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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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辦公室市場租區與區位之研究 / A Study of Rents and Location in Office Market

黃名義, Ming-Yih Huang Unknown Date (has links)
值此工商業蓬勃發展之際,辦公室活動早已取代製造業活動,成為都市中最重要之經濟活動基礎,然而國內有關商用不動產之研究卻仍方興未艾,未見系統化與學術上之專門研究,遠落後於國外之研究幾達二十年,是以本研究試圖從國內對住宅不動產研究之心得,加以嘗試引藉用於探討住宅與辦公室之租金差異,藉以瞭解面積、區位與產品特徵屬性等要素對於兩種租賃不動產租金之影響。其次,進一步加入國內合法與違規混合使用之住辦混合產品進行討論,以便於澄清住辦混合產品的相輔與轉換使用彈性優勢,是否使其享有更好的租金報酬。本研究第二部分探討國內大型企業辦公室最近十年間的區位選擇與遷徙活動,分析大型企業的主要辦公室區位是否與產業的變遷趨勢一致?並探討生產力函數中的效率參數--電子與面對面資訊,以及資本、勞力、產業類型與經營績效等變數,對大型企業廠商辦公室區位變遷決策的影響,藉以釐清大型企業辦公室的區位活動。最後,則是從一般性的辦公室活動討論中,進一步切入以分公司辦公室活動作為研究主題,探討廠商擴張後的分公司辦公室區位選擇,是否與一般辦公室活動相同?藉以澄清分公司辦公室活動對地區發展之影響。綜上三大研究課題,本文獲致如下結論: 一、從辦公室、住宅與住辦混合產品租金比較中發現,面積、區位與產品特徵屬性對辦公室和住宅租金的影響有顯著差異,而住辦混合產品在各要素對租金的彈性變動敏感程度普遍不及於其他兩種產品,顯示住辦混合產品在各要素對租金的影響上不如單一使用的產品,亦間接推論住辦混合產品的外部成本可能大於外部經濟,使得單純使用的辦公室或住宅所反映的高品質依舊能享有較高的租金。同樣的,住辦混合中間產品的轉換特性也未使其出現辦公室大於住辦混合,又大於住宅產品之經濟直覺般的競租順序。因此,未來廠商或出租者在產品的規劃設計上,應該要朝向以提供高品質單一用途之租賃不動產為主。其次,從產品特徵屬性對不同類型不動產租金的影響結果發現,辦公室比較重視總樓層所帶來的名望效果,以及業務吸引力;而住宅則比較看重所在樓層之效用可及性,顯示未來在產品規劃上,辦公室除了著重區位考量外,也應重視總樓層所帶來的效益,而住宅則可以加強對所在樓層特徵屬性之考量。 二、從大型企業辦公室的區位選擇與遷徙研究中發現,大型企業廠商的辦公室區位選擇與其產業的區位變遷並不一致;服務業的大型企業辦公室顯著的集中在市中心,但製造業的大型企業辦公室則因著區位先佔優勢與惰性,以及生產性服務業之特性,並未同其產業一樣顯著的遷徙至市郊,顯示製造業的外移,並未同時影響其企業主要辦公室同樣外移,反倒是若干服務業辦公室在擠不進市中心的情況下,只得選擇郊化外移。因此,未來應視大型企業之資訊需求種類與強度,誘導其向市中心或市郊聚集,對於僅需電子資訊的大型企業,應加強資訊技術提昇,以降低面對面接觸之通勤往返成本,並促使其向郊區搬遷,以便於獲得更廉價的辦公空間,並降低廠商營運之租金成本,而空出的市中心辦公大樓,也能為企業賺取一份租金收益。其次,面對大型企業辦公室的外移趨勢,未來應推動郊區辦公園區的規劃,以便於聚集日益增加的後勤辦公室,而市中心的再發展與更新,也有助於吸引更多需要面對面資訊的大型企業進駐。再者,從大型企業廠商辦公室的遷徙決策研究中發現,除了需要電子資訊的大型企業有顯著的遷徙以外,個別產業的遷徙仍不明顯,惟可察覺出遷徙的軌跡是由市中心移出,並向市區與市郊移動,是以為預防中心都市之衰頹與降低都市擴張,應儘早加強中心商業區之更新。 三、分公司辦公室區位選擇研究結果發現,分公司辦公室的區位活動並不完全像典型辦公室活動一般集中於市中心,不同類型的分公司辦公室明顯的集中在不同的核心地區。其中,輔助性活動型分公司顯著的集中在市中心,面對面營業型分公司辦公室則是聚集在人口密集地區,而業務集散轉運型分公司更是向聯外交通便捷地區發展。由於分公司屬於企業的分支機構與擴張,其區位選址除了廠商自身利益的追求考量以外,更是決定一個地區發展與就業成長的關鍵。因此,對於不同核心地區,提供適當的商業用地、公共設施,並在法令上規定允許的使用項目,將有助於分公司辦公室的活動與整個都市的成長。其次,本研究從影響分公司區位選擇的因素中發現,除了專技人員薪資、資本與稅捐及規費等顯著的影響分公司設立於市中心以外,資本、稅捐及規費也顯著的影響分公司設立於人口密集地區,而樓地板面積、一般職員薪資與租金則是顯著的影響分公司辦公室選擇聯外交通便捷地區,此一結果顯示影響一般辦公室區位選擇的因素,對於分公司辦公室區位選擇的影響呈現出明顯的差異,影響分公司辦公室設立於人口密集地區與聯外交通便捷地區的變數要多於市中心,凸顯了分公司辦公室區位選擇的不同,應在辦公室的區位選擇研究中加以有所區隔。 目 錄 第一章 緒論 …………………………………………………………1 一、研究動機 ………………………………………………………1 二、研究目的 ………………………………………………………3 三、研究方法 ………………………………………………………4 四、資料說明 ………………………………………………………5 五、名詞定義 ………………………………………………………5 六、研究限制 ………………………………………………………6 七、研究流程 ………………………………………………………7 第二章 相關理論與文獻回顧 ……………………………...8 一、辦公室、住宅與住辦混合租金相關理論與文獻回顧 ………8 二、區位和聚集理論與辦公室相關文獻回顧 ……………………9 第三章 辦公室、住宅與住辦混合租金比較分析 ………..15 一、前言 ……………………………………………………………15 二、理論基礎與研究假說建立 ……………………………………16 三、現況分析與資料樣本統計描述 ………………………………22 四、實證分析 ………………………………………………………23 五、小結 ……………………………………………………………30 第四章 大型企業辦公室區位選擇與遷徙分析 …………..33 一、前言 ……………………………………………………………33 二、理論基礎 ………………………………………………………34 三、台北都會區大型企業辦公室概況分析 ………………………38 四、實證分析 ………………………………………………………46 五、小結 ……………………………………………………………61 第五章 分公司辦公室區位選擇分析 ……………………..64 一、前言 ……………………………………………………………64 二、理論基礎 ………………………………………………………65 三、實證模型與資料分析 …………………………………………69 四、實證分析結果與說明 …………………………………………73 五、小結 ……………………………………………………………78 第六章 結論 ………………………………………………...80 一、結論 ……………………………………………………………81 二、後續研究 ………………………………………………………84 參考文獻 …………………………………………………….86 附錄 ………………………………………………………….93 索引 ………………………………………………………….96 / This dissertation consisted of three relative essays. In the first paper, I