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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺北捷運公私部門聯合開發制度之研究 / A study on the institution of Taipei MRT public-private joint development

蕭淑君 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社會與環境的快速變遷,政府傳統的單一權力控制模式已經無法有效解決公共問題與滿足民眾需求,因此世界各國政府改造趨勢多以治理取代過去由上而下的統治與管理思維,並且尋求政府體制以外的非政府夥伴加入公共事務管理與公共服務產出的行列,而公私協力治理模式之運作更是廣受學界與實務工作者的關注與重視。 本研究試以臺北捷運聯合開發制度檢視我國公私協力之運作執行,透過文獻分析與深度訪談,萃取相關學者與實務工作者的參與經驗,探討我國公私部門在捷運聯合開發之協力過程中所產生之限制與問題。 研究發現我國捷運聯合開發過程中的公私夥伴關係僅建立在制式化的契約基礎上,並無法有效回應開發作業所呈現的複雜動態變化,同時合作雙方也缺乏具體的協商機制與行為共識,因此本研究建議我國政府在政策規劃與設計階段必須將各行動者的參與動機和參與目的納入考量,同時在政策執行過程中,雙方亦須透過協商互動來確保彼此的合作意願,透過資源共用和權力互賴而完善我國捷運聯合開發之公私協力治理模式。 / With the social and environment rapid change, the traditional authority has been not solved the public problem. Hence, every country toward the governance to replace the top-down and seek for non-governments to be public administrators. Therefore, the Public-Private Partnerships is popular for scholar and practice workers. This study aims to review the Taipei Mass Rapid Transit(MRT) System with the respect of Public-Private Partnerships. We will discuss the Public-Private Partnerships’ limits and problem in MRT joint developments through the references and deep interview, gaining the experience from the scholars and practices workers. This study finds out that the Public-Private Partnerships in MRT joint development process are basic on the contracts. It could not respond efficiency the complex dynamic and both sides lack negotiation systems and arrangement at the same time. Consequence, the study suggests that the country have to consider the motivation and purpose from actors in the process of policy formulation. At the same time, both side have to ensure cooperation willing through the negotiation and to achieve the perfect Public-Private Partnerships through the resource dependence and interdependence of power in the MRT joint development.


