationsfaktorernas betydelse för sjöbefälsstudenternas val av arbetsplats

Nielsen, Tim, Rylin, Nicklas January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med vår undersökning är att förstå vilka motivationsfaktorer och hygienfaktorer som är av betydelse för utexaminerade sjöbefälsstudenter vid val av arbetsgivare samt arbetsplats. För att besvara vår frågeställning har vi valt att intervjua fyra elever som går sista terminen på sjöfartshögskolan i kalmar. Intervjuerna genomfördes som djupgående samtal, så kallade djupgående kvalitativa intervjuer, där vi försökte fånga intervjupersonens tankar och idéer. Våra undersökningsresultat har jämförts med Fredrick Herzbergs tvåfaktorteori och vi har kommit fram till att det finns likheter och olikheter. De mest betydande motivationsfaktorer var ansvar och utveckling. De hygienfaktorer som intervjupersonerna nämner var lön, trivsel, längd på törnar samt kommunikationer med hemmet. De motivations och hygienfaktorer som inte nämndes var t.ex. tillfredställelsen av at utföra ett bra arbete (Prestationer) och specifika tillfällen då en högre ställning erhållits (befordran). Vår slutsats är att det är mycket viktigt att rederierna sattsar på personalens välbefinnande för att få de kommande sjöbefälen att söka sig till deras fartyg.</p> / <p>The purpose of this paper is to figure out what motivator factors and hygiene factors which are of importance to graduating marine engineers when deciding on an employer as well as workplace. In order to get answers to our questions we chose to interview four students attending their final year of studies at the Maritime Academy in Kalmar. The interviews consisted of deep qualitative interviews during which we tried to capture the interviewees´ thoughts and ideas. The results have been compared with Fredrick Herzberg’s ”Two Factor Theory” and we have arrived at the conclusion that there are both similarities and differences. The most important motivator factors were responsibility and personal development. The most important hygiene factors were salary, level of comfort, length of the time spent onboard as well as possibilities for communication with friends and family. Aspects not mentioned were, e.g. the satisfaction of doing a good job and specific occurrences resulting in a promotion. Our conclusion consequently is that it is important for the shipping companies to commit to the well-being of the employees in order to gain the attention of prospective officers.</p>

De kommunala miljöarbetet : En uppsats om miljömedvetenhet och medborgarskap

K. Maassen, Siri January 2007 (has links)
<p>The work with Agenda 21 resulted in a larger focus on local participation and deliberation. The Swedish implementation of Agenda 21 is a result of these local governments´ political agendas and policies.</p><p>The purpose with this paper is to examine the relationship between the citizen and the local government. It focuses on three theories of citizenship and how the view of "the environmental aware citizen”; in the local government’s municipalities policies differ and from which theory of citizenship do they come from.</p><p>The analysis is of a valuing and comparing nature. The municipalities´ web pages have been the main source to generate an understanding of their view on the normative environmental work. A comparison with Simon Mattis´ examination of other local governments have been done to widen the empirical material and to strengthen the understanding.</p><p>I have choosed to integrate the analysis with the presentation of the results to make the understanding of the comparisons easier. According to this thesis analysis and results, the differences between the governments are small.</p><p>Finally the main suggestion is that even if there may be certain patterns between different kinds of government and their ideological views on citizenships, these results are marginal and vague. My opinion is that the municipalities’ environmental policy differs as a result of a non-ideological view based on an uncertainty of which kind of agenda that is most effective.</p>

Meditation och konflikthantering

Wallin, Lou January 2007 (has links)
<p>Can meditation aid in a situation of conflict? This paper answers that question.</p><p>The reason I chose to examine this topic is due to own positive experiences that convinced me of the link between meditation and conflict resolution. I wish to bring more light on this topic and to faciliate further research within the area.</p><p>Through analyzing material on meditation, meditation and emotion and emotion and conflict, I find here that some of the effects of meditation has a positive effect on our emotions and also that we can work through meditation to learn about the way we act on our emotions and also how we can learn to act to our advantage. I also show how emotions play a vital role in conflicts between individuals and groups and that it is most urgent that we use what means we have to work conflict to our best use. I believe that conflict has it’s place in society and that good things can come from it, but that we can work with the conflict so that it does not escalate out of proportion. I believe a peaceful environment enhances the possibility for people to live a healthy life and enables us to develop.</p><p>This paper focuses on conflict between people and groups, not inner conflict, which would also be interesting to explore in this context.</p><p>I argue that meditation with advantage could be used in areas like, school, the military etc.</p>

Hållbar konsumtion och matavfall : En studie om människors attityder till att slänga mat / Sustainable Consumption and Food Waste : A Study of People's Attitudes towards the Waste of Food

