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鄭成功的民族學研究 / On Koxinga: An Ethnonlogical Study

周士煌, Chou, Shih Huang Unknown Date (has links)
從政治-歷史的角度來看,鄭成功具有已進入世界體系的歷史身份;由現代「民族國」的歷史角度來看,鄭成功本身即有豐富的「史實面向」──初為日本人、長為中國人、死為台灣人──從史實面向出發,和台灣曾受到中國、日本統治的歷史過程相疊合,鄭成功受到不間斷、而且相對不同的歷史解釋;這些不同的解釋,也造成鄭成功這個概念的多元性。而被政權所引以鞏固自身統治正當性,或者被政權引為統治者精神象徵的,我們稱呼這種概念為「鄭成功的意識型態」。鄭成功的意識型態經過不同歷史時期的詮釋,分別表現為,一、海寇──為民之戒、為國之賊;二、忠節──危身奉上、難危莫奪;三、武士──武勇壯烈、南海雄飛;四、孤忠──反清復明、建國復國。也因為這些詮釋是做為「鞏固政權的意識型態」,因此,在台灣主體性彰顯的今天,受到來自兩方面的攻擊:一方面是政治實務上的經台無功;另一方面是政治目標上的反清復明。   本論文認為,我們應該正面接受鄭成功這個概念做為意識型態的事實,然而不應以「因為受政治影響而形塑出的鄭成功概念」做為對鄭成功負面評價的理由。我們應由民間社會的角度出發,對鄭成功概念進行整體的分析。以民間社會概念來與政權意識型態對立,從民間社會的概念中理出政治的影響,是本論文提出的分析策略。   那麼,如何彰顯民間社會的力量呢?我們提出和鄭成功有關的傳說,以及開台聖王信仰這兩者來進行對比分析。在討論了和鄭成功傳說之後,我們從中分離出了台灣型和中國型的差別,並且認為台灣型的鄭成功傳說才代表了鄭成功概念的進一步發展──神奇的、靈驗的、故事性強的傳說,這是鄭成功從史冊中步入常民生活的重要發展。從傳說走向信仰的過程中,我們比較了關公、岳飛、鄭成功這三位歷史人物,進一步發現,相較於其他兩個人物,「表面性」的政治力涉入在鄭成功的身上較為不明顯,我們認為,在「感念開台之功」(民間式的)和「因其忠烈報國」(政治式的)這兩個崇敬原因裏頭,至少在信仰初期,似乎前者的成份較強。   接下來,在開台聖王信仰的分析中,本論文從時間的縱切和地理的分佈上,全貌性地追索現今開台聖王廟的分佈與發展。我們認為,開台聖王信仰的地理分佈,其各自的獨立性相當高,從不同系統的移民來看,在沒有個別廟的單點調查之前,也不宜推論信奉開台聖王的人多屬何種系統。同時,更不宜把「歷史事實」理所當然的放到開台聖王信仰的脈絡中加以申論。此外,我們也提出,開台聖王信仰的歷史分期,與對鄭成功的歷史評價,這兩者應該合在一起看。開台聖王信仰在台灣的成立,受到政治力介入的痕跡相當清楚。「信者的比附」(到底我拜的神是誰?)受到政治力的影響,使得新建和改奉的廟,「祀神選項」趨於固定。從台灣開台聖王信仰本身的源起來看、沒有堅實的證據可以指出,信仰中所奉的主神「就是」/「不是」鄭成功。因此,我們在這一點仍要存疑。但是,毫無疑問地,「現在」我們所指的開台聖王「就是」鄭成功,原因很清楚,是政治運作的結果。是政治力打造了現在三位一體的「鄭成功」=「國姓/國聖爺」=「開台/開山聖王」概念。   最後,我們認為,從政治-歷史、傳說、信仰這三個角度分別觀察,現在的鄭成功概念就是在這三個面向不斷地纏繞迴旋、互相影響之下造成的,政治-歷史對鄭成功概念帶來最直接的影響;傳說為政治-歷史的解釋以及信仰的生成帶來大量素材;信仰生成新的傳說,也塑造了在民間社會中鄭成功的正面形象,這種形象使得政治-歷史解釋更為便利。分析了諸般糾纏的概念之後,我們認為,如果鄭成功概念的分析,對當代台灣意識的重構,及台灣主體性的建立能有所貢獻的話,那麼,我們的貢獻應該在於提醒:作為一種概念、一種意識型態的「鄭成功」,不宜落入國族主義泥淖的討論與批評;應從台灣的民間社會性格出發,以開放的、面向海洋的觀點,全面性地理解鄭成功概念的全貌。


黃琮祺 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣經濟高度依賴對外貿易,經濟成長與出口成長的變化關係密切,但是近年來由於廠商大量對外投資,赴海外設立生產基地,特別是製造業中主要的資訊電子產業很多廠商到大陸設廠。因此部分人士認為海外生產係造成台灣出口不振,就業機會減少,產業空洞化的原因。但也有人認為這反而證明台灣在產業全球化、自由化及產業升級轉型的成功證明。 台灣對外投資從1987年開始蓬勃發展,1990年開放對大陸間接投資後,對外投資金額更是快速成長,也形成廠商大量海外生產的營運模式,這種現象到底對台灣就業市場造成何種影響?本論文主要研究海外生產會不會造成就業機會減少等產業空洞化現象?特別是對於製造業中海外生產比重越來越高的資訊電子產業而言,海外生產比率變動情形與該產業就業人數之間到底存在何種連動關係,對廠商勞工雇用又具何種影響? 本論文研究發現資訊電子產業海外投資增加及外銷比例的提升,可以增加就業機會,但海外生產是造成勞工雇用減少的主因。