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女性人格特質、角色衝突與擔任高階主管關係之研究徐甄慧, Xu, Zhen-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
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大陸員工價值觀與台商管理行為的互動──地區次文化差異研究 / The Conflict & Adaptation between Mainland Chinese Value System and Taiwan Enterprises' Management Style: a Region-based Sub- cultural Research何國全, Ho, Kuo Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
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國民小學教師美育教學及其相關因素之研究 / The Research of the Aesthetic Education and Related Factors in the Elementry Schools' Teachers陳木金, Chen Mu-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
習會之國小教師 612人為樣本,以美育教學量表、創造人格特質量表、美
進行分析,所得結果如下: (一)就美育教學的得分情形而言,在美育教
的經驗,曾再學習者在美育教學上明顯地高於未曾再學習者。 (三)創造
合措施」皆有典型相關。 (四)教師美感經驗與美育教學呈顯著正相關;
」、「美育配合措施」有典型相關存在。 (五)教師美感活動與美育教學
措施」皆有典型相關。 (六)教師工作價值觀與美育教學呈顯著正相關;
有典型相關。 (七)就教師創造性人格特質、美感經驗、美感活動、工作
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國小中年級學童對教科書中的環境價值觀解讀分析 / Studies of the fourth graders' awareness on environmental values from reading textbooks蔡佳惠, Tsai,Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
雖然教科書需改進其未完全達到環境教育課程綱要中希望破除人類中心價值觀的立場,但多數學童並非全盤接收教科書訊息,少部分學童亦能以批判性的觀點解讀教科書;而學童對於教科書的解讀與定位人和自然環境之間的關係則呈現三種環境倫理並陳的情況,甚至人類中心與生態中心倫理兼而有之的矛盾,這是否和教科書內容及主流社會價值觀亦存在此兩種對立的環境倫理並陳的現象有關,值得後續研究長期深入探討。 / This study investigated the environmental values and attitudes conveyed in textbooks as well as the environmental ethics implied and how they are presented. Analysis was conducted on the content of fourth grade textbooks in an elementary school in Taipei City, Taiwan. The reception and interpretation of the environmental values in the textbooks by the fourth grade students at the school was gained by using open-ended questionnaires, focus group interviews, and individual interviews.
The findings of this study were as follows. The academic subjects with the most content involving environmental values and attitudes were Mandarin, science and technology, social studies, arts and humanities, and integrative activities. Relevant content in the textbooks was mostly directed at defining the relationship between man and nature and discussing concerns regarding the impact of human behavior. The interpretation of students was broadly identical to this result. Students in fourth grade link textbook content with long-term messages and points of views such as those derived from actual experience, the arrangement of scenarios in past textbooks, personal interests, nature conservation, misconceptions, personal environmental action, and environmental ethics in order to interpret for themselves the relationships between man and nature.
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團隊式任務發掘於多重代理人系統 / Team-Based Mission Discovery in Multi-Agent Systems林宜謙, LIN, I-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
過去多重代理人系統相關研究中,皆假設任務是預先知道而且確定的,這使得它們無法即時滿足使用者需求,因而在實務上受到限制。因此本研究期望能將多重代理人系統的工作向前延伸,引入人類社會中的價值觀,進而模擬出人類解決問題的思考模式,將能夠放寬任務給定的限制,幫助傳統多重代理人系統提昇彈性、適用於更為動態複雜的環境,即時地滿足使用者需求。任務發掘意指幫助多重代理人系統找出合適任務的過程,將任務發掘應用於多重代理人系統,最主要的挑戰在於-「什麼任務才能滿足需求」;換句話說,「找出需求」。價值(value)正是引起社會交換(social exchange)的元素,價值觀則是人類對於該價值之看法。重視該價值觀為希望於交換過程中獲得該價值,不重視該價值觀為願意於交換過程中犠牲該價值,然而重視有程度之分,即希望獲得/願意犠牲之優先順序。衝突即為依據該優先順序以重視之價值換取不重視之價值的交換行為;最低衝突則為以最不重視之價值換取最重視之價值的交換行為。若能以最低衝突進行交換即最能符合使用者價值觀;最符合使用者價值觀之決策則能滿足使用者之需求。透過本研究所發展之衝突解析演算法,將能夠找出與使用者價值觀最低衝突之代理人團隊,以使用者價值觀點出發,發掘出情境化任務,有效地滿足使用者需求。 / Most existing multi-agent systems (MAS) presume that the tasks to be resolved are given. However, this assumption sometimes renders the systems unrealistic. A sound mission discovery mechanism would exempt this assumption and offer flexibility and adaptation in resolving the user’s problem in dynamic complexity environments. The major challenge of mission discovery in MAS, in general, rests on how to associate missions to the user’s needs (i.e., the identification of the user’s needs). “Value” is anything that can give rise to exchange. For instance, if someone can help his friend no matter what the price he would pay for, then it means that the moral value surpasses the economics value for the case. Based on the theory of social exchange, this paper devises a Conflict Resolution Algorithm that aims to allocate an agent team of the members with the least value conflict so as to discover the contextualized missions that could fulfill the user’s needs.
