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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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帥開圓, Shuai,Kai-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
國防與國家安全息息相關,更與每位國民的安危禍福密不可分,因此,現代國防就是全民國防,若能獲得越多民眾的關心與支持,國防基礎就越能鞏固。「全民國防」是軍民一體、文武合一、有形戰力與無形心防合一的總體國防力量展現,不僅應考量制度面的健全與觀念普及,更須深思如何與民生相結合,以落實全民國防,達到「全民關注、全民支持、全民參與」的目標,激發國人愛國、衛國情操,堅定對國軍建軍備戰工作的信心,厚植國防安全基礎。 「全民國防」是提升一個國家自我防衛能量,確保國家安全的務實理念,也是全民參與、全民信賴、總體防衛的國防。由於現代戰爭已非單純的武力戰,而是國家整體力量的綜合展現,勝負關鍵取決於全民支援軍事作戰的能力與意志,如何持續強化全民國防教育,凝聚軍民抗敵意志,有效嚇阻敵人進犯野心,實為全民應共同正視的重要課題。本文旨在從兩岸全民國防教育相關法令規章及實施現況中,檢視並比較兩岸全民國防教育的機制,嘗試提出我國推展全民國防教育之相應措施,審視我國全民國防教育之優劣得失為何,並提出具體建議,俾提供政府、學校及軍事單位之參考。 / National Defense is closely related to national security and countrymen’s lives as well. So, modern defense is definitely all-out defense. The more supports people give, the more stable the defense foundation will be. All-out defense displays the total defense of each effort coming from the military and civilian, and the visible and invisible forces. We should not consider the system and thoughts only, but ponder how to combine it with the people’s livelihood to fulfill all-out defense, reach the goal of “getting the whole people’s attention, support, and participation”, inspire patriotism, and enhance the defense foundation. “All-out defense” is practical belief to promote self-defense ability and total defense involved and trusted by the whole people. Since modern wars are not simply forces combat, they are countries’ whole power integrated performance. The ability and will from the whole people decide the war result. How to continually enhance the all-out defense education is truly an important issue for all people. The thesis attempts to promote practical measures for the related units’ reference and inspects the pros and cons of our all-out defense in the current rules and status between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.


詹國宏, Jan Guo Hong Unknown Date (has links)
國軍保防安全工作包括「保密」與「防諜」2大項,5大工作,前者即確保機密安全,透過保防教育、保密檢查及各種保密措施,以提高官兵保密警覺,確保軍事機密安全無虞。後者即是肅清潛伏敵人,藉由安全調查、人員清查、安全部署、偵防、安全偵測等作為,防制敵人滲透破壞,保障軍事安全。因此,國軍保防安全工作係以保密工作、保防教育、情蒐工作、安全調查及安全維護等5大工作為區分。 國軍是國家安全的重要守護者,沒有安全就沒有一切,惟有鞏固與安全的國防力量,才能無懼於敵人的武力威脅。歷來,國軍保防安全機制對維護國防安全多所貢獻,惟時代環境變遷,社會價值觀更迭,對保防安全工作多有衝擊。因此,如何針對國家安全情勢、敵人陰謀策略,結合現實環境與國軍任務需求,深入探討,以精進國軍保防安全工作強度與深度,提昇國軍戰力,維護部隊整體安全,並期盼全軍保防同仁綜據本文各項工作作法,確實擺脫業務表報路線及虛應交差心態,運用組織、走入群眾,結合相關情蒐管道,營內營外明密配合,發揮機智、不拘泥作法,不墨守成規,因勢利導,使保防安全工作從「有什麼,要什麼」,真正做到「要什麼,有什麼」之最高目標,以確保國軍整體安全。 關鍵詞:國軍、保防工作、保防安全制度、國家安全 / Military security works are “security” and “check”, there are 5 categories. Security makes sure the safety of information, by the means of education, check-up and various procedures to upgrade the awareness of staff to secure the information. Check means to screen the underlying enemy, through security clearance, personnel clearance, safety application, detection and safety detection, block the destruction from the enemy, secure the military safety. Military security jobs are as following: security works, security education, information collection, safety clearance and safety maintenance. Military is the guardian of national security, the country is fragile without security, with solid and sound national force only; the country is fearless by the threat of enemy. In our history, military security system has paid great contribution to the national security, in the changing world; the social values are changing, which are impacts to security works. So, focus on the national security situation, the plot of enemy, combined the reality and military mission, with great efforts, to strengthen the military security criteria, upgrade the military warfare, maintain the whole safety of troops, the staff of military security division will follow the procedures accordingly, use our organization, work with people, make use of the information collection, mesh all forces, with our wits, flexible methods, to reach the highest goal, which is from “want what you get”to “get what you want”, guarantee the safety of our military wholly. Key words: military, security, security system, national security

