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設定地上權之不動產參與不動產投資信託之研究-以中崙大樓為例林定潔, Lin,Ding-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
不動產證券化條例於2003年7月23日公佈實施以來,不動產投資信託受益證券(REITs)和不動產資產信託受益證券(REATs)均已發行多檔,信託財產種類含括辦公室、百貨公司、旅館、商務住宅等;不動產產權型態包含所有權與設定地上權二類。然而「設定地上權的不動產」其資產價值會隨著時間而遞減的特性,對於以封閉型態上市的REITs基金而言,將產生淨資產價值(NAV)不斷下跌的問題,為避免前項問題影響基金的市價(Market Price)表現,本研究將透過「中崙大樓」出售予「富邦二號不動產投資信託基金」的實施經驗、相關財務理論的佐證及專家學者的深度訪談,來研究提撥「投資本金攤提準備金」(Reserve Fund)機制的優缺點及替代方案。
本研究結果發現,在不動產市場穩定發展的情況下,Reserve Fund除了可對投資人產生節稅效果之外;對基金而言:可避免基金之淨資產價值(NAV)隨時間不斷遞減的問題、可供地上權到期時還本之用、得以分散投資風險並發揮良好的財務槓桿的效果。然而相對的,除非基金的年營收維持每年固定上漲,否則投資人的名目收益率可能會逐年下降,並產生資金運用的無效率狀況。
至於是否ㄧ定要提撥Reserve Fund,從本研究中發現,若從投資人偏好來看,所有淨收益每年均全部發放或設計為PO、IO二個群組,或發行有期限的Finite Life REITs都是可以替代的方案。從開發商的角度,則可以將應收租金債權設計為金融資產證券而不做REITs。
不動產證券化就是將金融商品的彈性注入不動產的開發,本研究為設定地上權的不動產找出參與REIT的配套機制,期許能對政府及產業有所貢獻。 / The Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) and Real Estate Asset Trust (REATs) securities had been issued since the “Real Estate backed securities Act” published on July 23rd, 2003. The properties being entrusted, for instance, office buildings, department stores, hotels, business suite, etc.. The right of property can be divided into two parts: the ownership and the superficies on land;However, the value of the properties with superficies right will be decreased when time passes by. The close-end fund will continually decline of Fund’s net asset value (NAV), and indirectly affect its market price. To solve such problems, the purpose of this research paper is to discuss the solution of the Reserve Fund design when the Chung-Lung building, offered by “ Fubon REITs no.2” , has its financial theories implication, also tried to interviews of scholars and professionals for the suggestions.
From the result of this research paper, when the real estate market is at its steady growing stage, the Reserve Fund design can not only accurately solve to the problem of decreasing Fund’s NAV with time, but also it can bring such benefits as tax-saving and principle-paying at the expiration date. Moreover, the growing amount of Reserve Fund can positively benefit the fund itself by diversification and higher leverage capability. On the contrary, unless the revenue of the fund keeps constant growing, the investors’ nominal yield of return might decrease year by year, which will result in inefficiency in the usage of investment capital.
For the Reserve Funds design, from the view of investors’ preference points, we find that the revenue allotment or issued Finite Life REITs could be substituted. On the other hand, from the view of developers’ points, they may regard it as a CMBS rather than REITs. If the government can abstemiously open financing limits of REITs, we can refer as company、SPC or SPT types of USA or Japan to substitute for the Reserve Funds design.
The stock market of the real estate is the financial commodities will be more flexible to input the development of the real estate. The study of research paper is to form a complete set of REITs mechanism for the superficies on land of property which can be contributed for the government and industry of the real estate.
