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陳學德 Unknown Date (has links)
我國法院實務所見著作權侵害,往往以刑事訴訟為之,考其原因甚夥,諸如當事人無存證習慣、損害賠償額難以證明、民事訴訟制度有利被告脫產等因素,故被害人往往以刑逼民,以求得適當之賠償,惟著作權法係一門新興之法學,因與傳統之民、刑法觀念上有很大差異,專業性較高,坊間所見參考書籍,對外國法制之介紹,以國際公約及美國法制較多,因美國著作權法及實務均以民事救濟為主,訴訟制度又採陪審制,故許多案例原則,均為民事法制度下之意義,於我國刑事訴訟制度下,各該原則之定義、定位,均有待檢討,本文即嘗試以外國著作權法之原則及落實於我國著作權法應有之意義,及對我國著作權刑事審判實務作一檢視。 刑事責任之構成,依學說及實務應符合構成要件該當性、違法性、有責性,故構成要件該當為法院首要之職權調查對象,惟法院訴訟係先程序後實體,故本文先就著作要件、被害人之認定為介紹後,始依構成要件之要素逐一檢視,即侵害行為、侵害法益、著作權限制,最後並對實務處罰現況檢討現行法定刑刑度之當否及侵害二著作財產權之論罪關係,依序說明如後: 第一章 緒論 就本文之研究動機與目的,研究方法與範圍加以說明。 第二章 著作保護之要件 就最高法院八十一年台上字第三○六三號民事判決及學說所闡述之保護要件,即原創性、具客觀化之表達方式、屬於文學科學藝術或其他學術範圍之創作及非法律所不保護之標的,加以說明。 第三章 犯罪之追訴要件 先於第一節就自然人及法人著作受侵害之追訴方式說明,次就著作人之認定標準,依本國人及外國人分別說明,於本國人特別討論大陸同胞、聘僱著作、共同著作著作人之認定方式,於外國著作人除一般性之互惠原則簡介外,針對美國人著作依中美著作權保護協定,對被保護人範圍過大,使得大陸同胞或其他國家人民間接受到保護。 第四章 侵害行為之認定 先就美國法上著作權侵害態樣,即直接、補助及代理侵害作一介紹,及其在我國刑法總則之定位簡要說明。次就美國著作權法上侵害諸原則,及最高法院對侵害認定之要件即接觸及抄襲加以簡要介紹,透過對法院判決之分析檢討,用以檢視我國法院對著作權侵害之近似判斷標準,發現法院受限於國內鑑定制度欠缺,除部分電腦程式案件專業度較高送請鑑定外,均由法官自行逐一比對,依一般人原則或整體觀感原則之精神自行為近似判斷。次就各不同著作類別,逐一檢討其受保護之成分,用以提供實務近似判斷時,多數以逐一比對方式之不妥之參考。 第五章 侵害之法益為本法所規定之著作財產權 本章先就本法所承認之著作財產權類型,透過國際公約及外國法制,逐一介紹其意義及常見之學說實務之爭議問題,如著作權平面立體互轉、公開之意義、衛星接收之公開播送適法性、播映用伴唱帶之適法性、營業場所接收音樂廣播為背景音樂適法性、用盡原則與出租權限制等。再就雖非著作財產權侵害,因對著作人經濟利益影響甚大之「視為侵害著作財產權」,亦依上開著作財產權侵害之檢視方式,一一介紹及檢討;最後,就網際網路涉及之著作權侵害問題為扼要探討。 第六章 著作財產權之限制 著作財產權之限制,分為合理使用、非自願授權及保護期間三大類型,本章先就合理使用於我國刑事上之定位、第六十五條與第四十四條至六十三條之關係,再就美國法上合理使用為獨立規定及實務對合理使用四項要素之意義,用以說明第四十四條至六十三條適用合理使用為補充判斷時之參考。其次,非自願授權類型有強制授權及法定授權二類,就中文翻譯、廣播目的及音樂著作強制授權之要件逐一介紹後,方就外國常見之法定授權,如教科書選編、錄影機及空白帶徵收權利金、散布權用盡後之補償請求權及著作原件追及權介紹。最後就著作財產權保護之理論、標準及回溯保護之相關問題為檢討。 第七章 刑罰 本章係本於著作權法性質上為私法,多數國家以民事損害賠償為著作權侵害之救濟方式,我國因國人迷信重刑處罰及中美談判壓力下,法定刑日漸提高,期以遏止著作權侵害之刑事政策,是否妥當,本文嘗試透過我國著作權刑事處罰構成要件、處罰刑度、追訴方式之變遷,及七十八年至八十五年法院著作權刑事判決確定案件之檢討分析,反著作權刑事政策之不妥,亦即如以刑罰臨之,亦以罰金較能符合具經濟犯罪特性之著作權犯較佳;其次,就刑罰中之兩罰制及從刑之內容分析,以檢討實務對沒收究採職權沒收或義務沒收,提供一己之見。最後,再就一般犯罪態樣之常業犯、連續犯、想像競合犯、牽連犯及法條競合,於著作財產權犯罪之適用標準及其與刑法之關係,依刑法之學說判例原則作一簡要分析,以供實務參酌。 第八章 結論 綜合本文之研究心得,供立法省思及實務之參考。

