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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

重構不當對待動物行為之刑法規範 / Reconstruction of criminal animal cruelty law

許琬婷, Hsu, Wan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
當人們談論動物保護時,可能提出的問題大約不脫「人類是否應該保護動物」、「人類為何保護動物」、「人類應該保護哪些動物」,以及「人類如何保護動物」之延伸範疇,針對這四個問題又可以依所採之研究基礎偏重倫理學或法學,而有各種不同的回應。 本文採取偏重法學角度之立場,從實定法出發,隨時序個別分析我國及德國動物保護法之歷史發展及現行法呈現之樣貌後,藉由與咸認先進的德國動物保護法制及其背後所可能隱含之人與動物關係的歷史變遷進行比較研究,試圖在同與異之間尋找我國動物保護法所隱含的人與動物關係之可能解釋,此乃嘗試從實定法追溯背後的倫理學意涵,並在此解釋基礎上,進一步探求動物保護法益之可能回答,由倫理學再回歸法學領域,均是試圖回應「人類是否應該保護動物」及「人類為何保護動物」二問。 最後嘗試藉由求得之動物保護法益「道德感情」來建構我國動物保護刑事規範,則是試圖給出「人類應該保護哪些動物」及「人類如何保護動物」二問在刑事法層面上之回答,對現行動物保護法刑事規範提出修正建議,包括將動物一般保護規定及刑事規範分勾,擴張動物一般保護之客體範疇而維持刑事規範涉及之行為客體範圍,以重構本文理想之動保刑事規範。 / When referring to animal protection, the most popular questions probably will be within the range of the following four. Should humans protect animals? Why should humans protect animals? What kind of animals should humans protect? And the final one, how do humans protect animals? The answers can be changed depending on the different views, like ethics view or legal point of view. This study basically focuses on the legal point of view, starting with Taiwan’s Animal Protection Act and German’s Animal Welfare Act (in German: Tierschutzgesetz), by comparing those two different animal protection systems, trying to figure out the development level of Taiwan’s Animal Protection Act in the tide of the world’s development of animal welfare, then using the conclusion to explore the legal interest of animal protection, attempting to answer the first two questions: Should humans protect animals? And why? Furthermore, using the legal interest “moral emotion” to construct ideal animal protection criminal legal norms, attempting to answer the rest of the questions: What kind of animals should humans protect? And how to protect? The final purpose is to reconstruct an ideal animal protection criminal law system in Taiwan.


陳美如, CHEN, MEI-RU Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究動機與目的 本研究的目的,在於探討血壓胺在記憶上是扮演抑制或促進的角色,由於腦中的血壓 胺有百分之八十以上含量分佈在背縫核(B 7)和腹縫核(B 8),而投射到前腦, 背縫核大部份投射到紋狀體,腹縫核大部份投射到海馬迴,兩者在功能上有很多不一 樣的地方。因此,本實驗目的,在於分別破壞紋狀體、海馬迴和前腦中血壓胺的含量 ,來探討血壓胺在記憶上所扮演的角色。 二、研究方法 (一)實驗動物 實驗動物為90隻雄性大白鼠。 (二)實驗程序 首先分成三個實驗進行,分別手術前腦、紋狀體、海馬迴三個區域。手術十天後,開 始進行實驗,分別給予電擊訓練後,馬上注射藥物至手術的區域,以破壞血壓胺的含 量,四十八小時後,測試大白鼠對於電擊的記憶,測試完畢之後,馬上將大白鼠犧牲 掉,分別取前腦、紋狀體、海馬迴、背縮核以及腹縫核的組織,以作組織化學分析。 (三)統計分析 (1)有關記憶的行為反應,以無母數統計方法進行分析。 (2)有關腦部血壓胺含量的分析,以單因子變異量的模式進行分析。 (四)預期實驗結果 (1)行為分析 破壞血壓胺組的大白鼠,其記憶行為反應較未破壞組的大白鼠差。 (2)組織化學分析 血壓胺的含量:背縫核較腹縫核多。未被破壞組較破壞組多。

