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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Música em fluxo : transformações na indústria fonográfica a partir do streaming

Silva Júnior, Flávio Marcílio Maia e 03 April 2018 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / With the popularization of streaming in the music industry, new actors and models of production emerge and strengthen the idea of excluding world record companies from stages such as recording and distribution of music. This research analyzes two musical joints related to streaming that consolidate the hypothesis of weakening of these companies: the production of songs made by Spotify and the intermediation of the aggregating companies in the distribution of digital music. However, major record companies, also known as majors, still hold a hegemonic position and seek alternatives to remain profitable in this environment. On other hand, the insertion of streaming into the production chain of music is a phenomenon in development that serves the majors and artists considered independent. To understand the growth of streaming as a trend for the consumption of music on the Internet, it was necessary to carry out a literature review and an analysis of the reports and documents published by Pro-Música Brasil in the last ten years. Interviews with music professionals were also conducted with the objective of identifying new relationships with music in the digital scene. / Com a popularização do streaming na indústria fonográfica, novos atores e modelos de produção surgem e fortalecem a ideia de exclusão das gravadoras mundiais de etapas como gravação e distribuição de música. Esta pesquisa analisa duas articulações musicais relacionadas ao streaming que fortalecem a hipótese de enfraquecimento dessas empresas: a produção de músicas realizadas pelo Spotify e a intermediação das empresas agregadoras na distribuição de música digital. Porém, as grandes gravadoras, também conhecidas como majors, ainda sustentam uma posição hegemônica e buscam alternativas de se manterem rentáveis nesse meio. Dessa forma, a inserção do streaming na cadeia produtiva de música é um fenômeno em desenvolvimento que atende às majors e a artistas considerados independentes. Para entender o crescimento do streaming como tendência para o consumo de música na internet, foi necessário realizar uma revisão de literatura e uma análise dos relatórios e documentos divulgados pela Pró-Música Brasil nos últimos dez anos. Entrevistas com profissionais da música também foram realizadas com o objetivo de identificar novas relações com a música no cenário digital. / São Cristóvão, SE

Digitaliseringens påverkan : en kvalitativ studie av företag inom redovisningsbranschen / The impact of digitalization : a qualitative study of businesses in the accounting profession

Timhagen, Marina, Wester, Fanny January 2017 (has links)
Det är inte mycket i vår vardag som undkommit att påverkas av digitaliseringens framfart. Mycket handel sker idag över internet och våra bankärenden görs idag allt mer frekvent genom mobiltelefonen. Utvecklingen pekar mot att konsumenter av olika produkter och tjänster blir allt mer digitala i sin relation med olika organisationer. När konsumenternas beteenden ändras påverkas även företagen som tillhandahåller de olika produkterna och tjänsterna.Denna trend har kunnat uppmärksammas i redovisningsbranschen. Allt fler digitala tjänster har på senare tid dykt upp på den svenska marknaden i form av bokföringsappar och förenklade program som ska underlätta för företagare att själva sköta sin bokföring. Den här studien syftar därför till att studera fenomenet. Studien uppmärksammar hur olika aktörer i branschen ställer sig till förändringarna genom att belysa vilken strategi och eventuella förändringsprocesser de har gentemot digitaliseringens möjligheter och utmaningar. Redovisningsbranschen tillhör en gren inom affärsprofessionalismen som är en svag form av profession. Därför har forskning kring både maskinbyråkratier och professioner varit av relevans för utformandet av studiens referensram där vi tar upp olika sätt digitaliseringen påverkat dessa typer av organisationer.Studien syftar till att belysa hur redovisningsbranschen reagerar på och väljer att bemöta digitaliseringens utmaningar och hur strategierna skiljer sig åt beroende på hur de ställer sig till utvecklingen. Vi har valt en kvalitativ metod till studien och har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju stycken auktoriserade redovisningskonsulter på olika redovisningsbyråer i Västra Götaland. Resultatet av vår studie visar att strategierna för att bemöta digitaliseringen skiljer sig åt mellan byråer och vi har kunnat urskilja tre dominerande strategier som vi redogör för i vår analys. Vi har i studien även kunnat observera att vissa delar hos redovisningsbyråerna skiftar från att vara professionellt strukturerade till att anamma egenskaper från maskinbyråkratin vid förändringsprocesser gentemot digitaliseringen. / It is not much in our everyday lives that escapes to be influenced by the progress of digitization. Much trade is today done over the internet, and our banking errands are being made more frequently through smartphones. The trend indicates that consumers of different products and services are becoming increasingly digital in their relationship with different organizations. But a change in consumer behavior also affects companies that provide the different products and services.This trend has been observed in the accounting profession. Many digital services have recently appeared in the Swedish market in form of apps and simplified programs that will make it easier for business owners to manage their bookkeeping themselves. This study therefore aims to study that phenomenon. The study draws attention to how different actors in the profession adapt to the changes by highlighting the strategy and possible change processes they proceed to face the potentials and challenges of digitization. The accounting profession belongs to a branch of business professionalism, which is a weak form of profession. Therefore, research on both machine bureaucracies and professions has been relevant to the design of the study's reference framework, where we address the different ways digitization influences these types of organizations.The propose of the study is to highlight in which ways the accounting profession reacts and chooses to respond to the challenges of digitization and how the strategies differ depending on their attitude towards the development. We have chosen a qualitative method to our study and have conducted semi-structured interviews with seven certified accounting consultants at various accounting agencies in Västra Götaland, Sweden. The result of our study shows that the strategies for managing the digitization differ between agencies and we have been able to distinguish three dominant strategies that we describe in our analysis. We have also observed that certain parts of the accounting agencies shift from being professionally structured to acquire some characteristics from machine bureaucracies in the change processeses towards the digitization.This study will hereafter be in Swedish.