實踐具語意的著作權管理規範來逼近合理使用 / Semantic Enforcement of DRM Policies to Approximate Fair Use

林光德, Lin, Guang De Unknown Date (has links)
法律明定使用者可以對別人的創作內容有一定程度的合理使用(Fair Use)範圍,像是以教學為用途而可影印書籍部份內容。然而合理使用的規範判定在電腦上難以實作,現有的DRM (Digital Rights Management, 著作權管理)系統甚少實現這樣的理想。 本研究在現有的ODRL2語言上架上使用本體論(Ontology)語言來加強本身所缺乏的語意,讓本體論與規則語言(Rule Language)結合,來達到規範(Policy)標示的能力,並且使用現有的推論引擎(Reasoning Engine),拿到規範正確執行的能力。最後在帶有規範執行的機制底下,標示合理使用的基本規範,並加強ODRL的標示能力去逼近合理使用的精神。 / United States copyright laws grants users the rights to make “fair use” of copyrighted works, e.g. copying part of a book for the use of education purpose. Current digital rights management (DRM) systems are hard to enforce fair use doctrine for two reasons. First is that the current XML-based rights expression language (REL) are unable to describe the rights of fair use; and second is that the architecture of DRM systems interferes with fair use. This approach proposed a rights expression language based on ODRL 2.0 with Semantic Web technologies to get the ability to describe fair use policies. In addition, we design a fair use procedure mechanism for managing and enforcing fair use policies defined by trusted third parties. Both REL improvement and new procedure are done to approximate fair use.

結合本體論與案例推理之合理使用推薦 / Ontology-supported case-based reasoning for a fair use recommendation

楊協達, Yang, Xie Da Unknown Date (has links)
網路的發達使得數位內容的流通更加的便利,數位內容擁有者為了避免資料被任意散播,而採用DRM(Digital Rights Management)系統來保護自身的權利。然而DRM系統是採用限制的方式來控管資料的使用,並沒有考量到合理使用的設計,其中主要的原因在於合理使用的規範難以設計且用電腦落實,時常會有一些情況需視個案而定。 本研究希望透過結合本體論推論與案例式比對的來解決合理使用規範難以制定的問題,利用本體論與規則語言進行推論做合理使用判斷,當本體論與規則語言無法判斷時再進行案例式比對,經由案例庫中的合理使用案例,我們可以明確的給予使用者在對數位內容操作上是否為合理使用的依歸,若沒有相符的案例,依舊可以給予使用者一個迫近預期的合理使用建議。 / Thanks to the development of network, it is much more convenient to spread digital contents; nevertheless, digital content owners can only use DRM (Digital Rights Management) system to protect their personal data from unapproved spreading. However, the fair use design is barely taken into consideration in the DRM system since it only uses limit principles to control data-spreading. The main reason is that fair use policy is not only hard to design but also hard to be universally practiced on computers. Furthermore, there are always rooms for fair use cases beyond a general model description. This research aims to combine the advantages of ontology reasoning and case-based reasoning (CBR) to solve the problem of defining and enforcing fair use policy. Applying ontology and the rule language is the first approach to infer fair use decision; following is the CBR. This means that if ontology is not able to infer a fair use through its enforceable policy, then we apply CBR technique by compared with previous fair use cases established in our case base. Therefore, we can always derive a fair use or not fair use decision. Otherwise, we propose a recommendation for how to achieve a fair use or avoid not a fair use.