analyzes the differences in the rent of office, housing and the mix-used from three factors - floor area, location, and characteristics of products. Empirical results show that the effect of the increase in floor area on the rent of housing is larger than that of office and the mix-used. There is a difference in marginal rent between office and housing in the city, while not difference in downtown. Additionally, the marginal rent for the location in the mix-used falls behind the other two types. In the characteristics of products, office emphasizes the reputation and business attraction brought about by the total number of floor while the housing puts more accessibility on the located floor in the building. However, the marginal rent of housing is more than that of office in the accessibility. As for the rent between office and the mix-used or for that between the housing and the mix-used, the characteristic show little significance because of the mixed use between these two types. In sum, the effects of the mix-used on the marginal rent and factors elasticity are not superior to the single use in all factors, and office or housing still has the higher rent. Results also show that transformation characteristic of the mix-used does not support the intuitional bid-rent order of office greater than the mix-used and housing in Taipei. In the second paper, I examined the largest corporations office location change in Taipei metropolitan area. This study uses the data that collected by China credit Information Service, Ltd. to analyze the location choice and migration of largest corporations. The empirical results show that the location choice of largest corporations differs from the location change of industries. The corporation of service industry significantly concentrates downtown while the manufacturing industry have no trend to significantly concentrate downtown because of prior occupation advantages and inertia. Additionally, firms requiring face-to-face information significantly concentrate in downtown, and high-tech firms requiring electronic information have significantly chose the location in the suburbs. As for the part of the foreign investment enterprises, they choose the location in downtown as well because of information and prestige image. In the decision of migration, firms requiring electronic information have significant movement while others are not obvious. Nevertheless, the whole migration process is obviously from downtown to the city area and the outskirts. Furthermore, the location choice of largest corporations having movement is the same as that of aforementioned largest corporations in the capital, work force, foreign investment enterprises, and operation performance. The final paper examined the location choice of branch office. The empirical results show that the location activities of branch office do not as same as general office to concentrated in CBD. The ancillary service branch (such as the law) is concentrated in CBD significantly. The business branch (such as bank) is concentrated in highly density of population district. And then the type of branches with distribution and transport (such as storehouse) is even more concentrated in convenient communications district. Next, the influences of factors on general office location choice have obvious difference to branch office.

