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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

21世紀中國軍事戰略發展對東海區域安全之影響 / Affect toward East China Sea Regional Security of China's Military Strategy Development in the 21st Century

陳玠碩, Chen, Chieh Shuo Unknown Date (has links)


鄒文凱 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路服務是目前提供資訊傳播與利用的一項重要管道,民眾對於網路的依存度越來越高。然而資訊網路的發展過程中,並非普遍受到民眾所使用,常因性別、種族、階級、收入、文化及地理區域的不同,接觸網路的機會就有差異,造成數位落差現象發生。本研究以後備司令部官兵為研究對象,目的在探討後備司令部官兵使用電腦及資訊網路現況,是否有數位落差現象,以作為後備司令部制定縮減數位落差政策之參考。 本研究發現,在階級方面,階級愈高愈需要使用電腦及上網,並且自己擁有資訊設備的機會也比士官兵多,資訊素養也比士官兵佳,形成數位落差。在職務方面,擔任主官管及參謀的軍官,比未擔任任何職務之士官兵,較有機會接觸資訊設備,資訊素養也較佳,形成數位落差。在學歷方面,學歷愈高愈較有機會接觸資訊設備,資訊素養也較佳,形成數位落差。在單位類型方面,機關單位官兵使用資訊設備機會較多,資訊素養較佳,部隊單位官兵使用機會較少,尤其是連级以下部隊最少,形成數位落差。在資訊教育訓練方面,每年上愈多資訊課程的官兵,資訊素養愈佳,形成數位落差。而官兵在使用電腦及資訊網路最主要用途方面,以公文處理、查詢資料及收發電子郵件為主,但官兵間在使用用途方面,仍有顯著差異,形成數位落差。 本研究建議後備司令部主管機關,在檢討消弭數位落差之因應措施方面,應針對連级以下部隊,增添電腦及網路設備,以增加官兵接觸電腦及資訊網路機會,並建置電腦教室,以提供官兵接受資訊教育訓練場所,並且要增加資訊教育訓練課程,以提升官兵資訊素養。官兵應多加利用管理資訊系統於線上作業,以提高工作效率。


詹國宏, Jan Guo Hong Unknown Date (has links)
國軍保防安全工作包括「保密」與「防諜」2大項,5大工作,前者即確保機密安全,透過保防教育、保密檢查及各種保密措施,以提高官兵保密警覺,確保軍事機密安全無虞。後者即是肅清潛伏敵人,藉由安全調查、人員清查、安全部署、偵防、安全偵測等作為,防制敵人滲透破壞,保障軍事安全。因此,國軍保防安全工作係以保密工作、保防教育、情蒐工作、安全調查及安全維護等5大工作為區分。 國軍是國家安全的重要守護者,沒有安全就沒有一切,惟有鞏固與安全的國防力量,才能無懼於敵人的武力威脅。歷來,國軍保防安全機制對維護國防安全多所貢獻,惟時代環境變遷,社會價值觀更迭,對保防安全工作多有衝擊。因此,如何針對國家安全情勢、敵人陰謀策略,結合現實環境與國軍任務需求,深入探討,以精進國軍保防安全工作強度與深度,提昇國軍戰力,維護部隊整體安全,並期盼全軍保防同仁綜據本文各項工作作法,確實擺脫業務表報路線及虛應交差心態,運用組織、走入群眾,結合相關情蒐管道,營內營外明密配合,發揮機智、不拘泥作法,不墨守成規,因勢利導,使保防安全工作從「有什麼,要什麼」,真正做到「要什麼,有什麼」之最高目標,以確保國軍整體安全。 關鍵詞:國軍、保防工作、保防安全制度、國家安全 / Military security works are “security” and “check”, there are 5 categories. Security makes sure the safety of information, by the means of education, check-up and various procedures to upgrade the awareness of staff to secure the information. Check means to screen the underlying enemy, through security clearance, personnel clearance, safety application, detection and safety detection, block the destruction from the enemy, secure the military safety. Military security jobs are as following: security works, security education, information collection, safety clearance and safety maintenance. Military is the guardian of national security, the country is fragile without security, with solid and sound national force only; the country is fearless by the threat of enemy. In our history, military security system has paid great contribution to the national security, in the changing world; the social values are changing, which are impacts to security works. So, focus on the national security situation, the plot of enemy, combined the reality and military mission, with great efforts, to strengthen the military security criteria, upgrade the military warfare, maintain the whole safety of troops, the staff of military security division will follow the procedures accordingly, use our organization, work with people, make use of the information collection, mesh all forces, with our wits, flexible methods, to reach the highest goal, which is from “want what you get”to “get what you want”, guarantee the safety of our military wholly. Key words: military, security, security system, national security

