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能力模式訓練需求評估之研究:內政部環境工程人員個案分析邱百章, Chiou, Pai-jang Unknown Date (has links)
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第二次波灣戰爭之研究陳逸夫 Unknown Date (has links)
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上市公司股利政策改變對股價影響之研究─資訊電子業為例徐宏良, Hsu, Huna - Liang Unknown Date (has links)
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江澤民時期對美國安全關係之研究-理性決策模式的分析張和明 Unknown Date (has links)
本文希望藉由江澤民時期對美國安全關係的檢驗分析,來探討中共外交決策模式,研究方向是由江澤民時期中共與美國安全關係的演變,此期間中共外交決策機構與運作,參與外交決策的黨政組織架構,瞭解決策過程中的黨政權力運作,以外交決策模型的檢驗,來探討理性行為者模式。 / While China is a rising superpower, the global view and international strategy of its rulers will greatly influence the order of the future world. The influence will keep increasing ; especially, in the process of its modernization, China ﹙Mainland China﹚ broke the mode of western market economy and democracy and is attempting to create unique political system and economical system. Since it opened up to the world, Chinas’ecomomy has kept growing steabily and enhanced its national power. Its overall national strength has been so powerful that no other countries in the world can ignore it.
China's foreign policy is one of the important issues studied by the experts in Chinese problems. Such issue is also highly valued by the expects in international relations. The study on the process of China's decision-making enables us to fully understand the situations that China has been faced with, and the problem the policy maker concentrate and the solutions to them. Furthermore, the study also enables us to realize the features of its political structures and the ways it operates.
China's so-called “the relation among the superpowers”not only reflects the evolution of recent Beijing foreign policy but also relates to its identity in the world. The theory also provides new perspective on maintaining its domestic order. 911Incident changed the relation among China,U.S.A. and Japan. Among the changes, the main feature is that the relationship between China and the US improved after the anti- terrorism war launched by U.S,A. However ,the improvement does't basic change the structure of their relations and tension caused by each other's international strategy still exist.
In terms of its decision-making , China demans to make all political decisions scientically and through democratical process . they emphasize that Chinese socialism is the only goal of all constructions, stick to the ideology of people-oriented, and enorce their polical decisions. To systematize of the proceduce of making political decision, they expect to persist in the continuity and creativity of their political decisions on the basic of their national conditions.
The top priority of China is not to establish a perfect and ideal system of making polical decision in advance. Instead , they utilize the information they have owned to make a more accurate decision rapidly and then gradually improve and adjust it in the procedure. In other words, China's decision makers think that everything take risks , that it is unwise to miss a good opportunity for the perfection and that some mistakes can be improved through experience and adjustment. Therefore, China appropriately shortens the procedures of collecting information, making scheme, and confiming goals. They don't expect the best decision but a better one. A Chinese saying, to wade across the stream by feeding the way, reflects the thinking mentioned above.
The research studies the framework of China's foreign policy by analyzing the security relations to U.S.A. in Jiang Zemin's term. To understand the procedure of how Chinese Communists operate their polical power, I focus on the development of China and U.S.A.'s security relations in Jiang Zemin's term and the organizations which took charge of China's foreign policy and their operation.
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台灣50指數成分股變動之價量效果紀嘉瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣50指數成分股變動造成的異常報酬與超額交易量現象,提供投資人作為選股參考,由於台灣50指數編製依據為總市值,僅使用公開資訊,可以用來檢驗效率市場假說。不同於過去研究的貢獻,本文考慮金融資產報酬的波動群聚現象及模型係數的不穩定性,分別使用卡爾曼濾嘴法及GARCH(1,1) 模型修正,以期獲得較穩健的實證結果。本研究結果發現,新增股及剔除股在宣告日的下一個交易日及生效日的前一個交易日有顯著異常報酬;新增股的累積異常報酬可持續大約兩個工作星期,且新增股有持續的超額交易量情形;而剔除股僅在生效日及生效日的前一個交易日有超額交易量。上述實證結果顯示投資人可利用此公開資訊,獲得異常報酬,不支持效率市場假說。 / We study the price and volume effects following the Taiwan 50 Index revisions. Since the decision to include (exclude) a stock in (from) the index is based merely on market capitalization, it provides a unique opportunity to test the efficient market hypothesis. Our contribution to the existing literature lies in the fact that we employ the Kalman filter approach and the GARCH(1,1) model to allow the parameters instability and time-varying residual variance, and hence to produce more robust empirical results. The results suggest that the newly added stocks and the currently dropped stocks experience significant price changes right after the announcement day and right before the change day; the abnormal returns of the newly added stocks last about two weeks, these stocks also exhibit persistently excessive trading volume while the currently dropped stocks only have excessive trading volume on and right before the change day. These results indicate that investors can earn abnormal returns through public information, and invalidate the efficient market hypothesis.
