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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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不同景氣循環階段下信用暨時間風險貼水差異之實證研究-兼論動態避險策略之選取 / How does Business Indicators Explain Bond Credit and Term Premium?-And How does it contribute to the Selection of Immunization Strategies?

陳啟運, Chen, Chii Yuhn Unknown Date (has links)
本研究兩個研究主題(1)在不同景氣變動狀態下,殖利率曲線變動與動態避險策略的選擇;(2)不同景氣循環下,債券風險貼水的變動情形。景氣領先指標是一簡單明確訊號,其對於債市參與者改善投資、避險決策之效度應是有趣課題。景氣變動程度不同時,殖利率曲線變動情形亦有所不同;投資人需視殖利率曲線變動情形,選擇不同動態避險策略。當景氣上升時,殖利率曲線短期利率波動幅度大於長期利率波動幅度,以Khang(1979)模式建構動態避險策略;景氣波動程度不大,長短期利率波動方向不一,以多因子模式建構動態避險策略;而當景氣大幅度下降,短期利率下降幅度小於長期利率下降幅度,建議以Bierwag(1977)模式建構動態避險策略。國內動態避險實證分析上,黃慶堂與王芳妮(民80)以Macaulay(1938)、Bierwag(1979)、Khang(1979)與Chambers et al.(1988)模式作分析,Chambers et al.(1988)表現較傳統Macaulay(1938)模式優;史綱與丁子雲(民80)發現以Macaulay1938)模式建構動態避險策略,與長期持有公債收益率無顯著差異。所以Macaulay(1938)模式無法應付國內債券市場的需求,機構投資人應該因應殖利率曲線隨景氣變動情形,選擇較佳動態避險策略規避風險。   隨著發行與交易規模的快速成長,以及景氣狀況遞移,我國債市各工具殖利率結構在未來勢必會改變,景氣狀況變化之可能影響,是本研究試圖勾勒的要項;市場結構改變,會造成未來殖利率曲線大幅變化。本文只是推介數種存續期間模式,並討論如何增加嚴謹度。   不同景氣循環下,時間風險貼水隨景氣繁榮而擴大,使得公債市場上多為附買回保證金交易形式,投資期長多為固定(附買回契約的期長),投資人所賺取的多為長短期利差;而景氣衰退時,利率相對較低,債券價格高漲,投資人所賺取的多為債券價差,投資期長較不一定;信用風險貼水則因台電公司債稀釋效果、流動性貼水的變動以及信用風險貼水看法不一,而無法確定其與景氣循環的關係;而交易成本貼水方面,證交稅及交易規範形成進入公司債市場的障礙,景氣衰退時,由股市釋出資金,大多進入公債市場,形成短期避險資金,所以當股市出現轉機時,資金轉入股票市場;所以當景氣衰退,公債與公司債殖利率的差距會擴大。本研究副產品是發現公司債稀釋效果顯著,一般公司債發行金額均為五千萬元左右,而台電在四次發行公司債時,金額在五億上下,當台電公司債增加發行量時,台電公司債整體價格下降,殖利率上升,使得一般公司債與台電債券間殖利率差距縮小。銀行擔保效果方面,雖然發行公司會考慮到本身市場評價,選擇公民營銀行作擔保機構,讓其公司債信用等級與其他公司債的信用等級一致,但是公營銀行擔保的公司債殖利率較無擔保公司債低,民營銀行擔保效果亦為統計顯著,而且公民營銀行擔保效果有顯著的差異。

風險貼水及交易成本對債券殖利率影響之實證研究 / The Effect of Risk Premium and Transaction Cost for Yield to Maturity

