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大型活動建構臺北市城市品牌形象研究 / The study of Mega events on the image branding of Taipei蔡依蒨, Tsai, Yi Chien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過修正式德菲法問卷的五個5個構面共59項以大型活動建構城市品牌形象之評估指標,專家小組認為利用參與大型活動建構城市品牌形象中,「組織構面」的領導者決策、策略規劃及策略執行能力為最主要關鍵,而包括城市的交通建設網絡以及城市風格等,都是影響形塑城市重要因素。而研究結果則建議建構城市品牌形象可採用地區性行銷策略,而在策略實際操作部分則延攬專業的行銷規劃團隊,以規劃主題式行銷活動,並透過新興媒體進行宣傳等方式為臺北市形塑優質的城市品牌形象。 / As a consequence of globalization, the marketing of region has grown in importance as countries, regions compete with one another to attract investment and visitors. To compete effectively, it is essential to identify the critical success factors of image branding and ensure those who are into the strategic planning. City's image branding is largely dependent on the construction, communication and management as well as the style of the city.
A city's brand image provides, on one hand, the basis for developing city marketing to pursue economic development and, on the other hand, provides as a conduit for people outside the country. This study examines the effectiveness of the efforts on the image branding of Taipei based on an analysis of image branding strategies through the participation of mega events.
The theoretical background from literary reviews of this study covering city marketing, city branding and image, mega events and event marketing topics, which are the conceptual but technical and structural viewpoints included. The primary city brand-driven mega events indicators would be developed by reorganizing these past researches and by dividing them into five aspects: organizational, environmental, target market, marketing, and strategies. All primary indicators are evaluated by 10 marketing, communication, media, and administrative experts to evaluate which have the most criteria toward the image branding of Taipei, and how these factors could be utilized to form the strategic framework.
Based on the survey of the modified Delphi method, the result indicated that the most crucial success factor of the image branding of Taipei is organization leadership, which refer to the city governing philosophy of decision-making, strategic planning, and implementation represention the core building block of image branding. This survey points out that the convenient transportation network, unique city style and applied communication channel, such as social media, are also drawing a line determining the effect of the image branding of Taipei.
Accordingly, some recommendations can be made for the use of the image branding of Taipei: diversified cultural driven assets can be attractive points; Fesvital and activities also can be applied; new style of promotiation channel such as social media can also be developed. Those are based on a combination and the components of the city's brand management.
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股權結構、投資人保護之於大型金融機構的信用風險承擔 / Ownership Structure, Investor Protection in the Credit Risk Taking of Large Complex Financial Institutions吳健瑋, Wum, Windows Unknown Date (has links)
本文針對金融海嘯時期,信用風險大幅擴張的階段,藉由大股東持股比例、 銀行持股比例、政府持股比例分析其對於各家大型金融機構的信用風險之影響, 本文主要採用 Bloomberg 資料庫以及 Bankscope 資料庫,期間涵蓋 2003 年至 2013 年全球資本排名前 60 的大型金融機構的季資料,並透過縱橫資料的技術來分析 股權結構與信用風險之間的相關性。
結論顯示在危機發生的期間時,政府對於大型金融機構的信用風險存在顯著 的抑制效果,本文接著依照過去文獻對投資人的股權保護程度加以分類後,發現 與過去分析總風險和股權結構之間的關係之結果並不相同,以往的結果顯示,保 護程度比較差的國家中,政府對於公司的風險以及公司決策會存在比較大的影響 力,並會進而降低公司的風險,然而本文得到的結果是投資人股權保護程度比較 強的區域裡面,政府對於降低大型金融機構的信用風險會有著比較顯著的影響 性。 / In this thesis, we investigate the level of credit risk taking concerning the ownership structure in large complex financial institutions during the sub-prime crisis period. We use quarterly data of the top 60 large financial institutions based on Bloomberg and Bankscope, covering the interval from 2003 to 2013.
From our results, we show that there is negative relationship between the level of risk and government ownership on banks. Furthermore, if we categorize the banks regarding its investor protection, our findings support that government ownership on banks has a significant effect in countries where it provides stronger protection to investors during financial crisis. Different from previous works, which states that in country with less investor protection, government ownership on banks has more influence power, here we arrive at an opposite result. We conclude that increasing government ownership can significantly reduce the level of credit risk on banks.
