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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣在中美洲的外援 / Taiwan’s foreign aid in Central America

蕾亞珊 Unknown Date (has links)
大部分的台灣援助研究討論台灣外交政策,沒有太多的研究是從受援者的觀點探討台灣的發展協助成效。本研究將檢視台灣援助的西班牙語學術論文, 選擇一個個案研究,並從事訪談,以中美洲的觀點來闡述台灣援助的成效。且將分析台灣的 外交援助,特別是財團法人國際合作發展基金會從1998年到2015年在中美洲的策略。本研究質疑由國際社會先前 對台灣在中美洲的金錢外交探索,相反地,本研究將評估儘管中美洲有貪污醜聞,台灣援助在中美洲仍是有利的原因。

台灣證券交易所發行量加權指數未納入現金股利之再投資因素對投資報酬及基金績效衡量之影響 / The Bias in Return Calculation and the Benchmark Error Problem Associated with Not Adjusting the Taiwan Stock Exchange Market Weighted Index for Cash Dividend

陳怡雯, Chen, Yi-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣發行量加權股價指數在編製時並未調整現金股利的影響,不僅會低估實際的投資報酬率,以其作為標竿指標,在評估共同基金績效時,亦會產生標竿錯誤的問題。因此,本文將現金股利的再投資報酬納入,重新編製加權股價指數。實證結果發現,若自民國75年起調整現金股利之影響,則在民國89年10月31日時,股價指數由5544.18點調整為6419.83點,約增加1.16倍。以新指數重新衡量基金績效的結果,發現績效排名並無大幅度的改變,而且基金績效是否擊敗大盤的情形,受新指標的影響亦不大,此乃因近年來上市公司配息少,而且基金績效非常極端。但基於理論上的正確性,在計算投資報酬率及評估共同基金績效時,仍應以納入現金股利之加權股價指數為基礎,以降低因標竿指標錯誤所造成研究結果的偏誤,否則未來我國股票配息的情況及基金報酬率的特性若改變之後,以過去的方式評估績效將可能造成極大之偏差。 / The Taiwan Stock Exchange Market Weighted Index (TAIEX) is not adjusted for cash dividend. Since the TAIEX is commonly used for calculating the investment return of the Taiwan’s market and as the benchmark index for mutual fund performance evaluation, the investment return in Taiwan is underestimated and there is benchmark error in the evaluation of mutual fund performance. This paper adjusts the TAIEX by incorporating the effect of the reinvestment of cash dividend in the TAIEX. The beginning date of our adjustment is January 4, 1986. Since then until the end of October 2000, the adjusted TAIEX grew to 1.16 times of the unadjusted index. However, The mutual fund performance evaluated based on the adjusted index is insignificantly different from that based on the un-adjusted index. This is because mutual funds have extreme performance. Due to the small cash dividend paid out by the listed firms on the Taiwan Stock Exchange, the adjustment effect is not enough to overturn the evaluation of


黃凱苹 Unknown Date (has links)

考量不確定因素下之退休基金評價:廣義隨機模型的建構 / Pension Valuation Under Uncertainty: A General Stochastic Approach