林聰欽, Lin, Tsung Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討國內債券市場如何決定債券殖利率之風險貼水及交易成本貼水,其中風險貼水可分為時間及信用風險貼水兩部份,屬於前者之重要變數有存續期間(Duration)與凸性(Convexity),屬於後者則有信用評等(Credit Ranking)與銀行擔保效果,而交易成本分析是在控制風險貼水因素後,看稅賦效果是否會影響投資者之必要報酬率。此外,本研究亦對殖利率曲線作分析,討論長短期資金市場是否存在明顯互動關係。首先對存續期間及凸性之特性作研究,檢測在既有到期期間變數下,加入存續期間及凸性對於債券殖利率邊際解釋能力的影響,冀描述國內投資者之訂價行為。其次就債券信用評等與銀行擔保效果作分析,公司債可能有不同信用等級,面對不等級公司債券,投資人或會要求不同程度之違約風險貼水,本文以實證對此作探討。又公司債因擔保與否,區分為擔保公司債及無擔保公司債,因此本研究關心的第二組變數是發行人為政府抑民間機構暨公司債之信用評等與銀行擔保效果。本研究亦對債券交易成本作探討,就證券交易稅而言,政府公債免徵交易稅而公司債券買賣須課徵千分之一的交易稅,因此我們想要知道存在公債與公司債之間,因稅賦差異造成交易成本不同,是否會影響到投資者的意願,故第三項變數為以證交稅為主之交易成本。最後對市場資金供需情形作分析,同時探討長短期資金市場是否存在互動關係,故第四項變數為全面資金供需情況。本研究藉檢測總體經濟資金供需變數對債券殖利率之影響,同時也可檢驗國內長短期資金市場之區隔程度。由於國內債市尚淺,仍舊有很大的發展空間,因此在可預期的未來,國內債券市場勢必會受到應有的重視。但由於早期國內債市之不發達及不受重視,使得有關債券資料的保存,特別是公司債券部份十分缺乏,連帶相關文獻亦寥寥可數,故本文以國內債券市場資料做實證研究、分析,冀望能有邊際之貢獻。

金融創新產品之創新擴散研究-以連動式債券為例 / Innovation diffusion of financial innovation products- a case study of structured note

馬濟生, Ma, Chi Shen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著企業籌資需求上升、金融機構避險需求增加、以及一般民眾投資理財意識抬頭,各式金融創新產品因應而生。這些金融創新產品可以滿足不同客戶之需求,提升企業競爭力,或是協助一般民眾達到投資理財之目標…等目的,而以上都是傳統金融商品所無法提供的功能,因此金融創新之重要性不言而喻。然而,在目前相關文獻中,鮮少研究探討金融創新與其創新擴散相關議題。 基於上述動機,本研究旨在利用以往用於科技技術創新之「創新擴散」與「行銷鴻溝」模型,探討「金融創新」當中最具代表性之創新產品「連動式債券」,是否也擁有類似科技技術創新之創新擴散與行銷鴻溝現象。 本研究以台灣地區2002 年以後主管機關核准連動式債券銷售業務開始,到2008 年雷曼兄弟倒閉事件爆發為止,做為研究期間範圍。首先,根據創新擴散與行銷鴻溝理論建構出研究架構,提出探索性假設。接著,透過先導個案之方式針對銀行與壽險業者進行訪談,得出對應探索性假設的初步答案,形成研究假設。最後,再將研究假設設計成問卷,針對所有連動式債券第一線銷售人員進行發放與回收,以進行假設檢定量化分析。 經由本研究結果發現:(一) 金融創新產品存在與科技技術創新相同之創新擴散模式; (二) 金融創新產品擴散過程中,先後採用之不同族群存在不同特性,包括風險承受度、投資預備金額、投資連動債之專業知識程度皆隨時間遞減;(三)金融創新產品擴散過程中,也存在科技技術創新所面臨難以跨越的鴻溝,其中產品單位金額大小是最關鍵之成因。然而,由於金融創新技術相較於科技創新技術較不需要時間與金錢成本去進步改良,因此金融業者僅須透過調整產品單位金額大小,便可輕易跨越鴻溝。也由於金融創新產品此種技術特性,業者其實是有能力同時向不同族群區隔進行銷售,但是礙於主流市場消費者一定要在看到可參考之成功經驗後才敢購買,因此業者仍然會先從早期市場開始銷售,形成與科技技術創新擴散模型相同之模式;(四) 有別於科技技術創新擴散模式當中,早期市場消費者之接受行為擁有降低創新不確定之象徵意義,在金融創新產品擴散過程當中,早期市場消費者之採用行為,並不能代表產品風險已經縮小至一定程度,因為金融市場之風險並不會隨技術進步而消失。然而,主流市場消費者卻存有科技技術創新擴散模型之習性,誤以為早期市場消費者之接受行為代表著金融創新產品之風險已縮小而積極跟進購買,因而承擔了超過原本所能容忍之風險程度,導致最後往往面臨虧損。 / In recent years, many kinds of financial innovation products have been invented in response to the rising demands of corporate financing, financial institutions’ hedging, and personal financial management of general public. These financial innovation products can meet different needs of different customers, bring competitiveness to enterprises, or even help the general public to manage their money more efficiently, while these are which the traditional financial products cannot achieve. As a result, the importance of financial innovation goes without saying. However, in the existing literatures, there are only a few studies concentrated on this issue. This study took 2002 to 2008 as the research period, which was from the Taiwan government first approved the business of selling structured notes to the outbreak of bankruptcy of Lehman Brother. This study first constructed the research framework and exploratory hypotheses based on the innovation diffusion theory, then explored the corresponding answers to the initial exploratory hypotheses through interviewing workers in banks and insurance companies and formed the research hypotheses, and finally conducted a questionnaire survey among those first-line sales of structured notes to test the research hypotheses statistically. This study found that: (a) financial innovation had the same pattern with the technological innovation diffusion process, but it was because general customers needed to see a successful example to pursue themselves to accept that financial innovation; (b) different groups in the innovation diffusion process had different features, including the level of risk tolerance, the amount of money used to invest, and the knowledge of investing structured notes, and the level of these features will gradually decrease as the time point of their acceptance; (c) there also existed a chasm in the financial innovation diffusion process as the technological innovation diffusion, and the key to cross the chasm was the price of each product; (d) the acceptance of earlier customers in the process of financial innovation diffusion did not mean that the risk of the products had reduced, which was quite different from the technological innovation diffusion process, and later customers usually perceive lower risk than it actually was and borne more risk than they actually can afford without knowing the above difference.

