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我國社會保險政府負擔補助比例問題之研究林秀美, LIN HSIU MEI Unknown Date (has links)
一、 在學理上,政府對社會保險的適當補助比例問題之探討,亦即反映 社會保險在純保險與純福利之間的取捨,也就是從社會保險財源籌措與政府的責任角色去考量取決。
二、 從效率面或所得重分配的角度來看,社會保險事項之規劃、補助之幅度及財源之籌措應為中央政府之職責,應由中央政府來負擔;但地方分權並不是完全獨立於中央的地方主權,地方政府亦有配合中央政策之責任,另就社會保險事項所產生之受益範圍大小來看,可能具有地域性及利益遞減性,故某種程度上除由中央政府來主導規劃並負擔補助財源外,仍可由地方政府負擔補助經費,以落實地方政府經費以受益原則分擔之精神。
三、 依「政府負擔社會保險保費補助比例情況」資料顯示,近年來的變化有明顯成長之趨勢,我國各級政府整體補助比例從八十三年的1.5%,逐年成長至八十六年的5.3%。
四、 由「政府對各項社會保險保費補助比例情況」資料顯示,目前存在各社會保險間之不同補助比例係依職業別來分類且差異性大,似缺乏適當之理論依據,應重新選擇補助比例之標準,理論上而言「所得」應為一較公平而客觀之指標。
五、 依「各級政府對各社會保險負擔保費補助比例」資料顯示,關於「勞工保險」之補助,以往年度中央政府之補助占支出之比例相較於地方(省市 )政府之比例為輕,又省市政府間之補助占支出之比例又有差異性存在。勞工保險之適用範圍對象具有全國性,且政府對其補助有所得重分配之政策目的,中央政府相對補助占支出之比例較省市政府為輕,不盡合理;「公務人員保險」部份基於公教人員屬地方政府之編制人員,故由各級政府負擔保費支出應屬合理;「農民健康保險」方面雖規定中央政府之負擔比例高於地方政府,但由統計資料顯示,地方政府相較於中央政府在補助占支出比例上之負擔仍為較高;而各地方政府間 ( 尤其是縣市政府間 ) 的負擔補助占支出之比例因各地方政府的財源情況而有頗大差異,並造成農業縣市(如雲林縣、嘉義縣、臺南縣、屏東縣等)相對負擔較重;至於「全民健康保險」,因其各類目之保險對象亦以公保、勞保、農保、軍保、低收入者及其他被保險人等為分類標準,故承襲原有保險制度之因素,造成原存在於勞、農保中之各級政府負擔補助比例不合理情況亦存在於全民健康保險制度中,又依統計資料顯示,台灣省各縣市政府欠繳保費率高達37.14%(民國八十八年五月底止),尤其是雲林縣、嘉義縣、屏東縣等縣,在其財源情況相對較其他縣市拮据下,欠費情況嚴重,似有貧者越貧之不合理情形。
六、 由以上的檢討分析得知,對於勞保、農保及全民健保現行規定各級政府負擔補助之情況應加以修正,若考量政策施行具有全國一致性、所得重分配及外部性等因素,則應由中央政府擔負主要之補助責任;但在受益原則下,則可由地方政府負擔部分保費補助。地方政府之負擔在受益原則與普遍原則考量下,可按各地方行政區人口數來決定分擔比例之標準。
一、 在自助互助原則及比照歐美各國近年來已驚覺福利發展之政府財務責任應減輕情況下,目前我國政府社會保險支出佔政府實質支出比例約為 6% ,尚屬合理。惟我國目前仍屬開發中國家,對於即將實施之國民年金保險制度應適當控制社會福利支出之財政負擔,以避免產生對其他支出項目之排擠效果。
二、 針對「政府對各社會保險依被保險人職業別不同而給予不同補助比例」之情形,建議最佳方式為改以所得作為補助分類標準;或可採次佳方式,藉由補助比例之重新規劃來導正,本文建議先將目前繁雜的補助比例予以簡化,且同一保險制度不因被保險人職業不同而有不同補助比例(各社會保險之政府負擔建議比例列示如表5-4)。
三、基於學理上之探討及考量目前省府已精簡,本文針對「各級政府對各項社會保險負擔保費補助比例」情況建議三方案,在方案一下(詳表5-11),改由中央政府來負擔對各項社會保險補助之責任。但考量中央政府財務負擔衝擊可能過大,及考量地方政府經費以受益原則分擔之精神,進而提出建議方案二及建議方案三( 詳表5-11 ),由中央政府與地方政府( 直轄市及各縣市政府 )共同負擔補助,其補助比例之分配可依據中央與地方政府稅收比例( 7 : 3)來分配或將原中央及省市政府負擔之部分改為全由中央政府負擔而其餘則由地方政府來負擔;又考量各地方政府因產業結構不同及財源懸殊之差異,建議各地方政府間之負擔補助比例按各行政區人口數之比例來分配。依據八十六年數據資料訂定此三建議方案之補助支出比例(詳表 5-12),可改善各級政府負擔補助比例之不合理情況;而建議方案二使各縣市政府負擔比例提高,但直轄市政府負擔比例則有減輕現象,配套措施應通盤檢討財政收支劃分法中關於統籌分配款之分配,並由中央以統籌分配款或補助款之方式來改善直轄市與各縣市政府間之財政不均情況。
