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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

試析道德規範的生物性根源 / An Analysis of the biological source of morality

羅傳棋 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試著從生物性的角度,提出倫理學可能的生物性根源。本論文首先以各種自然選擇理論,來分析人類的道德能力,也就是各種生物道德事實,是如何在自然選擇之下發展出來的。其中,第二章是以基因選擇的角度;第三章是以個體選擇的角度;第四章則是討論近親選擇、群體選擇以及如何從遺傳演化過渡到文化演化,也就是文化群體選擇理論的發展,等等,來論證道德事實的生物基礎。   而以上述生物道德事實建立起來的道德理論,便是演化倫理學。以這種倫理學的角度來看,道德只是一種情感需求,為了穩定性而演化出來,就跟人體器官是一樣的。它不具有絕對性、不具有規範性、不具有普遍性。   因此,為了在這樣的生物道德事實之上,建立起具有規範性的道德理論,就必須在應然範疇重建一套道德原則系統。這種具規範性的道德原則系統,是將道德事實歸納後的模仿,以及仿照自然選擇的運作方式,建立演化未來可能發展出可能道德觀。並以這種將整個演化倫理學分為實然和應然兩個無關但相仿的區域的方式,來試圖避開自然主義謬誤的問題。

墮胎合乎道德嗎?-由湯姆森觀點論之 / The Abortion Controversy: On Thomson’s Defense of Abortion

邱娜瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
墮胎的道德爭議一直是倫理學的重要課題。美國哲學家茱蒂絲.湯姆森在一九七一年發表〈為墮胎辯護〉 一文,這篇論文不但試圖反駁反對墮胎論者的立場,湯姆森藉由著名的小提琴家思想實驗,以女性的身體自主權為基礎論證 墮胎並非是道德上不可被允許的行為。本文研究〈為墮胎辯護〉該文之論點,並探討針對此文的批評爭端,接著藉由反駁對〈為墮胎辯護〉之批評,進一步為〈為墮胎辯護〉一文辯護。最後,本文同意湯姆森之主張:墮胎並非道德上不可被允許之行為;並呼籲人們在道德議題上公平地審視墮胎爭議。 / The moral debate on abortion has been a hot issue in Ethics. In 1971, American philosopher Judith Javis Thomson launched her famous thesis ‘A Defense of Abortion’ in which she argued against anti-abortionists. By the violinist thought experiment, she began with women’s bodily autonomy as her basic argument and claimed that abortion is not morally impermissible. My thesis here studied Thomson’s view on abortion and discussed the critics that ‘A Defense of Abortion’ evoked. Furthermore, I try to fight back those critics and defense for “A Defense of Abortion.” Finally, this thesis agrees Thomson’s claim: Abortion is not morally impermissible, and suggest that we should fairly examine the debate on abortion.