亞洲國家金融海嘯前後股票債券報酬率動態相關性分析-應用AG-DCC GARCH模型 / Asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation of Asia stock and bond returns

彭筠珈, Peng, Yun Chia Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要針對金融海嘯前後,亞洲國家資本市場報酬動態相關性的變化進行研究,過去對國際資本市場變化研究,著重於股票市場的關係且多假設相關係數為固定。 本研究應用Cappiello, Engle and Sheppard(2006)提出的AG-DCC GARCH模型(Asymmetric Generalized Dynamic Conditional Correlation GARCH),探討亞洲國家股票與債券市場的動態相關性變化。除了股票市場間報酬相關性的變化之外,同時考量危機發生時可能有flight-to-quality效果,而將台灣、韓國日本之債券市場進行研究,並將資本市場面對正面與負面衝擊時,所可能產生之不同反應納入評估,並採用國際投資者常作為投資參考的MSCI指數與J.P.Morgan指數作為研究資料來源。 研究發現台灣、中國、韓國及日本的股票指數與台灣、韓國及日本的債券市場的相關係數會隨時間變動而變動,並進一步藉由AG-DCC GARCH發現各指數在金融海嘯前後的相關係數趨勢且市場間在金融海嘯後動態相關性有顯著的差異。 投資者進行國際投資組合配置或者投資標的選擇,應考量市場間的動態相關性改變所帶來的影響,並配合本身風險傾向找出最適當的避險方式,避免因忽略市場訊息可能產生的投資風險。對政府而言,制訂政策同時尚需考量國際資本移動產生的衝擊,以及其對政策實際執行的效果影響,進而制訂有效的政策。