<回家的路>劇本創作論述 / The Film Script and Description of "My Way Home"

楊婷婷, Yang, Ting Ting Unknown Date (has links)
世界上有一條路,最筆直也最曲折、最簡單也最艱難,叫做「回家」。這是一個關於渴望被愛、找尋與放下的故事。本劇希冀探討所謂的「你認為的好,不一定適合我」的概念。主角是一名患有氣喘的小女生,被雙親送到鄉下讓阿嬤照顧。她為了回家想盡各種方法,並在嘗試的過程中結識了一頭小鹿和孤僻的鄰居阿公。透過主角、小鹿及鄰居阿公三者間的互動,揭示了孩童的不安全感、動物的靈性及喪偶老人的孤獨等生命課題。 本文共分《回家的路》劇本、創作論述及附錄等三部分。創作論述中先說明故事發想歷程與創作背景,並回顧此劇探討面向的相關資料,包含兒童的安全感、老人的孤獨感及其與動物互動等;其次為劇本結構與人物研究,最後是創作心得與檢討。附錄則為相關電影介紹及分場大綱。 / There is one road in this world. It is the most straight and tortuous, the simplest and most difficult road – the road that takes us “home.” This story is about the desire to be loved, to search and to let go. The film script is hoping to explore the so-called “what is good to you may not mean the same to me” concept. It is about a little girl who suffers from asthma that her parents once took her to the countryside, and asked her grandma to take care of her. The little girl tried various ways to go home, and during the time she met a cute little deer and a solitary old neighbor. Through interaction among the little girl, the deer and the neighbor, the story reveals some life issues such as insecurity of children, spirituality of animals and loneliness among widowed elders. The thesis consists of three parts: the film script, literature review and appendixes. In the first part, the creative process and background of the story is mentioned, then to review on documents of children’s sense of security, loneliness of elders and the interaction between human and animal. Following with script organization and studies on characters, this thesis lastly presents the personal creation review and an overview of the script writing. Attached in the appendix is the introduction of related movies and outline plot.

大宗物資 進口代理商之個案分析 / Case study of commodity agent/broker

余永明 Unknown Date (has links)
近年有關台灣中小企業的[新創]概念與實行蓬勃發展,是我國經濟發展的嶄新驅動力。從零開始的創業打拼過程,再再充分展現我國創業者的活力與韌性,更代表了島國台灣的強大不服輸的精神。世界經濟的發展和科技的演變,使創業模式更加多元化,然而面對國際競爭日趨激烈的經貿競爭環境,使得創業的挑戰更勝以往,尤其是中小企業要如何生存以及如何以小搏大,而能夠立足台灣放眼國際 ? 已是創新與創業最不可忽略的關鍵因素之一。 創新與創業是經濟進步的重要動力一環,若要激發創新與創業的能量與速度,則與創業所在地的經濟環境息息相關。現有國內的新創事業似乎多著眼於"產品"方面的創新,較少發展出市場經營"模式"的創新。學生相信這與台灣過去以製造業為主之特殊的產業型態有很大的關係,但未來若新創事業能夠多朝向[服務業多元化]、[產品製造業服務化]、[服務業科技化]等新興產業的模式,更需要的是對於市場、服務的創新。因此,本論文希望重商業模式的探討與新創服務業之個案研究,來探討服務業的商業模式與價值創造等議題,應有助於瞭解此一現象,並提供參考。 如何做到最成功最賺錢的”小企業”。 理論上這一個小企業通常是結合較低的開銷和啟動成本再加上特殊專業的技能和十足的運氣。以下本文所討論到的新創產業故事, 將深入剖析固中成功元素的關鍵 。 由於日益全球化和自由化的經濟大環境,使得21世紀的商業市場變得更具競爭性以及透明性。 再加上競爭威脅的經濟脆弱性不斷迫使小型商業 機構要加速垂直整合或合併以便提高自身的能力、效率和競爭力。 另外我們將討論到小企業如何在競爭的環境裡突破,那麼他們在經營的策略上可能必須要有何種[創新能力]以及[破壞力] ? ,唯有強大的[破壞力]才能夠在大型競爭對手環伺的情況下突圍並且迅速在極短的時間內攻城掠地。 中小型企業在經營的時候多半偏向於只思考如何跟平行的同業競爭而忽略了自己真正能夠生存的最重要條件 : 應該是思考在客戶面前的 "最佳被利用價值" ?! 也唯有提供客戶不同於競爭對手的更佳"被利用價值" 藉由客戶的提攜以及賞識才能夠讓新創或者小型企業迅速的成就交易,如果能夠不斷的站在客戶的立場提供專屬於每一個客戶需要的服務,那麼在一次一次的交易之後自然而然新創企業的地位與重要性迅速的被提升,最後至於同行之間的競爭問題也無需再多做過份的擔憂。 最後本論文的重點裡面也會討論到如何將本業創新經營的模式直接引用到其他行業、品項的可行性 ? 假使轉移性高且能夠得到成功 ,那麼表示這一個經營模式是可以被大部分的行業所利用 ,對一個生活在丸爾小島的台灣的我們而言 ,我們一直缺乏各式天然資源 ,因此如果能夠在世界產業鏈裡利用特殊的新創服務來介入國際貿易 ,並爭取到較好的收入 ,想必更值得讀者們參考與沈思。