譚恩美小說《百種神秘感》中的倫理關係 / Ethical Relationship in Amy Tan’s The Hundred Secret Senses

陳厚仁, How-ren Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文試圖以列維納斯之倫理哲學、傅科和薩依德的觀點來分析、討論譚恩美的小說《百種神秘感》。小說透過兩種敘述的並置,描繪同父異母兩姊妹—中國出生的李關與美國長大的葉奧莉薇—之間的關係,以及一趟迷人的穿越時空之旅。譚恩美藉由這故事傳達她對倫理議題中「他者」的關懷。由於西方哲學及認識論傳統自柏拉圖以降便將「我思」的想法視為靈魂與自我的對話,認為一切真理皆在自身之中。在這樣的思想體系架構下,「他者」被視為暫時脫離但最終將被「同一」(「自我」)給同化的客體。易言之,「他者」的「他性」(或「無限性」)在「同一」的「整體」之中是可被壓制、吸納。大體而言,西方哲學其實是一門有關自戀的「同一」、而非有關真正「他者」的知識。 正是在這樣的哲學背景之下,《百種神秘感》探索許多知識所蘊含有關「整體」的論述暴力,比如心理學、西方醫藥論述及歷史學。同樣地,小說也批判了許多跨文化關係當中所表現出的「整體」暴力。在小說中,西方人透過東方主義式的觀點看待非西方人及他者的文化,並建構出一系列簡化的二元對立概念—西方與東方、文明與野蠻、自我與他者等。列維納斯反對這種不公平且充滿暴力的西方哲學傳統,是以他提出了肯定「他者」之「他性」的倫理哲學。在倫理關係中「自我」與「他者」兩者和平共存;兩者之間有關係但各自獨立。「自我」的主體性因「他者」的存在而建立,因而是為「他者」服務的。在倫理關係中「自我」對「他者」負有責任。藉由列維納斯、傅科和薩依德的觀點,本論文將探討《百種神秘感》中人際關係與文化交流間的他者倫理意涵。 / This thesis aims to investigate Amy Tan’s The Hundred Secret Senses in terms of Emmanuel Levinas’s ethical philosophy, Michel Foucault’s discursive theory and Edward Said’s observations about Orientalism. Through the use of juxtaposition of two narratives, the novel depicts the relationship between two half sisters, Chinese-born Kwan Li and Chinese American Olivia Yee, and a fascinating journey through time and space. By telling this amazing story, Tan expresses her serious concern for ethical issue of the Other. Western philosophy and epistemology have a tradition of totalizing thought. Plato regarded the “I think” thought as the dialogue of the soul with itself; truth was said to inhabit the soul. In western philosophical tradition, the Other is viewed as something that is temporarily separate from the Same (the Self) but is ultimately reconcilable with the Same. In other words, the otherness of the Other is assimilated and oppressed within the totality of the Same. Hence western philosophy is a knowledge about the narcissistic Same, rather than about genuine Other. The Hundred Secret Senses explores the discursive violence of totality in various knowledges such as psychology, medicine, and history. Likewise, the novel also depicts the violence of totality in intercultural relationships. The westerners in the novel tend to view non-westerners and their culture in an Orientalist way, in which a series of constructed opposites are adopted—West/Orient; Civilized/Barbaric; We/They. Against this violent and unjust tradition in western philosophy, Levinas advocates an ethical philosophy, in which the Other is affirmed in his otherness. In the Levinasian ethical relationship, the Self and the Other are viewed as separate but connected terms; neither is assimilated into or confused with the other. Ethical relationship is the coexistence of Totality and Infinity (otherness). Subjectivity of the Self is awakened by the presence of the Other; hence its essence is for the Other. In ethical relationship the Self has responsibility for the Other. Through the perspectives of Levinas, Foucault and Said, the thesis will also scrutinize the ethical meaning of interpersonal relations and cultural exchanges in The Hundred Secret Senses.


劉育兆 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的處境之下,有許多問題無法繼續依賴傳統的方式來解決,特別是關於正義,以及需要人類擔負起共同責任的問題。於是,建立一套放諸四海皆準的倫理學便成了當務之急。 當代哲學家阿佩爾承繼了康德倫理學的基本架構,並在語用學轉向的思潮下,將它由獨我論式的倫理轉化為以「先驗語用學」來終極奠基之「論述倫理學」。論述倫理學以「論辯」為其核心概念,主張在進行論辯時,有應當遵循之「不可規避的」若干預設。一旦否定了那些預設,便不可能藉由溝通達成共識,甚至會導致「實行上的自我矛盾」。阿佩爾的論述倫理學也強調它具有應用的面向,亦即它也處理了在歷史的現實情境中,如何促成實質的道德規範的問題。藉由提出後約定俗成式的道德,來將責任落實在既有的諸般制度之上。 本文試圖闡述論述倫理學的先驗奠基與普世應用的雙重特性,這使得它足以作為一套普遍的「巨型倫理學」,而能替全球化帶來的問題提供解決之道。

德行倫理學觀點下的儒家倫理研究:以Michael Slote與孟子為主

沈睦庭 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以Michael Slote情感論德行倫理學的觀點詮釋孟子倫理學,旨在提供理解孟子倫理學的另一種可能。第二章到第四章為正論,將分別介紹Slote的情感論倫理學,情感論德行倫理學與孟子倫理學的比較詮釋,以及檢討今日中文學界主流的康德式詮釋進路。第二章〈情感論倫理學〉以介紹Slote情感論為主,包括了情感論的後設層次與規範層次等主要內容,由於Slote首以同理心建立其道德理論,容易引起許多誤解或質疑,於是有獨立成章與先行說明的必要。第三章〈情感論德行倫理學與孟子〉則是以構成Slote情感論德行倫理學的三個主要部分(同理心、關懷倫理、德行倫理)逐一與孟子比較,指出雙方的相似之處。第四章〈康德倫理學與孟子〉則從消極方面,企圖申辯迄今主流的康德式詮釋為何不適於孟子倫理學,從而指出情感論德行倫理學與孟子的接近之處。最後,本文認為情感論式詮釋可以在我們理解孟子倫理學時提供另一種選擇,此亦不必與康德式詮釋處於對立立場,而是可以相容的。

