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兒童日常生活中數位媒體使用:以台灣學童部落格使用為例 / Children's digital media usage in everyday life: case study on two elementary school students' weblog behavior in Taiwan翁孝蓁, Weng, Hsiao Chen Unknown Date (has links)
Children use Internet for many reasons, such as playing on-line games, searching for information, downloading music and videos or doing homework. However, there is one interesting tendency that Internet has changed the boundary between the sender and the receiver. Children in this Internet age, they change their roles to become content providers. While they are blogging or uploading photos, they are processing “I media”.
In the past, children invite their friends to their bedroom. They talk the secrets or playing games while they are in a parenting area. Today, ‘bedroom’ and ‘digital bedroom’ can be combined. Staying at home, and not going out, but by surfing the (world) of the web, both boys and girls of different ages are engaging in a kind of domestic or bedroom culture that take place in virtual space.
In this study, children’s personal weblog may be seen as ‘heterotopias’, Michel Foucault (1986) proposed. This research concerned about children's use of blogs in their everyday life, attempted to learn children's digital bedroom culture through the analyses of all kinds of documents presented in children’s blogs, and to know how children gain identity through blogs.
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壞牙齒查理:電子童書的遊戲性探索 / Bad Tooth Charlie: exploration of the playfulness in electronic children’s book吳怡潔, Wu, Yi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本文透過《壞牙齒查理》的創作,探討電子童書的遊戲性,希望這個創作文本可以同時包含平面童書的線性故事內涵,以及遊戲的娛樂性質。平面童書如玩具書透過機關的設計,提供兒童探索的樂趣,而電子童書可以提供的則是一個遊樂的空間,透過多媒體以及動態的設計,電子童書的臨場感可以讓兒童更投入於閱讀情境中,平面腳本與遊戲腳本對文本來說,等於是獨立的兩次性創作,《壞牙齒查理》的遊戲文本,將平面文本中的各場景整合成一個遊樂場,希望兒童行走於其中,不僅得到一個新故事,也在裡面玩了一趟。 / In Fairy tale field, children’s book is the most popular and widely spread media cherished by children from generation to generation. However, there is one particular type among children’s books, “Toy Book,” which is usually absent in the discussion. The playfulness of toy book should not be underestimated. Moreover, in the electronic media field, the playfulness of electronic children’s book should be explored and discovered as well.
By creating “Bad Tooth Charlie”, this research aims to study the playfulness of electronic children’s book. “Bad Tooth Charlie” contains the story line of traditional children’s book and the entertainment factor of toy and interactive game. Through the design of multimedia and dynamic tricks, electronic children’s book can provide a virtual playground, a vivid presence feeling for kids and make them involving into the story even more. By reading “Bad Tooth Charlie” electronic children’s book, the little audiences can enjoy not only a brand new story, but also a great playing time.
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國小一年級兒童家長教育期望、休閒參與與學習壓力之相關性研究─以臺北市為例 / The study of relationships among Parents' Educational Expectation, Leisure Participation and Learning Stress of the first graders of elementary school in Taipei city莫碧華, Mok, Pek Wa Unknown Date (has links)
壹、 家長教育期望普遍偏高,且在品德及人際之得分最高;兒童休閒參與程度普遍中等,且在戶外活動上之得分最高;兒童學習壓力現況普遍偏低。
貳、 家長社經地位在家長教育期望的得分上無顯著差異,然而父親為中社經地位的孩子,其品格及人際較低社經地位者佳。子女性別在家長教育期望的得分上無顯著差異,然而女童的品格及人際方面的期望顯著高於男生。子女數與子女序在家長教育期望上無顯著差異。
