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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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宮崎駿動畫中的少女意象:戰鬥美少女的觀點 / The Shōjo Images in Hayao Miyazaki's Animations: The Perspective of Battle Heroine

鄭聞文, Cheng, Wen Wen Unknown Date (has links)
當好萊塢式的超級英雄在全球影視文化圈刮起炫風之時,日本次文化中亦有一群「娘子軍」,推動了日本動畫、漫畫的發展,諸如《美少女戰士》、《新世紀福音戰士》,至2011年成為日本推動軟實力外交「Cool Japan」的主打動畫—《魔法少女小圓》,都展現了日本動漫市場被名為「戰鬥美少女」的角色(character)和文類(genre)所引領的實態。這些巾幗不讓鬚眉的「美少女」,是動漫畫中的戰鬥主體,卻擁有別於歐美文化中結合力與美的女超人及女戰士的特質,她們同時擁有戰鬥的能動性,在身體表象上又具有纖細瘦弱、容易受傷的受動性,更甚是成為男性觀眾的性慾客體、女性自我實現的投射。如此對「少女」的憧憬與操作慾,實乃根基於日本近代文化的一種特殊現象。 在日本動漫充斥著色情與暴力而為人詬病之時,宮崎駿動畫電影因其所蘊含的藝術價值而和我們認知中的「御宅動畫」產生一線之隔。作品中披荊斬棘、自力更生的女性形象讓人耳目一新,然仔細探究宮崎駿動畫的人物設計和敘事結構卻與上述類型動畫中的戰鬥美少女特質不謀而合,甚至其作品《風之谷》中的娜烏西卡更被譽為是替戰鬥美少女定型的元祖角色。因此,本研究擬梳理少女文化與戰鬥美少女的發展,並以宮崎駿自1984年起至2013年執導的十部長篇動畫電影為研究對象,檢視其作品在角色形塑上是否使用戰鬥美少女模式包裝其理想的「少女意象」,期以理解「少女」之於日本社會有何種意涵與價值。 本研究發現,宮崎駿動畫除了酷愛以「飛行」強調少女的神聖性,其去性化的純潔無垢的少女意象,更符合近代日本對少女所設下的社會框架,而在敘述手法上卻體現了日本文化中普遍具有的過度男性凝視與母性肥大的主題,從而證明戰鬥美少女實非顛覆父權的利器,反而加深了既有的性別刻板印象。 / While Hollywood’s superhero movies are blowing up entertainment industry all over the world, there is a kind of young female character toting weapon in Japanese subculture and promotes the development of Anime and Manga. From Sailor Moon to Neon Genesis Evangelion, also Puella Magi Madoka Magica, which played an important role in Japan’s foreign Policy titled “Cool Japan” in 2011, the Japanese animation industry seems to be led by this kind of character or genre called “Battle Heroine”. These girls are prepubescent and pretty, but not inferior to boys and man. Although they are different from western superwoman and female warrior shaped in Amazons, they still hold the initiative in theirs fights. In the same time, they also maintain the passivity came from their vulnerable bodies and naive personality. Therefore, the battle heroine turns to be an object of desire for male audiences or a projection of self-actualized for female audiences. In fact, such desire to manipulate young girls, who were named “Shōjo” in Japanese, was based on the culture of modern Japan and became a special social phenomenon in recent times. Despite the fact that Japanimation was condemned by public because of teeming with violence and pornography, it is no doubt that director Hayao Miyazaki is appreciated for the artistic value in his awarded animations and makes a fine line between his films and “otaku anime”. The woman images in his animations can be refreshing because of its independence and brave behavior. However, when we have made a careful study of character design and narrative structure in his works, we may found that there is a coincidence between these characters and battle heroines in otaku anime. Furthermore, Nausicaä in Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind is widely regarded as a stereotype of battle heroine. As a result, the thesis was intended to prioritize the development of Shōjo culture and battle heroine animations, and research whether Miyazaki attempted to shape female characters in battle heroine way to show his ideal Shōjo images or not among ten films directed during 1984 to 2013. Moreover, the meanings of Shōjo to Japanese were also discussed in this thesis. Throughout the research, I have found that Miyazaki tended to use “flying scene” to emphasize the deity of Shōjo characters, and the desexualized Shōjo images are familiar to the gender norms made in modern Japan. On the other side, the narrative approach of Miyazaki’s films revealed the exaggeration of maternal instinct and the redundancy of male gaze which have generally existed in Japanese culture. In my observation, these results proved that battle heroines are created to strengthen gender stereotypes instead of subverting the paternity rights.