應急蜂巢式行動網路建構排程 / Scheduling of contingency cellular network deployment

王彥嵩 Unknown Date (has links)
大型自然災害會癱瘓通訊系統嚴重影響到救災效率,本論文旨在快速提出一個建構排程供應急通訊系統佈建。無線通訊系統的成熟極大的為使用者帶來便利性,但當發生大規模的地震或強烈颱風等重大天然災害時,通訊系統卻常常因架構原因,隨著電力與交通系統的損毀而癱瘓。由歷年大型災變中多數災區內之行動通訊系統全面中斷即可印證行動通訊系統其實是極為脆弱,而有效運作的通訊系統卻是災情傳遞、資源調度以及互助協調是否順利的關鍵因素。 本篇論文所探討的應急通訊系統是利用僅存的連通基地台和斷訊卻沒有損毀的基地台建構一個臨時性的網路,稱為應急蜂巢式行動網路(contingency cellular network,CCN)。由於災區的交通系統可能癱瘓,因此CCN的建構需視各種運輸能力而規劃,而各個地方受災情況不盡相同,CCN的建構順序也須辨明輕重緩急依序建構,網路拓樸的規劃是本研究團隊的另一研究主題,本文主在探討如何在網路拓樸已知情況下進行CCN建構排程以達到最大的救災效益,因此我們提出一適合CCN樹狀結構的最佳化排程模型,以追求救災效益的最大化,這些模型可供使用者(救災指揮單位)系統化的解決CCN建構排程問題。 模型包含CCN樹狀拓樸、基地台數目、基地台建構時間、基地台重要度、拓樸連線集合和建構工作組數。在此模型下提出一個考慮各基地台的時效性以及重要性而進行快速排程的演算法,此演算法透過計算排程總救災效益決定優劣。分三階段實驗。三階段實驗皆可在數秒內得出接近最佳解的排程。 / When stricken by a large-scale disaster, the efficiency of disaster response operation is very critical to life saving. We propose to build a contingency cellular network to support emergency communication in large scale natural disasters by connecting disconnected base stations. This paper addresses the deployment scheduling problem. The advance of mobile communication technologies has brought great convenience to users. Cellular phone becomes the first communication tool most people would use in emergency. However, cellular networks were usually crashed due to earthquake, typhoons or other natural disasters due to power outage or backhaul broken. Unfortunately, the efficiency of communication system is a critical factor to the success of disaster response operation such as resource allocation as well as coordination of rescue and relief operations. We designed a contingency cellular network (CCN) by connecting physically intact but service-disrupted base stations together with wireless links. As the disaster area's transport system may be paralyzed, the construction of CCN may have to rely on air transportation such as helicopter or even airdrop. Since the transportation capacity may be very limited, scheduling of CCN deployment order according to the demand of disaster operation becomes an important issue. We model the CCN Deployment Scheduling Problem into a combinatorics optimization problem aiming to maximize disaster operation efficiency. The problem is proven NP Hard. Thus, we design an efficient heuristic algorithm to solve the problem when it is needed in urgent.


