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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉翰璋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從圖書出版之概念成形到產品上市的過程,根據次級資料之實證,觀察1950年以來圖書出版之環境的演變以及互補性產業如何演進,以「互補性產業演進與產品創新速度之關係」為主軸,探討:1、圖書出版產業在從創意到產品上市的價值鏈為何?2、1950年以來,圖書出版產業之互補性產業如何演進?3、互補性產業形成的原因為何?4、互補性產業演進對於產品創新速度會造成什麼影響?研究發現如下: 一、「法律」及「科技」是從1950到2000年推動圖書出版產業演進主要的環境變因。「法律」的事件歸類為『著作權法』;「科技」的事件歸類為『印刷技術』、『生產作業電腦化』、『網路資訊科技』。 二、根據圖書出版產業的特性,歸納圖書出版產業中所包含之價值活動個別屬於不同的「核心技術類型」。『內容創作』、『載具製作』及『產品流通』等。『內容創作』是要創作圖書內容。『載具製作』是要將圖書內容以載具的形式儲存以便於流通,而一般載具的形式有紙本、光碟電子書及可直接透過網際網路傳輸的數位資訊等。『產品流通』主要是要將圖書產品傳輸、銷售給客戶。 三、「法律」環境變因衍生「內容創作」之互補性產業演進;「科技」衍生「載具製作」、「產品流通」之互補性產業演進。 四、「載具製作」及「產品流通」之互補性產業衍生「內容創作」之互補性產業。 五、隨著環境變因衍生互補性產業,互補性產業形成原因可歸納為:規模經濟利益、知識專精利益、交易成本降低。 六、互補性產業演進影響產業分工,縮短舊有產業價值鍊長度。「內容創作」之互補性產業演進促進價值鏈專業分工,影響出版業價值鏈長度之縮短;「載具製作」之互補性產業之演進促進價值鏈專業分工,影響印刷業價值鏈長度之縮短;「產品流通」之互補性產業之演進促進價值鏈專業分工,影響傳統通路業價值鏈長度之縮短。 七、互補性產業演進加速產品創新速度。「內容創作」之互補性產業演進促進「內容創作」價值鏈之產品創新速度;「載具製作」之互補性產業演進促進「載具製作」價值鏈之產品創新速度;「產品流通」之互補性產業演進促進「產品流通」價值鏈之產品創新速度。 本研究最後呼應Teece(1987) 對互補性產業之看法,(互補性資產會影響從創意成形到產品上市的過程),進一步引進Aaker(1991)「核心技術類型」的觀念,提出『互補性產業演進的模式,以及互補性產業演進對產品創新速度之影響』的觀念性模型。