參、 家長不同社經地位在兒童休閒參與得分上達顯著差異,父母親社經地位愈高,孩子的休閒參與程度也較高。不同子女性別在兒童休閒參與得分上無顯著差異,然而男生參與大眾媒體活動的程度較女生高,女生參與個人嗜好活動的程度則比男生高。不同子女數與子女序在兒童休閒參與得分上無顯著差異。
肆、 家長不同社經地位在兒童學習壓力得分上達顯著差異,且低社經地位父母親的孩子在兒童學習壓力上承受的壓力也較高。而子女性別、子女數與子女序在兒童學習壓力上無顯著差異。
伍、 家長教育期望與兒童學習壓力呈現負相關。而兒童休閒參與與兒童學習壓力也呈負相關。
陸、 家長教育期望對兒童學習壓具有預測力;而兒童休閒參與對兒童學習壓力則無預測力。
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兒童近視控制鏡片於學齡兒童近視影響之研究─以K眼鏡公司為例 / The study of progressive addition lenses’ effect in children-using K. Optical company as an example張騰達, Teng-Ta Chang Unknown Date (has links)
目前近視常用的治療方法有配戴眼鏡、藥物治療和雷射手術,而對於一般學童仍以配戴眼鏡為主要選擇,其中又以兒童近視控制鏡片為主。是故本研究欲以兒童近視控制鏡片對於學童近視的影響作為研究主軸,藉由個案K 眼鏡公司提供的2005至2010年資料進行分析探討,以瞭解我國學童配戴單焦鏡片或兒童近視控制鏡片其近視度數增長之差異。其中,以趨勢分析探討學童配戴單焦鏡片或兒童近視控制鏡片於四年期間度數增長之趨勢變化;以獨立樣本右尾T檢定探討學童配戴兒童近視控制鏡片每年增加度數是否低於單焦鏡片者;以配對樣本雙尾T檢定探討學童左眼和右眼每年增加度數是否有所差異;以獨立性檢定探討鏡片種類與每年近視度數增加程度之關聯性。
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從親子三角關係、情緒安全感探討兒童知覺父母衝突與其適應之關係許惠雯 Unknown Date (has links)
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老幼兼顧之經驗初探:以兼顧失能配偶與年幼孫兒的女性照顧者為例 / A Study on the Experience of Female Caregivers with Dual Care Responsibility for Disabled Spouse and Young Grandchildren楊雅嵐 Unknown Date (has links)
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漢語兒童「然後」的使用 / The Use of Ranhou in Mandarin Child Language黃建銘, Huang, Chien Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討漢語母子對話中兒童「然後」的使用與其功能。研究語料來自於八位年齡介於兩歲七個月到五歲四個月的兒童,並分成兩組:年紀較小之兒童(平均兩歲十一個月)與年紀較大之兒童(平均四歲十個月)。本研究主要根據Su (1998)的分類,把兒童「然後」分為連接詞(connective)及言談標記(discourse marker)的使用。連接詞的使用有時間性(temporal)、遞增性(additive)、因果性(causal)及轉折性(contrast)四項功能。言談標記的使用有填補語(verbal filler)、主題接續(topic succession)及主題再開(resumptive opener)三項功能。研究結果顯示年紀較大之組的兒童使用「然後」的次數較多。隨著兒童年齡增長,言談標記使用的增加比連接詞的增加還多。「然後」當連接詞時,時間性功能使用得最多。與Yeh (2011)「然後」在敘述文中的研究比較,其顯示出「然後」在敘述文中出現得比在對話中還多。另外,時間性功能隨著年紀減少,而遞增性及因果性隨著年齡增加,可用Winskel (2003)的「概念複雜性」(conceptual complexity)來解釋。「然後」當言談標記時,兒童填補語使用得最多,其隨著年紀增加而減少使用。主題再開兩組都使用得少,而主題接續只出現在年紀較大之組別。總結,兒童在「然後」的使用上有發展上的不同。 / The study investigated Mandarin-speaking children’s different use of ranhou at different ages in mother-child conversations. Eight subjects aged from 2;7 to 5;4 were divided into two groups; a younger group (mean age: 2;11) and an older group (mean age: 4;10). In this study, the children’s use of ranhou was categorized into connective use and discourse marker use, mainly based on Su’s (1998) classification. The connective use of ranhou includes temporal, additive, causal, and contrast functions. The discourse marker use of ranhou contains verbal filler, topic succession, and resumptive opener functions. The results showed that older children used more tokens of ranhou than younger children. As children got older, the discourse marker use of ranhou increased much more than the connective use of ranhou. In the connective use of ranhou, temporal ranhou was the most frequent function. Compared with Yeh’s (2011) study of ranhou in narratives, it may be suggested that ranhou occurs more in narratives and less in conversations. Additionally, the temporal function decreased with age whereas the additive and causal functions increased with age, which could be explained by Winskel’s (2003) conceptual complexity. In the discourse marker use of ranhou, the verbal filler function was used the most and decreased with age. The tokens of the resumptive opener function were few in both groups, and the topic succession function only occurred in the older group. To conclude, the results suggest that there is a developmental difference in children’s use of ranhou.
