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國外成功零售業引進台灣之策略行銷分析(以日用雜貨專門店為例)黃教漳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用4C架構分析日本「H」和台灣「H」轉型前後的差異。從研究中發現,雖然日本「H」在處理4C上相當成功,但此模式未必符合台灣環境和消費者的需要,所以轉型前台灣「H」雖然照著日本成功經驗的步伐,但對消費者而言不僅在外顯單位效益成本上不具優勢,轉型前台灣「H」在內隱交換成本也沒有辦法有效的處理。 因此台灣「H」便計畫轉型以求更符合消費者的需要,除了透過降低成本…等方式減少外顯單位效益成本外,藉由地點的改變以及找尋適當的合作伙伴,來降低消費者的資訊蒐集成本和道德危機成本,更重要的是強化台灣「H」的特色和定位,創造消費者的認同,提高消費者對台灣「H」的專屬陷入。
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財務管理資訊系統探討與台灣軟體產業策略建議陳宜玲 Unknown Date (has links)
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工作─居住空間區位均衡性之研究~以台北都會區為例陳郁芝 Unknown Date (has links)
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中國大陸開放外資對證券市場影響之研究邱建豪, Chiou,Jian-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
外資在證券市場發展的過程中扮演了一個非常重要的角色,其雄厚的資金及投資理念更成為影響市場運行的重要因素。中國大陸自2002年7月開放外資參股中介機構,在年底更開放外國專業投資機構(Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor,QFII)及外資併購上市企業。這代表中國大陸證券市場正式向外資開放,究竟外資會如何因應、對兩岸證券市場影響為何、台資金融機構如何面對,即是本文探討的重點。本文研究方法將結合文獻分析法與比較研究法相互使用,再配合Porter(1990)所提出的鑽石理論作為主要的分析模型。此外,在使用的資料方面,大多是大陸官方的法規文件及網路資料,例如︰中國統計年鑑及中國證券報等。本文的研究發現為以下數點︰
1、 中國大陸以開放外國專業投資機構(QFII)、外資併購及外資參股中介機構等政策來吸引外資進入資本市場,但由於中國大陸本身金融環境及法規的不健全,導致外資在短期內影響有限。而長期影響則必須端看中國大陸的經改實行情形而定。
2、 中國大陸雖已開放外資參與證券市場,但由於兩岸的政治因素,目前台資券商、投信直接參與市場的機會不大,利用CEPA由香港進入或許是可行的方向。台商的全球佈局及基金管理的經驗將為台資券商、投信的競爭優勢。
3、 由於外資購併大陸上市公司的相關法規尚未完善,故台商利用買殼上市的機率不大,再加上目前台商回台上市受到法規的限制,誘因不足,大多台商仍以香港為最佳的上市地點。如此一來,台灣證券交易所不僅喪失有競爭力的企業,亦對台灣經濟發展產生不良的影響。
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大學實驗室組織平台與知識流通之研究─以八間光電領域之實驗室為例 / The Impact of Characteristics of University Laboratory Organization Environment and Knowledge Circulation─ A Case Study on Eight Optical Laboratories李憲璋, James Lee Unknown Date (has links)
3.培養獨立思考的能力 / Abstract
Research Objective
It discuss about the Organizational Environment of laboratories in the University, activities which help to circulate the knowledge in an organization and the interaction between Organizational Environment and the knowledge circulation.
Research Method
According to the Case Study by the Multi-case theory, the major information is base on the interview of both professors and the members in laboratories, and the inferior information is gotten by ways of searching and collecting a large amount of data. Hoping to bring up the conclusion and the suggestion by the aim.
Research Conclusion
For leaders of laboratories in the University:1. Students are given clear and definite targets and leaders also have to reduce the anxiety and the uncertainty of members.2.Making use of the reward policy according to the Positive Reinforcement Theory.3.Creating opportunities of learning.4. Creating an environment in which creativity is encouraged.5. Instead of cramming the knowledge in to one’s memory, integration and application are paid much attention.6. To form the habit of sharing knowledge.
For members of laboratories in the University:1. To reinforce the specialized field or subject.2. To strengthen the motive of self-learning.3. Develop the ability of thinking independently.