Important Factors for Designing Digital Maps from a Marketing Perspective

木原直子, Naoko Kihara Unknown Date (has links)
數位革命對我們的生活型態有很大的影響。網際網路是影響我們生活型態的一個典型的例子。它改變了人們做生意,蒐集資訊,以及溝通的方法。 在數位革命中,數位地圖解決了許多傳統地圖所無法克服的問題。以往數位地圖通常只被研究者所使用,現在使用的族群更為廣泛,而影響生活中對「地點」的感知。以往,有關數位地圖的研究往往限於技術層面,對於其市場行銷方面的研究卻付之闕如。故作者有興趣研究最有效提供數位地圖之方式。 作者假設數位地圖的市場在通訊,交通等建設相似而且發展良好的相似的大都市之間,其成功特點有其相似之處。這篇論文回顧了日本與台灣電信建設的詳細背景,並且透過由面談及問卷調查之方式,著重個人與都會地區,對台灣之市場進行深入的研究。 這篇論文同時使用了定性與定量之方法。首先,混合封閉式與開放式問題被用在經挑選的面談對象身上,以求得他們深入的想法。然後,使用問卷調查以取得考慮性別、年齡,以及身分狀態的包含八種不同族群的量化資料。由於過去文獻並無有關數位地圖之差異變數,所以作者使用「卡方分析」(Chi-Analysis),以求得影響數位地圖使用者的消費行為之關鍵變數。從過去的研究與觀察中,下列的變數被這篇研究使用選用:性別、年齡、教育程度、工作性質、收入、家庭週期,以及八個假說群組。 研究結果發現,台灣居民對所有四種數位地圖皆有強烈需求。受訪者中僅1.8%(109位之中2位)對數位地圖不感興趣而尋找服務。所有的受訪者(109位)對其他兩種服務有興趣。使用較大面積之LCD顯示螢幕與無線網際網路地圖之需求也很強。最重要的三個變數,分別是八個假說群組、年齡,與工作性質。此研究也以台北為例,指出了都會地區的整體需求。 進一步之研究包括其他大城市之關聯性研究和城市與鄉村之比較研究。 / The digital revolution influences our lifestyle and way of processing information in various fields. The Internet is a typical example of how it changes our lifestyle, the way people do business, the way people collect information, and the way people communicate. Map, concept of location, would be one of the most distinct areas, where people would more likely change the way of accomplishing some tasks. Digital maps would solve the major problems of traditional maps. Now, some web sites provide digital map services using GIS technology. This kind of digital map service is gradually spreading to ordinary people. Since the concept of digital mapping itself is not widely known, there are some related studies from the technology aspect of digital maps, but not the marketing point of view. Therefore, the author was motivated to find out successful factors, which are helpful for all related vendors and service providers to design and provide digital map products/services in the most effective manner. The author assumes that the successful factors of digital map are similar between big cities where not only life styles but also the infrastructure of telecommunication and traffic are almost the same. This thesis reviews in detail the situation in Japan as well as Taiwan, followed by an in-depth study of Taiwan through personal interviews and questionnaire survey. This study focuses mainly on private uses in metropolitan areas. In this thesis, both qualitative and quantitative methods are employed. First, the author asked key persons to have a mixed style interview (using both closed and opened questions) so that this paper can includes the key person’s ideas and feeling in depth. Then, the author conducted the questionnaire survey to obtain quantitative data for eight different groups of people. This eight hypothesized clusters were formed with the considerations of sex, age, and status. There was no such a relevant study to specify the most differentiating variable for the digital map in the past at the time this study was conducted. Therefore, this paper used Chi-analysis to find out the key variables, which influence consumer and user behavior toward digital map. From this study and observation, the following variables are selected for investigation in this study: sex; age; education level; type of job; income level; family cycle, and eight hypothesized clusters. From the result, Taiwanese indicted a strong desire for all four types of digital map services specified in this paper. Only 2 out of 109 (1.8%) are not interested in the services of map and searching a specific genre of service. Everybody wants to use other two services. The connecting method to use larger LCD (20%) was also wanted. Interests on wireless Internet map services were also strong. The top three variables, which indicated significance to many questions, were 8 hypothesized group, age, and job type. Overall needs of digital map in the metropolitan area of Taiwan (Taipei) were recognized by this study. Correlational studies among other metropolitan areas and the one between city and rural areas are left for further studies.

基於延展式區域三元化圖型之特徵描述子 / Feature descriptor based on extended local ternary pattern

楊梃榮 Unknown Date (has links)
特徵描述子為電腦視覺中相當重要的一部分,本論文基於知名的特徵描述子:區域二元化圖型的架構上,提出了新的特徵描述子,並將其命名為延展式區域三元化圖型。我們所提出的特徵描述子與區域二元化圖型相比,有著較強的抗噪能力而且保留了區域二元化圖型簡單的計算複雜度。本論文也探討了區域三元化圖型中是否存在著uniform pattern,基於區域二元化圖型中uniform pattern的定義,我們提出了屬於區域三元化圖型的uniform pattern,並在圖像實驗中驗證了其大量存在性。我們將區域三元化圖型應用於材質分析與人臉辨識中,實驗結果驗證了本論文所提出的特徵描述法在這些應用的優越性。 / Robust feature descriptor is essential in developing effective computer vision applications. In this thesis, we present an extension to the well-known local binary pattern (LBP) feature descriptor. The newly defined descriptor known as extended local ternary pattern (ELTP) exhibits better noise resistivity than the original LBP, while maintaining computational simplicity. We further investigate the presence of uniform patterns in ELTP. With a slight modification of the definition of uniformity, it is found experimentally that uniform ELTPs account for 80% of all patterns in texture images. The proposed ELTP and uniform ELTP are applied to object classification tasks, including texture analysis and face recognition. Experimental results validate the superiority of ELTP over conventional LBP approaches.

