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網際網路行銷經營策略與顧客滿意之研究–以家具零售公司為案例 / Study on business strategy of internet marketing and customer satisfaction - an example of furniture retail曾千洳, Tseng, Julia Cendana Unknown Date (has links)
1. 重視企業網路行銷人才培育,傢俱零售業透過網路行銷進行人與人之間的溝通協調為一重要之活動,故企業網路行銷人才的培養的問題,均應提早作規劃。
2. 傢俱零售業應與顧客維持良好關係。
3. 企業經營策略的積極性的確會影響企業實施網路行銷之進程,在經營策略上以行銷管理策略影響最大,其原因為:行銷管理策略除年齡個人基本變項外,其餘變項皆很顯著。
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策展創新:借力使力以創意回應情境制約 / Creation behind curation: creative response to constraints through brokerage何冠廷, Ho, Kuan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究選擇國內某知名媒體集團A公司旗下的B集團為個案公司,B集團深耕活動事業多年,媒體背景為其建立廣博的社會網絡,使其在仲介各方資源時更加順利,因而發展出與眾不同的創意回應。本論文的研究問題為:「企業在面臨制約的情況下,如何仲介資源以回應制約?」本研究以個案公司在2009年底至2010年初所舉辦的梵谷畫展作為研究個案,深入企業以訪談法蒐集資料,採用詮釋型的質性研究方法,分析策展人如何仲介各方資源,借力使力地回應情境制約,使展覽順利舉辦。最後,本研究從策展人回應制約的仲介歷程中,歸納出三種創意回應的設計原則。本研究於學理上的貢獻有二:首先,本研究呈現創新者在制約之下的仲介歷程,補強過去研究較少著墨之處,進而豐富仲介理論的內涵;其次,本研究將創新者透過仲介作為回應制約的過程,作為一種創意回應的形式,進而豐富了創意回應的理論意涵。 / When innovation is regarded as resources combination rather than novel invention, recombination therefore becomes the origin of innovation. One school demonstrated the concept of 『Bricolage』, which transfers existed resources into new values, however, it would be limited if resources are insufficient. The other school referred to 『Brokerage』, which brokers the resources outside the organization and creates new combinations through diversified resources. Nevertheless, most of relative researches focus on the process of recombination, which led to disregarding the constraints met by enterprises.
Unlike normal barriers or challenges, constraints in the context are hard to removed for enterprise with insufficient resources. Due to the pervasive effectiveness of constraints, the problem-solving concept may not work well when it is applied to this issue. That is to say, how enterprises innovate under constraints is the issue neglected by past researches. Hence, this research mainly focuses on how innovator brokers diversified resources to respond to constraints creatively. Then we find that a type of brokerage named 『leverage through brokerage』. By this type of brokerage, innovators could respond to the effectiveness of constraints, and create new values through the recombination of existing resources.
This research chooses B group, which belongs to a leading media company in Taiwan, as our research case. Rather than ineffective problem-solving ability of enterprise, this research cuts to the point from the effects to innovators in such constraints. B group has devoted into curation industry for many years, it tends to be easier to broker resources from different stakeholders and develop unique creativity since its media background and wide social networks. This research explains: When an enterprise confronts constraints, how does it broker resources to respond such constraints? This research chose 『Van Gogh exhibition』 held from 2009 to 2010 as a case study, adopting deeper research by interviews and using interpretation as qualitative research method, trying to analyze how curator broker resources from different stakeholders and leverage them to respond constraints. Finally, this research generalizes three creative responses as design principles from the curator's responding process to the constraints.
The findings of this research demonstrate two academic contributions: (1) Different from past research, this case focuses more on the process of the brokerage when an enterprise try to innovate under constraints, therefore enriches the Brokerage theory. (2) This case concludes the process of curator's responding to constraints through brokerage as a way of creative response, hence complements the creative response theory.
