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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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鄭宇宏 Unknown Date (has links)
Artzner等學者在1999年提出風險測量值應具備同調(coherent)性質,然而,涉險值並未能完全符合。本文針對Wirch & Hardy(1999)提出滿足Artzner et al.(1999)所定義同調性質之風險量化指標如條件尾端期望值(Conditional Tail Expectation;又稱尾端涉險值,Tail-VaR)以及危險比例(proportional hazards;PH)、雙重次方(dual power;DP)變形函數(distortion function)等風險衡量方法作探討,參考MGWP(1980)、Boyle & Hardy(1997)、Hardy(2000)、Yang(2001)、Wilkie & Waters & Yang(2003)對於附保證給付之投資連結型保險契約提存準備金的方法,將其應用到保險公司所發行的附保證給付之風險量化上,同時比較其與涉險值之差異。其中之數值分析將以附最低死亡保證給付(Guarantee Minimum Death Benefit)之變額年金,以及附保證年金選擇權(Guaranteed Annuity Options)之單位連結(Unit-linked)保險商品作為範例,分別以台灣、英國兩地的投資環境為背景,檢視其附保證給付之投資型保單可能面臨的風險暴露,提供保險公司作為提存投資型商品保證給付部分之責任準備金參考。 / In this paper we introduce the properties of a coherent risk measure(Artzner et al(1999)). The risk measure of Value at Risk that does not adhere to the consistency requirements is discussed. We consider the coherent risk measures of conditional tail expectation(also known as Tail-VaR), proportional hazards and dual power distortion functions outlined by Wirch and Hardy(1999). MGWP(1980),Boyle and Hardy(1997),Hardy(2000),Yang(2001),Wilkie, Waters and Yang(2003)use VaR and the latter two papers also apply conditional tail expectation to reserve for investment-linked contracts with guaranteed risk. Instead, we apply the coherent measures to reserve two different types of guarantee:guarantee minimum death benefit and guaranteed annuity options attached to variable annuity contracts and unit-linked contracts separately. In addition, the comparison of the numerical results for VaR risk measure and coherent risk measure are analyzed.

勞工保險老年給付一次給付與年金制之選擇 / Labor Pension-the Choice between Lump Sum Payment and Annuity Payment

劉志雄, Liu,Chih Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
82年台灣已邁入「高齡化」的社會型態,到了96年底時老年人口占人口比例達10.2%。另根據台閩地區2007年簡易生命表台灣男性平均餘命為75.46歲,女性為81.72歲,平均78.38歲,因應台灣進入高齡化及少子女化社會,如何讓勞工安享在60歲以後平均有18多年無工作收入的老年生活,已成為當前最重要問題。 為落實老年照護制度,增進勞工退休權益,陸續完成了勞工退休金條例、國民年金法及勞工保險條例修法之工作,其中將於98年1月1日實施勞工保險老年給付年金制,考量勞工保險已實施50多年,許多資深勞工已符合或將符合老年給付條件,且國人多具「入袋為安」之傳統觀念,在兼顧勞工權益及制度穩定之原則下,採現制一次給付與年金制併行方式,賦予現有被保險人於退職時選擇請領現制或新制之權利。 藉由本研究的撰寫,針對勞工保險老年給付選制行為三大變數,模擬試算出各種組合變數下的理性選擇建議,讓即將辦理退休的勞工能夠更明確更瞭解兩種給付的不同,並做正確的選擇,以確保退休生活品質。 本研究建議增加勞工保險老年給付選制及國民年金給付條件,做為將來修法的參考。 / Abstract In 1993, Taiwan entered the state of aging society. By the end of 2007, the elderly population above the age of 65 years accounted for 10.2% of the total population. The 2007 life table of the Taiwan-Fukien Area gave the life expectancy of 75.46 years for males and 81.72 years for females, averaging 78.36 years for both sexes. How to assure the laborers to live happily in their old age for an average of 18 some more years after retirement without job and incomes in an aged and fewer-children society has become an important issue. To realize the care system for the elderly, and to improve the rights and interests of the laborers after retirement, work has been done to enact the Labor Pension Act and the National Pension Act, and amend the Labor Insurance Act. The Labor Insurance Old-Age Pension system will be implemented in January 2009. The Labor Insurance has been in operation for more than 50 years. Many elderly laborers are eligible to or about to be eligible to the old-age payment. In line with the traditional concept of “safer to have cash in pocket”, and taking in mind the rights and interests of the laborers and the stability of the system, the old-age pension system will have concurrently either the “one-time payment under the current system” and the “monthly pension” system in practice. The retirees will have the choice of either the current system or the new system. The present study uses three variables in the choice of the old-age pension system to simulate the ideal choice and make recommendations under various combinations of variables to help laborers about to retire correctly understand the pros and cons of the two different payment systems and thus to make correct choice, and to assure the quality of their retirement life. The study recommends that, for the future amendments of regulations, more alternative systems for choice for old-age payment and more conditions for the national pension system be made available. Key words: Labor Insurance, National Pension, Labor Pension Act, Labor Standards Act