第一章 續論 1
第一節 研究緣起與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍、方法與內容 2
第三節 研究架構 3
第四節 研究限制 5
第二章 社會保險費用政府分擔理論 6
第一節 分擔緣由及其優缺點 6
第二節 政府分擔補助之財政福利理念 13
第三節 政府分擔社會保險費用種類 16
第四節 政府負擔保險費用之歸宿問題 17
第五節 各級政府分擔補助之理論分析 20
第三章 各國社會保險費用政府負擔情況 27
第一節 社會福利型國家 28
第二節 社會保險型國家 31
第三節 總結 37
第四章 我國各級政府社會保險費用負擔之分析 42
第一節 法令規定 42
第二節 數據分析 50
第三節 檢討 69
第五章 我國社會保險政府負擔補助比例之建議 79
第一節 政府負擔社會保險保費補助比例 79
第二節 各社會保險被保險人保費補助比例 83
第三節 各社會保險保費補助各級政府分擔比例 87
第六章 結論 109
參考文獻 116
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個人住院醫療保險相關法律問題之研究 / A study of the legal issues related to the individual hospitalization insurance彭幸鳴, Pong, Shing-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
第一章「緒論」 分析轉嫁醫療費用風險之需求趨勢,及自近數年間商業健康保險市場之營業情形說明本篇論文研究之動機、及其方法、範圍,且指明本文之目的在凸顯單一險種中因契約約定內容之不同,而將產生適用法律原則、規範之歧異,故於各項議題之探討時,若陷於介紹及區辨各種健康保險上之紊雜,恐將以繁害簡而表意不明,是而有限定其範圍於商業保險中之個人住院醫療保險之必要,至其他健康保險所涵括之險種,如其性質住院醫療保險相當者,非不可援相同法理而比擬之,以之彰明本文擇題之旨。
第二章「住院醫療保險之涵義」 說明住院醫療保險之涵義,闡述該險種之意義及在各種保險分類上之定位,作為探討各類型契約適用法律規範之基礎。
第三章「住院醫療保險之承保範圍」 自現行住院醫療保險契約內容分析其承保範圍,以瞭解其保險事故、保險責任期間等相關問題。
第四章「保險人之給付類型」 自我國及歐美各國有關住院醫療保險商品之補償方式,分析該險種之各種給付類型及略述其優劣,並預為我國未來醫療保險之發展追及歐美先進國家潮流時,猶得區辨其相關法律規範。
第五章「要保人之據實說明義務」 就保險法上易於滋生消費者爭議之據實說明義務制度內涵逐項檢視其於住院醫療保險中適用之問題。
第六章「住院醫療保險之保險利益」 以保險利益之意義為軸,討論於各給付類型之住院醫療保險中,保險利益應存在之處,及其功能。
第七章「複保險」 複保險制度為禁止不當得利原則所衍生之法律規範之一,本章檢討該制度於各給付類型之住院醫療保險是否能發揮其功能,及該制度應如何調整,方能符合住院醫療保險之特性。
第八章「保險人之代位權」 保險人代位權之建立,得以使各利害關係人之權利義務關取得適當之平衡點,並使保險制度確實發揮其應有之功能;本章即探討保險人之代位權得是否適用於各類型之住院醫療保險、其取得要件及效力等。
第九章「結論與建議」 歸納本文之結論及建議,期以對我國住院醫療保險之發展,提供拋磚引玉之效。
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我國健康保險部分負擔制度之財務效果推估 / The Financial Effects of Cost-Sharing System in Taiwan's Health Insurance李竹芬, Chu-Fen Li Unknown Date (has links)
之 1,327戶家庭之資料,本研究分別以多元迴歸之線性模型與指數模型來
從事分析,並獲致下列之重要結果及發現: 1.門診價格偏彈性為 -0.27
至 -0.28 之間;住院價格偏彈性為 -0.06之間。可見兩者均欠缺彈性,
且住院較門診的彈性值更小。 2.門診之住院交叉彈性為 0.0015 至
0.0016 之間,顯示門診與住院之間有些替代效果存在。 3.門診之所得偏
彈性係數為 0.19至 0.22之間,表示門診是種正常品,且其彈性值並不大
。 4.部分負擔在門診上所節省之保險給付,若以負擔率為 10%來看,約
佔保費收入之 6.6%至 10.2%;醫療給付之 8.2%至 24.9%。但若提高部分
負擔至 25%時,則上述各數值約增加為兩倍。可見部分負擔對於保險財務