資訊電子產業產品生命週期短,低附加價值製程應開放赴大陸或其他地區投資,高附加價值製程設法留在台灣生產;也就是將核心競爭力的關鍵技術或零組件保留台灣製造,以製程切割,垂直分工的模式開放對外投資,才能維持國內廠商的國際競爭力,提高產品附加價值,加強研發創新、品牌行銷,協助廠商在地升級及全球佈局,才能減少海外生產對國內勞工雇用的衝擊。 另外本論文建議,政府應該改善投資環境,輔導廠商在地升級,協助提升廠商全球運籌佈局能力,改善生活環境加強人才培訓,才能提升廠商競爭力,如此才能有效降低廠商海外生產的比率。 / Taiwan economy is highly dependent on its international trade -- economic growth is highly influenced by exports growth. Nevertheless, the increasing outward investment, especially the huge IT investments in China, may change this trend. Some people argue that overseas production is the key factor of slacked export, diminished job opportunities, and industrial hollowing-out, the other people insist that the above phenomenon is an evidence of Taiwan’s globalization, liberalization, and Industrial Upgrades. The Taiwan’s outward investment started from 1987, accelerated in 1990, the year that Taiwanese government lifted the ban against indirectly investing China and formed a new business model of “Taiwan Orders, Overseas (Chinese) Productions”. What is the influence of this new business model? Is this the root of diminished job opportunities and industrial hollowing-out? What’s the correlation between overseas production growth rate and unemployment rate in Taiwan IT Industry particularly? This article discovered the increment of outward investment and export ratio in IT industry could boost job opportunities; however, overseas production is the key factor to cause layoffs. As a result of short product life cycle characters, the low value-added IT production should apply open door policy while high value-added ones should be encouraged to produce locally and keep the core competency domestically. Keep the key component or technology manufacture in Taiwan will help create Taiwanese international competitiveness, increase added values, inspire research and innovation, direct brand marketing, upgrade industries levels, connect globally, and lower the impact of overseas production on employment. In addition, this article advised the government should cement Taiwanese companies’ international competitiveness and lower overseas production ratio by improving the investment climate, assisting local industries’ upgrades and the abilities of global logistics, improving living environment, and reinforcing manpower cultivation.