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錯置效果於台灣股票型共同基金之實證張心怡, CHANG, HSIN-YI Unknown Date (has links)
在效率市場支配財務理論數十年後,市場上發現許多違反傳統訂價理論與理性假設的現象,以心理學為基礎的行為財務學因而掘起,將投資人之主觀行為及心理因素納入決策分析之考量。本研究便是以台灣股票型共同基金為研究對象,探討行為財務學中的錯置效果,了解是否台灣之股票型共同基金存在“急售利得,惜售損失”的現象。 / 本研究首先以Odean模型之概念,計算基金投資之已實現利得比率與已實現損失比率,再用兩者之差形成錯置效果之代理變數:Disposition Spread (DISP),當DISP為正時,表示樣本基金存在錯置效果傾向,偏好實現利得。接著計算基金之Jensen’s Alpha,用以代表基金績效,利用迴歸模型觀察基金績效與錯置效果間之關聯性。最後再進一步透過DISP分成五級,觀察錯置效果是否存在持續性。 / 研究結果發現,台灣的股票型共同基金不存在錯置效果之傾向,不論是整體基金而言,或是分類觀察之,皆不存在錯置效果之傾向。但是總樣本觀察值中,有33%的比例出現正的DISP值,因此無法斷言共同基金完全不受錯置效果之影響。而錯置效果與基金績效間,則是存在顯著的負相關,即錯置效果越明顯者,其績效表現越差。普遍而言,台灣股票型共同基金錯置效果不存在顯著的持續性,每一期的基金DISP在各分級變動機率均約在20%上下。 / For several decades, financial literature was dominated by the idea of efficient market. However, we can find many phenomena which violate traditional pricing model or the hypothesis of rational investors. That’s why behavioral finance arises. Behavioral finance takes investors’ subjective and mental factors into account while talking about their decision making process. Based on behavioral finance, this study examines the disposition effect of Taiwan equity mutual funds. We want to know if Taiwan equity mutual funds appear to realize gains more readily than losses. / This study follows Odean model analyzing disposition effect by first calculating proportion of gains realized (PGR) and proportion of losses realized (PLR) of equity mutual funds. Then form the disposition effect proxy, Disposition Spread (DISP), by measuring the difference between PGR and PLR. While positive DISP existed means that sample funds exhibit a propensity to sell their winning stocks and hold on to their losers. Furthermore, we want to know whether the disposition effect influences the performance of mutual funds. Finally, separating samples in to five groups by DISP, we want to figure out if funds exists consistency in disposition ranking. / On average, mutual funds appear to realize losses more readily than gains. However, about 33% of the sample observations exhibit disposition effect. The disposition effect is negatively related to fund performance. Generally speaking, Taiwan equity mutual funds do not have consistency in disposition ranking.
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勞退保證投資收益率制度及制度轉換選擇權之研究 / The Selection of Rate of Return Guarantee and the Choice between Defined Contribution and Defined Benefit for Labor Pension Plan in Taiwan李翎竹, Lee, Ling-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
在近來許多國家的公、民營退休體系由過去以確定給付制改為確定提撥制,為了降低在確定提撥制下的退休金投資風險,在美國的佛羅里達州之公務人員退休體系中,存在著可供個人選擇是否轉換到確定給付制的機制。在我國勞退新制中除了從過去的確定給付制改為確定提撥制外,亦輔以「年金保險制」供勞工選擇與轉換,若年金保險制具有確定給付制的特徵,則勞工等於是擁有一個從確定提撥轉換轉到確定給付制的選擇權,因此制度選擇權的探討對我國而言亦是相當地重要。在本論文的第二篇研究中發現,當風險趨避程度越高則轉換至確定給付制的機率越高,轉換到確定給付制的高峰期會出現在開始工作的初期與屆臨退休之際等兩段期間。隨著工作期間的延長,個人轉換到確定給付制的機率越低,但仍可有效地提升退休金的所得替代率與達到降低退休金下方風險的效果,在加入退休制度初期不得轉換的限制之後,會降低轉換到確定給付制的機率。 / The Labor Retirement Pension Act enacted in 2005 introduced defined contribution (DC) pension plan for substituting the traditional defined benefit (DB) pension plan. In the defined contribution pension plan, the investment risk is transferred to the participants. However, the design of rate of return guarantee makes the investment risk less severe for participants. In the first essay, we find that the asset allocation and foreign investment have large impact on the guarantee cost: the high risky investment may result in large potential liability of the government in the future if participants have the investment portfolio choice. This study develops a framework to analyze design of rate of return guarantee from the financial engineering and user paid principle view. We find that the cap of investment return guarantee not only increases the expected utility of risk aversion, loss aversion and regret aversion, but also decreases the contribution cost to participant associated with managing the downside risk.