Fysiskt närvarande ledarskap. Spelar det någon roll? : En kvalitativ studie kring likheter och skillnader mellan fysiskt närvarande och fysiskt frånvarande ledarskap. / Physically present leadership. Does it matter? : A qualitative studie to understand how physically present and physically absent leadership resembles and differs from each other.

Pertot, Jacqueline, Lemos, Eva January 2017 (has links)
Digitalization has made working outside the office easier. When the physical meeting between manager and employee does not exist, another type of leadership is needed. Research has shown that, as the information society has advanced, leadership has evolved from a traditional, hierarchical leadership to a more decentralized coaching leadership. But what happens when a leader must lead and coach an employee that he or she does not physically meet? And does this leadership differ from a physically present leadership? The aim of this study has thus been to understand in what ways physically present and physically absent leadership resembles and differs from each other, based on the manager's perspective. This study is based on a qualitative perspective. The understanding of the perception of the subject has therefore been the starting point. In this study managers in the Stockholm area have been interviewed. Interview data has then been analyzed against theoretical frameworks within leadership and communication. Furthermore, the results of this analysis has been linked to previous research on the subject. The results of this study show that participating managers perceive themselves as being available to their employees, regardless whether they exercise physically present or physically absent leadership. Most of the managers emphasize a good relationship with their employees and the importance of seeing the individual in the employee. Our study shows that the physically distance between manager and employee affects which type of leadership the manager applies. Managers with physically present leadership show a more supervising leadership style compared to managers who exercise physically absent leadership. / Digitaliseringen har lett till att arbete på distans har blivit lättare. När det fysiska mötet mellan chef och anställd uteblir behövs ett ledarskap anpassat till detta. Forskning har visat, i takt med att kunskapssamhället har växt fram, att ledarskapet kommit att utvecklats från ett traditionellt, hierarkiskt ledarskap till ett mer decentraliserat, coachande ledarskap. Men vad händer när en chef ska leda och coacha en anställd som han eller hon inte träffar? och skiljer sig detta ledarskap mot ett fysiskt närvarande ledarskap? Syftet med denna studie har varit att förstå för hur ett fysiskt närvarande och ett fysiskt frånvarande ledarskap liknar och skiljer sig åt, utifrån chefers uppfattning. Studien har utgått från ett kvalitativt perspektiv och förståelsen för personers upplevelse av det studerade ämnet har därför varit utgångspunkten. I denna studie har chefer inom Stockholmsområdet intervjuats. Intervjudata har sedan analyserats mot teoretiska ramverk inom ledarskap och kommunikation. Vidare har analysresultaten kopplats mot tidigare forskning inom ämnet. Resultaten av denna studie visar att medverkande chefer uppfattar sig som tillgängliga för sina anställda, oavsett om de utövar ett fysiskt närvarande eller ett fysiskt frånvarande ledarskap. Merparten av cheferna betonar en god relation med sina anställda och vikten av att se individen i den anställde. Funna skillnader mellan de två ledarskapen är att den fysiska närheten eller distansen påverkar vilken typ av ledarskap som chefen tillämpar. Chefer med ett fysiskt närvarande ledarskap antar en mer övervakande ledarstil jämfört med chefer som utövar ett fysiskt frånvarande ledarskap.