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兒童網路性別態度與社會化歷程探討 / The Relationship between Children’s Attitudes toward Gender Representation on the Internet and the Processes of Socialization樊誌融, Fan, Chih-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,兒童對於網路上有關性別的描述略微傾向不相信,家庭、同儕、學校等社會化機制會影響兒童網路性別態度,家庭、同儕、學校等社會化機制與兒童網路態度的關聯性都達顯著相關,而且家庭、同儕和學校等社會化機制亦可顯著預測兒童網路性別態度,其中以同儕的影響力最大,反觀兒童的媒體使用行為不會影響兒童網路性別態度,另外,本研究還發現,居住縣市變項可以顯著預測兒童網路性別態度,居住在新竹市的學童較居住在其他縣市不相信網路上有關性別的描述。 / As the population of that children use the Internet is rising and the age of that children first access to the Internet is declining. There is lots of information on the Internet and children are probably exposed to the contents that relate to sex or gender. This study wants to know what children’s attitudes toward those gender contents are and which factors influence their attitudes. This study attempts to explore this issue from socialization perspective and to understand how the agents of socialization influence children’s attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet.
This study adopts the quantitative method and analyzes the second data to understand how the processes of socialization affect children’s attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet.
Subjects in this study are selected from students in elementary schools in northern Taiwan via sampling and structural questionnaires are used to collect data. The total number of reliable questionnaires is 495. The major findings in the study are as follows:
First, children slightly disagree with the gender portrayal on the Internet. Second, the agents of socialization including family, peer group, and school can affect children’s attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet. Third, mass media, whether TV or the Internet, cannot influence children’s attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet. Fourth, living areas can affect children’s attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet. Children living in Hsinchu city disagree with the gender portrayal on the Internet more than those living in the other areas in northern Taiwan.
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公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動之研究 / Children's e-book promotion activities in public libraries陳莞捷, Chen, Wan-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國內公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動現況,以深度訪談法了解國內公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動意義與內涵、種類、策略與規劃設計、兒童電子書推廣活動與傳統閱讀推廣活動差異等。故本研究之研究問題為:(一)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的意義為何?(二)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的辦理方式為何?(三)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的策略與宣傳方式為何?(四)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的規劃設計為何?(五)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的評鑑方式為何?(六)促成公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的成功因素為何?(七)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動實施時所遭遇的問題有哪些? (八)參與公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動讀者的看法為何?(九)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動與傳統推廣活動的差異為何?