NIMURA, Yuji, YAMASE, Hiroshi, 二村, 雄次, 山瀬, 博史 05 November 1991 (has links)
名古屋大学博士学位論文 学位の種類 : 博士(医学)(論文) 学位授与年月日:平成4年4月3日 山瀬博史氏の博士論文として提出された

以大型活動建構城市品牌之評估指標研究 / A study of strategic indicators for branding cities by mega-events

林威儒 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究由「以大型活動建立城市品牌」面向切入大型活動行銷與城市行銷之主題,試圖釐清「城市」本身作為行銷主體時,相關的理論觀點,並聚焦於策略端,了解城市行銷與城市品牌發展之關鍵要素以及重要的城市品牌架構,進而建立以城市品牌長期發展為主要導向之大型活動所應具備的策略性思維,且逐步構築大型活動評估指標,作為未來城市品牌導向之大型活動策略規劃與分析之參考。 文獻回顧的部分,除了城市行銷本質的探討,理解城市行銷的功能與內涵外,亦在城市行銷的「技術」面文獻中,了解當前城市行銷策略規劃與城市品牌建立之相關理論基礎,最後在既有的研究中,連結大型活動與城市行銷之間的關聯性,著眼於如何運用城市品牌的建構面向,來評估與分析大型活動之策略。其後,歸納前述文獻所提及之諸多指標與成功要素,以四個主要面向重新抽取其內容,並發展相應於大型活動之操作性定義,以便先行建立初步評估指標。最後以專家群體決策為基礎之修正式德菲法進行最終評估指標之評選,使得指標體系的建構及後續分析,能具有較高度之代表性。 透過十多位行銷、傳播、媒體領域之學術界與實務界專業人士之專家問卷調查,本研究共建構十六項以大型活動建構城市品牌之評估指標,並進一步以大型活動籌辦單位之深度訪談補充營運面與組織面之內涵,增加指標於策略性運用時,更為全面性之思考。最後闡明研究結論,回應過往城市品牌架構文獻並建議未來相關研究方向,期望對於城市品牌思考與城市品牌導向之大型活動策略規劃與分析面向有所助益。 / The mega event held by a specific city shouldn’t only be analyzed as another single large scale event in the city but be seen as a series of city marketing practices in the long-term city branding context. The aim of the present study focuses on the strategic vision of the mega event and builds city brand-driven indicators to create the framework for mega event marketing strategy planning and evaluation. The main theoretical background from literature reviews for this study consists of several city marketing, city branding, mega event and event marketing topics, which are not only the conceptual but technical and structural viewpoints included. Then the primary city brand-driven mega event indicators would be developed by reorganizing these past researches into four main categories: strategy, symbol, relationship, benefit and sustainability. Based on Delphi method, all primary indicators are evaluated by 16 marketing, communication, media experts and finally formed the strategic framework. Also, in this study, mega event organizer and the coordinator of marketing related department in the city government are interviewed to understand issues comprehensively from the execution and organization levels for solid strategic thinking. Finally, all 16 key indicators and the managerial implications , specific city branding frameworks from the literature reviews, and also advices for future studies are outlined and discussed in the last chapter.

