Spelling suggestions: "subject:"”digitalization”"" "subject:"”digitalizations”""
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Von königlichen Freistellen und stummer ClaviaturWiermann, Barbara 09 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Am 2. April 1843, vor 165 Jahren, nahm das Musikkonservatorium in Leipzig, die erste höhere musikalische Bildungsanstalt in Deutschland, seinen Lehrbetrieb auf. In nationalen und internationalen Zeitungen und Musikzeitschriften warb man für die neue Einrichtung mit dem Namen ihres prominenten ersten Direktors, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy – er war den jungen Musikern aus aller Welt bekannt. Mendelssohn hatte sich als langjähriger Gewandhauskapellmeister für das Konservatorium eingesetzt, wollte sich wegen alternativer Angebote aus Preußen aber nicht endgültig an das Institut binden.
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Allianz zur Erhaltung des schriftlichen Kulturguts - Restaurierung und Digitalisierung14 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Das Jahr der Geisteswissenschaften 2007 steht unter dem Motto „Das ABC der Menschheit“. Aber nicht nur die Geisteswissenschaften, auch die Naturwissenschaften verwenden seit 4000 Jahren Zeichen- und Schriftsysteme, die heute überwiegend in den Archiven und Bibliotheken der Welt aufbewahrt und studiert werden. Leibniz und Goethe nannten sie deshalb „Schatzkammern des Geistes“, die künftigen Generationen unschätzbare Zinsen spenden.
Mit einem „Aktionstag zur Erhaltung des schriftlichen Kulturguts“ melden sich im Wissenschaftsjahr 2007 die deutschen Archive und Bibliotheken zu Wort. Sie wollen am 2. September, dem Jahrestag des Brandes der Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek in Weimar 2004, die Notwendigkeit der Erhaltung unserer kulturellen und wissenschaftlichen Überlieferung vor Augen führen.
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Portals drömvärld : en transmedial studie av det psykologiska rummetJonsson, Zakarias January 2015 (has links)
The field of video game studies has through later years shown a growing interest in game's spatialfeatures, along with their narrative implications. By introducing earlier findings of spatialmanifestations of dreams and psychological content in narrative works, with regards to their medialrepresentation into this discussion, I hope to conjoin video game research (better known asludology) with a line of psychoanalytic inquiry, which hitherto seems to have been left unexploredwithin media research. While establishing a viewpoint through the interdisciplinary field of media research andpsychoanalysis, my intention is to broach a discussion on the possibilities of expanding itsviewpoints and theoretical frameworks unto the video game medium. In the present thesis I will forthis purpose center the discussion on the dreamlike Portal games, developed by Valve Corporation,which manages to enact a psychologically interesting narrative content largely through its spatialfeatures, as well as their game mechanics. The psychoanalytic approach I intend to adopt for this study will, apart from taking mediaspecifications into account, also necessarily, following Gilles Deleuzes and Félix Guattaris focus onthe historical-political situation in their critique of earlier psychoanalytic inquiry, be directedtowards a societal context while addressing the individual works. I will thus, while analyzingspatial-psychological implications of works in different media, be regarding contemporary topics ofcultural phenomena and theories on human psychology as important factors for the forms ofexpression and thematic content, which contemporary cultural artifacts may take. The term transmediality, which below will be discussed in appliance to psychoanalytic inquiry,refers in this thesis to the definition outlined by the literary scholar Irina Rajewsky, who situates itsemergence in an ongoing development in the field of the interconnected narratology and intermedialstudy, in which I hope to engage and contribute.
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Using IT in the English classroom : Its impact on Swedish students' performance and motivationGonzalez-Aller, Cristobal January 2015 (has links)
Information Technology (IT) has been integrated in many foreign-language classrooms for some decades now. However, one of the many questions related to IT at school is whether it is beneficial for students and, if yes, in what way. This study compares two different teaching approaches in the English classroom in a Swedish secondary school. A digital approach and a traditional approach were tested during some teaching sessions, where two groups of students were compared to gauge the possible influence of IT on performance. In addition, questionnaires were administered to the students in order to measure their opinion of IT use in general and whether they find it motivating in class. The results suggest that a digital approach can boost performance and create more positive attitudes among the students than the more traditional approach.
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Von Kursachsen nach EuropaLink, Ivonne, Wiegand, Peter 08 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Innovativer Zugriff auf raumbezogene grafische Information – unter diesem Titel erfolgte zwischen 2009 und 2011 der Ausbau des umfangreichen Rechercheportals für kartografische Fachinformationen („Kartenforum“) der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB). Im Rahmen des von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft geförderten Projektes wurden weitere 12.000 historische Karten und Ansichten hoch aufgelöst digitalisiert, katalogisiert sowie sachlich erschlossen. Recherchierbar über den Katalog der SLUB oder die Bilddatenbank der Deutschen Fotothek besticht das Kartenforum durch hochwertige Digitalisate mit Zoomfunktion bis ins kleinste Detail sowie umfangreiche fachspezifische Suchmöglichkeiten (vgl. BIS 2008/3, S. 148 – 150). Deren frei zugängliche, komfortable On line-Nutzung einschließlich der Verknüpfung von historischen Hauptorten bzw. Bauwerken mit aktuellem Kartenmaterial im Internetdienst Google Maps wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Fotothek (www.deutschefotothek.de) realisiert.