僑外直接投資台灣的決定因素 / Determinants of Overseas Chinese and Foreign Direct Investment in Taiwan

張淑音, Chang,Shu-ying Unknown Date (has links)
台灣經濟屬於淺碟型經濟,且受限於缺乏自然資源,所以資本的形成相當的不容易。為求經濟的發展,資本的形成,尤其是固定投資的累積相當的重要。而資本形成的數種財源中,以僑外直接投資對國際收支與通貨膨脹的壓力影響較小,並能引進新生產技術及經營管理知識,從而促進產業的持續成長與企業管理現代化理想的實現。台灣之所以能成為經濟上的亞洲四小龍之一,這當中經濟成長的背後資金來源,僑外商的直接投資是不可或缺的。近年來,台灣的名目利率不斷下跌,甚至實質利率為負的情況下,投資動能卻仍顯不足。為瞭解構成廠商投資意願的決定因素,故以對投資具相當敏感度的僑外商為研究的主要對象,所以本文的主要目的即是探討僑外直接投資台灣的決定因素。 本研究使用1995年至2004年間的時間數列月資料,以普通最小平方迴歸模型,估計僑外資、僑資、外資、製造業及服務業等五種模型的直接投資決定因素。結果顯示在僑外資及外資的模型中,其顯著變數有工資、利率、世界競爭力及政黨輪替。僑資模型的顯著因素有犯罪率及政黨輪替。製造業模型的顯著變數有工資、匯率及利率。而服務業模型則有工資、利率及研究發展經費為顯著變項。另各模型時間變數方面,僑外資、外資及服務業等模型的第6年虛擬變數具顯著效果。在月虛擬變數上,投資正相關的月份僑外資為6、7月及10至12月;僑資為7、8兩月;外資於5月後各月;製造業則為3月及5月後各月;服務業則為7、11及12月。又僑資及服務業兩模型中,4月均為負相關。至於經濟成長率、每人國內生產毛額及政黨比率等不顯著變項,表示均非僑外商投資所關注的因素。 / Taiwan’s saucer-shallow economic scale and scarce natural resources make capital formation very difficult. Nevertheless, capital formation, especially accumulation of fixed investment, is essential to economic development. Among various sources of capital formation, foreign direct investment imposes least pressure on the balance of payments and inflation, introduces innovative technology and management skills, and hence contributes most significantly to sustainable industrial development and the realization of business management ideals. Taiwan ranks among the four newly-industrialized Asian tigers. Among the funding sources that have promoted Taiwan’s economic growth over the years, direct investment from overseas Chinese and foreigners plays an indispensable part. In recent years, however, even though nominal interest rates have continuously fallen, at times even to the level of negative real interest rates, investment momentum still appeared weakened. Based on this observation, this study tries to understand what drives decisions to invest in Taiwan by focusing on overseas Chinese and foreign investors who are highly investment sensitive. The main purpose of the study is to discuss the determinants of overseas Chinese and foreign direct investment in Taiwan. This study applies the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Regression model to analyze the monthly time-series data during the period of 1995-2004. Determinants of direct investment are examined in five groups, i.e. overseas Chinese & foreign investment, overseas Chinese investment, foreign investment, the manufacturing sector, and the services sector. The result shows that wages, interest rates, world competitiveness, and the rotation of ruling parties are the most important factors for overseas Chinese & foreign investment, and foreign investment. Overseas Chinese investment is significantly affected by the crime rate and the rotation of ruling parties. For the manufacturing sector, wages, exchange rates and interest rates are important variables. Wages, interest rates and R&D spending significantly affect investment in the services sector. In terms of the time variables in each group, the sixth year dummy variable has a significant effect on overseas Chinese & foreign investment, foreign investment, and the services sector. With regard to monthly dummy variables, positively correlated to investment are June, July, and October to December for overseas Chinese & foreign investment; July and August for overseas Chinese investment; May to December for foreign investment; March, and May to December for the manufacturing sector; and July, November, and December for the services sector. In addition, April shows a negative correlation for both overseas Chinese investment and the services sector. Variables with insignificant effects, including economic growth rates, per capita GDP, and the congressional seats of political parties, are not among the concerns of overseas Chinese and foreign investors.