朱森村, Chu Sen-Tsuen Unknown Date (has links)
面對要做的事無限,但能力有限之困境,政府部門的發展之道大致可歸納為二:(一)建立與提昇政府的能力—此涵蓋採行廣泛措施、活動的概念,這些措施的目的在於提昇公民和政府的能力,冀望產生更有效及更有回應力的公共服務與財貨。(二)市政業務民營化或協力化—透過民營化或協力化機制(規劃者、協調者、整合者及推動者)統合、激發運用民間資源。   在面對資源稀少性下,可運用幾項策略:(1)推動民營化;(2)形塑公民意識;(3)採行減肥措施;(4)採行合夥措施;(5)採用第三部門等五種策略。其中採行合夥措施接近公私部門協力關係,基本上,推動公私部門協力關係需奠立於公民意識和參與基礎之上。因為若有堅固的公民意識和參與基礎,將能導引公共政策的走向,同時減輕政府沉重的負擔。   在面對沉重的財政壓力與政策需求下,政府已開始改變做事方式,大力倡導公私部門協力,並允許公私部門間的競爭(劉毓玲,民82)。整個公私部門關係的轉變,由陌生到競爭合作,這些作法乃至於政府主動尋求私部門的協力參與;其主要核心觀念是改造政府具有效率和品質的政府,公部門不再只強調公平性的原則,同時要提高公共服務的水準,以因應民眾需求。「公私部門的協力關係(或稱合夥關係)」(public-private partnership)已成為目前國家建設公共政策上非常重要的一種理念。   筆者認為公私部門協力關係是:公私部門以平等互惠、共同參與、責任分擔的原則,建立一個以公民參與為基礎,以公共責任為核心,以公共利益為目的,結合公部門、私部門、第三部門及公民,並以建立公私協力機制為連結的公共服務責任網(network of responsibility),它具有下列內涵:(1)公私部門協力是公私部門組織文化性和結構性的改變;(2)公私部門協力兼顧效率與公共性;(3)公私部門協力是一種組織的關係或網絡。   因此,在本文中,首先探討公私部門關係,包括民營化方向及第三部門的參與,進而探討公私部門合作的新方向—公私部門協力關係。繼而論及公私部門協力理論,探討理論基礎—公民參與理論及新政府運動,再者論及公私部門協力運用策略、限制與解決之道。並以台北市社區大學的個案研究,探討公私部門在此一公共政策的合作關係。最後,希望作一理論與個案之整合,由公共利益與公共性的維護、公共責任的落實、公私協力機制的法制化探討公私部門協力關係的必要發展--公私協力機制的發展。此些觀念之內涵如下: 一、公共利益與公共性的維護   學者C.Ventriss(1991:12)曾言:「行政是政府的重心,而公共才是國家的核心」,一語點出「公共性」對於一個國家或政府的重要性,以及公共行政的核心價值所在。「公共性」積極意義的彰顯,也就是指人類共同事務必須經由社群成員的主動參與,以及成員間的相互溝通、意見表達,以形成共識,而這樣的共識及其付諸實踐的一切行動將有助於群體公益以及共同美善(common good)。 社區大學的成立,結合了政府部門、民間部門及社區團體及社區居民的共同參與而成立,其上課方式亦採取讓公民參與、公民自主的方式,充分展現了公共性的價值。 二、公共責任的落實   公私部門協力關係責任的承擔是由協力雙方共同承擔,這可由兩個面向探討之,一為政策議程設定,一為行政官僚組織人員。在議程的設定方面,有那些議題能被列入議程中討論,乃至於形成政策?以「參與式民主」(participatory democracy)的觀點而言,參與式民主意指(1)使政府行政人員的選拔過程更受一般平民的影響,此涉及政黨的民主化;(2)把許多與國家大致上無關的決策由地方政府或社會人民集會成立,以制衡中央過分集中的權力及行政官僚的勢力;(3)私人性組織的「民主化」等政策。參與式民主的觀點啟發了日後公共事務管理的新思維,如社區自覺與自治、公眾參與,以至於公私部門協力關係。因此,依據民主的意涵,議程設定的應然決策者應為人民,實現主權在民的理念。而公私部門協力關係亦可視為一種人民的參與和監督方式,藉由此種機制彌補議程設定的障礙,讓有些具有重要性、迫切性的議題或弱勢團體的需求,可以透過公私部門協力關係而予以處理。   在行政官僚組織探討上,一個健全的民主行政發展應考量以下幾個原則:(1)公共取向;(2)深思熟慮的抉擇;(3)公正正直的行為;(4)程序的尊重;(5)程序的尊重。 三、公私協力機制的法制化   公私部門協力關係的建立,並不意味協力雙方可以恣意作為而不受約束。公私部門協力關係不限於傳統的政治監督方式,可由具公信力的團體組織負責監督或用「誘因監督」方式由協力雙方根據預算和利益分配進行良性互動監督,即創造出一「公私協力機制」,以利永續經營發展。   就社區大學的未來發展而言,除須克服法令的限制外,另外尚須配合下列措施,以兼顧公平、正義與效率: 一、訂定類似委託民間辦理實施要點,逐步引進營利部門共同推動公共政策,以保障弱勢群體的權益,使其不致成為民營化的犧牲者。 二、積極輔導民間非營利部門健全發展,使服務供給市場能充分發展,增加民眾的選擇性,真正達到競爭、效率、高品質的目標,如此才能真正達到公私協力多元的供給體系目標。   台北市文山區社區大學的成立代表了兩層意義:一是它代表著將知識的喜悅帶出學術殿堂,培養公民大眾的批判理性,健全公共理性的論述機制,提昇競爭力及生活素質,並期許為社會重建的起點,建立終身學習社會的使命。二是文山區社區大學的設置係由民間社團、社區組織、台北市政府共同協力達成的,這不但突破現今教育部設置「大學」的法令限制,更是公部門與私部門協力完成的一個範例,它的成功與否將成為公私部門協力的研究一項重要指標。 目錄 第一章 緒論……..…..……………………………………………..1 第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………..1 第二節 研究途徑、方法與限制…………………………………..5 第三節 文獻檢視……………………………………………..……8 第四節 研究架構與流程………………………………………….20 第二章 公私部門關係之分析……..………………………….……27 第一節 公私部門關係探討….……………………………………27 第二節 公共事務民營化探討……………………………….……34 第三節 非營利組織與政府的互動關係………………………….37 第四節 公私部門合作的新方向………………………………….39 第三章 公私部門協力理論與策略分析..……………………….…45 第一節 公私部門協力理論……………………………………….45 第二節 公私部門協力策略……………………………………….51 第三節 公私部門協力理論限制與解決之道…………………….58 第四章 公私部門協力關係應用於台北社區大學之分析..……….70 第一節 台北市社區大學方案規劃過程………………………….70 第二節 台北市社區大學方案法制化問題……………………….76 第三節 台北市社區大學方案執行………………………..…...80 第四節 台北市社區大學方案評估…………..……………..….86 第五章 公私協力機制的建立…………………………………….…92 第一節 公共利益與公共性的維護……………………………...92 第二節 公共責任的落實………………………………………...97 第三節 公私協力機制的法制化……………………………....102 第六章 結論…………………………………………………………104 第一節 研究發現..……………………………………………..104 第二節 研究建議..……………………………………………..110 參考書目………………..….………………………………………117 附錄一 訪談紀錄 附錄二 台北市政府試辦社區大學實施要點 附錄三 台北市政府試辦社區大學委託大專院校或民間團體經營契約範本