論網路新聞搜尋引擎的合理使用-以Google News美國版的著作權法相關爭議為中心 / The fair use analysis on the web search engine

林佩蓉, Lin, Patricia Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路在許多方面皆改變了大眾的讀報方式:不僅僅是因為Google News一類的新聞搜尋引擎,提供讀者多樣化且一次性的即時整合型閱覽,現今多數的網路使用者,也已養成從數個不同網頁中選擇所需資訊來瀏覽或進行研究、調查的習慣。然而,隨著報紙印刷發行量的銳減、新聞網站的流量不如預期,新聞媒體出版商對於搜尋引擎憑藉他人著作獲取暴利的手法感到越來越挫敗。Google自西元2009年起在Google News美國版刊登廣告,會不會成為壓垮傳統新聞媒體的最後一根稻草?而Google的這項舉措是否動搖其利用他人著作內容賺錢的正當性?可符合美國著作權法的合理使用原則? 本文將就Google News刊登廣告所引發的爭議,從網路新聞的發展、Google的經營模式以及合理使用原則的規範目的等面向,鎖定美國著作權法,來探討網路搜尋引擎截取他人著作內容的合法性,以及數位時代下合理使用原則的未來命運。 / The Internet has changed the way people reading the newspaper: not only because news search engines such as Google News providing readers with a diverse and one-time real-time integration of reading, but also because nowadays, most Web users have become accustomed to selecting the information they need from several different Web pages for browsing or carrying out research, and investigation. However, as the newspapers’ circulation drops, and the flow of news Web sites does not reach the expectation, the fact that search engines use others’ works to obtain profits disappoints news media publishers a lot. Will the advertisements placed alongside search results on the American version of Google News be the last straw? Will this undermine the validity of Google’s initiative of using others’ work for money, and fit in with the fair use doctrine? This article will try to analyze the Google News advertising disputes from the perspectives of development of network newsm, Google's business model and the fair use doctrine , and to discuss the legality of the Web search engine as well as the fate of fair use under digital era in the future.


陳佳菁, Chen,Winona Unknown Date (has links)
數位學習產業於二十世紀末隨著數位潮流、知識管理之風潮,而成為數位內容產業中受矚目之焦點之一,數位與網路新科技,帶動學習內容與形態的變化,技術是發展數位學習的重要推手,但從各國數位學習產業之發展以觀,學習內容的完善建置與相關產業的法制政策抶植,才能真正達到資訊化社會、平衡數位落差等目標。 本論文觀察到我國目前對於數位學習產業可能產生之著作權議題,如:數位學習教材著作權歸屬、數位學習合理使用議題及數位學習內容保護之機制與問題,現行著作權法並未已針對數位學習產業可能特殊之需求為足夠因應或修正,因此本論文參酌學界、實務界對於數位學習產業相關著作權爭議有豐富討論之美國法,由其因應前揭數位學習著作權議題所作之法制上變革,提出對我國現行法之修法建議。 在數位學習教材及課程討論內容之著作權歸屬部分,為避免著作權歸屬公平性之爭議,本論文建議有效方法之一即係以契約明文約定之,以使雙方權利義務得以有效落實;在數位學習合理使用議題之法制因應部分,本論文建議合理使用利用目的判斷導入-轉化(transformation)原則、放寬可以主張合理使用的主體及權利範圍、參酌澳洲及美國CONFU教育多媒體合理使用準則所羅列之各項標準訂立具體合理使用著作利用之比例準則;在數位學習內容保護之機制與問題部分,本論文建議將著作權法中「防盜拷措施」之名稱,修正為「科技保護措施」,以避免造成社會大眾誤認我國著作權法僅限制規範「未經授權非法重製之措施」而就規避未經授權之進入、接觸著作或前述規避行為之準備行為並不處罰,而誤入於罪,同時建議增訂行為人就第八十條之一第一項權利管理電子資訊之移除或變更行為之主觀要件及責任例外,保障人民權益。