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自助人生-旅遊網站「背包客棧」使用動機之研究。 / The study of users' motivations on using Backpackers Taiwan Forum楊明澤 Unknown Date (has links)
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諮商心理師專業認同與工作滿意度之探究 / A Study of Professional Identity and Job Satisfaction of Counselors黃禎慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以問卷調查法進行,採用「諮商心理師專業認同量表」與「工作滿意度量表」做為研究工具,以立意抽樣的方式選取臺灣地區諮商心理師為研究對象,有效樣本為167份,經以描述性統計、因素分析、Cronbach 信度分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析與多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。本研究主要發現如下:
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隠喩と意味渡部, 美喜子 23 March 2007 (has links)
北海道大学 / 修士 / 文学
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金融控股公司法下子公司收購機制及個案之研究 / Study on mechanism and cases regarding mergers and acquisition of subsidiaries of financial holding company楊之婕, Yang, Jhih Jie Unknown Date (has links)
我國於2001年通過金融控股公司法(以下簡稱金控法)以來,迄今已逾十年,金融控股公司(以下簡稱金控)之家數已達16家,其中所整合的金融機構型態包含銀行、證券、保險、投信等相關事業等,多達9 0家以上,子公司之總數量高達100家,顯見金控為增加其股東及公司利益、擴展事業體等目的,而對於併購活動日益頻繁。
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知覺品質、知覺價值、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之研究—以某禮服公司女性消費者為例 / The study of perceived quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: a case study of women's evening gowns楊綺華 Unknown Date (has links)
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組織氣候、工作滿意與工作績效之關聯性研究–以某金控公司銀行為例 / A Study of the Relationship Among Organizational Climate, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance in a Financial Holding Company黃博榆 Unknown Date (has links)
根據文獻,本研究整理:1)組織氣候與工作滿意,2)工作滿意與員工感知的工作績效, 3)工作滿意與實際工作績效, 4)組織氣候與員工感知的工作績效, 5)組織氣候與實際工作績效, 6)員工感知的工作績效與實際工作績效之關係,並做成假設。研究以問卷方式進行調查,分析組織氣候、組織成員工作滿意程度與主觀工作績效三者之關係,再分別進行各變項間之相互關係研究,並探討不同人口統計變數之影響。資料蒐集對象為個案銀行大台北地區50間分行,人數1,096人,回收373份。同時配合資料蒐集取得之實際工作績效,比較相同工作滿意程度下,主客觀工作績效間之差異。
研究發現,組織內成員對工作所感滿意的程度,與其感知的工作績效具有顯著的正向關係,和早期人群關係學派的主張相同。但本研究亦發現,不管是內在滿意或外在滿意,與實際工作績效間並未有顯著的關聯性,和早期人群關係學派、一般社會大眾的認知有所差距。 / Human resources in the financial service industry are extremely important. To ensure that the experience in the process of organizational change successfully copies, values correctly heritages, and performance effectively enhances, the organizational climate and job satisfaction are two emphasized factors in the past researches. In this study, the object is the employees of a financial holding company’s bank. Regarding organizational climate as antecedent variables, analysis of the impact on job performance through job satisfaction is practiced. It is essential to create a suitable climate of the organization to achieve the performance goals, and to increase employees’ satisfaction through empirical research.
According to the literature, the study concludes the relationship between 1) Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction; 2) Job Satisfaction and perception of Job Performance; 3) Job Satisfaction and actual Job Performance; 4) Organizational Climate and perception of Job Performance; 5) Organizational Climate and actual Job Performance; 6) perception of Job Performance and actual Job Performance, and makes assumptions. The research carries out through questionnaires, and analyzes the relationship among organizational climate, job satisfaction, and subjective job performance. It explores the effect of different demographic variables. The source of data covers 1,096 people from fifty branches in Taipei. 373 were returned. The study compares the difference between objective and subjective job performance.
The study found that the degree of members’ satisfaction shows a significant positive relationship with their perception of job performance. However, the study also found that, regardless of the intrinsic or extrinsic satisfaction, there is no significant correlation with actual job performance. It differs from the cognition of the public.
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華語道歉行為之社會語用分析 / Sociopragmatic analysis of apology in Mandarin Chinese沈馥萱 Unknown Date (has links)
調查結果發現,使用者的性別、年齡、和教育程度對道歉用語的擇用不具顯著影響力,但冒犯事件的嚴重程度與道歉用語之間有顯著相關。研究結果歸結如下:(一) 「核心詞」單獨使用時,其誠意程度以及禮貌程度取決於字詞內容的遂行力量(Perlocutionary force),原則上,遂行力量越強,誠意程度與禮貌程度就越強;反之亦然。但是,道歉用語誠意程度與禮貌程度的表現會搭配冒犯情境的嚴重程度,不過低亦不過高。(二)於「複合詞」中,凡是含有「賠償」內容的導語,其誠意程度以及禮貌程度必定大於不含「賠償」內容的「複合詞」。(三)於道歉言語行為中,「複合詞」(包含「核心詞+導語」以及「雙重導語」)的誠意程度以及禮貌程度皆大於單獨使用「核心詞」或「導語」。(四)「核心詞+導語」與「導語+核心詞」在詞序上的不同,就誠意程度與禮貌程度而言,並無顯著差別。
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澳門中學生生命意義感之探討 / Study on the Macau secondary students' perception of the meaning of life何彩雲 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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