我國兵役制度改革之研究:以二次國防精進案為例 / Country military service system to reform study:Order national defense refinded to move forward

趙錦財 Unknown Date (has links)
國家為了維護自身的安全,必須建立正當防衛的武力及恐嚇力量,而武力的建力除了必須有足夠的財力支援外,最重要的就是必須有適質、適量的兵員及相當的人力資源以組成軍隊,因此必須建立人力使用的制度,使國民公平合理的分擔兵役。兵役制度的健全與否,直接影響軍隊素質的高低和數量的多寡,間接影響戰爭的勝敗和國家的興亡。因此,古今中外的國家依據其國家的領土特性、人口狀況、經濟條件、敵國的威脅程度,以及研判未來戰爭的型態來決定兵役制度,在前述幾項條件改變時,如果不能及時修正或改變兵役制度,在戰場上面對敵人時,就必須付出慘痛的代價,甚至亡國滅種的危險。 兵役制度隨著國家及其軍隊的形成而產生,又隨著國家的經濟狀況、政治制度和需要而發展變化。其作用在達成國家之安全目的,維護人民生命財產之安全,免除他國武裝侵略之可能,一如國之藩籬屏障,欲達成此一目的,自必當有強大精幹之國防武力。但如何維持強大之國防武力,且兼顧國家經濟發展與各項投資之平衡等種種要求,達到平時養兵少,戰時用兵多之多重目標,則必須從制定完善之兵役制度處著手。兵役制度是所有軍事及國防體制中最為基礎者,其並非僅消極性地止於踐履憲法中所規定人民有服兵役之義務而已。反之。其積極性的目的,在於完成軍事制度之基本制度角色,使軍事制度奠定穩固不移的磐石,從而達成國家安全目的,此為研究兵役制度之神聖使命。 兵役制度的發展,為軍事人力資源管理的基石,自然也是變革中的一環。如何選擇適當兵役類型,俾兼顧公平、效益與質量原則,有效開發與運用軍事人力資源,乃是維持國防戰鬥力重要的因素。 我國近十餘年來,在兵役制度的改革方面,執行了二次重大的變勤,都是由國防部所主導的,一是86年至90年的國防精實案,二是90年至101年的一、二次國防精進案,就單純兵力而言,根據國防部所公佈的資料,我國於86年實施精實案之前,部隊總員額是45萬2千人,精實案完成後是38萬5千人。民國93年元月開始實施新一波的裁軍「精進案」,到94年6月,共裁掉了8萬9千餘人,剩下29萬6千人。而整個精進案將在2008年12月底完成初期的規劃,而國軍人數也預計降為27萬5千人。 我國當前軍事戰略的主軸,兵力結構的安排是律定志願役與義務役間的適當比例,從而兼顧戰力、效益、與公平等重要原則。其中以嚇阻與反應為目標的單位,其成員素質要求高,但數量少,顯然該以志願役人員為主;至於從事救援任務的單位,多半以後備部隊為宜,而具社會服務性質的兵役,自然以替代役為主,在二次國防精進案的初期,兵源大量縮滅之下,兵役制度的變革將不再只是人力方面的問題,因此,有關兵役制度的改革,似應朝那些方向來發展,才能真正符合我國的需要,也能夠符合全民的期待,更能滿足國防的要求,是本文所要尋找的最大目的。