部落格影音混搭著作權問題及因應之研究 / The Research of Copyright Issues of Audio-Visual Mashups on Blogs

黃曉薇, Huang, Hsiao Wei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的進展,產生了許多新興的創作媒介與方式,使得終端的網路使用者不再甘於僅做為主流媒體所提供內容之接收者,也想進一步地成為內容的提供者,網路上混搭創作的興盛正是在此種潮流趨勢下的一種社會文化現象。網路混搭創作可依其創作內容之不同而區分為三種:網路混搭、影片混搭與音樂混搭;但其創作之方式都有一個共同的特徵:將不同來源之資訊、素材,經由混搭創作者發揮創意後,以嶄新面貌而呈現之作品。著作權制度之目的乃在促進人類智識文化之進展與累積,因此對於新興之網路創作也應賦予一定之保護,才能真正發揮著作權制度之功能。然而,現行著作權制度制定時並未充分考量到數位時代下各種創作方式與媒介之特性,所以並無法提供此類創作適當之保護。為了社會文化之發展,現行的著作權制度有其修正之必要,讓負責平衡公私益之合理使用原則能夠發揮其功能,而不再僅具有象徵性之意義,而是能更實際地落實保護之功能。此外,在現行著作權制度尚未修正前,本文也嘗試提出兩個體制內解決之方法:創作共用以及創新之商業模式。透過創作共用可以讓目前的著作權制度更有彈性;創新的商業模式則能讓所有著作權關係人能夠互利共生,更有助於問題之實際解決。 / This thesis aims to study on copyrights concerning the mashups on blogs. The technology evolution brings about new media and new mode for creation and the end-users can both be the information recipients and providers. Mashups become one of the frequently adopted modes among the internet creation and the copyright of mashups call for a closer study. The main idea of mashups is to mash and recombine materials taken from different sources with the creator’s own creativity. Mashups are regarded as a creation, which requires legal protection. However, the protections for mashups and their creators in current laws are still incomplete and needed to be amended for a better environment for creators. Beside the amendment of copyright laws, other solutions are as well available, such as Creative Commons and new business models. Creative Commons provides authors with some licensing clauses, which helps to create a more flexible creative environment. On the other hand, a good business model could transform legal issues into a commercial opportunity and provide the best solution for all parties related. The first chapter of this thesis will outline the main purpose and possible contribution of this thesis. The second chapter will introduce the blogs. The introduction will begin with the streaming technology and concerning legal issues. Streaming technology is a crucial factor in the developments and the functions of blogs. Further on, the thesis will elaborates the history and future trend of blogs. In the third section of the chapter, some main copyright issues of blogs will be brought into discussion. The third chapter is the introduction of audio-visual mashups on blogs. The discussion begins with website mashup technology and the types of mashups. Remix Culture plays an important role in the development of mashups and its connection between audio-visual mashups on blogs will be elaborated. The chapter will also include some copyright issues of audio-visual mashups on blogs and a detailed discussion on the fair use doctrine of the current copyright law. The fourth chapter will focus on the Creative Commons and new business models, which should be an alternative solution beside the law amendments. The discussion will involve with an introduction about Creative Commons. The ccMixter and Jamendo can be taken as two examples of combination of Creative Commons and audio-visual mashups. The chapter will as well include some latest digital music business models and suggestions for future mashup business models. This thesis indicates the deficiency of current copyright laws concerning the protection of mashups and calls for attentions to the necessity of law amendments. In addition, the thesis propose two alternative solutions for the copyright dilemma: the Creative Commons and new business models, through which the mashups problems can hopefully dealt with in a more practical way.