鄭欣怡, Cheng, Hsin-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以確定給付型退休基金為對象,建構廣義隨機評價模型,以衡量不確定情況下退休基金之財務風險。希望藉著模型建構的過程,適切地描述基金評價過程中所應考量的各項要素。 為了強調基金評價時同時考量內外部精算假設的重要性,本研究將模型分為存活函數、經濟函數和給付函數三部份討論;存活函數利用離散時間非同質性半馬可夫過程(Discrete Time Non-Homogeneous semi-Markov Process)描述成員狀態轉移的機率,把成員工作年資、年齡和及狀態納入評價過程,有別於傳統僅以年齡為假設基礎之精算方法;經濟函數則以隨機過程表達外部環境的不確定性,結合上述假設資訊預估未來給付後,成為半馬可夫隨機精算評價模型,此一般性的模型能推展至基金評價時所需的各項流程。因此,本研究將模型應用於我國公務人員退撫基金,針對公務人員退撫基金的給付特性發展財務評價公式,完整地描述基金精算成本計算、未來人力與現金流量結構模擬以及敏感度分析等過程。 最後,本研究撰寫公務人員精算評價資訊系統,具體化半馬可夫隨機精算評價模型,實證公務人員退撫基金財務評價公式。實證結果也顯示,不論基金的性質或外部經濟環境,都將影響退休基金財務評價結果,為基金評價時不可忽略的精算假設。 / This study focuses on constructing a generalized valuation model for the defined benefit pension schemes. Financial soundness and funding stability are critical issues in pension fund management. In this study, a realistic stochastic model is built to monitor the uncertainty factors in affecting the financial risk and cash flow dynamics along the decision process. In order to evaluate the importance of the interior and exterior actuarial assumptions in pension valuation. Detailed models in describing the turnover patterns, economic uncertainties and benefit structures are explored. Semi-Markov process proposed by Dominicis, Manca and Granata (1991) and Janssen and Manca (1997) is extended in structuring the transition pattern of the plan’s population and the economic based factors are generated through stochastic processes. Modifications according to classification and movements of the plan member and the plan’s turnover pattern are employed to improve its practical usefulness. Then the actuarial valuations, cash flow analyses and workforce projection are performed and investigated. We has explicitly formulated the plan’s realistic phenomenon and implemented the proposed mechanism into a risk management framework for pension finance. By using this realistic approach, the cost factors could be monitored throughout the valuation. Typically these analyses involve substantial assumptions. This article has outlined the procedure of building the proposed model. Finally, Taiwan Public Employees Retirement System is simplified to illustrate the proposed methodology in pension valuation. The results from this study show that the structure of the pension schemes and the assumed economic factors are the significant factors in pension valuation. It also indicated that the fund manager can evaluate these impacts through the proposed model.

政府單位退休金提撥原則與精算資訊揭露之研究 / The Study of Funding Policy and Actuarial Disclosure For Government Employees Pension Scheme

劉鼎先, Sam Liu Unknown Date (has links)
政府為雇主之公務人員退休撫卹計劃,依據現行退撫法規設立公務人員退休撫卹基金管理委員會及監理委員會負責業務執行,屬於雇主〈即政府〉責任之退休基金提撥政策依法由公務人員退休撫卹基金管理委員會釐定,定期依照精算評估報告規劃年度提撥率與基金負債,由於公務人員退休撫卹制度之健全與否攸關國家行政效能,依歐美先進國家之作法,均依據精算原理擬定合適之退休金提撥原則,並將財務資訊透過政府單位之財務報導予以認列與揭露,本研究鑑於公務人員退休撫卹計劃之特殊性與重要性,以美國政府會計準則第27號公報為參考依據,探討政府採用退休金提撥原則之合理性,如何正確揭露於相關之財務報導,適度認列公務人員退休基金之負債,同時清楚呈現基金之提撥歷程,建立完整之精算揭露準則與方法。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機和目的 第二節 研究範圍和限制 第三節 研究架構和內容 第二章 公務人員退休撫卹計劃 第一節 退休撫卹計劃的類型 第二節 公務人員退休撫卹計劃之角色 第三章 退休基金之提撥原則 第一節 前言 第二節 確立提撥所依據的精算負債 第三節 確立基金提撥的方法與目標 第四節 建立財務分析模式 第五節 確定目標成本提撥的穩定度 第六節 檢驗基金提撥是否符合法律與會計規範 第四章 公務人員退休撫卹計劃之財務報導 第一節 不同退撫計劃財務報導之差異 第二節 我國公務人員退撫計劃之種類 第三節 公務人員退撫計劃財務報導之基本概念 第四節 公務人員退撫計劃資訊之揭露 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 建議 第三節 後續研究之建議 附錄一 名詞解釋 附錄二 各種精算成本法之數學公式及說明 附錄三 公務人員退撫計劃退休金相關精算資訊財務報導之範例說明 附錄四 中華民國精算學會「退休辦法一般公認精算評估準則」 附錄五 財務會計準則公報第十八號精算評估中針對具有共同性精算假設所應採用之基礎 參考書目 / According to enact public employees pension regulations, the Taiwan public employee management board and supervisory board was established to perform the administration for the government employees pension plan. The management board is required by law to set up the funding policy and disclose the plan liabilities to the plan members annually. Since the financial soundness and compensation suitability of the pension scheme is directly related to the government productivity and competency, the funding schedule need to be guided carefully based on the sounded actuarial principle. In this study, statement No.27 of the government standard accounting board (GASB) employed in United States is examined to investigate the substantive funding policy and financial reporting. The financial reporting of the funding schedule for the public and the accrued liabilities disclosed in the balance sheet of the pevsion fund are also scrutinized. Finally explicit requirements for actuarial reporting and general actuarial principle for government employees pension plan are proposed.