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應急蜂巢式行動網路的拓撲設計 / Topology design for contingency cellular network黃玉潔, Huang, Yu Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出一個可快速恢復特定區域通訊服務的網路,並為其設計通訊的拓撲結構。我們稱該網路為應急蜂巢式行動通訊網路(Contingency Cellular Network),簡稱CCN網路。CCN網路利用無線電連接災區行動電話網路中斷訊但結構未損的基地台建構而成,具有建置速度快、使用門檻低等多項特點,可支援災區救援的緊急通訊。
本研究中,我們以各毀損基地台通訊範圍內的通訊需求人數與災區毀損程度,作為效益參數,嘗詴在蜂巢式網路的格網架構以及數量有限的緊急通訊設備下,選擇效益較高的位置點配置緊急通訊設備,建立應急蜂巢式行動網路的網路拓撲,此拓撲除追求最大救災效益外,並顧及通訊品質,避免建立負載失衡的連線。我們將問題塑模為一類似圖論中的K-Minimum Cost Spanning Tree (K-Cardinality Tree or KCT)問題,稱為Depth Bounded K-Maximum Profit Spanning Tree問題,並提供數個快速的啟發式演算法,可在緊急時快速地建立應急蜂巢式行動網路拓撲。 / When a catastrophic natural disaster occurs, the efficiency of disaster response operation is critical to life saving. However, communication systems, such as cellular networks, usually crashed due to various causes that make coordination difficult for many disorganized disaster response workers extremely. Unfortunately, rapid deployment of many existing emergency communication systems relies on a good transportation system, which is usually not available in a catastrophic natural disaster. We propose a Contingency Cellular Network (CCN) by connecting disconnected base stations together with wireless links and portable power generators. CCN can support existing mobile phone users with limited capability. Such a system can support a large number of voluntary workers in the early hours of a catastrophic natural disaster, thus saving many lives.
Communication traffics, either voice or data, are forwarded hop-by-hop to the external network that remains operational. The efficiency and effeteness of CCN is obviously depends on the topology of such a forwarding network. This thesis addresses the design of forwarding topology aiming to maximize its efficiency. We take the degree of emergency degree of the damage, population of each stricken as the priority measure as well as the amount of emergency recovery resources as the constraint to determine the topology. We model the CCN topology design problem into a Depth Bounded K-Maximum Spanning Tree Problem. The problem is proven NP-hard and we designed an efficient heuristic algorithm (DBTB) to solve it. We also model CCN topology design problem into a Hop Concerned K-Maximum Spanning
Tree Program and designed a HCTB algorithm to solve it. The simulation results show that DBTB algorithm can control tree depth effectively but HCTB can gain more profit.
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ボノボに対する摂食タブーの変遷 ―コンゴ民主共和国ボンガンドの事例から― / Change in Taboos against Bonobo Meat: The Case of Slash-and-Burn Farmers Bongando in DR Congo横塚, 彩 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地域研究) / 甲第22565号 / 地博第268号 / 新制||地||102(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科アフリカ地域研究専攻 / (主査)教授 木村 大治, 教授 山越 言, 教授 古市 剛史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Area Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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在發展中國家舉辦世界盃足球賽對於經濟和社會之影響: 針對2010 南非世足賽排擠窮人工作權與生存權之研究 / The Social and Economic impacts of hosting the FIFA World Cup in the Developing world: A Case Study of the Poor, the Excluded and the Disenfranchised in South Africa 2010.馬泰伯, Matsau, Thabo Unknown Date (has links)
現今年代,已不在是只有最富有和已開發國家才有舉辦豪華大型活動的權力,體育大型活動也不在是純粹的體育競賽了。由於舉辦比賽及活動可產生數十億美元的經濟效應,南半球的發展中國家及熱切的想申辦此類大型活動。但舉辦一場大型活動實際又會對當地社區、城市,甚至一個社會帶來什麼樣的影響呢?特別是當舉辦國是較貧困和資源不足的發展中國家,有時,發展中國家的社會保障自卑感造成了與已開發國家結果截然不同的結果,在某些情況下這樣的挑戰是普遍的,不管如何這樣的情況在發展中國家更常發生,也往往導致災難性的後果。本文試圖了解,在社會和經濟層面,在特定國家體育大型活動的舉辦對於特定社會群體的影響。本文希望發展中國家未來在招標與申請舉辦大型活動時,能對於現實有更好的了解,並能設置更合理的預期,此外也能對伴隨而來不可避免的人口問題有一定的準備。 / Gone are the days when the hosting of lavish mega-events is exclusive to the wealthiest and most developed nations. Gone too are the days when sporting mega-events were purely sporting spectacles. With tournaments and events generating billions of dollars, developing nations in the global south have, with increasing enthusiasm, bid to host such events. But how does a mega-event actually affect a community, a city, a society? What happens when that community is particularly impoverished and in an under-resourced developing nation? At times, the social security inferiority of developing nations produces results starkly different results to those of the developed world and in other situations the challenges are universal but are exacerbated in the developing world, often with dire consequences. This dissertation seeks to understand how, on social and economic levels, the hosting of sporting mega-events manifests itself to particular groups in society, in particular kinds of nations. This is done with the hope that developing nations bidding and hosting in the future may better appreciate the reality and therefore not only set more realistic expectations but also better prepare to guard against and remedy the inevitable consequences on some sectors of the population.