徐碧雲, Hsu,Bi Yun Unknown Date (has links)
回顧我國著作權法之修法歷程,除了應國內著作權人團體呼籲政府應強力取締盜版之呼聲外,來自美國特別301條款之貿易制裁壓力,亦為主要修法原因,以致於近10年來即有6次修法,且侵害著作權之刑責一次比一次更為嚴苛,惟如此頻繁之修法是否切合我國著作權實務之發展?本文係以實證研究之角度,檢視現行著作權法之法制規定與司法實務執行情形有無落差?並探究我國司法實務認定著作權侵害之見解如何?何等證據得證明犯罪事實存在?及將歷年來我國最高法院審理侵害著作權之刑事判決中,關於著作權爭議之種類、侵害權利之內容、所犯法條、受理之原審法院分析、量刑狀況、犯罪者之犯罪型態,予以量化分析,以釐清實務上著作權爭議案件之類型以及常見之爭議處理型態,以研究我國歷年來的爭議型態是否有轉變。   我國現行著作權法關於侵害著作權之責任包括民事與刑事方面,經蒐集並統計我國93至95年度最高法院民、刑事裁判資料,有關「著作權」之判決部分,其中民事裁判符合條件者僅有2筆,刑事裁判符合條件者為385筆,顯見我國著作權侵害之法院實務運作,多以刑事訴訟為之。故本文係以最高法院審理之著作權刑事判決為主要研究對象。亦即本文採計研究者為最高法院依據實體法或者程序法的規定,確定被告刑罰權是否存在與其範圍,像科刑判決、無罪判決等,另外還有判斷訴訟關係有無存在、訴訟程序是否妥適,像不受理判決與管轄錯誤的判決等均為研究範圍。至於最高法院審理刑事案件過程中指揮刑事訴訟的進行所作出之裁定,及於刑事追訴中附帶之民事賠償訴訟,均不納入本文研究範圍。因之,本文整理93至95年度最高法院審理侵害著作權之刑事判決書計有309件。   經仔細研讀並將各項研究數據予以類型化分析,我國著作權法現行法制規定與司法實務運作結果,確實存有差距。以93至95年最高法院審理著作權刑事判決之量刑分析為例,原審依個案犯罪情節輕重,宣告之判決結果,以「1年1個月以上,1年6個月以下」為最多,計有90件;其次為「無罪」之宣告,計有70件;第三為「7個月以上,1年以下」,計有39件。又309件刑事判決中,經原審法院認定為有罪者,共計有198件,其中宣告「1年6個月以下」刑期者,計有162件(占有罪判決之82%),宣告「1年7個月以上」刑期者,計有36件(占有罪判決之18%)。由上述數據觀察,我國司法實務對於著作權侵害案件之量刑,與法制規定之刑度相較,顯有輕判之情形。   吾人皆知,欲建立符合國情之著作權法制,除了要透過民主討論程序,還須參考實務運作及產業發展,以及審慎作好法律影響評估,立法過程若是經由公開透明之討論而達成,就容易為大眾所接受,則實務運作與法制規定之差距也不致太大。畢竟,要在著作權人權利與社會大眾公益中間尋找一個最佳的平衡點,有著很大的困難度及爭議,過與不及,都關連著國家產業經濟、文化、科技、教育之發展。本文希望藉由粗淺之實證分析,提供行政機關及民間對著作權侵害防治策略之參考,並期望能夠引起行政或立法機關對著作權實證研究之重視,提升我國著作權法之修法品質,以獲得國人的信服與敬重。