台灣債券型基金資產規模變動之研究 / The Development of Bond Funds in Taiwan

吳登彰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣債券型基金的發展歷程、相關問題、及主管機關的因應措施,並介紹全球債券型基金資產規模前二大之美國及盧森堡的基金發展經驗,作為台灣債券型基金發展及監理的參考。此外,迴歸分析債券型基金資產規模的影響因素及基金資產規模對金融市場、貨幣總計數M2的影響。本研究實證結果顯示:(1)債券型基金資產規模分別與6個月期美元LIBOR及我國金融同業隔夜拆款利率,呈現顯著負相關;(2)債券型基金持有公司債及金融債與該等債券發行市場的榮枯,呈現顯著正相關;及(3)債券型基金資產規模分別與銀行定期存款、中長期放款、及貨幣總計數M2的成長,呈現顯著負相關。根據本研究的結果,對於健全我國債券型基金的發展,我們建議主管機關細分基金類型、強制投信公司設立獨立董事、強化基金市場機能的發揮等;建議投信投顧公會公布之資訊宜涵蓋銀行所募集的貨幣市場基金;建議投信公司加強風險管理並檢討基金經理人紅利給付方式;及建議中央銀行增列「M2+準貨幣市場基金」的成長目標區。 / The purpose of this paper is to study the development of bond funds in Taiwan. Besides, we introduce the development of bond funds in the United States and Luxemburg. Furthermore, we analyze the determinants of the bond fund assets, and effect of the bond funds on the financial market and monetary aggregate M2 in Taiwan. The main findings of empirical study are: (1)the bond fund assets has a significant negative relationship with 6-month USD LIBOR, Taiwan interbank oversight call-loan rate, respectively; (2)the bond fund’s investment of corporate bonds has a significant positive relationship with the prosperity of corporate bond’s issuance market; and(3)the bond fund assets has a significant negative relationship with the time deposits, long-term loans, and M2, respectively. According to the results of this study, we have the following suggestions. To the supervisory authority: subdivide the type of bond fund, investment trust CO. should establish independent directors compulsorily, reinforce funds market mechanism;to the Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Association of the ROC: fund information release should include money market funds raised by bank; to the investment trust CO.: strengthen risk management and review the bonus payment; to the central bank: set up the target zone of M2 plus quasi money market funds grew.

歐洲債券危機與歐洲聯盟整合研究 / European Debt Crisis and European Integration

陳奕圜, Chen, Yi Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
2008年全球金融風暴為歐洲債券危機埋下隱患,歐元區國家紛紛進行紓困以提振經濟,導致財政赤字更加嚴重。歐元區各國因採行單一貨幣而喪失獨立的貨幣政策,使得融資工具受限。信用評等機構又先後對周邊國家調降評等,無形中擴大危機。歐洲債券危機不僅讓歐洲經濟暨貨幣同盟的結構缺陷再度浮上檯面,亦引發歐元區解決方案的認知分歧,形成以德國為首的撙節派和法國代表的反撙節派間的對立,政治界興起一片波瀾。 為分析未來歐洲統合的方向和進程,本論文從政治和經濟面了解經濟暨貨幣同盟的建立與歐洲債券危機的發生,並透過自由政府間主義的分析層次,探究未來歐洲統合的發展。經由上述方法,研究發現就德法目前國內情勢和相互交往來看,未來歐洲統合的發展可能維持現狀,而不會開倒車或形成完全的超國家建制。至於理論是否和事實重合,又有待日後持續觀察。 / After the outbreak of the European Debt Crisis since 2009, the necessity and possibility of the further integration is once again highly valued. To analyze the future development of the European integration, the thesis looks into the establishment of the Economic and Monetary Union and the outbreak of the European Debt Crisis. In addition, it looks into the relation between Germany and France through the approach of the Liberal Intergovermentalism to explore the future development of the European integration. The result of the research demonstrates that it is likely European integration will remain at status quo, instead of advancing integration to the establishment of supranational institutions, nor leading to the breakup of the European Union. While Liberal Intergovernmentalism provides the integration analysis with a feasible approach, whether the result of the research coincides with the future development of the European integration still remains to be seen.

