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會面交往權之研究伍逸康 Unknown Date (has links)
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鄭谷交往詩研究 / A study on cheng gu his poems on the subject of his friend's and acquaintances金秀美, Kim, Soo Mi Unknown Date (has links)
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理性與重建-哈伯瑪斯的現代性政治哲學陳瑋鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
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從軍事全球化論析中日印戰略關係龔隆生, Kung, Long Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣跨族群工具性交友網絡研究 / The research of cross-ethnic friendship and instrumental network in Taiwan唐經硯 Unknown Date (has links)
在本論文中,研究者認為影響受訪者跨族群交友的主要因素主要可從兩方面來看,分別為兩者連繫的同質性、連繫強度、接觸場合、社經地位差序變項,以及受訪者個人的世代、族群、教育程度與跨族群交友偏向程度。透過1997年三期三次「台灣地區社會變遷調查」社會網絡與社區組調查資料,本論文使用階層線性模型(Hierarchical Linear Models,HLM),從受訪者與他人的兩者關係所形成的連繫層次,以及受訪者個人層次來對台灣跨族群交往的現象作進一步的分析。研究結果發現,受訪者個人特質,例如受訪者教育程度、所屬族群,較兩者連繫特質,例如兩者連繫強度、認識場合,更強烈地影響了跨族群連繫形成的可能性,這樣的結果在過去由於方法上的限制,無法得到驗證,透過此研究,可對台灣族群相關網絡研究在建立跨族群連繫的可能因素上,提供了不一樣的看法與解釋。 / In this paper, I argued that what impacts the respondents constructing the cross-ethnicity ties can be treated from two perspectives. One is the tie-level, such as the homogeneity, tie strength, contact contexts, and socio-economical resources variables between two actors. The other is the individual-level, like the generations, ethnicities, levels of education, and the degrees of the preference for making cross-ethnic ties of the egos, that is, the respondents. I tested my hypotheses using the social network data in 1997, called Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS). Through building the hierarchical linear models, some advanced analysis could be done for understanding the cross-ethnic interaction phenomenon in Taiwan by considering the tie-level and the individual-level at the same time. The research results showed that when talking about the possibility of making cross-ethnic ties, personal characteristics, like levels of education, and ethnicities, are more important than tie characteristics, such as tie strength and meeting places of the two. However, this outcome cannot be examined in the past because of the methodological restrictions. Through this research, it provides different sights and explanations for discussing the possible reasons for constructing cross-ethnic ties in the social network researching area in Taiwan.
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美國布希政府亞太戰略轉變之研究(2001-2003)林景福 Unknown Date (has links)
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家暴相對人對「未成年子女會面交往服務」之經驗與改變內涵及影響因素之探討 / Batterers’ Experiences, Changes, and Catalysts for Change in Supervised Visitation Program陳祈安, Chen, Chi An Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果證實會面服務有助於相對人同理心及親子關係的促進且利於復原力的發展,形成正向循環。維繫親情的情感連結及身為父母的責任感是激發改變的基礎,社工的工作技巧運用在改變過程中佔有一定的影響力。過度聚焦於衝突及怨懟則阻礙改變動力的形成。最後,研究者依據本研究之結果提出實務與政策上之建議。 / The Supervised Visitation Program (SVP) provides parent-child meetings for high-conflict families with social workers’ help to ensure safety on the premises. This study addressed batterers’ experiences with SVP services and the changes they experienced because of the SVP services through an analysis of the factors that influenced those changes. In-depth qualitative interviews with five batterers and four social workers involved in SVP were conducted using a semi-structured interview schedule. This study analyzed the interview data in a thematic analysis. The research findings are summarized as follows.
1.Experiences receiving the SVP services. The batterers explicitly pointed out the helpfulness of the SVP services and the importance of the social workers’ assistance. Positive experiences were cyclically accumulated. The negative experiences were accumulated from the sense of frustration present during the meetings and their psychological struggles and helplessness related to the accusations of domestic violence and the perspectives and opinions of the social workers.
2.Changes experienced by the batterers: The batterers stated that the changes they experienced included improved interpersonal interactions, ability to recuperate, personal growth, and parent-child interactions. The changes observed by the social workers included the batterers’ personal growth and improvements in parent-child relationships, relationship with roommates, and professional relationships. The batterers’ children and roommates also benefited from the SVP.
3.Factors that influenced the changes: The influencing factors were classified as promotive factors or obstructive factors. The analysis of the batterer interview data found that the promotive factors included the social workers’ professionalism and motivational influences on maintaining family affections. The obstructive factors included overemphasis on conflicts and resentments, inter-parental conflicts, and judicial litigations. In the social workers’ opinions, the promotive factors included the social workers’ professionalism, their motivational influences on maintaining family affections, changes to the batterers’ states, and their supportive resources; the obstructive factors included excessive negativity, obstructions by roommates, judicial litigations, and the batterers’ personal limitations.
The results found that SVP was beneficial for promoting the batterers’ sense of empathy, parent-child relationships, and for developing the ability to recuperate, thus creating a positive cycle. Family affections and a sense of parental responsibility were the basis of stimulating the batterers’ changes, and the social workers’ professional expertise exerted an influence on the process of the changes. In contrast, overemphasis on conflicts and resentments obstructed the formation of motivational influences for change. Suggestions for practice and policy are presented based on the study’s results.