搜尋引擎相關著作權爭議問題之研究與探討 / A study on copyright disputes of search engine

林芝余, Lin, Chih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在網路的世界裡,搜尋引擎對網路使用者的重要性逐漸升高,而藉由搜尋引擎之幫助,使用者可以在數位資訊爆炸的網路世界中,尋找到所需的資訊。惟此種便利之用途,亦造成著作權人之權利遭受侵權之疑慮,如搜尋引擎協助使用者找到未經合法授權之檔案而下載之;亦或搜尋引擎本身即複製該未經合法授權之內容而散布之等情形。各國對於搜尋引擎業者之侵權責任有相似規定,在如何之情況下搜尋引擎必須負擔侵權行為責任,而在何種情形下搜尋引擎業者可能可以免責,又在何種情形下搜尋引擎業者可能引用合理使用原則,本文亦嘗試提出各國之規定以供國內參考。 國內尚未有搜尋引擎業者之相關案例,故本文嘗試透過不同的國家中不同的搜尋引擎態樣進行案例分析,提出不同的搜尋引擎在不同之情狀之下,可能會造成的著作權爭議。如在圖像搜尋方面即提出美國的Perfect 10 v. Google案中縮小圖示之合理使用爭議,並同時提出多年前的Kelly v. Arriba案做為對照;中國大陸的七大唱片公司訴百度案在音樂搜尋當中是相當具有爭議的問題,本文亦提出其他相關的大陸案例做為對照;瑞典海盜灣的案件是P2P軟體變型後所產生之搜尋引擎,亦可以看出未來會有更多不同態樣的搜尋引擎出現;而新聞搜尋之問題,牽涉到重製權,近期Google與美聯社達成和解,本文亦為新聞搜尋此特殊的態樣為探討;而圖書搜尋方面則是以Google的圖書館計畫為基礎,並進一步探討合理使用的可能性。 本論文試圖提出美國、歐盟以及中國大陸的法規以及諸多案例,並探討在世界各地的搜尋引擎面對的著作權爭議問題,而這樣的問題會隨著科技的進步與發展有更多不同態樣的變化。我國目前尚未有相關的案例,故本文嘗試提出案例語法規的論述與探討,以期能予我國參考之。 / In the internet world, search engines become much more important to the users. By using the search engines, users can easily gather the useful data online. Although search engines bring so much convenience, but the copyright holders accuse the search engines of coypright infringement. For instance, the search engines sometimes help their users to download the copyrighted materials or themselves reproduce the copyrighted materials. The actions might bring them law suits.There are similar regulations of search engines in different countries. In some situation, search engines might defense themselves by claiming safe harbor regulation, and in others, they could claim the fair use doctrine. In the thesis, it states many cases from different countries to discuss the regulations. Due to the different functions of search engines, there are various cases. Kelly v. Arriba case and Perfect 10 v. Google case are about thumbnails search in the United States. Baidu v. EMI record case in China is about mp3 files search. Despite the traditional search engines, there are some relatively new and specific search engines, such as Private Bay. Private Bay is a search engine which focuses on searching bittorrent files for P2P downloading. In the future, there will be much more search engines with different functions. In the thesis, it also states the disputes of news search and book search.Google Book Project rised discussion worldwide. The thesis states the opinions of the ones who agree to apply the fair use doctrine on the project and the one who disagree to. In Taiwan, there have not been any copyright cases of search engines so far.The thesis states the copyright regulations in U.S., Europe and China, such as safe harbor, contributory infringement and fair use doctrine. By presenting the cases and regulations in other countries, the thesis also provide some inspirational ideas about the copyright disputes of search engine.