黃琪瑜, HUANG, JI-YU Unknown Date (has links)
本研究共分五章,分別論述研究動機、參考文獻、研究方法、研究結果、討論與建議 。 本研究之主要目的在探討國中女學生的月經態度,並嘗試了解可能影響女學生形成月 經態度的各種原因。受試按地區社經地位高低,以隨機抽取方式,選取台北市仁愛國 中、弘道中國、和平國中、華江女中、萬芳國中之國一國二女女生共五二○、以問卷 調查方式收集資料。主要獨變項包括:個人行經年數、生理經驗、母女溝通關係、生 理知識、自我概念、性別角色、社經地位等,依變項則為月經態度。所有變項經因素 分析,單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步迴歸等統計分析後,所得之主要結 果如下: ぇ受試之月經態度因素分析後,得到三個因素:干擾生活的事;成熟的象徵;不被期 待的事。 え已來月經與尚未來經的受試,在月經態度三個向度上的分數差異,雖未達到顯著水 準,但仍有若干可探尋的趨勢:已來月經者較認為月經是一件干擾日常生活的事件, 他們較希望自己最好沒有月經,雖然如此,他們仍較為肯定其對女性的成熟意義。 ぉ已來月經者的行經年數會影響其對月經的態度:行經年數越長者,越覺得月經干擾 了他們平常的生活,也越希望自己最好像男生一般沒有月經。但是行經年數越長者, 對月經的認,卻也越具有正面的評價。 お個人的生理經驗,亦會影響其對月經的態度;個人越經驗到月經所帶給其的生理不 舒服,對月經就越產生負向的評價,越覺得月經期間的行為受到干擾。 か母女之親的溝通好與否,確會影響子女對月經的態度;母女之間溝通越佳者,對月 經的態度越正向,他們較不認為月經干擾他們的生活,也越肯定月經在女性認知中的 正面意義。 が個人對生理知識了解的多少,似乎並不影響其對月經的態度。但在對於月經的認知 評價中,生理知識瞭解越多者,越能給予其更高的正面評價,但相對地他們卻又更希 望己最好沒有月經。 き在自我概念中,吾人所探討的生理自我、心理自我、自我認同、自我滿意度及自我 行動,都會影響其對月經的態度。自我概念越佳,個人對月經所表的態度也越為良好 。 ぎ個人的性別角色,對總體的月經態度,似乎並沒有什麼影響。但在對月經的認知評 價中,兩性化與女性化的受試,對其較具正向評價,而男性化與未與化的受試,萁對 月經的認知評價分數則較低。然而,兩性化的受試卻最希望自己沒有月經,而女性化 受試則最能接受「女性就應有月經」此一事實。 綜合上述幾點發現可知,這些國中女生對月經雖都抱持著高正面的認知評價,但在其 情感層面,內卻排斥此一事實的存在。因此,要如何使其的正面認知落實到情感層面 ,使其有月經來潮期間身心同感舒適,則將是今後吾人所應努力探討的方向。


黃士銘, HUANG, SHI-MING Unknown Date (has links)
國內化妝品市場以往是以滿足大多數人的需要為目標,並未針對特定對象,而且侷限 於成年女性市場。但為擴大市場及符合消費者需要,業者已將市場區隔,推出「少女 系列化妝品」。本研究的主要目的,在探討「少女」的生活型態,並進一步分析其生 活型態與化妝品消費行為之間的關係。 所研究之化妝品項目,以市場上現有之「少女系列化妝品」所包括項目分為色彩化妝 品〔眼影、腮紅、唇膏、香水、粉餅、指甲油〕及保養化妝品〔潤膚露(乳、霜)、 清潔霜(冷霜)、營養霜、美膚霜〕二大類,共十項產品;研究對象則為台北市在學 之十五歲未滿二十歲之「少女」;消費行為則包括對化妝品使用之意見、使用頻率、 購買地點、選擇化妝品之意見╱訊息來源、使用品牌類別、知覺風險及參考群體之化 妝品使用情形。 研究過程為ぇ以AIO 生活型態量表之調查資料,進行因素構面萃取,再加以集群為各 生活型態群,探討各群在因素構面、人口統計變數及化妝品消費行為之差異;え以各 項化妝品使用頻率集群為各使用型態群,探討其在生活型態構面、人口統計變數及化 妝品消費者行為之差異;お研究少女之化妝品消費行為;か針對前述研究,提出行銷 上之涵義。 少女之生活型態有別於成年女性,而生活型態與化妝品使用情形有密切之關係。本研 究期能對「少女」之生活型態深入剖析,並對此一新開發之「少女」化妝品市場及其 消費行為作探討。


