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1231 |
Strategies for the reduction of alcohol and substance abuse among adolescents at two selected universities in EthiopiaAlemayehu Nigatu Gebremichael 11 1900 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the magnitude, behavioural issues and other contributing factors for alcohol and substance abuse, in order to develop a strategy for alcohol and substance abuse among Ethiopian university students.
Method: An explorative, mixed method approach research was used. Data were collected from adolescents at Arbaminch and Wolaita Sodo universities that were purposively selected for this study. Review of literature resulted in the researcher developing questionnaire items for quantitative data (N=738) (Annexure F).
Framework: The theory of planned behavior change was applied to guide the study. The theory was applied to enable understanding of behavioural intentions, individual attitudes and subjective norms surrounding performance of a specific behavior. This theory was applied to understand the problem among the student and as a framework for developing the strategy.
Research Findings: The study highlighted alcohol and substance abuse among the university students was widespread. Behavioural findings showed that respondents have favorable attitudes but no intention to discontinue the use of alcohol and substances. Various factors including behavioural, environmental and policy issues have contributed to the problem. However, intervention packages and strategies to respond to the growing problem were non-existent or very minimal.
Conclusion: Alcohol and substance abuse among university students has become global public health problem. However, university management did not have plans in place to attend to the problem. The researcher envisages that the implementation of these strategies would provide a workable intervention in reducing alcohol and substance abuse among students at the Ethiopian Higher Learning Centres.
Recommendations: University management should step in and initiate urgent intervention measures. Adequate coordination among various stakeholders to respond to such a multi-dimensional problem is a necessity. The parliament has to revisit the current alcohol, drug and substance advertisement, circulation and trading related legislations including the use of ‘Khat which is Ethiopia’s unique problem. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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L'anormalité en droit de la responsabilité civile / The concept of abnormality in civil liabilityMénard, Benjamin 14 November 2016 (has links)
Parce qu’elle est une clé de compréhension du déclenchement de la responsabilité civile, l’anormalité est une notion centrale de l’institution. Elle s’identifie d’abord à travers le dommage, qui est une anomalie, une déviation par rapport au cours normal des choses. L’anormalité est ici intrinsèque au dommage et se définit comme le déséquilibre patrimonial et extrapatrimonial subi par la victime. La notion se découvre ensuite à l’extérieur du dommage, elle caractérise ce qu’il faut en plus du dommage pour engager une responsabilité. Cette anormalité, dite extrinsèque au dommage, tient son origine dans la faute civile : est en faute l’individu ayant adopté un comportement anormal.Classiquement cantonnée à l’élément objectif de la faute, avant qu’elle n’en épuise entièrement la définition, l’évolution montre que l’anormalité s’est diversifiée pour devenir un critère aux multiples visages. La notion se rencontre ainsi, par exemple, dans la responsabilité du fait des choses (anormalité de la chose), dans la responsabilité du fait d’autrui (anormalité du fait d’autrui) ou encore en matière de trouble du voisinage. De manière plus latente, l’anormalité peut également être mobilisée pour expliquer le risque sélectionné par le législateur pour faire l’objet d’un régime spécial (ex : accidents de la circulation, fait des produits défectueux). En définitive, l’anormalité est un critère juridique de discrimination qui peut, pour faire naître une obligation de réparation, être associé au fait générateur, au dommage ou au risque. Cette vision est forte de potentialités ; elle permet une présentation renouvelée de la matière autour des trois fondements que sont l’anormalité du fait générateur, l’anormalité du dommage et l’anormalité du risque. En délimitant le périmètre de la responsabilité civile, cette tripartition permet finalement une relecture de la matière à la lumière des trois fondements proposés. / Because it is key in understanding how it is triggered, the concept of abnormality is a notion of great importance in relation to civil liability. This concept is first of all found in relation to the notion of injury, which is an anomaly, a deviation from the normal course of things. The abnormality is an intrinsic part of an injury and is defined as a patrimonial and non-patrimonial disturbance suffered by a victim. The concept is then applied outside of the notion of injury, as it then characterises the elements additional to the injury that are needed in order for liability to arise. This aspect of the abnormality, the extrinsic side, originates from the tort principle: that one is liable for one’s own abnormal behaviour.Although classically confined to the objective element of fault, the notion of abnormality has outgrown its original definition and developed into a criterion with many applications. The concept is used, for instance, in relation to product liability (abnormality of an object/product), vicarious liability, or even in relation to nuisance neighbours. There is perhaps also a latent possibility for the concept of abnormality to be used by the legislator for derivative special liability regimes (e.g. defective products, traffic accidents). Ultimately, the concept of abnormality is a form of legal criterion that, in order to give rise to compensation, can be associated to a triggering event, an injury, or a risk. This vision opens up many possibilities: it enables a new way of presenting this subject matter around the three principles that are the abnormality of the triggering event, the abnormality of the injury and the abnormality of the risk. By defining the perimeter of civil liability, this tripartition actually enables a new understanding of the subject matter through these three proposed principles.