姜俐伶 Unknown Date (has links)
In the political history of Soviet Union, state securty is the most important role for Soviet leader ,and KGB was one of the most remarkable security organization in Soviet history. Under president Mikhail Gorbachev's democratization and glasnost policies, the vast security system also faced serious change and collapse. Everyone knows, the Soviet regime was liberalizing and softening, cries of Perestroika and Glasnost filled the air, the KGB was transforming itself from an instrument of state power to a state power in rules of law. However, the KGB had seized the unique opportunity afforded by the political and economic chaos of Perestroika and Glasnost years to acquire more power of decision-making. After the August 1991 coup, Mikhail Gorbachev signed into law the formal end of the KGB, that is ,the KGB was declared formerly dead on Nov.26, 1991. Then the KGB had splited into a number of independent agencies, but we knew that the KGB had been altered, not abolished. When the USSR dissolved, Gorbachev's time was gone---instead of the new "democratic" government of Boris Yeltsin, and KGB also transferred to the Russian Federation. Although the security apparatus in Russia has changed its name several times since 1991, the functions of the former KGB dispersed among several agencies, president Boris Yeltsin still attempted to centralize those services, then become the power of direct president control. So this study analyzes and explains mainly the Soviet state security sevices of Gorbachev period and the post-Soviet successors in Russia Federation how to build, what are the structures, what are the main functions of services, and what are their potential effects on Russian. In conclusion, the KGB was still a necessary part of Russian political game, a dangerous weapon used by Yeltsin against Gorbachev, by Gorbachev against Yeltsin, by consolidation of Yeltsin's power, even if the KGB has been restructured and renamed, it is still a formidable force with extensive potential to the democratization of Russia. So what the changes of former KGB and the imtelligence organization of Russian Federation from Gorbachev to Yeltsin will need to study carefully in the future.

從恐怖主義論我國國家安全對策 / From terrorism on our national security strategy

強忠良 Unknown Date (has links)
美、蘇兩極對抗的結束,國際安全體系是以「美國超強、區域多強」的態勢,維持國際社會的運作。傳統的軍事對抗越趨緩和,21世紀因全球化主義的興起,國界的觀念被迅速地打破,非傳統的國土安全亦對國家內部之人民的生存與發展造成嚴重的威脅。例如:國家經濟安全、社會安全、金融安全、環境生態、資訊科技安全、能源供應安全、恐怖主義攻擊等,對國家的生存與發展與民眾生命財產造成衝擊。「911恐怖攻擊事件」不僅是美國遭到重創,並為21世紀初的全球安全戰略關係帶來巨大的衝擊。隨著全球化的世界村概念的形成,恐怖活動的手段不再侷限於暴力攻擊而已,樣式更複雜及多樣,更是未來趨勢。 中華民國台灣為順應世界反恐怖主義行動,且身為全球民主陣營的一員,深切體認到:恐怖主義對於個別國家或地區的威脅。我國是國際社會的成員,無法自外於「反恐行動」的世界潮流,為避免遭受國際恐怖活動攻擊,除充分瞭解及掌握世界恐怖主義發展趨勢外,更應檢視我國現行國家安全對策,以確保國家安全。 恐怖主義有著極複雜的背景和因素,在一個恐怖主義事件的背後,往往夾雜著政治、經濟、社會、宗教、民族等多種因素,同時又有其與眾不同的特殊性。綜觀恐怖主義的發展趨勢有:利用核、生、化等大規模毀滅性武器;電腦網路成為恐怖活動的新領域;恐怖組織呈現多元化發展;恐怖襲擊以象徵性、經濟性目標為重點。反恐行動是危機管理的一環,台灣長期以來受中共的武力恫嚇有增無減及國際恐怖活動的覬覦,顯示國家的安全威脅,並不僅是來自外部的軍事威脅,還包括國際恐怖主義的擴張。因此,建立全面性的安全環境,乃是不論政府或民間都必須具有的基本共識。 「911事件」後,世界各國均體認到恐怖主義對國家安全的威脅,並將反恐合作列為國際合作的重要工作,其主要的作為包括建立反恐合作機制、反恐情報交流、簽署反恐協定、反恐軍事演習等。 依據相關的法令規定及現況,我國處理國家安全的恐怖活動主要機制有:行政院國土安全政策會報及國家安全決策機制。我國在反恐怖行動的整備,在行政院的國土安全辦公室的統籌下,各有其中央主管機關策頒應變機制,負責整合、督導、協調各級相關行政機關及公共事業執行各項反恐怖行動及救護工作。 本文參酌現行危機管理理論以及世界主要國家之國家安全機制發展經驗,針對我國未來國家安全體制,除執行面涉及專業應繼續保持分立外,在法規面上,應將相關緊急應變之法規合併,並於制度面在適當的政府層級,成立一個專責統合機構,以強化整合協調功能,達到危機預防的效果。