圖形的訊息傳遞問題 / Message transmission problems of graphs

余銘芬, Yu, Ming Fen Unknown Date (has links)
給定一個圖形G,以及集合M,M為一描述圖形G中各點擁有訊息之情形的集合。圖形G相對於M的的傳遞數是指,於最短時間內,讓圖形中全部點皆獲得所有種類之訊息,並將符號記為t(G;M) 。傳遞過程中每個時間單位將受到下列限制: (1)圖形上的每個點只能與自己相鄰的點交換訊息。 (2)兩個相鄰的點在每個單位時間裡至多只能交換一個訊息。 我們希望可以找到在最短的時間裡完成傳遞的方法,也就是讓圖形G中的每一個點都獲得所有種類之訊息,我們稱此類型問題為訊息傳遞問題。 在本論文中,給定一個圖形G,且圖形G中每個點的訊息只有一個,G中任兩點的訊息都不會相同,符號t(G)代表完成傳遞所需最少的時間單位。我們給定圖形的傳遞數的上界與下界,並且定出一套公式計算樹圖、完全二部圖及雙環網路圖的傳遞數。 / Given a graph G together with a set M , the transmission number of G corresponding to M , denoted by t(G;M), is the minimum number of time needed to complete the transmission , that is, to let all the vertices in G know all the messages in M , subject to the constraints that at each time unit, each vertex can interchange messages with all its neighbors, but the number of messages that two vertices can interchange at each time unit is at most one. We want to find the minimum number of time units required to complete the transmission, that is, to let all the vertices in G know all the messages. We call such a problem the message transmission problem. Given a graph G, the transmission number of G, denoted t(G), is the minimum number of time units required to complete the transmission, under the condition that |m(v)|=1 for all v in V(G). In this thesis, we give upper and lower bounds for the transmission number of G, and give formulas to compute the transmission numbers of trees, complete bipartite graphs and double loop networks.

國小圖書館自動化系統共建共享之研究:以全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網為例 / Collaborative building and sharing on the integrated library systems of elementary schools in Taoyuan

許嶸鴻, Hsu , Jung Hung Unknown Date (has links)
國民小學圖書館在缺乏人力、經費與技術支援的情況之下,圖書館自動化的發展明顯落後於其他類型的學校圖書館。為了改善此一現象,教育部自民國99學年度開始啟用「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」來協助中小學學校圖書館進行閱讀推動與圖書館自動化的實施。透過網路的連結,達成系統共建、資源共享的目標。 為了解「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」在國小圖書館實際使用的情況以及國小圖書館人員對該系統的接受情形,筆者以桃園縣公立小學圖書館為對象,藉由TAM科技接受模式修正版來評估使用者實際使用「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」的情形,並據此提出相關的建議。本研究以問卷調查法為主,訪談法為輔,以桃園縣188所公立小學圖書館的負責人為調查對象,透過問卷分析使用者對系統的認知情形與使用意願,並輔以訪談法蒐集使用者態度之後的原因來補充問卷資料的不足,以增加研究的正確性。 本研究調查發現「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」明顯的提升了國小圖書館實施自動化的比率,但由於使用者太多且集中在密集的時段使用系統,導致系統連線品質降低,影響系統的正常運作。教育訓練的不足與廠商服務的品質低落亦降低了使用者的滿意度。而「閱讀推動」的目標由於系統功能不符合學校實際推動閱讀的情境導致多數學校使用率偏低。研究者建議必須透過改善系統連線品質、加強教育訓練與提升服務品質來提升使用者的滿意度,達成系統建置的目標。 / Due to a lack of human resources, funding, and technical support for library automation, elementary school libraries have fallen much behind other types of school libraries in the development of library automation. To address this problem, Ministry of Education launched the “National Reading Promotion and Library Management System Website” in 2010. This system can assist elementary school libraries in promotion of reading and implementation of library automation. Its goal is to achieve co-construction of library systems and sharing of resources through the network. In order to understand the practical usage of the “National Reading Promotion and Library Management System Website” in elementary school libraries and acceptance of this website among librarians, this study investigated libraries of public elementary schools in Taoyuan County and applied the modified Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to evaluate practical usage of this system. The methodology was based on survey and interview. The survey was administered to directors of 188 public elementary school libraries in Taoyuan County to understand users’ perceptions and usage intentions. The interview was conducted to explore factors behind user attitude, which could make up the insufficiency of survey data and increase the value of research findings. Results showed that the “National Reading Promotion and Library Management System Website” has significantly enhanced the percentage of library automation among elementary school libraries. However, the huge number of users of the system and their concentration of usage of the system in certain hours have resulted in a reduction of system connection quality, affecting the normal functioning of the system. Besides, insufficient education training and poor service quality of the system provider have also lowered user satisfaction with the system. With regard to “reading promotion”, the system’s functions are not conformed to the practical situations of reading promotion among elementary schools. As a result, the utility of these functions is low among most schools. Therefore, this study suggested that the authority concerned enhance user satisfaction and achieve the goals of the system by improving system connection quality, education training, and service quality first.