之補充,實具有相當功效。 5.以 10% 至 25% 的門診部分負擔率來估算
,一般家庭於一年內須自付之門診費用,約佔家庭消費支出之 0.3%至
1.3%,佔儲蓄金額之0.7%至 3.0%,佔可支配所得之 0.2% 至 0.9%。其比
資源的話,負擔將會更加提高且不容忽視。 / This research attempts to estimate the financial effects of
cost-sharing system in Taiwan's health insurance. According to
book-keeping data of 1,327 families, the study uses the linear
& exponential model of the multiple regression to analyze the
demand of the medical resources in Taiwan. The major results
are as following: 1. The partial price elasticity of the
outpatient care is esti- mated between -0.27 and -0.28, while
the partial price elasti- city of the inpatient care is -0.06.
Both are inelastic, but the inpatient care is ever more
inelastic than the outpatient care. 2. The cross elasticity of
the outpatient visits demanded with respect to inpatient price
is between 0.0015 and 0.0016. It shows that there are some
substitutions between two kinds of medical care. 3. The partial
income elasticity of the outpatient care is esti- mated between
0.19 and 0.22, which reveals that the outpatient care is a
normal good though the elasticity is small. 4. As to the
potential effect of cost-sharing system on saving outpatient
benefit, if the cost-sharing ratio were 10%, the reduced
payment as the share of the premium is expected from 6.6% to
10.2% and as the share of the medical benefit from 8.2% to
24.9% depending on varying assumptions. If the ratio were
raised to 25% , the reduced payment is projected to be twice as
above. It implies that the cost-sharing system could be
effective to improve the insurance finance. 5. It is further
estimated that, when the cost-sharing ratio of the outpatient
care were 25%, the cost-sharing burden for an average family is
1.3% with respect to the consumption expend- iture, 3.0% with
respect to the savings and 0.9% with respect to disposable
income. These ratios are not too high and an av- erage family
can afford it. However, for those using medical services more
heavily, their burden could be much higher and should be
seriously considered.