三角行不行? PTT中三角關係之權力語藝分析 / A rhetorical analysis of power of the love triangle : perspectives from the couple, the player, and the homewrecker on PTT

戴宜庭 Unknown Date (has links)
三角關係的三個角色,在PTT的三個板,大老婆、第二者與第三者板,分別以自我為主體抒發心情故事,依據板規陳述自我或評價他人,現實中對三角關係的看法與解讀的權力角力,延伸到網路討論板裡的各自表述,形成若有似無的隔空對話,這種為對話的自我表述型態與權力的運作息息相關,是一種網路與現實交會所形成的特殊溝通型態:三個角色以遵循與抗拒倫理規範看待自我與他人,而宰制與抗拒是權力運作的一部分,倫理價值觀也是權力產物,板上的文章成為乘載訊息的語藝產物。 本研究結合權力語藝分析、對倫理價值觀宰制與抗拒,分析PTT三角關係的三個角色互相指涉的文章,試圖從中找出三個角色呈現的訊息與形象、權力策略,並了解網路中的情境脈絡如何影響三角關係的三個角色,以及如何與現實社會的倫理規範對話。 整個社會對三角關係有一套約定俗成的主流論述:男外向、女順從忍讓,第一者是受害者,不需負任何責任,第二者是背叛者,罔顧信任與責任,第三者是破壞者、壞女人。網路的匿名性使人願意分享更多在現實世界裡礙於社會規範而較少表達的各種自我告白與揭露;三個板因板規而拉起無形的界線,每個角色都是「主流」,不用擔心勢單力薄。傅柯的權力論述指出,倫理規範透過全景敞視主義使所有人同時成為監視者與被監視者。肖小穗的權力語藝分析方法:解讀權力訊息、分析權力語藝策略(選擇、內化與聯合策略)。 從分析中得知PTT大老婆板、第二者板、第三者板的三個角色各自站在不同立場、宣示不同權力,把對倫理規範的宰制與抗拒也做為策略的一部份,運用某些相同與不相同的策略,企圖獲取認同、抒發心情。三個角色以對倫理規範的宰制與抗拒呈現其訊息、營造形象,其中三個角色多以宰制態度描述自己並指責他人,鞏固立場。以選擇策略來看,三個板中的任何角色都以符合他們角色的定位選擇發聲角度,並延伸其觀點:第一者與第三者所選擇的發聲角度大部分都較被動,第二者則有較多自主性;內化策略,第一者強調現今社會的倫理觀點,第二者強調人有權追求自由,第二者與第三者皆試圖合理化三角關係形成原因;聯合策略,三個角色運用各種論述權力的搭配強化選擇與內化策略。三個角色大部分還是選擇以自己角色為主體的板發表文章,仍有少數到不屬於自己角色的板發文,挑戰以該角色為主體的主流氛圍。文章發表者以女性為主,可能因女性易抒發情感及感受到社會對女性的約束。 三個角色在新舊觀念接軌時,意識與潛意識仍無法擺脫傳統倫理價值觀的影響,實踐層次上,則由於外在條件改變而有新的態度與觀點。三個角色試圖與他人對話、取得認同或影響他人的同時,現實與網路世界都籠罩在權力的控制下,網路與現實也始終相連。


蔡耀宗, Tsai, Yao-Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

凌駕於人性之上的醫療系統:柴絲《哈維》與愛德森《心靈病房》之研究 / Medical Apparatuses above Humanity: A Study of Mary Chase’s Harvey and Margaret Edson’s Wit