陳俊宇 Unknown Date (has links)

退休後之理財規劃 / Financial planning in the post-retirement period

許依萍, Hsu, Yi Ping Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於醫學技術進步使世界各國人民帄均壽命延長,加上通貨膨脹的影響,使得老年人在退休時是否擁有充足的財富來因應生活支出成為退休規劃中的重要議題。而由於年金兩難(Annuity Puzzle)的問題,個人積蓄在退休時點就立即用於購買年金保險是否為一個好的退休規劃仍有待考慮。故本文中提出遞延購買年金策略,退休人可考慮進行自我資產配置一段期間後再年金化,並進一步分析資產配置期間長度改變或消費水準改變時的影響。 本文為退休者建立兩種效用函數,第一種為未來單一時點之效用、第二種為多期折現之加總效用,並分別探討由各效用求出的退休後最適資產配置。本文並參考Lee, Yung-Tsung (2009)推導出兩效用函數之理論值,以取代模擬值,並利用格子點分析縮小求解的範圍。 第一種效用關注於每一給定的未來時點上,我們可用於推估最佳年金化時點及其資產配置。由類似mean-variance的形式組成此效用函數,並考慮隨年紀增長而提高風險趨避程度。令最適投資之效用與一完全購買年金者之帳戶價值於各個時點上相比,便可決定何時為最佳年金化時點。我們並分析不同風險態度的退休者的結果,越風險趨避者越適宜較早年金化。 第二種效用則先決定資產配置計畫的長度,所求得之最適投資將考慮到計畫過程中的要求,而非只有最後一點的目標。我們將分析資產配置計畫過程中、不同計畫長度下,以及不同消費水準時最適投資比例的變化。 兩種效用函數下皆有採用Regular Rebalance及Multiple Period Rebalance的投資策略。Multiple Period Rebalance並未明顯帶來更好的效用,因此選擇以Regular Rebalance進行各項參數敏感度的格子點分析。 / When people retire, purchasing the annuity insurances using their retirement fund is one way against the longevity risk. However, it has some shortcoming; the annual payment may be insufficient for daily life consumption, can’t be adjusted for any urgent need (liquidity risk), and moreover, if the policyholders unfortunately pass away early, they couldn’t leave the rest policy account value as bequest. Under these considerations, many people won’t purchase the annuity insurances right away at retirement; they can do their consumption choices and do asset allocation at the mean time like as ―self-annuitization‖(the ―investment/consumption plan‖, 2006, Gerrard, Haberman and Vigna), and then convert their portfolios into annuity pension on an adequate moment post-retirement to solve the longevity problem. This paper constructs two kinds of retiree’s utility functions according a time-series of safety level. The first one focuses on one future timing, and we use it to investigate the adequate annuitization timing. The more risk taker a retiree is, the later he annuitizes. The second one summarizes the utilities each timing during a period after retirement, and we use it to analysis the sensitivities for the optimal asset allocation. Both of the two analyses are discussed under two investment strategies, regular rebalance and multiple-period rebalance.

我國退休金制度與老人經濟安全保障之探討 / Study of the pension system and old-age economic security in Taiwan