信用連結債券評價—Factor Copula模型應用 / Application of Factor Copula Model on the Valuation of Credit-Linked Notes

朱婉寧 Unknown Date (has links)
信用連結債券的價值主要取決於所連結資產池內的資產違約情況,因此過去有許多文獻在評價時會利用Copula模擬各資產的違約時點,或是用Factor Copula估算他們在各時點下的違約機率。而本研究以Gaussian Factor Copula模型為主軸,對資產池違約機率做估計,以得到連結該資產池的信用連結債券價值。但過去文獻較常以給定參數的方式進行評價,本研究進一步利用市場實際資料估出模型參數並加入產業因子,以期達到符合市場的效果。 本研究利用已知的違約資訊對照模型結果,發現在給定原油價格成長率、產業GDP成長率及CAPM殘差之後,使用Factor Copula模型在資產池小且違約比例過高時容易低估損失,主要原因在於各資產的違約機率並非逼近1。且模型算出的預期損失會隨著距今時間變長而增加,但若資產池實際上沒有更多違約公司,模型的結果就可能會高估損失。而所有的變數又以參考價差對該商品價值的影響最大,因參考價差的數值取決於該公司的信用評等,因此可知信用連結債券價值主要還是與各公司信評有最大相關。 / The value of credit linked notes depends on whether the reference entities in the linked asset pool default or not, so some previous studies used Copula model to simulate the times to default or Factor Copula model to get the default probability. In this paper, with the Gaussian Factor Copula model adopted and industry factors taken into account, the default probability is estimated in order to obtain the value of the credit linked notes. Then, unlike other previous studies using the given parameters, this paper evaluated the parameters by using the model as well as market data, hoping to achieve the goal that results can reflect the real market situation. With real default information compared with the modeling results, three findings can be drawn given the growth rate of oil price, the growth rate of industrial GDP and the residuals of CAPM. First, the loss will be underestimated if the asset pool is small and the default proportion is too high mainly because not all the default probability approximates one. Second, expected default probability will be directly proportional to the time period between the present and the expected moment. So if there are not so many defaulting companies, then the loss might be overestimated. Last, the reference spread has the most impact on the product value among all the variables, and as we know, the reference spread of a company depends on its credit rating. Therefore, compared with other factors, credit rating remains the most essential to credit linked notes.

在Variance Gamma分配下信用連結債券評價模型 / Valuation of a Credit Linked Note on the Implementation of the Variance Gamma Distribution

宋彥傑, Song, Yen Jieh Unknown Date (has links)
本論文在Li(2000)的Gaussian Copula的背景之下,將資產價值服從常態分配的假設改為服從Variance Gamma分配,利用Copula模型模擬債權群組內各個標的資產的違約時點,並利用蒙地卡羅抽取亂數的方法,取平均之後求得信用連結債券所連結的資產債權組合價值。除此之外,本論文比較假設資產價值服從常態分配、Student t分配和Variance Gamma分配下,計算求得的資產池價值。實證結果顯示,假設服從Variance Gamma分配最接近市場的真實違約資料。這是由於Variance Gamma分配具備Student t分配的厚尾性質,能有效捕捉常態分配缺少的尾端損失機率,並可調整偏態係數和峰態係數,可以求出更接近市場價值的評價結果。最後,在敏感度分析方面,改變影響資產池價值的兩大因子:平均違約回收率和資產間相關係數。結果顯示,當平均違約回收率高於0.7時,相關係數越高的債權群組,其資產池價值亦越高。若平均違約回收率越低且資產間相關係數越高的話,越容易出現一起違約的現象,因此資產池價值會下降。因此投資人在挑選信用連結債券時,應注意所連結的標的資產群組內資產報酬的相關性,最好避免相關性高的資產群組,以免金融海嘯來臨的時候,多個資產同時違約的情形發生。

Copula模型在信用連結債券的評價與實證分析 / Valuation and Empirical Analysis of Credit Linked Notes Using Copula Models