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Medical Information Systems & the Nursing Profession : a Sociotechnical ApproachAndersson, Johanna, Hallberg, Ellinor January 2018 (has links)
Due to the digitalization era and challenges faced by the healthcare sector, Medical Information Systems are now being extensively used at hospitals. The implementation of the systems is a complex task which entails a need for careful considerations from a managerial view, since the main purpose with implementing the systems is for managerial control. One of the things management should consider is the professional aspect. The nursing profession is a highly specific one, and this could implicate special considerations. The aim of this master’s thesis is to take on a sociotechnical approach towards the implementation of Medical Information Systems and investigate how the nursing profession is affecting the implementation process, and what it may implicate for hospital management. To answer the research question a qualitative approach has been chosen. The empirical data has been gathered through semi-structured interviews with nurses from the case organization. The result implies that the nursing profession have a substantial impact on the implementation process. Instead of embracing the instructions and support offered by management, the nurses develop their own way of working within the system.
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Historieundervisning i det multimediala klassrummet : lärares förhållningssätt till olika mediers kvaliteter och användbarhetNorlander, Peter January 2016 (has links)
In Sweden, the subject of history has become more comprehensive and diverse in recent decades. Parallel to this development, a new media landscape has been established, both in society at large and in school. Today there is a wide variety of teaching materials available, such as documentaries, news media, digitalized source material, music, computer games, encyclopedias, popular scientific articles, etc. This raises questions about which types of media history teachers use to teach their subject. The aim of this study is to analyze how teachers approach and relate to the qualities and usability of different media for teaching and learning history in upper secondary school. Semi-structured interviews are used to obtain detailed accounts of how teachers view their media use. Methodologically, the study examines teaching materials in a practice-oriented research tradition, focusing on the perceptions and uses of various media. Media ecology and sociocultural theory serve as the theoretical basis of the study. In brief, these theoretical perspectives claim that media should not be seen as neutral and value-free channels for conveying information, because intermediary media can both form and affect the learning that comes through the use of a certain medium. The concept of affordance is used in order to highlight and analyze how teachers view the effects that various types of media might have on how students understand history. This study shows that history teaching in upper secondary school is conducted in a media-rich environment. Based on the categorizations used, the eleven teachers who participated in this study report that they use a total of eighteen different types of media, and this complements and nuances the image of history teaching as a textbook-driven activity. This study also shows diversity in the teachers’ media repertoires. To explain this variation and to show the considerations underlying teachers’ media use, the term mediation strategies is used. The use of this concept shows that teachers’ perceptions of the usability of various media depend on how they perceive the qualities of these various media, as well as how the teachers relate both to the subject of history and to the pupils. Based on previous research and the results of the present study, it is concluded that it is advisable to advocate an extensive and varied media use when teaching history. Furthermore, it is highlighted that there is a need for a thorough discussion regarding which types of media should be part of history teachers’ media repertoires and what kind of mediation competence history teachers require today.
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Digitaliseringens påverkan på revision / Digitalization’s impact on auditingPersson, Christian January 2018 (has links)
The current business environment demand financial information which are considered relevant and reliable, to ease the managers, investors and employees’decision-making. Auditing has acted as a controlling body to ensure credible information. The audit industry is one of many industries that are constantly changing due to digitalization. Digitalization is considered to be one of society's strongest global forces of change. The aim of the study is to create an increased understanding of the impact of digitalization on auditing and to fulfil the purpose of the study, which is done by answering how the audit process changes due to digitalization and what skills that are necessary for auditors in the digital environment. A qualitative research strategy is applied, where ten semistructured interviews were conducted with both system developers and auditors.The theoretical framework and empirics are structured by the audit process, digitalization and competence needs. Furthermore, the analysis is based on different answers of the respondents and relevant theory. The study implies that the industry is positively influenced by the digitalization, where efficiency is one of the top benefits. The audit process undergoes a shift from statistical selections to data analyses of companies' entire data volumes. Manual operations are eliminated and gives the auditors more time for consulting. The role of consultant requires more qualified knowledge and therefore the study also demonstrate a knowledge gap between universities and audit firms. Digitalization has created a demand for more qualified staff that leads to fewer newly graduated persons being employed. The study also displays that IT-knowledge is one of the key competencies in the future audit industry.