王季云, Wang , Ji-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本文分析現在的退休金制度和老年經濟安全保障的情形,同時討論家庭所得來源的趨勢,並推估未來退休後所需的費用。最後提供予個人儘早為自己做一些規劃與準備的建議。老年經濟安全保障在台灣地區因為各項因素的影響,顯得十分不足,經由收集資料並分析比較後,以15~64歲的人口來看老年經濟安全三層的保障情況,其中佔4%的軍公教人員有較完整的退休保障制度;佔50%的勞工人口,在第一層的保障中,於2000年平均勞保老年給付每人658,273元。又因為制度未臻完善,第二層之保障只有1~2%的人可以領到退休金。此外,佔有7%的農民在年滿65歲之後,只有不完整的第一層保障,即每月3,000元的老農津貼可領。其他39%的人是未參加公保、勞保或農保等任一項社會保險的。也就是有95%的人是需要儘早規劃退休後的經濟準備。面對大環境中的財政赤字及個人平均壽命的增長,子女親朋經濟支援的減少等等因素,更顯得及早規劃老年經濟安全的迫切性。 關鍵詞:老年經濟安全保障、退休金、國民年金、生活費用推估、所得替代率 / This study focused on investigation and evaluation of the pension system and economic security program in Taiwan. For indviduals, the trend on home income and the required expense for the future retirement were discussed and estimated. Becaurs of several factors, the program of old-age economic security in Taiwan area seems not sound. For this topic, the work force, between 15 and 64 ears old, are taken into account, There are three tiers for the program of old-age economic security, which anr social security and benefit, pension, and individual saving. One of hte finding was that public officials, about four percent of the work force, benefit much more form the pension system and old-age economic security program. The labores, about 50 percent of the work force, have the everage amount NT$658,273 for the 1<sup>st</sup>-tier social security and benefit in 2000. Due to the unsound system and the qualiication problem, less than two percent of the laborers can obtain the 2<sup>nd</sup>-tier pension. Beside, farmers, about seven percent of the work force, can obtain the 1<sup>st</sup>-tier social security and benefit until they are 65 years old or more. Those qualified farmers can obtain NT$3,000 each month. Other individuals are not enrolled in any social insurance and pension program. The public welfare system can hardly cover the economic needs for the aged individuals. Therefore, 95 percent of the work force should plan their own retirement welfare programs in advance to secure thir economic safety. Key words: Old-age Economic Security, Pension, Citizen Beneficiary, Living Expensee Estimate, income replacement rate