正式契約與關係治理的替代與互補--長期照顧居家服務委託關係之研究 / Relationship between Contracting Out and Public Private Partnerships as substitutes or complements in contracting management:an empirical examination of Long-Term Care Service System in Taiwan

王千文, Wang, Chian Wen Unknown Date (has links)
【研究動機與目的】「公私協力」已成為當代政府運作與學術研究風潮,然協力研究實際上忽略一重要議題,即公私部門管理者對於協力究竟抱持著什麼樣的態度。由於態度會決定人的行為模式,對於在制度與組織層面提出各項能左右協力成效的要件,但也不能忽略運用這些遊戲規則的卻是代表組織的公私部門管理者。再者,對於公私協力的研究多採單一經濟途徑,較缺乏整全跨學科領域的實證模型。基於上述,本研究主要分從公私部門管理者角度,建構融合經濟與社會-心理的理論途徑,探究公私部門管理者在契約管理上的態度意向「為何」與「如何」對協力行為產生影響(正式契約與關係治理)。並以目前公私協力中最具爭議且重要的長期照顧制度做為研究個案。 【研究設計】本研究主要研究目的有二,其一,探討現階段長期照顧制度中,公私部門管理者對於委託代理的預期、協調運作機制以及對於績效的看法。這個部份將透過質化訪談方式進行資料蒐集;其二,藉由結構方程模式循證公私部門管理者對於委託代理的態度,及此態度如何影響管理者的契約管理行為(正式契約與關係治理),及此行為如何影響協力成效。而本研究實證模型將整合經濟與社會心理途徑,希冀涵容跨學科及實務現象。 【研究結果】本研究主要貢獻在於以公私部門管理者為分析單位,建構融合經濟與社會途徑的公私協力成效模式。同時以質量化方式驗證協力成效理論模式與實務間的契合度。主要研究發現如下:1、官僚體制在面對行政變革時會產生心態與行為上的不一致性;2、公部門希冀透過正式契約作為契約運作機制;然私部門則較偏向於關係治理機制;3、影響契約研擬因素中以社會心理因素較重要於經濟因素的影響;4、從質量化資料驗證正式契約與關係治理是互補關係而非抵換關係;5、居家服務委外呈現公私部門雙方的資源互賴,在互動中也透過社會交換行為以維繫互賴關係的穩定。針對以上發現,在未來實務建議上,可透過組際信任的培植,來厚植公私協力的理想治理情境;建議將長期照顧管理中心定位為正式機關而非臨時的任務編組;透過組織文化的潛移默化調整官僚體對於去人性化的本質,而從重視正式契約轉向關係治理的培植;為求關係治理機制的培育與應用,契約規範應跳脫交易成本的假定。在未來研究上,建議以時間遞移為主軸,縱貫式解構協力的動態過程;官僚體制中的組織文化,對於協力本質與行為的影響將是值得深入討論的議題。

中國大陸奇異果商品化研究-以紐西蘭為借鏡 / The research of commercialization of Chinese Kiwifruit-lessons from New Zealand experience

