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社會網絡、媒介使用與政治功效意識之分析連偉廷 Unknown Date (has links)
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體驗行銷策略之研究:誠品信義旗艦店之個案探討 / Experiential Marketing Strategies : A case study of Eslite Xin Yi Store林暄蕎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以誠品信義店做為研究的場域、Schmitt (1999) 提出的體驗行銷為理論基礎,用深度訪談的方式探究誠品信義店的經營理念,研究誠品信義店如何將體驗的氛圍帶入書店空間,讓消費者願意花較長時間待在書店內細細咀嚼。此外,也以問卷調查的方式探討消費者這端的感受,瞭解誠品信義店的體驗行銷策略是否正向強化了顧客的忠誠度與滿意度。
本研究並提出實務建議:在感官體驗構面上,注意主動線上的商品呈現設計;在情感體驗構面上,依照商品的調性來調配氛圍;在思考體驗構面上,利用多媒體化的設備來呈現多樣化的商品訊息;在行動體驗構面上,提供自助式查詢服務;在關聯體驗構面上,進行多樣化的活動規劃。 / This research is a case study of Eslite Xin Yi Store, based on “Experiential Marketing” theory by Schmitt (1999). My goal is to explore the business idea of Eslite Xin Yi store, so that consumers are willing to spend more time to stay than usual . I also want to explore the consumer’s feelings to understand whether the experiential marketing strategy of Eslite Xin Yi Store have positive effect on the customer satisfaction and loyalty. I use in-depth interviews and questionnaire as the method to the research.
The results are : SEMs (Strategic Experiential Modules) of experiential marketing, customer satisfaction and loyalty are positive correlation. In addition to related experience, the other four experiences are near significantly with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
This research made the following recommendations to the firms that : 1. they should pay attention to the design of products decoration in the sensing experience. 2. they should allocate the atmosphere according to the distinguishing feature of products in the feeling experience. 3. they should take the advantage of multimedia equipments to present the diversity of products information the thinking experience. 4. they should provide for self-service enquiry in the acting experience. 5. they should plan a wide variety of activities in the relating experience.
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在點對點網路上以BT為基礎的數位媒體語意式搜尋系統張易修 Unknown Date (has links)
在目前的網際網路中,點對點(P2P)網路的應用扮演了一個重要的角色。由於在點對點網路架構下,檔案分享系統中檔案的數量以及來源大量增加,造成使用者必須花費更多的時間找尋想要的資源,因此搜尋功能就顯得格外地重要。BitTorrent(BT)作為一個點對點檔案分享系統,用戶量不斷增加,已逐漸成為網路頻寬的主要消耗者之一,但是其協定中沒有提供搜尋的功能,而且檔案分散於各個檔案發佈站之間,以及各發佈站之間無法有效搜尋彼此擁有的檔案資源,導致使用者查詢時效率不佳。因此本研究期望建立一套語意式搜尋機制來幫助使用者解決上述的問題。藉由使用語意網技術(Semantic Web),針對BT檔案分享系統設計本體論,進行資源描述和建立簡單的分類,利用檔案的metadata來提供搜尋的功能以及彙整各檔案分佈站的檔案資源,做為上述議題的一個解決方案,讓使用者能夠更有效率地找到更完整的資源。 / In current World Wide Web, P2P network application plays an important role. Because the number and origin of files increase greatly in file sharing system under the architecture of P2P, causing users to spend more time searching for the resources they want. Therefore, the search function appears especially important. BitTorrent(BT), one kind of P2P file sharing system, has more and more users and becomes one of the biggest consumer of the network bandwidth. But it doesn't support any search function and shared files disperse between many web sites. Furthermore, these web sites can't exchange the shared files they own efficiently. These problems result in inefficient search performance. My research expects to propose a semantic search method to solve the problems mentioned above. By the means of Semantic Web technology, we design the ontology of BT file sharing system to describe the resources and establish simple taxonomy. In addition, using the metadata of files to provide BT for search function and collect the shared files between web sites. Let users find the shared files more efficiently and completely.