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高額醫療費用保險之研究 / Major Medical Expense Insurance陳進旺, Chen,Jinn Wang Unknown Date (has links)
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服務業科技化跨業合作歷程之研究— 以健康照護新服務開發聯盟為例 / An empirical study of cross-industrial collaboration process within IT enabled services—Two examples of new services in health care development alliances梁煥煒, Liang, Huan Wei Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,新服務跨業聯盟可以「合作意會」(Collaborative sensemaking)做為增進營運順暢的一種有效策略。包括導意(Sensegiving)、需意(Sensedemanding)與意解(Sensebreaking)的運用,採用象徵人物與服務物件做為意會媒介,以非正式活動促進夥伴意會與共識,探詢與參與工作脈絡來主動尋找意會脈絡,其中,工程師透過駐點參與及對護理人員服務痛點的體會,轉變思維框架,化解不同領域與組織背景帶來的衝突,更是文中深富意涵的部分。此外,合作參與者也可以「情感基礎」、「工作脈絡的瞭解」、「領域團體的接觸」與「組織策略與代理人動機的結合」四種策略,深化合作意會,並做為檢視成員涉入合作程度的指標。此外,多元合作意義的塑造,也是間接促進合作意會的有效方式。
由於新服務與健康照護的人本關懷與社會互動實驗特性,本研究主張以合作意會做為跨業合作的策略,也提醒惟合作成員能重視與肯定每位聯盟參與者的價值,以及關心服務對象的生活需求與痛點,才能跳脫物件利益的陷阱,提升對人性的敏感層次,以設計出深具社會意義與可行的商業模式。本研究最後提出幾個學術意涵,也對醫療機構、廠商、研發法人機構與政策提出實務意涵,並對健康照護服務業科技化的社會意涵提出看法,重思意會的哲學意涵。 / ICT and innovation are the two most mentioned engines and powerful weapons for the growth of the service currently. In order to upgrade the industry, Ministry of Economic Affairs conducted “IT enable Service Program” and made “Health care” being the five main strategies, and more, encouraged organizations using technology and innovation to improve the growth and competition of econonmics through cross-indusrial collaboration.
To know how the cross-industrail firms cooperate with each other in ITeS process, this study used qualitative research approach interviewing 21 participators within two health care alliances which worked “Innovative Technology Applications and Services Program” hold by Department of Industrial Technology, one alliance conducted “Innovative Digital-game enable Physical Rehabilitation Pilot Plan”, the other conduct “Remote Health Care U-Care Establishment Plan”. Base on the two different kind cases, this study explored what affacts influenced alliance work deeply?
This study adopted dialectic method to probe the effect of ICT development program in cross-cases analysis, the theoris embraced “Artifact lens” which focused technology artifact and operating performance, “Social interaction lens” which actions drived from multi-interests and poltics intentions, “Technology frames lens” which developed by Orlikowski and Gash (1994) and “Sensemaking lens” which proposed by Weick(1988).
Respectively, this study found that the “Collaborative sensemaking” strategy was an effective way to promote the operation in new service cross-industrial alliances, including sensegiving, sensedemanding and sensebreaking exercises, taking symbolic person and service artifacts in sensemaking media, using informal activities to enhance particators’ sensemaking and common consensus, asking and participating work context to find the sensemaking conext. Especially, the technologiest could transfer his frame of reference by stationed at the partner’s firm and realized the pain point beyond nursing staff’s service, so that the conflicts which arised from the different field and organizational context could be resolved. Besides, participators also could use flour strategies, “Friendship”, “Working context”, “Contacting with social groups” and “Integration of partner firm’s development strategy and agent’s motivation”, to deep collaborative sensemaking, and be the indexs to examine the extent which participators involve the cooperation. And more, the shaping of multi-collaborative meanings, was also an effective way to improve collaborative sensemaking indirectly.
Besides, this study also found the problems occurred in the ITeS alliances. For example, in working level, the innovative applications often created by the technologists, not service person; second, due to the dynamic characteristic of service, technologists would face equivocal situations during developing systems. In alliance level, multi-interests often enabled participators deviating from the main mission in plan operation, partners maight also ignore concerns the ultimate customers.
Due to the characteristics of humanistic care and social interaction experiment of new service and health care, this study argued that the collaborative sensemaking could be a useful strategy to improve crosss-industrail cooperation. And more, this study also suggested the partners in the alliance should respect and confirm each participators’ value, and concerned the ultimate customers’ life need and pain point, so that they could jump across the artiftact-interest traps, promote the sense level to human nature, and designed rich social meanings and workable business models. Finally, this study proposed some research and practice implications, and advocated the social implications about the health care in ITeS.