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Fetischism, läggning och lag : En kvantitativ analys av en sexuell minoritets relation till lagstadgad läggning / Fetishism, sexual orientation and law : A quantitative analysis of a sexual minority's relation to legally established sexualityNilsson-Jatko, David January 2020 (has links)
Fetischister är en sexuell minoritet vars sexualitet karaktäriseras av en inriktning mot någon sak, något annat än kön. Svensk lagstiftning kommunicerar en normerande bild av att endast sexualiteter riktade mot kön kan vara grundläggande och utgöra en persons sexuella läggning, övriga tillskrivs att vara sexuella beteenden med svaga konstitutiva kopplingar. I detta projekt undersöks något som inte undersökts kvantitativt tidigare; huruvida fetischisters egna upplevelser stämmer med lagstiftningens antaganden om gruppen. Eftersom lagstiftning är värderings- och tankenormerande och ytterst reglerar hur vi organiserar samhället är det högst angeläget att ta reda på hur det förhåller sig. Fetischisters upplevelser har fångats i en kvantitativ undersökning med 2028 respondenter. Resultaten av undersökningen har jämförts med fyra antaganden om fetischister som lagstiftningens förarbeten utgår från. Analysen pekar mot att: Fetischism kan vara såväl sexuellt som ickesexuellt och något som kan röra tankar, känslor och beteenden på ett konsistent sätt över tid. Att som lagstiftningen porträttera fetischism som ett strikt sexuellt beteende som ställs i kontrast till något personlighetsanstruket framstår därmed som otillräckligt. Denna undersökning synliggör att det finns en fetischistisk orientering, en fetischistisk sexuell preferens. Förarbetenas utgångspunkt att enbart könsinriktade sexualiteter har att göra med sexuell preferens är därmed en förenkling som framstår som felaktig. Undersökningen har visat att fetischism kan vara något grundläggande, stabilt, ej frivilligt valt och uppkommet i tidig ålder. Därmed stämmer inte förarbetenas antagande att dessa egenskaper är unika för sexualiteter riktade mot kön. Fetischistisk sexualitet har potential att vara en individs sexuella läggning då sexualiteten kan genomsyra sexuell praktik, identitet och preferens på ovan nämnda sätt. Därmed stämmer inte lagstiftningens bild av att enbart sexualiteter riktade mot kön kan vara sexuella läggningar. Den sammantagna analysen visar att fetischisters upplevelser inte stämmer med de antaganden om gruppen som lagstiftningen baseras på. Fetischism kan ligga till grund för flera olika situationer; både något som för en person kan utgöra ett svagare sexuellt intresse likväl som något som för en annan person kan vara grundläggande, såsom dennes sexuella läggning. Lagstiftningen återspeglar inte detta. / Fetishism refers to sexuality focused on a specific thing; an object, a body part or, in some cases, a more abstract phenomenon. Swedish law states that only sexualities focused on sex/gender can be considered fundamental to a person – in Sweden referred to as a person’s ”sexual disposition” or ”läggning”; roughly equivalent to ”primary sexual orientation”. Sexualities focused on anything other than sex/gender are considered sexual behaviours with weak constitutive connections. This research project examines quantitatively how the self-percieved experiences of fetishists compares to the assumptions about the group made in Swedish law texts. Data focused on the experiences of 2028 fetishists has been collected through an Internet survey 2019 – 2020, specifically targeting persons with a fetishistic sexuality in a sexological sense. The respondents identified as 74.7% men, 19.3% women and 6.0% other gender, with an average age of 41.4 years. The results from the survey indicates: Fetishism can have sexual as well as non-sexual aspects. Fetishism can influence thoughts, emotions and behaviours in an individual