Around the world, the defined contribution (DC) plans have been the primary trend of pension reform in the both public and private sector. In an attempt to decrease the investment risk associated with DC plan, the public employees are provided with an option to buy back DB plan in the Florida State of U.S.A. In the second essay, we find that the higher level of risk aversion is, the higher probability to buy back DB plan is. During the employee’s early years of service and as the employees near retirement, the probability to exercise the option is the highest. The probability to exercise the option is decreasing with the years of service being increasing; the option also increase the pension replacement rate as well as decrease the downside risk of pension. The probability to exercise the option is lower, when the option to buy back the DB plan is prohibited during the employee’s early years of service.
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公共經濟學三篇論文 / Three Essays on Public Economics許耕維, Hsu,Keng-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
第一篇文章係利用Meltzer and Richard (1981)所建構之中位數投票者模型,衡量政府進行所得重分配產生公共基金邊際成本大小。有別於過去研究公共基金邊際成本的文獻,假設租稅制度之現況為任意的或是在最適的均衡下,文章的主要貢獻在利用現存租稅制度本身代表著一個政治均衡的前題,推導出公共基金邊際成本之公式,故可以視為是將實證經濟學的特性應用在規範經濟學的領域之研究。有趣的是公式中以標準化後平均所得與中位數所得差距所衡量的所得不均度,可以用來衡量租稅的效率損失及重分配水準是否足夠。
第二篇文章係利用 Laffont and Tirole(1986)的最適廠商管制機制模型,加入Raith(2003)誘因給付契約模型,建構較符合實際社會狀況的雙層不完全資訊模型。文章的貢獻在發現廠商最適管制機制,除Laffont and Tirole(1986)指出受廠商工作努力誘因及資訊淨租之影響外,還受到員工風險厭惡程度、生產成本風險及工作努力邊際負效用增加速度等因素的影響。當生產成本風險愈高,或是員工風險厭惡程度愈大及工作努力邊際效用增加速度愈快,使得廠商與員工間道德冒險的成本愈大時,廠商最適管制機制愈偏向成本加成契約,而非Laffont and Tirole(1986)指出偏向固定價格契約。此結論可廣泛應用於包括國防採購、政府部門與公有、公用事業之管控等問題,例如,航太、軍火、高速鐵路等生產成本風險較高產業,廠商最適管制機制愈偏向成本加成契約;但電力、自來水等生產成本風險較低產業,廠商最適管制機制愈偏向固定價格契約。
本篇發現廠商最適利潤稅有兩種情況,當政府觀察廠商事後利潤不會產生替代效果下,應課徵定額稅(lump-sum taxes);除此之外,若存在逆選擇的問題,透過模擬數值分析結果發現,廠商最適利潤稅邊際稅率與員工風險厭惡程度及生產風險成正比。此外,隨著廠商生產技術愈高,利潤稅邊際稅率則逐漸下降,而且廠商生產技術愈高,不同風險厭惡程度及風險下的利潤稅邊際稅率差異也逐漸減少。
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公益組織經營模式創新與機制設計之研究 - 以比爾與梅琳達‧蓋茲基金會為例 / The Innovation in Business Model and Mechanism Design for Philanthropic Organizations - A Case Study of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation何瑞瑛 Unknown Date (has links)
「比爾與梅琳達•蓋茲基金會」(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)從成立至今,捐出超過300億美元的鉅款,資助了近8000項慈善公益專案,其範圍橫跨了全世界極貧地區,挽救無數寶貴生命,堪稱全球影響力最大的公益基金會。
從資訊軟體專業起家的Bill Gates對慈善領域並不熟悉,但卻能在短時間內利用觸媒特性,快速建立合作夥伴系統、吸納捐款與資源,充份發揮平台的正向網絡效應及鎖定效應,迅速壯大基金會規模,並高度有效率運用資源,讓每一分錢的價值發揮到最大,足以作為學習借鏡。
本研究發現,蓋茲基金會創新的觸媒平台經營模式與獨特的機制設計 -「對其目標市場及客戶客觀精確且完整深入的研究分析」、「創意的捐贈機制協助其建立強大的夥伴生態系統進而發揮平台強大的網絡效應」、「高度目標導向的專案執行並重視績效與考核」、「資源高度有效率運用且以量化為溝通的準則」、「有系統地將內隱經驗轉化為外顯知識」,以及「將企業營運經營管理與公司治理理念導入非營利組織」為其關鍵成功因素。 / Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has so far donated more than 30 billion US. dollars to fund about 8,000 charitable projects, which benefit those extremely poor areas in the world and save countless lives. It may be deemed as the world's most influential philanthropic organization.
