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國民小學教師運用學習型班級經營策略之研究 / The study of the application of learning classroom management strategies for elementary school teachers in Taiwan陳虹君, Chen,Hung-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
(三)學習型班級經營策略內涵向度的再釐清。 / This study aimed at the current situation of the application of learning classroom management strategies for elementary school teachers and the relationship between learning classroom management strategies and classroom management effectiveness. Furthermore, the analyses of how the differences of demographic variables and school's background variables influenced teachers’ learning classroom management strategies and classroom management effectiveness were also investigated. Finally, the relationship between learning classroom management strategies and classroom management effectiveness was surveyed in this study.
The questionnaire survey was the main research method of the study. There were 1200 sampled teachers from 100 public elementary schools in northern Taiwan (Includes Taipei County, Taipei City, Kee-Lung City, Tao-Yuang County and Yi-Lang County). Moreover, the interview method was also conducted to probe further information. In total, 5 elementary school teachers were interviewed in the study. The data were analyzed by employing the arithmetic average, standard deviation, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson’s product- moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression.
The results of the research were as follows:
1.The application of learning classroom management strategies
for elementary school teachers is above the average level.
2.The present situation of classroom management effectiveness
for elementary school teachers is above the average level.
3.There are significant differences in learning classroom
management strategies among the age, seniority and school
4.There are significant differences in classroom management
effectiveness among the age, seniority, school location and
school size.
5.The higher learning classroom management strategies, the
better classroom management effectiveness .
6.There is a positive correlation between the whole and each
dimension of learning classroom management strategies and
classroom management effectiveness.
7.Learning classroom management strategies was the significant
predictor of classroom management effectiveness.
Based on the conclusions of this study, several concrete recommendations were made for elementary school teachers, elementary school administration, the institution of educational administration and further researchers.
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中央政府觀光行銷計畫變遷(2001-2010)之研究 / A study on the changes of the tourism marketing plans (2001-2010) of central government in Taiwan葉孟靄, Yeh, Meng Ai Unknown Date (has links)
其觀光競爭力。台灣中央政府從2001 年到2010 年推出一連串的觀光行銷計畫,
改變程度,並學習新的行銷趨勢,才能不斷產出更為出色的觀光行銷計畫。 / Because the tourism industry is one of the country’s important industries, government may improve and innovate on tourism marketing plans to increase tourism competitiveness of country. From 2001 to 2010, the central government in Taiwan promoted a series of tourism marketing plans, which can be found some changes in tourism marketing plans. However, the current study has few discussions on the changes of the tourism marketing plans. Therefore, this study counts on the policy change theory as the research basis, then tries to apply learning approach to explain the changes of the tourism marketing plans. The research methods of this study use document analysis and interviews to found what important changes in the tourism marketing plans, as well as found the factors that caused the changes. Besides,
through organizational learning and policy learning theory, this study analyses of the role of learning in the changes of the tourism marketing plans.
After the data collection and analysis, the conclusion of this study discusses the finding and the meaning of finding, raises some suggestions as well. For example, the leadership of the head of the Tourism Bureau was the key factor which leads to learning, and the head transformed the Tourism Bureau into a learning organization gradually; between the changes and learning, this study also found so inconsistent
degree of changes among the internal various units and levels that the Tourism Bureau still need for more comprehensive learning. Therefore, in order to continue producing even better tourism marketing plans, the new head of the Tourism Bureau must continue leading the Tourism Bureau to learn, balance the degree of changes among the internal various units and levels, and learn new marketing trend in the future.