consistently over a very long period of time. The law’s depiction of fetishism as a strictly sexual behaviour that is discursively portrayed in contrast to personality appears to be inadequate. The results highlights a fetishistic sexual preference. The law’s assumption that only sex/gender focused sexualities can be relevant for a persons sexual preference or orientation consequently appears to be misleading. The results shows that fetishism can be constitutive to a persons sexuality: It can be a profound and enduring sexual pattern, not voluntarily chosen and emerging in early age. Consequently, the law’s assumptions that those properties are unique for sex/gender focused sexualities appears to be inaccurate. Fetishism has the potential to be an individual’s sexual disposition (primary sexual orientation), as it can characterize an individual’s sexual practice, identity and preference in a constitutive way. Consequently, the law’s definition of sexual disposition (primary sexual orientation) as only being relevant to sexualities focused on sex/gender appears to be false. The research indicates that the Swedish law’s assumption about fetishism does not correspond with the self-perception of fetishists themselves. The result suggests that fetishism is a heterogenous sexuality, which for some fetishists can consist of a less constitutive sexual interest, while it in others can be a more fundamental sexual disposition (primary sexual orientation).
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High Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform Based on Rank-1 Lattice SamplingKämmerer, Lutz 21 November 2014 (has links)
We consider multivariate trigonometric polynomials with frequencies supported on a fixed but arbitrary frequency index set I, which is a finite set of integer vectors of length d. Naturally, one is interested in spatial
discretizations in the d-dimensional torus such that
- the sampling values of the trigonometric polynomial at the nodes of this spatial discretization uniquely determines the trigonometric polynomial,
- the corresponding discrete Fourier transform is fast realizable, and
- the corresponding fast Fourier transform is stable.
An algorithm that computes the discrete Fourier transform and that needs a computational complexity that is bounded from above by terms that are linear in the maximum of the number of input and output data up to some logarithmic factors is called fast Fourier transform. We call the fast Fourier transform stable if the Fourier matrix of the discrete Fourier transform has a condition number near one and the fast algorithm does not corrupt this theoretical stability.
We suggest to use rank-1 lattices and a generalization as spatial discretizations in order to sample multivariate trigonometric polynomials and we develop construction methods in order to determine reconstructing sampling sets, i.e., sets of sampling nodes that allow for the unique, fast, and stable reconstruction of trigonometric polynomials. The methods for determining reconstructing rank-1 lattices are component{by{component constructions, similar to the seminal methods that are developed in the field of numerical integration. During this thesis we identify a component{by{component construction of reconstructing rank-1 lattices that allows for an estimate of the number of sampling nodes M
|I|\le M\le \max\left(\frac{2}{3}|I|^2,\max\{3\|\mathbf{k}\|_\infty\colon\mathbf{k}\in I\}\right)
that is sufficient in order to uniquely reconstruct each multivariate trigonometric polynomial with frequencies supported on the frequency index set I. We observe that the bounds on the number M only depends on the number of frequency indices contained in I and the expansion of I, but not on the spatial dimension d. Hence, rank-1 lattices are suitable spatial discretizations in arbitrarily high dimensional problems.