參數模型與取樣差異於退休金財務評價之研究 / Parametric Statistical Model and Selection Bias in Pension Valuation : The Case of Taiwan Public Employees Retirement System

陳宏仁, Chen, Hung-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
確定給付制的退休金計畫,退休金成本提存的適當與否,關係到基金長期的財務健全及未來員工權益的保障,而我國公務人員退撫基金關係到廣大公務人員的權益,也影響到政府的財政支出,所以對公務人員退撫基金更有精算的必要,以確保提撥率之適當而不至於對政府財政增加額外負擔。 本論文從人口面的角度出發,以我國公務人員退休撫卹基金為實證分析之研究對象,探討人口面的假設對於公務人員退撫基金提撥率,未來各項給付支出的影響,包括從經驗資料中取樣,探討大小不同的樣本建立之服職表,於計算提撥率的差異,並利用混成模型建立新進成員假設,以開放團體模擬基金成員結構,在某些固定假設之下,模擬未來五十年的基金資產與現金流量情況。 根據本研究結果指出,利用不同取樣所建構的服職表,計算出之提撥率差異甚大,顯示小型的退休金計畫並不適宜以自身的經驗資料作為精算評價的基礎。另外,以常態分佈的混成模型建立公務人員新進假設,在人數設限成員群體的假設下作開放團體模擬的結果,顯示公務人員年齡結構在未來有逐漸老化的趨勢,在本文所採的假設下,基金資產將先增後減而於民國121年破產。在現行的公務人員退休撫卹制度下,要避免基金破產之情況發生,唯有提高提撥率、提高基金資產報酬率、或壓低薪資成長率。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 第二節 研究範圍與限制 第三節 研究架構與內容 第二章 退休金精算考慮之因素 第一節 退休基金精算系統的概念及文獻回顧 第二節 精算假設 第三節 精算成本法 第三章 基金成員結構分析的理論基礎 第一節 服職表的編製 壹、 模型建立 貳、 修勻方法 參、 程式演算過程 第二節 混成參數模型的建構 第三節 基金成員新進參數模型的建立 第四節 基金成員新進、脫退隨機過程 第四章 公務人員退撫基金精算模擬 第一節 公務人員退撫基金給付規定 第二節 公務人員退撫基金精算評價系統簡介 第三節 公務人員退撫基金精算評價之實證 壹、 取樣差異對於提撥率的影響 貳、 開放團體模擬基金成員結構和財務預估 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 對後續研究的建議 附錄A:估計粗脫率之程式 附錄B:修勻程式(Whittaker法) 附錄C:估計常態混成模型參數之程式 附錄D:公務人員新進成員年齡、職等分佈模擬之程式 附錄E-1:服職表1 附錄E-2:服職表2 附錄E-3:服職表3 附錄E-4:服職表4 附錄E-5:服職表5 附錄E-6:服職表6 附錄E-7:服職表7 / The adequacy of the plan contribution for a defined benefit pension scheme is directly related to its financial soundness and the plan member’s benefits. Due to uncertainty of the plan’s turnover, the service table plays an important role in actuarial valuation and cash flow projection. In this study, Taiwan public employees retirement system is studied to monitor the solvency issue due to bias in selecting the service tables. Tai-PERS is designed to provide retirement and ancillary benefits to 271,215 government employees. Its financial soundness is especially vital to the government annual balance. The plan contribution and projected cash flows of Tai-PERS are investigated using various sampling results. The distribution of the new entrants is assumed to follow the mixture model to describe the recruiting results. Then dynamic simulations under the open group assumption are performed to predict the future fund assets and cash flows. The results show significant differences in employing various service tables. Hence selecting proper demographic assumptions is particular important in pension valuation. Under our approach, the workforce of Tai-PERS is aging given the current plan population. Based on the given scenario, the projected plan assets increase and then decrease to be insolvent in 2032. Some interesting results are also discussed.