Keyword:Laboratory, Organizational Environment, knowledge circulation, optical science
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匯率選擇權評價實務上「風險反轉」之探討和其應用在台幣匯率預測模型葉家宏, Yeh, Jia-Horng Unknown Date (has links)
在匯率選擇權交易實務中,交易員不只要考慮到波動率(Volatility)、即期匯率、換匯點(Swap point),到期日、利率等。除此之外,還必須把波動率的微笑曲線(Smile Curve)的扭曲現象也考慮進去;在評價實務上我們稱這種扭曲現象為「風險反轉」(Risk Reversal)。Risk Reversal不僅數量化了預期心理的程度,同時也反映出市場需求的偏好狀況。
一、介紹及探討匯率選擇權實務上的Risk Reversal。
四、嘗試用日圓匯率,韓圜匯率,NDF,Risk Reversal等變數及ARIMA來建構一個預測台幣匯率的移轉函數模型(Transfer Function Model)。其結果如下式:
在這個模型中,我們看到了不錯的解釋及預測能力。尤其,針對Risk Reversal的部份,本研究發現Risk Reversal在預測匯率的確有顯著的相關性。
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台灣半導體代工測試業的策略優勢研究 / The analysis of strategic advantages of Taiwan semiconductor subcontract manufacturing testing company張馨勻 Unknown Date (has links)
Taiwan has been very successful in electronics and computer business for years. The business model of industrial disintegration enables several sub-industries to find their niche market in which they nurture unique strategic advantages to prosper. Subcontract manufacturing testing in Taiwan is a business just flourishes in recent years. Taiwan is the worldwide largest country with largest Subcontract manufacturing assembly and testing business with the most concentrated market share distribution. The thesis delves into the interrelationship between the environmental factors and company’s strategy advantages nurture the Subcontract manufacturing business. The most unique attributes include seamless upstream and downstream supply chain integration, industry clustering, as well as timely and efficient support from peripheral industries and infrastructure.
The thesis investigates how A Company, a Taiwanese based Assembly and Testing House, makes it’s way to the worldwide number one market share through building up strategic advantages over competition. The unit of analysis centers on A Test Company as testing business is less discussed and not been well known before. In recent years, the testing industry flourishes along with high end technology evolvement. According to Wu (1996), the company strategies can be formulated through aspects of resources input, operation activity, competitive advantages and substantial niche business.
A Test cultivates its strategic advantages in supply chain management leadership, technology leadership and financial management leadership. These strategic advantages have been instituted in daily operation through resources allocation, operation activity, competitive advantages creation and niche positioning.
The strategic advantages of supply chain management leadership, technology leadership and financial management leadership are embodied through the “Value Theory”, “Efficiency Theory”, “Resources Theory”, “Structure Theory”, “Game Theory”, “Control Theory” and “Dependency Theory”. A Test has demonstrated how to structurally leverage these strategies to formulate powerful synergies that creates advantages over competition. The more Subcontract Manufacturing Testing market is getting concentrated in market share, the more challenging for new business entrants to accumulate experiences fast and adopt the right strategies to survive. Thus, learning from a success company to shorten the period of learning curve is critical.
Key words: Semiconductor Industry, Subcontract Manufacturing, Testing, Supply Chain, Technology, Strategic advantages.
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檔案在高中台灣史教學運用之研究張凱迪, Chang , Kai-Ti Unknown Date (has links)
根據研究結果,提出以下幾點建議:一、鼓勵檔案典藏機構可優先選取特定主題,逐步進行歷史教育方面的檔案加值工作;二、檔案典藏機構可與高中歷史教師加強合作,主動提供相關資訊;三、建置中學歷史教師教材資源整合的資料庫平台。 / Archives are the important historical memory. We can return to the original history by archives. The meaning of archive is a large relationship with history education. History education in high schools make a point of students’ historical thought in recent years. Archives are the best material to develop historical thought, so it’s the moment to use archive in the history education for high school.
With the rising of Taiwan consciousness, Taiwan history is getting more and more important in history education. This thesis based on the archive as the foundation, with the subject of Taiwan History. To creative a suitable archive for history teaching Taiwan History is expected, echoing the high school history teaching of the innovation, and more valuable space for archives.
This thesis applied “the content analysis method” and “deeply interview approach” to find the application of archives in Taiwan history teaching of the high schools. There are two aspects of content analysis method, one is about high school history teaching material, and the other is about archives as far as information goes. These analyses will find the important subjects and archives of Taiwan history teaching in high school. Then, deeply interviews were conducted to high school history teachers experienced in order to draw up the “teaching plan” about the subjects of Taiwan history teaching in high school.
Based on the research findings, the conclusions of this study are: 1. High school history education idea gradually changes the memory learning by rote to intellection . 2. the archives is beginning to use in high school history textbook. 3. The high school Taiwan history teaching proportion adjusted with takes the political history away as the main body. 4. Taiwan history archives preserve from various organizations. 5. High school history teachers lack of the information about archive resources 6. When we use the archives in history teaching, we should increase simplicity of archives.
Finally, according to the results of the study, several suggestions are provided: 1. Encourage the archive institution to proceed to work about increase the values of archives. 2. The archive institution can strengthen the cooperation with high school history teacher. 3. Establish information base platform to conform the teaching sources of high school history teachers.