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宣告取得專利權、專利授權與代理權之資訊內涵黃瑞卿 Unknown Date (has links)
在競爭激烈的產業環境中,企業必須具有產品價值的創造能力,才能開發新產品以滿足顧客的需求。故本研究欲探討當企業宣告取得專利權、專利授權與代理權促使競爭優勢提升之資訊內涵。本研究以民國94年及95年宣告取得專利權、專利授權與代理權之公司,及依同產業及相似公司規模配對之公司組成研究樣本。首先以事件研究法探討宣告樣本是否能獲得正向報酬,並將樣本分為專利權、專利授權與代理權三組子樣本以觀察不同競爭優勢對報酬影響之程度是否有差異,最後再將專利權樣本分為發明專利與新型式專利兩組子樣本以瞭解不同種類專利權對報酬影響之程度是否有差異。實證結果如下:一、當企業宣告取得專利相關競爭優勢時,有正向報酬產生。但惟有當企業宣告取得專利授權與代理權時才能獲得顯著正報酬;二、企業宣告取得不同競爭優勢對報酬影響之程度有差異,企業宣告自行研發專利與取得專利授權所能獲得的報酬有顯著差異,宣告自行研發專利與取得代理權在事件宣告後的報酬有顯著差異,而宣告取得專利授權與代理權所能獲得的報酬則無論短期或長期皆無顯著差異;三、企業宣告取得發明專利或新型式專利,兩者所能獲得的報酬並無差異。 / In the keenly competitive environment、enterprises must have the abilities of product value creation to develop new products and to satisfy customers』 demand. So this essay want to discuss the information content that enterprises announced that they acquired patent、patent licensing、and authority of agency to enhance competitive advantage. Based on the use of a control sample design and the firms selected have announced acquiring patent、patent licensing、and authority of agency in 2005 or 2006、and are listed on the Taiwan Security Exchange or the OTC. At first、this research employs event study to discuss whether sample of announcement could acquire positive abnormal returns. And then、in order to compare the degree of returns affected by different competitive advantage、this research divided the whole sample into three subsamples including patent、patent licensing and authority of agency. Finally、it also divided patent sample into two subsamples including invention and non-invention in order to compare the degree of returns affected by different types of patent. The empirical finding indicates that (1) when enterprises announced that they acquired competitive advantage、they will have positive abnormal returns significantly. However、only enterprises announcing that they acquired patent licensing and authority of agency could have positive abnormal returns significantly. (2) The degree of returns affected by information is different from different kinds competitive advantage、especially between patent and patent licensing、and between patent and authority of agency. (3) When enterprises announced to acquire different types of patent、they will have insignificant variance of abnormal returns.
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氣候相關變數與盈餘反應係數關聯性之跨國研究呂倩如 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的在探討當天氣(雲量及氣溫)、日照小時數以及會影響人們生理週期(如睡眠型態的改變)的日光節約制等外在環境因素引發投資人情緒變化時,是否會影響各國投資人對公司會計盈餘宣告資訊之解讀與反應,且是否會因為公司盈餘宣告所傳遞的為好消息或壞消息而不同。此外,本文亦進一步檢視在不同國家層級的機制背景所塑造出的不同資訊環境(例如財務透明度高低以及成文法系或不成文法系)下,上述氣候效應是否存在差異性。 / 由於心理學文獻指出,一些外在環境因素會引發投資人的情緒反應,而投資人情緒又會影響其對資訊的處理過程以及風險趨避程度,另一方面,行為財務學文獻則指出投資人情緒會影響其對公司資訊之解讀,因此本文以跨洲及跨緯度共25國於1990年至2006年間共169,177筆的公司季盈餘宣告為樣本分析此現象。整體而言,本研究發現氣候等外在環境因素所引發的投資人情緒確實會影響其對公司盈餘宣告資訊之解讀;且當公司盈餘宣告傳遞的為好消息時,投資人因雲量較少、氣溫較低、日照小時數較長或未受到日光節約制影響而心情比較好時,會促使對未來較為樂觀且對資訊的處理較為隨意,故對於好消息的反應更為正面,但若處於較差的心情時,則對未來比較悲觀且處理資訊相對嚴謹,因此會比較保守地看待好消息而減少原本對好消息應有的正向反應。相對地,上述外在環境因素對公司盈餘宣告壞消息的影響則相反。 / 最後,由於本研究未發現任何外在環境因素所引發的投資人情緒對公司盈餘宣告資訊的反應存在明顯的緯度或地區等地理上的趨勢,因而嘗試由制度環境面加以解釋上述現象,亦即探討資訊環境的完善度是否會影響氣候效應的差異性。本文發現當國家層級的法律制度等機制背景使得其股市發展程度較高且財務資訊較多較可靠時,投資人更能透過公司的資訊揭露取得瞭解公司經營狀況的真實資訊,其所要考量的投資決策之複雜性、風險及未來不確定性確實較低,因此資訊環境較完善(高財務透明度或為不成文法系)的國家,其投資人對公司盈餘資訊宣告的反應受氣候等相關因素影響之程度較小。
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社會問題解決模式在台灣的適用性及其與壓力、憂鬱的關係 / The Generalizability of Social Problem Solving Model in Taiwanese and It’s Relationship with Stress, Depression.王韋婷, Wang,Wei Ting Unknown Date (has links)
採用本研究所確立的SPSI-R五因素結構探討社會問題解決與憂鬱關係,發現排除問題風格後,負向問題定向可顯著預測憂鬱;排除問題定向後,逃避風格可顯著預測憂鬱,顯示負向問題定向與逃避風格對憂鬱有獨特之預測力。探討社會問題解決對壓力—憂鬱關係的影響,結果顯示衝動/粗心風格為日常問題與憂鬱之調節變項。此結果支持社會問題解決模式中,分殊不同向度的必要性,並提供臨床上憂鬱之問題解決治療方案可採行的策略。 / Confirmatory factor analysis was used to investigate the generalizability of the factor structure of the Social Problem-Solving Inventory- Revised (SPSI-R; D’Zurilla, Nezu, & Mayden-Olivares, 2002) The SPSI-R is based on a theoretical model and was modified by empirical data consisting of five factors – positive problem orientation, negative problem orientation, rational problem solving style, impulsivity/carelessness style, avoidance style.