However, it is well-known that Bill Gates is not familiar with philanthropy work, but somehow he has leveraged characteristic catalyst to build the partner ecosystem efficiently to attract donations and resources; moreover, he helps the organization to fully utilize the platform’s positive network and lock-in effects to help expanding the scale of the Foundation rapidly. It is known that Gates Foundation with Gate’s leadership is good at maximizing resources’ value.
Thus this study aims to identify the business model and the mechanism design of Gates Foundation. It deeply investigates each activity from the platform’s value propositions to find out its key success factors. Meanwhile, it explores this model and how it causes impact on philanthropic industry.
This study hopes to provide advice for non-profit organizations so that they could learn from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s experiences or even mirror some of the original strategic thoughts of its mechanism designs once they decide to develop more aggressively on the philanthropy.
The study found the key success factors of Gates Foundation as bellow:
•Deep insight and complete analysis on its target markets and customers.
•Creative donation mechanisms that helps to form a strong partner ecosystem, and bring positive network effect to the platform.
•Goal-oriented project that is highly executed and emphasized on the performance evaluation.
•High efficiency on the use of resources and how its value is maximized.
•Transfer implicit experience into explicit knowledge & know-how.
•Utilize management knowledge & methodology of global enterprise and practice it in philanthropic organization.
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國立高級中等學校校務基金實施績效之探討 / A Study of Implementation Performance for National Senior High Schools Operation Fund葉淳雯 Unknown Date (has links)
三、規模效率分析:2010、2011及2012年平均規模效率值依序為0.923、 0.908、0.908,表示各該年度尚有7.7%、9.2%及9.2%的效率改善空間。2010年以職業學校表現最佳,2011年以綜合高中表現最佳,2012年度以普通高中表現最佳。特教學校在三個年度的平均規模效率均為最差。
四、麥氏指數分析:2010至2012年度之總要素生產力變動值均小於1,呈現衰退現象, 2010至2011年度及2011至2012年度二個跨期均呈現衰退。
五、Tobit迴歸分析:除實施校務基金的年限無顯著影響外,學校區位、校舍面積及學校成立年限等三項外在環境對學校的經營績效均具有影響。 / The purpose of national senior high schools in Taiwan implementing National Senior High Schools Operation Fund is not only improving performance, but also enhancing the schools’ self-motivation of the financial resources to reduce the fiscal burden of government. How is the performance of implementing National Senior High Schools Operation Fund since 2007?It is worthy of further study.
This study is based on Data Envelopment Analysis to evaluate the operating performance of national senior high schools from 2010 to 2012. In addition, this study uses Malmquist Index to measure the efficiency changes. Finally, Tobit regression analysis is used and tried to find effects of the external environment variables on the implemenetation performance of National Senior High Schools Operation Fund. The findings of this study are as follows:
1.Overall technical efficiency analysis:the average value of the overall technical efficiency is 0.712、0.714、0.705 in sequence of year 2010、2011 and 2012, and it means that the efficiency improvement is 28.8%, 28.6% and 29.5% each year. If we evaluate the performance of national senior high schools by category, the general high schools are the best, the comprehensive high schools are better than vocational high schools, and the special education schools are the worst.
2.Pure technical efficiency analysis.:the average value of the pure technical efficiency is 0.768、0.781、0.771 in sequence of year 2010、2011 and 2012, and it means that the efficiency improvement is 23.2%、21.9% and 22.9% each year. The general senior high schools are the best, the comprehensive senior high schools are better than vocational senior high schools, and the special education schools are the worst.
