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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


沈偉康, SHEN, WEI-KANG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文計一冊,約四萬餘字,內含五章:第一章說明研究的動機與目的、名詞詮釋及 研究限制,第二章則綜論測試焦慮的性質以及各變項與其間的關係,第三章說明研究 設計及統計處理、研究對象、工具及實施程序,第四章則按研究假設陳述研究之發現 ,第五章則針對研究發現做進一步的討論及建議。 本研究以國中三年級學生所預想的聯考情境焦慮反應為測試焦慮的指標,並以積差相 關,變異數分析、多元逐步迴歸探討各變項與其間的關係,聯合各變項可預測其三分 之一的變異量,又因測試焦慮不同於特質焦慮,會在不同的校別與班別間存有差異, 故校際與班際情境因素可能係影響其他變異量的重要因素,有待進一步的探討。男、 女生及、前後段班間預測項不同,預測項間預測項不同,預測項間且存有交互之作用 。


楊惠娥, Yang, Hui-E Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是使用與滿足的研究。全文共分為五章。從使用與滿足的角度,探討台北市 國小高年級學童收看電視益智猜謎的動機類型,以及兒童的親和動機、親身接觸、 親身影響、成就動機如何影響其收看動機。在研究方法上,採用集體測驗的問卷調 查方式,共得有效樣本五八九人。資料分析結果,發現兒童收看電視益智猜謎節目 的動機,主要可分為四種類型:「求取新知與自成評估」、「尋求社會互動基礎」 、「尋求快樂」、「尋求刺激」。親和動機高,親身影響大的人「接觸性收看動機 」高。成就動機高的人,「追求遲延性滿足的收看動機」高。

閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養與國小中、高年級學童科技創造力之關係 / The Relationships among Reading Environment, Playfulness, Creative Parenting and Technological Creativity of the Third and Fifth Graders

王昕馨, Hsin Hsin,Wang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養與國小中、高年級學童科技創造力之關係。研究參與者來自台北市的國小中、高年級,有效樣本計374人。本研究所採用的研究工具包括「科技創造力測驗」、「家庭閱讀環境量表」、「班級閱讀環境量表」、「兒童玩興量表」及「父母創意教養量表」。資料分析所用之統計方法包括描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析及線性結構模式分析。 本研究主要發現如下: 1.不同性別的三、五年級學童對家庭閱讀環境、班級閱讀環境、玩興的知覺皆無差異,但在父母創意教養的知覺上和科技創造力的表現上卻有差異。三、五年級女童對於父母創意教養的感知程度皆些微地優於男童;而三、五年級男童在整體創造力測驗上皆優於女童,且五年級男童比女童有更好的「視覺造型」表現。 2.不同年級的三、五年級學童在家庭閱讀環境、班級閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養的知覺程度上和科技創造力的表現上有顯著差異。五年級學童除了在科技創造力的表現上有高於三年級學童的傾向外,在閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養的知覺程度上皆有低於三年級學童的傾向。 3.三、五年級學童的家庭閱讀環境對其整體科技創造力表現分別有些微和明顯的正效果,而五年級學童在「精進力」指標的表現尤其顯著。 4.三年級學童的班級閱讀環境對其整體科技創造力表現有正效果,反之,五年級則無。而三年級學童在「視覺造型」指標的表現尤其顯著。 5.三、五年級學童的玩興對其整體科技創造力表現皆有正效果。三年級學童在「精進力」、「視覺造型」指標的表現較顯著,五年級則在「流暢力」、「精進力」上較顯著。 6.五年級學童的父母創意教養對其整體科技創造力表現有正效果,但三年級學童只對「視覺造型」指標之表現有正效果。而五年級學童在「精進力」指標之表現尤其顯著。 7.家庭閱讀環境、班級閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養似乎對三年級學童的「視覺造型」指標較有預測效果,而對五年級學童則是在「精進力」指標較有效果。 8.三、五年級學童皆透過閱讀環境、父母創意教養,先對玩興產生直接或間接效果,然後才對學童科技創造力產生間接的影響效果。 最後,本研究依據上述的研究結果進行討論,並提出相關建議,以供教育、心輔等相關人員在課程、教學與輔導上之參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among reading environment, playfulness, creative parenting, and technological creativity of the third and fifth graders. The participants included 374 pupils from the elementary schools in Taipei City. The employed instruments in this study were the Test of Technological Creativity, the Inventory of Reading Environment in Family, the Inventory of Reading Environment in the Classroom, the Inventory of Playfulness, the Inventory of Creative Parenting. The employed analysis methods included Descriptives, One-Way Multiple Analysis of Variance, and Structural Equation Modeling. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.While the girls of the third and fifth graders perceived higher degree of creative parenting than did the boys, the boys outperformed the girls in technological creativity, especially in the “visual design”. No gender differences in reading environment and playfulness were found, however. 2.There were significant grade differences in reading environment, playfulness, creative parenting, and technological creativity. More specifically, the fifth graders outperformed the third graders in technological creativity, but perceived lower degree of reading environment, playfulness, and creative parenting than did the third graders. 3.The third graders’ reading environment in family had a little positive effect on their performance of technological creativity. One the contrary, the fifth graders’ reading environment in family had a great positive effect on their performance of technological creativity, especially on that of “elaboration”. 4.The reading environment in the classroom had a positive effect on the third graders’ performance of technological creativity, especially on that of “visual design”. Such an effect, however, was not found among the fifth graders. 5.Playfulness had significant effects on both the third and fifth graders’ performance of technological creativity. More specifically, playfulness had positive effects on the scores of “elaboration” and “visual design” among the third graders and had positive effects on those of “fluency” and “elaboration” among the fifth graders. 6.Creative parenting had a positive effect on the fifth graders’ overall performance of technological creativity as well as on the score of “elaboration”. However, the positive effect of creative parenting was only found on score of “visual design” in the third grade. 7.While reading environment, playfulness, and creative parenting were effective predictors of the third graders’ performance in “visual design”, they were effective predictors of the fifth graders’ performance in “elaboration”. 8.The findings in this study suggest that the third and fifth graders’ personal trait of playfulness directly influence their development of technological creativity; meanwhile, their reading environment and creative parenting may influence their development of technological creativity directly or indirectly via playfulness. Finally, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instructions and future studies.