Interoperabilitet: En väg till samordnade transporter? / Interoperability: An approach to coordinated transports?

Larsson, Niklas, Carlsson, Alexander, Levin Brunell, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Digitaliseringens utveckling genomsyrar stora delar av samhället där informationsteknologi bidragit till tidigare otänkbara möjligheter och fördelar. I dagsläget har organisationer rationaliserat flertalet affärsprocesser där teknologin anses utgöra en fundamental utgångspunkt. Informationsteknologins framfart medför förändringar kring kommunikation där begreppet interoperabilitet introduceras som: samverkan mellan två eller fler system med motivet att utbyta information. Vidare har cirkulär ekonomi erhållit mer uppmärksamhet under senare år där motivet är att förbättra problematiken kring resurshantering och återvinning. Den här studien syftar till att skapa grunden för utformningen av ett informationssystem med stöd av ett interoperabilitetsramverk där motivet är att understödja verksamheter vid sambokningstransporter. Det här har genomförts med hjälp av en kvalitativ forskningsansats där intervjuer har nyttjats som datainsamlingsmetod där studien har avgränsats till mikro-, små- och medelstora organisationer. Dessa är belägna inom en glest befolkad kommun i Sverige där företagsrepresentanter från Orust kommun bidragit med empirisk data. / The evolution of digitization permeates large parts of society where information technology has contributed to previously unthinkable possibilities and benefits. At present, organizations have rationalized most business processes where technology is considered to be a fundamental starting point. The advancement of information technology brings about changes in communication where the concept of interoperability is introduced as: collaboration between two or more systems with the purpose of exchanging information. In addition, circular economics have gained more attention in recent years, the purpose of which is to improve the problem of resource management and recycling. This study aims to provide the basis for the design of an information system, supported by an interoperability framework, with the purpose of supporting co-transport activities. This has been done using a qualitative research effort where interviews have been used as a data collection method in which the study has been delimited to micro, small and medium-sized organizations. These are located within a sparsely populated municipality in Sweden, where business representatives from Orust Municipality contributed empirical data.

Personas med dyslexi : Vilken information om visuell dyslexi behöver finnas med i en persona tänkt att representera användare med visuell dyslexi? / Personas with dyslexia : What information about visual dyslexia is needed in a persona ment to represent users with visual dyslexia?

Hrimfei, Irene January 2016 (has links)
The study concerns personas, especially personas created to represent users with the disability visual dyslexia. The digitalization of the community and the Riga declaration which states that government systems and services are to be accessible to everyone makes demands on how information is presented and conveyed.One way to accommodate a user group’s demand is by using representative personas. A representative persona ought to contain correct information about the user group, which is why the study seeks to find what information is needed in a persona which is meant to represent users with visual dyslexia. Interviews and respondent validation by respondents from the user group have been utilized in order to make sure the information is accurate and representative.The result of the study is three shorter descriptions of visual dyslexia which may be used as building blocks when personas meant to represent users with visual dyslexia are created. The result cannot be said to be generalizable, but it gives an idea as to why respondent validation needs to happen in order to produce results which are representable. / Studien rör personas och då speciellt personas avsedda att representera användare med funktionsnedsättningen visuell dyslexi. I och med digitaliseringen av samhället och EU beslutet om att digitala tjänster och material ska vara tillgängligt för alla medborgare oavsett eventuella funktionsnedsättningar ställs det krav på hur informationen ser ut och framförs.Ett sätt att anpassa efter vilka behov målgrupper kan ha är genom att använda sig av representativa personas. Av den anledningen är det vilken information som behöver finnas med i personas tänkta att representera användare med visuell dyslexi som har undersökts. Intervjuer och respondentvalidering av respondenter som tillhör målgruppen har använts för att se till att informationen blivit korrekt och representativ.Resultatet av studien är tre kortare beskrivningar av visuell dyslexi som kan användas som byggstenar när personas tänkta att representera användare med visuell dyslexi ska skapas. Resultatet kan inte sägas vara generaliserbart, men ger en fingervisning om att respondentvalidering behöver genomföras för att få till ett representativt resultat.