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俄語感嘆詞的詞彙意義與句法功能分析-以果戈里、謝德林、左申科作品為例陳怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
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桃園縣國中體育教師組織承諾與工作滿意關係之研究張秋銘 Unknown Date (has links)
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電玩遊戲熱衷者的行動意義──以家用主機遊戲的玩家為研究黃建文, Huang, Chien Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所針對的並非是家用電玩的內容本身,而針對的是那些家用電玩的熱衷者如何進行打電玩這樣一種行動。因此本研究試圖就打電動此行動本身進行實證性研究。以個人的行動出發,在研究對象上所側重的是那些對電玩投入大量的時間與精力的玩家。對於這些長時間專注於電玩上的人,是否清楚自身行動選擇的意義,在這當中的行動背後的意義為何。 / 但在研究中發現,對於這些遊戲熱衷者而言,當他們投注在當中的時間越來越多時,電玩對他們來說已不再是閒暇時所進行的活動,而是作為他們日常生活中慣習的一部份,成為他們每日的例行事項。另一方面,在這些電玩熱衷者的行動中可以明顯的發現到工具理性式的思維,把電玩當作是可以計算的對象一般不斷的進行計算。可以發現,這樣例行的義務與理性的計算使得這些人在玩電玩時,愈加的脫離了遊戲原本的意義。於是在這種工具理性式的思維背後,所顯現出來的就是在當中的慾望壓抑的過程。而重點在於說,當他們進行遊戲的過程時,這樣的工具理性作為一種手段,就是以慾望壓抑的展現作為他的趨力。
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由眼動資料探討中文成語詞及組合詞在心理辭典中的表徵方式李培榮, Lee, Pei Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是探討中文雙字詞的語意透明度是否影響詞彙在心理辭典中的表徵方式。實驗一、二操弄詞彙的語意透明度、字頻及詞頻,以詞彙判斷作業進行。結果發現顯著的語意透明度效果,語意不透明的詞(成語詞)之反應時間和錯誤率均較語意透明的詞(組合詞)少;詞頻效果也達顯著,高頻詞的反應時間和錯誤率均較低頻詞少。而字頻與語意透明度間有交互作用存在,組合詞有顯著的字頻效果,成語詞則不受字頻影響。實驗三、四則利用眼動追蹤技術,探討不同語意透明度、字頻、詞頻的詞彙在語句中的閱讀處理歷程。結果發現,在有關凝視時間的指標上,均出現顯著的語意透明度效果和詞頻效果。成語詞的字頻效果除了出現於第一次凝視時間指標外,在其餘指標上均無字頻效果。組合詞的字頻效果則出現於第一次凝視時間及總凝視時間上,而第一次經過的其餘眼動指標也有存在字頻效果的趨勢。本篇研究以Taft annd Zhu(1995)的多層次交互激發表徵模式為架構,提出一中文成語詞與組合詞的詞彙表徵模型。此模式顯示組合詞在詞素層次具有詞素表徵,在詞彙層次具有全詞表徵。而成語詞在詞素層次無對應的詞素表徵,是以全詞方式表徵於詞彙層次中。
關鍵字:眼動、語意透明度、心理辭典 / The present study aims to investigate the semantic transparency of Chinese di-syllabic words whether influences the representation in mental lexicon. Two sets of experimental tasks were adopted. In the first set (experiment 1 and 2), the target words were varied in terms of semantic transparency, character frequency and word frequency. Subjects were asked to deicide whether the target word presented is a word or not. A two-way ANOVA indicated main effects for semantic transparency that idiomatic words were responded faster than compositional words, for word frequency that high frequency words were responded faster than low frequency words. There were also significant interactions between character frequency and semantic transparency. In the compositional condition, the results clearly showed a significant character frequency effect, but in the idiomatic condition, the results showed no character frequency effect. In the second set (experiment 3 and 4), eye movements of subjects were monitored as they read sentences containing target words that varied on terms of semantic transparency, character frequency and word frequency. There were significant semantic transparency effect and word frequency effect in the fixation duration measures. Except the first fixation duration, there was no character frequency effect with idiomatic words in other measures. The results showed a significant character frequency effect with compositional words in the first fixation duration (FFD) and total viewing duration(TVD), and showed a marginal significant character frequency effect in other first pass measures. The present study proposed a model of mental lexicon based on the Interactive-activation Model (Taft & Zhu, 1995). In our model, the compositional words have morpheme and whole word representation, and the idiomatic words are processed as single units, have whole word representation but no morpheme representation.