東方風格雲紋圖樣生成技術 / The oriental cloud patterns generation technique

詹毓君, Jhan, Yu Jyun Unknown Date (has links)
在裝飾紋路當中,雲紋裝飾圖樣扮演著一個十分重要的角色,它是十分常見的一種設計元素,而東方人對於雲紋裝飾圖樣的表現手法有別於西方,以簡單的曲線抽象地呈現雲朵的姿態。非相片寫實電腦繪圖技術(Non-photorealistic Rendering)不同於傳統上的電腦圖學技術,NPR著重於產生各式各樣非傳統光學物理的繪圖效果,最重要的是如何分析各種藝術的結構和技巧,進而加以統整之後,建立系統性的演算法,將其重現於數位空間。本論文便是針對自古所流傳下來的東方雲紋圖樣的設計去做分析,進而發展出一套系統,讓使用者輸入一些簡易的筆畫線條,以此資訊作為雲紋圖樣生成的初始設定,然後自動地產生出具有東方風格雲紋圖樣特徵的結果。 / Cloud patterns are very common design elements used in the oriental decoration, and can well harmonize with other ornament patterns. The expression of oriental cloud patterns uses simple curves to abstract the natural phenomenon. Non-photorealistic computer graphics (NPR) technology focuses on analyzing and integrating the principle of the various arts and skills to establish a systematic method to reproduce the stylization. This thesis tries to analyze the structure of the traditional cloud patterns, and building a system to generate the similar style cloud patterns. The system allows users to sketch some simple strokes lines as an initial setting, and then automatically generate various results with the stylization of the oriental cloud pattern.

圖之和弦圖數與樹寬 / The Chordality and Treewidth of a Graph

游朝凱 Unknown Date (has links)
對於任何一個圖G = (V;E) ,如果我們可以找到最少的k 個弦圖(V;Ei),使得E = E1 \ \ Ek ,則我們定義此圖G = (V;E) 的chordality為k ;而一個圖G = (V;E) 的樹寬則被定義為此圖所有的樹分解的寬的最小值。在這篇論文中,最主要的結論是所有圖的chordality 會小於或等於它的樹寬;更特別的是,有一些平面圖的chordality 為3,而所有系列平行圖的chordality 頂多為2。 / The chordality of a graph G = (V;E) is dened as the minimum k such that we can write E = E1 \ \ Ek, where each (V;Ei) is a chordal graph. The treewidth of a graph G = (V;E) is dened to be the minimum width over all tree decompositions of G. In this thesis, the principal result is that the chordality of a graph is at most its treewidth. In particular, there are planar graphs with chordality 3, and series-parallel graphs have chordality at most 2.

從組織發展探討國立臺灣圖書館百年歷史 / Study on History of the National Taiwan Library in the Past One Hundred Years From perspective of Organization Development