洪慶裕 Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰結束後,由於國際環境的變化,使得安全概念也隨著產生轉變,伴隨著全球化、資訊化、多元化趨勢的發展,各國互動與相互依賴度增加,國家安全不再是單純的內政議題,而影響國家安全的因素,亦不再侷限於唯一的軍事面向,更包括了政治、經濟、社會、環境、資訊網路、跨國犯罪與國際恐怖活動等面向。許多涉及非軍事的「非傳統性安全威脅」問題日益重要,安全已經成為定義相當廣泛的概念,並逐漸成為綜合性的、多面向的安全觀。面對全球化所帶來的新安全威脅挑戰,情報工作與國家安全的關係也益趨密切,舉凡各種攸關國家安全的政治、軍事、經濟、外交、安全政策之制定,都需要充分的情報提供作為決策參考。質言之,情報已成為現代國家生存發展必需具備之智識,如何依據國家安全戰略目標,提出符合國家需求之情報,以為制定國家安全戰略之基礎,厥為國家情報探討之課題。美國在九一一恐怖攻擊事件後,隨即根據現階段國家安全政策與戰略目標,檢討策進情報工作,便是因應此一新安全情勢之發展。 在全球化時代,影響國家安全之不確定因素相對增加,近年來,兩岸交流日益頻密,在中共「以商逼政」及不斷釋出對台利多政策等諸多統戰作為下,國人敵我意識逐漸淡化,尤其在中共制定「反分裂國家法」將武力犯台法理化之威脅下,各項攸關國家安全政策之制定益顯重要。因此,如何依據當前情勢,界定符合我國國情之「國家安全」概念,並明確國家安全機制之運作及決策模式、國家情報工作朝向法制化邁進,是未來爭取國人認同、支持國家安全工作之基礎。本研究透過制度途徑、組織過程與官僚政治途徑、決策途徑,以及文獻分析法、比較研究法,探討全球化時代之國家安全威脅、情報與國家安全之理論基礎、情報與國家安全決策之理論系統、全球化下我國國家安全機制及國家情報體系。經由理論與實務之探討,省思全球化下我國國家安全機制運作與國家情報工作所面臨之問題,進而提出策進做法。 關鍵詞:全球化、國家安全、新安全觀、情報工作


吳及齡, wu, chilin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要探討冷戰結束後,中共面對國際格局變化、國內情勢走向,及非傳統安全威脅的升高下,國家安全觀相應的變動與演化,以及中共如何在新安全觀的指導下,運用其當前的國際地位,介入北韓核武危機的處理。 自冷戰結束後,中共所處的國際安全環境發生巨大的變化,使中共對國家安全的認識也發生相應的改變。另一方面,改革開放以來,中共綜合國力持續增強,國際地位不斷提高,「中國威脅論」、「和平崛起」與「北京共識」等價值對立的論述,不時浮沈,對中共國家未來發展,既充滿希望,又滿佈疑懼;既企圖將中共融入世界,又害怕國力增強的中共,將挑戰當前國際權力結構,形成國際安全潛在的威脅,始終無法就中共崛起的定位達成一致共識。 在北韓核武危機問題上,中共藉召集六國多邊會談之機,進一步擴大其在亞太安全事務上之影響力及發言權,挑戰美國長久以來主導亞太安全事務的霸權地位。基本上而言,美中關係在當前國際新形勢下,雖有共同的利益--共同制約北韓發展核武及武器擴散,目前確是合作關係,但是兩國根本價值、利益都不相同,雙方關係改善只是暫時現象。 就中共而言,在美國與各國一再請託下出面斡旋北韓核武危機,亦有其本身的戰略考量與安全需求。從地緣政治上來說,北韓是中共東北邊界安全的緩衝地帶,朝鮮半島的形勢變化關係到東北亞、乃至亞太地區的和平與發展。北韓核武問題處理不好,出現新的戰端,首當其衝的就是中共,不但影響經濟發展,也對中共成為新世紀的大國地位,造成衝擊。如果順利和平解決北韓核武危機,有利於杜絕美國勢力染指朝鮮半島,鞏固中共在朝鮮半島的利益,對形塑中國的大國地位,具有重大的意義。 國家利益的界定決定其所欲採行的手段,在改革開放後,中共的國家安全概念及其實現手段是以中共國家發展利益為主要訴求。當前中共與世界各國之間的競爭不再是單純的軍事和政治安全鬥爭,而是以綜合國力大小高低為主題。如何建構一個和平穩定的週邊環境,以利中共從事經濟建設,以達成提昇綜合國力的國家目標,是至關重要的問題。在這種背景下,朝鮮半島的和平與安定自是成為中共國家安全的核心,50年代建政之初,韓戰即使中共東北邊境陷入危險境地,對甫建政立國的中共,影響至為深遠;而當前的北韓核武危機在經過十餘年的周折,仍未得到最終的解決,朝鮮半島的問題再度成為中國安全的一大隱憂,新安全觀是中共應對北韓核武危機的指導準則。