毛舞雲 Unknown Date (has links)
獼猴桃源出於中國,卻成就於紐西蘭,並有了「奇異果」此一新名稱。而且,來自中國大陸的奇異果,價格比其本土的獼猴桃高出數倍,兩者於口感、外型等其他方面,亦存在明顯差距;如何使中國獼猴桃轉變為奇異果,是本論文的研究重心。在此目標下,本論文分為「紐西蘭奇異果」與「中國大陸獼猴桃」兩部分,以文獻閱讀、資料搜尋、田野調查、專家訪談等方式,先從紐西蘭出發,研究促成奇異果產業形成的關鍵因素,再將此關鍵因素提供中國大陸獼猴桃發展參考,最後得出結論與建議。本論文發現,在形塑產業的過程中,「政府」在法律保障、制度規劃、外部產業環境的營造上,扮演著重要角色,因此本論文之立場選擇,係以「中國大陸獼猴桃盛產區政府」之角度,借鏡紐西蘭的發展經驗,在政策規劃的思維下,為獼猴桃尋找建設性的出路,並以此作為結論與建議。 紐西蘭提供的經驗,包括制訂專法規範奇異果產業、立法保護單一出口機制、建立誘因機制、打造產業群聚、以資料庫進行科學化管理、重視品種研究,以及政府為扶植紐西蘭奇異果產業所做的其他措施。而中國大陸獼猴桃產業尚處於發展初階,加上各地方獼猴桃的適生度不同,經營集中度低,資源難以匯聚,使獼猴桃一直無法有效商品化。但由於獼猴桃栽種面積與產量皆為世界第一,近年來更開發出多元食用與藥用等用途,再加上中國大陸法制建設逐步完善,投資風險降低,若以紐西蘭奇異果產業的經驗為借鏡,調整措施並加強整合,獼猴桃發展前景仍值得期待。 有鑑於此,本研究以「公私協力八卦模型」作為結論,並建議中國大陸首先應擇定試點集中經營之區域,以便日後將商品化經驗複製於其他省份。在試點經營措施上,本論文建議以平台為依托進行整合;針對獼猴桃制訂相關法規,促使能夠引領產業整體發展的龍頭集團形成;建立誘因機制,讓龍頭集團的經營利潤回饋果農;並在品種培育、收購標準、資料庫管理等方式下,逐步形成標準化生產,再加上獼猴桃基金的保險機制,讓中國大陸獼猴桃逐步從產業化邁向商品化。 / Mihoutao originated from China but thrived in New Zealand under the name of “kiwifruit”; however, the price of kiwifruit is vastly higher than that of Mihoutao, and their taste and shape are of evident differences. As such, this thesis seeks to answer the question of “how to turn mihoutao into kiwifruit” by looking into the management and operation of New Zealand kiwifruit industry and providing lessons from such experience to the commercialization of China mihoutao. This thesis adopts methodologies of material reading, data collecting, field works, and expert interviewing to reach the final conclusions and suggestions, and it is discovered that the government plays a key role in the process of agriculture industrialization. Therefore, the proposed suggestions are for “the government of China mihoutao province” to echo with my topic. This thesis concludes with “Eight-trigram Model” to express the partnership with public and private sectors. Furthermore, it suggests China to construct the mihoutao commercialization mechanism on the regional basis as an experiment, which can be later duplicated in other provinces. More specifically about the measures, referring to New Zealand kiwifruit industry’s policies, mihoutao regulations, leading corporation, incentives, plant cultivation, scientific management via database, mihoutao fund are recommended. With all these policies in order, it is believed that a more institutionalized and commercialized mihoutao industry will be gradually shaped, and the Chinese “mihoutao” will also be commercialized as “kiwifruit” eventually.

我國食品安全管制及法執行之研究 / Regulation and Law Enforcement of Food Safety in Taiwan

姜至剛, Chiang, Chih Kang Unknown Date (has links)
我國向以「美食王國」享譽國際,各種美食不但曾為國人共同驕傲,亦帶來大量觀光人潮與經濟收入。未料,2011年5月「塑化劑事件」揭開我國食安風暴之黑幕,此後毒澱粉事件、黑心油事件等一連串黑心事件爆發,不但使國人對政府食品安全行政管制失去信心,亦讓我國美食商譽嚴重受創。 政府雖於每次食安事件爆發後,隨即召開相應之各種食安會議,提出相關管制改革措施;更透過數次修改食安法,不斷提高對違反法規黑心食品相關業者之罰則。然而食安事件仍不斷爆發,黑心食品不但數量未曾減少,反而製造、加工方法更趨黑心;顯示我國食品安全行政管制完全失靈,傳統法執行制度陷入困境,亟需改革。 我國食安法於2013年6月進行重大修正,此次修正納入以預防原則為前提之風險分析模式,風險分析模式係由歐盟開始發展,主要包括風險評估、風險管理及風險溝通。我國雖擬納入風險分析模式革新食品安全管制,惟食安法似僅將核心置於風險評估之制度設計,有關風險管理措施著墨不多,風險溝通更是付之闕如。因此,修法2年多以來,食品安全仍未能有效管制,食安事件爆發後,更是主管機關手忙腳亂,消費者人心惶惶。 有鑑於傳統法執行制度陷入困境,無法完成食安管制之任務,食安法除納入風險分析模式外,尚設立三級管理機制,亦即採取公私協力與自主規制之手段,主要透過業者自我管理、建立通報系統等措施強化食安管制。藉由與私部門之合作,固可提高食安管制之專業與效率,惟因我國未能體察社會民情與企業文化之差異,徒使自主規制成為政府卸責之藉口,有待進一步檢討。 因此,我國應就食品安全管制應就立法政策、風險分析及供應鏈管制等三方面,徹底檢討並提出解決辦法。 / In Taiwan, “Delicious Food” is well known world wide, and is one of the most proud of issue for Taiwanese. Small eats, and a lot of them, are the big things in Taiwan, and attracted a lot of tourists and brought a favorable income. Unfortunately, the Taiwan food scandal was started by the overuse one of plasticizer as a clouding agent in numerous food and beverage. It followed by “Toxic starch” and “Evil oil event”, which led to lose confidence and ruin administrative regulation of food safety to Taiwan government. Furthermore, there was a huge impact on Taiwan delicious food goodwill in the world. After uncovered each food scandal, Taiwan government tried to organize numerous food safety conferences, and has taken measures to restrain food safety regulation. In addition to food safety law revision, the penalty provision has been enhanced for unscrupulous vendors of food industry. However, food scandal is keeping on going, and the events are increasing in numbers these years. The food manufacturing and refining processes has become more evil. It means that food safety administrative regulation is run out of order, and the traditional law enforcement has faced the difficulty in this changing era. Since June 2013, food safety law revision included the brand new “Risk Analysis” model into “Precautionary Principle” concept. Risk analysis started over by European Union (EU), which is a politico-economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe. “Risk Analysis” model has three components, including risk evaluation, risk management and risk communication. In Taiwan, we have already taken “Risk Analysis” model on board for the innovation of food safety regulation, but Food Safety Law focused in the accounting system design of risk evaluation. There is only few in the risk management, and no statements in risk communication. Two years after food safety law revision, we still found the administration office has difficulty in facing the new food scandal, and the general populations are still worry about food safety issue. In order to reform the traditional law enforcement in food safety, the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation Taiwan included the risk analysis model first. Furthermore, in Taiwan’s food safety regime, the three-tier quality control system refers to self-management by food businesses, testing by independent institutions, and inspections by the government. It means that public-private partnerships (PPP) and self-regulation become a part of new regulation system. Through the cooperation between Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) and private industrial association, the professionalism and efficiency of food safety regulation will be enhanced, but this kind of cooperation might be become the reasons of shirking the responsibility of government. Further investigation is mandatory.