莊雅雲, Chuang, Ya-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著台灣金融環境自由化,再加上金融創新的趨勢使然,各種不同的對外公開融資工具紛紛出籠,企業可以依照公司之所需及當時經濟環境狀況來決定其要選擇的融資工具,而在這樣的研究背景之下,本研究針對國內電子資訊業上市櫃公司,以民國88年到民國93年為研究期間,探討公司四種對外公開融資選擇與其財務特性差異之間的相關性研究,主研究內容包括選擇負債與權益融資之公司財務特性差異,以及選擇國內與國外融資之公司財務特性差異,利用Panel Logit Model-多項邏輯迴歸模型,在研究資料為連續時間固定樣本的Panel Model形式,加入時間效果或個別企業效果,探討公司財務特性差異與其選擇融資工具及融資地點之間的相關性研究。研究結果如下: / 一、非Panel模型實證結果: 針對公司選擇以負債或權益工具進行融資之財務特性比較,當公司選擇在國內進行融資,規模愈小、成長性愈低、獲利能力愈高、財務風險愈高、及營運風險愈高的公司,會較傾向以國內權益工具進行融資;而當公司選擇在國外進行融資時,規模愈大及獲利能力愈高的公司,會愈傾向以國外權益工具進行融資。 而對於公司融資地點不同之財務特性比較,則不論以負債或權益工具進行融資,只要公司的規模愈大,公司會愈傾向到國外進行融資。 / 二、考慮時間效果的Panel模型實證結果: 有關公司選擇以負債或權益工具進行融資之財務特性比較,當公司選擇在國內進行融資,規模愈大、成長性愈高、財務風險愈低、及營運風險愈低的公司,會較傾向以國內負債工具進行融資;而在時間效果部分,相較於民國88年基期,民國90年到民國93年,公司會更傾向使用國內負債融資工具。而當公司選擇在國外進行融資時,規模愈小的公司,會愈傾向以國外負債工具進行融資,且在民國92年到民國93年,這個現象會更加明顯。 有關公司選擇在國內或國外進行融資之財務特性比較,不論以負債或權益工具進行融資,只要公司的規模愈大,公司會愈傾向到國外進行融資。而在時間效果影響部分,相較於民國88年比較基期,在民國92年,台灣電子資訊產業上市櫃公司會更傾向到國外進行融資。 / 三、考慮個別企業效果的Panel模型實證結果: 有關公司選擇以負債或權益工具進行融資之財務特性比較,當公司選擇在國內進行融資,規模愈小、成長性愈低、獲利能力愈高、財務風險愈高、及營運風險愈高的公司,相較於以國內負債工具融資,會較傾向以國內權益工具進行融資;而當公司選擇在國外進行融資時,規模愈小、獲利能力愈高、及財務風險愈大的公司,相較於以國外負債融資,會愈傾向以國外權益工具進行融資。 有關公司選擇在國內或國外進行融資之財務特性比較,當公司選擇以負債工具進行融資時,規模愈大或是營運風險愈高的公司,相較於選擇在國內融資,公司會愈傾向到國外進行融資;而當公司選擇以權益工具進行融資時,財務風險愈高的公司,相較於選擇在國內融資,公司會愈傾向到國外進行融資。 / In recently years, with the liberalization and innovation trends in financial institutions, there are more and more different kinds of financing instruments that corporations can choose to finance their capital needs. Under such environment, this paper attempts to find out the relationships between corporations’ financial choices and their financial characteristics. Based on the data of Taiwan public issuing firms’ data from 1999 to 2004 and the Panel Logit Model adding time or individual firm effect, this paper not only investigates the differences of financial characteristics between firms choose debt or equity financing instruments, but also analyzes the differences of financial characteristics between firms choose domestic or international financing. The main empirical results are as follows: / 1.Non-Panel Logit Model For the comparisons of firms using different financing instruments, when firms choose domestic financing, the smaller the size, the lower the growth rate, the higher the profitability, financial risk and operational risk, firms will more tend to choose equity instruments for financing. On the other hand, when firms choose international financing, the larger the size and the higher the profitability, firms will more tend to choose equity instruments. As for the comparisons of firms choosing domestic or international financing, firms will be more willing to finance internationally when their size are larger. / 2.Panel Logit Model with Time Effect For the comparisons of firms using different financing instruments, when firms choose to finance domestically, the larger the size, the higher the growth rate, the lower the financial and operational risk, firms will tend to choose debt instruments for financing. As for the time effect, firms will more tend to use domestic debt