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國小新移民學童英語學習成就、學習態度及學習挑戰之研究 / A study on new immigrant children's English learning achievement, learning attitude and learning challenge in elementary school陳薇文, Chen, Wei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的研究對象為十四名五、六年級的新移民學童,並以六十名台灣學童做為比照。研究比較七十四名學童的英語成績,且所有七十四名學童完成一份英語學習態度量表。十四名新移民學童則參與一次訪談,兩名教學現場的英語教師也經歷一次訪談。研究所收集的資料經統計分析及質性分析後,所得的結果如下:(1)大部分新移民學童的英語學習成就不佳;(2)大部分新移民學童英語學習態度是正面的;(3) 新移民學童的英語學習成就與其英語學習態度並無相關性;(4)新移民學童面臨的英語學習挑戰不少,包括他們對不同英語老師的教學風格的適應能力、他們上英語課時產生的焦慮感及緊張感、他們不易牢記英語生字、他們不會寫英語作業、他們沒有辦法去上英語補習班等;(5)新移民學童大部分對自己的英語學習持樂觀看法;(6)英語教師對新移民學童的英語學習則持較悲觀看法。
根據本研究的發現,研究者在本研究報告最後提出數點建議及未來相關研究的研究方向。 / With the increasing of New Immigrant Children in elementary schools, studies to understand New Immigrant Children’s learning conditions become imperative. The purpose of this study was to investigate New Immigrant Children’s English learning conditions in an elementary school in central Taiwan. The study focused on exploring: (1) New Immigrant Children’s English learning achievement; (2) New Immigrant Children’s English learning attitudes; (3) The relationship between New Immigrant Children’s English learning achievement and their learning attitudes; (4) New Immigrant Children’s English learning challenges; (5) New Immigrant Children’s own perspectives about their English learning; (6) English teachers’ perspectives about New Immigrant Children’s English learning.
The participants in this study included 14 New Immigrant Children in fifth and sixth grades, with 60 Taiwanese Children working as comparison. These 74 children’s English scores were compared, and they all responded to an English learning attitude scale. The 14 New Immigrant Children then underwent a group interview. Two English teachers were also interviewed. The data collected were then analyzed with statistical and qualitative analyses. The following results were drawn: (1) Most New Immigrant Children were English low-achievers; (2) New Immigrant Children’s English learning attitudes were generally positive; (3) No correlation was found between New Immigrant Children’s English learning achievement and their learning attitudes; (4) New Immigrant Children faced several challenges in learning English, including their adaption to different English teachers’ teaching styles, their feelings of anxiety and nervosity during English classes, their problems to memorize new words and do English homework, their not being able to go to English cram-schools, etc.; (5) New Immigrant Children in general were optimistic about their English learning; (6) English teachers in general were pessimistic about New Immigrant Children’s English learning.
Based on the findings of this study, some implications were provided and several suggestions for further studies were offered at the end of the report.
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技能型學習遊戲之設計要素對學習情緒及成效之影響研究 / A study on assessing the effects of the design features of game-based learning for skill training on learning emotion and performance胡琬琪, Hu, Wan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本研究採用兩款具遊戲設計要素差異之英文打字遊戲,探討技能型學習遊戲之遊戲設計要素對於學習者之學習情緒與學習成效之影響與關聯,以釐清技能型學習遊戲之遊戲設計要素如何影響學習者之正負面情緒以及學習成效,進而作為學習型技能遊戲設計時的參考。研究結果顯示,具遊戲設計要素差異之技能型英打學習遊戲對於引發女性學習者之負面情緒會產生顯著差異,而男性學習者則未產生顯著差異;本研究採用之兩款技能型英打學習遊戲,均可以有效增進學習者之學習成效,並且遊戲設計要素較高之技能型英打學習遊戲對於男性學習者較具學習成效;具遊戲設計要素差異之技能型英打學習遊戲,其遊戲設計要素之「適時回饋」為設計學習型遊戲時之最重要因素;而學習情緒會影響學習成效部分,僅在低打字能力學習者採用具遊戲設計要素差異之技能型英打學習遊戲時獲得部份驗證。 / Game-based learning can provide a safe environment with satisfied basic needs during learning process, problem solving domain foundation, funny and attractive characteristics for learners. Skill learning games are different from normal cognitive and affective games. The design of skill learning games emphasizes on not only facts and knowledge but also on learning some kinds of motion and skills by operation and practice, so we concerned about the key design features attracting learners to interest the learning process and get the learning goals. On the other hand, it is indispensable for key design features considering about learning emotions and learner’s experience, and it is also necessary to be further investigated about which feature will affect the learner’s emotion and learning performance. Two English typing games with different design features were adapted to investigate the effects and relations between design features and learner’s emotion and learning performance to clarify the positive or negative emotions and performance were affected by which design feature of the skill learning games and to set a reference for the game designer.