Key words:eye movement、semantic transparency、mental lexicon
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打造新博物館體驗:國立故宮博物院個案研究鄭巧玟 Unknown Date (has links)
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工作滿意與績效關聯性之研究-以刑事警察局為例曾咸超 Unknown Date (has links)
綜上,本論文依研究目的、文獻探討、問卷調查及深度訪談所得資料,以「機關行為」、「個人行為」等面向來建構工作滿意,並探討刑事警察局人員整體工作滿意與績效之關聯性,考量刑事警察組織沿革及目前體制之困境,提出具體可行之警察政策建議,以及提供後續研究者的參考。 / The internal affairs of a nation are cornerstone of its politics. In particular, the police administration is the central piece of the internal affairs. Due to the characteristic of the police organization that its tasks are community-oriented and the hierarchy within the organization, a policeman is playing the most fundamental role as the contact point between the government and the citizens. In contrast, the criminal police are at the front line as the government carries out its policy on the public security. Moreover, the safety of a local community strongly depends on the police force who is in charge of the crime investigation. Therefore, the service attitude of the criminal police and its efficiency at solving crimes would be the key factors in deciding whether the public security policy of a government can succeed or not. In this research, we start our study by analyzing the causes of affecting the job satisfaction of the criminal police. We then attempt to develop a rating system to determine the job satisfaction of criminal police. To achieve this, we introduce the key elements, the variables and the factors of such a rating system and its overall structure. By establishing such a structure, we lay down the foundation for criminal police to rate their job satisfaction and performance. The rating would be carried out in the form of the questionnaire survey.
There are four major goals in our research. First, we would like to have a deeper understanding on the deciding factors of the job satisfaction level at the Criminal Police Bureau. Second, we analyze the difference and the correlation on the job satisfaction and performance among the staff at the Criminal Police Bureau, who have different population variables. Third, we examine flaws of the operation of the current rating system in police organizations. Lastly, we present our suggestions on how to raise the job satisfaction level at the criminal police organizations.
The methodologies used in our research are “the questionnaire survey procedure” and “the interview-in-depth method”. In quantitative research, we randomly select half of the staff at the Criminal Police Bureau to answer our questionnaire. The staff being surveyed includes the administrative staff and the technicians who do not meet the requirements of being a police officer. Out of 438 questionnaires we handed out, 391 of them were collected. The data analysis was performed through various methods including the mean value, the standard deviation, the factor analysis, the reliability analysis, the Independent-Samples Test and One-Way ANOVA. For qualitative research, we interviewed 7 staff at various positions for in-depth analysis and comparison: 2 from criminal police administrative staff, 2 from crime investigation department, 1 from explosive special force, 1 from forensic science, and 1 from other administrative staff.
Our study determines the job satisfaction based on two factors: “the institutional behavior” and “the individual behavior”. We also investigate the correlation between the overall job satisfaction and the job performance at the Criminal Police Bureau. We found: (1) the correlation coefficient between each perspective of the job satisfaction and the job performance reaches a noticeable level, indicating that there is a tie between each perspective of the job satisfaction and the job performance. The correlation is above the low to medium level. Other than the job stress, all perspectives are positively correlated to the job performance. That is, any of the following conditions would lead to better job performance: the better the senior management is, the better the compensation and the benefits are, the more the support from the society, the more self-motivated the person is, or the less the job stress is. (2) The correlation between the overall job satisfaction and the job performance reaches the pronounced level, as it is medium to high level. Since they are positively correlated, the higher the overall job satisfaction is, the higher the job performance is.
In summary, the thesis is to develop a rating system of job satisfaction based on the goal of the research, the review of the past studies, the questionnaire survey and the in-depth interview, along with two different perspectives: “the institutional behavior” and “the individual behavior”. We also study the correlation between the overall job satisfaction and the job performance of the staff at the Criminal Police Bureau. Given the history of the organization and the difficulties encountered by the current system, we proposed the specific and feasible suggestions on the police policy, as well as providing the reference for the future studies.
Key word: Criminal police, job satisfaction, job performance, criminal police organization
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從虛擬社群意識探討線上遊戲使用者的行為影響因素陳縵緽 Unknown Date (has links)
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