instrument for financing from 2001 to 2004. On the other side, when firms choose to finance internationally, they will be more willing to choose debt instruments for financing when their size are smaller. Moreover, this tendency is more apparently from 2003 to 2004. As for the comparisons of firms choosing domestic or international financing, firms will tend to finance internationally when their size get larger. Moreover, this effect is more influential in 2003. / 3.Panel Logit Model with Individual Firm Effect For the comparisons of firms using different financing instruments, when firms choose domestic financing, the smaller the size, the lower the growth rate, the higher the profitability, financial risk and operational risk, firms will more tend to use equity instruments for financing. On the other hand, when firms choose international financing, the smaller the size, the higher the profitability and financial risk, they will more tend to choose equity financing instruments. As for the comparisons of firms choosing domestic or international financing, when firms choose debt financing, the larger the size and operational risk, the more willingness of firms to choose international financing. Meanwhile, when firms choose equity financing, they will more tend to finance internationally as their financial risk are higher.


李佳螢 Unknown Date (has links)
本論之分析1950~1999年間的中國時報50年的「食」、「衣」、「住」、「行」、「樂」廣告,透過歷史研究法、文獻分析法等方法,瞭解廣告與當時社會背景脈絡的關係。 本研究除了驗證「社會」藉由「媒體」影響「廣告」的單線行進模式,瞭解社會與廣告之間的關係是相互影響之外,也看出50年廣告,反映了台灣人民當時「食」、「衣」、「住」、「行」、「樂」各類別的生活樣貌。「食」:呈現出50年來庶民對於食品營養觀念的變化;「衣」:服裝成分的轉變,如由天然材質到加入化學纖維。個人對於服裝從要求整潔、美觀到必須呈現獨特風格;「住」:民眾對於家電產品的依賴程度日漸提高、而從房地產類廣告可以看到台灣經濟起飛的軌跡之外、也看到台北人面對日漸標高的房價,所產生的應對方法;「行」:看到私人自用車從早期的奢侈品、到成為家家戶戶的必備、近期自用轎車除了彰顯財富,更是表現生活品味風格的象徵;「樂」:呈現台灣女性對於保養以及化妝觀念的改變。 關鍵詞:台灣廣告史、社會變遷、歷史研究法、廣告與社會


李直蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著金融自由化與全球化的發展趨勢,國與國間的經濟關係日益密切,台灣能否持續提昇在全球經濟的既有地位,更攸關未來的生存發展。尤其目前台灣與世界各國經貿往來關係處於既合作又競爭的局面,因此,未來在維持國內經濟金融穩定與提昇國家競爭力等方面,中央銀行都將扮演關鍵的角色。 本研究係採用1998~2005年間的時間序列月資料,以計量方法中的有限時間落差分配(Finite Distributed Lag, FDL)模型,推估法定準備率、重貼現率、擔保放款融通利率及短期融通利率等四項主要貨幣政策工具的反應函數,以瞭解台灣貨幣政策在制定時重要的考量因素。而且,有別於目前既有的相關文獻,本研究於實證模型中加入選舉變數與政黨輪替變數,以探討首次政黨輪替前後,選舉因素是否會對台灣貨幣政策造成影響。 研究結果顯示,台灣貨幣政策在制定時所考量的因素,分別就四項主要貨幣政策工具的反應函數而言,中央銀行採取降低法定準備率的寬鬆貨幣政策,主要係為達成促進經濟成長、維持物價穩定、降低失業率及維持匯率動態穩定等四項目標與因應貨幣實際需求;中央銀行採用降低重貼現率與擔保放款融通利率的寬鬆貨幣政策,主要係為達成維持匯率動態穩定的目標與因應貨幣實際需求;中央銀行採用降低短期融通利率的寬鬆貨幣政策,主要係為達成維持物價穩定、降低失業率及平衡國際收支等三項目標與因應貨幣實際需求。   此外,關於選舉變數與政黨輪替變數,對法定準備率、重貼現率、擔保放款融通利率及短期融通利率四項台灣主要貨幣政策工具的影響,均呈現不顯著的結果。足以證明在首次政黨輪替前後,台灣中央銀行在制定貨幣政策時,並不會受到選舉因素或政黨輪替因素的影響;亦獲致支持台灣中央銀行係在政治中立的基礎上,擬定與執行貨幣政策的結論。因此,針對媒體評述,台灣每逢重要選舉,執政黨偏好選前採用擴張性經濟政策,提升總體經濟表現,以贏得選舉,因而貨幣政策很有可能受到選舉因素的影響,但在對照本研究實證結果後,證明該項說法並不正確。 綜上所述,依據本研究實證結果發現,台灣中央銀行主要貨幣政策工具與貨幣政策最終目標的關係,不但符合理論面的要求,且在統計上亦多屬顯著,即中央銀行執行貨幣政策的目的係為實現其最終目標。

台灣與宏都拉斯經濟發展的比較研究 / Economic Development of Taiwan and Honduras: A Comparative Study