王睦舜, Wang, Ruffin Unknown Date (has links)

策略行銷分析: 以匯豐中華投資信託為例 / Strategic marketing analysis: A case study of HSBC Taiwan global asset management

何瑞安 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,在世界各地金融公司所謂的「指數股票型基金」已經成為主流投資標的。指數股票型基金讓投資人能夠將其資金直接投資於國外股市,同時避免匯率問題。目前,台灣投資人藉由所謂的中國指數股票型基金來直接投資中國股市。 身為中國指數股票型基金的先驅者,台灣匯豐中華證券投資信託股份有限公司於2009年夏天創造了第一恆生跨境指數股票型基金。就像其他服務業,匯豐中華必須向投資人推銷該指數股票型基金以及其他金融產品。有鑑於行銷對於資產管理公司的成敗扮演著很重要角色,因此本研究以策略行銷分析為主要研究基礎。並且,藉由公司訪談和邱志聖(2006)的四個成本分析架構(4C Analysis),來探討台灣匯豐中華證券投資信託股份有限公司在台灣的行銷活動。所謂的4C分析包含外顯單外效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本及專屬陷入成本。本研究為台灣匯豐中華提供服務、媒體廣告、品牌形象及行銷策略的改善之道。 關鍵字:策略行銷、四個成本分斯、外顯單外效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本及專屬陷入成本、指數股票型基金 / Since the early 2000's, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) have become a mainstream investment product in the portfolios of financial companies across the world. In recent years, ETFs have been created to allow investors to allocate their capital in the stock market of other countries while at the same time avoiding the currency exchange problem. Now, Taiwanese people can invest in the China stock market indexes via China ETFs. A pioneer in China ETFs, HSBC Global Asset Management Taiwan created the first Heng Seng cross border ETFs in the summer of 2009. As with any service-oriented business, HSBC Taiwan must advertise and promote these new investment products. In light of the fact that marketing plays a large role in the success of asset management companies, hence this thesis adopts strategic marketing analysis as the backbone of the research process. Utilizing professional interviews and Chiu's (2006) four cost (4C) analysis, this thesis examines HSBC Global Asset Management Taiwan's marketing activities via a constructively critical lens. These four costs include external unit costs, information search costs, moral hazard costs and firm-specific costs. This thesis focuses on providing solutions for enhanced customer service, media advertising, brand image as well as marketing strategies for HSBC Taiwan. Key Words: strategic marketing, four cost structure, information search costs, moral hazard costs, firm-specific costs, exchange-traded funds

全球化與發展型國家之變遷:以1997東亞金融風暴後韓國為例 / Globalization and the change of developmental state: a case study of post-1997 Korea

駱冠廷, Luo, Guan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
除了日本以外的亞洲四小龍國家,歷經了第二次世界大戰以來的高度經濟成長,這樣的經濟成就,被喻為「東亞經濟奇蹟」。觀察這些東亞國家的經濟發展軌跡,大致上可以得到一個共通的現象,即國家在經濟發展方面所扮演的重要角色,和作為後發工業化國家為了追趕上已工業化國家所採取的「發展型國家模式」。這套模式在東亞不同經濟體的運作上,展現出不同的細微樣貌,但真正對此經濟發展模式提出挑戰的,則是一九九七年東亞金融危機的爆發。 金融危機的爆發,標誌著冷戰以來的國際政治經濟環境已經起了很大的變化,這套發展模式的持續性、頑強性與適用性在全球化的時代也因此受到關注。在亞洲四小龍中,韓國一度受到金融危機的創傷頗深,然而韓國卻又在金融危機發生後的十年過後,重新成為世界經濟發展舞台上一個表現亮眼的角色,這其中的轉折令人相當的好奇也引發筆者的研究興趣。 本文的研究目的,在試圖釐清曾經受金融危機重創的韓國,於此一事件發生前後的國內政治經濟結構和環境的變化,以求探究「發展型國家模式」在後金融危機、受到國際貨幣基金援助,和接受全球化的韓國,所發生的轉變與變遷的方向,並藉此尋求韓國在後金融危機經濟重新復甦的解釋,和全球化、「發展型國家模式」,以及國家角色,彼此之間理論調和的可能性。 <a href=http://www.gospelaudio.com/ >free music download sites</a> <a href=http://www.musicfrost.com/ >musica mp3</a> / The Asian Tigers, followed by flying geese model of Japan, enjoyed high economic growth since the World War II. These East Asian countries, commonly shared an economic development , which was “developmental state”, further labeled and highlighted the role of state in the economic development stage for the late comers in the process of industrialization. Not until the outbreak of 1997 financial crisis in the East Asia, did this model face challenge and arouse severe academical discussion. The outbreak of 1997 East Asia financial crisis marked the huge change in the world political and economical environment, hence the robust effect of the developmental state model has also been questioned. The purpose of this paper aims doing the case study of South Korea, explaining the factors how and why South Korea can return to its high economic development even faced such impact as financial crisis. How much did the developmental state model contribute in this period? Or how much did this model evolve in the globalization era, especially when South Korea received the bailout of IMF? The author also tries to study the possibility for the reconciliation of different point such as: globalization, developmental state model, role of state in the economic development, and etc. <a href=http://www.gospelaudio.com/ >free music download sites</a> <a href=http://www.musicfrost.com/ >musica mp3</a>