市值老二選股策略 / Second is better : a simple strategy for single stock selection

張婉珍, Chang, Wanchen Unknown Date (has links)
大型股過去一直被認為平均報酬率低於小型股,但如果從個股來看,不少大型股的績效並不會比指數差。考慮到一般非專業投資人在投資股票時,選擇大型股還是比小型股容易,本論文試圖建構一套在實務上較可行的大型個股選股策略—選擇市值第二大的股票,並定期調整個股。我們以美股標準普爾500指數中前兩大市值的股票,分為兩種投資組合做比較,結果發現,市值最大的股票不容易創造超額報酬,市值第二大的股票,反而締造極佳的超額報酬,此現象在過去3年、5年、10年,尤其較過去20年更為明顯。原因在於市值排名第二的股票,多半屬於排名仍在持續上升的成長股,這些個股基本面尚未到達頂點,故股價還會反應一段時間的基本面利多,採取類似動能策略(Momentum Strategy)的方法,報酬率容易超越指數;市值最大者則因為基本面普遍伴隨市值排名已經到頂,加上投資人對於排名第一的股票,多半易產生定錨效應(Anchoring Effect),即認為股價可能已經反應其該有的價值,較難創造超額報酬,傾向賣出。故同樣投資大型股,選擇市值第二名的股票會優於第一名。 / According to The Size Effect Theory, small cap securities generally generate greater returns than those of large cap companies. However, this trend has involved into the difficulties of stock picking due to the large number of small caps. In this paper I propose a strategy against the size effect theory, “Second is Better”, to pick the second largest market value security as the single stock investment. I examine the performances of the No.1 and the No.2 largest market cap stocks in the S&P500 and apply a 6-month rebalance to construct two different portfolios, which is similar to the concept of Momentum Strategy that buy the past winners and sell the past losers. I find the No.2 stock outperforms than No.1 stock and generate amazing excess returns in the near mid-to-long-term periods. Because No.1 stocks are more likely to experience Momentum Crash than No.2 stocks due to investor’s anchoring bias as they believe the No.1 stock might have been peaked. No.2 stocks are usually in the growing stages that many investors believe the 2nd largest caps still yet to peak during market value expansion.

都市政治與媒體論述鬥爭: 臺北「大巨蛋」的個案研究 / Urban Politics and the Discursive Struggle over Taipei Dome in the Media