Bertilsson, Kristina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Idag lever vi i ett konsumtionssamhälle där människors nuvarande konsumtionsmönster inte är hållbara. Det krävs att varje individ tar hänsyn till både ekonomiska, miljömässiga och sociala aspekter, om en hållbar konsumtion ska bli verklighet. För att förstå sig på hushållens konsumtionsvanor är det bästa sättet att fokusera på individernas beteende.</p><p> </p><p>Både livsmedelskonsumtionen och avfallssektorn är områden som ger upphov till stor miljöpåverkan. Forskare har nyligen kommit fram till att det är matspillet som är den stora miljöboven, inte livsmedelsförpackningarna. Tidigare studier visar att en stor andel av den mat som hushållen köper hem slängs. Detta är slöseri med jordens resurser, eftersom det går åt stora mängder energi till att producera mat.</p><p> </p><p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa det ohållbara i att hushållen slänger mat. Detta genom att undersöka varför människor slänger mat och hur deras beteende hänger ihop med deras kunskap kring datummärkning av livsmedel. För att få svar på detta genomfördes en attitydundersökning i form av att en enkät delades ut till 50 invånare i Karlstad. Utifrån enkätresultaten går det att dra slutsatsen att invånarna i Karlstad är ganska typiska individer, då flera svar i enkäten överensstämde med teorier och tidigare forskning.</p><p> </p><p>Den främsta orsaken till varför invånarna slänger mat är att de är dåliga på att planera sina matinköp. Karlstadborna får "dåligt samvete" när de slänger mat och kommentarer pekar mot att de tycker att det kastas för mycket mat. Ytterligare en slutsats är att ett dåligt samvete hos individen inte behöver betyda att denne låter bli att slänga mat eller testar om produkten går att använda. Det visar att invånarnas attityd och beteende inte alltid hänger ihop.</p> / <p>Today we live in a consumer society where people's current consumer habits are unsustainable. All individuals have to take economical, environmental and social factors into consideration, if a sustainable consumption will come true. The best way to try to understand the households' consumer habits are to focus upon the behavior of the individual person.</p><p> </p><p>Both the food consumption and the waste field have a large environmental impact. Recently, scholars have found that it is the waste of food which is the main environmental problem, not the food packing. Previous studies have shown that households throw away a remarkable part of the food they buy. Since it costs a lot of energy to produce food, this habit means wasting of the earth's resources.</p><p> </p><p>The purpose of the thesis is to illustrate that the households act in an unsustainable way, when they throw the food away. The answers to what kind of attitude people have towards the waste of food and how their behavior coheres with their knowledge about the open-dating of provisions was also searched for. The method questionnaire was used and 50 inhabitants from Karlstad participated in the survey.</p><p> </p><p>The results lead to the conclusion that the inhabitants in Karlstad are fairly typical persons, because several of their answers from the questionnaire correspond with theories and previous research. The principal reason why people throw away food is bad planning of food purchase. The inhabitants have "bad conscience" when they waste food and they also think that too much food is thrown away. Though, "bad conscience" does not mean that the person actually stops throwing food away or tries to find out if the product can be used. These conclusions show that the inhabitants' attitude and behavior do not always hang together.</p>

Expeditionär sambandsförmåga : Framtidens krav på försvarsmaktens samband?

Hjälle, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
<p>Under 2008 inleddes ett arbete med att utarbeta ett koncept för expeditionär operativ förmåga. Detta mynnade ut i ett analytiskt koncept som är början på ett långsiktigt arbete för att forma Försvarsmakten att möta framtidens krav i en alltmer komplex omvärld. Expeditionär förmåga är tankesättet som ska få oss att bli mer framgångsrika i dels vårt deltagande i internationella insatser världen över men också i vår beredskap på hemmafronten. Innan och parallellt med detta arbete deltog Sverige i flera insatser styrkans karaktär kan liknas vid en expeditionär styrka. Konceptutvecklingen av det analytiska konceptet fortskrider och kommer att pågå under flera år framåt. Sverige kommer att sätta upp och delta i expeditionära styrkor vare sig landet förbereder sig för det eller inte. Denna uppsats bryter ner det analytiska konceptet till vilket samband som krävs till och från en expeditionär styrka, tar avstamp i de erfarenheter som finns från genomförda expeditionära insatser och diskuterar vilken expeditionär sambandsförmåga Sverige har idag och vad som bör utvecklas i framtiden.</p> / <p>During 2008 a work with developing a concept for expeditionary capabilities began. This resulted in an analytical concept which is the beginning of a long-range work to shape the Swedish Armed Forces to meet the future demands in an more and more complex world. Expeditionary Capability is the mindset that will ensure our success in participating in international coalitions all over the world but also in the readiness of the domestic frontier. Before and parallel with this work Sweden participated in several coalitions that can be looked upon as a expeditionary force. The Concept Development of the analytical concept continues and will do so the upcoming years. Sweden will build up and participate in expeditionary forces disregarding how the nation prepares for it. This essay breaks down the analytical concept into which communication that is required from and to a expeditionary force, take-off from the experiences available today from recent expeditionary coalitions and discuss which expeditionary communication capability Sweden has today and what should be developed in the future. The conclusion is that preparations and plans must be thorough, the equipment must be transportable and the way to communicate must cover all parts of the world.</p>

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