綜合各項資料歸納出九項結論:(一)推廣服務有助於兒童電子書的推廣。(二)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的辦理方式多元,專為兒童電子書推廣而辦理的活動有兒童電子書閱讀、電子資源利用研習、班級訪問活動、到校授課和主題活動。(三)其推廣策略有地區的推廣、對象的推廣和項目的推廣。宣傳活動管道,主要為透過網站、電子報/E-mail、館舍、刊登館內文宣等。(四)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的規劃設計有七要項,包含參與對象、推廣活動的型態、電子書與資料庫選擇原則、授課人員、時間安排、場地安排、教材與電腦網路設備。(五)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的評鑑方法有八種:問卷調查、參與數量統計、使用統計、自我評鑑、學習單、觀察法、訪談法、電子資源問題諮詢紀錄。(六)促成公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的成功因素,主要有長官的支持、政策的支持、母機構的支持和充足的人力配置。(七)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動實施時所遭遇的問題,主要為人力不足 (八)參加兒童電子書推廣活動讀者肯定推廣服務的價值。(九)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動與傳統推廣活動的差異包含電腦素養、電腦科技的接受度、授課環境要求較高、兒童電子書的多媒體設計與格式要求。
最後本研究針對公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動之現況提出五項建議(一)提升圖書館館員電子資源與推廣活動的專業能力。(二)解決公共圖書館館員人力不足的問題。(三)提升圖書館的電腦軟硬體設備以支持電子書服務。(四)兒童電子書網站服務也是推廣服務一環。(五)公共圖書館應強化兒童電子書館藏。 / The theme of this study is to investigate the current promotion activities of the children e-book in the public libraries in Taiwan. Depth interviews are implemented to comprehend the (1) significance & connotation (2) the types of activities (3) strategy and (4) planning and designing (5) the differences between the children e-book and traditional reading. The theme of this study are: 1.What is the significance of the promotion of e-book in the public libraries? 2. What are the right way to conduct the e-book promotion activities in the public libraries? 3. What are the planning and desinning of the children’s e-books promotion activities in public libraries? 4. What will be the key concerns when a children e-book promoting activity will run in a public children library? 5. What are the evaluation methods of the children’s e-books promotion activities in public libraries? 6. What are the factors that make the children e-book to be promoted successfully in the public library? 7. What are the problems encountered when the children e-books are promoted in the public children library? 8. What are visitors’ opinions after participating in a children e-book promoting activity? 9. What are the differences between a children e-book promoting activity and traditional promoting activity?
Websites analysis and depth interview are used in this research. During the proceeding of this research, website analysis is used to learn how the e-book websites offer their services. Consequently, 5 major public libraries including Taipei City Library, New Taipei City Library, National Central Library-Taiwan branch. National Taichung Library and Kaohsiung City Library and etc.. After all these, the readers who have ever attended any e-book promotion activity are also invited to have this interview to learn their experiences. 7 readers, 4 children and 3 adults were interviewed.
Nine conclusions are made after studying all the data: (1) Marketing services can help with children’s e-book promotion. (2) E-book promotion activities have been conducted through multiple ways in the public libraries. For example: children’s e-book reading, workshops on utilizing electronic sources, visiting classes, teaching in schools and running theme activities.(3) Marketing has different strategies, different groups and different items. The main promotion connections are websites, electronic newspapers and e-mail, library buildings, public organizations, publishing promotion ads in the library and so on. (4) Seven projects concerning children’s e-books in the library are promoted through the children e-book promoting activities in all the public libraries in Taiwan. The sub-projects are the objects targeted, the types of activities promoted, the principles of choosing e-books and e-data, instructors training, schedule arrangement, location arrangement, teaching materials preparation and computer and network facilities set up. (5)There are eight different approaches to conducting the evaluation of children’s e-book promotion activity in public libraries: (a) questionnaires (b) statistics of participating numbers, (c) statistics of use, (d) self-evaluation, (e) learning sheet, (f) observing method, (g) interviews, (h) records of electronic consultation questionnaires .(6)The major factors that make the e-book able to be successfully accepted in public libraries are the full support from (a) those in charge, (b) policies (c) proper placement of personnel activity.(7) The major reason for encountering problems is insufficient personnel activity when the promotion activities were running in the public libraries.(8)The readers who attended the children’s e-book promotion activities confirm the value of e-book promotion.(9)The differences between the children’s e-book promotion activity and traditional promotion activity in the public libraries are (a) one's general ability with computers, (b) the acceptance of computer technology (c) expecting a better studying environment (d) demanding multi-media design and format in their e-books.
At the last part of this research, 5 suggestions in connection with E-book promotion activities conducted in the public libraries are brought up here. (1) Promote the professional librarian’s capability concerning the Children E-book promotion activities. (2) Settle the problem of insufficient human resources in the public libraries. (3) Promote E-book service by upgrading facilities of computer software & hardware in the library. (4) Services of Children e-book websites is also a link in chain. (5) The public libraries should strengthen the collection of children’s e-books.
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社工專業於福利服務法制中之定位 —以兒少保護安置與收出養認可案件為中心 / The Social Workers’ Legal Status on Social Welfare Law: With Emphasis on Child Protection Placement and Children Adoption黃國媛 Unknown Date (has links)
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