Marlene Talbott Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this paper was to review the economic development strategies followed by Taiwan to attempt to identify possible lesson-learned that could be of service to developing countries such as Honduras that are currently striving to achieve economic growth and fight poverty. During this investigation, we reviewed the macroeconomic framework and economic development strategies of Honduras, especially those contained in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) most recently prepared for Honduras. In the case of Taiwan, we made a brief description of the macroeconomic structure and also a summary of the different strategies implemented from 1950 to the present. We made especial emphasis on the development strategies applied during the early stages of the Taiwanese economic development as they relate more to the current economic situation of Honduras. We found that among the lessons learned from the Taiwanese experience and that could be applied to the effort of Honduras to improve its economic development status are the promotion of agriculture and land reform, investment in human capital especially in terms of education, and the principle of comparative advantage in terms of trade. Honduras is currently at a turning point with the implementation of the United States-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), the Highly Indebted Poor Initiate (HIPC), the Interamerican Development Bank debt relief negotiation, and other financial strategies. The country could use the current opportunities to guide its economic strategy toward the reduction of poverty and economic improvement. / The purpose of this paper was to review the economic development strategies followed by Taiwan to attempt to identify possible lesson-learned that could be of service to developing countries such as Honduras that are currently striving to achieve economic growth and fight poverty. During this investigation, we reviewed the macroeconomic framework and economic development strategies of Honduras, especially those contained in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) most recently prepared for Honduras. In the case of Taiwan, we made a brief description of the macroeconomic structure and also a summary of the different strategies implemented from 1950 to the present. We made especial emphasis on the development strategies applied during the early stages of the Taiwanese economic development as they relate more to the current economic situation of Honduras. We found that among the lessons learned from the Taiwanese experience and that could be applied to the effort of Honduras to improve its economic development status are the promotion of agriculture and land reform, investment in human capital especially in terms of education, and the principle of comparative advantage in terms of trade. Honduras is currently at a turning point with the implementation of the United States-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), the Highly Indebted Poor Initiate (HIPC), the Interamerican Development Bank debt relief negotiation, and other financial strategies. The country could use the current opportunities to guide its economic strategy toward the reduction of poverty and economic improvement.