趙慶翔 Unknown Date (has links)
俗稱「大巨蛋」的臺北文化體育園區,自1990年代起出現於媒體報導中,市府於2000年定案落址松山菸廠,並在2006年與遠雄簽約以BOT興建大巨蛋。2014年11月市長選舉,柯文哲以無黨籍的身份踏入政壇,打破國民黨十六年的臺北市政府執政,上任後開始清查包括大巨蛋等「五大案」。不同政權對於大巨蛋的論述有不同策略,本研究透過都市政治的概念,剖析國民黨市府時代與柯文哲市府時代兩個政權,如何透過傳統媒體以及社群媒體形塑各自的大巨蛋形象。根據Stone(1993)以美國都市政權分析所提出的四種類型為基礎,本研究者聚焦在兩個政權的主要治理任務、選擇性誘因、所需資源等之論述。透過對於新聞報導、社群媒體貼文、官方新聞稿與官方網站的質化論述分析與量化內容分析,探討國民黨市府與柯文哲市府之都市治理聯盟的論述特徵與差異。   研究結果發現,國民黨市府治理聯盟偏向發展型政權,其論述特徵圍繞著體育發展為核心,包括將大巨蛋與國際大型運動賽事與國力象徵等概念連結,政治與商業合作開發,以及多功能用途場館來召喚市民支持。柯文哲市府治理聯盟的論述則偏向中產階級進步型、也具備臺灣在地特色的「程序主義型政權」,其論述圍繞著程序的重要性,強調都市計劃中法律程序及透明的重要性。兩者相較,國民黨市府論述著力於國家與體育發展,與資本關係較為緊密,柯文哲市府論述則連結中產階級價值以及市政的公民參與。但兩者皆忽略社會中環境保護的聲音,以及大型運動場館帶給城市的潛在負擔。本研究試圖在兩股政治勢力消長的動態演變中,分析此一期間都市政權對大巨蛋開發案的媒體論述轉變,藉由大型運動場館的再現建構,來反映出臺北的都市政治的意識形態爭霸過程,並重新反思大型運動場館建設之於城市與公民的意義。 / The project of Taipei Dome Complex (known as ‘’Taipei Dome’’) has been revealed in the media since 1990s. It settled in Song Shan Tobacco Factory in 2000 and later signed with a BOT (Build–operate–transfer) contract between Taipei City Government and Farglory Group. In November 2014, the mayor-elect Wen-je Ko, a non-party politician, ended 16 years of KMT rule in Taipei and committed to investigate so-called "Five Scandals”—the Taipei Dome, the Taipei Twin Tower, the Song Shan Cultural and Creative Park, the Syntrend Digital Park, and MeHas City. As the discursive strategies in the issue of Taipei Dome were different among regimes, this study is aimed to understand the use of mass media and social media in construting particular images of this large-scale sport stadium in the constructing process by Taipei City Government under different mayors. This study focues on the main governance tasks—the selective incentives, the resources needed as the analysis structure of the two regimes—which based on the analysis about four types of America urban politics in Stone (1993). Through qualitative discourse analysis and quantitative content analysis on various sources—including news reports, posts in social media, documents on official websites—this study study explores the differences of discursive strategies and struggles between the KMT and the Ko municipal governments.   The research results show the differences between the two regimes. The KMT government favored the ideology of “development regimes” to mobilize the supports from citizens, which usually linked the Taipei Dome with the concepts about the development of sports, such as the importance of large-scale international sporting events, the symbolic national power, the close cooporation between government and business, and the multifunctions of the Dome. Compared with the precedent regime, the Ko government has been inclined to the ideology of “middle class progressive regimes,” while also demonstrated a certain degree of “procedualism” under the particular political and economic contexts in Taiwan. The discursive strategy of Ko government emphasizes the importance of legal procedure and transparacy in the urban plan and policy. In sum, the KMT government had a strong connection with corporations and highlighted the significance of national and sporting development, while the Ko government has shown a connection with the middle class and attempted to involve civic participation in the process of policy making. However, both city governments ignored the voice of environmental movement and the potential harm of large-scale sport stadium to the society. This study attempts to analyze the changes of discursive struggle of Taipei Dome in the media represeantions between the two regimes and therefore contribute to understand the influences of large-scale sport stadium on the urban development and citizens.