合作國家理念對進出口行政管制法制化之影響—以高科技貨品進出口管制為例 / The concept of cooperative state and its impact on the regulations for trade administration-a focused examination on control over high-technology commodities in Taiwan

賴國星, Lai, Kwo Shing Unknown Date (has links)
2001年美國遭受921恐怖攻擊,國際貿易由著重自由化、便捷化轉而強調貿易安全,高科技貨品進出口行政管制係悠關國際貿易及供應鏈安全,益受各國關注,世界主要國家更透過國際合作強化出口管制,如世界海關組織(WCO)所倡議之「全球貿易安全與便捷之標準架構」(Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade,SAFE)即為顯例。 全球化趨勢下,我國高科技貨品進出口行政管制不再是國內事務,須配合相關國際管制組織之規範實施相關管制作業,善盡地球村一份子之責任,才可避免受到國際制裁或抵制,影響我國貿易利益。 再者,處後現代時期,新保守主義興起,政府管理新思潮(如新公共管理、新治理)風起雲湧之際,各國進行政府再造工程,建構「小而能」之政府,惟國家任務雜,人民對政府之需求不斷增加,政府人力及預算有限情況下,「公協協力」、「合作國家」理念所倡導,引進私部門資源協助執行行政任務,乃成必須之選擇。本論文爰以行政法學之「合作國家」理念,析論我國高科技貨品進出口行政管制法制並提出評論與建言。 / After 921 in 2001, international trade had shifted its importance to trade security from emphasizing on trade facility. The export control of high-technology commodities involving security of global trade and supply chain, has been worldwidely raised concerns. Many countries have strengthened cooperation on export control of high-tech commodities through relevant international arrangements, for instance, “Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate global trade” initiated by the World Customs Organization. In globalization paradox, the export control of high-tech commodities is not only subjected to the national rule, but shall be also to comply with the relevant international regulations. Otherwise, it would be boycotted by other nations and cause damage to its trade benefits. Moreover, with neo-conservatism and emerging movement in public administration, which called “New Public Management” or “New Governance”, Governments have seek to reform in order to better meet citizens’ needs by limitation of manpower and budget. Consequently, the concept and resolutions of “Public Private Partnership” or “Cooperative State” in public administration and public law become the best option to response above mentioned conditions. In conclusion, this study attempted to analyze the legal framework of Taiwan export control of high-tech commodities with the concept of Cooperative State and tried to make suggestions and submit feasible resolutions for export control institution.