公益平面廣告研究於動物保護:女性模特兒反對殘酷時尚 / A study on the animal protection public service print advertising: female models against cruel fashion

尤莉婭, Chashchina, Yulia Unknown Date (has links)
殘酷時尚議題已成為當代的芒刺,對動物保護團體及人權組織形成挑戰。善待動物組織(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals:PETA)是目前規模最大、發展最完善的動物權利組織,其廣告往往能在人們心中喚醒善待動物的意識。PETA首次在時尚雜誌上發起的反對毛皮廣告活動,即獲得「非營利組織最佳廣告獎(Best Ads Produced by a Nonprofit)」。 本研究的宗旨為,展示公益內容廣告運動可在任何市場導向的經濟體中運作。本研究列舉PETA的PSA廣告範例如下:「我寧願裸體」(“I’d rather go naked”, 1992年) 、「毛皮代表死亡」(“Fur is dead”, 2001年)、「對皮膚感到自在」(“Be comfortable in your own skin”, 2003年)、「拯救海豹」(“Save the seals”, 2009年)。「毛皮」 (“Skins”)主題上述廣告皆由知名女性代言。 本研究為質量研究,採用射影技術(projective technique)及深入訪談,調查結合訊息與圖像的PSA廣告在傳達動物權力相關議題時的效果。本研究將指出這些廣告可如何透過1.有創意、逼真的圖像、2.說服力的寓意訊息及3.知名代言人,加強傳遞人與自然關係的概念。 本研究發現,具說服力的訊息必須擁有逼真、富含寓意、簡潔、清楚等特性,且僅有在搭配適當的圖像時,才能發揮效力。此類圖像必須擁有不含混、非情色誘因、有創意、外來風或暗中使用性訴求等特性。廣告必須同時訴諸感性訴求及現實主義,並由知名、受人敬重的代言人出演。當公益廣告意圖以幽默感營造有利的風趣情境時,就不應使用嚴肅形象,或要求觀眾訴諸行動。至於訴諸恐懼類的公益廣告,則結合令人反感的圖像特徵及寓意訊息,仍可營造有利觀眾回應的情境,然而太過強烈的反感特徵有時會造成觀眾無法掌握寓意,導致觀眾無法回應。訴諸恐懼類平面廣告所引起的觀眾回應差異,以及本研究的局限性,可歸因於應答者的文化差異。 本研究做出結論為,擁有優良公眾形象及正面背景的知名代言人,可成功向大眾傳遞寓意訊息。再者,有創意、逼真,但不過度暴力、過度情色的圖像可吸引觀眾目光,促使大眾意識並做出反應。 / In the Modern Age the problem of killing fashion has become a thorny issue for the fashion industry, animal rights protection organizations, animal world and humanity. In this respect, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) performs as the largest and most highly developed animal rights institution in modern countries. PETA’s advertising has made a revolution in people’s minds concerning the ethical treatment of animals and already the first advertising campaign by PETA received the “Best Ads Produced by a Nonprofit” Award for its anti-fur advertising campaign in fashion magazines. The purpose of the study is to show how such social content advertising campaigns can work in all countries that are learning to live under market-driven economies. This research concerns properly selected print PSA samples of “I’d rather go naked” (launched in 1992), “Fur is dead” (launched in 2001), “Be comfortable in your own skin” (launched in 2003), and “Save the seals” (launched in 2009) campaigns presented by a number of celebrity spokeswomen posing for PETA’s “Skins” print advertisements. Based on qualitative research with the use of projective techniques and in-depth interviews, the study investigates the impact of a combination of PSA specific messages and image characteristics concerning animal rights using Public Service Print Advertising. The research will show how these ads hopefully can improve their effectiveness in order to achieve more respect for the human-nature relationship by using 1) Creative, realistic images, 2) A powerful educational message, and 3) A highly respected and appreciated celebrity spokesperson. The study found that a strong persuasive message is defined as realistic, educational, laconic, clear and the advertisement is ultimately effective only when used with proper image characteristics. Such image characteristics are non-vulgar, non-sexually distracting, but creative, exotic, or latent in sexual appeal. An advertisement should use emotional appeal and realism, presented by a celebrity spokesperson with a respected personal background. While PSA uses a high degree of humor to produce favorable and amused attitude, they do not present a serious image or promote a call to action. Regarding using fear appeal, strongly unpleasant image characteristics combined with educational messages still may produce a favorable and responsible attitude. However, it was found that unfavorable perceptions caused by strongly unpleasant images sometimes distracted viewers from the educational message or failed to produce a responsible reaction. The striking differences among public responses regarding fear appeal in print ads and study limitations can be attributed to cultural differences within respondents. The study has concluded that strong educational messages spoken by highly trustworthy celebrities with positive background activity makes the public listen. Furthermore, creative, realistic, but not overly-violent or overly-sexual images catch the viewer’s attention, makes the public more aware and encourages responsible thinking.

利用新式生物反應器培養動物細胞生產日本腦炎病毒 / Using a novel bioreactor to cultivate animal cell for Japanese encephalitis virus production