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國民中小學校長工作價值觀、重要他人支持、自我效能感對其工作選擇的影響研究 / A Study of Impact of Work Values, Significant Others’ Support, and Self-efficacy on Junior High and Elementary School Principals’ Job Choice席榮維, Hsi, Jungwei Unknown Date (has links)
最後,根據研究結果提出相關建議,以供教育行政機關、校長培育中心、現職校長以及未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of work values, significant other’s support, and self-efficacy for principal’s job choice. The study included literature analysis, questionnaire survey, and interview. The purpose of literature analysis was aimed to explore the relationship of work values, significant other support, self-efficacy, and job choice. The pilot study was included 100 subjects. The sample was included 404 principals. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, correlation, ANOVA, multiple regression and LISREL model. The interview was conducted according to the analyzed results.
The major findings were:
1.The principal’s scores on work value, significant other’s support, self-efficacy and job choice were moderately high.
2.Years of principalship, gender, and districts could make significant differences on principal’s work values
3.The levels of schools, in-service years, years of principalship, gender, and districts could make differences on significant other’s support.
4.In-service years, years of principalship, gender, and districts could make differences on principal’s self-efficacy.
5.The level of schools, years of principalship, gender, and districts could make differences on principal’s job choice.
6.There was highly positive correlation among principal’s work values, significant other’s support, self-efficacy, and job choice
7.The principal’s job choice could be predicted by work values, significant other’s support, self-efficacy.
8.The principal’s job choice could be affected by work values, significant other’s support, self-efficacy.
9.Principal’s self-efficacy was the strongest indicator for job choice, significant other’s support was the second one, and work values were the smallest one.
According to the results, suggestions for authorities of educational administration, School leadership academy, principal, and for further study were proposed.
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來源國,廣告訴求,文化價值觀:航空公司廣告在台灣的內容分析法研究 / Examining the Relationship between Country of Origin, Appeals, and Cultural Values in Advertising: A Content Analysis Study of Airline Ads in Taiwan古楷婷, Gulenok, Kateryna Unknown Date (has links)
The current study is a content analysis of airlines’ printed ads, exploring an intersection of country-of-origin (COO), advertising appeals (rational and emotional), and cultural values (Eastern or Western). The study focuses on airlines advertising to understand the role of COO and its interaction with ad appeals and cultural values. The goal of the study is to explore the ways in which airlines or service businesses (selling intangible products) communicate with consumers about the values and meanings in their advertising, especially since the market for travel services is growing and the airline industry is facing drastic competition.
The statistical analysis showed clear consistent patterns in the use of COO and other advertising appeals: the ads that used COO are more likely to use emotional appeals and express more Eastern values. Adding to our understanding about the branding of airlines, the findings are in line with the literature that claimed emphasis on emotional aspects for service advertisements. Implications for practitioners are also discussed.
Key words: airlines, country-of-origin, services, advertising appeals, cultural values, content analysis / Abstract
The current study is a content analysis of airlines’ printed ads, exploring an intersection of country-of-origin (COO), advertising appeals (rational and emotional), and cultural values (Eastern or Western). The study focuses on airlines advertising to understand the role of COO and its interaction with ad appeals and cultural values. The goal of the study is to explore the ways in which airlines or service businesses (selling intangible products) communicate with consumers about the values and meanings in their advertising, especially since the market for travel services is growing and the airline industry is facing drastic competition.
The statistical analysis showed clear consistent patterns in the use of COO and other advertising appeals: the ads that used COO are more likely to use emotional appeals and express more Eastern values. Adding to our understanding about the branding of airlines, the findings are in line with the literature that claimed emphasis on emotional aspects for service advertisements. Implications for practitioners are also discussed.