陳靜儀 Unknown Date (has links)
美國與歐盟在航空產業的補貼爭議已有數十年之久,雙方互相指控對方補貼其國內民用航空器製造業,此一爭議雖經雙方談判協商,但終究談判破裂而進入世界貿易組織(WTO)爭端解決機構,成為WTO歷史上涉案金額最大的一次貿易糾紛案。雖然美國與歐盟就航空器補貼爭議相互於WTO下提出訴訟,總計成立了四個爭端案件,在如此複雜的情況下,目前僅歐盟航空補貼案(DS316)已進入至言詞辯論程序,其他爭議案均未進入實質審理程序,尚無資料可得分析,因此僅就DS316一案而為討論。 / 在該案中,美方指控歐盟以開發補助、基礎設施、研發技術補助等措施為空中巴士進行補貼,提升空中巴士之市場競爭力,對美國波音公司產生不良影響。上述措施是否違反WTO規定,著實進一步分析探討之必要,因此本文將介紹補貼及民用航空器的相關規定,由SCM協定下之補貼構成要件-政府財務補助、利益及特定性之要件,判斷歐盟是否構成補貼,而其中尚須檢驗美國與歐盟首次書狀中論點之合理性、考量過去小組類似判斷之見解與顧及1992年美歐航空器的雙邊協定,最後嘗試預測未來小組判斷中,對補貼之構成與否及其法律效果之意見。 / Subsidy dispute of aviation between the US and EU has been lasting over the past decades. Both sides accused each other of subsidizing domestic civil aircraft industry. In spite of having made efforts to solve the trade clash through negotiations, they eventually took the subsidy dispute before Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organization(WTO) after the negotiations had failed. In the biggest case ever to come before WTO, US and EU separately filed legal complaints against each other at the WTO, which set up four dispute cases. However, except the oral arguments were held in the European Communities-Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft(DS316), the three other cases have not yet entered into substantial procedures. Therefore, this thesis intends to focus on the DS316 due to no related data available to analyze the rest of the cases. / In DS316, the US argued that EU subsidized Airbus by way of such measures as Launch Aid, Infrastructure & Regional Aid and Research & Technology to improve Airbus’s competitiveness in the aviation market and put its US rival Boeing at disadvantage. Given that whether the EU subsides are against the trade rules of the WTO needs further studies, this thesis would like to interpret related rules which regulate subsidy and civil aircraft industry. It would also like to decide if the EU involved in subsidizing by examining the constitutive requirements of subsidy under the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures(SCM agreement)including financial contribution, benefit and specificity. This thesis will review the rationality of arguments in the first written submissions both by the US and EU, and then deliberate the opinions of similar decisions from the WTO panel in the past as well as take into account the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Application of the GATT Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft on Trade in Large Civil Aircraft in 1992. Finally, this article tries to forecast the opinions about what is regarded as subsidy and the related legal effects in future decisions by the WTO panel.

應急蜂巢式行動通訊網路的頻寬分配 / Bandwidth allocation for contingency cellular network

吳雲鼎, Wu, Yun Ting Unknown Date (has links)
大型天然災害會癱瘓通訊系統,嚴重影響到救災效率,本論文旨在快速進行可用連外頻寬分配,供應急通訊系統使用。無線通訊技術的成熟,為使用者帶來極大的便利性,但當發生大規模的地震或強烈颱風等重大天然災害時,通訊系統卻常常因架構等因素,隨著電力與交通系統的損毀而癱瘓。由歷年大型災變中多數災區內之行動通訊系統全面中斷即可印證行動通訊系統其實是極為脆弱,而有效運作的通訊系統卻是災情傳遞、資源調度以及互助協調是否順利的關鍵因素。 本篇論文所探討的應急通訊系統是利用倖存的連通基地台和斷訊卻沒有損毀的基地台,以無線電連接起來建構一個臨時性的通訊系統,稱為應急蜂巢式行動通訊網路(Contingency Cellular Network,CCN)。由於CCN的連外頻寬有限,大量話務將造成通訊系統壅塞,影響重要訊息傳遞,且災區各個地方受災情況不盡相同,使得 CCN 的頻寬資源需視各地災情緊急程度與需求進行規劃配置,以充分發揮頻寬效益傳遞重要資訊。本論文主要在探討如何在CCN網路拓樸已決定的情況下進行頻寬分配,以達到最大的救災效益。因此我們提出一適合 CCN 樹狀結構的頻寬分配優化模型,以追求救災效益的最大化,這個模型可供使用者(救災指揮單位)系統化的解決 CCN 頻寬分配問題。 本論文所提出的頻寬分配模型包含 CCN 樹狀拓樸、基地台數目、可用之連外頻寬資源限制、各基地台Backhaul頻寬限制、基本頻寬需求限制、差異化之通訊品質通道和效益遞減函數。我們證明此模型是NP-Hard問題,並提出一個考慮各基地台的災情緊急程度以及通訊品質需求差異而進行快速頻寬分配的演算法,此演算法透過計算頻寬分配總救災效益決定優劣。經實驗,可快速得出接近最佳解的頻寬分配結果。 / When stricken by a large-scale disaster, the efficiency of disaster response operation is very critical to life saving. We propose to build a contingency cellular network to support emergency communication in large scale natural disasters by connecting disconnected base stations. This thesis addresses the bandwidth allocation problem. The advance of mobile communication technologies has brought great convenience to users. Cellular phone becomes the first communication tool most people would use in emergency. However, cellular networks were usually crashed in earthquake, typhoons or other natural disasters due to power outage or backhaul breakage. Unfortunately, the efficiency of communication system is a critical factor to the success of disaster response operation such as resource allocation as well as coordination of rescue and relief operations. We designed a contingency cellular network (CCN) by connecting physically intact but service-disrupted base stations together with wireless links. As the bandwidth resource in CCN is limited, a smart bandwidth allocation to facilitate prioritized bandwidth sharing will maximize the contribution of CCN to the disaster response operation. We model the CCN Bandwidth Allocation Problem into a Nested 0-1 Knapsack Problem aiming to maximize disaster operation efficiency. The problem is proven to be NP Hard. We also design an efficient heuristic algorithm to solve the problem when it is needed in urgent.