從協力治理觀點探討地方文化館委外經營現況— 以芝山文化生態綠園為例 / A collaborative governance perspective of contracting out in local culture pavilion -case of Zhishan Cultural and Ecological Garden

潘裕黃, Pan, Yu Huang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代的演進,政府與民間的合作形式以從傳統契約關係轉變為公私關係(Public- Private-Partnerships,PPPs),強調參與者或利害關係人間創造共贏賽局的ㄧ種組織性關係。時至今日,公私協力關係的實踐仍有賴更多個案研究去發掘各種參與者與利害關係人的互動關係與合作模式。   以地方文化館-芝山文化生態綠園公辦民營為例,跨及政府部門、企業、非營利組織與社區,透過彼此互動、解決歧見與尋求合作,達成共識與協調,形成跨部門治理的模式。因此本研究透過三個構面去分析:(1)公辦民營的管理機制;(2)委託人與受託人雙方以及其他利害關係人之間的互動關係;(3)這些互動關係如何影響營運組織的目標發展與運作,從中釐清跨部門協力治理的問題。   為探究芝山文化生態綠園的個案探討,本研究透過文本分析法與質性訪談法進行資料的統整與分析。經由分析公辦民營實施的利弊,以及公私協力的互動模式,以探析芝山文化生態綠園在經營目標執行與各方看法,並重新思考芝山文化生態綠園未來的發展與再定位,以作為發展地方文化館委外營運相關計畫的參考。 本研究結果發現:(1)委外管理與評鑑機制完備,惟政策目標寬鬆,造成代理人的自主發展;(2)委託人、代理人雙方偏向以維持契約的互動關係;(3)本研究對象與利害關係人關係互動情形為若即若離。而本研究針對芝山文化生態綠園的協力治理的建議為:(1)評選機制宜整合在地團體與有力人士的聲音;(2)進行跨部門溝通,增加多方合作渠道;(3) 建立社區為主的溝通平台,整合利害關係人間管理的歧見,可提供環境教育推廣或地方文化發展管理者的思考。 / With the changing of the times, cooperation between government and the people have shifted from traditional contractual relationships into public-private-partnerships (PPPs) to create a win-win situation and form organizational relationships between the participants or stakeholders. Yet, the PPPs in operation today are still highly dependent on the analysis of individual case studies to ensure the greatest collaborative efforts among the various participants and stakeholders. The Zhishan Cultural and Ecological Garden ia an example of a cross-sector partnership among government, enterprise, NPOs and community. To resolve the differences and seek cooperation among the different sectors, a case study was made on three levels: firstly, the private management of public management and evaluation; secondly, the interaction between both the client and the trustee and other interested parties; and thirdly, how those interactions affect the operation of the organization's goal development and operation. The Zhishan Cultural and Ecological Garden's local cultural pavilion was contracted out by the Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs. Through text analyses and detailed interviews, data was collected, integrated and analyzed. Analysis of the pros and cons of the PPP operation's interactions revealed the multiple perspectives and executing objectives among those involved with the project to provide reference to better the future management of the local cultural pavilion. This study discovered that: (1) the outsourcing management and evaluation mechanisms were good, but the loose policy goals caused the agent of independent development; (2) bilateral relations tended to maintain contract-oriented-interactions in PPPs; and (3) the NPOs, various parties of interest and the community worked side-by-side instead of together. Thus, the following PPPs recommendations for the Zhishan Cultural and Ecological Garden were suggested: (1) listen to the voice of a strong leader; (2) build cross-sector communication;(3)establish community-oriented communication platform, alongside promotions of environmental education and help local cultural development managers develop new philosophies.

公私協力與自主規制之研究—兼論消防火災預防行政 / A Study in the Public Private Partnership and Self-Regulation