Furthermore, we consider a generalization of the concept of rank-1 lattices, which we call generated sets. We use a quite different approach in order to determine suitable reconstructing generated sets. The corresponding construction method is based on a continuous optimization method.
Besides the theoretical considerations, we focus on the practicability of the presented algorithms and illustrate the theoretical findings by means of several examples.
In addition, we investigate the approximation properties of the considered sampling schemes. We apply the results to the most important structures of frequency indices in higher dimensions, so-called hyperbolic crosses and demonstrate the approximation properties by the means of several examples that include the solution of Poisson's equation as one representative of partial differential equations.
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Le motif légitime en droit pénal : contribution a la théorie générale de la justification / The legitimate reason in criminal law : contribution to the general theory of justificationReix, Marie 10 December 2012 (has links)
Dans la plupart des disciplines juridiques, le motif légitime se présente comme un standard de justification des actes. Il fait obstacle à l’application de la norme, en fondant un droit ou en exonérant d’un devoir. Le droit pénal se montre réticent à l’endroit de cette notion floue qui connaît pourtant un essor sans précédent. Afin de justifier la marge d’appréciation laissée au juge, le motif légitime est généralement conçu comme un mobile, ce qui accentue la confusion entre les causes objectives et subjectives d’irresponsabilité. L’insuffisance de l’approche formelle du mécanisme justificatif explique sa subjectivation progressive. L’analyse du motif légitime suppose de revisiter la théorie de la justification à travers une conception substantielle de l’illicéité, apte à unifier son régime. L’étude de la finalité justificative du motif légitime permet de mieux comprendre la souplesse de ses conditions de mise en œuvre. Le motif légitime renverse la présomption d’illicéité fondant la responsabilité. Le jugement de valeur porté sur l’infraction est la raison d’être du reproche social. Elle se distingue de son attribution à l’auteur qui relève d’un jugement de réalité sur sa volonté. Le motif légitime procède des circonstances extérieures à l’infraction autorisant la vérification concrète de son illicéité. La nature objective du motif légitime est conforme à son effet exonératoire de responsabilité opérant in rem et non in personam. Ses conditions d’application semblent, en revanche, doublement dérogatoires au droit commun de la justification, tant à l’égard de ses critères larges que de son domaine étroit. Il est cantonné à des infractions de risque abstrait pour des valeurs secondaires dont la présomption d’illicéité est artificielle. Le prévenu doit rapporter la preuve de la légitimité concrète de son acte, alors que la légitimité abstraite de la répression est sujette à caution. L’expansion de ce domaine dérogatoire de la répression révèle l’insuffisant contrôle de sa nécessité abstraite. En tout état de cause, la mention spéciale du motif légitime est inutile car toute infraction en fait implicitement réserve, en sorte qu’il se conçoit comme un standard général de justification. Il confère au juge la libre appréciation de la nécessité concrète de la répression, au regard du contexte de chaque espèce qui échappe par nature à la loi ne pouvant régler a priori tous les conflits de valeurs. La justification a postériori des infractions socialement nécessaires ou insignifiantes renforce l’autorité de la loi en garantissant une application conforme à sa finalité de protection des valeurs. / In many legal disciplines, the legitimate reason is a model of justification of acts. The legitimate reason prevents the enforcement of the law, either by creating a right or by exempting someone from a duty. Despite an unprecedented boom, criminal law is hesitant about this vague notion. In order to justify judges' assessment margin, the legitimate reason is commonly considered as a motive. This accentuates the confusion between objective and subjective causes of irresponsibility. The formal approach of the justificatory process is inadequate, making the process increasingly biased. The analysis of the legitimate reason requires a re-examination of the justification theory using a solid understanding of unlawfulness which can help standardize its implementation. The study of the legitimate reason’s justificatory function allows a better understanding of the flexibility of its implementation requirements. The legitimate reason reverses the presumption of unlawfulness on which liability is based. The cause of liability is conditioned by the value judgment made about the offence, whereas the judgment of the reality of the offender’s intention is the condition of his imputation. The legitimate reason stems from circumstances that are external to the offence, and which enable the review of its lawfulness. The objective nature of the legitimate reason is aligned with the fact that it exempts from liability in rem and not in personam. However, the requirements for its application seem exceptional to the common law of justification in two regards: its broad criteria and its narrow field. It is limited to offences of abstract risk that protect secondary values for which the presumption of unlawfulness is artificial. The defendant must prove the legitimacy of his act whereas the abstract legitimacy of the suppression is unconfirmed. The expansion of this dispensatory field of suppression reveals an inadequate control of its abstract necessity. In any case, bringing up legitimate reason is useless as it is implicit to any offence and is considered as a general model of justification. It leaves the judge free to assess the necessity of the penalty on a case by case basis, as the law, by nature, cannot resolve all value conflicts. The post facto justification of socially necessary offences or even trivial offences reinforces the authority of the law by ensuring an enforcement that is aligned with the law's aim of protecting values.