The study results show that female learner’s negative emotion which was caused by different game design features of the English typing games was significantly affected, but male learner’s emotion was not. The two adapted games were both with learning performance, and her male learning performance was better with better game design features of the typing games. Proper feedback was the most important design feature. The effects of emotions to performance were partly proven from poor typing ability learners.
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數位學習碩士班研究生線上學習、圖書館使用與學習成效之研究 / Study on Online Learning, Library Use and Learning Outcomes for E-learning Master’s Students張艾琦 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過訪談與問卷調查法的方式,分別針對六位數位在職專班生的訪談結果與196位數位在職專班生問卷調查結果進行分析,研究結果顯示:(一)數位在職專班生女性多於男性,平均年齡介於31歲至40之間,修習數位學程的原因會受到居住地與就職地的影響;(二)數位在職專生的自我效能高;(三)數位在職專班生修課動機為「自我追求」,且選擇線上課程時會考量家庭、工作與通勤時間等因素;(四)數位在職專班生使用大學圖書館的目的主要為:專題報告與課業學習需求,且多透過以網路的方式取用,並以使用電子資源的頻率最為頻繁,較少使用圖書館提供的虛擬參考服務。(五)數位在職專班生肯定教學成效且自評學習成效良好但對課程平台評價較低。(六)數位在職專班生對圖書館滿意度高。此外,本研究亦發現「教學成效」、「課程平臺與教材」、「圖書館滿意度」、「自我效能高低」、「年級」、「電子資源使用」皆與「學生自評學習成效」相關,意即當學生對這些因素感受愈高時,其自評學習成效會愈好。根據獲得之結論,本研究針對數位學程與圖書館兩方面提出建議。 / Nowadays, through the Internet, online learning provides learners with more accesses to gaining knowledge. Online students, usually, are different from common students regarding class situations and library use. The objects of this research are master’s students, who are online learners, and are on-the-job, unlike full-time students. The aims of this study are as follows: 1. To explore the characteristics and E-learning experience of E-learning master’s students. 2. To examine E-learning master’s students' utilization of library services and electronic resources. 3. To discuss students' instructional evaluaton and opinions on online course platforms, teaching materials, and satisfaction with libraries. 4. To investigate the factors that affect the learning outcomes of E-learning master’s students.
Via interviews and survey questionnaires, this study respectively analyzes interview outcomes of 6 E-learning master’s students and questionnaire results of 196 E-learning master’s students, and the results and conclusions are as follows: (1) There are more women than men in the E-learning master’s students, of whom the average age is between 31 years old to 40, and the master’s students' sites of residence or their workplace play a dominant role in influencing them to choose digital curriculums. (2) The self-efficacy of E-learning master’s students is high. (3) The motivation of most E-learning master’s students is"self-seeking", and the E-learning master’s students consider their families, works and their commute time when selecting online curriculums. (4) Most E-learning master’s students' purposes of using university libraries are to prepare reports and to obtain learning resources, and they often use library resoueces through the Internet access, in addition, the E-learning master’s students most frequently use electronic resources, while less use virtual reference services of libraries. (5) The E-learning master’s students give recognition to the instructional effectiveness of E-learning curriculums and their self-perceived learning effectiveness is good, but they have less positive comments on online course platforms. (6) The E-learning master’s students have high satisfaction with libraries. Furthermore, this study also finds that: The "instructional effectiveness," "online course platforms," "satisfaction with libraries," "self-efficacy," "grade," and "utilization of electronic resources" are related to the "self-perceived learning outcomes of the E-learning master’s students".Based on the above finding, this study provides suggestions for both digital curriculums and libraries.