同人誌相關著作權問題研究 / Copyright issues in Doujinshi

盧美慈, Lu, Mei Tsu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著科技進步以及傳媒興盛,文化創作已非少數專業作者之權利,一般大眾得藉由網路、新聞等媒介進行個人創作。日本的「同人文化」即為其中代表之一,所謂「同人誌」,係指原創作品的愛好者於未授權的狀態下,藉資訊技術,改編、混合或以原作品設定為基礎進行衍生創作,這些創作可能帶有補完原創作不足劇情之目的、惡搞或諷刺之目的。同人作者通常對於原作抱持著「稱讚或崇拜」的態度,而非企圖以自己之再創作和原作進行市場競爭,且同人作家之再創作,有時可為原作帶來更高之經濟及文化利益。 然而,同人行為以及同人誌在其內容以及行為模式上,均可能涉及著作權侵權問題,以著作人格權為例,同人誌可能侵害「禁止不當改作權」、「姓名表示權」;以著作財產權為例,同人誌所面臨者,係同人誌行為可能侵害「重製權」以及「衍生著作權」,但由於同人誌之高度經濟效益,亦有美日學者提出同人誌應得就其經濟優勢主張「合理使用」;除此之外,同人誌「借用原作角色和背景設定」之行為,同時也涉及美國法所謂「角色著作權」爭議問題。另外,同人誌本身亦為一種著作作品,惟此種未獲得同意之衍生創作,是否得以合法地取得新的著作權?   本文將先從同人誌的產生及其經濟效益為始,講解為何目前同人誌發源地--日本,對同人誌之發展採取何種態度。第三章至第五章則就著作權法法規面,先行說明與同人誌相關之著作權法規定和法學理論,進而以美、日以及我國實務判決,釐清同人誌與著作人格權、著作財產權的交集,試圖釐清同人誌在著作權法中之定位。第六章係以近來同人誌地位最具威脅性之爭議問題- -TPP協約,推測未來同人誌產業可能之走向若未來日本簽暑該條約後將對日本同人誌產業和其他國家的同人誌產業造成衝擊。    最後,本文將總結同人誌在著作人格權及著作財產權面臨之侵權爭議,依照本文所引用之外國判例或實務見解,試圖提出使同人誌合法之方式,盼能藉此維護同人產業和相關動漫產業的持續發展。 / In recent years, because of the rapid development of digital technologies, everyone can be a creator and easily public his or her work online. The “doujin-activities”(also called “fan-based activities” in American) originating from Japan has provided a good example of how ordinary people can become creators participating in the free culture.Most famous doujin-activities is “doujinshi” , which is associated with the preparation of derivative works without authors’ permission.Most doujinshi creators involve in the activities in order to show their respect of the original works. The aim of these doujin-activities is to create mocks, or parodies of the original work, or to complete the original story. Nonetheless, these fan-based creators have exposed themselves to great extent of copyright infringement. For example, doujinsi may infringes author’s moral right, like “the right to claim the authorship of works” and “the right of integrity”. Moreover, because doujinshi is an unauthorized derivative work, it could infringe author’s property right.However, due to the huge economic interest behind doujinshi, a lot of copyright scholars claim that doujinsi should apply to fair use doctine. By the way,because doujinshi is a work that “borrow characters “from a story, it also face a controversy- -whether a character should be protect by copyright or not? Considering doujinshi is an unauthorized derivative work,can this work be protect by copyright? This research will introduce the problems above. Chapter 2 introduced the origin of doujinshi, and try to explain why the birthland,Japan tolerate the development of doujinshi.Chapter 3 to Chapter 5 introduced the copyright issues which is relevant to doujinshi. Chapter 6 analysis the future of doujinshi.Finally,after discussing the copyright issues about doujinshi,this research provide certain suggestion and try to let doujinshi legalized.