鄭伃廷, Cheng, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
國立臺灣圖書館,其前身為日據時期的臺灣總督府圖書館,營運迄今已屆滿百年。走過政權轉變,經歷多次的組織變革,直到今日仍然為臺灣眾多讀者提供服務,影響其發展的因素值得探討。本研究將以組織發展做為研究主軸,探討國立臺灣圖書館的百年歷史發展,希冀可以從中獲得其成功發展的原因。根據此研究動機,研究目的為:(1)探討從臺灣總督府圖書館到國立臺灣圖書館組織結構的百年歷史發展與重要事件;(2)歸納國立臺灣圖書館的價值以及影響其發展的重要因素;(3)探討從臺灣總督府圖書館到國立臺灣圖書館的歷史發展與重要事件;(4)探討組織發展對國立臺灣圖書館百年歷史之影響;(5)探討國立臺灣圖書館百年歷史發展中的館藏建設。 本研究透過歷史研究法,以組織發展為研究主軸,並以國立臺灣圖書館歷史發展中的五大組織變革,作為歷史發展階段的分段依據,透過史料蒐集分析,探討國立臺灣圖書館的百年歷史發展。另外使用訪談法,透過與館員、學者的訪談,瞭解國立臺灣圖書館的組織與館藏現況,以及國立臺灣圖書館百年歷史發展過程中的重大歷史事件。經過歷史研究法的史料分析與訪談結果分析,獲得以下幾點結論:(1)國立臺灣圖書館是代表臺灣研究的圖書館,各個階段的組織因從隸屬不同,而有不同的發展;(2)組織功能隨著歷史發展而有所差異,組織功能也受到組織規程或相關條例的規範;(3)國立臺灣圖書館發展過程中的重大歷史事件也影響了國立臺灣圖書館的歷史發展;(4)國立臺灣圖書館的組織與歷史發展,亦受到館長成就事蹟的影響而有所改變;(5)國立臺灣圖書館組織的變革與發展,同時也影響了國立臺灣圖書館的歷史發展;(6)不同時期的組織發展,會因為所屬機關的變化而改變;(7)組織定位與組織發展息息相關,國立臺灣圖書館的研究型圖書館功能受到質疑;(8)圖書館上級機關的政策,影響了國立臺灣圖書館之館藏發展政策的制定與發展;(9)館舍的有無,影響圖書館的歷史與館藏發展;(10)1945年之後的館藏目錄出版不如日據時期編製的完善;(11)臺灣學研究中心與資訊中心為任務編組,業務推展上有其困難之處。 針對以上所獲得之結論,本研究提出下列幾點建議:(1)在組織結構上,應建立臺灣圖書館學的相關研究單位;(2)在人員編制上,應編制臺灣圖書館學的相關研究人員;(3)館藏特色的建立上,應區別出與其他典藏單位的差異;(4)數位典藏系統中的資料並不完整,應盡量將資料建置完善;(5)相關史料典藏單位不同,使得資料取得不易,可建立統一的查詢平台或是合作典藏目錄;(6)針對館藏特色,出版館藏目錄等。 / National Taiwan Library, as Taiwan Governor’s Library in Japanese ruled period, has been operated for a century. Going through the changes of political power and experiencing several organizational changes, it still provides services for numerous readers in Taiwan. The factors in the development are worth discussion. Aiming at organizational development, the historical development of National Taiwan Library in the past century is explored in this study, expecting to acquire the key success factors in the development. According to the research motivation, this study aims to (1)discuss the historical development and important events of the organizational structure from Imperial Taiwan Library to National Taiwan Library in the past century, (2)induce the value of National Taiwan Library and the factors in the development, (3)explore the historical development and important events from Imperial Taiwan Library to National Taiwan Library, (4)investigate the effects of organizational development on the history of National Taiwan Library in the past century, and (5)discuss the collection building in the historical development of National Taiwan Library in the past century. Aiming at organizational development, five major organizational changes in the historical development of National Taiwan Library are regarded as the stages; and, with Historical Research, the historical development of National Taiwan Library in the past century are explored through historical data collection and analyses. Furthermore, with Interview Survey, librarians and scholars are interviewed to understand the organization of National Taiwan Library and the current situation of collection as well as the major historical events in the historical development process of National Taiwan Library in the past century. Based on historical data analyses with Historical Research and interview analyses, the following conclusions are summarized. (1) National Taiwan Library is a library representing Taiwan studies. The levels of organizations reveal distinct development because of different subjection. (2) Organizational functions change with historical development and are regulated by the regulations of organization or relative rules. (3) Major historical events in the development process of National Taiwan Library also affect the historical development of National Taiwan Library. (4) The organization and historical development of National Taiwan Library also change with chief librarians’ achievement deeds. (5) The organizational change and development of National Taiwan Library also influence the historical development of National Taiwan Library. (6) The organizational development at different phases would change with changing subsidiary organizations. (7) Organizational positioning closely associates with organizational development that the research library function of National Taiwan Library is questioned. (8) The policies of the library supervising agency affect the formulation and development of collection development policies of National Taiwan Library. (9) The plan of premises influences the library history and collection development. (10) The publication of collection catalogues after 1945 is not as complete as those edited in Japanese ruled period. (11) Taiwan Study Research Center and Information Center are task force that the business promotion is rather difficult. Aiming at above conclusions, the following suggestions are proposed in this study. (1) In terms of organizational structure, research units for Taiwan library science should be established. (2) In regard to staffing, researchers on Taiwan library science should be appointed. (3) Regarding the establishment of collection characteristics, the difference from other archive units should be discriminated. (4) Incomplete data in digital archives should be established the data as complete as possible. (5) Relevant historical data cannot be easily accessed because of different archive units. A uniform enquiry platform or cooperative collection catalogues could be established. (6) Collection catalogues could be published according to the collection characteristics.