郭俊甫, Kuo Chin-fu Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 傳統由家庭負責的老年經濟安全在老年人口日益增加,子女數目的減少及產業結構改變的衝擊下已漸漸的暴露出問題的嚴重性。其責任也漸漸地由家庭轉移到整體社會。世界各國政府多將如何確保老年經濟安全列為主要的施政內容,我國自然也不例外。證諸已開發國家的實際情況,大多以多層次的年金體系(multi-tier pension system)提供老年經濟安全完整的保障。近年來也有多位學者發表文章以探討如何利用這種多層次的年金架構達成各種社會及經濟目標。 就我國現行的狀況來看,即將開辦的國民年金由於給付水準偏低,只能對老年生活提供基本的保障,且由於計劃成員包含了全體國民,所規定的內容與給付的年金無法完全滿足個別成員的不同偏好,對採行確定給付制的公共計劃來說,由於給付與提撥之間並沒有明確關聯,若提撥率太高的話,對勞動誘因與產出將會有不利影響,再加上政府財政負擔與政治力干預的考量,在在都顯示出了職業退休金制度在老年生活保障上的不可或缺性。 相對於基礎年金計劃,政府對職業退休金計劃的介入程度通常較淺。政府通常藉著租稅優惠鼓勵企業提供,員工參與退休金計劃。此外,由於計劃中存在著訊息不對稱、外部性與獨占力等會造成市場失靈的因素,這使得政府有必要以管制者的身分對此失靈現象加以矯正。透過政府的管制尚可增進計劃的安全性與公平性。就目前多數OECD國家的管制經驗來看,管制的內容可以區分為資產、負債與其他方面三類。 我國目前雖然已經有完整的規範勞工退休的法令,但由於法規內容陳義過高,在實際情況下,有很多規定並無法落實,有很多規定則不合時宜。例如,我國法令並未強制企業以合理的方法對退休金進行提撥,以致普遍存在著提撥不足的現象。在計劃清償債務能力之保證、賦益權與可攜性與訊息揭露方面之管制現行法令往往不合時宜,甚至沒有規定。這使得大多數勞工退休後的生活無法獲得確實的保障,雇主也因為低估退休金成本而忽略退休金之潛在負擔,以致對將來的營運方針無法作整體的規劃。對於上述這些管制方面的問題,正在行政院審議中的「勞工退休金條例」草案已經為受勞基法規範行業的雇主與本國籍勞工規劃出一個可行的解決方案。但由於該條例尚未生效且適用的對象與範圍皆受限制,因此,並無法完全解決目前的難題。 由於上述的管制對員工退休金權益保障的落實有非常重要的影響,目前國內已有的研究很少且不夠完整,本文的主旨在以OECD選樣國家歷年來在勞工退休所得保障方面所遭遇的困難,及其在解決問題的對策方面所做的努力來作為改善我國勞工退休所得保障制度的借鏡。並透過對現行退休制度與「勞工退休金條例」草案的比較以檢視問題獲得改善的程度。 目錄 第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機與研究目的---------------------------------------1 第二節 研究範圍與研究限制---------------------------------------3 第三節 研究大綱-------------------------------------------------4 第二章 職業退休(年)金計劃的必要性--------------------------6 第一節 老人福利需求與經濟安全保障的重要性-----------------------6 第二節 現階段老年經濟安全所面臨的威脅---------------------------7 第三節 老年年金的功能與性質------------------------------------12 第四節 職業退休(年)金制度應該扮演的角色----------------------14 第三章 職業退休(年)金計劃的歷史演進及種類----------------21 第一節 職業退休金的歷史演進與發展-------------------------------21 第二節 職業退休金計劃的種類-------------------------------------22 第三節 確定給付計劃與確定提撥計劃-------------------------------25 第四節 選樣OECD國家之職業退休金現況----------------------------39 第四章 政府對退休金計劃在資產方面的管制--------------------47 第一節 政府對退休金基金加以管制的必要性-------------------------47 第二節 政府在提撥基金方面的管制措施-----------------------------48 第三節 政府對賸餘資產所有權歸屬的管制---------------------------68 第四節 政府對投資組合的管制-------------------------------------70 第五章 政府對退休金計劃在負債及其他方面之管制-------------76 第一節 政府對計劃清償退休金債務的能力保險之管制-----------------76 第二節 政府對退休金計劃在賦益權及可攜性方面之管制---------------85 第三節 政府對退休金給付的指數化之管制---------------------------92 第四節 其他與政府管制有關的問題---------------------------------93 第六章 我國勞工退休(年)金管制問題之檢討-------------------103 第一節 我國勞工退休所得保障制度之沿格-------------------------103 第二節 我國現行勞工退休金制度所面臨之問題---------------------106 第三節 勞工退休金條例草案內容分析-----------------------------121 第七章 結論與建議---------------------------------------------125 參考文獻--------------------------------------------------------128 附表-----------------------------------------------------------------------133 圖表目錄 圖(1-1)本文架構圖------------------------------------------------------------------5 表(2-1)台灣地區人口結構與扶養比之變遷--------------------11 表(2-2)台灣地區勞動人口比例--------------------------------11 表(2-3)職業退休(年)金制度應該扮演的角色---------------20 表(3-1)確定給付計劃與確定提撥計劃之比較------------------36 表(3-2)選樣國家公共年金與職業年金之給付水準-------------39 表(4-1)選樣國家政府對退休金計劃在資產方面管制之比較----74 表(5-1)選樣國家政府對退休金計劃在負債方面管制之比較---100 表(6-1)民國73至87年間我國就業人口之轉業情形----------105 表(6-2)勞基法新增規定之內容-------------------------------105 表(6-3)我國現行退休金計劃的基金提撥方式-----------------107 表(6-4)近年來勞退基金各項用途及獲益情形-----------------117 表(6-5)民國七十六至民國八十四年各基金之績效評估表-----118 表(6-6)勞退基金與壽險業之投資限制比較-------------------118 表(6-7)勞退基金之資金運用比率表--------------------------118 表(6-8)台灣人壽保險資金運用比率表------------------------119 表(6-9)選樣國家與我國對退休金計劃管制之比較------------120 表(6-10)我國之退休金現制與退休金條例草案之比較---------124 附表一-----------------------------------------------------------133 附表二 每年薪資增加率---------------------------------------

我國公務人員新退休撫卹制度之研究 / The Studing of New Retirement and Survivor Payment System of the Civil Service in the Republic of China

曾德宜, Tseng, Te-Yi Unknown Date (has links)

隱含流動性溢酬於退休給付選擇之研究 / The study of embedded liquidity premium in pension benefit selections