後冷戰時期美國東亞安全政策之研究 / Post cold war study on US east asia security policy

黃國揚, Huang, Kuo Ying Unknown Date (has links)
美國柯林頓總統於1995、1996年所提出《擴大與交往的國家安全戰略》報告指出:「美國國家安全戰略基礎在於擴大市場、民主社群,同時嚇阻與圍堵對我們國家、盟邦與我們利益的廣泛威脅。」。為了這一廣泛目的,美國須維持一個強大的防衛力量與運用有效的外交政策,以提升合作性的安全措施;致力打開外國市場與激勵全球成長;助長海外的民主並促進區域的合作安全等。   小布希總統2002年《美國國家安全戰略》報告也將「透過自由市場和自由貿易開啟全球經濟發展的新時期」列為國家安全戰略的一環。2006年的「美國國家安全戰略」重申自由且公平的貿易政策是第一支柱的一部份,透過自由市場和自由貿易來啟動一個全球經濟成長的新時代是其整體戰略之一;另一方面為了終結暴政和促進有效率的民主,工具之一就是締結自由貿易協定,鼓勵各國加強法治、打擊腐敗、落實民主責任。   美國的東亞政策可說重回「新現實主義」與「新自由主義」的雙軌路線。東亞經貿的發展與區域經濟的整合,更是讓美國看到延長霸權經濟命脈的新金礦。未來區域內的主導地位,將會取決於中國與美國相互競爭,這個競爭也許會是良性的,各取所需、各有所獲,但是過程中將會顯示這兩個大國經濟發展將在區域內的產生權力消長。   美國認為,中國在地緣戰略上是具有實力引起國際權力分配產生重大轉變,因此美國政策必須調和改變去掌控中國,以便維持及促進美國重大利益。但是隨著國際局勢變化,美國對中國的態度趨於務實,摒除與中國聯盟對抗蘇聯的思維,轉為全面性交往,但是強化其與日本等國的軍事同盟關係。   推展民主制度雖然不一定是美國的優先要務,但只要機會,美國總是鼓勵各國走向民主,因為美國人普遍認為,民主政體有能力抵擋極權擴張、便於美國行使權利、減少軍事衝突的風險。此論點乃基於民主國家比非民主國家更不願意發動戰爭之想法。在某些菁英人士心目中,保障及推展民主乃是美國重要的道德目標。   美國為確保國家利益及國家安全戰略總體指導,後冷戰時期美國在東亞區域經濟、軍事、政治安全等領域維護將更為重視,並力求主導區域安全相關議題制定、運作機制和秩序規範。 / US president Clinton points out a topic “Enlargement and Engagement” in the National Security Strategy Report, it says “United States National Security Strategy is based on enlargement the market and diplomatic social groups, simultaneously deter and stop any threat that will disadvantage out nation and allied nations.” For this general purpose, United States has to sustain a strong defense power and utilize diplomatic to improve the cooperation of security measures, endeavor in open foreign market, incentive global economic growth, diplomatic nations growth, and area security cooperation, etc.   President George Bush also point out “use free market and free trading to open the new growth of global economic era” from the National Security Strategy Report in 2002. It restated free and fair trading policy plays a big portion in 2006. Through free market and free trading to initiate a new era of global economic growth is part of the plan. The tool of terminating tyranny and effective the diplomatic is making a trade policy to encourage other nations stop crime and corruption. Play the role of democracy country.   United States Eastern Asia policy is back to theory of “neo-realism” and “neo-liberalism” two axis. The development of Eastern Asia Trade and Integration of Area Economic are the new vault for United States to prolong his sovereign rule in economic. The future leading nation of the area depends on China and United States competition. It maybe positive, each gains his own benefits, but the process will show the grow or diminish of these two nations economic growth within the area.   United States think that China’s regional strategy is very powerful which makes the change of international power distribution, so that U.S. has to adjust the policy to facilitate the U.S. key interests. But, along the change of international situation, the U.S. attitude with China turns out to be more practical. It changes the idea of allied with China against Soviet to fully engage with China in all perspectives. In addition, it strengths the military allied relationship with Japan and eastern Asia countries.   To popularize the democracy is not the first priority of United States. If there is a chance, U.S. will always encourage all countries toward democracy. American think that democratic system can stop the extremity system expand, which ease U.S. use his privilege and reduce military conflict risk. This is based on democratic nation is more unwilling to start a war than any other nations. In certain elites’ mind, that the goal of U.S. ethics is to ensure and improve democratic.   After cold war era based on U.S. interest, United States is more emphasize on the Eastern Asia’s economic, military, and political security, and endeavor on leading the area security.