俄羅斯對外文化政策之研究 / A study of Russia's foreign cultural policy

蕭乃文 Unknown Date (has links)
對於一個國家而言,柔性權力的重要性和剛性權力同等重要。近年來,各國紛紛加強本國的柔性權力,以吸引外國公眾前來學習和認同本國的文化。美國學者奈伊,說明文化、政治價值觀和外交政策是國家所擁有的柔性權力的資源。因此,本文以柔性權力作為出發點,連接公眾外交與文化外交,進而探討俄羅斯從蘇聯時期到後蘇時期的對外文化政策之作為。 俄羅斯的對外文化政策從美蘇冷戰時期就已經開始,然而受限於意識型態的框架之下,兩國的文化交流深受到國家領導人外交政策風格的影響。普丁上任之後,俄羅斯開始積極向外拓展對外文化政策,其欲加強俄羅斯文化在世界上的影響力並且提高外國公眾對於俄羅斯文化價值的認同。俄羅斯於海外建立「俄羅斯世界基金會」和「俄羅斯合作」等文化推廣機構,以教授俄語和俄羅斯文化為主。希望讓外國公眾以不同的面向,瞭解俄羅斯。 本文的研究發現有下列幾點:第一、儘管俄羅斯近年來積極推廣俄羅斯文化在海外的發展,但是,俄羅斯的發展重心仍是以境外俄羅斯人為主。第二、俄羅斯國家內部的人權和官僚體系的議題和對外政策的實行方針,亦會影響俄羅斯柔性權力的發展。第三、俄羅斯的對外文化政策,與他國相比,仍然是以官方主導為主。因此,除了配合國家對外文化政策以外,俄羅斯應該要多增加非政府組織參與的比例和提昇國內相關文化產業的發展。 / For one country, soft power is as important as hard power. In these years, countries are enhancing its soft power to attract foreign public to learn to these countries’ culture and identify to their countries. American scholar, Joseph Nye , once indicated that culture, politic value and foreign policy are the resources of national soft power. Therefore, this paper discusses soft power, then connecting with public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy, and further probe into foreign cultural policy from Soviet Union era to Russian period . Russia’s foreign cultural policy started from the Cold War period, however , due to the ideology , the U.S-Soviet cultural exchange was deeply affected by the leaders of two countries. After the president Putin gained the power, Russia actively expanded its foreign cultural policy overseas, it wanted to strengthen the influence of Russian culture in the world and enhance the identity of Russian cultural values toward foreign public. The Russian government has established “Russkiy mir foundation ” and “Russotrudnichestvo” overseas to teach Russian language and Russian culture . By expanding the influence of Russian culture, foreign public is able to understand Russia from different aspects. The following are the research findings in my paper: First, the Russian government has actively developed Russian culture overseas in these years, but , the Russian government still focuses on compatriot . Second , the human rights and bureaucracy issue in Russia still deeply affect the development of soft power of Russia. Third, compared to other countries, Russian government plays an important role on foreign cultural policy. Therefore , besides its official policy, Russia should encourage on participation of NGOs and increase the development of the cultural industry.

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