國軍參與防災救難機制之研究—以八八水災及梅姬風災為例 / A research of military participation in the machanism of disaster prevention & rescue operation:in the light of The 88 Taiwan Flood & Maggie Typhoon

王國偉 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣因所在地理位置特殊,長期以來一直遭受天然災害的威脅,我國自災害防救法頒佈後,明文規定當中央及各級政府無法因應災害處理時可以申請軍隊支援。在幾次重大天然災害中,國軍與政府及民間救難團隊已有豐富合作的經驗,自八八水災後國軍救災角色及責任更為重要,馬總統在出席99年國軍重要幹部研習會指示:「災害防救」是國軍中心任務,國軍要超前部署、預置兵力,隨時防救,防災重於救災,離災優於救災。故在梅姬颱風期間,超前預置兵力更凸顯國軍救災的重要性。 國防部也於2009 年國防報告書中提出周延防災整備的作法,國軍對於災害防救的角色由「接受申請、支援」轉換為「主動、協調執行」。然國家建立軍隊的目的,主要還是應付外在敵對勢力的威脅,建立堅實的國防武力,達成防衛固守、有效嚇阻的國防戰略。國軍救災從以往應援改為中心任務,此一重大變革勢必對國軍未來的角色、功能及戰力有十分深遠的影響,因此國軍應如何投入災害救援,平衡戰備整備與救災工作,則必須對於現階段軍隊參與災害救援的相關作法進行探討,重新思考與規劃並進行政策之可行性做分析。 本篇論文採用文獻回顧和分析歸納的方法,綜觀國軍歷經幾次天然災害救援經驗,以八八水災及梅姬風災救災案例探討國軍現行參與災害救援問題並針對下列問題做分析:第一,政府已明確將救災列為國軍中心任務,但對於民間救難團隊、政府機關救難機制主從、整合及角色定位與指揮權責模糊不清。第二,國軍救災法源依據仍顯不足尚待立法及救災期間所需經費支出及來源問題。第三,天然災害發生時國軍投入救災執行效能仍有進步空間主要因素在於救災專業人力及裝(設)備不足。第四,國軍面臨救災前夕與另一非軍事行動時,兵力超前部屬必要性及孰輕孰重?或面對複合式災害時超前預置兵力是否可行?對上述的種種問題,將影響未來面對重大災害時國軍參與救災工作,因此重新檢討我國軍隊參與救災之適切性和可行性後,進一步對現行國軍參與災害防救之行動方案,提出檢討與建議。 / Taiwan has suffered in the threats of natural disasters for years, as its unique location. After the promulgation of Disaster Prevention and Response Act., a rule was written that military support can be applied for activation once the Government is no longer able to handle the disaster. Through some severe catastrophes, the military, the Government, as well as nongovernmental rescue teams, had gained profound experience in collaboration. Since the 88 Taiwan Flood, the importance of the military has increased. President Ma pointed out that “Prevent and rescue” is the main mission of the military – setting forces in advance, call-on relief duties, and emphasis on prevention instead of rescue. As a result, in the period of Maggie Typhoon, setting forces in advance had taken its advantage and importance. Department of Defense had issued a robust approach in its report in 2009. The report claims that the role of military in disasters is in a stage of transformation from “Accept appliance & support” to “Initiative & cooperative execution”. The classic aim of establish the army was to construct substantial defense force and to protect the country from invaders and enemies. As the main mission changed, it affects not only the role of the military, but also the function of the army and the strength of force. The policy of the military participating in rescuing needs to be analyzed in the balance of military operations, the plausibility of plans, and further improvements in the future. This thesis employs research in studies and induction, using the 88 Taiwan Flood and Maggie Typhoon as examples to review the problems occurred when the military attending in rescue. And the thesis will discuss and analyze the following issues: Firstly, the Government had classified disaster relief as the main mission of the military, however, the position and the role of the government and nongovernmental rescue teams are yet not clear enough. Secondly, the source of Disaster Prevention and Response Act. is still insufficient; the source of finance supports during rescue is vague, either. Thirdly, the shortage of equipments and human resource can be the main direction for improvement. Lastly, when facing both the need of rescue and another non-military action, should the military set in advance with flexibility? Or can it be feasible when facing compound catastrophe? Questions listed above are the main issues discussed in the thesis. Reviews and suggestions will be put forward after further investigation on the plausibility of the military participating in rescue.