奧運會賽後公共設施使用研究 :以國家體育場為例

蔣思南 January 2015 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences / Department of Government and Public Administration

線上社群協作及其前置因素之研究:檢驗社群投入度之中介效果 / Online community collaboration and its antecedents: the mediating effect of community engagement

蕭丞傑, Hsiao, Cheng Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於探討線上社群協作與其前置因素之關係,並且檢驗社群投入度之中介效果。首先,本研究應用角色內與角色外行為分類,提出角色內與角色外線上社群協作之類型。其次,依據社會認知理論與社會交換理論,本研究提出線上社群協作之前置因素,包括對個人之結果預期、對社群之結果預期、知覺社群信任、知覺社群規範、知覺社群支持與知覺社群認同。最後,本研究基於投入度觀點,檢驗社群投入度對於線上社群協作及其前置因素之中介效果。 本研究之研究情境為玩家公會社群,本研究自一知名大型多人線上遊戲中收集340份有效問卷進行資料分析與假設檢驗,研究結果顯示:(1) 除社群禮貌外,社群投入度對於社群合作行為、助人行為與運動家精神皆有正向影響;(2) 對個人之結果預期與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介;(3) 對社群之結果預期與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介;(4) 知覺社群信任與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介;(5) 知覺社群規範與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介,但社群規範對於運動家精神亦有直接負向效果;(6) 知覺社群認同與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介,但社群認同亦會直接正向影響社群合作與助人行為;(7) 然而,知覺社群支持與線上社群協作行為之關係,並不會受到社群投入度所中介。針對上述之研究結果,本研究進一步闡述其學術研究意涵、實務管理意涵,以及研究限制與未來研究方向。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between online community collaboration and its antecedents by examining the mediating effect of community engagement. First, this study proposes a classification of online community collaboration by following the typology of in-role and extra-role behaviors. Accordingly, this study will further examine some of online community collaboration behaviors, including community cooperation, helping behavior, community courtesy, and sportsmanship. Second, drawing upon social cognitive theory and social exchange theory, this study identifies several antecedents of online community collaboration, including person-relevant outcome expectancy, community-relevant outcome expectancy, perceived community trust, perceived community norms, perceived community support, and perceived community identification. Finally, from the perspective of engagement, this study will examine the mediating effect of community engagement on the proposed model. The research setting of this study is online gaming communities. After collecting 340 valid responses from a famous Massive Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG), our results show that (1) community engagement affects community cooperation, helping behavior and sportsmanship positively, but does not have a significant effect on community courtesy; (2) the relationships between person-relevant outcome expectancy and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement; (3) the relationships between community-relevant outcome expectancy and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement; (4) the relationships between perceived community trust and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement; (5) the relationships between perceived community norms and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement, but perceived community norms also has a direct and negative impact on sportsmanship; (6) the relationships between perceived community identification and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement, but perceived community identification also has direct and positive impacts on community cooperation and helping behavior; (7) the relationships between perceived community support and online community collaboration behaviors are not mediated by community engagement. According to these findings, this study concludes with research implications, managerial implications, research limitations and future research directions.

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