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Channel Modeling Applied to Robust Automatic Speech RecognitionSklar, Alexander Gabriel 01 January 2007 (has links)
In automatic speech recognition systems (ASRs), training is a critical phase to the system?s success. Communication media, either analog (such as analog landline phones) or digital (VoIP) distort the speaker?s speech signal often in very complex ways: linear distortion occurs in all channels, either in the magnitude or phase spectrum. Non-linear but time-invariant distortion will always appear in all real systems. In digital systems we also have network effects which will produce packet losses and delays and repeated packets. Finally, one cannot really assert what path a signal will take, and so having error or distortion in between is almost a certainty. The channel introduces an acoustical mismatch between the speaker's signal and the trained data in the ASR, which results in poor recognition performance. The approach so far, has been to try to undo the havoc produced by the channels, i.e. compensate for the channel's behavior. In this thesis, we try to characterize the effects of different transmission media and use that as an inexpensive and repeatable way to train ASR systems.
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Úvod do teorie jazykové správnosti / Introduction to the Theory of Language CorrectnessBeneš, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Introduction to the Theory of Language Correctness. The theme of this Thesis is the novel conceptualization of the subject field, which is, in the Czech context, traditionally dealt with within the theory of language cultivation, from the perspective of the so-called ontological "socialism" (esp. Itkonen, 1978; 2003). The first two chapters explain why the subject field of the (theory of) language cultivation is to be newly approached from this very perspective. The conceptual discussion in the first chapter identifies three underresearched factors (reaction of the Protectorate elites to the Nazi occupation policy; variety-based approach to the "language" and physicalism) that had negative effect to the debate on these questions and therefore they should not be taken into consideration; the terminological discussion in the second chapter supports the claim that it is not suitable to associate the traditional term (theory of) language cultivation with this novel conceptualization. The third chapter introduces in detail the so-called ontological "socialism" according to which there are not only spatiotemporal entities, i.e. language means, but also non-spatiotemporal entities, i.e. language rules qua actually existing social facts, in the subject field of linguistics. The fourth chapter provides a...
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The influence of Jasa's mini enterprise programme on learners entrepreneurial intentionsMakoka, Juliet Oageng 10 1900 (has links)
Entrepreneurship is a catalyst for economic growth and development; thus, the South African government continues to invest in programmes aimed at enhancing youth entrepreneurship development. However, South Africa is still characterised by low levels of total entrepreneurship activity. To stimulate entrepreneurial activity, scholars, policy makers and government have all identified entrepreneurship education as a critical component. Education equips potential and existing entrepreneurs with knowledge, skills, confidence, creativity and innovative capabilities needed to excel in entrepreneurship. One such entrepreneurship programme aimed at creating and enhancing entrepreneurship intentions among high school learners is the one offered by Junior Achievement South Africa (JASA). However, the effectiveness of the JASA entrepreneurship education programmes remains largely unknown.