背景變項、父母管教方式、手足關係與高中生寂寞之相關研究 / Background Variables, Parenting Styles, Sibling Relationships, and Senior High School Students' Loneliness

陳冠中, Chen, Kuan-Chuang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的在探討(一)性別、年級、出生序與高中生寂寞之關係;(二)父母管教方式與高中生寂寞之關係;(三)手足關係與高中生寂寞之關係;(四)背景變項、父母管教方式、手足關係對高中生寂寞之預測力。 本研究使用調查研究法,並透過文獻分析、問卷調查與統計分析等步驟歸納結論。研究對象為就讀於台北縣市之高中生,共施測1044份問卷,其中有效問卷為906份。研究工具計有:(一)基本資料調查表;(二)寂寞量表;(三)父(母)管教方式量表;(四)手足關係量表。使用之統計方法為:因素分析、描述統計、單因子單變量變異數分析、相關分析、多元迴歸分析,並以Scheffe′法進行事後比較。研究結果如下: 一、不同年級的高中生,在整體寂寞及『寂寞無助』、『缺乏友伴』、『歸屬感弱』三個寂寞向度上均無顯著差異。 二、不同性別的高中生,其寂寞程度具有顯著差異:高中男生整體寂寞較女生為高,並且較女生感到缺乏友伴。 三、不同出生序的高中生,在整體寂寞及三個寂寞向度上均無顯著差異。 四、父親管教方式不同,高中生之寂寞程度具有顯著差異:在父親忽視冷漠管教方式下,高中子女最為寂寞。 五、母親管教方式不同,高中生之寂寞程度具有顯著差異:大致在忽視冷漠管教方式下,高中子女之寂寞程度較開明權威、寬鬆放任管教方式為高;而母親若採用專制權威管教方式,高中子女將較採用開明權威管教方式者感到缺乏友伴以及缺乏歸屬感。 六、父母管教方式不同,高中生之寂寞程度具有顯著差異:大致在父母均採用忽視冷漠管教方式下,高中子女之寂寞程度較均採用開明權威、專制權威管教方式為高;此外,若父母管教方式不一致,高中子女之整體寂寞以及三個寂寞向度之得分,均較父母均採用開明權威管教方式者高。 七、四項手足關係均與高中生之寂寞顯著相關:手足間衝突越高、父母對手足越偏寵,則高中生寂寞程度越高;手足關係越親密、在手足間之相對地位越高,則高中生越不咸到寂寞。 八、背景變項、父母管教方式、手足關係等變項,均能有效預測高中生之寂寞。對寂寞之解釋量分別為:整體寂寞-12.8%;寂寞無助-13.3%;缺乏友伴-14.3%;歸屬威弱-7.3%。 本研究針對上述發現加以討論,並提出建議以供父母及學校輔導人員參考。