讀者對臺南市立圖書館行銷之滿意度研究---以兒童服務為例 / A Study of Readers’ Satisfaction with the Marketing of The Tainan Municipal Library------On the Basis of Children's Service.

張琳雅, Chang, Lin-Ya Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過文獻探討,對圖書館行銷進行瞭解,進而對國內外公共圖書館所舉辦的兒童服務之狀況深入探討,並選擇臺南市立圖書館(以下簡稱南市圖)為研究對象,以參加南市圖兒童推廣服務的家長為調查對象,就研究結果提出具體的建議以作為臺南市立圖書館往後在實施行銷活動與兒童服務時的參考,希望藉由良好的圖書館行銷,吸引臺南市民,建立起圖書館與市民之間良好的溝通管道,使圖書館成為臺南市民生活中不可缺少的生活必需品,創造市民與圖書館之間的雙贏局面。 本研究採用問卷調查法以及訪談法方式,問卷調查臺南市立圖書館的兒科館、南區、東區與安南區分館等四分館進行問卷調查。訪談則包含南市圖館長與推廣組組長。研究結果呈現(一)、與孩童一同參與活動之家長,其職業影響到館的次數;(二)、參與南市圖兒童服務的兒童與家長,對於南市圖未來兒童服務的期許有所出入;(三)、南市圖在施行圖書館行銷時並未運用圖書館行銷規劃;(四)、南市圖活動資訊能見度不高,造成讀者被動;(五)、南市圖在設計兒童推廣活動時較少引入圖書館利用教育之概念;(六)、南市圖並未充分與國民中小學合作,以推廣兒童服務;(七)南市圖未來仍須繼續開發圖書館行銷通路。 本研究建議南市圖應針對館員多舉辦以兒童服務為主題之行銷研習營。而未來南市圖仍須以兒童意見為主,以設計圖書館兒童服務內容,並且仍須積極推動以讀者為導向的圖書館行銷活動,定期發函至臺南市各國中小學,將訊息公布至學校公佈欄與學校圖書室中,同時加強家長的圖書館利用教育,多善用網路資源,以求迅速、無時差的傳播資訊。 / This study plans to set up and understand library marketing through the document discussion , and then serve and investigate to children’s service of the domestic and international public libraries with the concentiation on the Tainan Municipal Library , and the parents participating in its children’s extension service. Concrete suggestions are offered from the result of study in the hope of attracting the attenting of the people of Tainan city, and setting the good communication channel between the library and citizens with good library marketing.It is also hoped to make the library become indispensable to the people of Tainan city, and create the integrated situation between the citizens and the library. This study adopts the investigation method through the questionnaires and interviews.The questionnaires are undertaken in the four districts of The Tainan Municipal Library ,and the interviews are director of The Tainan Municipal Library and the chief of its Extension Department. There are six results of the study.First, parents participating in the activity with children together will have an influence over the rate of the library visits. Second, children who participate in The Tainan Municipal Library’s children’s service have different expectations of the The Tainan Municipal Library’s children’s service from their parents.Third,the Tainan Municipal Library has not used the library marketing plans in its marketing implementation. Fourth, the visibility of activity information of The Tainan Municipal Library is not so obvious, that its readers are passive. Fifth, the designs of the extensuon of children’s activities in the future need to have pluralism and the introduction of the conception of service marketing the library utilization education. Sixth, the children of The Tainan Municipal Library must have more conceptions with middle and primary schools. Seventh, the Tainan Municipal Library must continue to develop the library marketing channels. This study suggests that the public library should develop a set of its children own marketing ways, in order to promote the satisfaction in children service sponsor more marketing camps with themes on the children service.In the future, the Tainan Municipal Library still need to focus on children's needs as developing the content of children’s service, and marketing must still be readers-oriented, notify regularly all middle and elementary schools with the marketing-related unformation and have such information announced on the school and its library bulletin boards. Furthermore, the library utilization education should be reinforce to parents, at the same time and the network resources should be more properly need so as to make the necessary information transmitted rapidly without any time gap.