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H1N1新型流感報導中憤怨恐慌的要素與風險解釋 / Outrage factors and risk explanations in news coverage of H1N1 influenza曾薏珊, Tseng, Yi Shan Unknown Date (has links)
假定報導提供風險解釋,可減少公眾因對風險的「不確定性」產生的憤怨恐慌,本研究發現提醒媒體實務工作者,記者在危機或風險事件發生,擔負風險溝通的責任之際,應提供閱聽眾評估風險的資訊,以清晰明確的文字或圖表解釋風險過程與民眾自我保護的等訊息,減輕民眾的憤怨不安或恐懼。 / In April 2009, Mexico and the Southwestern United States confirmed human cases of Influenza A/H1N1. In a short time, H1N1 influenza was spreading across the rest of the world. People obtain health risk messages mainly through mass media, so what the media cover about H1N1 influenza may do have influences on their audience’s cognition, attitudes, and even behaviors toward this disease. This study has two research purposes. First, it studies how the newspaper media cover H1N1 influenza by analyzing location of article, article type, news length, content about theme, news source, and usage of graphics. Second, it examines the coverage of H1N1 influenza to see if the media focus the facets of risk and uncertainty, present public outrage factors, and offer people the information to evaluate the risks. From this study, we can understand what related issues of H1N1 influenza were presented by four major newspapers in Taiwan, and to the study of coverage of domestic media on infectious diseases this adds a different case.
It sampled 1324 H1N1 influenza news reports from Chinese Times, United Daily News, The Liberty Times, and Apple Daily, covered from April 25, 2009 to February 25, 2010. It adopted content analysis to examine these four newspapers about the characteristics of their H1N1 influenza coverage and their risk communication factors. And according to the development of H1N1 influenza in Taiwan, we divided the period into five phases, comparing the similarities and differences of news content among various phases.
Results of content analysis showed that the distribution of news theme varies significantly among the phases, though “epidemiological description” is the main theme. There were differences in news theme proportion among the five phases, especially notable difference of the decreasing phase. And that main news source is health officials in all phases. Source bias was more obvious especially during the decreasing phase.
In terms of the coverage of public outrage factors, the news content of the four newspapers showed that it has the most outrage factors during H1N1 influenza increasing phase. In the peak and the decline of H1N1influenza contagion, news content of outrage factors decreased significantly. The most presented outrage factors by the four newspapers is the “outrage rhetoric.” Nearly fifty percent of the coverage has “outrage rhetoric” factor.
Regarding the coverage of risk explanations in news content, compared by phases, the spreading phase has the highest percentage of risk explanations of H1N1 influenza news, followed by the initial phase and then the epidemic increasing phase. Among the risk explanations presented by the four newspaper, the news group of “process explanations” was found the most, followed by the news categorized of “ practical recommendation,” whereas the news groups of “definitions”, ”risk level explanations” and ”risk comparisons” were seldom mentioned.
On the news with graphics, except for Apply Daily, three other newspapers have low usage of graphics. It appears that for H1N1 influenza news it is not common yet to use graphics to explain risks. For those reports with graphs, they are commonly for “risk explanations” and they often mention of messages of “process explanations” and “practical recommendation.” In addition, this study finds that there is significant correlation between articles and graphs when they both present same risk explanations in the news content.
To sum up, through this study we found some reports of the four newspapers highlight the risk uncertainty, among which outrage factors are presented with higher exposure of “fear/ panic”, “epidemic out of control”, and “conflicting reports.” On the coverage of 'risk explanations,” it has the most messages about “update the data of H1N1 influenza” and “current epidemic category and area,” whereas it has less messages about “definitions”,” risk level explanations” and ”risk comparisons”.
This study used an exploratory framework that posits risk explanations can mitigate negative public reactions by communicating the hazard with clearer articles or graphics. Result of this study recommends when a crisis or risk event happens, media worker should take responsibility of risk communication, and provide accurate and clear risk information to the audience. Thus, it may alleviate the negative public reactions, like outrage, anger, worry, fear, and panic.
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