郭貞君, Kuo, Chen Chun Unknown Date (has links)
在各國政府部門為減輕財政負擔、提高行政效能,紛紛引進民間資源並與私部門建立夥伴關係之全球性風潮推波助瀾下,我國近年亦力倡政府瘦身、組織精簡、引用民力、公私協力。再者,運用民力參與公共任務之公私協力,寓有私部門自主規制成分,惟法學上自主規制與公私協力通常為分離探討之論題,兩者之關連性究為何;又兩者態樣眾多且無普世同意之定義,在多元分殊之學理及實務中,是否存在共通並行之法理脈絡與類型系譜,誠屬行政法總論上饒富逸趣之課題。另行政法各論上,為預防火災以維護公共安全並確保人民生命財產,各國莫不多方運用公私協力與自主規制,建構建築物之消防安全管理制度,惟綜觀國內有關公私協力與自主規制之法學論著尤以前者可謂繁花錦簇,事涉公共安全之消防火災預防行政領域相關研究則付諸闕如猶待開拓。 本文爰透過中外文獻梳理公私協力與自主規制法學理論,並放眼國際取樣研究運用公私協力與自主規制之消防行政實務規範,以歐盟與英國為取法對象,就消防安全管理制度硬體層面及軟體層面分別探討歐盟產品(兼及建築產品[再兼及消防安全設備產品])監管機制以及英國建築物防火安全管理機制。除解析法理基礎更探究實務規範架構於我國與先進國家之異同,期許回饋提供公私協力與自主規制所涉行政法理論若干啟示並促使本國相關消防行政規範更趨周全。 / In the wake of global trend of government department introducing private resources and establishing partnerships with private sectors to reduce financial burden and improve administrative efficacy, Taiwan authorities in recent years have also been advocating government downsizing, streamlining organizations, adopting private resources, and public private partnership. Furthermore, public private partnership contains private sector’s self-regulation element, but in jurisprudential circle, self-regulation and public private partnership are usually independently researched topics, what are the exact relationships between them; otherwise, each of both has great variety of types and has not universally consented definition, therefore, it seems to be an issue full of keen interest for General Administrative Law: whether there exists common legal context and typological pedigree in the pluralistic and divergent theories and practices of public private partnership and self-regulation. Besides, as regards Specific Administrative Law, in order to prevent fires for protecting public safety and people's lives and property, countries all over the world utilize various approaches to public private partnership and self-regulation, to construct fire protection management regime for buildings; the domestic juristic studies of public private partnership and self-regulation have overall fruitful achievements, especially the former, however, apparently none of them refers to fire protection administrative category that thus eagerly needs to be cultivated. This thesis wherefore sorted domestic and foreign juristic literature about public private partnership and self-regulation, and combed internationally relative fire protection administrative legislation. Focusing on legislation of European Union and United Kingdom, it separately explored hardware dimension and software dimension of fire protection management regimes, that is, EU’s product safety and market surveillance regime (involving that for construction product [further involving that for fixed fire fighting equipment]) and UK’s fire safety regime. In addition to analyzing the legal theories and exploring the similarities and differences of legislative framework between EU or UK and Taiwan, it expects to provide several revelations to the jurisprudence of public private partnership and self-regulation, and to actuate the relative domestic fire protection legislation more comprehensively.

以國際比較檢視我國醫師團體在執業管制中之定位與功能 / Positions and Functions of Taiwan Physician Groups in Practicing Regulation-An International Comparison

徐世平, Hsu, Shih Ping Unknown Date (has links)
醫療保險與服務是維護個人生存,增進民族健康,保障國民基本權之重要國家任務。而除了藥品、醫材、設備、醫院外,接受專業訓練、符合專業知識、技術與道德要求的醫療專業人員,包括醫師,也是醫療系統中不可或缺的要角。但相較之下,關於我國醫師團體在醫療行政法制中的角色尚缺乏完整論述,而本文即在檢視我國醫師團體(包括職業團體與學術團體)在執業管制中的定位與功能。 為了突顯我國醫師團體的特殊性,考量大陸法/英美法、醫療保險體系、醫療水準、與歷史社會等因素,本文選擇了德國、日本、美國、英國與中國大陸作為參照對比。從「醫療服務與醫療行政系統」到「醫師團體發展歷史與現況」,由大縮小、鑑古知今,將各國家地區之醫師團體的背景事實先做系統化整理、分析、並比較,以理解其在各自國家社會體系中的定位。另外,就其在醫師職業管制中管「入」的「執業資格授予」與管「出」的「執業資格廢止」的作用亦做系統化整理、分析、與比較,以認識各該團體在其中的功能。 基於以上的背景事實,再以「公私協力」與「職業自律」深入檢視,我國醫師團體(特別是職業團體之醫師公會) 在醫師職業管制中與國家政府之相對關係和定位,與其在執業資格授予與廢止作用上的功能。 關於我國醫師公會在執業管制法制中地位與功能的調整,本文建議:相較於仿德國例全面肯認醫師公會為「公法人」與政府分工,或仿日美英例鬆綁醫師公會為真正的「私法人」與政府制衡,依我國現實條件可由立法者直接立法或授權行政機關以授權命令賦予醫師公會行政受託人地位,並對稱移轉關於醫師執業資格授予與廢止之特定具體權限給公會,則在此委託範圍內公會即可被視為行政機關,即可對應要求其內部章程、組織、與程序須符合行政法法規與法理。 / Medical insurance and services are national tasks essentially for maintaining personal survival, improving people health, and protecting fundamental civil rights. Along with medicines, medical materials, equipment, and hospitals, medical professionals, including physicians, who have received professional training and met the requirements of expertise, technology and ethics, are indispensable for a working medical system. However, discussions about the roles of physician groups in medical administrative law systems in Taiwan are few. Thus, the present work is to examine positions and functions of physicians groups (including professional groups and academic groups) in the medical practicing regulation in Taiwan. In order to highlight the particularities of Taiwan physician groups and to take account of the differences in the continental law/Common law, medical insurance systems, medical service levels, and historical and social factors, Germany, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom were selected for reference and comparison. From the "medical service and medical administrative systems" to "development history and present situation of the groups", the background facts of representative physicians groups were systematically collected, analyzed, and compared for comprehension of their positions in the social systems in their respective countries. Besides, regulatory functions of the groups in approving and revoking medical practicing qualifications were also systematically collected, analyzed, and compared for acknowledgement. Based on the above background facts and the concepts of "public-private partnership" and "professional autonomy", we further inspected Taiwan physician groups, especially the professional groups of physicians, to review their relationship with the government in professional regulation, and functions in practicing licensure. Regarding the positions and functions of the professional groups of physicians in medical practicing regulation in Taiwan, the following adjustment is proposed: Rather than adopting the “public legal entity” model for fulfilling national duties as in Germany, or “fully private corporation” model for balancing national regulation as in Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom, our legislatives and administrative authorities could authorize by law the professional groups of physicians to exercise the powers specifically for medical practicing licensure, and thus the groups, as commissioned administrative agencies, should be required to amend their own bylaws, organizations, and procedures about the above authorized areas in concordance with administrative laws.