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後冷戰時期中共對美政策之研究(1991-2001)胡喬治, Hu, George Unknown Date (has links)
經由上述議題之探討,本文歸納了影響美中關係的可能因素,並對政策的持續面與演變面加以探討,最後並提出美中關係未來發展之看法,作為本文之總結。 / China, as a rising power, is a factor with growing impact that affects international politics and economic order. Being at the core of its foreign policy, China’s US policy is of great importance and worth a close look.
By examining China’s foreign policy regarding the US, we can find that China shapes the orientation and content of its US policy in accordance with changes in domestic and international circumstances and in US-China interactions. Therefore, by studying China’s US policy systematically, we can further understand its policy reasoning and course of implementation, analyze correctly the influential factors, and hence obtain a clear view of the context of its policy forming.
Therefore, the purposes of the article are:
1.To elucidate influences upon China’s foreign policy, including macroscopic aspects such as domestic and international circumstances that caused China’s adjustment in the theory and principles of its foreign policy, and variations in policy-making mechanism and the extent of involvement, along with microscopic aspects such as the impact from policy makers. This is to look into the content of China’s foreign policy in order to acquire a clear picture of its development.
2.Via examining the interactions between China and the US, to analyze the China-US relation from aspects of politics, economy, military and Taiwan affairs. This is to find out the course of development and characteristics of China’s US policy.
3.With links between China and Taiwan growing stronger and scope and fields of collaboration increasing, to anticipate the possible development in cross-strait relations by studying patterns of bilateral interactions.
4.With the “Taiwan Issue” being of growing impact upon bilateral relations, the China-US relations can be serious challenged by the issue, and is therefore worth a close investigation.
By exploring the above issues, the article catalogues possible factors that will affect China-US relations, observes the potential continuity and alteration of the policy, and finally concludes with a prospect of future China-US relations.
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跨越邊界的流動與認同:日治時期「內台共婚」研究 / The study of interracial marriages between Taiwanese and Japanese during the Japanese colonial period.楊裴文, Yang, Pei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
「內台共婚」者跨越多重的社會位置,其認同也依照不同的社會時空、生活處境而有所轉變,本研究基於史料耙梳、文獻蒐集與經驗訪談等資料,試圖理解共婚者跨越邊界而結合的流動與其複雜的認同軌跡。 / During the Japanese colonial period, the marriage between Taiwanese and Japanese was called "Nai-Tai marriage." The "Nai-Tai marriage" could be seen as an integration that crossed the boundaries between Taiwan and Japan.
This study attempts to answer the following three questions:
(1) Was the "Nai-Tai marriage" possible? The "distance" meant that not only the the distance from Taiwan to Japan, but also including the "social distance" and "psychological distance" between Taiwanese and Japanese. By observing the ways of "distance" changed, this research try to explore the social background factors of the "Nai-Tai marriage".
(2) "Who" did it? This research analyzed the personal backgrounds and the social class of the "Nai-Tai marriage." In addition, the key reason of people decided to "Nai-Tai marriage" is also an interesting question.
(3) How about their family life? The families of the "Nai-Tai marriage" had to overcome a variety of problems. In addition, for the "Nai-Tai marriage" people and their mixed-blood children, the mobility of cross-boundary also brought many shocks to their self-identity, and made them feel unsure of themselves in social situations.
The "Nai-Tai marriage" people crossed multiple social positions, their identity also changed with their different social space, living conditions and social class. This study explained the "Nai-Tai marriage" people how to live their lives, and how their complex identity had changed.
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戰後日本對華政策之研究(一九四五∼一九九七) / The Research on Japan's China Policy after the World World II何思慎, Ho, Szu-Shen Unknown Date (has links)
此外,在日本研究中,政治文化的因素亦為研究者所重視,因此,筆者在研究中,亦自政治文化的分析角度切入,具體地分析日本的諸多文化現象對其「中國政策」的影響。 / The Research on Japan's China Policy after the World War II
The research method used in this dissertation is mainly based on the traditionalhistorical research method. Some of the improtant statements on the internationalpolitical status and diplomatic policies, which Japan weere facing after the world War II, have been selected on a time basis. The selected statements are studied andanalyzed experientially. When doing the human and social science studies, the foundation of hypothesis can be considered as the researching material itself. Therefore, the descriptive study used in the non-experimental method is adapted as the research method in this dissertation.
The research presented in this dissertation is a descriptive
study. Japan'sChina policy are the research subjects. The
forming of Japan's post-war Chinapolicy at different stages is studeied in depths, hoping to seek for explanationsfrom the detailed statements given in the disseration. Regarding to the theory of research, system theory is adapted as main researchingand analyzing basis in this dissertation. The research framework is based on some of important Japan's post-war China policy. Detailed descriptions on the formation of Japanese cabinets after the War are given. Also, how the Japanesegovernment reacted on her China policy. when facing the interactions between Japanese domestic and international situations, are sequentially and experientially studied. This is
aimed at finding the characteristics of Japan's China policy. Besides, in the studied of Japan researchers have been considering the elementsof political culture. In this
dissertation, therefore, analyses are done, from the viewpoint of political culture, on some of Japanese cultures' impacts uponher China policy.
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