鄉鎮圖書館運用社區資源之研究:以苗栗縣三灣鄉立圖書館為例 / A Study of the Community Resources Utilization by the Rural Libraries on the Basic of the Sanwang Library at Miaoli County

林美玉, Lin, May Yu Unknown Date (has links)
公共圖書館中以鄉鎮圖書館和社區關係最為密切,並在社區中扮演重要的角色,對於社區整體發展,亦有舉足輕重的地位。然鄉鎮圖書館囿於有限的人力、經費與物力下,須與社區資源相結合,才能拓展圖書館本身之服務。本論文旨在了解國內外鄉鎮圖書館社區資源運用之具體成效,就苗栗縣三灣鄉圖書館為個案,深入探討其館務營運及社區資源運用情況及困境。 本研究採文獻分析法與深度訪法,參考國內外圖書館運用社區資源相關文獻,設計訪談大綱,並另蒐集93年度全省各縣市評鑑優良之十所鄉鎮圖書館與國外三所圖書館,對於其社區資源運用情況詳加分析。訪談對象為苗栗縣文化局圖書資訊課的課長、三灣鄉鄉長、鄉民代表主席、以瞭解地方行政首長對於社區圖書館發展之概念與參與熱誠,並訪談三灣鄉立圖書館館長,探析圖書館執掌者對於社區資源運用之概念、三灣鄉圖書館社區資源運用現況以及對於社區資源運用面臨之困境與展望,藉以建立鄉鎮圖書館社區資源運用之模式。 歸納研究結果重點如下:(一)鄉鎮圖書館對社區資源認識不足;(二)地方首長重視與否影響圖書館發展;(三)社區意識不足導致社區資源運用困難;(四)社區中缺乏資訊交流整合中心;(五)鄉鎮圖書館並未有系統的建立與保存社區資源。對研究結果提出建議如下:(一)延伸社區資源運用範圍;(二)多元化思考開創社區資源運用之可能性;(三)加強與地方首長的溝通;(四)鄉鎮圖書館彼此間建立社區資源網;(五)充實鄉鎮圖書館網站內容;(六)架構社區資源運用資料庫。 / Among the public libraries the rural libraries have the relationship between with the communities, and play an important role in the integrate development of the communities. But since the rural libraries have limited manpower, budgets and the material resources, they can only develop their libraries with the conglomeration the community resources. This thesis aims at understanding first the concrete effects of utilization and the takes the resources of communities by the rural libraries at home and abroad Sanwang Library at Miaoli County as a case study to probe into the present situation and at predicament it its library operations and community resources utilization. This research adopts the methods of literatures analyzing and in-depth interviews by consulting the relevant documents of the communities resources utilization by libraries at home and abroad. The interview outlines and designed .And details of the community resources utilization by the ten good-service rural libraries evaluated in 2004 and three foreign rural and collected for the in-depth analysis. This research as to the interviews, the interviewer include the chief of the information section of Miaoli County Library, and the head and chief preventative of Sanwang Town. The purposes are to find out local administrative leader’s concepts the community libraries development and their enthusiasm in the participation for such developments. There has been am in-depth interview to the director of Miaoli County Library for the about mentioned aim and analysis so as to find out a model for the communities resources utilization. The highlights of the research are as follows: 1.The rural libraries are in short of the knowledge about the community resource; 2.The concerns by the local government heads and councilors have great influence our the library development; 3.The local of communities consciousness leads to the difficult in the communities resources utilization ; 4.The community information interchange integration is not available; 5.There is no systematic establishment and preservation communities resources in the rural libraries. Therefore six suggestions are made as follows: 1.To extend the scope of the utilization of the community resources; 2.To consider though multiple approaches any possible ways of the communities resources utilization; 3.To strengthen the communication with the local government heads; 4.To establish the mutual community resource networks among rural libraries; 5.To enrich contents of the rural libraries websites; 6.To set the community resources utilization databases.

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