社區型非營利組織與政府協力關係之探究:以基隆市參與多元就業開發方案(社會型)之社區發展協會為例 / The Research on Relation of Nonprofit Community-Based Organizations and Governmental Cooperation- Participation of Keelung City in Community Development Association and Multi-Employment Development Plan (Social Type) as Example

沈美君, Shen, Mei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
台灣近十幾年來,社區凝聚意識高漲,各地區的非營利組織也紛紛在社區裡建立緊密的網絡以利互助交流。由於外在競爭者陸續的增加,使得社區型非營利組織必須具備更高的動員性,而為了募集更多的人力和資源,在申請和執行政府補助計畫的方面,也必須保持積極的態度。政府和社區型非營利組織要建構成功的夥伴關係,不僅與政府的政策規劃和執行有關,也與社區型非營利組織本身的特性和運作方式息息相關,故兩者間的協力關係呈現多樣化的面貌。 本研究以基隆市五個執行多元就業開發方案社會型計畫,但發展背景與執行成效有差異的社區發展協會為主要研究對象,探討這五個社區發展協會所發揮之功能與面臨的困境,以及參與多元就業開發方案中與政府的協力關係。 研究發現:(一)社區發展協會功能受限以及面對諸多問題;(二)社區發展協會參與多元就業開發方案帶來正面能量;(三) 社區發展協會參與多元就業開發方案與政府形成合作的模式;(四) 社區發展協會與政府所達成的協力互動關係因組織特質不同而有差異。 研究建議:(一)社區型非營利組織方面:社區發展協會應爭取多方資源,規劃學習型組織以及善用組織行銷(二)公私協力關係方面:社區發展協會應保持自主原則、社區發展協會領導人態度需正面積極、政府部門應以公平的態度對待每個單位、建立平等互惠的協力關係。(三)政策方面:透過社區附權來引導社區組織激發出更多想法與特色,並化為社區實際的能力。 / Over the past few decades, the consciousness of community has surged, the non-profit organizations also have built close network to enhance interaction in the community. Since the numbers of outside competitors have increased, the community non-profit organizations must have higher mobility. To gather more labor and resource, they must stay positive to apply for and execute the government grant programs. To establish a successful partnership between the government and the community non-profit organization, it is about not only the government’s policy and execution, but also the features of the community non-profit organization itself, and its operation way. Therefore, the cooperation of the two has appeared to be diverse. This study takes 5 community development associations which with same execution of multi-employment development social type plan, but different in developing background and executive efficiency as research subjects. Discuss the functions of the 5 communities and difficulties they have encountered, and the cooperation from government in the participation of multi-employment development plan. The research shows that: 1. The function of community development association is limited and also there are many problems they have encountered. 2. The community development association would bring positive energy by participating in multi-employment development plan. 3. The cooperation model between the government and community development associations that participate in multi-employment development plan. 4. There will be differences in the cooperative interaction due to the different organization features of the community development associations and the government. There are four suggestions: 1. For the community non-profit organization: The community development associations should strive for different resources, planning the learning organization and use the organization marketing well. 2. Public and private cooperation: The community development associations shall keep the principle of autonomy, the attitude of leader of the community development association has to be positive and aggressive, and the government shall treat every unit fair and establish the equality and mutual benefit of the cooperation. 3. Policy: By community empowerment lead and inspire the community organization with more thoughts and features, making it the practical power of the community.

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