Lättvikts-IT i den offentliga förvaltningen / Lightweight IT in the public administration

Söderberg, Josefin, Sundåker, Sofie January 2016 (has links)
Den kraftfulla vågen av digitalisering är idag en prioriterad fråga hos regering, myndigheter, offentliga förvaltningar, företag och privatpersoner samt har inspirerat till att ett nytt sätt att tänka inom informationsteknologin växt fram: IT Consumerization. Med IT Consumerization menas den IT som utvecklas för konsumentmarknaden men vars produkter därpå flyter över till företag och statliga organisationer genom dess användare. Som ett resultat av fenomenet har nya trender, som Internet of Things, Bring Your Own Device, sensorer och appar vuxit fram. Trenderna har samlats under paraplybegreppet “Lättvikts-IT” vilket symboliserar den innovativa explosionen av konsumentorienterade produkter på marknaden som ofta är flexiblare, snabbare och billigare att utveckla. Trenden har stor inverkan på hur IT används i organisationer idag. Utvecklingen påverkar inte bara privatpersoner eller företag utan även den offentliga förvaltningen, som till skillnad från de två första är tungt regelstyrd och saknar samma frihet som den privata sektorn. Därför ämnar denna studie till att undersöka hur Lättvikts-IT påverkar de svenska offentliga förvaltningarna och öka förståelsen för hur verksamheterna förändras till följd av trenden, samt hur deras IT-avdelningar hanterar både trenden och de lagar och regelverk som påverkar dem själva och Lättvikts-IT.Studien grundas i tidigare forskning inom digitalisering, IT Consumerization, Lättvikts-IT, offentliga förvaltningar och IT-avdelningar. Författarna har valt att genomföra semi-strukturerade intervjuer med personer som arbetar med IT inom den offentliga förvaltningen. Detta för att sätta Lättvikts-IT och den offentliga förvaltningen i samma kontext. Därefter har insamlad empiri analyserats i ett försök att skapa en bild av hur förvaltningarna ser på utvecklingen och hur de har bemött den. Studiens slutsats visar på att Lättvikts-IT har gett sig i uttryck i de offentliga förvaltningarna genom det växande införandet och användningen av applikationer och mobila enheter samt en önskan att använda molntjänster. Dock står trenden många gånger i konflikt med de lagar och regelverk som är uppsatta och att detta skapar en frustration hos IT-avdelningarna men också hos användarna som önskar nya och flexibla sätt att utföra sitt arbete. Samtidigt visar studiens resultat på att införandet av Lättvikts-IT har gjort hanteringen av IT-säkerhet mer komplex och att IT-avdelningen inte längre har kontroll över varken hårdvara eller mjukvara inom förvaltningarna, vilket ligger till grund för stor frustration. Förvånande nog omfamnar de offentliga förvaltningarnas IT-avdelningar lättvikts trenden. / Prioritized by the government, authorities, public administrations, businesses and citizens, the powerful wave of digitalization has inspired the emergence of a new way of thinking about information technology: IT Consumerization. IT Consumerization refers to the IT developed for the consumer market but whose products pour over to companies and governments through its users. As a result of the phenomenon new trends, such as Internet of Things, Bring Your Own Device, sensors and apps, has emerged. These trends have been gathered under the umbrella term “Lightweight IT” which symbolizes the innovative explosion of consumer-oriented products on the market that are usually more flexible, faster and cheaper to develop. The trend has had a major impact on how IT is used in organizations today. The expansion does not only affect citizens and companies but also the public administration, which unlike the first two, are heavily ruled by regulations and lack the freedom of the private sector. Therefore, the intention of this study is to examine how Lightweight IT affects the Swedish public administration and how they change as a result of the trend, but also how their IT departments manage both trends and the laws and regulations affecting them and Lightweight IT.The study has been founded by previous research within digitalization, IT Consumerization, Lightweight IT, public administration and IT departments. Following the theoretical framework, semi-structured interviews with employees working with IT within the public administrations was conducted in order to put theory into practice. Additionally, collected empirical data was analyzed in an attempt to understand how the administration themselves perceives the development and how they have chosen to respond to it. The study concludes that the effects of Lightweight IT can be seen by the growing adoption and use of applications and mobile devices in the public administration, as well as the desire to use cloud services. However, the trend frequently appears to be in conflict with established laws and regulations thus creating annoyance both among employees of IT departments but also among users wanting to conduct their work in new and flexible ways. The result of the study show that the introduction of Lightweight IT has made the management of IT security more complex and that IT departments can no longer exercise control of either hardware or software in the administrations, thus causing much frustration. Curiously enough, the trend seems to be embraced by the public administrations' IT departments.