周慕姿 Unknown Date (has links)
《神隱少女》是宮崎駿少數以日本本地為背景的故事,極富日本文化色彩,且連連獲獎,文化獨特性似乎成為它致勝的元素之一。宮崎駿曾提到:「《神隱少女》與其說是一般描寫異世界的故事,還不如說是日本『昔話』中出現的『麻雀之家』(雀の家) 或是『老鼠的宮殿』(鼠の御殿) 的『直系子孫』」。日本「昔話」乃為日本文化重要的一環,以日本「昔話」為參考文本的《神隱少女》,必然包含了豐富的日本昔話與日本文化元素。此外,日本學者間宮史子曾提到,日本昔話中的主角出發前往的地方,最常見的就是「異界」;而《神隱少女》即是一段人類踏上「異界」所發展的故事。因此本文將以日本民間故事的「異界」作為分析項目,分析《神隱少女》動畫文本中的「異界」形象意義,以及與日本民間故事的連結關係。

手機、青少女與日常生活:手機使用對外在結構的抗衡 / Mobile phone, teenage girls and everyday life:the use of mobile as the resistance to social structure

羅紓筠, Lo, Shu Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究關注「手機使用」與「青少女日常生活脈絡」交互作用之下,編織出的文化意義,企圖理解手機這項媒體科技,如何嵌入青少女受制的文化結構裡,甚至成為無形的武器,被青少女挪用來與成人所建立的結構抗衡。 本研究首先探索青少女在日常生活中使用、挪用、與棄用手機的方式,並收集青少女手機內外的各種文本,進一步探究這些實踐與文本背後的動機與對青少女的意義,以找尋青少女在成人制定的結構中所處的位置。再以Lefebvre與de Certeau的日常生活理論,探討青少女藉由手機使用,展現出的能動性與抵抗結構的意涵。 本研究採質化研究取向,使用深度訪談法,並現場記錄蒐集青少女手機實踐的相關實物文本,最後輔以受訪者的一週手機使用日誌,將此三類資料交互分析論證。 研究發現,手機一方面型塑青少女日常生活在結構中循環的秩序與過程,另一方面卻也成為青少女與結構相抗衡、擾動秩序的資源。青少女藉由手機的集體使用,在分享與認同中形成與結構抗衡的基礎,並發展出在限制中游擊的戰術。此外,青少女也經由手機的使用,自行定義生命中的重要事件與場景,突破預先被結構設定的意義,讓詮釋、定義生活的權力,下放至青少女手中。 / Based on the theories about “everyday life” suggested by Lefebvre and de Certeau, this study aims at explicating how teenage girls appropriate mobile phones to overcome the limitations in their everyday lives. Rather than disrupting the norms, teenage girls establish the full-time intimate community with their peer group by mobile practice to form a concealed, local “tactic” to undermine the adult-controlled structures that govern their lives. For teenage girls, the characteristics of mobile phones and mobile communication are not inherent in the device, but are determined by social and cultural context and power relations in everyday life.