中美圖書館數位典藏管理與著作權法之比較研究 / A Comparative Study on Library Digital Archiving Management and Copyright Law Between the United States and the Republic of China

謝英彥, Hsieh ,Ying-yen Unknown Date (has links)
「智慧財產權」係指人類精神活動之成果而產生財產上之價值者,由法律所創設之一種權利。然而著作權是智慧財產權之一種,著作權法是為了保障著作人應有之權利而制定之法律,但並非所有著作均受到著作權法的保護,立法者於制定著作權法時,考量重點有三:著作人之權益、社會公共利益與國家社會發展三方面,然而著作人在創作時,往往會涉及先人文化之遺產,所以立法時仍顧及公共利益予以限制,再者著作權制度終極目標乃是促進國家文化發展,當面臨公共利益與著作權人權益保護衝突時,應特別注意兩者之平衡,考量使社會大眾能在合理程度範圍內,自由利用著作權人之文化創作,以促進國家社會發展。 隨著科技時代的來臨,過去人類所創造的文化資產與各類的知識,可以藉由科技來加以保存、整理、傳播及利用,一方面使得知識能永久保存下來,一方面使得知識與文化資源得以共享,繼而加速文明的進步。有鑑於此,各國也紛紛著手進行數位典藏計劃,我國擁有悠久的歷史背景、累積豐富的文化資產以及珍貴的文獻與歷史文物,現也正積極進行相關的數位典藏計劃,而圖書館的典藏受到資訊科技的影響,逐漸開始著手進行自動化的工作,並引進許多電子資源,這些資源建立了數位館藏,內容包含電子書、電子期刊、電子資料庫,也進一步參與了許多數位典藏計劃,但數位資源與數位典藏當中仍然有許多著作權相關的問題瀰漫著,而資源建立進而引發著作權的問題。 美國著作權法是全世界發展最為完善的國家之一,其使用各種方式來協助一些侵權問題嚴重的國家,而我國對於著作權法的修訂,與美國方面的淵源頗深,並由圖書館數位典藏管理的角度來進行分析,針對中美兩國圖書館數位典藏管理與著作權法之關係,擬就研究問題逐一進行分析與探討之。在兩國數位典藏管理與著作權法的議題之中,時常有相關性的議題產生,進而牽動整體修法的方向,需要相互比對。本研究藉由比較研究法的方式,瞭解兩國之間的差異性,並且透過描述、解釋、併排、比較的過程,最後進行分析之,將比較之結果做一結論,以驗證研究假設,得出具體性的建議。 / Intellectual property right is a priority protection based upon a compromise as an aspect of human spirit activities achievement. With respect of it creates a statutory and potential property right for writers of which does not cover for all of writings, the cardinal principle of establishing copying is writer’s rights and interests, public interest, and society development three factors. In respect of the writer as in creating to which may involved with culture inheritance affiliated rights that need to take both of upon factors into account on copyright system establishment. Particularly, how to negotiate the conflict rights to make balance for the public interest and writer’s copyright protection in terms of promoting society development by adopting the creations of writers’ copyright freely which under a legitimate range. Benefited from the help of high technique of science adoption for those cultural properties and correlative knowledge preservation, organization, broadcasting, and utilization of which make a possibility of sharing cultural resources by each other and to keep progressing for human culture constantly. Consequently, adopt a digital collection plan for national heritage become a current for the global nations. In concern of the long-standing historical background of Republic of China, have an abundant cultural heritage and plentiful valuable document and historical relics that engaged in a necessary planning project for processing correlative digital collection recently. However, a solemn concern emerged by the subject of copyrights as integrating the electronic book, electronic periodical, and electronic information bank into the respective sub-subject planning. United States as the world top faultless copyright law featured country, which providing assistance to help those countries that seriously infringed by copyright tort and implementing different methods to improve copyright revision. Especially, according to the reality of Republic of China has a long good relationship with United States that is necessary to make a comparison study for respective library digital collection management and copyright between two countries. Regarding the two study subjects of which interact debate revelation frequently that is necessary to make a comparative analysis and probe into the core of two correlative digital collection managements on the direction of integral law revision. In this study, implement comparative analysis to understand the differences between two countries and through the process of description, interpretation, juxtaposition, and comparison to analyze the comparison result. At last, a specific proposal provided by the analysis conclusion and testify assumes in this paper.

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