王琪婷, Chi-ting Wang January 1994 (has links)
摘 要 本研究主要是探討利用新式生物反應器以固定化細胞培養技術生產日本腦炎病毒(Japanese encephalitis virus;JEV)之研究,首先根據所培養細胞的生長特性與原有生物反應器之缺點,利用已改良設計之新式生物反應器,評估此新式生物反應器適用性、效能,以及所培養細胞之生長代謝情形與病毒力價。整個實驗過程大致分為幾個階段,第一個階段探討細胞固定化培養之最適化培養條件與生長代謝情形,第二個階段找出細胞固定化培養於此新式生物反應器中最佳生長狀態,最後一個階段為病毒的培養。實驗後發現Vero細胞經固定化貼附於FIBRA-CEL®載體上,可擴大培養於新式生物反應器,Vero細胞最佳生長量達到6.6×106cells/mL。希望藉由此改良之新式生物反應器提供細胞與病毒一個良好之生長培養環境,獲得高產量、品質穩定一致之細胞生物製品,以提供ㄧ設備簡單與製程操作容易、低成本、低能源消耗之細胞製品生產基座。 / Abstract In this study, we investigated the production of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) by the immobilized cell technology in a novel bioreactor. According to the disadvantages of original bioreactor and growth characteristics of cell culture, we evaluated the suitability and efficiency of a design-improved novel bioreactor as well as the growth and metabolic situation of cultured cells and titers of JEV. All studies including three major stages: (1) investigation of the optimal conditions and metabolic situation for the growth of immobilized cells, (2) finding the optimal conditions for the growth of immobilized cells in this novel bioreactor, and (3) growth of JEV using immobilized cells in this novel bioreactor. Our results showed that after immobilization on the FIBRA-CEL® carries, Vero cells can grow on the novel bioreactor up to the density of 6.6 × 106 cells/mL. Hopefully, the improvement of the novel bioreactor will provide an optimal growth condition for both the cells and viruses. Furthermore, it will also provide the basis for the production of cell products with advantages of simple-equipped, easy-to-operate, low cost, and low energy consumption. / 目 錄 誌謝------------------------------------------------- i 中文摘要 -------------------------------------------- ii 英文摘要 -------------------------------------------- iii 目錄 -------------------------------------------- iv 表目錄 -------------------------------------------- v 圖目錄 -------------------------------------------- vi 第一章 緒論---------------------------------------- 1 第二章 文獻探討------------------------------------ 3 第一節 日本腦炎病毒疫苗---------------------------- 3 第二節 動物細胞的培養------------------------------ 4 第三節 載體上動物細胞的培養------------------------ 5 第四節 動物細胞培養於生物反應器-------------------- 7 第三章 材料與方法---------------------------------- 10 一 細胞株的培養-------------------------------- 10 二 細胞冷凍保存與解凍培養---------------------- 10 三 細胞滾瓶培養-------------------------------- 11 四 病毒株的培養-------------------------------- 12 五 固定化載體材料製備-------------------------- 