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產業特色對企業績效影響之分析- 台灣大型企業之實證研究王秉鈞, Wang, Bing-Jun Unknown Date (has links)
美國Edward H.Mason與J.S.Bain等人所發展的產業組織學(Industrial Organizatio
n )為架構,以多元迴歸分析(Multiple Regression Analgsis)為方法,研究我國
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中韓兩國大貿易商的大型化策略與經營效率之比較研究金在暻, Jin, Zai-Jing Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣地區大型百貨業管理電腦化可行性研究徐□功, Xu, Heng-Gong Unknown Date (has links)
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大型企業資訊安全實務研究 / A Research into Information Security Case Study of Large-Scale Firms金慶柏, Chin,Robert CP Unknown Date (has links)
依據Datamonitor的估計,美國企業一年在資訊安全漏洞上至少損失美金一百五十億元。根據電腦安全學院(Computer Security Institute, CSI)及聯邦調查局(Federal Bureau of Intelligence, FBI)2004年的問卷調查顯示百分之四十九的企業曾發生個人電腦失竊的案例。依據IronPort的估計,一年前每年約有三百億封垃圾郵件,現在則激增至五百五十億封垃圾郵件。時至今日,對於資訊安全的主要威脅不是來自於組織外的駭客、病毒或蠕蟲,而是組織內的個人。不論組織內的個人是有意或無意地違反資訊安全的政策和規定,其後果可能相當嚴重,小至組織形象受損、業務損失,大至官司纏身或巨額罰款。
1. 國際標準組織(International Standard Organization, ISO)17799。
2. 英國標準組織(British Standard Institute, BS)7799。
3. 國際商業機器股份有限公司(International Business Machines, IBM)的資訊安全計劃。
4. 惠普股份有限公司(HP)及Information Security System公司的資訊安全稽核機制。
5. 微軟股份有限公司(Microsoft)。
二是提供一些真實的成功案例以提供給其他有興趣的組織作為參考。從結論發現,我們可藉由改善核心業務流程,去建造新的資訊安全系統,去運營一個可長治久安的實體與虛擬的環境,並強化公司的知識管理及傳承 / In the twenty-first century, information system and computing assets are more critical to organization’s success, and as a result, must be protected from loss, modification or destruction. Information security is the process of protecting data / information from accidental or intentional misuse by person inside or outside of an organization, including employee, consultants, and hackers. Information security is a strategic part of an organization, not just the issue of Management Information System, MIS, or Information Technology, IT, department.
According to “Datamonitor”, US$ 15 billion, at least, cost of information security breaches to United States businesses in one year. From the survey of Computer Security Institute, CSI, and Federal Bureau of Intelligence, FBI, in 2004, 49% of companies experienced notebook Personal Computer theft. According to IronPort, there are 55 billion spam e-mail per year right now, compared with 30 billion spam e-mail yearly. Today, the largest threat to information security is not the typical hacker, virus or worm, but the corporate insider. Whether insiders violate data security policies in advertently or with maliciously, the result can expose the company to public embarrassment, lost business, costly lawsuit, and regulatory fines.
Taiwanese high-technology companies have 70% market share of worldwide semiconductor foundry business, 40% share of semiconductor package segment, 50% share of semiconductor testing, 80% of computer motherboard, 72% share of notebook PC, 68% of LCD monitor --- New York Times, 2006. How can we keep maintaining the leading positions around the globe? To invest in R&D, manufacturing, and global logistics is key. However, how to implement a secure, global and reliable IT network and infrastructure to server customers better is a must under current global economy.