Le Crowdfunding (ou financement participatif) comme nouveau mode de financement responsable de l'entreprise : focus sur le CrowdInvesting (financement participatif en investissement) / Crowdfunding as a new method of responsible financing : focus on CrowdInvvesting

Milosevic, Marina 03 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse en sciences de Gestion se concentre sur l'étude de la relation triptyque entre le Crowdfunding axé sur I’investissement, la RSE et l'investissement socialement responsable (ISR). L'étude repose sur un modèle de recherche tridimensionnel identifiant trois dimensions de la RSE : la dimension éthique, managériale et mesurable, la dimension éthique remet en question l'engagement social de la «foule», en fonction de sa motivation d'investissement (suite l'approche ISR). La dimension managériale tente d'identifier la «foule» en tant que partie prenante par l'adaptation modèle de Mitchel et al (1997). Enfin, la dimension mesurable illustre la capacité que les plateformes ont développé ce qui concerne la mesure de l'impact des projets sélectionnés. Le modèle de recherche identifie les différents niveaux réactivité sociale des plateformes de Crowdlnvesting observées, en fonction de la présence de ces trois dimension indiquées ci-dessus. La thèse est basée sur la recherche qualitative avec un objectif exploratoire, en utilisant l'étude cas comme une méthode de recherche avec deux cas, à savoir 100/PACT et LUMO. l'analyse empirique comprend 13 entretiens semi-directifs, deux questionnaires en ligne menés sur un site Web d'enquête en ligne. La «foule» se caractérise par un «investisseur à impact actif», confirmant l'existence de la dimension éthique de la RSE. la «foule affirme posséder les caractéristiques identifiées par Mit chef et al. (! 997), et se qualifie comme «partie prenant principal» (légitimité, pouvoir et urgence) de l'entreprise dans le cas de 100/PACT et comme «partie prenante dominante» dans le cas de lUMO (légitimité et pouvoir). La dimension mesurable de la RSE apparaît comme inexistante. Notre modèle de recherche identifie les plateformes de « Social Crowdlnvesting » s'inscrivant dans u niveau » de réactivité sociale « progressive ». Toutefois, la dimension mesurable étant en phase de développement, nous ne pouvons pas confirmer de façon précise, la classification de Crowdlnvesting en tant qu' ISR. / This thesis in management sciences focuses on studying the triptych relation between investment-based Crowdfunding, CSR and responsible investment (SRI). The research reposes on a three-dimensional research model identifying three dimensions of the CSR. The ethical, managerial and measurable dimension. The ethical dimension questions the social engagement of the “crowd”, based on their motivations to invest (following the “SRI approach”). The managerial dimension tries to identify the “crowd” as a stakeholder through the adaptation of the Mitchel et al (1997) model. Finally the measurable dimension illustrates the capacity that the platforms have developed with regards to measuring the impact of the projects they select for funding. The research model identifies different levels of social responsiveness of the observed CrowdInvesting platforms, according to the presence of these three above stated dimensions. The thesis is based on the qualitative research with an exploratory aim, using the case study as a research method based on a two case study design, namely 1001PACT and LUMO. The empirical analysis includes 13 semi direct interviews two online questionnaire conducted through an online survey website. The “crowd” is characterized as an “active impact investor”, confirming the existence of the Ethical CSR dimension. The “crowd” affirms to possess the characteristics of Mitchel et al. (1997) model, and qualifies as a “core stakeholder” (Legitimacy, power and urgency) of the enterprise in the case of 1001PACT, and as a “dominant stakeholder” in the case of LUMO (Legitimacy and power). The measurable CSR dimension appears as non-existent. Our research model therefore identifies “Social CrowdInvesting” platforms as integrating the category of a “progressive” level of social responsiveness. However, since the measurable CSR dimension is still in the development phase, we cannot confirm CrowdInvesting's classification as an SRI.