According to the theory model and empirical data with Chinese sample, the present study proposed another two alternative model. Thus, three different model were tested. With the sample of 916 Taiwanese undergraduate students, the results showed that the original five factor model which was proposed by D’Zurilla et al. was the best for SPSI-R in the sense of goodness of fit. This finding supports the Generalizability of SPSI-R in Taiwanese.
Using the five-factor model of SPSI-R to examine the relation between SPSI-R and depression. Negative problem orientation and avoidance style were both significantly related to depression even after partialing out the variance of “Style” and “Orientation” respectively. While exploring the influence of SPSI-R on the relationship of stress and depression, a support was found for the moderator hypothesis which assumes that social problem solving interacts with everyday problems to influence the level of depression. Therefore, the findings in present study supported the distinction of five factors in SPSI-R. The implications of these results for social problem solving theory and assessment are also discussed.
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中央與地方─國民政府與青海馬家關係研究(1928-1945)鄭國良 Unknown Date (has links)
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Dotcom公司更名之長短期效應 / Long-term versus short-term effects of dotcom name changes吳廷芸, Wu, Ting Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究自1997年至2007年,dotcom公司更名之長期與短期宣告效應,樣本包括名稱增加dotcom或剔除dotcom的兩類公司。過去文獻指出dotcom公司更名在-30天到+30天期具有顯著為正的累積超額報酬。與以往文獻不同,我們關心dotcom公司更名帶來的正報酬是否能持續,抑或宣告後的效果終將轉為負報酬,減損股東財富。實證結果顯示,雖然在事件日出現顯著3.14%的正累積超額報酬,但120天與360天事件窗口累積超額報酬均為顯著負值,分別為-55.52%與 -156.09%,所以dotcom公司更名的妝飾效果(cosmetic effect)為暫時的現象。故在長期,投資人若在網路熱潮時期買進新增dotcom於其名稱的公司的股票,損失很可能會隨著時間而擴大。此外,我們也發現更名公司的基本價值(fundamental values)在更名的前後兩年並無顯著差異,因此投資人對於股價的反應僅基於情緒(sentiment),而非出於他們對基本價值的觀察。另一方面,研究樣本公司在 I/B/E/S資料庫中的一致性分析師盈餘預測,發現分析師對此類更名公司的下一季盈餘預測往下修正,但此下修應屬系統性現象。在預測誤差方面,分別探討網路熱潮期與冷卻期的預測誤差後,發現後者為-$0.2650,具有10%顯著水準。故可推論此時期分析師所掌握的資訊較為不足,或是來自世界各地的分析師意見不一致。此外,由於分析師盈餘預測可代表投資人對市場的預期,故在網路冷卻期,投資人對更名公司股價的反應是不理性的。 / This paper investigates long-term versus short-term effects of dotcom corporate name changes from 1997 to 2007. The sample contains a combination of name change events on which firms add dotcom to, or remove dotcom from their names. We attempt to examine whether announcement effects of dotcom name changes last long, or are prevailed by post-announcement negative drift eventually. On the announcement date, we find firms earn significant abnormal returns on the order of 3.14%. However, firms yield negative CARs over the 120- and 360- day window, which are -55.52% and -156.09%, respectively. These results suggest that firms can create shareholder’s wealth by dotcom name changes, but cosmetic effects of their name changes are simply transitory. Due to this finding, we suggest investors who experienced loss on stocks of dotcom addition firms should aware that their loss continues growing as time goes by. Next, the fact that fundamental value of our sample firms does not change significantly indicates that investors are affected by market sentiment, rather than driven by changes of fundamental value. Furthermore, we examine consensus analysts’ EPS forecasts from I/B/E/S database. EPS forecasts are used as proxies of investors’ expectations. We find analysts revise downwards in EPS forecast changes of name change firms. However, there is no significant difference between the sample and the benchmark group, in terms of forecast changes. Accordingly, we conclude that analysts systematically revise their estimates downward. Moreover, forecast errors in the Internet-cold period is $-0.2650 and significant at 10 percent level. We infer that analysts do have sufficient information or consensus. Thus, investors are irrational in response to dotcom name change announcements in the Internet-cold period.
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