To every Chief Information Officer, CIO, or Chief Security Officer, CSO, Information security is always one of the top 3 to-do list. Information security is easy to talk about. But, implementations and executions are where talk must turn into action. Purchasing security device is easy. Knowing how and what to protect ad what controls to put in place is a bit more difficult. In the real commercial world, no one or company would like to share or release its weakness to the public. The objective of this thesis is to study most updated information security industry standard and information security suppliers’ view, like:
1. International Standard Organization, ISO, 17799.
2. British Standard Institute’s BS 7799.
3. IBM’s Information Security Program, ISP.
4. HP & Information Security Systems’ Information Security Audit Mechanism, ISAM.
5. Microsoft
Also to provide a real successful case / framework for other companies to ensure a consistent, enterprise-wide information security focus is maintained across organization boundaries. In conclusion, this information security study proposes to transfer core business process, to build information security new applications, to run a scalable, available, secure environment, and to leverage firms’ knowledge and information.
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考慮資源運輸路徑之應急蜂巢式行動通訊網路建置排程 / Resource Delivery Path Dependent Deployment Scheduling for Contingency Cellular Network高采衣, Kao, Tsai I Unknown Date (has links)
當發生大規模的地震或強烈的颱風等重大天然災害時,通訊系統常常隨著電力與交通系統的損毀而癱瘓。由歷年大型災變中多數災區內之行動通訊系統全面中斷即可印證行動通訊系統其實是極為脆弱的,然而有效運作的通訊系統卻是災情傳遞、資源調度及救災是否順利的關鍵因素。本文所探討的應急通訊系統利用倖存的連通基地台和斷訊卻沒有損毀的基地台,以無線電連接起來建構一個臨時性的通訊系統,稱為應急蜂巢式行動通訊網路(Contingency Cellular Network,CCN)。由於各地災情狀況不完全相同,CCN的建構順序必須考慮災區的輕重緩急、時間的急迫等因素依序建構。因此當CCN拓樸規劃完成後,根據CCN拓樸、各地災情嚴重程度以及拓樸中基地台間的相對距離(運輸時間)進行基地台建構排程規劃,以達到最大的總救災效益。
本文考慮各基地台所能發揮的救災效益、所需建構時間、以及運輸工具從任一基地台到另一基地台所需運輸時間,提出兩個適合CCN拓樸樹狀結構的考慮資源運輸路徑之最佳化排程模型CCNDS-AC和CCNDS-UC。CCNDS-AC限制建構順序必須從連網台往下循序建構,但CCN-UC則否。因發生突發性大型天然災害時,可容許的計算時間相當短暫,因此提出了兩個快速的啟發式演算法DS-ACG與DS-UCB,可在短時間內求出一組相當逼近於最佳解的建構排程順序,與DS-UCB相互比較。本文以電腦模擬的方式進行小規模實驗與大規模實驗評估,並且用Genetic Algorithm來比較啟發式演算法的效能。結果顯示DS-UCB明顯優於DS-ACG及Genetic Algorithm。在小規模實驗中DS-UCB可求得與最佳解的總救災效益誤差平均約0.9%的近似最佳解建構順序。而在大規模實驗下, DS-UCB與十萬個解中的最佳解─pseudo optimal solution相較,總救災效益平均高出約16.7%,而總救災時間平均約少了19.4%。 / When stricken by a large-scale disaster, the efficiency of disaster response operation is very critical to life saving. However, cellular networks were usually crashed in earthquake, typhoons or other natural disasters due to power outage or backhaul breakage. Unfortunately, the efficiency of communication system is a critical factor to the success of disaster response operation. We designed a contingency cellular network (CCN) by connecting physically intact but service-disrupted base stations together with wireless links. Since the transportation capacity may be very limited, scheduling of CCN deployment order according to the demand of disaster operation and traveling time between base stations becomes an important issue. We propose two optimization models: CCN Deployment Scheduling Antecessor Constrained Problem (CCNDS-AC) and CCN Deployment Scheduling Unconstrained Problem (CCNDS-UC), aiming to maximize the efficiency of disaster response operation. Both problems are proven to be NP Hard. We also designed two rapid heuristic algorithms, DS-ASG and DS-UCB to solve the problems respectively when it is needed in urgent.
Finally, we evaluated the proposed algorithms against optimal solutions (in small cases only) as well as genetic algorithm by simulation. The experimental results show that DS-UCB outperforms all other algorithms. In small scale cases, the profit obtained by DS-UCB is only 0.9% smaller than what the optimum solution can get. In large scale cases, as compared to the pseudo optimum solution, which is the best solution among 100,000 solutions, DS-UCB outperforms pseudo optimum solutions in profit by 16.7%, and in traveling time by 19.4%, both in average.
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