The digitalized newspaper organization : An identity crisis in the midst of the challenges of being early adopters of converged digital services

Hultin, Joakim, Skog, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
The newspaper industry has clearly been affected thoroughly by digitalization, and as a result has adapted its traditional practices to accommodate for the numerous possibilities this change presents. The printed paper is becoming less viable each day, while its online counterpart continues to gain recognition. In this thesis, we conduct a case study in order to examine a large-scale local newspaper company which has gone from analog to digital and beyond over the course of what is only a fraction of its lifetime. Qualitative interviews are conducted as part of the case study, providing us with valuable insight into both how the organization works and makes decisions as well as the perspectives of individuals. The results are analyzed through applying a theoretical framework, building on previous research regarding digitalization and convergence. The study reveals that post-digitalization technological practices and investment decisions are heavily influenced by a pre-digitalization mindset on many organizational levels, leading to a utilization of new technological services in a manner which leaves much to be desired. Still, the organization competes very well on their market as the printed issue is able to carry its own weight and more. However, sales decline rapidly, and uncertainty combined with excitement clouds the future as the organization are eager to utilize new technology, yet remain divided in opinion on what strategy to adopt when taking on new challenges in an ever more digital context. This hints of many changes to come, with the most intriguing one being what has been identified as a possible change to the very identity of the company.

Developing Business Models in the Video Game Industry : An evaluation to strategic choices made by small and medium-sized development studios

Zijlstra, Peter, Visser, Christiaan January 2012 (has links)
Digitalization has given rise to new opportunities for small and medium-sized video game development studios. No longer bound by physical products and creative restrains, the de-veloper has been empowered with independency. This qualitative study is aimed to under-stand how a development studio develops their business model and how underlying strate-gy is formulated. Additionally we evaluate the degree of innovativeness of the business model in terms of radical and incremental innovation according to Damanpour (1991). To achieve this we present a comprehensive literature review as to gain a more theoretical un-derstanding of industry mechanics and to be able to comprehend reasoning behind existing business models. We structure the dynamics of the business model by analyzing nine busi-ness model aspects as suggested by Osterwalder, Pigneur and Clark (2010). Following our theoretical framework we gain practical input from four separate case studies. An interpret-ative research method is used to gain better understanding of reasoning and choices made. We interpret our findings following a narrative approach which shows that the digitaliza-tion has preluded a paradigm shift in the sense that development studios have started to adopt activities otherwise performed by key partners. As barriers dissipate small and me-dium-sized development studios try to make sense of the current industry, but struggle in doing so. Having to reinvent themselves we conclude that a focus towards creating thicker customer relationships is considered and the idea of seeing games as a service is acknowl-edged to depict the future of the industry. The conclusions of this study contribute to both academic science and industry practice.

Value co-creation in the digital media landscape : Exploring organizing logic shaped by layered modularity

Griborn, Evelina January 2016 (has links)
In a time of pervasive digitalization, technology is constantly reshaping contemporary society. Because digital product architecture allows for unprecedented flexibility in terms of design, production, distribution and use, significant shifts are seen in how firms organize to create value. As disruptive technologies enable novel ways of operating in the media industry, new actors are entering the stage, capitalizing on the affordances associated with digitalization of content. Established in 2013, multi-channel network United Screens build a business around online video creators posting original material to social media platforms such as YouTube, helping them with anything from audience growth to rights management. Connecting content creators with brands looking to market themselves through online video, United Screens provide an illustrative example of how relative positions of new and established actors are changing as an effect of digitalization. Because little research has previously been directed at multi-channel networks, this study set out to explore how United Screens organize themselves and their partnerships to create value in the digital media landscape. By interviewing employees and partners of the company, themes covering roles, offerings, affiliation and control were identified and subsequently discussed in relation to previous knowledge of business logic and digital product architecture. The study provides an empirical illustration of how digitalization enables new ways of creating value, and how this affects organizational arrangements. Concluding that more research is required in the field, the study serves as a starting point for theory generation concerning emergent actors and their organizing logic following pervasive digitalization.

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