Key words: airlines, country-of-origin, services, advertising appeals, cultural values, content analysis
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影響大眾環境風險認知及政策支持因素之跨層次分析 / Predicting Environmental Risk Perception and Policy Support: A Multilevel Model蘇民欣, Su, Min Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討利己及利他價值觀如何影響大眾環境風險認知及政策支持,並進一步探討其影響是否受到風險規模、文化取向、及國家發展程度之影響。資料來源為世界價值觀調查(World Value Survey)第五波資料,以Schwartz的「人類價值觀理論」為理論基礎,測量個人利己及利他價值觀,並依風險規模將環境風險認知分為全球性及地區性。統計方法使用層級迴歸,同時檢驗國家層級變項(文化取向及發展程度)對個人層級變項之跨層級調節效果。研究結果顯示大眾對環境風險的感知及反應,受到其價值觀的影響,但針對不同規模的風險議題,在不同文化取向及發展程度的國家,其影響有顯著不同。 / Environmental issues have received much public and media attention abroad and at home. With the increased environmental awareness, there is a strong call for relevant policies and regulations aimed at sustainable development. To ensure sufficient public support, it is crucial to develop a fuller understanding of factors and processes underlying people’s willingness to help protect the environment when making decisions as consumers and citizens.
This study aims to predict people’s environmental risk perception and policy support as a function of their values. Specifically, Schwartz’s self-transcendence and self-enhancement value clusters will be examined as determinants to understand why few people choose to make collectively beneficial decisions.
Three extensions were made. First, instead of focusing on low-cost lifestyle changes, this study examined policy support that requires substantial personal costs. Second, global and local environmental risk perceptions are treated as two qualitatively different constructs according to their geographical scales. Finally, this study moves beyond an individualistic approach, incorporating country-level forces into the model.
Information about the individuals are based on variables measured in the World Value Survey (2005), while cultural orientations and levels of development are measured by the Schwartz Value Survey (2005) and the Human Development Index (2005) respectively. Hierarchical regression are employed, with the nature of interaction being revealed by plotting techniques.
The results suggested that perception and responses to environmental risks reflect their most basic value priorities and life goals. Consequently, environmental persuasive messages are most effective when intended behaviors are framed as fulfilling important life goals. However, the effects of person-level constructs greatly vary with social contexts and issue scales, suggesting that different strategies are preferred when dealing with risks associated with different geographical frame. Finally, cultural orientations and levels of development will influence the way members of a society respond to environmental threats. Practical implications for environmental risk communication are proposed and discussed.
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從跨文化傳播看兒童雙語教育---以文化價值觀為例 / A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Children's Bilingual Education:Taking Cultural Values as Examples張靖筠, Chang, Ching-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採質化研究中的深度訪談法,研究對象包括十位台中華盛頓雙語小學學生、家長以及中英兩部主任。研究結果發現,雙語學校的盛行正反映了在全球化下,台灣人民對英語高度崇拜的社會文化現象。然而標榜全球化教育的雙語學校卻對本土教育產生不當排擠作用,雙語學童不但沒有展現出應有的宏觀的、批判的國際觀,反而產生貶抑本土語言價值與文化的態度,混種性的文化價值觀更淺藏認同危機。值得注意的是,孩子家庭的文化背景更扮演了直接影響雙語學童文化價值與語言評價的關鍵性角色。因此,本研究建議政府及相關單位在努力推動英語學習時,不要忽略本國語言與文化對一個孩子人格發展的重要性。家長也要有自己的定見,在參考各方建議時要能尊重孩子的個別差異其獨特性,不隨波逐流。 / The purpose of this thesis is using a cross-cultural lens to investigate Taiwanese children’s experience with bilingual education, its effects on children cultural values, and other factors that should be taken into consideration in Taiwan’s current bilingual education system.
This thesis will specifically answer the following: What are the motivations of children to study in a bilingual elementary school? What is the role of bilingual education in the development of children’s cultural values, attitudes, and knowledge? What are parents’ perceptions of bilingual education and how does it influence children in various ways? How does bilingual education shape the type of children’s learning experiences under social and familial circumstances?
Interviews with ten students, their parents and two deans of the Washington Bilingual Elementary School were conducted. The results indicated that contrary to the main goal of a bilingual school, which is to broaden the international perspectives of students, the mother tongue is devalorized in bilingual classes. Children therefore perceive an uneven social representation of languages, which further influence their cultural identities. Moreover, some parents regard English proficiency as a representation of their high social-economic status. Under a parent’s influence, these children therefore perceive English as a superior language making Chinese inferior, which seriously influences the development of their cultural identities and ethnic attitudes. These cases indicate that the extent to which western values affect children’s cultural identities will significantly depend on the specific social, familial and educational circumstances which shape the bilingual experience.
Finally, some suggestions to the institutions of bilingual education and to future research are proposed according to the results of this study.
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新進人員與直屬主管及資深同事價值觀契合度對新進人員組織承諾之影響-並檢驗「與主管交換關係」及「與同事交換關係」之干擾效果林佳怡 Unknown Date (has links)
3. TMX在「新人□同事價值觀契合度對新人努力承諾關係」及「新人□同事價值觀契合度對新人價值承諾關係」中有顯著的干擾效果
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