3.Scale efficiency analysis: the average value of the scale efficiency is 0.923、 0.908、0.908 in sequence of year 2010、2011 and 2012,and it means that the efficiency improvement is 7.7%、9.2% and 9.2% each year. The best performance is the vocational senior high schools in 2010, the comprehensive senior high schools in 2011, and the general senior high schools in 2012, the special education schools are the worst in all three years.
4.Malmquist Index analysis: the value of the total factor productivity change is totally less than 1 from 2010 to 2012, and shows the recession .And the inter-temporal total factor productivity changes show the recession from 2010 to 2011, and 2011 to 2012.
5.Tobit regression analysis: there is no significant impact in the factor of the years of the National Senior High Schools Operation Fund, but the external factors such as the size, the history, and the location of the schools, would affect the performance of national senior high schools.
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論我國保險安定基金之改革-與英國金融服務補償計畫及我國中央存款保險公司相比較 / A study on the reform of insurance stabilization fund in Taiwan in comparison with the FSCS of the UK and CDIC of Taiwan吳毓文, Wu, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
因此本研究將保險安定基金與金融制度完善之英國的金融服務補償計畫,以及處理我國存款金融機構退場事件經驗豐富,功能與組織皆堪稱完備的中央存款保險公司進行制度比較,並對於保險安定基金各層面改革之相關問題,諸如法律規範、組織架構、資金之徵收、資金不足之處理、各項工作執掌及作業、與其他單位之配合等事項,提出具體建議以供主管機關參考。 / The Insurance Stabilization Fund system of Taiwan, found in 1992, has operated for more than 15 years according to the Insurance Act. After the amendment of 2007, some major differences were brought to the system. First of all, the two originally independent foundations for life and non-life insurance stabilization fund would be merged and organized with substantial structure. Moreover, by amending article 143-3 of the act, the legislature expanded more functions for the stabilization fund. As a result, the Fund would no longer be just a “pay box”, but instead, handling the liquidation procedures, and providing constructive assistance to the regulation of insurers. However, with the scale and level of the reform, it is inevitable to face lots of challenges and problems.
The following study dedicated to the introduction of the Insurance Stabilization Fund in Taiwan, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme of the UK and Central Deposit Insurance Corporation in Taiwan, then make thorough comparison over main aspects among the three systems. Through the analysis with these three systems, this study will provide solutions and recommendations to the conflicts that may occur.
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中國對外直接投資之影響評析 / The impact of china's outward FDI潘玉菁 Unknown Date (has links)
中國雖引進市場經濟體制,惟政治體制仍屬社會主義制度,由共產黨決定政府運作與經濟制度,國家機器對市場之干預程度遠較資本主義國家既深且廣;本論文為進一步瞭解中國的國家機器如何主導企業對外直接投資之運作、發展狀況及其影響力,係以國際政治經濟學之國家資本主義作為研究途徑,分析中國國家機器在其對外直接投資活動的作用及影響力,並以英國學者John Dunning的投資發展階段論,將中國對外直接投資之成效置於全球脈絡中進行比較分析,俾能歸納發現中國對外直接投資模式的特色。
經比較分析中國整體及企業個案之對外直接投資發展狀況與影響力,可以發現,中國對外直接投資能力逐漸增強,已具經濟自主能力,刻正由邊陲國家逐漸邁向核心國家。整體而論,中國對外直接投資發展模式與世界主要國家確有所差異:相同之處在於,中國與各國之對外直接投資活動均與國內經濟結構具高度正相關,亦即經濟發展到達一定水準後,才會出現頻密的對外直接投資活動及成果;相異之處在於,各國之民營企業已具國際競爭力並在對外直接投資活動扮演重要角色,惟中國的國有企業較民營企業更具對外直接投資之優勢與能力,投資動機主要係依據國家政策及經濟發展需要,而中國的民營企業則因規模較小,國際競爭力仍有待提升,目前在全球市場尚未形成可觀的影響力。 / For the very first time in 2000, China proposed a clear strategy to have corporations ‘going out,’ encouraging and supporting competent state-owned and private enterprises to invest overseas market. With the backup of the state, this policy enables Chinese corporations to get into the global economic market by means of outward foreign direct investment. In this way, they can affect the operation and management of foreign enterprises so as to advance their own technologies, control channels, and to acquire necessary resources. Moreover, they may combine economic power with political strength effectively, enhancing the comprehensive national power of China gradually so that China may increase its international status to become a superpower in the world.