蘇巧宜, Su, Ciao Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在高度醫療化的現代社會當中,醫病關係是一個不容忽視的重要議題。二十世紀的醫療科技突飛猛進,但是病患所接受的醫療品質卻是越來越低劣。醫生過度強調科學與理性,失去對病人的尊重,因而導致醫療系統凌駕於人性之上的情境。《哈維》與《心靈病房》分別描述了病患在醫院所經歷的治療過程。透過這兩齣戲的比較,本文發現二十世紀下半葉的醫療系統對待病患的態度並無改善。透過傅柯與生命倫理學的觀點,本文旨在說明二十世紀醫療系統對人性所造成的迫害,並且探討醫療體系的威權如何被建立以及病患的自主權如何被剝奪。   本論文分為四章。第一章說明柴絲和愛德森的生平背景、《哈維》與《心靈病房》的相關評論以及本論文的理論架構。第二章透過傅柯的觀點闡述醫護人員無形中施加於病患身上的醫療暴力。第三章透過生命倫理學的角度分析病患任由醫療體系擺佈的過程。第四章總結醫護人員對病患的操控以及病患在醫療系統中所遭遇的困境,並且重申醫療系統應該以「以病患為中心」的醫療模式取代傳統霸權式的醫療。 / In the madicalized society, the doctor-patient relationship is a significant issue because medical science has had tremendous breakthroughs in the twentieth century, yet the quality of hospital care has become worse. Doctors, over-relying on science and rationality, lose respect for their patients, which leads to a situation of medical apparatuses above humanity. Mary Chase’s Harvey and Margaret Edson’s Wit describe patients’ experience in hospital respectively. Through the comparison and contrast of the plays, this thesis cannot see any improvement in doctors’ treatment of patients. Therefore, aiming at demonstrating the dehumanizing evil of medical apparatuses, this thesis elaborates the construction of medical authority from the perspective of Foucault’s analysis of disciplinary power and reflects on the deprival of patients’ autonomy with the approach of biomedical ethics. This thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter One introduces the backgrounds of the authors, literature review of Harvey and Wit and the theoretical frameworks of Foucault and biomedical ethics. Chapter Two, focusing on the rigid disciplinary power of medical apparatuses, illustrates hospital staff’s evil practice on patients. Chapter Three demonstrates the dehumanized patients under the manipulation of medical discipline and unethical treatment. Chapter Four concludes hospital staff’s manipulation of patients and patients’ dilemmas in medical institution and then reiterates the significance of the patient-centered treatment.

對《三言》中婦女自殺的倫理學分析 = An analysis of the ethics of women suicide recorded in San Yan

李詠儀, 01 January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

暴力與和平:列維納斯的道德形上學及其政治蘊義研究 / Violence and Peace: Studies on Levinas's Moral Metaphysics and its Political Implications

鄧元尉, Teng ,Yuan-wei Unknown Date (has links)
本文嘗試以和平問題與暴力問題為焦點,重新理解列維納斯道德形上學之梗概,並解決其政治蘊義所造成的疑難。列維納斯的哲學基本上是一種和平哲學,其所論之和平乃被界定為對暴力的非暴力抵抗,並在其前期作品中具體展現為倫理學對政治學的抵抗。但此一抵抗關係隨著列維納斯的思想進程而逐漸呈現出一種兩歧性,從而引發其思想是否前後不一致的批判,亦產生對和平之純粹性的質疑。筆者的努力即在於說明此一疑難的成因並構想一調和方案。筆者主張,應將列維納斯的思想進程視為一條闡發其倫理學之政治蘊義的思路,但這條從倫理學走到政治學的和平之路,須途經社會學的迂迴方才可能,而如此一種中介性的社會學之建構,惟在列維納斯的他勒目詮釋中獲得。因此,本文綜觀列維納斯的哲學作品與宗教作品,先是闡述責任倫理學的和平蘊義,再從其宗教詮釋學對以色列社群的刻畫得到那基於倫理學之社會學的基本模式,最後參照解構主義的批判,在對質疑政治學與回答社會學的構想中,統括列維納斯的倫理思想與政治思想。 / Peace, as the non-violence resistance to violence, is one of the main topics of Levinas's philosophy. In this dissertation, I attempt to summarize Levinas's moral metaphysics and reflect its political implications by investigating the relation of peace and violence. The relation which in Levinas's early works could be seen as an opposition between ethics and politics has some ambiguity in his later works that emerges in a dialectical way: ethics both opposes and demands politics. My opinion is that this problem can be solved by referring to his religious works, especially his interpretations of the Talmud. In brief, the path of argument is from ethics to politics through sociology. First, I describe the basic principles of Levinas's ethical metaphysics by illustrating the typology of the other and the genealogy of the same, i.e. the phenomenology of the face of the other and the transformation from the same in itself to the same for the other. Second, I find the basic political model in terms of the hermeneutics of Talmud, especially the texts about the people of Israel. Final, I try to appeal to the postmodern thoughts in order to reconcile the risk of violence in Levinas's religious works, and integrate Levinas's ethical thoughts and political thoughts by constructing the politics of questioning and the sociology of response.

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