從娼少女個別諮商歷程之探討 / The analysis of individual counsiling process for juvenile female prostitutes

李孟珍, Lee, Menp Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之個別諮商歷程分為二階段:一是少女從娼歷程分析、二是個別諮商內涵分析。少女從娼歷程分析應用Herbert (1981)問題行為十因子分析模式,以探討了解從娼少女之從娼行為歷程及其相關因素,並據而進行個別諮商,而以吳英璋(民74)之心理治療內涵分析:以微視分析、個別諮商次與次的分析、及整體分析來呈現諮商內涵。   本研究以臺灣省立雲林教養院收容違反少年福利法及少年事件處理法之少女為對象。先以五位個案進行試驗性研究後,再以十位個案正式進行研究。研究工具採用基氏人格測驗、臺灣省立婦女習藝教養所特殊所民態度量表、青少年重要事件調查表、及自編諮商效果分析表。   主要研究結果發現:從娼少女之個別諮商,運用十因子分析模式能夠分析從娼行為之歷程與相關因素、確能發現個案間之個別差異,據以訂定適當之諮商目標,同時採用個別諮商內涵分析以建構完整之諮商模式,可以有效地提供從娼少女個別諮商服務。   根據研究結果,本研究建議收容從娼少女機構將訓導與輔導分立,並設立轉導室,提供少女主動求助的場所,以進行個別諮商;另外,建議諮商員能有適當之心理建設,以面對特殊族群的個案。 / The study of individual counseling process can be understood through the analysis of the factors of the juvenile female prostitution, and the following individual counseling.   The fifteen subjects of this research were violated either Children Welfare Law or Adolescence Welfare Law and educated for the probation in the juvenile female institution.   The major results of the research are based on the Ten-Factor Clinical Formulation Model (Herbert, 1981) could easily found the behavioral process and its related factors of juvenile prostitutes. And we are able to distinguish efficiently characteristic differences between individual cases ,and according to their differences set up a proper goal for individual counseling.   This study suggests that institutes for female prostitues should separate counseling service from discipline system, and set up a special counseling center where juvenile prostitutes could find assistance and shelter, a place for private counseling.

青少女母親之復學經驗探討 / The Case Study of Re-enrolling Experience among Adolescent Mothers

方韻喬 Unknown Date (has links)
青少女未婚懷孕已是我國重要的社會議題之一。多數的青少女在發現懷孕後,面臨一連串的抉擇,少女將思考是否生育,以及選擇將孩子留養、出養或寄養。然而,選擇留養後的青少女,多數面臨親職與經濟的壓力而無法持續就學。 本研究以質性研究深度訪談的方式,企圖瞭解青少女母親在留養後,回歸學校的校園生活,探討青少女母親的復學因素、復學適應,以及學校輔導系統提供的服務內涵。研究最終訪談九位青少女母親,研究結果發現: 1. 青少女母親的復學因素,包含主要因素與使能因素。主要因素為少女個人對於完成學業的想望;使能因素共有四項,包括:「家庭因素」、「學校因素」、「社會因素」及「其他因素」。此外,少女的復學因素與擔任親職及婚姻狀態(生活經驗)相關聯。 2. 青少女孕期的校園生活經驗,與物理空間環境、老師與同儕的態度有關。在復學適應部分,面臨「學習適應」與「人際關係適應」,少女復學適應與少女的生活經驗具有關聯性,少女亦隨著學校風氣規範及老師、同儕的態度不同,其適應的議題有所差異。 3. 青少女母親就學之學校輔導部分,包含懷孕與復學期間兩部分。孕期的學校輔導服務分為學校支持性措施、個人輔導與重要他人協談;復學之輔導服務將與學校的作法和少女接受輔導服務之意願具有關聯性,亦影響少女所接受的服務內涵。 研究結果證實青少女母親穩定就學原因,與少女不同的生活經驗、不同的就學歷程,再加上學校風氣與上課規範不同,少女所要適應的議題具有個別性。少女在就讀學校選擇的考量,包含上課路程近、上課時間短,以及選擇規範不嚴格的學校為主要。在學校部分,校方提供通融作法、學校輔導服務以及家庭支持程度是少女回歸校園的重要關鍵。研究者依據研究結果提出實務上與學術上的建議。 / “Unmarried pregnant adolescents” has become one of the important social issues in Taiwan. When most adolescent girls were found pregnant, they are facing a series of choices, they need consider whether to give birth, whether to keep and raise the baby, as well as the option to leave the baby to child support or foster care. However, when adolescent girls choose to keep and raise the babies, a majority of them are facing financial stress and the pressure of parenting. Thus their education can no longer sustained. In this qualitative research, we use in-depth interviews in order to understand the following aspects. First, when adolescent mothers choose to keep and raise the baby, what their campus lives are going to be like when they return to school. Second, to explore the factors of adolescent mothers’ re-enrolling, as well as the adaptation for continuing their education. Third, the counseling service content provided by the school counseling system. This study finally interviewed nine adolescent mothers, and the findings are as followed: 1. The factors for adolescent mothers to re-enroll include main factors and enabling factors. The main factors are teenage mothers’ personal desire to complete their studies. As for the enabling factors, there are a total of four prospects, including: "family factors", "school factors", "social factors" and "other factors." In addition to this, re-enrolling factors for teenage mothers are related to their roles in parenting and marital status (life experiences). 2. The campus life these adolescent mothers experiences during pregnancy, are related to the physical environment, as well as teachers and peers’ attitudes. In the aspect of “Re-enrolling Adaptation, these girls are facing “learning adaptation” and "interpersonal adaptation". Teenage mothers’ re-enrolling adaptation is related to their life experiences. Besides, with different school climate, teachers’ and peers’ attitudes, these influences can also affect teenage girls’ adaptations. 3. Teenage mothers’ enrolling school counseling service, includes two parts; the pregnancy part and the re-enrolling part. Pregnancy counseling services are divided into “school support measures”, “individual counseling” and “joint counselling with significant others”. Counselling service after their returns to school is related to school measures and the teenage mother’s willingness to accept counselling service. And these aspects would also affect the service content these adolescent mothers receive. The study results confirmed that, the reason for adolescent mothers to have a stable re-enrolling are related to their different life experiences, different school histories, coupled with the different school climates and regulations. Thus teenage girls’ adaptation issue is individualized. Their choices for attending school includes, distance from home to school, the length of school time, and a more tolerant school regulations. Beside, with the school offering accommodating standards, counseling services and also with family support; these are the key for adolescent mothers to re-enroll. The researcher has made the recommendations above, both in practical practice and academic fields, based on this research.