Though market economy is introduced in China, its political system, socialism, remains the same. The Communist government makes the decision concerning its operation and the economic system. In other words, the intervention of the state in the market is furtherer and wider than that of capitalist countries. In order to understand how the state controls enterprises in terms of the operation of outward foreign direct investment, its development, and the influence, the study adopts state capitalism of international political economy as the approach to analyze the function and influence of the state government on outward foreign direct investment. Moreover, the study is aimed at concluding the characteristics of Chinese pattern of outward foreign direct investment by adopting the British economist, John Dunning’s, the theory of investment-development cycle to compare and analyze the outcome of Chinese outward foreign direct investment in the scope of the whole world.
After comparing and analyzing how the china overall and enterprises case about development and influence of outward foreign direct investment, it is discovered that China’s ability of outward foreign direct investment is increasing. China has the ability of economic autonomy and is transforming from a country of periphery to a core country. Overall, the development pattern of China’s outward foreign direct investment is indeed different from other major countries. The similarity lies in that there is a significantly positive relationship between the outward foreign direct investment of China and other countries and their domestic economic structure. That is to say, when the development of economy has reached a certain level, frequent outward foreign direct investment and its effects will then appear. On the other hand, the difference lies in that private enterprises in other countries are internationally competent and play an important role in outward foreign direct investment. However, in China, state-owned enterprises have more advantages and capabilities than private enterprises in terms of outward foreign direct investment. The motivation of investment is determined by national policy and the demands of economic development. Moreover, due to the scale being small, private enterprises in China need to improve their international competitiveness. Therefore, they don’t exert as much influence in the global market.
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共同基金經理人調整操作風險行為與最適控制契約設計之研究 / A Study of the Mutual Fund Managers' Risk-Adjustment Behavior and the Design of a Performance-Based Incentive Contract王健安 Unknown Date (has links)
2.在理論推導上,本研究融合一般化均衡分析法與選擇權理論的應用,將不同型態的誘因費契約化成經理人向投資人所購買的歐式買權,標的資產為經理人所持投資組合的價值,履約價格為比較基準指數的價值,執行日期為一年期的績效評比,模型導証的重點是經理人所選擇投資組合的風險程度與該類比選擇權價值的關係。 / An important question for the contracting literature is the extent to which real behavior is driven by the financial incentives contained in compensation schemes. To address this issue, (1) we use the tournament concept as the framework, and focus on the competitive nature of mutual fund environments how to affect the managers' portfolio decision-making processes. (2) we also use the Black-Scholes option pricing model as the framework, and analyze the impact on the mutual fund managers' risk-manipulation behavior of a performance-based incentive plan.
Given the asymmetric information financial markets, most investors of mutual funds can not measure the funds' risk without error, thus, agent-divergent behavior may potentially arise. In a tournament reward structure, the managers' rational attempting to maximize their expected compensation may revise the risk level or alter the composition of their portfolio during the assessment period. While there will be times when such changes don't serve the best interest of funds' investors.
Our research demonstrates the following results:
1. An empirical investigation of 86 open-type mutual funds during 1995 to 1998 with the methods of test, t test and the Logistic regression shows fund managers with poor performance would become aggressive and tend to increase fund volatility in the latter part of an annual assessment period. The effect is obviously clear toward the end of the year and it is involved with the investors' myopic of the assessment to the managers' performances.
2. In our model, the bonus is similar to a call option on the funds' portfolio. Three types of incentive contracts are compared. The results show that the incentive contract with penalty can reduce managers to adversely alter the risk of the portfolio they manage. It dominates the pure incentive contract and only with a ceiling incentive contract. Questionnaires investigated by fund managers will support some hypothesis.
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工作整合型社會企業的社會資本應用-財團法人喜憨兒社會福利基金會 / The application of social capital in work integration social enterprises - children are us foundation林岱蓉, Lin, Tai Jung Unknown Date (has links)
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