國小中年級學童對教科書中的環境價值觀解讀分析 / Studies of the fourth graders' awareness on environmental values from reading textbooks

蔡佳惠, Tsai,Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的是希望從教科書傳播的角度去了解其中所傳遞的環境價值觀與態度訊息為何?隱含了哪些環境倫理以及呈現主題為何?更重要的是透過研究者對臺北市某國小四年級教科書內容的分析,再以開放式問卷、焦點團體訪談及個別訪談的方式了解此國小四年級全體學童對教科書中環境價值觀內容的接收與解讀情形,並初探國小中年級學童可能有的環境價值觀樣貌。 研究結果發現各領域教科書中「環境價值觀與態度」相關內容出現次數多寡依序為國語、自然與生活科技、社會、藝術與人文、綜合活動;且教科書內容偏向呈現「定位人和自然的關係」以及「關心人類行為的衝擊」兩大主題,而中年級學童對此的解讀亦大致符合,但對於呈現環境價值觀內容的認定和研究者的分析並不完全相同,這可能是因為中年級學童會依據長期從各方接收的訊息觀點,如實際生活經驗、課文情境安排、個人興趣與喜好、自然保育或迷思觀點、個人環保行動及不同環境倫理觀點等因素,進一步與教科書內容連結而歸納出其對人與自然環境關係的詮釋結果。 雖然教科書需改進其未完全達到環境教育課程綱要中希望破除人類中心價值觀的立場,但多數學童並非全盤接收教科書訊息,少部分學童亦能以批判性的觀點解讀教科書;而學童對於教科書的解讀與定位人和自然環境之間的關係則呈現三種環境倫理並陳的情況,甚至人類中心與生態中心倫理兼而有之的矛盾,這是否和教科書內容及主流社會價值觀亦存在此兩種對立的環境倫理並陳的現象有關,值得後續研究長期深入探討。 / This study investigated the environmental values and attitudes conveyed in textbooks as well as the environmental ethics implied and how they are presented. Analysis was conducted on the content of fourth grade textbooks in an elementary school in Taipei City, Taiwan. The reception and interpretation of the environmental values in the textbooks by the fourth grade students at the school was gained by using open-ended questionnaires, focus group interviews, and individual interviews. The findings of this study were as follows. The academic subjects with the most content involving environmental values and attitudes were Mandarin, science and technology, social studies, arts and humanities, and integrative activities. Relevant content in the textbooks was mostly directed at defining the relationship between man and nature and discussing concerns regarding the impact of human behavior. The interpretation of students was broadly identical to this result. Students in fourth grade link textbook content with long-term messages and points of views such as those derived from actual experience, the arrangement of scenarios in past textbooks, personal interests, nature conservation, misconceptions, personal environmental action, and environmental ethics in order to interpret for themselves the relationships between man and nature.

學齡前雙語教育對國小低年級學童學習成就之影響-以台北縣新莊市某國小為例 / The effects of preschool bilingual education for lower-grade students' learning achievements in elementary schools- A case study of a elementary school in Sinjhuang City of Taipei County

祝實蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,英語學習在台灣已蔚為一股風潮。為使孩子日後更具國際競爭力,許多家長在幼兒學前教育時段,即紛紛選擇全美語幼稚園或雙語幼稚園就讀,但在許多幼兒教育的相關研究發現,幼兒階段學習外語,易因語言的隔閡產生偏食學習,也會造成幼兒對文化認同的危機,且使幼兒表達與思考能力受影響,導致就學後產生學習挫折與障礙。 本研究以臺北縣新莊市某國小三年級為研究對象,採問卷調查法蒐集資料,並以最小平方估計式模型(Ordinary Least Square)的估計,探究學齡前雙語教育對國小低年級學童學習成就的影響,及學童在不同性別、家庭子女數、有無兄姐、是否與父母同住、家庭所得及家庭社經地位(SES)等情形下與學童低年級學習成就之相關程度。實證結果發現,學童學齡前雙語教育經驗對學習一年後及二年後之學習成就(包含總成績、國語、英語及數學成績)除英語成績具有顯著影響外,其餘影響效果皆不顯著;在性別差異上,女生的學習成就均高於男生;家庭子女數多寡與學習成就呈顯著負影響;學童有無兄姐及是否與父母同住對學習成就的影響,在學習一年後有顯著影響,對學習二年後之學習成就影響則不顯著;家庭所得對學習成就影響較不顯著;另外,家庭社經地位對學習成就則呈現顯著正面影響。 / English learning has been gaining popularity recently. In order to make children more competitive internationally, many parents choose English immersion or bilingual kindergartens when their kids are in preschool ages. But according to many researches of preschool education, when preschool children learn English, it may cause them to pick what they like to learn because of the gap in languages, it may cause a crisis in children for identifying their cultures. It may affect their skills of expression and deliberation, and cause them to feel frustrated and hindered when learning. This research uses the 3rd grade students of an elementary school in Sinjhuang City of Taipei County for subjects, uses questionnaires to collect information, adopts the estimation of Ordinary Least Square, investigates the effects of preschool bilingual education for lower-grade students’ learning achievements in elementary schools, and compares the students’ relevant degrees with different genders, family members, whether having brothers and sisters, living with their parents or not, and their parents’ income and socioeconomic status. It proves that the experiences in preschool bilingual education for the learning achievements after having learned for one or two years, including their overall scores, and scores of Chinese, English and math. It turns out to be positive affection, but besides English scores, the affections are not obvious. In gender difference, girls’ learning achievements are better than boys. The numbers of their family members for learning achievements turn out to be negative affection. It is an obvious positive affection after having learned for one year whether the students have brothers and sisters or live with their parents or not, but having learned for two years and the parents’ income do not affect the learning achievements much. Their parents’ socioeconomic positions turn out to be positive affection, too.