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組織變革認知與工作壓力工作滿意相關性之探討--以台糖公司為例陳敬強, Chen, Jinq Chang Unknown Date (has links)
問卷共有 93題,其中84題為測量題,分別為:1、對民營化及公司組織變革認知量表2、工作壓力量表3、工作滿意度量表;另有6題為個人基本資料,包含年齡、婚姻、教育程度、職位、年資、薪資、工作單位及服務地區。
一、 加強民營化宣導工作
二、 建立公司願景目標
三、 加速企業改造
四、 引進專業分割移轉
五、 落實工會溝通
六、 重整敬業精神
〈一〉 本研究為經濟部所屬國營事業之一,其他如台電公司、中油公司都將面臨不同的經營環境,組織變革的幅度與對員工工作之影響亦隨之迥異,今後,將以不同組織變革結果與員工屬性間有哪些顯著差異,做更深入之探討。
〈二〉 由於影響員工工作滿足的因素很多,本研究僅就工作壓力與組織變革加以探討,今後將就主管領導風格,工作特性,人格特資等變數與工作滿足之關係加以探討。
〈三〉 就企業管理的角度面言,兩岸的大型企業在政經環境不同的差異下,員工對組織變革認知與工作壓力、工作滿足之關聯性是否有顯著差異也是一個頗具研究意義的課題,「寶山鋼鐵公司與中國鋼鐵公司工作滿意與組織變革認知之比較研究」。
〈四〉 就企業國際化而言,目前台電公司與韓國電力公司,中油公司與世界大油公司經營績效之比較,均已有研究案例,今後倘就台糖公司與國際性糖業公司之工作滿意加以比較,對台糖公司邁向國際化將有裨益。 / Taiwan Sugar Corporation (TSC) is the state-owned enterprises which owns the largest land property in Taiwan. Up to 2003 October, TSC has had the land property more than 54 thousand hectares, and in order to take care of them, TSC needs to maintain a huge management system, which includes a front administration office, 29 subordinate divisions, 7 overseas branch companies, and more than 5500 employees.
Recently, TSC was not run quite well because almost all of the business operations, such as supermarkets, health food manufacturing and cosmetic industry, did earn no profit. In order to face those strict challenges and break new grounds, TSC has been pursuing a reorganization plan since October 2003 which divides the original hierarchical control system into 8 independent productivity-centered units, and relocates most of its staffs from the traditional sugar manufacturing plants to the new divisions in charge of marketing. Under such circumstances, even though the employees in TSC have never worried about the privatization because the company owns too much land property to be processed, those employees may still feel being hit hard by the changes of job contents, the pressure from working cooperation, and the role conflict during the institutional adaptation process. This paper, therefore, will put focus on those problems, especially on how the problems make any quantitative and qualitative impact on job satisfaction.
The analysis includes a research questionnaire which targets on the current employees in TSC. During the research, 575 copies of the questionnaire were mailed to Taipei, SiHu, HuWei, SinYin, JiaYi, TaiNan, Gao, PinDong, TaiDong, etc; and 515copies were replied, 503 copies are statistically effective among them.
The questionnaire contains total 93 questions. 84 questions are divided into 3 groups and to test the recognition of privatization and reorganization, the working pressure, and the job satisfaction. The rest 9 questions are designed to investigate the personal information such as age, marriage, education, job position, seniority, working unit and service area.
The following 4 hypotheses are developed and partially proved
1. There is critical variation between personal characteristics and the recognition of reorganization.
2. There is critical variation between personal characteristics and the feedback to working pressure.
3. There is critical variation between personal characteristics and job satisfaction.
4. There is critical correlation among the recognition of reorganization, the job satisfaction, and the working pressure.
Based on the research findings, this paper provides the following suggestions:
1. Intensifying the publicity of privatization
2. Building the future vision for the company
3. Accelerating the business reengineering
4. Introducing the professional division and transformation
5. Communicating with the labor unions
6. Reeducating the allegiance in working
For the advanced research, the following 4 aspects will be focused on:
1. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, there are total 7 state-owned enterprises, and all are pursuing different kind of reorganization plans. Thus, to analyze how different type of reorganization will create different influences to staff’s personality will be more interesting.
2. Except working pressure and reorganization, many other variables may also have influence on job satisfaction; therefore, the other researches may focus further on the relationship between job satisfaction and leading style, job specification, or personal characteristics.
3. Due to the different political and economical situations, the employee of the state-owned enterprises in Taiwan and Mainland China could have critical variation in the correlation between working pressure, job satisfaction and the recognition of reorganization. As the result, some comparative analyses between Taiwan and Mainland China will add more value to this research.
4. Because some case studies have already compared the effectiveness of Taiwan Power Company to Korea Power Corporation, as well as the efficiency of Chinese Petroleum Corporation to other global petroleum businesses, it may help the globalization of TSC if there will be some comparative study between TSC and other global sugar companies.
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製造業財務特性對大陸投資之影響徐受延, Seo, Soo-Youn Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以2000年 ~ 2004年6月赴大陸投資的台灣上市、櫃公司為研究樣本,假設大陸投資為應變數,獲利能力、穩定性、成長性、活動性等財務指標為自變數,應用敘述性統計的方法,就現金流量、財務比率進行分析。為探討影響大陸投資的主因,採用「因素分析」中的「主成分分析法」(principal component analysis),並藉由迴歸分析來檢定母公司財務特性對大陸投資的影響 。
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