12 六 載體上細胞數的測定-------------------------- 12 七 細胞貼壁率的計算---------------------------- 13 八 生物反應器結構特性與固定化細胞培養---------- 13 九 日本腦炎病毒力價測定------------------------ 19 十 葡萄糖的測定-------------------------------- 19 第四章 結果與討論---------------------------------- 20 一 固定化載體材料比例對Vero細胞生長的影響------ 20 二 細胞貼附固定化時間對Vero細胞生長的影響------ 23 三 細胞接種量對Vero細胞生長的影響-------------- 24 四 生物反應器培養系統對Vero細胞生長的影響------ 25 五 新鮮培養基更換對Vero細胞生長的影響---------- 27 六 最適化細胞生長條件培養日本腦炎病毒---------- 29 第五章 結論與建議---------------------------------- 30 參考文獻 -------------------------------------------- 31 附錄一 PBS配製方法--------------------------------- 62 附錄二 Medium 199配製方法-------------------------- 62 附錄三 MEM medium配製方法-------------------------- 62


Ujihara, Atsushi, Hayashi, Seiji, 氏原, 温, 林, 誠司 03 1900 (has links)


ITO, Nobuyuki, 伊藤, 伸幸 31 March 2014 (has links)
No description available.

客家動物諺語的隱喻表現 / Metaphor in Hakka Animal Proverbs

徐韶君, Hsu, Shao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
人類如何傳達訊息?如何感知世界?人類認知概念從語言形式上看到概念隱喻,看到的不只是語言現象,是概念之間的互動,諺語即為隱喻現象豐富的語言形式之一。人類面對隱喻表現時,透過隱喻機制運作,以及文化背景影響,產生概念隱喻,利於人們理解,因而有諺語的形成。 Lakoff & Turner (1989) 提及人類與動物在物種階層上是密切的。本論文將以動物為取材,透過觀察客家動物諺語之隱喻表現,探究其中動物來源域和人類目標域間的互動。然而客家諺語中的動物隱喻是如何展現與客家文化的關係,藉由多源一義、一源多義的隱喻展現,以隱喻概念為基礎之分析,同時了解文化約制。進一步,以概念隱喻機制概述客家動物諺語在人類認知中如何運作,給予人類如何理解隱喻表現更完整的解釋。 / How do people communicate? In what way do we sense the world? Conceptual metaphor embedded in many language expressions are understood through conceptual correlations. Among the many language expressions, proverbs manifest a common kind of metaphor used in our daily life. Through uncovering the cognitive mechanisms operated in the metaphor of proverbs, we understand not only the language but also cultural thoughts. This thesis investigates metaphor in Hakka animal proverbs. According to Lakoff &Turner (1989), humans and animals are highly related in species, both showing certain attributes and behaviors. Animal proverbs, often exhibiting animal attributes and behaviors, are used to carry certain social-pragmatic function of educating human beings. This study explores the conceptual metaphor of animal proverbs, generalizing the semantic features of animal source domains and the main themes of target domains. With the analysis of general patterns of the many‐sources‐to‐a‐target and a‐source‐to‐many-targets relationships of these proverbs, the study has not only shown how people understand animal metaphor in mind but also demonstrated Hakka cultural specifics in animal metaphor.