台北市高職學生政治信任感之研究-學校社會化機制之觀察視角 / A Study on political trust of Taipei city vocational high school students: School as an agent of political socialization

李志強, Li, Chih Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的係由學校社會化機制探討台北市高職學生政治信任感,以及個人背景中性別、政黨偏好與政治信任感之關係。 本研究採問卷調查之量化研究方法,研究對象為台北市四所公立高職學生,使用的統計方法主要為次數分配、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關,以及多元迴歸分析。 經分析後主要研究發現: 台北市高職學生政治信任感普遍偏低,顯見其對於現今政府之施政績效並不滿意。  一、在個人背景部份,性別不會造成政治信任感差異;不同之政黨偏好與政治信任感則具有顯著差異。其中政黨偏好為「藍色」者政治信任感低於「綠色」及中立無反應;政黨偏好為「綠色」者政治信任感高於中立無反應及「都不喜歡」者;政黨偏好為中立無反應者高於「都不喜歡」者。 二、在學校社會化機制部分,申訴管道、學生自主性、年級等三項因素與政治信任感具有顯著差異。認為有申訴管道的學生其政治信任感較高;學生自主性愈高者,其政治信任感愈高;一年級較三年級學生具有較高之政治信任感。其他在學校控制度、教室民主氣氛、學校、科系等四部份,則與政治信任感間無顯著差異。 三、藉由多元迴歸分析,綜合考量申訴管道、學生自主性、年級以及政黨偏好四項因素,可看出申訴管道、年級以及政黨偏好對於政治信任感具有相當之影響,至於影響政治信任感高低之其他因素則有待進一步研究。 關鍵字:高職學生、政治信任感、性別、政黨偏好、學校、申訴管道、學生自主性、學校控制度、教室民主氣氛、年級、科系 / The purpose of this study aimed to understand the political trust of Taipei city vocational high school students by school as an agent of political socialization. Also, this study analyzed the relation among gender, party preference and political trust. The study employed quantitative approaches of questionnaire survey, and the subjects were the students of four Taipei municipal vocational high schools. Statistical methods included frequency distribution, t-test, oneway ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. Principal findings of the study were: 1.The political trust of Taipei city vocational high school students was universally low. It was obvious that nowadays the government did not make students satisfied. 2.In individual background, gender had no significant differences on political trust, but different party preference had significant differences on political trust. People whose party preference was “blue” had lower political trust than those whose party preference was “green” and neutrality with no response. People whose party preference was “green” had higher political trust than those whose party preference was “dislike” and neutrality with no response. People whose party preference was neutrality with no response had higher political trust than those whose party preference was “dislike”. 3.As for the school as an political socialization agent, grievance channels, student autonomy and grades had significant differences. Students who thought there were grievance channels at school had higher political trust. Students with higher autonomy had higher political trust. The first graders had higher political trust than the third ones. There were no significant differences between political trust and the four factors: school control, classroom democratic atmosphere, schools and majors. 4.By the multiple regression analysis of grievance channels, students autonomy, grades and party preference, there were influences among grievance channels, grades and party preference to a certain degree. As for other factors which influenced political trust, the further study needs researching. Keywords:vocational high school students; political trust; gender; party preference; school; grievance channel; student autonomy; school control; classroom democratic atmosphere; grade; major

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