Enterprise Programme creates and enhances learners’ entrepreneurship intentions. Consequently, how learners’ personal attitudes towards entrepreneurship, perceived entrepreneurial abilities, subjective norms and entrepreneurship intentions were affected after participating in the Mini Enterprise Programme. The study employed a quantitative method and used an entrepreneurial intentions questionnaire to answer the research question. Data was collected from 151 learners who participated in the 2018 Mini Enterprise programme by means of self-completion questionnaires. SPSS was used to analyse the date through descriptive and inferential analysis techniques. The major finding of the study is that JASA’s Mini Enterprise Programme does indeed create and enhance learners’ entrepreneurship intentions. It was also observed that the programme positively influences learners’ personal attitudes towards entrepreneurship and instilled a sense of confidence in their entrepreneurial abilities. The study concludes by providing some recommendations for entrepreneurship education. / Bogwebi ke sethankgolodi sa kgolo le tlhabololo ya ikonomi, mme ke ka moo puso ya Aforikaborwa e tswelelang go beeletsa mo mananeong a a ikaeletseng go tokafatsa tlhabololo ya bogwebi mo bašweng. Le gale, Aforikaborwa e sa ntse e na le seelo se se kwa tlase sa ditiragatso tsa bogwebi ka botlalo. Go susumetsa tiragatso ya bogwebi, barutegi, badiradipholisi le puso ba supile thuto ya kgwebo jaaka karolo ya botlhokwa. Thuto e tlamela ba e ka nnang bagwebi le bagwebi ba ba setseng ba le gona ka kitso, bokgoni, go itshepa, boitlhamedi le boitshimololedi jo bo tlhokegang go dira sentle mo bogwebing. Lenaneo lengwe la bogwebi le le ikaeletseng go tlhama le go tokafatsa maikemisetso a kgwebo mo barutwaneng ba dikolo tse dikgolwane le tlamelwa ke Junior Achievement South Africa (JASA). Le gale, nonofo ya lenaneo la thuto ya kgwebo la JASA e sa ntse e sa itsewe.
Lenaneo la Kgwebo le tlhama le go tokafatsa maikemisetso a morutwana a bogwebi. Thutopatlisiso e ne e lebeletse ka moo molebo wa sebele wa barutwana malebana le bogwebi, bokgoni jo go tsewang bo le gona jwa kgwebo, ditumelo tse di gona le maikemisetso a bogwebi di amiwang ka gona ke Lenaneo la Kgwebonnye (Mini Enterprise Programme). Thutopatlisiso e dirisitse mokgwa o o lebelelang dipalopalo mme ya dirisa lenaanepotsolotso la maikemisetso a bogwebi go araba potso ya patlisiso. Go kokoantswe data go tswa mo barutwaneng ba le 151 ba ba nnileng le seabe mo Lenaneong la Kgwebonnye ka manaanepotsolotso a a itlalediwang. Go dirisitswe SPSS go lokolola data ka dithekeniki tsa tokololo tse di tlhalosang le tse di lebang bokao. Phitlhelelo e kgolo ya thutopatlisiso ke gore Lenaneo la Kgwebonnye la JASA tota le tlhama le go tokafatsa maikemisetso a bogwebi a barutwana. Go lemogilwe gape gore lenaneo le tlhotlheletsa megopolo ya sebele ya barutwana malebana le bogwebi mme le tsenya go itshepa mo bokgoning jwa bona jwa kgwebo. Thutopatlisiso e konosetsa ka go tlamela ka dikatlenegiso dingwe malebana le thuto ya bogwebi. / Ikhono lobubhizinisi luyimvubelo yokuhlumisa kanye nokuthuthukisa umnotho, yingakho iNingizimu Afrika iqhubeka nokutshala izimali kwizinhlelo ezihlose ukuqinisa uhlelo lokuthuthukisa osomabhizinisi abasafufusayo. Ngakho-ke, iNingizimu Afrika isabonakala njengezwe elinezinga eliphansi kakhulu kwezezinhleli zokwenza ibhizinisi. Ukukhwezela izinga lokwezeka kwebhizinisi, osolwazi, abakhi bemigomo kanye