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基於序列探勘之網路科學探究學習歷程分析 / Learning Process Analysis Based on Sequential Pattern Mining in a Web-based Inquiry Science Environment王文芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以CWISE為輔助學習者進行科學探究學習之平台,並於平台中發展xAPI學習歷程記錄器模組,詳細的紀錄學生之學習歷程,以即時收集學生在科學探究學習過程之學習歷程資料,除了分析影響探究學習成效的個人因素與學習歷程行為外,並搭配序列探勘方法(sequential pattern mining)及序列分析(lag sequential analysis),探討不同學習成效、探究能力、科學態度學習者之探究學習成效、整體學習時間與探究式模擬實驗學習時間,以及探究學習歷程是否具有顯著轉移與差異。
研究結果顯示:(1)探究能力越高者其探究學習成效越佳;(2)體驗探究模擬實驗活動時間越長,其探究能力與學習成效越佳;(3) 基於序列探勘,高低不同學習成效學習者在探究學習之整體課程瀏覽順序無顯著差異,均是依照課程設計的探究式學習流程順序進行學習;(4)基於序列分析,高學習成效與高探究能力學習者在進行浮力單元模擬實驗後,會再次調整先前設立之假說,而低學習成效與低探究能力學習者,則欠缺此一關鍵的探究學習行為;(5)探究模擬實驗活動有助於提高其探究能力與學習成效。最後,本研究依據研究結果針對探究式課程的課程設計提出建議,並提出未來研究方向。
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學習曲線在成本控制與績效評估上之應用吳曉珠, WU, XIAO-ZHU Unknown Date (has links)
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性別、年級、數學學習態度、性別角色與數學成就之關係李默英, Li, Mo-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
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教師對學校本位教師專業發展的態度及其相關因素之研究徐悅淇 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
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線上學習關鍵事件比較研究張敬岳, Chang, Jing Yue Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:線上學習、關鍵事例法、學習滿意 / Distance- Learning (also called “E- Learning”) keeps in growing as it applies to each field in recent years, as well as more and more courses uses Distance- learning for teaching in school education. Distance- Learning differs toward Traditional Learning because of the infusion from information technology; therefore the efficiency that Distance- Learning brings which differentiates from Traditional Learning is concerned by researcher through comparing satisfaction factors in this study to understand the benefit of Distance- Learning.
This study adapt Critical Incident Technique (CIT) as qualitative research, research subject is Distance- Learning users (contains student, teaching assistant and lecturer) from National Chengchi University, which uses telephone surveys or face- to- face interview to collect usage satisfaction/dissatisfaction incident. This study categories Distance- Learning into “Synchronous”、“Personal Instruction and Video Recording”、 “Personal Instruction and Asynchronous” and “Distance Asynchronous” by incorporating course structure questionnaire to proceed student satisfaction analysis, followed by comparing satisfaction factors from teaching assistant and lecturer to find out individual satisfaction factors. Through integration and comparison of overall satisfaction/dissatisfaction factors, study result shows:
(1) Factors influence Distance- Learning students’ satisfaction/dissatisfactions are “Teaching Enthusiasm and Skill”、“Emotional Interaction”、“Feedback Interaction”、“Knowledge Interaction”、“Information Transmission”、“Distance- Learning System Hardware/Software Usage”、“Curriculum Design” and “Non- computerized class facility”.
(2) Factors influence Distance- Learning teaching assistants’ satisfaction /dissatisfactions are “Motivational Needs” and “Influences of Information Technology infusion toward Work Performance”. There are “Working Salary”、“Achievement”、“Social Needs (to lecturer)”、“Social Needs (to student)” within “Motivational Needs”; while “Information Technology Infusion” has “Fluent usage of System”、“Influences of System Function toward Teaching Effect” and “Teaching Support”.
(3) Factors influence Distance- Learning lecturers’ satisfaction/dissatisfactions are “Positive Efficiency” and “Negative Efficiency”. “Positive Efficiency” has “Recognition of Technology Efficiency (optimism)” and “Innovativeness”, while “Negative Efficiency” has “Insecurity”、“Discomfort”、“Technical and Human Support”.
(4)Technology infusion influences students’、teaching assistants’ and lecturers’ satisfaction, but with different influence.
Keywords: Distance- Learning, Critical Incident Technique (CIT), Learning Satisfaction
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