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Towards a Framework for Identifying Digital Improvement Opportunities : Utilizing Information Flow and its Stakeholder ValueRosell, Andreas, Salomonsson, Ludvig January 2018 (has links)
Humanity is at the starting point of a new industrial revolution, affecting our daily life, work and way of thinking. New technologies and breakthroughs drives the fourth industrial revolution, transforming the structure of the world economy, society and its people. The key component of these changes is the rapid technological development, which relies on the high degree of digitalization. The work with digitalization is a highly discussed topic, but no general or standardized method for digital improvement efforts has been established. In order to face the challenges associated with the technological development, which forces organizations to invest time and resources to create their own methods for working with digital improvements. This study focus on the common characteristics or elements found in previous digital improvement efforts, in an attempt to summarize and identify the success-factors. These elements were further analyzed and evaluated against established theory, to assess the element’s trustworthiness and generalizability, resulting in a conceptual framework. The conceptual framework was tested and evaluated in a case study concerning two case companies to achieve practical applicability, leading to the final framework. This final framework, focusing on information flows connected to an organization processes, was found capable of identifying, analyzing and prioritizing digital improvement opportunities, by utilizing external and internal factors. Thus, answering the research questions: RQ 1: How would a framework capable of identifying digital improvement opportunities, based on common characteristics found in literature, be presented? RQ 2: How can digital improvement opportunities be prioritized and evaluated, to create value for an organization, whilst being practicable? RQ 3: Which information is necessary to retrieve, to successfully implement digital improvements?
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Automatiseringens påverkan på redovisningsbranschen / The impact of automation in the accounting professionWigren, Anna, Stender, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Tidigare forskning förutspår att redovisningsbranschen inom de kommande 25 åren kommer att stöta på turbulens till följd av den intensiva IT-utveckling som format både samhälle och organisationer. Redovisningsarbetet tros effektiviseras när redovisningen automatiseras och förändringsprocessen beräknas utvecklas i allt snabbare takt de kommande åren. För att inte bli omkörd av sina konkurrenter gäller det att ligga i framkant och kontinuerligt leta efter nya digitala lösningar samt skapa nya automatiserade arbetsprocesser. Syftet med studien är att förstå och förklara hur automatiseringsprocessen ser ut på redovisningsbyråer idag, hur branschen och dess arbete har förändrats till följd av automatiseringen samt vilka aktuella förändringar redovisningskonsulter står inför. Studien har baserats på empiri grundat i en kvalitativ metod med data från elva semistrukturerade intervjuer på följande byråer; PwC, Ernst & Young, KPMG, Grant Thornton, Accountor samt Wint. Respondenterna består utav fem redovisningskonsulter med varierad erfarenhet samt sex personer med en mer ansvarig roll på byråerna, såsom gruppchef eller manager. Några av de slutsatser som studien har genererat är att automatiseringen medför att redovisningskonsulter kan fokusera på mer kvalificerade uppgifter när teknik ersätter de monotona arbetsuppgifterna, vilket skapar större värde för kunden. Arbetsbelastningen på redovisningsbyråer tros därmed vara fortsatt hög. Trots de många fördelar och positiva effekter med automatisering har studien visat att utmaningar gällande exempelvis förändringsmotstånd, gammal lagstiftning samt nya konkurrenter bromsar automatiseringsprocessen. Redovisningsbranschen väntas därmed möta stora förändringar vilket denna studie kommer att belysa. / Previous research predicts that the accounting industry in the next 25 years will experience a lot of turbulence as a result of the intensive technological developments. When bookkeeping becomes automated, the work of an accounting consultant presumes to be more effective and the automation process will most likely develop even faster in the following years. In order for the accounting firms not to be overtaken and lose market shares to their rivals, the importance of being aware of, and continuously look for new automated solutions appears to be meaningful. The aim of this study is to understand and explain how the automation process looks like at accounting firms today, how the industry has changed as a result of the technological developments and what current changes the accounting consultants are facing. The study is based on empirical evidence from a qualitative method with data from eleven semi-structured interviews at the following accounting firms; PwC, Ernst & Young, KPMG, Grant Thornton, Accountor and Wint. Our respondents includes five accounting consultants with different experience and six individuals who has a more responsible role at the accounting firms, such as manager. Some of the conclusions that the study has generated is that the technological developments has resulted in the fact that the accounting consultants can put a deeper focus in qualified tasks that creates a greater value for the client, rather than perform the standardized bookkeeping. Furthermore, the workload is presumed to remain at a high level according to the argument above. Despite the many benefits and the positive effects of automation, the study has shown that there are also many challenges when it comes to resistance to transformations, old regulations and new rivals entering the market. The accounting industry is therefore expected to face some major changes which we will highlight throughout the study.
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