國軍幹部終身學習相關影響因素之研究-以空軍政戰軍官為例 / The Study of Effecting Factors that Affect the Lifelong Learning-For Air-Force Political Warfare Officers

于親文 Unknown Date (has links)
國軍為社會之一環,也必須隨著社會進步,積極提昇人員的本質學能,才不致於為社會所淘汱,國軍自85年「精實案」後,93年再實施「精進案」,其所透露的訊息即是國人希望國軍部隊是一個「質精,量小,戰力強」的勁旅,在未來的人員逐漸遞減,國防業務依舊繁重的情況下,國軍幹部必須大幅提升個人工作能力及效率,才足以應付各項挑戰。目前既有的軍事教育體系所無法一時滿足的,準此,國防部積極推動「終身學習制度」並以學費補助配套措施為誘因,鼓勵國軍幹部利用公餘進修,希望能將所習得的知識運用於工作上,大幅提昇工作效率。   我空軍二代兵力自86年起相繼成軍,高科技精密武器與裝備業已順利獲得,而戰力之發揮,有賴我空軍官兵高素質人員之操作,如此方可發揮我空軍最大戰力,因此,解決迫切的人員素質提昇,便是空軍幹部「終身學習」的重要課題。 空軍政戰軍官在未實施精進案第二階段組織調整前,雖佔空軍軍官人數的十分之一(約1000餘人),未來精進案組織調整定編後,可能更少於這個數字。然而,其分佈於空軍每一個層級,小至排、連級,大至師、軍團及總部級,只要有官兵的地方,一定就有政戰軍官在列。  空軍政戰軍官已參與終身學習,雖有逐年增加,但比例仍算少,如何瞭解影響空軍政戰軍官終身學習的真正原因,進而提昇空軍政戰軍官終身學習意願,除對提昇空軍整體終身學習具有指標作用外,對空軍未來發展將有重大影響。  本研究擬對空軍政戰軍官終身學習影響相關因素,做一分析探討,並針對其影響因素提出具體建議,以為學術單位及空軍組織提供終身學習政策之參考,主要研究目的有以下四點: 一、瞭解空軍終身學習制度是否週全。 二、大學院校終身學習管道能否配合空軍政策需求。 三、空軍政戰幹部個人及組織單位、家庭狀況及社會關係等問題,影    響其終身學習意願程度如何。 四、將研究結果做成具體建議,以為空軍組織及學術單位提供終身學   習環境與政策之參考。   最後依據研究結論,提出以下建議: 一、對國軍終身學習主管機關的建議 (一)貫徹「上下班制」,有助終身學習參與 (二)提高「學費補助」,促進終身學習參與 (三)加強「終身學習」政策推廣與宣導 二、對教育機構的建議 (一)進修科目排定,以進修者實需考量 (二)課程時間安排,採彈性化調整 (三)教學地點設置,採增設或彈性調整 三、對單位組織的建議 (一)主官(管)支持,鼓勵參與進修 (二)開放連結網際網路,增進資料蒐集 四、對個人及社會的建議 (一)充實本職學能,提昇國軍戰力 (二)爭取社會支持,獲得進修動力 / The Armed Forces, one part of the society, should actively enhance each individual’s profession in order not to be knocked out. After “Jingshih Program (The ROC Armed Forces Strengthening Program)” in 1996, the Armed Forces brought “Jingjin Program (The ROC Armed Forces Refining Program)” into practice in 2004. These moves meant that all ROC’s citizens expect the Military to be an armed force with “refined quality, low quantity and strong power.” In the future, military faculty is in gradual reduction but national defense affairs are still burdensome; therefore, in order to tackle all challenges, every cadre has to advance his personal working ability and efficiency in great deal. Presently, educational system in the army couldn’t satisfy the need. Because of this, the Ministry of National Defense (MND) actively sets ”Lifelong Learning System” into practice and provides tuition subvention as a seducing motive, encouraging all cadres go for advanced study on holidays. MND hopes all cadres to utilize their acquired knowledge in their works, consequently enhancing working efficiency. The second generational forces in Air-Force were formed since 1997. We also obtain high-tech weapons and equipments successfully. It still depends on the operation of all Air-Force members with high quality. In this way, Air-Force could bring its fighting power into full play. Accordingly, the significant problem of “Lifelong Learning” in Air-Force cadres is to solve the urgent enhance of personal quality. Before the second phase organizational modulation in Jingjin Program, political warfare officers were only 1/10 (about 1000 people) of all officers in Air-Force. In the future, the number would be less after the organizational modulation in Jingjin Program. However, political warfare officers are in every order in Air-Force, from a platoon and a company to a division, a legion and even the Headquarter; wherever there are officers and soldiers, there are political warfare officers. The number of political warfare officers in Air-Force who go for advanced study increases year by year, but it grows in low proportion. To understand the real reasons that affect lifelong learning in political warfare officers in Air-Force and to improve their will to learn would play the role as a directional function in enhancing the whole lifelong learning in Air-Force and have great influence on the future development in Air-Force. This research aims to do analysis and discussion about the relating factors that affect the lifelong learning for political warfare officers in Air-Force. To supply academic institutes and Air-Force organizations with the information concerning policies about lifelong learning, the research lists some practical suggestions by integrating those effecting factors. Four main objectives of this research are as follow: I. To understand if lifelong learning system in Air force is thorough. II. To know if the ways to lifelong learning in all colleges could meet the needs of Air-Force political policy. III. To see how personal problems, organizations, family situations and social relationship affect Air-Force political warfare officers’ will to lifelong learning. IV. To provide Air-Force organizations and academic institutes with information about lifelong learning environment and policy after summing up some practical suggestions based on the research results. Last, I offer some suggestions according to the conclusion: I. Suggestions about the military lifelong learning for the authoring institute: (I) Implement of “Working Hours from 9 to 5” helps participation in lifelong learning. (II) The increase of “tuition subvention” stimulates participation in lifelong learning. (III) Promotion and propaganda of lifelong learning policy. II. Suggestions for educational institutes: (I) Arrangements of learning subjects must meet the learners’ practical needs. (II) Schemes of timetables should be flexible. (III) Arrangements for teaching locations should be in larger quantity or in flexibility. III. Suggestions for the authority: (I) Support for the authority stimulates the participation in advanced study. (II) Free Internet connection helps data collection. IV. Suggestions for individuals and the society: (I) Fullfill personal profession to improve fighting power in the armed forces. (II) Gain social support to motivate advanced study. Keywords: The Armed Forces cadres,Lifelong Learning of the Armed Forces cadres,Lifelong Learning of the Armed Forces,Political Warfare Officers,Effecting Factors of Lifelong Learning