nohulumeni bonke sebebone ukubaluleka kwemfundo njengesigaba esisemqoka. Imfundo ihlomisa ngamathuba kanye nosomabhizinisi abakhona ngolwazi, ngamakhono, ngethemba, ngobuciko bengqondo kanye nekhono lamaqhinga amasha adingeka ukuthi ukwazi ukuphumelela kwezibhizinisi. Uhlelo olunjalo lwezebhizinisi oluhlose ukwakha nokuqinisa izinhloso zobubhizinisi hlangana nabafundi abasemabangeni aphezulu, lwethulwa yinhlangano ye-Junior Achievement South Africa (JASA). Yize-kunjalo, ukusebenza ngempumelelo kwezinhlelo zemfundo yobubhizinisi i-JASA kaningi kuhlala kungaziwa kahle.
Uhlelo lwebhizinisi i-Enterprise Programme lwakha futhi luqinisa izinhloso zabafundi zebhizinisi. Lolu cwaningo lugxile kwindlela imikhuba yomfundi ngamunye iba nomthelela ngayo kwezebhizinisi, kwezamakhono aziwayo ezebhizinisi, kwingqubo ethatha uhlangothi kanye nakwizinhloso zebhizinisi zithintwa wumthelela we-Mini Enterprise Programme. Ucwaningo lusebenzise indlela eyencike kumanani (quantitative method) kanti futhi luphinde lwasebenzisa umbhalo wemibuzo onezinhloso zobubhizinisi ukuphendula umbuzo wocwaningo. Idatha iqoqwe kubafundi abayi-151 ababebandakanyeka ohlelweni lwe-2018 Mini Enterprise Programme ngokusebenzisa imibhalo yemibuzo egcwaliswa yolowo mfundi ophendulayo qobo lwakhe. I-SPSS isetshenziselwe ukuhlaziya ilanga ngokusebenzisa izinhlelo zokuhlaziya i-descriptive and inferential analysis techniques. Ulwazi olunzulu olutholwe wucwaningo olwenziwe yi-JASA’s Mini Enterprise Programme empeleni luye lwakha futhi lwaqinisa izinhloso zabafundi kwezebhizinisi. Kuye kwatholakala ukuthi uhlelo luye lwaba nomthelela omuhle kwimikhuba yabafundi ngamunye kwikhono lobubhizinisi futhi lwatshala ummoya wokuzethemba kumakhono abo obubhizinisi. Ucwaningo luphetha ngokunikeza izincomo ezimayelana nemfundo yobubhizinisi / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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Vztahové normy učitelů a výkonová motivace žáků / Teachers'reference norms orientation and students'achievement motivationKubíková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
In the following thesis we studied the development of performance motivation of pupils and its possible mutual connection with external evaluation according to relation norms. In the theoretical part we deal with scientific solutions of terms as performance motivation and relation norm. Mainly we concentrate on the analysis of the so called process model of performance motivation and on the analysis of types of relation norms. We also investigate in detail the issues of genesis of fear and anxiety of individuals during performance activities. We also occupy ourselves with the issues of causal attributions and different perspectives of term range of internal and external motivation. Subsequently, we made causal links between theoretical solutions and school performance. In this part we refer in particular to works of Heckhausen and Rheinberg. In the practical part we present a research, which is focused on the search for links between the use of individual relation norms in pedagogical situations of a teaching lesson and the development of performance motivation of pupils. In the research we took advantage of combination of quantitative and qualitative investigation. Triangulation of these methods helped us to understand better the contemporary school reality and to obtain relatively clear and...
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