林彥儒, Lin, Yen Ju Unknown Date (has links)
信用連結債券的價值主要取決於所連結資產池內的資產違約狀況,使得原始信用風險債券在到期時的本金償付受到其他債券的信用風險影響,因此如何準確且客觀的估計資產池內違約機率便一個很重要的課題,而過去文獻常以給定參數的方式,並且假設資產間的違約狀況彼此獨立下進行評價,對於聯合違約機率的捕捉並不明顯,因此本文延伸Factor Copula模型,建立信用連結債券之評價模型,該模型考慮了資產間的違約相關程度,以期達到符合市場的效果,同時配合統計之因素分析法,試圖找出影響商品價格背後的市場因子。 本研究利用延伸的評價模型以及Copula法,對實際商品做一訂價探討,結果發現,不管是使用樣本內或樣本外的資料去評價時,本研究的評價模型表現都優於Copula法,表示說評價時額外加入市場因子的考慮,對於評價是有正向的幫助;而在因子選取方面,我們選取18項因子後,經由因素分析共可萃取出三大類因素,藉由觀察期望價格與市場報價的均方根誤差,發現國家因素以及產業因素均對於商品價格有所影響,而全球因素對於商品不但沒有顯著影響,同時加入後還會使得計算出的商品期望價格更偏離市場報價,代表說並不是盲目的加入許多因子就能使得模型計算出的價格貼近市場報價,則是要視加入的因子對於資產的影響程度而定。 對於後續研究的建議:由於本研究的實證中存在一些假設,使得評價過程中並不完全符合現實市場現況,若能得到市場上的真實數據,或是改以隨機的方式來計算,相信結果會更貼近市場報價;同時,藉由選取不同的因子來評價,希望能找出國家因素、產業因素以外的其他影響因子,可助於我們更了解此項商品背後的影響因素,使得投資人能藉由觀察市場因子數據來判斷商品未來價格走勢。 / Value of the credit-linked notes depend on the pool of assets whether default or not, so the promised payoff of credit-linked notes is affected by other risky underlying assets. Therefore, how to estimate the probability of default asset pool accurately and objectively will be a very important issue. In the past literature, researchers usually use given parameters, and assume assets probability of default are independent from each other under valuation. Furthermore, it is not obvious to capture the joint probability of default. Thus, this article extends the Factor Copula Model to provide a new methodology of pricing credit-linked notes, which consider the default correlation between the extent of assets in order to achieve result in line with market and with Factor Analysis method added, trying to figure out the impact of commodity price factor behind the market. In the empirical analysis, pricing the actual commodity issued by LB Baden-Wuerttemberg using extend model and Copula model, we found that no matter choose in-the-sample or out-the-sample data to valuation, the models in this article are superior to Copula model by compare the root-mean-square deviation(RMSE). It means add the market factors into our valuation is beneficial. In terms of selection factors, we select eighteen factors prepared by Morgan Stanley Capital International, and three categories of factors may be extracted from Factor Analysis method. By observing RMSE, both national factors and industry factors will influence on the commodity, but world factors not only did not significantly impact on the commodity, but also add it to calculate the expected price further from the market price. Representative said not blind join the many factors can make the model to calculate the price close to the market price, it is a factor depending on the degree of influence of the added asset. For the suggestion of future research. The fact that the presence of empirical assumptions in this study, result in the evaluation process is not entirely realistic to market situation. We suggest to get the real data on the market or use random way to calculate, we believe that the outcome will be closer to the market price. Meanwhile, by selecting different factors to evaluate, trying to discover further factors which significantly impact on the commodity; it will help us better to understand the factors behind the commodity, so investors can predict commodity future prices by observing the market data.

市場模型下利率連動債券評價 — 以逆浮動、雪球型、及每日區間型為例 / Callable LIBOR Exotics Valuation in Lognormal Forward LIBOR Model, Cases of Callable Inverse Floater, Callable Cumulative Inverse Floater, and Callable Daily Range Accrual Note

趙子賢, Chao, Tzu-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
國內結構債市場業已蓬勃發展,市場模型亦相當適合結構債評價。本文在市場模型下,因市場模型不具馬可夫性質,運用最小平方蒙地卡羅法針對三連結標的為LIBOR的結構債進行評價。 / The market of the structured notes has been blossoming. The lognormal forward LIBOR model is more suitable for the valuation of structured notes than do the traditional interest rate models. In this article, we perform three case studies of the valuation of the structured notes linked to LIBOR in lognormal forward LIOBR model. It is easier to implement the lognormal forward LIBOR model by Monte Carlo simulation due to the non-Markovian property. Therefore, the least-squares Monte Carlo approach is used to deal with the callable feature of the structured notes in our case studies.

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