楊舒涵, Yang, Shu Han Unknown Date (has links)
為因應人口老化及少子化趨勢所帶來之長期經濟生活保障問題,政府於98年1月1日施行新制勞工保險,將年金給付納入保險制度。對於98年1月1日前有勞保年資且年資達十五年以上之勞工,於退休時可選擇舊制下的一次請領老年給付或是新制的老年年金給付。因此,需探討以一次請領或年金給付方式何者對勞工較為有利。本研究以流動性與內部報酬率之角度來分析探討勞工保險新制下一次給付與年金給付之差異,比較年金給付理論上須提供之流動性溢酬(liquidity premium)與勞保新制下年金給付實際上所提供的內部報酬率(隱含長壽收益,ILY),以提供退休勞工選擇之參考。研究結果發現,在1.5到3的風險趨避係數之間,無論投保年資、平均月投保薪資與性別,年金給付之隱含長壽收益扣除無風險利率後皆高於所應提供之流動性溢酬,比例大約在2到38.9。其中最低投保年資十五年之ILY最高(1,984~2,633 b.p.),之後隨年資遞減,年資超過三十年以上之ILY又開始遞增。在投保年資二十年以下,最低投保薪資提供較高的ILY。比較男性與女性之差異,女性之流動性溢酬與ILY皆高於男性。由以上結果顯示,勞工於退休時選擇請領老年年金給付方式較佳。 / In order to build up a complete Labor Insurance pension protection system and offer the insured person or insured person’s dependents long term living care, the system has added pension benefits on January 1, 2009. After the implementation of Labor Insurance pension program, the insured that has insurance coverage before January 1, 2009 could select the old-age one-time benefit or monthly pension benefit when they retire. Therefore, which benefit approach is better is an important concern for retiree. In this study, we take the concept of the liquidity premium and the implied longevity yield (ILY) to compare the old-age one-time benefit and pension benefit. The results show the ILY minus the risk-free rate would greater than the liquidity premium no matter what the insurance coverage years, insurance salary, gender, and the coefficient of relative risk aversion from 1.5 to 3, the ratio of the ILY to liquidity premium is about 2 to 38.9. Second, the insured with 15 coverage years has highest ILY (1,984~2,633 b.p.). Then the insured with lowest insurance salary and less than 20 coverage years could earn the highest ILY. Finally, the results indicate the female have higher ILY from annuitized pension benefit than the male. Overall, we find out that the implied longevity yield is higher than the liquidity premium under the old-age pension benefit. It would encourage insured to choose the old-age pension benefit when he/she retires.

投資型人壽保險於脫退模型下之風險價差 / Risk bearing spreads of unit liked life insurance incorporating lapse rate modeling

吳湘媛 Unknown Date (has links)
本文針對附保證年金型投資商品進行評價,其中被保險人脫退因素除受到死亡解約因素之外,對經濟環境影響因素產生解約問題,如利率攀升、經濟成長率、失業率等亦須考慮。附保證年金型投資商品公帄價值為保險公司販賣投資型年金商品須對負債面進行評價,以確保被保險人之權益,保險商品價值除因投資市場環境變動造成投資商品價值累積變動之外,對於被保險人因應市場環境轉變造成脫退問題亦影響保險公司對於投資型商品準備金價值評估,本篇依照Kolkiewicz & Tan(2006)之研究,假設附保證年金型投資商品評價方式,除投資標的受到市場變動影響外,對於經濟環境變動造成被保險人解約狀況亦考慮於核保模型中,因脫退因素考慮層面過廣,故本篇主要以死亡、經濟環境變動劇烈與利率上升導致解約因素為主要考慮狀態。 本研究推導之模型主要得出下列結果:(1)附保證年金型商品的公帄價格以保險年期的影響最大,其次為風險性資本市場長期帄均波動,而死亡率影響附保證投資年金型商品主要由風險性資本市場價值決定。(2)契約初始為主要解約期間,當解約力持續增加至一定值,契約後期解約率將趨於帄坦,本研究推估契約前期經濟市場波動易造成被保險人解約狀況,故解約程度增加。(3)主要投資型商品風險價差問題影響因素為長期市場波動程度,因風險價差之衡量主要考慮風險因子變動因素導致與公帄價值或期初保費差距,依照模型假設變動因子以風險性資產價值波動程度影響最巨,其次為保險期間,因此歸納出風險價差因子主要變動來源為風險性資產價值。 / In this paper, the goal is to evaluate fair value of guaranteed annuity-type investment products. In addition to death factors, the insured terminate by other reasons, such as interest rates raising, economic growth rate, and unemployment rate. Accordance with the liabilities side, the reserve of guaranteed annuity-type investment products must match it’s fair value. There is a question how to accurately evaluate fair value of guaranteed annuity-type investment products. The price of guaranteed annuity-type investment products is affected by two parts. One is cumulative index price change in value of investment goods, the other one is withdrawal rates. Kolkiewicz & Tan’s research assume guaranteed annuity-type investment products evaluation methods which is affected by market environment and termination status of the insured. The results show that (1) The major impact on fair value of guaranteed annuity-type investment products is mainly from the period of the insurance contracts. The secondary effect is long-term average risk capital market volatility. (2) The main terminate time is the beginning of the contracts. When the lapse rates continued to increase to a certain value, lapse rate tends to smooth.(3) The major impact on risk spread of guaranteed annuity-type investment products is mainly from long-term market volatility. To sum up, the major changes in sources of risk spreads factor are from asset value.


SOMEYA, Masakazu, 染矢, 将和 29 March 2012 (has links)
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