論渥坦貝克《夜鶯之愛》中之逃逸路線 / Lines of flight in Timberlake Wertenbaker's The Love of the Nightingale

何如媖, Ho, Ju Ying Unknown Date (has links)
英國女劇作家渥坦貝克(Timeberlake Wertenbaker) 筆下著名的《夜鶯之愛》 (The Love of the Nightingale) 在近年來獲得多方批評家的討論。大多數的批評家總以政治及性別的角度探討這部劇作中呈現女性如何成為男性暴力下的受害者。然而,本論文將採用德勒茲 (Gilles Deleuze) 和瓜塔里 (Félix Guattari) 的去疆域化 (deterritorialization)、生成動物 (becoming-animal)、再疆域化 (reterritorialization)、及少數文學 (the minor literature) 的理論概念,重新剖析渥坦貝克如何透過翻譯 (translation)、互文性 (intertextuality)、變形 (transformation) 書寫等寫作策略,彰顯普洛克涅 (Procne) 及菲勒美拉 (Philomele) 如何在受盡錯置及語言喪失的苦痛後,找到越界的可能性。在德勒茲和瓜塔里的理論架構之下,本論文的第一章節將先詮釋普洛克涅及菲勒美拉如何離開父系體制,並藉由逃逸路線 (lines of flight) 展開去疆域化的旅程,並在去疆域化的過程中面臨到未知的危險及機會。再者,論文中也探討普洛克涅及菲勒美拉的動物變形可以被視為她們僭越傳統意識型態束縛的証據。在經歷過生成動物 (becoming-animal) 的過程之後,普洛克涅及菲勒美拉改變了她們對於原生社會及世界的態度及看法。最後,普洛克涅及菲勒美拉的再疆域化帶領她們到另一個新的疆界,釋放女性內心的忿怒及慾望。在新的疆域中,女性們發現到另一個新的出口,重新探索流動性主體的存在,挑戰有機體式的國家體制。 / Timberlake Wertenbaker’s The Love of the Nightingale (1989) is the preeminent play of translation which calls many critics’s attention. Based on the myth of Procne and Philomele, The Love of the Nightingale is always discussed by critics from the political and sexual perspectives to show how women become the powerless victims under the male violence. However, in this thesis, I would like to use Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of deterritorializaion, becoming-animal, and reterritorialization to analyze how Procne and Philomele find out the possibility of transgression from the suffering dislocation and dispossession of language through Wertenbaker’s dramaturgy of translation, intertextuality, and transformation. Applying Deleuze’s and Guattari’s theories to analyze The Love of the Nightingale, I would first show how Procne and Philomele obtain the chances to leave the patriarchical territory, beginning their deterritorialization to encounter unknown risks and chances via lines of flight. After the deterritorialization, Procne’s and Philomele’s physical metamorphosis could be regarded as the evidence of how they traverse the presupposed ideological system. In the process of becoming-animal, Procne and Philomele change their attitudes and perspectives toward their cultures and the world. Later, they are reterritorialized to another territory, releasing their desire and anger. In the new territory, they could find another way to search fluid identities and to challenge the state apparatus.

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