王耀德, Wang, Yaw-Der Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

從國內救災作為探討國軍非軍事行動支援能力 / Discussion on the Taiwan Military's Support Capabilities 䰄f Nonmilitary from Case Studies of Domestic disaster Assistance

張瑞鈴 Unknown Date (has links)
任何地區、國家,無論發生自然或人為災害,事故一旦發生都有其共通現象就是「形成災難」緊急救援,爾後再依相關情況研判是為自然或人為災害,災情是逐次明朗,風災、水災、震災如此,其他災害亦是如此;當一個國家之「國土安全」面對不安定的情勢或緊急狀況下,無法阻止或處理、甚至於潛在持續惡化之重大變故,其國家之軍隊可證明國家有持續(恢復)政府功能運作之能力。這些「非戰爭行為之軍事行動」包含:災難援助、反恐怖主義行動、人道救援協助、環境保護、大規模支援反毒行動、環境許可下的撤僑及維和行動等。 我國現階段國防政策以「預防戰爭、國土防衛、反恐制變」為基本目標;另在強化全民防衛理念上,兼顧「國防安全」和「危機應變」考量,積極配合各部會整合,建構完整之機處理應變機制,於發生重大危機、事故或緊急災難時,在不影響國軍戰備、不破壞國軍指揮體系、不超過國軍支援能力範圍之原則下,於第一時間投入國軍的人力與資源,依法提供國家社會及人民必要的災難援助支援。 觀察國內過去幾次重大災害的救災行動,由於「國軍」最具組織性、紀律化、機動快、效率高的特性,能使救災的行動更快速又有效。然而,歷經921大地震、八八風災後,發現國軍執行救災因國內救災體系、法制的不完備,使得國軍救災的能力受限,無法發揮該有的效用;因此,政府從各層面深入檢討,完成了一系列的精進措施,在馬總統出席民99年國軍重要幹部研習會時指示:「災害防救」是國軍中心任務,國軍要「超前部署、預置兵力,隨時防救,防災重於救災,離災優於。」在之後的幾次颱風來襲期間,國軍超前預置兵力有效降低災損發揮了相當的效果,也顯示出國軍遂行災害救援的重要性。 綜上,提昇國軍災害救援能力,符合國防政策基本方針,亦符合政府施政目標,確保人民生命財產安全,國軍應持續強化執行非軍事行動能力,俾利確保國土安全。 / No matter what regions, nations, natural or manmade disasters, it will soon come with disaster rescue. After that, it depends on what kind of disasters. When a country cannot deal with the national security, the armed forces can prove that a country can run their government continually. These MOOTW include disaster rescue, counter-terrorism, humanity rescue assistance, environment protection, anti-drug action, approval evacuation and peace keeping. The Defense Policy of our country is based on war prevention, national defense and anti-terrorism action now. It also concerns about defense security and crisis reaction to strengthen national defense idea, and cooperates with other departments in order to build a whole crisis reaction. When the crisis happens, the armed forces will send people and other resources to help them without affecting national combat readiness, violating armed forces command system, and overloading the armed forces supportive ability. According to the law, it will provide assistance for the disasters. According to the major disaster rescue in the past, the armed forces can do it effectively because of their buildup, discipline and mobility. However, during the natural disaster of earthquake, typhoon, we realize that the troops and law on the disaster rescue are not good enough to cover all situations. The armed forces ability is also limited by the law, and cannot be effectively. After inspecting, the government finishes a series of solutions. During a major member meeting on armed forces, the President Ma said that disaster rescue is the main purpose of our armed forces. The military should deploy before the natural disaster, and prevent for the natural disaster all the time. Prevention is better than rescue. During some typhoon disasters, the armed forces follow the policy and do it effectively. It also shows the importance of armed forces when doing the disaster rescue. Above all, increasing armed forces ability on disaster rescue fits to our defense policy, the government goal, and also ensures the people and property safe. Tha armed forces should continue and strengthen the non-military action ability to ensure the national security. Key words: national security, MOOTW, armed forces, disaster rescue.