廖崧傑, Liao,Sung-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共分五章。第一章為緒論,包括研究問題、研究動機與研究意義。研究問題在探詢「二二八事件」當時台灣主要官方報紙《台灣新生報》呈現了什麼觀點、其言論立場的轉變的原因為何?此轉變對日後台灣媒體論述有什麼影響?研究動機主要想瞭解「二二八事件」期間《台灣新生報》言論立場轉變之原因,進而反省當今媒體意識形態問題,藉以瞭解國民黨意識形態如何運用媒體形塑文化霸權論述。同時說明「二二八事件」與《台灣新生報》的研究意義與價值。 第二章為文獻回顧與理論探討,首先回顧「二二八事件」的相關研究,並藉由與文獻對話的過程體現研究者對「二二八事件」的論述觀點。理論的部分則在檢視葛蘭西的「文化霸權」理論,思索身為國家意識形態機器的《台灣新生報》在事件期間的角色與其報導論述之取向。 第三章觀察《台灣新生報》文本在「二二八事件」期間的論述立場、報導題材與版面處理的變化,瞭解在政府介入下該報霸權論述的形塑過程。 第四章進一步探究《台灣新生報》文本內容,指出該報在特定意識形態力量召喚下所呈現出的幾種霸權論述樣貌。 第五章為結論,說明《台灣新生報》霸權論述的意義,指出國民黨的意識形態霸權對台灣媒體論述的影響,反思當前台灣媒體諸問題。 / This thesis is divided into five chapters. It starts, in “Introduction,” with the explanation of the author’s problem, motivation and the significance of this study. For a start, the problem is to find out what kinds of news were represented and why its remarks had transformed Taiwan Shin Sheng Daily News(hereafter TSSDN), Taiwan’s major publicly-owned newspaper at that time, on its viewpoints of the Feb.28 Incident. In addition, questions are asked about how this change has made an impact on Taiwan media accounts and remarks. Secondly, the motivation is mainly to understand why TSSDN altered its statement and remarks during the Feb.28 Incident. In observing this change, the author tries to discover how KMT ideology took advantage of the media and formed its hegemony as a reminder of present-day media ideological problems in Taiwan. At the same time, the researcher manifests the meaning and value of this thesis. The second chapter deals with“literature review”and“theory probing.”To begin with, the author reviews studies regarding the Feb.28 Incident and makes clear his own view on the Incident by means of a dialogue with the literature. Moreover, by inspecting Gramsci’s hegemony theory, the author ponders on TSSDN’s role as the Ideological State Apparatus and its accounts of the incident In the third chapter, the author scrutinizes TSSDN’s discourse to find out its perspective, accounts and layouts during the Feb.28 Incident in an attempt to understand the progress of TSSDN’s discursive hegemony built in the era of government intervention. In the fourth chapter, the author probes further into TSSDN’s discourse to identify several patterns under the summons of the specific ideology. In the concluding chapter, by interpreting the meaning of TSSDN’s hegemony discussion, the author points out the influence of KMT’s ideological hegemony on Taiwan media remarks and introspects on current problems of Taiwan media.