鄭錦耀 January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law


張馬可 Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸兵役制度的演變,雖然每一時期或階段不盡相同,但亦有其可變性與不可變性的本質。惟其差異與特色乃反映出,當時期兩岸互動、國內外政、經、軍形勢發展、假想敵能力、人口政策與民意及輿論的需要。 國家安全並非是一種靜態的概念,而是隨著時間之動態不斷的演進。因此,國際社會已將「國家安全」擴展成為綜合性安全。是以,就國防安全而言,兵役制度政策對軍事產生的效能外,同時也會影響、牽引到橫向的政治、經濟等安全戰略的目標與運作。 首先,在政治方面,徵兵制的兵役制度近來不斷地成為民意與輿論熱門議題,除了影響國軍建軍備戰工作外,亦影響到為國服務、犧牲的意願及國家生存與發展的安全。惟該等議題之爭議實已點出國人對「政府正當性支配」、「流通性」管道阻塞、兵役法的適法性與國家認同等疑慮。 其次,在經濟方面,徵兵制造成役男役前、役後的高失業率,除衍生出新的社會問題外,也造成附加價值高的勞動力閒置,而不利國家經濟發展與競爭力。在成本效益及國家財政支出上,徵兵制較募兵制所費不貲,其因在於訓練頻繁及人力資源運用缺乏彈性,導致人才錯置,難以人盡其才,阻礙工作效能與部隊戰力的提升。 最後,在軍事方面,徵兵制與募兵制對於軍隊屬性(攻勢或守勢)、兵力需求(傳統或高科技)、兵員素質(高技術、多專長)、社會工程(公民素養)、文人統制(軍文關係)與軍方籓籬(特殊階級、文化)等等議題,有著舉足輕重的影響力。然而,對我國而言,要順利漸進降低徵兵比例,提昇募兵比例,則需良好的兩岸關係、適當的規劃時間予以轉型、武器裝備的更新、準則的發展與修訂、訓練方式的改變與相關兵役制度配套措施循序漸進的執行,才能圓滿克竟其功,達到預期的目標。 / Although each period or stage of the cross-strait military service system evolution is not quite the same, but it still has the changeable and unchangeable essence. The differences and characteristics between them reflect the cross-strait interaction, development of domestic and diplomatic political, economical and military affairs, imaginary enemy ability, population policy and the need of public opinion at that time. The national security is not a static concept, but it is a process of unceasing evolution along with the time. Therefore, the international society has expanded the meaning of "the national security" into “the comprehensive security”. That is, for national defense security, except the efficacy brought by military service system policy to the armed forces, it can affect the goal and operation of crosswise political, economical security strategy as well in the meantime. First, in political aspect, conscription of the military service system continuously becomes popular subject of the public discussion these years, this kind of phenomenon influences not only the foundation in armed forces and preparation for war of the national troops, but also the wish to serve and sacrifice for the country, even influences the security of national survival and development. Only this dispute of the subject pointed out the qualms of our countrymen in "the government reasonable control", "circulation channel obstruction”,” the legality of military service law” and “ the recognition of our country”. Second, in the economical aspect, the conscription made the high rate of unemployment of our servicemen before or after service, then new social problem came out, highly appended value labor force left unused, these are all disadvantages for national economy development and competitive ability. Finally, in the military aspect, conscription and enlistingsystem have played a decisive role in the army attribute (offensive or defensive), the military strength demand (tradition or high tech), the soldier quality (high-tech, multi- specialties), the social engineering (citizen accomplishment), the civil governance (military and civilian relations) with the military hedge (special social class, culture) and so on. However, it also need steady cross-strait relations, suitable schedule for the reforms, weaponry renewal, development and revision of the criterion, change of the training method and the necessary measure of correlation military service system proceeded in an orderly way, for our country to gradually and smoothly reduces the proportion of conscription, increases the proportion of enlisting,and at last reach the anticipated and satisfactory goal.

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