秦蕙萍, Qin, Hui-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
第一章:前言,略述撰寫此文之動機,寫作期間所遭遇之困難等。敘述文中所討論的 重點,依章次說明之。 第二章:地方主義之發軔。敘述地方主義發展之背景,由清室權力衰弱,地督撫權力 高漲起,至東南自保,辛亥革命,可看出中央地方關係之演變。本章分三節:一、督 撫權力的擴張。二、東南自保到各省獨立。三、都督制度之代興。 第三章:中央集權與地方分權之爭議。本章將敘述當時各方對聯邦制、單一制、集權 、分權及省制問題等之爭論。計分三節,依序討論之。 第四章:省與中央的關係。本章敘述各省與中央間之對待關係,亦分三節:一、由省 地位之轉變談起,二、並述議會在當時所佔的地位。三、由財政軍政等方面探討省與 中央之互動。 第五章:中央與地方之衝突,分三節討論:一、敘述中央由無而有,自弱而強,袁氏 實行積權之過程;二、各省對中央之抗拒與合作。三、當集權達至極時(帝制),反 抗力量終於匯合,有護國軍之興起,反抗中央。 第六章:結論。綜合討論民初中央地方之關係。


陳起新, Chen, Qi-Xin Unknown Date (has links)
第一章概論,敘述研究目的,理論架構、分析方法及研究過程。 第二章理論探討及定義之設定,根據有關企業形象文獻及理論。就軍福中民特殊之角 色及擔負的功能,所形成之特定目標市場設定有關變數。 第三章企業形象與消費行為之關係。 (1) 根據有關理論,研究消費者之寵顧頻率、購買廣度及金額與企業形象指數之關係 。 (2) 消費者心理滿足程度對企業形象之影響。 第四章各關係群體總和企業形象之測度及差異分析,測度管理當局、高指數消費群( 經常購買) 、低指數消費者( 很少購買者) 之總和形象指數( 重要性程度×滿意程度 ) 在各變項之差異分析。 第五章根據研究之結果, 針對顯著差異變項及消費者心理滿足層面提出軍福中心企業 形象之改進方案。


孫雄, SUN,XIONG Unknown Date (has links)
我國的民生主義經濟建設經三十多年的努力,已有相當成就並贏得「新興工業國」之 稱。本篇論文即在對國軍退除役官兵在我國經濟建設中的貢獻作一初步探討,並提出 未來的展望和建議。全文共分五章,約五萬字。第一章緒論。第二章國軍退除役官兵 輔導委員會生產事業機構的演變。第三章國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會生產事業機構對 我國經濟建設的貢獻。第五章結論,綜合前面的分析作一總結,並提出未來的展望和 初步的建議。

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