王美珍 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣社會當中掀起了一股「台客文化」熱潮,不但有越來越多人以「台客」自稱,亦有「台客」為名的書籍出版、以「台客」為名的活動舉辦,形成了一股文化「台」風,本文探究「台客文化」之社會想像的形成及其文化意義。 「台客」這個詞彙最早起自於50年代,外省人嘲笑講國語不標準的本省人是「台客」,近年來則又在青少年次文化場域中興起,指著穿著打扮很俗氣、不入流的人,多半帶有鄙視的意味。不過,2005年八月,歌手伍佰、陳昇等人舉辦「台客搖滾」演唱會,翻轉「台客」一詞原來的負面意涵,將「台客」視為一種「驕傲的認同」,聲言「在台灣,人人都是台客」、「台客就是台灣的文化」,帶動了社會中「以台客為榮」的「新台客」論述,以「台灣特色」形成「台客文化」的想像軸心,使得檳榔西施、歌手伍佰的搖滾樂、傳統的布袋戲……等均接合進入「台客文化」的想像中,形成了一股「台客文藝復興運動」。不同於當前「台客」的研究多半將「台客」的意義固定、本質化的處理,在觀察的取徑上,本文採用拉克勞與慕芙(Laclau&Mouffe)霸權/論述理論中的「空符徵」(empty signifier)概念作為切入此一現象的理論與方法,考察「台客」一詞意義流變的論述軌跡,如何從一個狹義的風格指稱,逐漸擴大成了一個促動關於「我們台灣」之文化共同體的想像的符號。 本文以為,使得「台客」擴大成為代表「我們台灣」的空符徵之所以可能,乃在於「新台客」論述將「台客」建構為一種得以與美、日、韓與之抗衡、代表我們台灣特色的文化想像,吸納了台灣社會流行文化語境當中長期以來始終處於哈韓、哈日、哈美而獨缺哈台的文化認同焦慮情緒以及隨之期望「哈台」的文化民族主義文化主體慾望,成為文化全球化衝擊之下,一種「本土化」力量的抗衡與反撲。另一方面,本文也發現,在「人人都是台客」、「台客就是台灣文化」這樣文化共同體的光明號召論述下,看似「眾聲喧嘩」的「台客文化」想像之中,仍有一個「主音」是被明顯合唱的——那麼便是將在過去國民黨語言政策下所壓制的遭到禁制的台語歌、布袋戲、歌仔戲,在這一波「新台客」論述中以「台客」之名重新被歡呼,一方面是針對「舊台客」論述當中的語言歧視問題藉著「新台客」的意義重整進行象徵鬥爭,另一方面亦顯露了「台客文化」的形構力量,除了相對於「全球化」的「本土化」意識之外,亦顯露了與「中國」相對的「本土化」力量,在兩種「本土化」的交錯張力之中,開啟了通俗文化場域當中「台灣性」(Taiwaness)的想像起點。

探討台灣採用加拿大政府與原住民權力共享機制之合適性 / Examining the Suitability of Taiwanese Adoption of the Canadian Mechanism for Determining Government—First Nations Power-Sharing Agreements.

康迪恩, Dean Karalekas Unknown Date (has links)
Following world trends, the government of Taiwan is paying more attention in recent years to providing a degree of autonomy to the island’s indigenous peoples. As with many policy initiatives, the government is looking abroad for a blueprint, and Canada is the Western country that is often promoted as a viable model to follow. The purpose of this work is to examine the historical and cultural influences of how each nation has treated its indigenous population and, given these variances, identify roadblocks to Taiwan’s successful implementation of a mechanism for deriving aboriginal self-government agreements based on the Canadian example, as well as to propose policy recommendations on what direction relevant legislation should take. / Following world trends, the government of Taiwan is paying more attention in recent years to providing a degree of autonomy to the island’s indigenous peoples. As with many policy initiatives, the government is looking abroad for a blueprint, and Canada is the Western country that is often promoted as a viable model to follow. The purpose of this work is to examine the historical and cultural influences of how each nation has treated its indigenous population and, given these variances, identify roadblocks to Taiwan’s successful implementation of a mechanism for deriving aboriginal self-government agreements based on the Canadian example, as well as to propose policy recommendations on what direction relevant legislation should take.

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