濱田, 麻矢 23 July 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(文学) / 乙第13198号 / 論文博第640号 / 新制||文||663(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科文献文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 平田 昌司, 教授 木津 祐子, 教授 髙嶋 航 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM

幻想的實現或破滅? 少女漫畫迷對漫畫改編偶像劇認同與區辨 歷程之研究 / Realize or burst the imagination? Exploring identification and distinction of girl comic fans intertexting trendy drama adapted from girl comics

黃佳筠, Huang, Chia Yun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來漫畫改編偶像劇蔚為風尚,然而過去迷群研究主要關注迷群外在過度 的生產文本,關於漫畫迷的研究也僅關注於外在過度性明顯的強勢族群。然而, 導致外在行為過度性的原因,即內在的認同與區辨機制卻顯少討論。因此,本研 究將焦點放在迷群的內在過度性,希冀透過少女漫畫迷互文解讀漫畫改編偶像劇 的過程,了解少女漫畫迷內在的認同及區辨機制。 本研究透過媒介形式轉換之跨媒體互文性,依據John Fiske的互文性概念及 迷群內在認同及區辨之循環機制作為理論架構。透過質化取徑的深度訪談法,訪 談十二位少女漫畫迷,本研究發現少女漫畫迷在接觸漫畫改編偶像劇時,水平式 互文漫畫文本作為參考架構,其中以角色的關係連結最緊密。而垂直性互文的發 生基於區辨而非認同。由於少女漫畫迷對漫畫文本特別在乎而投入對此認同的區 辨與維護,與漫畫改編偶像劇之文本、角色、媒介與他人產生區辨,並藉由區辨 的過程建立自我認同。 / Previously, the researches focused on the external behaviors of fans but neglected the main cause of them: the internal excessiveness. Therefore, this research focuses on the internal process of identification and distinction of girl comic fans intertexting trendy drama adapted from original girl comics. Based on John Fiske’s intertextuality and fan theory, this research finds out the relationship between girl comic fans and comics was built by imagination, which gave the original text ‘aura’. While the horizontal intertexality linked two texts by genre, content, and character, the adapted drama bursted the imagination of girl comic fans. In order to protect their imagination, they became anti trendy drama fan and produced vertical intertextuality by distinguishing the text, character, and media between the two. Thus, the aura of the original comics was preserved and the identity of girl comic fans was constructed.

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